Planting cucumbers in June. Cucumbers - secrets of late sowing (July-August)

It is important for any vegetable grower to know the lunar rhythms and observe folk signs so that the seedlings germinate successfully and subsequently be strong, strong and healthy. People have been learning from nature and the cosmos for centuries in order to begin to understand their language and not make mistakes. The cucumber crop is very capricious, and it takes a lot of effort to grow it. Therefore, in order to get a rich harvest, it is useful to know about the lunar calendar and folk signs.

Why is the timing of planting cucumbers important?

The moon influences planet Earth in many ways: from the ebb and flow of tides to human health and life expectancy. IN different days energetic force, lunar rhythm, weather conditions or anomalies have different strengths of influence on the planet and plants. So, for example, on unfavorable days the seed will not germinate, the sprout may wither or the plant will produce a very meager harvest in the future. Therefore, it is so important to know the days when you need to sow seeds and when you should transfer them. garden work at a more appropriate time.

The importance of proper planting time cannot be overestimated, since special days affect the germination and development of plants

Lunar calendar for any year for cucumbers

Overall, there are several general rules, or rather, recommendations in accordance with the lunar calendar of each year.

  • Try to purchase seeds during the waxing moon, since even purchases at such a time “make the difference.”
  • Don't plant anything during the full moon. It is also undesirable to sow half a day before and after it. The same goes for the new moon.
  • Do not ignore information about the zodiac signs in which the moon is located during the landing period. There are groups of fertile signs and signs, on the contrary, that are not conducive to agriculture.

Table: general influence of the moon on the growth and development of plants

All phases of the moon play a big role in gardening

Favorable phases of the moon for planting cucumbers

The first and second phases of the moon give the plant additional energy and strength for growth. Cucumbers need to be sown on days when lunar rhythms smoothly move from the first phase to the second, or from the third to the fourth.

How to care for cucumbers during different phases of the moon

  • Phase 1 and 3 - plant, water and fertilizer.
  • Phase 2 and 4 - we sow, remove weeds, apply foliar fertilizer and spray.

Crops that produce fruit above the ground must be sown and replanted only on the waxing moon. In practice, many gardeners and summer residents have found that excellent results For cucumber fruiting, seeds are sown a week before the new moon and a couple of days after it.

Video: how to properly plant cucumbers for seedlings

When to plant cucumbers in 2017: months and dates

Not all dates and months are suitable for good landing cucumbers Vegetable growers often have to hang a huge calendar on their wall in order to track the succession of lunar cycles and properly distribute plant care.

Lunar rhythms significantly affect cucumbers, because the fruit contains 90% water

To take into account the landing time and preliminary preparation to it, carefully study the dates given below.

Table: favorable days for cucumbers by month of 2019

February is considered too early a month to sow cucumbers (unless you need to get very early harvest or crops for heated greenhouses, or greenhouses in the southern region). This is best done in March or later months. In July, as a rule, cucumbers are sown only by those gardeners who will subsequently transfer the plants to a winter (warm) greenhouse to prolong the harvest.

Favorable days lunar calendar for cucumbers, these are dates that are quite suitable for planting pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. All these crops belong to the same pumpkin family.

The time of planting cucumbers plays out vital role in terms of harvest formation

Table: unfavorable landing times in 2019

These days it is not recommended to sow seeds or carry out any work with planting crops. If you really need to work in the garden, start cleaning weeds, spraying or loosening. The landing should be postponed to more favorable days.

Gardening work according to the lunar calendar

Zodiac signs and moon phases often directly influence the results of plantings. Each sign is responsible for certain stages in the growth and development of plants. This is important to know in order to avoid mistakes when planting crops.

By adhering to the rules of the lunar rhythm of plants, you can get good harvest

In which zodiac signs and moon phases should cucumbers be planted?

  1. Days with a full and new moon, as well as eclipses (moon and sun) are not the right time for any work in the garden.
  2. If you are in doubt about whether to soak the seeds on a certain day or not, know that the seed placed in water is considered planted. Water activates the germination process, as does wet ground. Therefore, you should soak and plant the seeds in the 1st and 3rd phases of the moon.
  3. Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio - signs zodiac circle which are considered fertile. All actions: sowing, fertilizing, transplanting or picking when the moon is in these signs - they will all be successful.
  4. In the signs of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer, plants absorb moisture from the ground better: watering will have the most important, and, of course, this will have a wonderful effect on the planted seed.
  5. You should not sow in the signs of Virgo, Sagittarius and Aries: the signs will not please you in gardening. Germination will be average, but not the best.
  6. Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra - in these signs the moon stays with negative influence for sowing, transplanting and all other important excavation. The sterility of these signs will lead to poor germination (below 30%), rotting and deformity of the seedlings. But at such a time, you can start removing weeds and controlling pests in the garden.

Photo gallery: lunar zodiac calendars for March, April, May and June 2019

Lunar zodiac calendar for March 2019 Lunar zodiac calendar for April 2019 Lunar zodiac calendar for a gardener for May 2019 Lunar zodiac calendar for a gardener for June 2019

Cucumber culture is heat-loving, therefore, if you dare to grow it in pots on windowsills, windows, illuminated shelves or a balcony, provide it with proper warmth. You can plant cucumbers directly in seedling pots. As two true leaves appear, transplant the cucumbers into a wider, spacious container where they will grow continuously. It is better to do all this during the winter fertile signs: Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) and Pisces (February 19 - March 20). In autumn - when the sign of Scorpio reigns (October 24 - November 20).

Fortunately, cucumbers are exactly the crop that pleases with its rapid growth. Therefore, landing and diving can be safely done during the period of influence of the desired sign.

Cucumbers can be planted all year round. But you need to know which periods are fertile zodiac signs, and in some - not.

All seasons of the year are divided into zodiac signs that affect planting

Important dates of the lunar calendar 2019

An important point is knowing the dates when you shouldn’t plant and sow, so as not to waste your energy and resources. And, first of all, you need to know the dates of the new moon.

You can't plant cucumbers on a new moon.

You should also not plant cucumbers during the full moon.

Full Moon - unfavorable periods for working with plants

Features of landing time depending on the region

Let's look at a few climatic zones and regions of Russia with different climates:

Important! Do not purchase foreign varieties of cucumbers for planting in Leningrad region. The climate of this area is not suitable for delicate varieties of European cultivation.

Folk signs about cucumbers

Cucumbers have been grown in Russia for more than five centuries. Of course, during this time many beliefs and superstitions about this culture have developed. Many of them appeared thanks to popular observation.

People have been planting cucumbers for a long time and know on what days it is better to do it

  • It was impossible to show and show off the first greens.
  • The first cucumber was buried in the ground so that the harvest would be even larger in the future. This is a kind of sacrifice for the patron saint of gardeners, Falaleya.
  • Later, a belief appeared to give the first cucumber to the boy. Then there will definitely be a productive garden bed.
  • People believed that cucumbers should be planted without “witnesses,” that is, without strangers.
  • Cucumber is considered a “peasant” vegetable and is best planted by men or boys.
  • If you plant cucumbers on Wednesday or Friday, the fruits will taste bitter.
  • In Russia there is a special day - May 19th. On this day, according to legend, Denis the borage helps the seeds to sprout and give the most best harvest. They look at the morning and the weather that day. If there is heavy dew, expect a rich harvest. And if the day itself after the dew is bright and sunny, this promises even more bountiful harvest cucumbers
  • Cucumbers are planted after the apple trees have lost their flowers.
  • Cucumbers will be crispy if sown on May 21st.
  • The northerners sowed cucumbers on St. Isidore's Day - May 27. We looked closely at this day: if the weather is warm and clear, then there will be a lot of cucumbers.
  • Also, in the old days, cucumbers were planted when yellow dandelions began to bloom.
  • If the planting takes longer, don't worry. On June 1, you can also plant cucumbers on Ivan the Long. The next day (June 2) you can continue planting under the auspices of Falaley borage.
  • June 5 - Leonty the borage. This is the last planting date in the folk calendar.

Interesting signs are the presence huge amount Gadflies or spiders in early June. Just like the cones on pines and spruces. If these signs are present, then the summer will be cucumber.

It is usually customary to plant cucumbers in the ground as soon as the ground warms up to more than 10 degrees. Most often this time is from mid-May to early June. But it happens that cucumbers sown in May - June have already exhausted themselves by mid-summer and stopped bearing fruit. Don’t despair, today we will tell you the secrets of how to plant cucumbers at the end of summer (July - August), start the cucumber harvest again and get a good harvest in the garden. You just need to follow some rules.

Unpretentious and productive. Selecting cucumber seeds for late sowing.

For July or even August sowing, you need to choose late self-pollinating hybrids that are resistant to minor temperature changes, tolerate a lack of sun and are adapted to unfavorable conditions. They are also good because their yield is higher.

Preference should be given not to varieties, but to hybrids, because they suffer less from pests and diseases. For example, such as Garland, Palekh, Courage, May, Moscow, Surprise.

There are also those that can withstand the cold better: Trump card, Buyan, Saltan, Maryina Roshcha, Virenta, Ant, Grasshopper. They continuously set fruit on many side shoots for 3 months.

Hardened and durable. Preparing seeds for late sowing.

The seeds must be hardened so that the plants become hardy in the future and can withstand the vagaries of the weather. Before sowing, the seeds are wrapped in damp gauze and placed in the coolest compartment of the refrigerator for 2 days, where the temperature is not higher than 1-2°C.

But this is not enough. It makes sense to soak them for 10-12 hours in fertilizer with microelements and bioactive substances, dissolved in rainwater. This will also increase the resistance of plants. For example, it will do Uniflor Micro , which contains 21 microelements and a lot of magnesium, which is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll and is especially useful in the second half of summer. The seeds should only hatch, but not germinate.

Late cucumbers must be sown in a greenhouse . And it’s better in one row so that they have enough light, and it’s easier for us to collect the fruits, which in no case should outgrow.

Caring for late cucumbers.

Watered and fed.

Late-sown cucumbers are watered early in the morning. While it’s warm, they do this as usual, initially spending 4 liters, and after flowering, 9-10 liters per 1 m2 every 2-3 days. But with the onset of cool weather, the roots absorb water and nutrition more slowly. Therefore, watering is reduced to avoid rot. Initially, up to once a week, and in September-October - up to once every 2 weeks, spending up to 8-9 liters of water per 1 m2.

Every week, long before the cold weather, cucumbers are generously fed at the roots and leaves so that they meet the impending stress strong and healthy. For example, an infusion of herbs (dandelion, comfrey, nettle), diluted with water 10 times, or a complex fertilizer.

Insulated and treated.

The plants are mulched with a thick (8-10 cm) layer of rotted compost, which not only insulates the old cucumber roots, but also encourages the vines to produce new ones faster.

If the weather forecast promises colder weather, cucumbers are sprayed with anti-stress drugs. Dilute 1 ml epina-extra (4 ampoules of 0.25 ml) in 5 liters of water and treat the plants with the resulting solution. The healing liquid is stored for 2 days, but it is better when it is prepared immediately before use.

This solution is also used for preventive purposes, when the plant has 3-4 true leaves, and a second time during the mass formation of buds. This treatment increases yield by 10-15% and accelerates the appearance of ovaries, which is especially important at the end of the season.

Healthy and protected.

Due to cold weather, cucumbers may suffer from putrefactive fungi. If the root collar of the stem has turned brown, lower leaves began to turn yellow and wither, and the ovaries began to die, you can pour warm low-fat milk mixed with half and half water over the cucumbers at the root. Spend 1 liter of “drink” on 8 plants.

In a film greenhouse, cucumbers are annoyed by drops of condensation. It is formed due to the large difference between external and internal temperatures. Condensation provokes not only rot (white and gray), but also powdery mildew.

To reduce dampness, water the cucumbers early in the morning at the roots, trying not to get them on the plants. In addition, immediately after watering, they are additionally covered with spunbond or other non-woven fabric and are not removed until the air warms up well.

There is less condensation in a glazed greenhouse, because the morning autumn temperature in it does not differ so much from the outside one.

From powdery mildew are saved by trichoderma, which contains fungal spores that act as an antibiotic. The drug is diluted according to the instructions and the leaves are sprayed on both sides.

Little secrets of a big harvest.

The side shoots of late cucumbers are pinched into one leaf and one fruit when the main stem grows to 50 cm. Poor-quality ovaries are also removed, as well as yellowed leaves, especially those that were lying on the ground.

To ensure that there are enough ovaries on the cucumbers, before sowing, the seeds, after two days of hardening in the refrigerator, are also heated for a week at 25-28°C. Then they germinate together, begin to bear fruit earlier and have very few empty flowers.

Fruits measuring 5-7 cm must be removed immediately and ensure that there are no more than 10-12 of them on one plant. Late-sown cucumbers can quickly die from overload. And if they hold out, the harvest will be much smaller.

When harvesting late cucumbers, the stems cannot be injured, so the vines spreading along the ground are not turned over or shifted.

By following all the above-mentioned technologies and techniques, you can stretch out the appearance of fresh cucumbers until late autumn or even until the winter holidays. Therefore, late planting is very beneficial.

We are glad to see you again on our blog page! In mid-summer, some garden areas are freed up. Removing radishes, early lettuce, spinach, dill, etc. leafy greens, as well as having dug up early ripening varieties of potatoes, onions, garlic or removing old thickets of strawberries/garden strawberries, summer residents are thinking about whether it is possible to plant cucumbers in “walking” beds in July. The answer is clear - yes! The main thing is to choose early-ripening crop varieties, the growing season of which ranges from 45-50 days.

As the experience of advanced vegetable growers shows, summer planting of gherkins can be done either open areas, and in greenhouses/greenhouses. Even if you live in a cold climate, it is possible to cultivate July cucumbers. The only difference is that it is better to grow the crop in shorter summer conditions seedling method, having previously grown the seedlings in separate planting containers.

Advantages summer planting cucumbers:

  1. Fast seed germination.
  2. Possibility of obtaining a harvest of juicy gherkins until frost.
  3. Active use of beds vacated from early-ripening crops.

Preparing beds for summer cucumbers

The area is cleared of plant debris, dug up, manually selecting rhizomes of perennials and pest larvae, filled with organic matter (humus, mature compost, rotted bird droppings) and mineral fertilizers.

You and I know very well that cucumbers are very demanding when it comes to fertility. soil mixture and if everyone is present necessary elements The food is actively starting to grow and bear fruit. Filling the soil with several buckets of organic matter per meter will provide the plants with the necessary nutrition for the entire growing season and create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial soil microflora.

Besides organic fertilizers, available at your disposal, it is advisable to add ammonium nitrate or urea, double superphosphate and potassium magnesium (20, 20 and 10 grams per square meter, respectively). Complex nitroammophoska containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has also proven itself well. the required proportion. It would also be useful to incorporate plant ash into the soil (1/2 liter for every meter).

How to plant cucumbers in the middle of summer?

The technology for replanting cucumbers in summer is no different from spring. The first step is preparation and germination seed material. For this purpose the seeds early varieties warm up, bay hot water(about 50°C) for 20 minutes, disinfected by soaking in ash infusion or solution copper sulfate(1%) for a quarter of an hour, and lay out for several days between wet layers of gauze for swelling and pipping.

Next, the cucumbers are planted directly in open ground or into separate planting containers, depending on the chosen planting method. It is better to sow summer gherkins for seedlings in early to mid-June, so that in July your plants are already strong enough to be transferred to permanent place residence.

The beds filled with fertilizers are loosened and harrowed, and then the soil is thoroughly moistened. Sowing of seeds prepared in a certain way is carried out in pre-cut grooves, embedding them to a depth of about 2-3 cm. Seedlings are planted in dug holes, into which it is useful to add a tablespoon of humus and ash.

Don’t forget to water the plantings with settled warm water from a watering can. Transplant gherkins in cloudy weather or in the evening. In the summer heat, try to create shade for the plants for several days by covering the seedlings with newspapers or non-woven material.

Caring for July cucumber plantings

The most important thing for summer cucumbers is quality watering warm water, because it doesn’t always rain in the middle of summer. Avoid getting moisture on the tops by watering only at the root of each bush.

After watering, to improve soil aeration (especially on heavy soils), carry out loosening combined with weeding to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

If a decrease in night temperature is predicted, cover the beds with cucumbers with polyethylene or non-woven material.

Summer cucumbers are responsive to the application of fertilizer compounds. It is best to use root and foliar feeding slurry: fill the bucket 1/3 with manure, add warm water, let ferment in a warm place under a lid for 72 hours, dilute the strained mother liquor clean water 1:10. About one and a half liters of fertilizer are poured under each bush or the composition is poured into a spray bottle and the above-ground part is generously sprayed in the evening.

To enrich the soil with phosphorus, potassium and a complex of microelements, use ash infusion (a glass of ash in ½ bucket of water) or specialized mineral and organomineral fertilizers for pumpkin crops.

What do you think, is it possible to plant cucumbers in July and get a good harvest of greens? Share your experiences in the comments!

Last year, somehow early we were left without our fresh cucumbers. The hot and dry second half of summer took its toll. Yes, and we are good, we did not keep track and did not take measures in time, did not provide proper care for them. Construction takes up all my free time from work. Already in August, the family experienced an acute shortage of its “natural product”. Both husband and children turned their noses up at store-bought cucumbers, but when younger son declared that he was not a rabbit to eat this “grass” from the supermarket, I realized: I need to try to grow my own cucumbers.

I didn’t have this experience, and it’s somehow unusual, the gardening season is ending, almost the entire harvest has been harvested, the neighbors are already delivering humus around the site, preparing the land for spring, and here they are planting cucumbers. I had my doubts, but I thought, what do I have to lose? Well, it won’t work out, I’ll know for the future, we’ll get richer with new experience. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Under the garden bed I took the place where I had chosen garlic a week ago. They say this culture is a good predecessor. On August 5, she began planting.

I made holes 15 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter. Between the centers of the holes it turned out to be 60 cm. The row spacing was half a meter. I filled the holes with humus with a small heap and watered them thoroughly. I put 3 seeds in each hole. I sprinkled them a little with a mixture of humus and sand in a 1:1 ratio and poured them on top again.

I didn’t soak the seeds, didn’t bubble them, didn’t do anything with them at all, straight from the packet into the ground. Daily watering with warm, settled water gave results. Literally on the fifth day the first shoots appeared, on the seventh - two true leaves. After another week, I began to form a bush.

When feeding the plant, I decided to take, albeit with minor changes, the advice of my neighbor. For foliar (leaf) feeding - dilute 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. a spoonful of urea, 1 ml of Epin. But instead of the potassium sulfate recommended by Nina Viktorovna, I added a few drops strong solution manganese, since I read that potassium sulfate with urea is not used. I sprayed the plantings with this solution 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks. Root feeding did it 3 times. For the first time, a week and a half infusion of nettle and burdock, a liter jar per bucket of water, during the emergence of seedlings. The second time, during flowering, with the same solution, but with the addition of a glass of ash. The third time - during fruiting, diluted in a bucket of water with an infusion of bird droppings (0.5 liters) and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

On September 26, we harvested the first harvest of cucumbers, I was pleased. The fruits turned out to be very tasty, crispy, and went with a bang at the family meal. Considering that summer heat has already passed, there were no bitter fruits. We collected cucumbers for about another month, however, in October the yield began to decline. During this period, for some reason the fruits began to acquire a yellow tint, but this did not affect the taste. On the contrary, the realization that it was grown with your own hands, and tomorrow, perhaps, this echo of summer will no longer exist, makes such cucumbers special.

Grow and eat for health!