Fasting before communion and what not to eat. Preparation for Communion: canonical norms and practice of Local Orthodox Churches

IN church calendar fasts are prescribed before certain holidays. But confession and communion are individual sacraments. No one specifies the day when one should cleanse one’s soul from sins, just as no one prescribes with what frequency one should confess. One person confesses his sins to his confessor every week, another - before major church holidays. Sometimes the period before communion falls during a general Orthodox fast. What to do then?

Some people even come to communion without fasting or confession. But the Holy Gifts are the greatest sacrament. According to the Church, they should not be eaten by people mired in sins. And in order to prepare oneself for confession and communion, a person should fast. But if there is still some clarity with meat and animal products, then the question of whether fish can be eaten before communion remains open. A document from the Inter-Council Presence commission regarding this problem was recently released. It is called "Preparation for Holy Communion." Let's see what this document says about fasting.

The importance of fasting before communion

How the soul should be prepared to receive the Holy Gifts was discussed even in the early Church, and not only at the commission of the Inter-Council Presence on problems of parish practice. In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul writes that people who eat the bread of the Lord and drink His cup unworthily will be guilty of sins against the Body and Blood of Christ. Therefore, you need to test yourself so as not to be condemned.

This indicates that a person must cleanse his body and soul before receiving communion. And even the priest performing the liturgy pronounces the following formulation: “May it not be a condemnation for me to receive the communion of Your Holy Mysteries.” One thing is clear: before consuming the Gifts of the Lord, one should confess and fast. And if we prepare our soul with prayers and repentance, then our body - with abstinence in food. But is it possible to eat fish before confession and communion? Is this product considered prohibited during this period?

The meaning of fasting

Before you accept God into yourself and partake of His Body and Blood, you need to prepare yourself for this event. After all, even before secular holidays, we clean our house and decorate the room in which we will receive guests. How should one prepare to partake of the Holy Gifts? All priests argue that the matter should not be limited to one fast. If you limit yourself in food, but at the same time be arrogant, do not admit your sins, harbor hostility towards your neighbor and violate the commandments of Christ, then such abstinence will not give anything.

Confession before communion is required. After all, then the believer comes to the realization of his sins and repentance. And besides the question of whether it is possible to eat fish and fish soup, a person should be more concerned about his own state of mind. After all, it is not for nothing that the period before receiving the Holy Gifts is called fasting, and not just fasting. Those preparing for this event must read three canons (repentance to Christ, prayer service to the Mother of God and to the Guardian Angel). He must also attend the evening service in the church on Saturday. And of course, worldly entertainment should be avoided during this period.

Number of days of fasting

The Church does not have a consensus on how many days a believer should abstain from drinking before receiving the Holy Gifts. In this matter, everything is very individual. The fast, or rather its duration, is prescribed by the confessor. Usually this is three days. But if a person has diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract), general weakness of the body, pregnancy or lactation, then the duration of fasting is reduced.

The group of “beneficiaries” also includes military personnel, who cannot choose dishes and products at their own discretion, but are forced to eat what they give. The confessor also looks at other circumstances. First of all, this is the frequency of communion. If someone resorts to partaking of the Holy Gifts for the first time, then such a person is prescribed a week-long fast. And whoever takes communion every Sunday, then it is enough for such a believer to abstain from fast food only on Wednesday and Friday. This category of people has a question: is it possible to eat fish before communion?

What types of posts are there?

For a worldly person, bodily abstinence seems to be something unified. If you are fasting, it means you cannot eat meat and animal products (milk and eggs). You can also eat fish, vegetable fats, drinks, including alcoholic drinks, vegetables and fruits. But the Church divides fasts into ordinary and strict. There are days when you can’t eat not only meat, but also fish. Some fasts also prohibit vegetable oil (so-called oil).

There are days of dry eating. During them, you cannot take any food until sunset, and in the evening you are allowed to eat only Now let’s look at the fasting before receiving the Holy Gifts: is it possible to eat fish before communion?

What fast should you observe before confession?

Cleansing the soul from sins does not require any preparation. Previously, good believers went to their confessor and confessed when they felt the need for it. And it is not at all necessary to receive the Eucharist immediately after the remission of sins. But if you are going to do this, then fasting is necessary, that is, preparing the soul and body to receive the holy sacrament of the Church. And here it would be appropriate to ask the question: is it possible to eat fish before communion? Regarding this product, a negative answer can only be given with certainty for Saturday evening. Everything else depends on the frequency of your communion, your health and life circumstances. It also matters whether the Orthodox Church observes general fasting on these days. In this case, the food requirements for fasting people change.

On the eve of participation in the holy liturgy, when you are about to begin receiving the Holy Gifts, you must observe strict fasting. This means that fish and various dishes made from it cannot be eaten. Monks are instructed to consume only uneaten sochivo (that is, vegetables not flavored with any fat) on Saturday evenings.

The church day begins at midnight. Therefore, all Sunday before receiving the sacrament you can neither eat nor drink. It is also advisable to attend the Saturday evening service. Is it possible to eat fish before communion on other days? If, for example, your confessor has prescribed a week of abstinence for you, then you should avoid meat, dairy products and eggs for all seven days. But besides this, on Wednesday and Friday you need to stick to it, that is, exclude fish, fish soup and seafood from your diet on these days. The Church has a special attitude towards nutrition on Saturday (if it is not Holy Saturday). Many priests believe that it is impossible to fast on the sixth day of the week. But this does not apply to those who fast, that is, those who prepare themselves to receive the Gifts of the Lord.

We have already mentioned above that the degree of severity of abstinence depends on church days. If all Orthodox Christians observe fasting (before Easter or Christmas), then those fasting should even more so avoid forbidden foods. Moreover, their abstinence should differ from others in greater severity.

If, for example, in certain days Believers are forbidden to eat meat, but fasting people should also abstain from fish. On some days, such as Wednesday and Friday, it is better for them not to add sugar to their drinks, but to replace it with honey. Vegetable oil, sauces and seasonings are also undesirable when fasting. You should also not overeat on permitted foods. After all, moderation in food is integral part preparation for receiving the Holy Gifts.

Instead of a conclusion

Perhaps some will think that this article did not answer the question of whether it is possible to eat fish before communion. A categorical no can only be said regarding the day on which the sacrament will take place (from midnight you cannot eat or drink anything).

It is also considered soul-saving to abstain from food all day on Saturday, and in the evening, on the eve of communion, you should dine on foods that are allowed during strict fasting (that is, without fish). But this requirement can also be relaxed for the sick, pregnant and lactating women. The severity and duration of fasting before communion is established by the confessor.

What is Communion? How should one fast properly before this day? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

All believing Orthodox Christians must go to church for Communion. The Holy Eucharist is a special procedure that is a remembrance of Christ.

  • On the eve of his terrible death Christ told his disciples that in his memory people would drink wine and eat bread. These are symbols of his blood and body.
  • Therefore, all the time of existence Orthodox faith, people go to the liturgy, partake of wine and eat bread, and the priests read prayers with the words “Let us pray to the Lord for the Honest Gifts offered.”
  • How should one properly prepare for Communion? What can you do the day before and what can’t you do? What are church rules allowed to do after Communion? Read about this in the article.

Is it possible to brush your teeth, bathe, wash your face, or take a shower before Communion in church?

Is it possible to brush your teeth, bathe, wash your face, or take a shower before Communion in church?

Previously, even during the persecution of the church, grandmothers still visited churches and took their children and then grandchildren to the liturgy. But, if we talk about Orthodox literacy, there was almost none. Everyone acted as they saw fit, because people were afraid not only to ask, but also to have any conversations about God or the church.

Now these children and grandchildren have grown up, but they all continue to visit the temple. They often have a question: is it possible to brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your face, take a shower before Communion in church, because grandmothers taught one rules, but the canons of the church mean something completely different.

  • Visiting a temple is a special event, because we meet God, becoming partakers of the Holy Eucharist, we accept the true Body and Blood of Christ in bread and wine.
  • A person must realize that this is a holiday. Therefore, you need to brush your teeth, wash, wash your face and take a shower NECESSARILY. The rules of the church state that if a person brushes his teeth and swallows a little water or toothpaste, it is not considered that he drank water or ate. We need to look at the situation realistically, using the wisdom and intelligence that God has given us.
  • It is also necessary to wear clean and beautiful clothes. Divine Liturgy- this is a holiday, a meeting with God, life in prayers. You need to remember this, and then questions will not arise about whether you can wash yourself or how you should dress.

The temple should occupy a special place in the life of every Christian. This is the house of God, where we should come without sorrow and despondency.

How many hours before Communion can you not eat?

Strict fasting begins before Communion begins after 12 am the previous day. This means that you cannot eat or drink anything. The liturgy usually begins at 8 am, communion begins after 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it turns out that 9-10 hours before Communion you cannot eat or drink.

Is it possible to eat fish on the eve of Communion?

3 days before Communion you need to fast. All meat and dairy products are prohibited, but you can eat cereals, vegetables, and nuts. Is it possible to eat fish on the eve of Communion? Fish is allowed, but like other dishes, before strict fasting before the Eucharist, that is, until 12 o'clock at night.

Important: Limit sweets for three days before communion. Only dried fruits are allowed. Don't eat to your heart's content. Follow a fast in which it is not important human needs, and prayer.

Is it possible to drink, consume kvass, water, coffee before Communion?

During a three-day fast before Communion, it is important to read prayers: the canon of repentance to the Savior, the canon of prayer Mother of God, canon to the Guardian Angel, following to Holy Communion. These kontakia and chants will help you prepare correctly if you want to receive the Holy Gifts correctly.

During fasting before Communion, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, drink kvass, or drink coffee. During these three days, the human body is a temple of the soul, where it should be calm, and coffee, kvass with yeast and alcoholic drinks cannot properly tune in to prayers. You can drink water, but before the start of strict fasting - until 12 o'clock at night.

Is it possible to feed a child before Communion?

It is difficult for a small child to survive for a long time without food, and the Eucharist usually begins no earlier than 10-00 o’clock. Therefore, many parents ask the question: is it possible to feed a child before Communion?

  • Children under 3 years old can be fed 2 hours before receiving the Holy Gifts.
  • Particular attention should be paid to feeding infants. If infant feed him and then bring him to Communion, he may vomit, and this is unacceptable. That's why small child up to a year, you also need to go without food for at least 2 hours before the start of the Eucharist.

Important: The best solution in this case there will be a visit to the early liturgy, which is usually celebrated in large churches. At 8 o'clock in these churches there is already Communion.

Is it possible for sick people and pregnant women to eat before Communion?

A person needs fasting to curb the body, and when it is weak, it does not need it. A sick body needs help to heal and get well. This is what is written in the church rules. Therefore, before Communion, sick people can eat, but you need to try to do this as early as possible, so as not before the process of receiving the Holy Gifts itself.

Pregnant women are also given a relaxation in fasting. But you need to discuss everything with the priest during evening confession. He will advise you on how to act correctly according to the Laws of God.

Important: Be sure to ask for blessings from the priest regarding any doubts you have regarding any church activities or even life situations.

Is it possible to take medicine before Communion?

There are diseases when medications need to be taken constantly at intervals of 2-3 hours (asthma, diabetes, various inflammations, and so on). People with such diseases wonder: is it possible to take medicine before Communion?

  • If the medicine is vital, then it must be taken without fail.
  • If you can refrain from taking medications, then it is better to do so.
  • If you have doubts about this, you need to contact the priest, who will decide whether to admit you to the Sacrament of the Eucharist or not. Ask the priest for his blessing.

So that you have no doubts, discuss this issue with the priest in advance. Then you will be able to prepare for confession and Communion with a calm soul.

Is it possible to donate blood for sugar before Communion?

For people who are sick diabetes mellitus, knowing your blood glucose levels is vital. Therefore, before communion, you can donate blood for sugar and take the necessary medications.

Is it possible to watch TV before Communion?

In church practice, preparation for Communion is called fasting. It lasts three days until the Eucharist, and concerns both the physical and spiritual life of a person. The body abstains from eating meat and dairy foods, and the mind should not be distracted by everyday trifles and have fun. Therefore, before Communion, it is unacceptable to watch TV or go to noisy companies. You need to spend time at home - in silence and prayer.

After Communion: when and what can you eat, can you eat meat?

Fasting is established only before Communion, as a feat of abstinence from earthly goods. This is necessary so that a person acquires a reverent disposition to receive the Holy Gifts. After Communion, you can eat everything, including dairy products and meat. But if there is no fasting on this day. If the church prescribes fasting on the occasion of some holiday or commemoration of a Saint, then it is necessary to refrain from eating meat, dairy products and fish.

Important: Often during Lent, on some church holidays, you can eat fish. On this day, the person receiving communion can also eat it, but it is advisable that the fish be without bones, so as not to spit them out.

Is it possible to drink alcohol and wine after Communion and on the day of Communion?

On the day of the Holy Eucharist and after it, there are no canonical obstacles to drinking alcoholic beverages. You can celebrate and drink wine after Communion and on this day itself, but in moderation, and not turn the feast into drunkenness and unification. It is important that you do not feel sick on this day. Therefore, it is better to give up vodka and drink some good wine.

When can you brush your teeth, wash your face, bathe, or wash your hair after Communion?

On the day of Communion, it is better not to spit anything, so you should refrain from brushing your teeth. There are no canonical prohibitions regarding washing the body and head after the Holy Eucharist. If you are concerned that you will wash your face, bathe, or wash your hair after Communion and involuntarily spit out the water, then refrain from these procedures for one day.

Is it possible to sleep after Communion?

After Communion, many people want to come home and go to bed. After all, on this day people usually wake up early in order to have time to get ready for the liturgy and read all the necessary prayers. So is it possible to sleep after Communion? It is not advisable to do this, since only wakefulness will help preserve the grace received. On this day after church, it is better to read the Bible and think about the Lord in order to maintain a bright feeling of joy in your soul longer.

Is it possible to make love after Communion?

Church rules prescribe on the day of the Holy Eucharist to maintain the bodily frequency and occupy your mind only with thoughts of God and prayers. Therefore, there is no need to make love after Communion.

Is it possible to go to work after Communion?

If you need to go to work after Communion, then there are no obstacles to this in the church. But, if it is possible to postpone work, then do it, and spend at least half a day reading prayers and in peace of mind.

Many people argue that after Communion you cannot kiss icons, the cross, the priest’s hand, a child or other relatives. But any priest will say that this is superstition. According to church canons, on Sunday only prostrations are not made. If you venerate the chalice after receiving the Holy Gifts, this should in no way affect the further visible manifestation of your piety. Immediately after Communion you need to receive warmth ( warm water, mixed with wine) and then you can venerate the icons, the cross and the blessing hand of the priest.

Is it possible to kneel after Communion?

As mentioned above, there is no need to bow to the ground after the Holy Eucharist. But, if everyone in the church knelt during the service and prayer, then you can do it too. But this is unlikely to happen, since after the end of the Communion they read thanksgiving prayers God and the service ends with a short sermon by the priest.

Is it possible to clean the house on the day of Communion?

The day of Communion should be devoted to spiritual activities, and it is better to do secular affairs later. You should not clean the house on the day of Communion out of a sense of gratitude before the Holy Sacrament, and also in order to preserve this grace within yourself.

It should be remembered that a quarrel with a loved one is even worse than doing housework. Therefore, on the day of the Holy Eucharist, you need to think about good things, try not to talk to anyone, and read prayers. But if you need to do housework to help your neighbor, then this can be done, but with special spiritual caution.

Why can’t you work in the ground after Communion?

Communion is a holiday that should be spent with joy in the soul, enjoying every minute of the grace given from above. It is believed that after receiving the Holy Gifts one should not work in the ground so as not to lose grace. Someone says that the demon can steal this grace. But this is superstition. If you want to do something or need to do it after Communion, then consult with the priest. Most likely, he will answer that this day should be dedicated to God, read prayers and be at home in peace.

Is it possible to spit or spit out the seeds from berries after Communion?

As mentioned above, you cannot spit after the Sacrament of Communion, much less spit out the seeds from the berries. Avoid such food after receiving God's grace.

What else can’t you do on the day of communion?

The life experience of many people suggests that it is easier to receive than to keep. The same can be said about spiritual experience - it is important to be able to use the gift - this is the hardest thing that awaits the recipient. What else can’t you do on the day of communion? Here are some tips:

  • Sin, become irritated and become despondent.
  • Kiss animals, as well as cuddle and talk to them.
  • You can cough and blow your nose, but into a tissue and not spit on the ground.
  • Chew chewing gum.

There is a legend that after Communion the expelled evil spirits wander through the forests and fields, and those who have not found shelter think: “Shouldn’t we go back to the house?” She returns again to a person who is spiritually pure after Communion and calls 7 more spirits with her. Therefore, it often happens that after Communion a person begins to sin even more. It is important to preserve the state and grace given during the reception of the Holy Gifts. There is no need to get hung up on superstition; you need to read prayers and canons and live according to the commandments of the Lord.

Is it possible to become infected with anything during Communion in church?

When we cross the threshold of the church, we find ourselves in God's house - this is Heaven, not earth, and all worldly problems and thoughts must remain beyond the threshold. Is it possible to become infected with anything during Communion in church? Near the chalice people accept the Body and Blood of Christ. There is only Cleanliness and Sterility here. Believers should not even think about contagious diseases. Besides Orthodox Christian shouldn't think about it at all. Father goes to give communion to sick people in hospitals, but no one has become infected yet.

Communion is one of the Great Sacraments. A person must accept the Holy Gifts in order to purify the soul. It is important that a person does not lose reverence, but feels with all his nature the benefits of the Sacrament of Communion. Only true believers feed their souls throughout their lives with a unique contrast: between the melancholy of a slave who kneels and prays (during confession), and the free flight of an eagle with its wings spread wide (after Communion).

Video: Where did the ban on food before Communion come from?


How to fast before confession and communion

In this article we will talk about how to fast before confession or communion, and why it is necessary. The mystery of confession and communion is considered one of the greatest in Christianity. Repentance is one of the main things a person is capable of to atone for his sins. You need to remember all your sins, admit to yourself that you are wrong, that you have committed a sin, that you have acted badly, etc. And this is still not enough. It is necessary to follow the entire procedure of repentance, and further about it. There are indeed people who do not approach the confession procedure responsibly, believing that they just need to come to church and repent of their sins. But according to the canons of religion, this is not correct. In order to repent, to confess and receive a blessing, you need to prepare carefully, and one of the procedures for preparing for communion and confession is fasting.

Fasting before confession

Fasting before confession is called fasting, fasting, and consists of absolute abstinence, both from bodily goods and from food, which is prohibited during fasting. Each priest has his own opinion regarding the time that is subject to fasting, but on average it is believed that abstinence should be 3 days before confession. But given period minimum. Some priests declare that before confession a person should try as hard as possible, that is, limit himself as much as possible from pleasures and thereby indulge in repentance. Thus, you can fast for a week. There is also a permissible duration of fasting up to 2 or even 1 day with the permission of the confessor for those who confess and receive communion regularly. It all depends on your individual characteristics, but if your health condition does not allow you to fast, then the church allows the opportunity not to fast, but only in terms of food, then you need to fast spiritually.

Spiritual fasting

Most are even sure that it is not the stomach that needs to be fasted. And with the mind, that is, there is no need to slander, envy, shout, etc. You must be humble. Also, a married couple should refrain from making love. Women who are in the period of purification, that is, during menstruation, are not allowed to receive communion and confession.
What can you eat during Lent before communion? The same as during regular fasting, limiting the consumption of meat and dairy products. Thus, you cannot eat meat, sausages, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter meat, etc. for at least three days before confession and communion. The main question remains, is it possible to eat fish, because on some days of fasting you can eat it, and on others you can’t. This is all individual too, it is better to consult with your confessor. So, for example, in Christianity, Wednesday and Friday are fast days when you can’t even eat fish. Moreover, Saturday is a day when not a single Orthodox Christian does not fast. As a result, it turns out that if communion is on Sunday, then you cannot eat fish on Thursday and Friday, but you can on Saturday.

Differences of opinion

How to fast before communion

By the way, there is an opinion that before confession there is no need to fast; in fact, a person can confess at any time. But if after confession it is necessary to take communion, then fasting must be observed.
There are confessors who are of the opinion that it is necessary to fast very strictly, at least for one day, the last one before communion. Drink water and eat bread, that's all. Even fruit is not allowed. But such restrictions do not apply to patients, pregnant women and children. you can read more about children's fasting.
There is also an opinion that the degree of fasting depends on the degree of sins. There are mortal sins that require strict fasting and restrictions in any area; there are sins that are not so serious, which provide opportunities for weakening the fast.
In the end, I would like to give a parable that talks about the severity of fasting before confession and communion. One monk came to the elder and asked what fasting was. And the elder explained to him, telling the monk about all his sins throughout his life. Out of shame, the monk did not know what to do. Falling to his knees, he cried. And the elder said with a smile: “Now go and eat lunch.” “No, father, thank you, I don’t want to,” answered the monk. - “This is fasting, when you remember your sins, repent and no longer think about food.” From the life of St. Gabriel (Urgebadze; 1929–1995), a great elder of our time.
As a result, The main moral is that you need to fast spiritually, and then physically. Fasting is about the ability to give up what brings pleasure, and not just food.

Confession and communion for many people is a way to restore spiritual balance, cleanse themselves, and become closer to God.

There is no exact rule determining the need for communion or confession, so true believers try to take communion every Sunday.

In this regard, the question arises: what actions should a person take on the eve of this event.

Is it necessary to fast before confession and communion?

There are no precise instructions regarding preparation for communion or confession. There are certain customs that people follow before church activities.

The customs arose during the Eucharistic period and are considered relevant to the modern church.

In this regard, the following canons arose:

  1. Confession is required before communion.
  2. Communion is celebrated on an empty stomach; you cannot eat after midnight.
  3. Observe marital abstinence for the day.

How to fast before confession and communion?

Fasting before communion causes a lot of controversy among believers. Before communion, you can not only eat for a certain time, but also smoke, drink, slander, argue, use the Internet, watch TV and read the press.

On the eve of confession and communion, it is necessary to read prayers.

And consume certain foods, as well as in moderation - without excesses:

  1. Eat five times a day and stay hydrated.
  2. Eat boiled and raw vegetables with minimal added salt.
  3. The best side dishes are porridge without oil.
  4. Fruits and fruit infusions should be the main dessert.

It is imperative to improve spiritually and emotionally during the days of fasting. While eating, enrich yourself with positive emotions and thoughts.

How many days should you fast?

Besides the fact that not everything can be eaten on the eve of confession and communion, such retention must continue for a certain time.

Each canon defines a different period of time, so it is better to consult with a spiritual mentor who will carry out the procedure.

Possible time frames:

  1. Strict unconditional fasting is observed for 24 hours before confession and communion.
  2. Ideally It is worth observing a three-day fast before church procedures of this type.
  3. The best An option would be to perform generally accepted fasts, which are indicated in the canons of the Orthodox Church.

Note! In the process of fasting, you should not resort to extremes - an exhausted body and mind are not welcome.

People who rarely receive communion must observe a compulsory week-long fast with the accompanying reading of the main prayers. In addition, you should adhere to fasting in terms of entertainment, thoughts and statements.

What should you not eat during Lent before communion?

It is worth keeping the post wisely. It is also worth taking into account the generally accepted fast that believers should adhere to.

Attention! Fish should not be eaten only on those days of abstinence when they coincide with the main Orthodox fast - during the rest of the period this product can be eaten.

Moderation should be observed not only in limiting foods, but also in portions. You need to eat as much as you need to satisfy the body's needs - you absolutely cannot overeat.

What to eat:

Products What should the food be like? Specific Recommendations
Vegetables Vegetables can be boiled or fresh. It is better not to eat canned or pickled vegetables. Boiled vegetables complement side dishes. Salads from fresh vegetables can be a completely independent dish
Fruits Canned fruits are excluded. Only fresh products are used for food Fruits can serve as a snack or replace desserts for those with a sweet tooth. Walnuts will become more nutritious
Fish Low-fat fish varieties are suitable. It is worth considering the spawning seasons. You should not eat fish with caviar. The fish should be boiled or baked in the oven. Do not use spices and salt in large quantities
Beverages You cannot use smoked dried fruits. Tea, coffee, cocoa are not included in the list of permitted drinks. The most the best option there will be water Compotes and decoctions should not be sweet, the natural taste of the ingredients should be preserved
Bakery products The ideal option would be bread with the addition of oats and other grains. Crackers from any bread can be used as a dessert and for a snack. Borodino bread croutons added to salad

Fasting for pregnant women and children

Fasting before confession and communion is not possible for everyone and not in all situations.

  • For pregnant women Observance of food restrictions is completely excluded by the church.

    It is better for expectant mothers to think about spiritual and emotional enrichment, which should be continued throughout pregnancy.

  • For children Until the age of five, it is also better not to resort to food restrictions. It is worth having conversations with the child, talking about the sacraments of confession and communion, and introducing them to the traditions and rules of the ritual.
  • To the people who adhere to therapeutic diets or suffer from certain diseases, it is not necessary to adhere to food restrictions, and sometimes it is completely categorical.

If during the “fasting” signs of malaise or poor health appear, then you should return to your usual diet and take communion on an empty stomach.

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Communion is God's grace, a great Sacrament through which Christians can become involved in the Savior himself. It is important to know how to fast correctly, so that after confessing sins and receiving communion, you will receive God’s anointing for faith, the power of love and patience.

What is fasting and why fast before communion?

Communion is open door to receive God's grace into the lives of Christians. Through Communion, believers receive:

Each believer himself is responsible for accepting God’s Sacrament, for, as the Apostle Paul writes, whoever does this without reasoning, sinning, gets sick and even dies (Cor. 11:28-30).

Quite a difficult test for Christians, isn't it? If you don’t take Communion, you don’t receive blessings and grace; if you take it, you can get sick and die. Where is the way out? And the way out is simple - fasting and confession of sins.

Fasting is a time when a person, through pacification of the flesh, tries to cleanse himself of harmful mental attachments and habits in order to get closer spiritually to the Creator. Lent is a time of prayer and reflection on the sacrifice of Christ, Its cleansing and blessing power . During preparation for communion, Christians try to reconsider their lives, identify sins in it and repent of them.

It is difficult to resist temptations when you are full and happy. It is difficult not to fall into temptation when drinking alcohol or at entertainment events. During fasting, people, taming their flesh, tame their emotions and morals. According to John the Ladder, during repentance, purity of prayer should take precedence, in silence, obedience, giving up pleasures and evil thoughts in order to receive pleasure in Heaven.

Some Christians can sit for hours in in social networks, spend time in empty conversations on the phone, take part in gossip, but at the same time be in strict abstinence from food, proud of yourself. I would like to disappoint such believers - God does not look at the stomach, but at the soul.

Anything that separates a Christian from God is sin.

Important! Fasting is the only opportunity to get closer to the Almighty. According to the priests, fasting and prayer are wings that allow the believing soul to fly to Heaven.

The history of fasting before communion

The first Christians after the Ascension of Jesus took the sacrament daily and were constantly in fellowship. Of course, at that time there could be no talk of fasting. The Apostle Paul wrote his message to Christians of that time, reminding them of the importance of reflection before accepting the Holy Sacrifice of Christ.

Icon of the Communion of the Apostles

During the time of the apostles, the Eucharist was celebrated in the evening, but over time the Sacrament of Communion was moved to the morning, giving believers the opportunity to receive the food of the Lord, which cleanses the blood and body, from the very morning.

First appearance fast days before the Eucharist dates back to the fourth century. The priests of that time noted the cooling of faith and called on Christians to abstain from sexual pleasures and worldly amusements before receiving the Holy Gifts, but nothing was said about food.

Early Christians fasted three times a week and on the days of fasting established by the Church. Govenie, or restriction in eating for three to seven days, appears at the beginning of the ninth century due to the decline of spiritual life.

According to Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, there is no single requirement for three days of abstinence before the Eucharist.

Each believer individually decides how long it will take him to come to purity and reverence before the Lord. Some Christians resolve this issue with their spiritual mentor.

Rules of conduct during preparation for Communion

Three days of abstinence before taking the sacrament is not a requirement, but only a wish. It concerns mainly people who participate in the Eucharist 2-3 times a year. There are no additional abstinence requirements during the four fasts.

In the church, believers and baptized people partake of the Body and Blood of Christ

According to the decree of the Orthodox Church, during fasting it is forbidden to eat:

  • products of animal origin;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • selectively - fish.

These days, food is prepared not for the pleasure of eating it, but as a means to maintain health in the temple of God, i.e. in the Christian himself.

If fish is the main type of food, then it can be consumed.

Before the Eucharist, Christians do not eat food, having previously spent the day in prayer, giving up entertainment, drinking alcoholic beverages and sex.

Important! At the Sacrament of Confession, one should honestly confess to the priest about all his misdeeds, so that he can decide whether it is safe for a Christian to touch the Holy Gifts or whether he should return home and carefully prepare.

Before confession and communion, Christians go to the evening service in the church, and in the morning they are required to attend the Liturgy. Sincere repentance at Confession opens the door to Communion.

Fasting before communion: how to observe it correctly

Relaxations in fasting

Communion is a great power that grants healing, liberation from addictions, forgiveness of sins and joy. Christians of all ages, even infants, are allowed to participate in this sacrament.

Children who have not yet turned 7 years old receive communion without observing abstinence beforehand, but this does not mean permissiveness in food and games. The seed of reverence for the Sacraments, planted in a child's soul, will bear good fruit as the child grows up. In infancy, the feat of shitting parents - best example for the younger generation.

Pregnant women and patients must carefully monitor their diet; for such there are no days of dry eating. This category of Christians checks with their spiritual mentor on the list of acceptable dishes.

Modern cuisine is rich in all kinds of products, the skillful preparation of which according to ready-made recipes cannot harm either pregnant women, the fetus, or the sick.

The Church also graciously treats the category of people who are outside the home and eat in canteens. This is the army, boarding schools, hospitals and places of detention. In this case, if possible, you should give up fast food for several days, intensifying your prayer and staying in the Word.

Dying and seriously ill people are allowed to receive Communion without any preparation.

Fasting is not a diet or punishment, but a great blessing from the Creator himself, bringing us closer to God.

By constantly being in prayer, reading the “Our Father” and the sinner’s prayer, fasting people take another step closer to the Savior, Healer and our hope for eternal life.

Sinner's Prayer

My Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

My Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

My Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy according to Your great mercy in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.