Congratulations joke for February 23rd to colleagues. beautiful video congratulations

History has left many unofficial holidays in the memory of Kazakhstanis. Defender of the Fatherland Day is not celebrated at the state level. However, the tradition of congratulating men on this day remains. Prepare cool congratulations on February 23 for your colleagues, give them attention and a smile.

Cool congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

Historical eras change, which entails changes in cultural traditions and celebrations. However, in the post-Soviet space there are still significant dates, which are noted by representatives of the older generation, as well as middle-aged people - from forty and older.

One of these holidays is February 23. Congratulations on February 23rd are a way in which women can demonstrate their attention and respect to the stronger sex.

Despite the fact that this day is not a day off, prepare congratulations for your colleagues on February 23 to create an uplifting mood. Choose words that will make you smile, sparkle with humor and cheerfulness.

Here are funny congratulations on February 23, which can be used in the original or supplemented with your own words:

  • A real man is always a warrior. Not only the battlefield, but also any business submits to him. Therefore, we wish men that their guns are always in combat readiness, so that the cartridges do not run out. We wish you, dear men, energy and courage to conquer peaks and hearts beautiful ladies.
  • Happy February 23rd to real men. Let the guns not let you down, and the ladies love you deeply. Let the sun shine brightly and the ATM whisper cheerfully when it counts out the increased cash allowance.
  • All the men in our team are as beautiful as Apollo. For the sake of women, they are ready to perform twelve labors, like Hercules. They are invulnerable, like Achilles, wise and majestic, like Zeus. And only their loved ones know what Cupids they can be. Happiness and self-realization in love and work, dear men!

  • Congratulations on February 23rd. We wish you to feel like heroes for whom obstacles are not obstacles. Let your smile shine brightly, let any business go smoothly. Let the beautiful ladies reward you with kisses for every achievement. Wear them proudly, because these are the best orders and medals.

Supplement your congratulations with sincere jokes. Give attention and respect to the courageous half of the team. Remember that the Eighth of March is just around the corner. Set a playful and positive tone when celebrating men.

Cool congratulations on February 23 in verse

If you want to impress the representatives of the stronger half of the team, then prepare rhyming congratulations on February 23. They will definitely be remembered and will be repeated with pleasure.

Here are some cool poems that your colleagues will enjoy:

  • It doesn't matter if you wear a uniform

Or are you crushing the sofa in the apartment,

Are you standing on stage or at the helm -

Whatever path you take,

We wish you to be the best in everything.

Be a strong man, although it’s not easy

Sometimes comply with such GOST.

  • For a real man

Can handle all tasks!

To all of you - valiant and strong

Now I want to wish:

Let the boss be kind

And my wife is not capricious,

And the mood is dashing and cheerful!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

  • Congratulations, man,

Let the beauties on your special day,

They fall like stacks.

Let the beer be cold

And there's football going on all day,

Let your beloved cover it

This is a luxurious table for you today.

Choose funny, fresh and original congratulations on February 23 for men. Break up the routine and dullness of everyday life with laughter and jokes, maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, pay attention to male employees by preparing humorous congratulations especially for them.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most popular celebrations celebrated annually in our country. It so happened historically that it was on February 23 that it was customary to honor battle-hardened warriors, representatives of peaceful professions and very young boys. In 2019, the main holiday of all men falls on Saturday, so colleagues will have to prepare congratulations on February 23 in advance. Our collection contains many beautiful congratulations to employees on Defender of the Fatherland Day - in poetry and prose, postcards, funny, humorous, official, by name. Here you will definitely find original and “unhackneyed” words to congratulate your male colleagues on this wonderful date.

Original congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and employees in prose with humor

Celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day within the walls of the home office has long become a good tradition at many enterprises. Of course, on this important day, men are freed from the hassle of preparations - everything organizational issues fall on fragile female shoulders. In addition to the festive table, the ladies prepare original congratulations on February 23 to their male colleagues and employees. We offer to please the courageous “heroes” of the occasion with comic congratulations with humor in prose - from our selection.

A collection of original congratulations in prose for colleagues and employees on February 23

There is no more valuable employee than the man on February 23rd. Today you are courteous and attentive to everyone (in other words, you are incapacitated), you bring positivity and a good attitude to the team, and give everyone the anticipation of a holiday and a banquet. Good luck to you, colleague!

Congratulations on the holiday of courage and bravery, February 23! And even though my fragile shoulders often bear the burden of your shortcomings, and your rich imagination provides an alibi for all occasions, you are still the most the best man in our team!

Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

From the bottom of my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky enough to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and the warmth of the home. And it is also worthy to bear the honorary title of a man!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You are our pride, regardless of whether you served or not, because we all know that a man is a real defender, even if he has never taken up arms in his life. Always remain true daredevils, happy holiday!

Funny congratulations in prose to colleagues on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian men anticipate a lot of attention and congratulations from the female half of the team or family. Delicious treats, fun competitions, songs and skits, warm words of wishes, symbolic gifts - mandatory items entertainment program on February 23rd. When choosing congratulations on February 23 to your colleagues, pay attention to the funny, cool lines of prose presented below.

Texts of funny congratulations in your own words on February 23 for male colleagues

Today is February 23rd - the day of brave, strong, decisive, courageous, persistent and resilient men, always ready to defend their homeland, their family, their friends and loved ones from enemies and troubles. We are lucky to have just such men working with us. And we wish you to easily cope with any problems, and women to appreciate and love you not only on February 23, but every day.

Oh, our courageous, brave, strong men. You can handle any task, you are not afraid of difficulties: you courageously cope with difficult office work and with honor you withstand the “shelling” through the eyes of the fair half of our team. We congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to always be open and unprotected when you are attacked by money, beautiful, loving women and grateful, enthusiastic bosses.

May all men’s dreams come true in your life, colleague! So that you build a house in which two warm things await you: dinner and the hugs of your beloved; to plant a garden near your house in which your sons and daughters will play happily; so that your favorite business brings you huge income!

I congratulate the strong half of our friendly working community on the holiday of defenders of the fatherland. I wish that the shoulders on which the well-being of the family, the prosperity of the team and the peace of the entire country rests never bend under such a difficult load. I wish you success, peace of mind and confidence in the future.

Most of our conscious life takes place at work. Our employees are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. With them we share our joys and worries, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and uninteresting. Dear like-minded people! Happy holiday to you! Happy February 23rd!

Cool funny congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in verse

Today, February 23, has lost its original status as “Red Army Day”, turning into the main all-men’s holiday. However, representatives of the stronger half of humanity still gladly accept congratulations on February 23 – colleagues and employees are no exception. If you want to creatively congratulate your male colleagues at work, you can say some cool funny poems at the table with in the best words wishes.

Options for cool funny congratulations in verse on February 23 to colleagues

Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms,
We want to congratulate you on February 23rd.
And therefore we will shout “Hurray” very boldly,
So that our Russian land can hear him.

Be brave in your work
Believe in the business and in your colleagues.
Then you will find the right path.
And great success will come.

A reward awaits for success -
Bonus and weekend.
It's a joy for workers,
Their families will be happy.

Of course, work is not the Army,
But still, sometimes here too,
There are exercises, battles,
And devotion is also needed.
Thank you for your community,
Because we are shoulder to shoulder
Everyday life in the army is not easy
I can’t forget, I don’t want to!

Defender of the Fatherland Day -
A holiday of courage and honor.
We are on guard for humanity
And I will tell you without flattery:

Colleagues, congratulations to us,
After all, it’s us - courage, valor,
None of us, having gone into reserve,
Will not be drowned in grayness!

There is a soldier in each of us,
Both as a private and as a general.
They won’t hide the bearing of the year,
It’s not for nothing that our medals are on fire!

We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time,
We bought cognac and wine.
We bought fruit for dessert
Other delicious foods.
In the morning we came running in a hurry,
And everything was gracefully shredded,
And now, right here, now
We congratulate you together.

One man in a team
Colleague is like our king!
In your hands there is firmness, strength,
You are a mountain for all your employees.

Happy life achievements,
And on the 23rd - victories.
Successful, correct decisions,
Our work body armor!

Short funny funny congratulations in postcards on February 23

As February 23 approaches, business office life seems to “freeze,” and the spirit of the upcoming holiday is in the air. By tradition, many enterprises organize corporate parties for Defender of the Fatherland Day - with the participation of all employees and invited artists. Short, funny, funny greetings from February 23 in postcards can be downloaded for free and then sent to colleagues by email.

A collection of funny cards for congratulating male colleagues on February 23

Beautiful official congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in verse

For many, colleagues and employees eventually become friends and close people. If you are thinking about how to beautifully congratulate the male part of your native team on Defender of the Fatherland Day, take a look at our page. Beautiful official congratulations on February 23 to colleagues will be appropriate at the ceremonial part of the event or simply for gatherings in an “informal” atmosphere.

A selection of poems for the official congratulations of colleagues on February 23

Congratulations, men -

Your holiday has begun!

This holiday will spin everyone,

Every year, like again,

We wish you, colleagues -

Be healthy everyone

Be happy, successful

And good at work

Best wishes, friends

And a chocolate life!

Our team celebrates the date today,
We congratulate all defenders of the country.
Well, we dote on our men,
And on a day like this, they are filled with special pride.

We give gifts to our colleagues,
We wish you all the best, love, warmth.
Let it get a little hot in February,
At our holiday at a friendly table!

Happy Defender's Day
The best of men now.
We praise your intelligence and strength,
And we count on you.
We want to say in verse,
How we are, every single one of you,
Like very much. We are behind you -
Like behind a stone wall!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you
Today we will congratulate you.
For the sake of the happiness of humanity
The world must be kept strong.
May everyone's wishes come true,
Love and new victories for you,
Health, happiness, prosperity,
And many long bright years!

On this glorious February day
I want to congratulate you warmly!
You don’t recognize the word “laziness”
And you are endlessly devoted
Our Fatherland! And I'm proud:
What nice guys!
I'm not afraid for the future,
After all, you are reliable soldiers!
Thank you! Low bow to you,
And millions of congratulations!
Let these lines be in unison
They sound in good spirits!

Cool congratulations by name on February 23 to male colleagues

Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 is an excellent occasion to pay attention to the male part of the office, addressing employees with a few warm words of wishes. Cool congratulations on February 23 to colleagues can be selected by name, emphasizing the importance of each “hero” of the occasion.

Personalized poems and prose of congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in the office

Sasha, you are the only one in the world!

May the sun shine on you throughout your life!

Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!

And I’ll leave the poem for you as a souvenir!

Stay as cool forever!

May your labor not be in vain!

Let everything be the way you want!

May your days and nights make you happy!

From February 23
We congratulate Andrey.
We wish you the best life,
Think soberly without growing old.

Be a protector in spirit
And a hero by calling.
Let success and victory
Your efforts will be crowned.

Valera on the twenty-third of February

I would like to congratulate you on Men’s Day, of course!

And, only praising him from the heart,

I want him to be the best forever!

So that he can stand up for his neighbors forever!

So that he is beautiful and full of major plans!

So that he can master his dreams!

May you accomplish more glorious deeds!

Vasily, be strong in spirit,

You, defender of the country,

The whole earth is in a hurry to congratulate.

Strive forward, tear fear to shreds,

Take your luck by the reins.

The stronger sex is honored today,

Vivat, well done men!

Dima means “mother earth”

This is your strength!

At least work for three,

At least love for four -

You have enough strength for everything:

Apparently the name helps.

From the bottom of my heart, Dmitry, to you

Short comic congratulations on February 23 to work colleagues in prose

February is the last and shortest month of winter, passing almost unnoticed. However, before the beginning of spring, we have to celebrate the most important men's holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. We've collected some cool ones funny congratulations from February 23rd to work colleagues - here you will find several interesting options in prose.

Prose for a short congratulations to colleagues on the holiday of February 23

Dear colleague, on this holiday I wish you: roads without potholes, successful achievements, true friends and less stress at work, bright everyday life and happy holidays, happy smiles around and mutual understanding with colleagues and superiors! Happy February 23rd!

Men, colleagues! On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how banal it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved ones, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Fatherland. I wish each of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and freedom for boiling energy!

Happy holiday, men! We are pleased to see your smiles radiating strength and confidence today! Therefore, we wish you that you have many real reasons for frequent smiles, both at work and at home, so that your faces glow with happiness, and your eyes with genuine joy.

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way to earn money. But all of you, dear men, treat your labor responsibilities with the necessary responsibility. That’s why you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, February 23rd! May your life be filled with the most happy events and only pleasant accomplishments!

So, here you will find the most beautiful congratulations on February 23 to your colleagues - in poetry and prose, funny, funny with humor and official, by name, in postcards. Let Defender of the Fatherland Day be remembered for a long time by male employees as a bright, interesting event.

The tradition of congratulating men on February 23 dates back more than half a century. Yes, in Russia the holiday has been celebrated for almost a hundred years, but, being originally dedicated to the Army, in the first decades of its existence it was celebrated only by military and reserve officers. Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day - a large-scale celebration, the day of men. Moreover, since 2002 it has been a public holiday. Previously, congratulatory poems on February 23 were read to colleagues only at work - only when they came home, with their families, everyone organized their holiday as best they could. After Defender's Day was given the status of a state holiday and a day off, gala evenings and corporate events in honor of men began to be organized a little earlier or, conversely, a little later than this date. The female half of the teams prepares a buffet or even a banquet for their employees in advance, buys small gifts, prepares surprises, humorous performances, and funny poems. In groups, as a rule, it is not customary to spend the day of February 23 in a solemn atmosphere - people relax after work, joke, read comic poems and congratulations to men, and even invite business partners to visit.

Humorous poems for the Day of February 23, 2017 to colleagues - Cool quatrains for men

A fun corporate event or concert for men will be best addition to the presents already given to colleagues and the prepared “sweet” table or banquet. Women can “get” photos of work colleagues who belong to the stronger half of humanity in advance and make a cool collage from these photos. Let one of the team members “ride” a tank there, others “shoot” from an AK, and others “decipher” the enemy’s data. Each of the teams has employees who have risen to officer ranks; perhaps one of them distinguished himself in the Army. Dedicate humorous poems to them on February 23. Read them during the presentation of gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day or during a festive concert.

Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms,
We want to congratulate you on February 23rd.
And therefore we will shout “Hurray” very boldly,
So that our Russian land can hear him.

Be brave in your work
Believe in the business and in your colleagues.
Then you will find the right path.
And great success will come.

There is a reward for success -
Bonus and weekend.
It's a joy for workers,
Their families will be happy.

Red calendar day - February 23,
It was not in vain that the whole team gathered today.
We congratulate all the men in our team,
We drink to the bottom of what is poured, to your health.
We wish you to have money in your wallets,
May your cherished wishes come true on this day.
So that your wives appreciate you, your mothers-in-law respect you,
So that your salary is always given on time.

Dear male colleagues,
On this festive bright day
Everyone loves you, pampers you, cherishes you -
And, of course, you are too lazy to work,
Congratulations to everyone on this holiday
Happy February 23rd.
A whole heap of “male” congratulations
I have accumulated for you.
Lots of money, football and beer,
And hot beautiful girlfriends.
May you be warm and tasty,
Despite the snowdrifts around!

Comic poems for February 23rd from a women's team to work colleagues - Funny congratulations to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

In any team, both women and men always work, with the possible exception of clothing factories, some hairdressers, spa salons and similar places serving the public. However, even there there is always a person who should definitely be congratulated on February 23rd. Perhaps this is a business partner, a boss or his deputy, or a director of an enterprise. When there are a lot of women working at the enterprise, and men can be counted on one hand, it becomes especially easy to give gifts and surprises to such an employee. The best option The surprise for such an occasion is the presentation of one large gift purchased by the entire women's team. When presenting a surprise, attach a postcard with humorous poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Cheerful congratulations from wonderful women will be remembered - men will be puzzled by what they will soon have to give to the ladies on March 8th.

Our colleagues, wise men!

We carefully preserve the defenders of the Fatherland.

Happy holiday today, beloved

We want to congratulate you loudly.

We wish you to boast about your life to the fullest,

Never run to doctors.

And behavior, extremely perfect,

Delight your lovely ladies!

May you have enough strength for everything!
We wish you the best blessings,
To give every day
Joy and happiness in half!

Let there be order in the house,
Joy and comfort!
And of course, let prosperity
Waiting for you, men!

Congratulations on February 23
Friendly male team!
Let into your life, without hiding,
Happiness will come, positivity.

May your paths be easy
High salary, easy work,
So that you want to go forward,
To accomplish and create, to give us care.

We wish you to be necessary and unusual,
To be strong, brave, irreplaceable,
We wish you to be healthy, energetic,
Much loved by family and loved ones.

Let your surroundings be pleasant
Let your heart skip a beat,
Let the mood be chic,
The feeling of happiness does not leave.

We say thank you on this holiday
For your work and your attitude.
We thank the men from the bottom of our hearts
With sincere, deep respect.

Funny poems for business colleagues on February 23 - Funny rhymes for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Any business requires a serious approach to running it. However, it is simply impossible to constantly be under working stress! It is to relieve stress, relax and set the mood for new work feats in teams that from time to time events are organized, such as, for example, a corporate party on February 23. To organize it, they come up with skits in advance, select funny poems, songs, and humoresques. Each male colleague is given a postcard (possibly homemade) with funny rhymes about Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Partners, we trust you completely
And we do good things together,
But today is February, the twenty-third -
It's a great time to congratulate!

Let the business grow, despite the obstacles,
We can help you - and we are happy about it.
We wish you employees as strong as steel,
Income, striving into the starry distance!

Defenders of everyone in the team
They rush to congratulate you, right in the morning.
Flowers, sweets... Everything is active
The table is set in earnest.

And there will be toasts and congratulations
All from February 23...
And songs and dances of course
It’s not in vain that they will unite everyone forever.

Congratulations to everyone, friends,
Happy twenty-third of February!
Be nice guys
Both beautiful and rich!

May you walk with good luck,
Don't be sad or cry!
So that you and your family can live together,
So that what needs to be done!

I wish you dreams
Mood, kindness!
So that you have everything,
Just super-duper class!

Poems of my own composition on February 23 to colleagues and production partners - Postcards with quatrains for Defender of the Fatherland Day

When congratulating your colleagues and production partners and presenting them with gifts for February 23rd, be sure to accompany the gifts with small quatrains dedicated to men and Defender of the Fatherland Day. Holiday cards can also be purchased in the store, however, making cheerful greetings with your own hands and signing them with poems of your own composition is much more creative!

Dear partners
Happy twenty third of February
Congratulations to the team!
Well, I’m reading the poem!

I wish you happiness and longevity,
Respect in the family,
And good-natured smiles,
Be like a knight “on horseback”!

And also - great success
Both finances and good luck!
So that it doesn't happen at work
Unsolvable problems!

Congratulations, partners!
Both colleagues and friends!
With this sweet and wonderful
Twenty-third of February!

Let this holiday give
Everything you have in your plans
Multiplying all desires
Well, let's say hundreds of times!

So that there is a lot of happiness,
There was a considerable wallet,
And good luck and health
The bag is too big for you!

Being a man, in general, is not easy:
You need to be strong and brave at least a little bit.
He is about one meter ninety tall
And know where to show off your wit.

But, you know, not everyone can be a standard,
Not everyone is like a hero.
Sometimes it happens that such Apollos -
Just candy wrappers, no gold inside.

And my dear partners, so close to me
Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!
More profitable contracts for us, friends
For the common good and for our benefit, right?

Congratulatory poems for colleagues on February 23 - Gifts signed in quatrains for Defender of the Fatherland Day

When thinking about what to give your male colleagues on February 23, of course, you should proceed from the total budget that you are going to spend on purchasing gifts, organizing happy celebration, preparation for a corporate event. It’s easier here for “female” teams, where two or three men work among beautiful ladies. If there are a lot of men, and fewer women work with them, small pleasant surprises, wrapped in gift wrapping and signed (required!) with quatrains for each of the men personally, will help! You can come up with a verse yourself or choose something from our selection.

Congratulations, men!
Congratulations, friends,
Gathered for a corporate party
On the twenty-third of February!

Happiness to you, great love!
A lot of money, a lot of strength,
And health and success
So that the world is filled!

To smile more often,
Never been sad
So that you are rich

Men, you are on horseback today,
All the women of the company are for you!
The reason for this is the holiday in February.
Defenders, support, our special forces,

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Live like kings in a castle
And to live well and brightly,
Don't leave women without love!

We wish you strength to find the trail of luck,
Walk her path without any problems.
There are no more courageous people in this world.
Be proud, dear ones. Happiness to everyone!

Men - everything is as if chosen.
We all really need you.
You have a set of spiritual qualities,
You are beautiful on the outside too.

Today is the day for you.
February and frosty.
Let, despite everyday life,
He won't be serious.

Let there be more idleness
Smiles, toasts, jokes!
We wish you happy
Weeks, hours, minutes!

Getting ready to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day at work, prepare short speeches, poems for colleagues on February 23, organize for everyone festive table or a small buffet. If funds allow, and fewer men work with you than women, invite your business or production partners to the holiday. Your funny poems and cool rhymes, read out to every man, will be remembered by them forever!

Good day! If you work in a team, then remember that you must congratulate your colleagues on all holidays. For example, don’t forget to congratulate your colleague on the twenty-third of February. Surely, for your colleague, as for almost any man, this day is very important and significant. That is why you will have to pay attention to your colleague on such a holiday. On our new entertainment portal you can choose the most original and beautiful congratulatory texts in honor of the twenty-third of February. After all, it is so important to pay attention to the person with whom you work and spend time. Be sure that your colleague will appreciate this attitude on your part. We hope that our site will be useful to you, because it is important for us to create quality product. We work for the benefit of you, dear users.

On February 23, not only men are honored, but also... We tried not to offend anyone and prepared a whole collection of congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Select wishes for February 23rd in and, congratulate cheerfully and. In the selection of congratulations you will find a complete set beautiful words person, husband, dad, brother, son, grandfather, etc. We also did not ignore congratulations on work and... And, of course, we didn’t forget about the little ones by making a selection of poems. And we suggest presenting all this variety of congratulations along with a beautiful card or postcard made with love by your own. Well, you can also do it yourself on February 23rd.

Congratulations on February 23 to work colleagues

Hope and support, beloved men,
There is a reason for our congratulations today,
We honor our defenders - our heroes,
Those who will always support you in the battles of working days.

May there be peace and happiness, because you deserve them,
On all fronts - career, personal, work!

Men we want to tell you,
Only today, by and large, in secret.
It’s better not to find more reliable colleagues,
All over the wide world.

And for the holiday, for the great men's day,
Let me wish from all women:
In life there is great joy and great luck,
Inspiration in your work and success!

Today, February 23, is the day of brave, strong, decisive, courageous, persistent and resilient men, always ready to defend their homeland, their family, their friends and loved ones from enemies and troubles. We are lucky to have just such men working with us. And we wish you to easily cope with any problems, and women to appreciate and love you not only on February 23, but every day.

I send my heartiest congratulations
To a man, a warrior, a hero,
To the one who knows, without a doubt
Will close the Motherland with itself.

We fight shoulder to shoulder
Today we are on the peaceful front.
Friends, I want to congratulate you
Reliable, courageous, strong. God bless you for long years happy,
Smart and beautiful kids.
May your home be a full cup.
Yes, long live our men!

Funny and comic congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations, colleagues!
A tsunami has arrived!

This holiday will overwhelm us,
really wants us to
Everyone was healthy! So that they laughed from the heart,
To have fun
So that champagne and cognac
We got rich again!

Happy twenty-third of February,
Dear colleagues!
For work for me
The best neighbors!

From the bottom of my heart, my dears
Congratulations on the holiday!
And health and happiness to you
I wish you all the strength! And also great success,
And huge rewards,
And I wish you money
Large and immodest! Be happy, colleagues,
On the holiday of February!
The best blessings in the world
I wish you!

Oh, our courageous, brave, strong men. You can handle any task, you are not afraid of difficulties: you courageously cope with difficult office work and with honor withstand the “shelling” through the eyes of the fair half of our team. We congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to always be open and unprotected when you are attacked by money, beautiful, loving women and grateful, enthusiastic bosses.

Festive snow flutters outside the windows,
And here we are melting slightly.
On Defender's Day we congratulate our colleagues,
We give simple gifts.

Even if you don’t see the machine guns in your hands,
And the tanks are hidden in boxes.
With such protection we know no fear -
Brave, courageous boys. And I would like to wish you such a holiday
Strong Spirit and Word to you.
What if your colleagues and Motherland
They praised you again and again.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues - February 23

We work side by side with you,
Together we can handle any task.
Each of you, colleagues, is very dear to me,
And I want to congratulate you all.

From the entire team I wish you
On this red day of the calendar,
May you live and work beautifully,
So that the family is happy, so that you love, you are loved,
May luck be with you,
And so that you are appreciated at work
For excellent work and deeds.

Sons of the Fatherland, please accept congratulations
Happy wonderful holiday that February gives us
And let him bring good words without delay
To all of you the wind that rushes into the distance.

May all your dreams and wishes come true
Let your head spin with success
And next to you will be that desired one,
What keeps words of love only for you.

Dear colleagues, please accept congratulations on the holiday of February 23 from everyone who works next to you. We are pleased to know that every day we meet the strongest, most courageous and courageous defenders, but the kindest, most charming and professional colleagues!

Our dear, dear men!
We are not too lazy to congratulate you on your holiday.
We have a reason for this:
We work next to you every day.

We wish you success at work,
Happiness in personal life and family,
Well, what do you expect from your life?
May everything come true this February.

Congratulations on February 23 to employees

The prickly frost is not scary for us now,
After all, our warmest wishes.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts -
Employees of different ranks.

Defender of the Fatherland - one title,
An honorary position for a man.
A living tradition for a very long time
Gives reasons for pride. So be who you are -
Hope, protection, support.
And may strength, reliability and honor be with you,
Peaceful spaces.

Colleagues, our dear employees!
Happy Men's Day!
Our faithful companions in work,
We love and respect you.

Our male gender is the strongest,
But affectionate, gentle to boot.
And on this festive winter day,
We wish you warmth and good luck.

February 23 is a holiday of true men, brave and courageous, who emerge victorious from any situation. Warrior employees of our company, defenders of the fragile female happiness, may all the wishes you make come true with ease, and may your life’s plot be happy and joyful!

We have had the opportunity to meet a lot
Have a nice day and happy holidays,
But February 23 is rightfully
One of the kindest and most special.

I wish you, fellow employees,
Don't waste your energy on empty things
And to see nobility in a person,
And protect relatives from external filth.

Let there be no long waits,
Deplorable salaries, angry bosses,
Love the world in its various facets,
Without giving in to boredom and bragging!

Poems for February 23rd for colleagues

Our glorious colleagues,
It’s not in vain that we gathered here -
I solemnly congratulate you
From February 23rd.

Wish you love, prosperity,
Lots of happiness and victories.
For good luck, strength, health
You have enough for a hundred years!

Congratulations to you, colleagues.
From February 23
And, of course, we wish
On this calendar day
Strength, courage, health,
So that in the future, as now,
You went to the heights without blood,
And to victories - without losses.

So that a stable salary
Bringing you joy
So as not to be afraid of spending
On trips to the islands.
Let work inspire
For progress and personal growth.
Don't let your boss scold you
You are neither joking nor serious!

Let's go for a walk today, colleagues!
We want to congratulate you on the 23rd!
After all, courage, valor, bravery and honor
You have the full extent of your characters.

Let women love you and take care of you,
They will give you affection, warmth and comfort.
For them you are support, shoulder and support,
Let there be no discord in your personal life.

We wish you health and peaceful skies,
There is always fragrant bread on the tables,
Prosperity, friends and a stable Fatherland.
And a friend's hand to you, reliable and strong.

On the day of courage, bravery and warmth,
Colleagues, I wish you well.
I wish there is peace and harmony in the family,
So that our salary is increased more often.

You are protection and support for your family,
And this is not empty talk.
Let your soul sparkle with humor and laughter.
Health, happiness to you, love, success!

If our work were monotonous,
Every day is a melancholy routine,
If only in the women's "battalion"
There was no place for men.

We congratulate you on this holiday!
Best wishes to you and your families.
May God protect you
Will give you health, strength, patience.

I wish you laughter, luck, money,
Have a great, bright weekend.
Let the authorities honor and appreciate
Rewards you royally!

SMS congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

I wish you a masculine holiday,
Let troubles pass by,
May your life be long
Let her give you a lot of strength.

Live happily, without evil.
Energy, kindness, warmth!
Be your protector for all of us
And avoid all problems.

Our glorious men
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Be cheerful, loved -
We need defenders!

May your salary grow
Life will always be full
Let things be in order!
Happy February 23rd!

Our glorious colleagues,
It’s not in vain that we gathered here -
I solemnly congratulate you
From February 23rd.

Wish you love, prosperity,
Lots of happiness and victories.
For good luck, strength, health
You have enough for a hundred years!

Don't get sick and don't grieve,
Be an example in everything.
Conquer all problems
On the career ladder.

Yes, and always at home,
We waited for you and loved you.
So that children and wife
Sincerely appreciated.

SMS congratulations to a colleague on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

On Defender of the Fatherland Day,
On the day of all true men,
Congratulations, colleagues,
I'm from the female half!

Strength, courage, bravery
You haven't borrowed for a long time.
Today we wish you
Never lose heart!

Men, we congratulate you
From the Fatherland of the Defender during the day!
We wish you to be healthy,
May your home always be peaceful.

You are our protection, support...
And the female part of the team
Wishes you goodness and peace
And eternal strong peace!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in Everyday life. I wish you to move with firm steps towards achieving your goals. And let all obstacles give way when you approach. May good luck always accompany you, may fortune smile on you and everything works out!

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in your families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Dear colleagues, irresistible men! Congratulations on the holiday of February 23! We wish that your health does not fail you and remains strong and invincible! Vigor of spirit and body, beauty and perfection, love and understanding to you, kindness and warmth from family and friends! We wish you great success in your work, inspiration and excitement, busy everyday life and joyful weekends and holidays! And also high salaries and love from family!

Happy February 23, colleagues! I wish you to always confidently move towards your goal and achieve what you want! More patience, health, joyful moments, good luck in all your endeavors! May what each of you desires certainly come true, positivity and vigor in all areas of activity, career growth and material well-being!

Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Funny congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues (with humor) in prose

My dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on February 23rd. I wish you to always “be on horseback”, dashingly fix any problem in life and constantly achieve more and more success in your activities.

My dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on February 23, on the holiday of the honor and dignity of a real man. I wish everyone limitless possibilities and brave forces to create a happy atmosphere in your homes, a sense of peace and pride in your hearts, successful plans and promising ideas in your affairs.

And now the holiday of February 23 has come again! And we hasten to congratulate our male colleagues. We wish you, our dear defenders, health, strength, inspiration and courage, happiness and love. We would like to tell you that behind your mighty backs we are not afraid of anything, thank you very much, our guardians, for your protection, reliability, peace and tranquility!

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to always remain strong and strong men With a proud soul and a courageous heart, I wish everyone excellent health, good luck and great happiness.