Rules of subordination in a team. Incorrect reaction of an employee in case of refusal of another functional department to fulfill a request

Subordination at work is a kind of “rules of the game” that are mandatory for all employees. Their conscientious implementation ensures a clear and understandable delineation of responsibilities, which means well-coordinated work of the team, high efficiency and productivity for the benefit of the company. At the same time, failure to comply with subordination can easily lead to conflicts, disrupt the work atmosphere, significantly reduce productivity and negate all the efforts of the team.

Subordination what is it

Service relationships are built according to a certain written or unwritten code, which includes the interaction between:

  • managers and subordinates
  • by the subordinates themselves
  • by the leaders themselves

An important part of such a code is the rules of subordination and business etiquette.

The proverb that a fish rots from the head perfectly reflects the importance of authority. Here it is appropriate to recall army discipline, where orders are given clearly, understandably and not discussed. Except high position position that a leader occupies, he also bears high responsibility for his decisions and their consequences. A strict hierarchy in the team is necessary to maintain labor discipline.

The principle of subordination corresponds to the principle of the hierarchical ladder:

  • Junior employees must recognize the authority of senior employees, unquestioningly follow their instructions, take initiative within their competence and report results on time.
  • Superior employees must respect their subordinates, adhere to ethical behavior and find the correct wording for issuing or criticizing.

For subordination, you can choose a very approximate definition, since this concept is more ethical than legal.

- this is a set of rules regulating official relations at all levels and aimed at conflict-free solution of common problems.

How is subordination regulated?

Each work team must have appropriate documentation describing the procedure for maintaining chain of command.

Such documents include:

  1. company charter
  2. inner order rules
  3. job descriptions of employees
  4. labor agreements
  5. contract between employer and employee
  6. collective agreement

In many cases, the duties and rights of employees are established in the form verbal agreement. This applies to small companies where documentation is kept in a simplified form. But maintaining subordination in a small team is much easier - there is usually only one leader and his subordinates.

Compliance with official etiquette and tactful behavior contribute to a positive attitude and coordinated work of the team. And refusal of subordination at work can be regarded as disciplinary violation and lead to severe punishment.

Types of subordination

There are two models of service relationships: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical service relationships

The vertical line of behavior concerns the relationship between the boss and the subordinate not only from top to bottom, but also vice versa.

A person who occupies will reach great heights if he has basic knowledge of psychology and sociology in business sphere. So arrogant authoritarian style management leads to the limitations of subordinates, blind submission, and reluctance to take initiative.

Partnerships with subordinates that are devoid of familiarity are more productive. Business meetings, joint decision-making, and encouragement of initiative lead to coherence of work and creative output from each employee.

On the part of subordinates, proper relationships with managers create psychological comfort for all employees. A clear, understandable hierarchy eliminates any envy of colleagues, showdowns, discussing superiors behind their backs, and fighting for the manager’s favorable attitude.

Horizontal relationships

A horizontal line of behavior in the workplace is built with work colleagues. Usually these are people occupying an equal position in the service hierarchy.

Between employees lower level Equality, mutual assistance, mutual respect and at least partial interchangeability are encouraged. You need to behave smoothly and with dignity with other employees, clearly understanding the limits of personal responsibility and keeping your distance in everything related to work matters.

The line of horizontal relationships between managers of the same rank is a little more complicated to build. Here it is necessary to take into account the personal ambitions of colleagues, as well as their management style. Giving orders to someone else's subordinates means a possibility with their immediate superior. On the other hand, if a colleague is a democratic person, then he may even thank you for your help and participation. All the details of such a plan are decided between the leaders orally.

Maintain subordination: common mistakes

To maintain a fruitful working atmosphere, you should not make common mistakes that lead to failure to comply with subordination:

  • When giving an order to a subordinate, the boss must himself monitor execution. You cannot delegate control to another subordinate.
  • The subordinate must report for the completed task to the superior from whom it was received.
  • The manager should not give instructions to employees without the knowledge of their immediate superior. This will lead to discrediting the latter in front of his subordinates.
  • You cannot punish a subordinate bypassing his immediate supervisor.
  • You should not reprimand or punish an employee in front of his colleagues.
  • If a subordinate makes mistakes, you should talk to him in a correct manner, without showing aggression.
  • The priority of tasks should be clearly communicated to subordinates. They must understand which work is more urgent and which can be postponed and for how long.
  • It is rude to criticize colleagues behind their backs, especially in the presence of subordinates. Likewise, subordinates should not publicly discuss the leader, undermining his authority.
  • Compliance business etiquette always only benefits common goals. Blurring the lines between a boss and his subordinates and addressing them on a first-name basis leads to a decrease in his authority, slackness among employees, and irresponsibility.

You can learn more about how to properly give orders to subordinates.

Consequences of non-compliance with subordination

If at least one employee does not comply with subordination, he brings disorder and confusion to the team, breaks the clear delineation of responsibilities, and undermines labor discipline, discredits his boss in the eyes of his subordinates and senior management. The same applies to leaders who allow themselves or to bully them in other ways.

At work, work should come first, not a showdown. Violation of subordination may lead to punishment of negligent employees. The legislation provides for exacting measures to call violators to order: verbal reprimand and reprimand. These types of punishment may be accompanied by deprivation of bonuses or a fine. And the worst violators, those who have committed an administrative or even criminal violation in the form of gross actions, will face dismissal.

Compliance with the rules of subordination is mandatory in any enterprise. This effective way to create a healthy atmosphere and coordinated actions in the team.

Why is subordination at work necessary to achieve effective performance? All successful companies have their own system for building relationships within the team. It aims to help create the most comfortable environment for all participants labor process. Let's consider how colleagues should behave among themselves and with their superiors.

Definition of chain of command

What is subordination? This Latin term usually refers to a hierarchical system of relationships between colleagues. It can be described by a simple “superiors-subordinates” scheme. The position within this system gives the participant certain rights and responsibilities. They are related exclusively to his position and do not relate to personal qualities. When promoted, a person will automatically take a new place within the hierarchy.

system business relations Our country cannot yet be called perfect. Many bosses are confident in their right not only to manage, but to teach and even insult employees. At the same time, many subordinates perceive the leader as a teacher, an unquestioning authority, whose comments cannot be disobeyed or criticized.

The rules of subordination are aimed at creating an understanding in the team of who is responsible for which area of ​​work. This system of relationships helps each employee know who he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him. It is the ordering business communication- home final goal subordination.

Subordination is a system of relationships between colleagues. superiors and subordinates

Types of subordination

Most often, subordination is the relationship between a superior and a subordinate. But in the full sense of the word, the system also concerns relations between managers at different levels, within labor collective, between direct and indirect managers and employees, as well as between employees of the enterprise who are not related by subordination.

Conventionally, all relationships between colleagues and superiors are built according to one of two schemes:

  1. Vertical. "The boss is the subordinate." It is this subordination that is spoken about in most cases.
  2. Horizontal. “Colleague - colleague”, “employees of similar positions in different departments.”

For ease of understanding the versatility of subordination, it is convenient to highlight Its 3 varieties:

  • administrative;
  • ethical;
  • functional.

Subordination laws

In every organization, the system of relationships between employees is regulated by internal regulations. There is no uniform law on subordination. During development own order enterprise managers primarily rely on Labor Code: Violation of the rights of any employee cannot be allowed. Other sources of information about the rules of subordination can be reference manuals for managers and employees of human resources departments.

Maybe, state law on subordination would solve the problems of some employers with organizing relationships between employees. But in practice, each organization has its own specifics, which are very important to take into account when subordinating, but cannot be included in a general legislative act.

The atmosphere in the work team depends on subordination

Rules of subordination between subordinates and superiors

Maintaining subordination is important for healthy relationships in a team and achieving high levels of productivity. It is important to take into account all the features of the enterprise and create a truly working system of relationships between colleagues. The purpose of subordination is not to elevate superiors over subordinates, but to create a truly effective scheme management.

The rules of subordination primarily concern the rules of conduct in the workplace, the procedure for requests and communication, and the ability to demand that an employee or supervisor perform official duties. Communication between colleagues should be smooth, friendly, without condescension or familiarity. Let's consider two main options for official communication: horizontally and vertically.

Between managers

Managers at different levels in most organizations are required to maintain subordination with each other and with their subordinates. What is important to know? The manager has the right to demand from the subordinate the fulfillment of the entire scope of duties on time. At the same time, he must remain polite and correct. IN conflict situation You cannot insult an employee, raise your voice at an employee, or ridicule him. These actions are taboo.

The manager can criticize the employee for any mistakes in his work, demand explanations or impose disciplinary sanctions. In extreme cases, the employer terminates employment contract unilaterally. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to “get personal” - that is, to criticize an employee for his personal qualities.

Bad, narrow-minded bosses understand subordination as the right to humiliate subordinates. This opinion has nothing to do with reality.

Subordination imposes even more significant restrictions on a boss than on an ordinary employee. He sets the tone of communication, he issues orders and regulates the work process. The boss must be able to criticize, but not resort to insults. His criticism is a method for improving the quality of work, and not a tool for increasing self-esteem.

Communication between two managers of the same level is structured like communication between any two other equal colleagues. The relationship between the head of a structural unit and the heads of departments is built by analogy with the “superior-subordinate” communication.

Between subordinates

Business relationships between colleagues of the same level who are not bound by subordination are much easier to build. As a rule, it is enough to adhere to standard rules of politeness and business etiquette. A greeting, a handshake, an address to “you” (to “you” only with mutual consent) - this is enough for most organizations.

Employees of the same level communicate as equal partners, but without familiarity. If colleagues have become close friends, it is undesirable to show this at work: other employees may not understand the new format of communication or feel uncomfortable. The more friendly and equal the atmosphere between colleagues is, the more productive the organization will be.

The boss must comply with the requirements of subordination on an equal basis with everyone

Consequences of insubordination

Failure to comply with the rules of business communication in a team is fraught with negative consequences. The easiest consequence is an unhealthy atmosphere in the team. Severe - conflicts, discord production process.If a manager treats employees incorrectly, it demotivates them and they lose interest in work. If he does not know how to delegate authority, confusion and disorientation are created. Thus, violations of subordination on the part of management threaten with dire consequences.

What happens if a subordinate does not comply with the rules of business relations? Most likely, he will receive a reprimand, and in more difficult cases- reprimand. Insubordination by an employee has more personal consequences, while by a boss it has more global consequences.

Properly structured chain of command serves common goals and helps the company to be more efficient. All employees will be more comfortable when there are general rules communication and interaction. The boss sets the tone: how he greets employees, how he distributes tasks, praises and criticizes.

Subconsciously, most employees adopt the manager’s tone of communication and use it. The boss is aggressive and arrogant - employees behave similarly, strive to protect themselves from his attacks in every way and think about this more than about their responsibilities. The boss is friendly, always helpful and answers questions - his department will be the same.

It is advisable to develop a business communication standard for the company. It will help employees get their bearings and understand what exactly the organization requires of them when talking about “subordination.” Ready-made examples Such standards can be found on the Internet and adapted for your own purposes.

Insults, contempt, familiarity, hysteria and quarrels are unacceptable in any form. Any example of this inappropriate behavior will not fit into the model successful enterprise. All conflicts that arise must be resolved as quickly as possible, preferably with the involvement of a special ethics commission (formed from team members).

Criticism should only be direct. You cannot criticize an employee, much less a boss, in their absence in front of their colleagues. For example, a company manager should not tell employees production workshop that their boss did something wrong (even if it actually happened). This has a detrimental effect on the authority of this manager/employee, creates a precedent for gossip in the team and gives each employee the opportunity to think that even in his absence something bad is being said about him.


The purpose of subordination - a system of relationships between colleagues and superiors - is to create a healthy atmosphere in the team, convenient regulations for the interaction of employees. A favorable psychological climate will certainly have a positive impact on work results. Subordination is based on the principles of subordination, compliance with the ethics of business communication, the absence of personal factors and reasonable distance.

It assumes not only vertical subordination of juniors to seniors. Subordination at work includes a whole system of rules of behavior in which employees perform role functions.

System of relationships according to subordination

If you follow the rules of subordination, interaction in all areas of activity occurs more efficiently. These are three main planes, namely:

  • The leader is the performer.
  • The executor is the leader.
  • Relationships between partners.

In many organizations, the authority of the leader is very high. It follows from this that in a team it depends on the boss how well each employee understands the norms of behavior, taking into account subordination. This means that labor discipline is maintained within the proper framework, and employees do not confuse orders with requests or recommendations.

How relationships are built

Maintaining order like the army is easier than gaining authority among subordinates. But there are several rules that make a leader successful:

  • If the boss appreciates the work of employees, he does not skimp on praise and adequate monetary reward.
  • The ability to take full responsibility for running a business at a critical moment.
  • The desire to fairly distribute work among subordinates.
  • Instructions are given without raising one's voice, but also without entering into familiar relations.
  • The key principle is money only for work done.
  • Orders are allowed only in exceptional cases or if the employee does not fulfill his obligations.

The ability to take full responsibility for running a business at a critical moment is one of the the most important qualities leader.

How is subordination regulated?

The main documents, from the point of view of jurisdiction, are the organization’s charter and job descriptions. When starting a job, a contract is concluded that sets out in writing the responsibilities and rights, although ethical standards behaviors are critical. Refusal to do so is considered a violation of labor discipline.

Subordinates must behave correctly and tactfully with their superiors in order to maintain a positive attitude in the team. Their future directly depends on the behavior of employees. career. Therefore, a categorical tone, attempts to “bypass” the manager and appeal to higher authorities are not allowed. This may be considered an administrative violation.

No organization can exist without a clearly structured horizontal and vertical chain of command. Violation entails disciplinary liability: both individual and general. In this case, punishment in the form of a penalty is applied to the entire workforce.

Considers types of disciplinary sanctions. Failure to comply with subordination at work entails consequences in the form of the following penalties:

  • Comment.
  • Rebuke.
  • Dismissal on grounds of moral turpitude.

A single violation of subordination causes a remark, after which the manager more carefully checks the quality of the employee’s performance of his duties. Reprimands are issued both orally and recorded in a personal file. Disciplinary offenses, both isolated and constant, become the cause of reprimands.

An extreme measure, dismissal, is allowed in case of a gross one-time violation of subordination, potentially falling under an article of administrative or criminal violation (for example, beating a manager), or due to regular violations that negatively affect the situation in the team.

A friendly atmosphere in a team contributes to business advancement, so maintaining subordination is nothing more than a reasonable measure to achieve a common goal.

Good afternoon, dear readers! We spend at work the lion's share of its time. Sometimes things turn out very well and a person does what he loves, works in an excellent team where there are no quarrels, intrigues or scandals. But sometimes the opposite situation occurs. Failure to comply with subordination at work - how to deal with it, where it comes from, how the boss can correct the situation. After all, a healthy atmosphere in the team is the key successful work for the whole company.

Question of education

I would like to start with simple human education. There are people for whom there are their own rules. They do not look at who is standing in front of them, a subordinate or a boss. They do not care. They treat everyone with the same disdain and disrespect. And here it’s not even a matter of maintaining subordination. A person is like that in all spheres of life.

It is very difficult to interact with such people. They do not understand and do not accept general norms and principles. They are initially critical of everything. They believe only in their own words and do not value other people’s opinions. For them, the boss is just an idiot who doesn’t know how to manage a company. And the subordinates are fools who don’t want to work, but only want to receive money.

When you try to put such a person in his place, you only make the situation worse. After all, for him there is nothing more beautiful than stirring up a scandal, quarreling, and resorting to personal insults. It is almost impossible to communicate constructively with such people.

This behavior most often comes from childhood. It is rare for a well-mannered and intelligent person to become a brawler at the age of forty. There are families in which it is simply customary to treat everyone too familiarly. And it doesn’t matter that the elder is in front of you. Everyone can “poke”, not listen, argue, be indignant about any reason.

Of course, it is better not to hire such people at all. During the interview you will immediately notice that in front of you is a representative similar type. He is arrogant, lax, does not hesitate to ask any questions, behaves too freely, and speaks more often loudly.

It will be extremely difficult to instill labor discipline in such people. Therefore, think carefully about whether you need such a staff in your company.

If you encounter a similar person in the office and have absolutely no idea how to act, whether to respond or not, then the article “” will be useful to you. Their behavior should not go unnoticed. But you shouldn’t get involved in a conflict either.

Head of the company

Being the head of even a small company is difficult, let alone a large holding company. The boss simultaneously builds relationships with subordinates, with department heads, with business partners, with clients, with investors, with banks, with the tax office, and so on.

This is extremely difficult to do, but it is important. Many managers put business etiquette on the backburner while promoting the company, thinking about increasing profits and increasing sales. This is fundamentally the wrong decision.

The director is the first person of the company. It is he who determines how communication will proceed in the company. This is the first thing you should think about when hiring new employees. After all, every subordinate must understand how he should communicate with the manager, how colleagues can interact with each other. When this understanding is not there, difficulties arise, the employee becomes embarrassed, does not show initiative, and may make a mistake in contacting the director.

In my practice, I have encountered examples of completely different leaders. The boss is a friend. Quite a common form of communication. When the director wants to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. This may be suitable for a very small company that is involved in creative activities. But for a large woodworking plant such a boss would be a disaster.

Being a tyrant is also far from easy. The principle “they are afraid means they respect” does not always work. Sometimes subordinates are afraid, but all they do behind their back is insult and mock him.

  • The director needs to be attentive to his employees.
  • Praise when required and punish when the situation is so.
  • The boss should not be afraid or show his fear and uncertainty.
  • The director should not solve all the personal problems of his employees. But at the same time, sometimes it is very useful to take the side of your employees.

How to deal with insubordination

The first thing is not to respond to nasty things with nasty things. This is the law of life. If you don't want conflict, don't get involved in it.

Let's look at the situation from different positions. If you are a boss and a subordinate openly violates subordination, then punishment should follow. The violation may be minor and the consequence will be a simple reprimand.

But what to do if an employee is openly rude, questions your authority and does not respect you? You can try financial punishment - a fine. If this does not help, then dismissal remains.

As a leader, remember to have two-way respect. Subordinates should not be just a slave force. They are people and deserve attention and respect. Some bosses revel in their power so much that they themselves begin to break the chain of command.

The opposite situation. You are a subordinate and your boss unfairly yells at you, humiliates you, and resorts to personal insults. Firstly, do not respond to such behavior with rudeness. Secondly, learn to stand up for your rights.

The boss has no right to yell at you. When a situation like this happens, just walk away. If you endure, they will not treat you differently.

Many people believe that subordination means “the younger one respects and obeys the older one.” Yes, but only if there is bilateral respect. A manager should not humiliate his employees. If this is what happens to you, run. Run as far away from this company as possible.

What to do in case of conflict with a colleague? Who should give in to whom? Who should listen to whom? Everything here is built on your human qualities. When people understand that they go to the office to work, and not to sort things out, then the work goes much better.

Be sure to read the article "". First, learn not to give an immediate emotional reaction to such behavior. Be calm and reasonable. If it is not possible to speak intelligently now, then it is better to wait it out and return to this dialogue later.

Communication at work should be operational. There are some comrades who go to work not to fulfill their direct duties, but to gossip, discuss Marinka from the next department, and weave a ball of intrigue. Beware of such people at work.

Remember, work is just a part of your life, not life itself.

Do you often encounter insubordination? Who is more likely to cross the line of what is permitted: the boss or the subordinate? How does your company deal with this phenomenon?

Have a good mood!

Subordination is a pattern of relationships in which there is a distance between the subordinate and the boss, the senior and the junior. That is, a junior in position must respect the elder, avoiding familiarity.

This rule is business ethics works both ways. The employee respects the authority of the boss, carries out his instructions, and forms his comments on the work in a polite manner.

At the same time, the boss also does not allow himself to treat his subordinate as a slave. All orders must be given as clearly and respectfully as possible, within the scope of the person’s responsibilities.

Subordination is necessary to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the team.

How is subordination established?

Any work team should have list of documents defining the labor hierarchy.

These include:

    An employment agreement that is concluded between an employee and an employer before hiring him;

    Job Descriptions regulating the behavior of a person in a team in accordance with his position;

    An agreement concluded by a team;

    Rules defining internal labor regulations.

What kind of subordination exists, the pros and cons of this approach

Subordination happens vertical and horizontal.

Vertical chain of command

This relationship model characterizes the relationship between superiors and subordinates. That is, as if from top to bottom.

The head of the department will not allow himself to have familiar relations with his employees. Employees will not make fun of someone more senior in position. A clear hierarchy is observed.


The team is distinguished by more coordinated work, since it does not waste extra time sorting out relations with management. Thanks to the established hierarchy, everyone is happy with their position, does not suffer from infringement of their rights, and does not compare themselves with those in another team who could receive a more favorable attitude from their superiors.


Seniors may “go too far” in maintaining subordination. The method of government in the company will begin to resemble a totalitarian one rather than a conservative one.

Everyone loses.

Horizontal subordination

This is how people occupying equal positions communicate with each other. These could be heads of different departments, or employees of the same department.

Here other rules of communication come to the fore. Mutual respect, equality, and mutually beneficial partnership are encouraged.


With the proper attitude to work, joint cooperation will be fruitful and long-term. Only if people respect each other's ideas can they work together and create something truly worthwhile.


If work interaction goes beyond work and becomes friendly, people are often used for personal gain.

Some people do extra work for their “friend” who was tearfully begging for help.

Distance must be maintained, even if people hold similar positions.

What are the mistakes in this approach?

    If the director of an entire enterprise gives orders to the entire department without the knowledge of the manager, then he undermines his authority. Under no circumstances should you do this. After all, people still have to work under his leadership. How do you follow the orders of someone you don’t respect?

    A person specially authorized to do so must supervise the progress of the work. Random person from the team cannot take on such a responsibility.

    Only his immediate junior manager can punish his employee. Of course, higher authorities have the right to do this, but only in the presence and consent of their immediate superiors.

    The employer must voice his orders as clearly as possible: what work, in what time frame, what task is a priority.

    The boss goes beyond the boundaries of official and business relations. It is not the amount of work completed that is criticized, but the personal qualities of the employee. This is completely unacceptable. The employee needs to be encouraged to work, and not vice versa.


Of course, disregarding the rules of business etiquette is not a criminal offense. But such an oversight significantly spoils the atmosphere in the team.

If this happens on the part of the employee, the following sanctions may be applied:


    Deprivation of bonus;

    Serious reprimand.

Subordinates can complain about their management to higher authorities.

It happens that it is very difficult to fire an employee who has violated the rules of subordination, since his work is irreplaceable for the team. Try to talk with such an employee and find out the reasons for his familiar attitude. It is still necessary to apply some disciplinary action. The boss is the leader. People need to understand that he needs to be treated with due respect.