Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: date, history and traditions. Nikola Mokry

One of the largest, most famous and numerous religious processions in Russia. It has been held in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for more than 600 years. Every year from June 3 to 8, pilgrims from all over the country and the Near Abroad walk the path with the revered Velikoretsk miraculous icon of St. Nicholas. The religious procession annually attracts tens of thousands of people. Associated with him are many testimonies of believers about the miraculous healing and holy help of Nicholas the Pleasant.

The total length of the route is 150 km. The route of the religious procession: the city of Kirov (Vyatka) - the Velikaya River (Velikoretskoye village, Yuryansky district of the Kirov region) - the city of Kirov (Vyatka).

History of the Velikoretsk religious procession

Legend says that in 1383, on the high bank of the Velikaya River, the image of St. Nicholas appeared to the peasant Agalakov. Soon healings and miracles began from this icon. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous image quickly spread throughout the area, people came to the place where the icon appeared, thanked God for the shrine given to them, and received spiritual consolation and healing. With joint efforts, the peasants built a chapel at the site of the appearance of the icon, and later the construction of a temple began - a more worthy place for the miraculous image.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, Russian people had just begun to settle on the Vyatka land, inhabited mainly by pagan tribes. Concern for the Shrine prompted the Vyatichi in 1392 to move the image from the banks of the Velikaya River to the city of Khlynov (at that time and until 1780, the center of the Vyatka region had that name). The Khlynovites made a vow to bring the icon to the place of apparition every year. Thus was born one of the oldest traditions of the Vyatka land - the Velikoretsk religious procession.

The fame of the wonderful icon reached the capital. In the 16th century, by order of Emperor Ivan IV, the icon was delivered from Khlynov to Moscow. Along the way, the sick were healed and miracles happened. By decree of the tsar, one of the chapels of St. Basil's Cathedral, which was then under construction, was consecrated in honor of the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas. Lists were made from the icon. From this time on, the veneration of the Velikoretsk image of St. Nicholas began throughout Rus'.

Until the 20s of the 20th century, the image of Nikolai Velikoretsky was in Cathedral Vyatki, where the religious procession began. After the destruction of the cathedral, the icon disappeared. From the 30s to the 90s of the last century, the Velikoretsk religious procession was prohibited, but believers, despite the ban, went to the holy place all the years. In 1999, the centuries-old tradition was revived, and in 2000, by decree of Patriarch Alexy II, the Velikoretsky procession was given the status of an All-Russian procession.

Velikoretskoye and the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an image consisting of a centerpiece with a half-length depiction of St. Nicholas and eight picturesque stamps depicting the saint’s miracles. Unfortunately, the original Velikoretsk image was lost during the years of persecution of the Church. Nowadays the religious procession is carried out with its exact list of the 17th century, which is also a miraculous and revered shrine of the Vyatka diocese.

The ancient village of Velikoretskoye is 80 km away. from the city of Kirov. Every year on June 3, a religious procession with the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker takes place here. Place of acquisition miraculous icon on the bank of the Velikaya River is marked by a chapel over a holy spring.

On the day of Velikoretsk celebrations, when the image is delivered to the village, a ceremony is performed right on the shore. Divine Liturgy. Believers note that services on this day are always held with great solemnity and grandeur. The singing of the church choir makes the event especially festive.

After the service, the water at the source and on the Velikaya River is consecrated to the sound of bells. Many pilgrims consider it their duty to take a dip in the water. They say that such water is healing, and there is no trace of fatigue left. At the end of the solemn services in Velikoretskoye, the religious procession does not end. Pilgrims can expect no less hard way back.

Miraculous healings from the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas

Many testimonies about the healing of people from the Velikoretsk Icon have been preserved in written sources. In the archives you can find descriptions of miracles that were witnessed in Vyatka from 1551 to 1647. This short stories about how many ordinary people received help for serious illnesses after praying in front of the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. For example, two of them:

“On January 10, 1558, a certain Orlov’s wife, from the city of Nekrasov Kuklina, who had been blind for thirty weeks, came to the cathedral church, and placed a candle before the miraculous image and through the prayers of St. Nicholas she received her sight and was healthy.”

Or in the same year it was written:

“On May 9, a wife named Matrona Fedorov was brought before the miraculous image of St. Nicholas. I haven’t been able to use my legs for a year, and if you apply it to the miraculous image and drink holy water, you will receive healing.”

In total, more than 200 miracles were preserved in archival records, performed through prayers before the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Their list continues to grow today. With every Velikoretsky procession People's faith in the holy help of St. Nicholas only grows stronger.

The Orthodox holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated annually on December 19. The monk, being a colossally revered saint, is the true patron of travelers and brave sailors, workers of various industries, peasants and children.

On the icons he is depicted with a miter (liturgical headdress) on his head, which symbolizes bishopric.

The tradition of Christmas gifts is based on the reverend's biography.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Origin of the holiday

On this day, a significant event takes place, which children and parents love very much: at night, the family is visited by a fictional character who wants to do something nice and puts gifts next to the beds, inside shoes or in hanging socks.

This holiday tradition has real historical roots. In the house adjacent to the dwelling of St. Nicholas of Myra, lived a very poor family. His wife died, and the widower was left with a beautiful daughter who loved young man

from the wealthy class. The young man's wealthy relatives did not want to accept a charming girl without the necessary dowry.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, who had a rich inheritance, decided to help the poor beauty. He changed his clothes and no one could recognize him. Having approached the window of the poor people, Nikolai sincerely threw a bag of gold coins into the house.

Thus, this holy man helped loving hearts and allowed them to unite in marriage. There is another version of the appearance of this Orthodox holiday

. One day, a simple man's heavy cart got stuck in the mud. He couldn't get his stuff out on his own. At this time, miracle workers passed by, who were on their way to the Almighty Lord. One of the saints (Kasyan), having heard the request of a simple peasant, was offended by him and walked past in his clean clothes.

When the saints came to the Almighty, He asked them why Nicholas was late and looked so indecent. God began to listen to the story of the Wonderworker, and then he listened to Kasyan. The latter replied that he could never come to the Creator in dirty clothes.

The Almighty made a decision: the Kasyan holiday will take place only once a year, whereas since Saint Nicholas deserves two days - a summer celebration (May 22) and a winter celebration (December 19).

On a note! Nicholas the Wonderworker was often confused in ancient chronicles with Nicholas of Sinai. They were both born in Lycia, were archbishops, and were extremely revered saints and ascetics.

Coincidences have led to the established misconception that there was only one Wonderworker in history.

Special signs and old beliefs

The Orthodox traditions of December 19 were already known to our ancestors. The holy holiday is of enormous importance for children and adults.

  • After the celebrations, the girls and boys prepared for long celebrations, making carol costumes for themselves.
  • There is an assumption that real frosts come only on December 19th.
  • A large amount of frost on this day indicates a fairly fruitful summer and a warm autumn.
  • The holiday is considered the last frontier of distributing one's own debts.
  • Fortune telling is popular on December 19th. An unmarried girl went out into the yard and took off her left boot, which she threw over the fence. Next, they looked at the position of the shoes, foreshadowing the time of matchmaking and a possible move to the husband’s house.
  • The feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially important for Orthodox tradition, its meaning is similar to reading sacred prayers and observing ancient traditions.
  • Relatives are congratulated with poems or in simple words, what is important is a sincere urge, a grateful attitude towards the holy elder and the current environment. People wish gifts for children, patience and a joyful mood for adults, and love for their home.
On a note! The holiday falls on the Nativity fast. On this day you can eat fish.

Help of the Wonderworker to the believing population

Relics of Saint Nicholas in Bari, Italy

The life of the saint is filled with stories about holy deeds and divine accomplishments. The elder is considered a powerful protector and patron of the poor people and children. Seafarers and land travelers, workers and ordinary peasants live under his tutelage.

The power of the saint spreads over wide areas human society. Worship of icons of the Wonderworker helps in the following:

  • A person certainly finds his other half and creates a strong marital relationship.
  • The saint has the power to rid the mind of evil thoughts and hatred.
  • He relieves the innocently condemned and slandered from the suffering.
  • Husband and wife turn to the sacred face to consolidate love and prolong happy moments.
  • Nikolai supports ordinary people who find themselves in a hopeless situation and financial dependence.
  • Unmarried virgins ask the monk for a successful marriage.
  • Workers dangerous professions pray for accompanying luck.

The appearance of the first iconographies and prayers to the Wonderworker in Rus' dates back to the 11th century. Princess Olga built a temple in honor of the saint on the grave of Askold, the first Christian prince. Today one of the towers of the Kremlin wall bears the name of the elder. In Russia, Nicholas the Wonderworker remains the most revered great ascetic.

On a note! In 345, the remains of Nicholas the Wonderworker were declared incorrupt when they noticed the fragrance of the holy relics with healing odors. This myrrh healed many parishioners.

Today the remains are in the Italian city of Bari, where the church holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker began.

Veneration of the saint on Russian soil

Nikolskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, named after St. Nicholas

On Russian soil they began to honor St. Nicholas the Wonderworker after the Baptism of Rus'.

Holy images of Nicholas began to be painted in the 10th century. However, the origin of the oldest canvas dates back to the 8th century. The monk is depicted both half-length and in full height. Classic example the last option is a fresco located in the Kiev Golden-Domed Monastery. It was created at the beginning of the 12th century. The saint is depicted with a blessing gesture and the Holy Scriptures open.

In many cities in Rus', temples and cathedrals are dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

In 866, Prince Askold of Kiev was baptized in the name of the saint. After his death, Princess Olga erected the first church in Rus' for Archbishop Nicholas on his grave.

In the Kremlin, one of the main towers is called Nikolskaya.

The feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 19. In Rus' it quickly took root and spread throughout the entire territory.

Based on everyday life, the tradition of Christmas gifts arose. The miracle worker patronizes people of various professions and all children who wish for magic on a certain day.

Prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

All about religion and faith - "prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker December 19 ritual" with detailed description and photographs.


THE MAIN THING is a prayer ritual for the fulfillment of NOT MONETARY. WISHES to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Let me explain: asking for your own apartment, cottage, fur coat is POSSIBLE, but MONEY IS IMPOSSIBLE. Accordingly, build a logical chain of what you want.

1. Take the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and place a candlestick in front of it for 12 church candles.

You can take a wide cup (like a "kese" or Asian bowl), you can take a plastic box for food products or any other container, pour cereal (or sand) into it and stick candles there.

2. The candles were stuck in and lit.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most excellent servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in everything in my life, in deed, in word, in thought and with all my feelings; and in the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and yours. merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen."

3. We pronounce our wish 9 times WORD for WORD the same way all 9 times (therefore, with your own hand, it is better to first write it down on a piece of paper and you can look at it in a cheat sheet! Then fold the piece of paper and put it behind the icon.

Leave the candles to burn out.

If you decide to go straight to the temple and do everything there, I warn you: there will be nowhere to stick 12 candles or go straight to the opening of the temple. Although at home everything is calmer and easier to concentrate!

source Oksana Mergia

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St. Nicholas Day, December 19, is a symbol of faith in miracles. A day of surprises and pleasant surprises. Traditionally, on this day, parents place gifts under their children's pillows. Many give gifts to adults as well.

Exists tradition, according to which, during a visit to Palestine, Nicholas decided to pray in the temple and approached the doors, which were locked. But the doors opened so that He could enter the temple.

Nicholas the Wonderworker They pray for the health of themselves and their loved ones, for the fulfillment of their deepest desires.

People believe that on the night of December 18-19, Saint Nicholas walks the earth and helps all those in need and those who are missing something in life.

Known many parables, thanks to which Nicholas acquired the name of the Wonderworker.

One day, Saint Nicholas decided to help three sisters, whom no one wanted to marry because of poverty. On the night of Christmas Eve, he threw three bags of gold coins through the chimney. That evening the sisters hung their washed stockings to dry by the fireplace. Gift bags from St. Nicholas ended up in them.

After helping the three sisters, Nikolai continued to provide support for the poor townspeople, remaining unnoticed and surprising the entire city. He quietly brought toys and warm things for children, medicine for the sick into their homes.

In folk legends, Saint Nicholas protects people from natural disaster and on the water.

For example, one of the legends says that he once resurrected a sailor and has since become the patron saint of sailors. He is also known for saving the city of Mira from a terrible famine and often helping poor travelers.

According to belief, if you make a wish on St. Nicholas Day, it will definitely come true. For Nicholas the Wonderworker to fulfill your wish, it must be sincere and come from the heart.

Buy 40 church candles and (if you don’t have one) an icon of St. Nicholas. On December 19, place the candles in a circle in front of the icon and light them. And while all the candles are burning, sincerely ask St. Nicholas the Pleasant to help you fulfill your desire. You need to think about your cherished desire as long as all the candles are burning.

There are special prayers to St. Nicholas for intercession, for the fulfillment of desires, for good luck, for marriage and marriage, with which you can turn to St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

To make it happen, ask correctly

However, it would be a mistake to think that after reading prayers to the saint for the fulfillment of your plans, your cherished dream will immediately become a reality. After all, this is a kind of sacrament that has its own rules.

First, calm down by thinking about your dreams. Are your thoughts pure? Why do you need what you want to ask for? Will fulfilling your desires benefit you or harm others? If so, then it is better to rethink spiritual values. Imagine possible consequences bad thoughts.

In order for your prayer to the saint to be heard, you will need icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker(or you can appear before his image in the temple), as well as church candles. It is advisable to achieve privacy.

Place the image in front of you, light the candles. The miracle worker will better hear your prayers when you begin to visualize his image. It is visualization that is the catalyst for fulfilling the prayer word.

Read the prayer slowly, meaningfully, cross yourself slowly. Start with “Our Father”, then ask for your desire, starting to read the prayer itself.

You need to be baptized correctly so as not to spoil the whole ceremony. Cross yourself like this: with the tips of three fingers right hand, denoting our faith (thumb, middle and index finger), we touch the forehead, then the stomach, then the right and left shoulders, depicting a cross.

The main thing is faith. It is she who gives power to your word. For everything is rewarded according to our faith. As the saint believed, we must also believe.

The request comes from the heart. Sometimes it is enough to express thoughts in ordinary words if they are good. The miracle worker will help those who really need it.

By following these simple rules, enlist the help of St. Nicholas. Remember that man himself is the architect of his own happiness. Our desire should never contradict church laws. Don't be angry if your plan comes true later. One needs more time to be heard than the other.

And on this day it is customary help the poor and needy. You don't have to give an expensive gift.

A good word and a good deed- this is already a small miracle!

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How to change your destiny: prayer on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, December 19

Saint Nicholas is the most revered saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. On the day of his memory, you can change your destiny, getting rid of illnesses, damage and the envy of ill-wishers, if you know how to correctly pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

December 19, 2016 is the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. No saint is revered by the Orthodox more than he. Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers, those serving prison sentences, those captured or enslaved, the seriously ill and the dying.

They pray to Saint Nicholas:

  • about reconciliation in the family;
  • giving wisdom in raising children;
  • about salvation from illnesses;
  • about removing damage and getting rid of ill-wishers.

How to pray to St. Nicholas correctly

Any prayer on a subtle level represents a powerful energy message, the strength of which depends only on the energy of the person asking. In order for your prayer to be heard, you must first put yourself in the right mental and moral state. Meditation on a candle flame will be a good help with this: it will help you relax and tune in to the process of communicating with the saint.

In order to quickly get into the desired state, you can light incense and turn off the overhead lights: the flame of a church candle, the smell of incense and twilight will have a beneficial effect on your consciousness. Focus on what you want to ask St. Nicholas on his day and sit in silence for a while.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker to change your destiny

They turn to this saint more often than others in their own words, sincerely revealing their soul in prayer. However, the more familiar option still remains the texts that have already been repeated many thousands of times by church ministers and praying people.

“Oh, Saint Nicholas, God's servant, seeker of truth, Intercessor before God! I sincerely pray to You, do not leave me without your true light, do not take away from me, unworthy, your hand, which shelters me from all evil. Hear my prayer and show me the right path in the darkness of my life to true light faith and love! Give me the strength to believe and shine with Divine radiance, to see the right path and take it on the day of Your memory. I trust in You, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I entrust my fate into Your hands! Amen".

This prayer to St. Nicholas, read on December 19, is considered the most powerful means for changing your life and destiny. We wish you peace in your soul and the protection of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker throughout your life's journey. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Strong prayer for luck to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most significant and powerful Saints in the Orthodox Church. He is able to help a person in a critical situation.

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Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health, work and help in business

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered and beloved saints among Orthodox Christians. Prayers addressed to him never remain.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing fate

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered and powerful saints. They turn to him with prayers for protection and help. They.

Rituals and fortune telling on the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - December 19

Before Christmas, the entire Orthodox world annually celebrates the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19th. Both children and adults look forward to this holiday. From time immemorial, the Slavs celebrated it on a grand scale, prayed on this day and asked St. Nicholas for help, protection from troubles, and the girls told fortunes about their betrothed. According to legend, it is the day of Nicholas that is a strong magical time in which rituals and ceremonies are held for the fulfillment of desires, for marriage and liberation from the shackles of loneliness.

Traditions of the Feast of St. Nicholas

Well, there were gifts waiting for the children at home under the pillow or in the displayed shoes. Their parents secretly put them there so that the children would believe in the miracle created by the saint.

December 19 is the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron saint of marriages, who binds the betrothed. This is a strong magical day on which you can perform ceremonies and rituals for marriage, for liberation from a lonely lot, for cleansing from grievances, for the fulfillment of desires. On December 19, 2015, according to Christian tradition, the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated, who is one of the most revered saints. The holiday of St. Nicholas Day coincided with the Russian holiday of veneration of Veles - December 19 was the day of farewell to the old Sun, with old life. St. Nicholas Day in 2015 is celebrated as always, on December 19th.

Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd and 4th centuries, is popularly known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. By popular belief, December 19, Nicholas the Wonderworker in the image of the good Father Frost walks across the earth, dispersing all dark forces.

Usually, after a successful matchmaking, both families prayed to St. Nicholas to help protect the future family from failures. “You can’t beat your betrothed,” “Whoever marries who will be born as him.”

It was also believed that Saint Nicholas escorted souls to another world.

December 19, the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, was the last date of important transactions, payments and business agreements.

Ritual for the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant for the fulfillment of a wish

Prepare 40 candles, fill a wide plate with sand or salt, matches, and the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Before the beginning of the ritual, the prayer “Our Father” is read, then “Nicholas, God’s Pleasant, God’s Helper, you are in the field, you are in the house, and on the road, and on the road, in heaven and on Earth: intercede and save from all evil . Amen, cross yourself 3 times.

I am a servant of God, (name), sinful in seven deadly sins: pride, love of money, fornication, anger, gluttony, envy, despondency and much more.

Forgive, weaken, forgive, God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, my sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and in deed, in knowledge and ignorance, day and night, in the mind and in thought, forgive me all, Merciful God and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Be merciful to me, a sinner. God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me. Do not turn away from me, accept my peace and repentance.

In your mercy, Lord and Nicholas the Wonderworker grant me, the servant of God (name), health. I ask for my children, parents, people close and dear to me - may they be healthy and happy. Do not leave me without your help and instruct me in everything. Let your will be in all my affairs. Let my life path will be successful and happy. Protect me from evil people, from envy, from violence, from sudden death, from injustice. I would like to bring as much benefit to people as possible, so let me have a worthy and interesting job. Help me be a support for my children, and give me the opportunity to support and mentor them. Let me know love and be loved. I ask, Lord, Nicholas the Wonderworker for his Motherland and for peace on Earth.

My special request: here you need to write your wish.

Next, light all 40 candles placed in a plate with salt and read the prayers addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Then you need to read your letter of repentance. Then burn this letter in the flame of candles and wait until they burn out. Throw the ashes from the letter into the wind - this way the information from it will go to the court of God and to the Saint for consideration. Place the remains of the candles behind the Icon of St. Nicholas for a year, and then you need to take it to the Temple and leave it there.

In the Russian Vedic tradition, on the day of Veles, December 19, a straw effigy of a horse was burned to cleanse it of filth. This ritual had a symbol of sacrifice to Veles, Chernobog and farewell to the Old Sun, which was renewed on December 22.

Over time, the veneration of Veles coincided with the day of St. Nicholas the Winter. And therefore, the ancient rite is carried out on the day of the calendar holiday in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

For the ritual, you need to make a small stuffed horse, tie it with red ribbons, take it outside and burn it, throwing your old things, papers, checks, etc. into the fire. - everything you want to get rid of. Those who want to get rid of loneliness - throw a hair ribbon into the fire as a symbol of a lonely female lot.

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    December 19 Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: prayers, conspiracies, omens

    Russian Orthodox Church December 19 marks the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. We all know this holiday well. Since childhood, we know that on this day all obedient children receive gifts that the saint leaves under their pillow or in their shoes. At the same time, not everyone knows who Nicholas the Wonderworker was, what deeds he performed, what kind of traditions are associated with his name in different countries and beliefs.

    Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries, became famous as a great saint of God, which is why people usually call him Nicholas the Pleasant.

    The life story of Nikolai Ugodnik

    The life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not at all shrouded in legends. This saint was real historical figure. It is believed that he was born in 270 AD. e. and lived until 345. The parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker were very pious and wealthy people: Theophanes and Nona. He was the only child in the family. His parents prayed constantly, since for a long time they had no children at all.

    When a baby appeared in their family, they promised God that Nicholas’s life would be devoted to worship, faith and religion. Everything did not happen as planned, because the boy was left an orphan. The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker at that time was marked by the fact that he began to live away from people, like a hermit. The man was completely occupied scientific activity. Nicholas the Wonderworker was among the participating bishops in the first Ecumenical Christian Council in 325.

    He performed many holy deeds and wonderful things:

    For example, while making a trip (pilgrimage) to Jerusalem, Nicholas calmed the storm-tossed sea with prayer. After the prayer, the sailor came to life, having been killed by falling from the mast.

    There are also legends that Nicholas did not allow the executioner to carry out the death sentence for three falsely accused by the local mayor.

    prevented a severe famine for the inhabitants of his native city called Mira;

    More than once he saved people from misfortune and hunger on water and land.

    Nicholas died on December 6, 334, having lived to a ripe old age. After his death he was recognized as a saint. According to church tradition, the relics of St. Nicholas have been preserved, which exuded myrrh, healing parishioners. In 1087, the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to Italy, to the city of Bar (Bari), where they are still located.

    As recently as 2009, based on X-rays and cranioscopy, scientists were able to describe the saint’s facial features. It was determined that he was a man of short stature (about 1 meter 68 centimeters) with a high forehead, prominent cheekbones and chin, he had brown eyes and dark skin.

    The Church canonized Nicholas, and nowadays in many homes they pray to this saint in grief and joy, and children receive gifts every year on St. Nicholas Day. But the main thing is that they learn kindness and love for people, so that they can later pass on this unshakable tradition to their children. And as long as tradition and history are alive, the people are alive and the family is alive.

    The history of the holiday

    Perhaps the holiday occurred after this incident:

    “One poor man could not provide a dowry for his daughters. According to the customs of that time, due to the lack of a dowry, they could not get married. Therefore, the father decided to send them to work. Nikolai found out about this and decided to take advantage of his father’s inheritance in order to make the whole family happy. For three nights, he secretly came to the poor man's house and every night threw a piece of gold into the room (through the window) where the sisters spent the night - as a dowry for each daughter. Nikolai decided to keep his benevolent activities a secret.”

    There is also this legend:

    The Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated not only in December, but also in May - this is the day when his relics were transported to the Italian city of Bari. These two months (May and December) were chosen for a reason, because both are important for grain growers. As our ancestors said: “One Nicholas pleases with grass, the other with frost.”

    “Once a simple man was driving along a country road, and his cart got stuck in the mud. The cart was very heavy: the peasant could not pull it out alone. Just at this time the saints were coming to God. One of them, Kasyan, passed by a man with a cart. Then the peasant begged for help. Kasyan was offended that he was bothered over such a trifle. In clean beautiful clothes he passed by the peasant. Then St. appeared near the cart. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The man also asked him for help. The saint helped the peasant without hesitation. Together they pulled the cart out of the mud. But Nikolai got all dirty. All the saints gathered with God. He began to ask them: why was Nikolai so late, because of which all his clothes were smeared in mud? Then Nicholas the Wonderworker told what story happened to him along the way. God then asked Kasyan why he didn’t help the man and walked past him? He replied that he could not be late for the meeting with God and come in dirty clothes. The Almighty then said that people would celebrate the feast of St. Kasyan only once every 4 years - on February 29. At the same time, St. Nicholas Day will be celebrated twice a year - in May and December. After all, he helps without hesitation ordinary people, let them honor and glorify him.No.

    In the folk calendar, December 19 is St. Nicholas the Winter Day.. The peasants treated this day with special trepidation: matchmaking began, and with it - severe frosts. That is why The day of December 19 was called Nikolsky frosts.

    Saint Nicholas himself was greatly revered by the people as a protector from all misfortunes and a helper in good deeds.

    The saint was popularly considered the main assistant for those convicted of imperfect acts.

    Nicholas is also the patron saint of merchants, children and sailors.

    Farmers often prayed to him to get a good harvest.

    It is interesting that it was Nicholas’s day that was often considered the deadline for carrying out any transaction.

    On this holiday, Christian and folk signs and customs.

    What not to do on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day

    December 19 falls during the Nativity Fast. On this day you can eat fish, but you cannot eat meat, eggs and other animal products.

    On St. Nicholas Day you cannot lend. Our ancestors believed that the borrower, along with the money, could take good luck and luck out of the house.

    In addition, according to folk customs, on this day you cannot do repairs, sew, or wash.

    What to do on St. Nicholas Day

    On this day, believers must definitely go to church and pray. On December 19, it is best to start with the morning service.

    Following the example of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, on this day it is necessary to help loved ones, give alms, but not advertise it.

    According to folk tradition, on St. Nicholas Day gifts are placed under the pillow, most often sweets: sweets, chocolate, gingerbread. Gifts should be placed at night so that in the morning a person wakes up and finds a present from Nikolai under the pillow.

    Our ancestors always had fun on St. Nicholas Day, held festivities, set a sumptuous table, and invited guests. This is a fun holiday, so December 19 should be spent in joy and fun.

    Folk signs for December 19:

    • what is the weather like on St. Nicholas of the Winter, this will be the day of St. Nicholas of the Spring (May 22);
    • If frost falls before St. Nicholas Day, there will be a good harvest
    • If winter covers its tracks before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
    • Sadness on Nicholas Day brings severe frosts.
    • Praise winter after Nikolin's day. As much as Nikola the Winter will give snow, so much Nikola the Spring will give herbs.
    • If a person was born on December 19, then he should wear lapis lazuli or rhodonite as a talisman.

    For what needs do they pray to St. Nicholas?

    • Girls and married women pray to St. Nicholas about getting married safely and living with your spouse in love and harmony.
    • Drivers, sailors and travelers pray to avoid dangers on the road.
    • There are many known cases when St. Nikolai saved drowning people.
    • People often resort to the saint as a quick defender of the unjustly offended and slandered.

    Prayer to Saint Nicholas

    “O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints. Amen."

    Conspiracies on St. Nicholas Day

    Spell for joint pain

    “Aches, pains, bone birthmarks, all joints and semi-joints, tops, do not creak, do not hurt the servant of God. (name), so that she doesn’t suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen."

    After pronouncing the spell, light a church candle and read the prayer to St. Nicholas three times.

    Conspiracy of fear

    On Sunday at noon, read the prayer to St. Nicholas, light a church candle and, approaching the icon, say:

    “There is no fear, neither in the dark night, nor in the light of day, nor in the deserted desert, nor in fire, nor in water, nor in military affairs, nor in fistfights, nor in the face of the deceased, nor in earthly judgment. There is no fear in the heart of God's servant/servant. (Name). In the name of Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen."

    Spell to cleanse the body

    If you feel tired throughout your body, suffer from insomnia, are tormented by premonitions of trouble, and also after communicating with unpleasant people, you need to take a contrast shower of seven ablutions after praying to Nicholas. For women, the procedure begins with hot water, for men - with cold. After you wash yourself for the seventh time, looking at the running water, say: “You are water, holy water! You wash everything and cleanse everything! Wash it off me, God's servant/slave. (name) touches, ghosts, troubles, adversities. Amen". And read “Our Father” three times.

    A conspiracy to prevent a child from falling into bad company

    This conspiracy is also read after a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the head of the bed of a sleeping child.

    “Go, child, to your home and do not bow to anyone else except your father, except your mother. Bow to the icon (Nicholas the Pleasant) (3 times) and submit to your parents. Amen."

    “May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

    Safe words on the way

    “The Road is a princess, The Path is my king. There was faith in Christ in ancient times, and there is faith to this day. With me is my shield, Jesus Christ himself, the hand of Savior from every enemy. Whoever reaches out to me will become a dead man himself. The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the river, the amulet is on me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Fortune telling and rituals for the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    On this day, young people loved to perform rituals and tell fortunes.

    Fortune telling for the betrothed

    Unmarried girls went out into the yard in the evening, took off their shoes from their left feet and threw them over the gate with all their might. The farther the shoe flies, the farther the girl will go after the wedding. In which direction the toe of the shoe points, that’s where the groom will come to woo. And if the toe of the shoe pointed to the house where the girl lives herself, then she will not get married this year.

    Ritual for wealth on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    In order for money to come into the house, empty wallets were placed in a visible place. Supposedly the saint will see that the person is poor and will help them. Some hung signs with the words “there is nothing” to convey their need to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Ritual to fulfill a wish for Nikola

    To carry it out, a prerequisite is the presence of an icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in the house. You will also need 40 church candles. On St. Nicholas Day, you need to put his image on the table and place candles near the icon. Then you should light the candles one by one, and while they are burning, turn to the Wonderworker with your request.

    Ritual to fulfill a wish

    Today you can perform a ritual to fulfill your wish. Buy twelve church candles and place them in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. Light the candles and, while they are burning (about an hour), ask the Pleasant of God to fulfill your deepest desire (however, not related to finances).

    We wish you all the best and no troubles! Be happy and healthy!

We all know the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker well. Since childhood, we know that on this day all obedient children receive gifts that the saint leaves under their pillow or in their shoes. At the same time, not everyone knows who St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was, what deeds he performed, what kind of traditions are associated with his name in different countries and beliefs.

in memory of St. Nicholas

IN Slavic countries It is customary to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19. The most interesting and memorable moment of a significant date (especially for children) is the arrival at night of a fairy-tale character who puts presents for the children near the bed, in shoes or in special decorated socks prepared in advance.

It would be interesting to know where this tradition came from and whether the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has historical roots? In fact, there was such a story in the life of the saint: a poor family lived in a neighboring house with him, the woman died early, and the man remained a widower, but he had a beautiful young daughter who loved a guy from a rich family. The young man's wealthy parents did not accept a poor girl without a dowry. Nikolai decided to help the beauty, because he had an inheritance from his parents. Then he changed his clothes so that no one could recognize him. Approaching a poor house at night, he threw a bag of gold money into the window of the room. Thus, the saint helped two beloved hearts unite. This made Nikolai himself incredibly happy.

Then the Wonderworker began to walk around the city and bring clothes, food and toys to the poor. He always did this at night, but the residents still tracked him down and were very surprised that a modest guy was bringing selfless good to people. A little later, Nicholas was elected bishop.

Life of a Saint

The life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not at all shrouded in legends. This saint was a real historical figure. It is believed that he was born in 270 AD. e. and lived until 345. The parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker were very pious and wealthy people: Theophanes and Nona. He was the only child in the family. His parents prayed constantly, since for a long time they had no children at all. When a baby appeared in their family, they promised God that Nicholas’s life would be devoted to worship, faith and religion. Everything did not happen as planned, because the boy was left an orphan. The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker at that time was marked by the fact that he began to live away from people, like a hermit. The man was completely occupied with scientific activities.

Nicholas the Wonderworker was among the participating bishops in the first Ecumenical Christian Council in 325. He performed many holy deeds and wonderful things:

  • when three military leaders were slandered, Nicholas saved them from death;
  • prevented a severe famine for the inhabitants of his native city called Mira;
  • More than once he saved people from misfortune and hunger on water and land.

Nicholas died when he was 75 years old. After this, his relics began to emit the fragrance of a healing substance, which greatly exalted and glorified him. As recently as 2009, based on X-rays and cranioscopy, scientists were able to describe the saint’s facial features. It was determined that he was a man of short stature (about 1 meter 68 centimeters) with a high forehead, prominent cheekbones and chin, he had brown eyes and dark skin.

How does St. Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

During his life, Nicholas the Wonderworker performed many holy deeds and miracles. How does he help us, ordinary people? The saint is believed to be the protector and benefactor of the poor common people and children, as well as those involved in navigation and trade. There is a story that one day Nicholas was able to resurrect a simple navigator who fell from his ship during one of his voyages during a storm and fell to his death. People believe that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps not only sailors, but also the military, ordinary workers, and peasants. As he says folk wisdom: “Nikolai will save you at sea, Nikolay will help the peasant lift the cart.”

Saint Nicholas helps people:

  1. Get rid of evil thoughts and bad intentions.
  2. Find and create a harmonious relationship with your other half.
  3. Strengthen marriage bonds, preserve the happiness and love of married life.
  4. It also helps those who were innocently convicted and convicted.

Nicholas the Wonderworker supports people. What else does he help with and in what cases can you turn to him? The saint will support if you common man arose difficult situations in life and material problems. Girls who are not yet married ask him for a successful future marriage. Women who are already united pray for mutual understanding and love with their husbands. People whose profession is connected with a dangerous road (drivers, sailors, travelers, etc.) turn to the saint so that good luck will accompany them and the danger will pass.


After the death of Nicholas the Wonderworker in 345, his relics became incorruptible and were kept in one of the churches hometown Mira. As already mentioned, they began to pour out the fragrance of a healing substance. His myrrh healed many believers from a wide variety of ailments. In the eleventh century, there were military raids on Byzantium: they tried to plunder and desecrate the relics of the saint. Then Christian believers decided to save them and moved them to the city where they are still located. Nowadays, anyone can pray near them and ask for the healing of illnesses. On May 22, Orthodox believers celebrate the spring holiday of St. Nicholas in honor of the transfer of the relics of the Wonderworker.

Worship of the Russian people to the saint

They began to worship him after the Baptism of Rus'. The first icons and prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared only at the end of the eleventh century. Despite this, in Rus' there was a large number of churches and temples dedicated to him. In Kyiv, Saint Olga erected the Church of St. Nicholas, which was the first in the entire Russian land. Today, one of the Kremlin towers bears the name Nikolskaya.

The saint's feast day is December 19. The holiday falls on the Nativity (Philippov) fast, so on this day you can eat fish, but eggs and meat cannot be eaten. Each person can turn to the saint with a request. The first prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker asks for help in a dull and real life, for the remission of sins in deed, word, thought and all feelings, for deliverance from airy ordeals and eternal torment. In the second prayer to the saint, people glorify him, call him the hope of Christians, a protector, a nourisher, joy for those who cry, a doctor for the sick, and ask for a peaceful life. In the third prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, people praise him, talking about saving souls and bodies from the bitterness of living people.

The history of the appearance of the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is generally accepted and known to everyone that December 19 is the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is celebrated on the day of the death of the saint. But he is also revered on May 22 - this is the day when his relics were transported to the Italian city of Bari. These two months (May and December) were chosen for a reason, because both are important for grain growers. As our ancestors said: “One Nicholas pleases with grass, the other with frost.”

St. Nicholas Day in December and May is celebrated according to the legend about the peasant.

One day a simple man was driving along a country road and his cart got stuck in the mud. The cart was very heavy: the peasant could not pull it out alone. Just at this time the saints were coming to God. One of them, Kasyan, passed by a man with a cart. Then the peasant begged for help. Kasyan was offended that he was bothered over such a trifle. In clean, beautiful clothes, he walked past the peasant. Then St. appeared near the cart. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The man also asked him for help. The saint helped the peasant without hesitation. Together they pulled the cart out of the mud. But Nikolai got all dirty.

All the saints gathered with God. He began to ask them: why was Nikolai so late, because of which all his clothes were smeared in mud? Then Nicholas the Wonderworker told what story happened to him along the way. God then asked Kasyan why he didn’t help the man and walked past him? He replied that he could not be late for the meeting with God and come in dirty clothes. The Almighty then said that people would celebrate the feast of St. Kasyan only once every 4 years - on February 29. At the same time, St. Nicholas Day will be celebrated twice a year - in May and December. After all, he helps ordinary people without hesitation, let them honor and glorify him.

Signs and beliefs of the winter day of St. Nicholas

Special beliefs are inherent in the holiday, which is celebrated on December 19 (Nicholas the Wonderworker). The signs were known to our ancestors:

  • After Nicholas Day winter time girls and boys began to prepare for the festivities and sewed costumes for carols.
  • There is a belief that the first severe frosts begin on December 19th.
  • There is also such a sign: what the weather is like on December 19th, the same should be expected on May 22nd.
  • If the roads to Nikolai are completely covered with snow, then the winter will be frosty and snowy.
  • A lot of frost foreshadowed a good fruitful summer and autumn.
  • The day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, December 19, was considered the last day when it was necessary to pay off all one’s debts. In addition, it was considered the beginning of grain trading.

Summer holiday

  1. It was believed that after May 22, all remaining grain reserves from last year could be sold off.
  2. On Nicholas, the owner must be the first to go around the entire yard and household so that there is no trouble or misfortune in the house.
  3. The holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is famous for its fragrant pies and beer drinks. On this day, all the villagers put together money, brewed beer and went to church to pray and light a candle for a rich harvest. Then they treated each other to beer, beer, pies, drove around the village, sang funny songs. Everything that was left after the festivities was distributed to poor people.
  4. They said this: “On the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, call both friend and enemy - everyone will be friends.” After all, it was May 22 that was easy to find mutual language even with the enemy.


Fortune telling on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was popular among young girls and boys, as on other days before the Nativity of Christ. But it should also be mentioned that a holiday dedicated to the memory of a saint is not very suitable for such rituals. Despite this, young people actively perform the following rituals:

  • Fortune telling for the betrothed. An unmarried girl had to go out into the yard and take off her boot from her left foot, then throw it over the gate. Then you need to watch how the shoe falls: in which direction his toe is pointing, from there you need to wait for the guy who will soon come to woo. If a boot falls with its toe towards a girl’s house, then this does not bode well for marriage in the coming year. You also need to look at how far the shoes flew from the yard. If she lies away from the fence, then the girl will have to travel long distances after the wedding.
  • using a sprouted onion. For this purpose three unmarried girls on the eve of the holiday, each of them took 1 head of vegetable. They marked each of their bulbs, planted them in the ground or placed them in water. Whose onion sprouted on the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, that of the girls was the first to get married.

Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in Greece. But he is revered by people of the Orthodox and Catholic faiths; even Muslims and pagans believe in the power of his help. His popularity is explained by the fact that Nicholas the Wonderworker is the simplest of all the saints and is closest to the common people, and also quickly fulfills requests and prayers.

Exist different icons Miracle Worker. The faces of the winter Nicholas correspond to the December celebration, and the image of the spring one corresponds to the May celebration. At the same time, the winter Nicholas is depicted on icons in the headdress that bishops wore, and the summer Nicholas with the top of his head uncovered. There is a legend: Russian Tsar Nicholas was the first to notice that the saint was depicted on the icon without a hat, after which he made a remark to the clergy. The oversight has since been corrected.

It is also believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker served as the prototype for the creation of modern Santa Claus. People of countries Western Europe They believe that he delivers gifts along with the donkey, so the children leave not only a decorative sock or shoe, but also a few carrots so that the animal can eat and move on.

Congratulatory words on St. Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is worshiped and revered Slavic peoples. Therefore, congratulations on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are as important as prayer and observance of traditions.

On this day, you can congratulate your family and friends with poems and simple words, the main thing is that they radiate warmth, kindness and gratitude to the saint. You can use the following congratulations on St. Nicholas Day:

  • May it be on Nicholas's holiday
    Love and joy will enter the house.
    Let the children have holy gifts
    He'll bring it to his socks.
    And adults - have more patience
    And good mood.
  • Let the holiday of Nicholas
    Give everyone a smile
    Fill the house with laughter.
    And let the children frolic
    And they have fun in it.

You can congratulate your family and friends in your own words: “Happy St. Nicholas Day! I wish that both today and all year round Peace, comfort and warmth reigned in the house. Relatives and friends, to warm you with their love!”

Saint Nicholas is considered the main protector of children. Since time immemorial, on this day, all obedient toddlers were given gifts under their pillows, in their shoes or in decorative socks hung near the fireplace. Those children who were disobedient received rods or stones. Therefore, prepare gifts for kids and adults, as well as pleasant words of congratulations. By doing this you will cheer up not only those around you, but also yourself.

Is Prophet Nahum the patron saint of students?

On December 14, the first day of winter (old style), there is no need to go to the field. The winter crops have been planted, but there is no work. It's cold outside. Sit in your hut and warm yourself on the stove. Otherwise, get busy and learn to be smart.

But you cannot act without God. On the morning of December 1 (Old Style), on the day of remembrance of the prophet Nahum, the family went to church. After the Liturgy, a prayer service was served so that the Lord would bless the child to study. They especially prayed to the prophet, in whose very name one could hear “mind” - Nahum.

“Prophet Nahum will guide the mind” , - they said in Rus'. And they called Nahum the Reader.

After the prayer service, the teacher (for example, the parish sexton) came home to the future ward.The first lesson was very short and very symbolic. This was followed by a treat. And the next day the student went to the teacher and the school day began.

Today we are not very accustomed to such a schedule of classes. Students already have a whole semester behind them and the test session is about to begin. But they pray to the prophet not only for the beginning of teaching, but also for help in comprehending science in general. So the students have another heavenly patron.

But Nahum's prayers for reason have nothing to do with his life and arise solely from associations with the name.

It actually translates to “consolation.”

The prophetic Book of Nahum is dedicated to the fall of the great city of the then Oikumene - the Assyrian capital of Nineveh.About a century before Nahum's prophecy, the prophet Jonah went to Nineveh. Probably, Nahum’s words about God’s long-suffering are connected with this. Then the Ninevites repented of their sins and the city was saved. This time Nineveh died in 612.

We know almost nothing about Nahum himself. Byzantine authors (Eusebius and Jerome) believed that Nahum lived in Galilee. There is an opinion that the birthplace of the prophet is Capernaum (“the city of Nahum”), mentioned in the New Testament. According to some evidence, Nahum's tomb was located in Ain-Shifta, according to another opinion,it is located in Alkusha, where the Jews annually celebrate his memory for 14 days.

But for all Orthodox Russian people the prophet Nahum is heavenly patron and assistant into teaching.

Olga Bogdanova

December 17

Great Martyr Barbara

Saint Barbara lived and suffered inIIIV. in Iliopolis during the time of Emperor Maximin. Her father Dioscorus, a noble and wealthy pagan, seeing the extraordinary beauty of Barbara, raised her, hiding her from strangers. She lived in high tower and, observing the beauty of nature, she sought with all her heart to find out who had arranged everything so wisely.

Saint Barbara refused marriage, and her father decided that this behavior was due to a secluded life. Now he gives her complete freedom in choosing acquaintances, but the girl, having met confessors of the faith of Christ, immediately accepted the Savior in both soul and heart, accepts holy baptism. At this time, the father was building a luxurious bathhouse, and in his absence, Saint Barbara ordered three windows to be made in it, as an image of the Trinity Light. Above the entrance to the bath, Varvara wonderfully drew an image of the Cross on a stone with her finger.

On the stone steps she left her footprint, from which a spring gushed out, which later became healing. When Dioscorus returned and expressed displeasure to the builders, Varvara tried to explain to her father the meaning of what had been done, but Dioscorus, in a rage, began to beat his daughter, who temporarily managed to hide, by God’s will, in grief. Her father found her and, locking her up, began to starve her, and later handed her over to the ruler for punishment. Saint Barbara was cruelly tortured, but the Savior healed her wounds at night.

The Christian Juliana, seeing the torture, also openly confessed Christ, blaming the torturers. Now both saints were tortured and were later beheaded. Saint Barbara was executed by her father himself. God's retribution soon killed Dioscorus and Martian the ruler with lightning.

The relics of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara remained in Constantinople, and with XIIV. are located in Kyiv.

They pray to the Holy Great Martyr for sudden death.


The golden dawn has gone out,

The sky was dressed in a light haze,

And the night is luxurious, silent

Passed silently over the ground.

Everything was drowned in quiet darkness,

Everything calmed down, fell asleep, -

And omnipotent, indestructible,

The sovereign elder Rome fell asleep...

Everyone is sleeping peacefully. Kingdom of the Night

There was peace for everyone

And only the eyes did not close

The Christian woman has a young one.

She's locked in a dungeon,

Sits motionless, not knowing sleep,

And all in the heat, with her lips open,

Calling the Savior Christ.

Since difficult

Cross of Patience

She took it for ramen,

And to bloody torment

Was given to the tyrants,

She endured a lot -

And from the wounds that covered the body,

Now she's bleeding

And pain troubles her soul...

She is grieving. It's hard for her, it's difficult.

Suddenly the dark vault above her disappeared,

And some wonderful light flashed,

And in the white cloud of heaven

Christ the Lord descended into prison

And standing before the virgin, his right hand

He placed it on her head

And he said meekly:

"Do not be afraid, I am with you,

I love you as a groom

And with a miraculous hand

I will heal your suffering.

Be patient and believe.” The vision disappeared

And the Christian woman is alone again,

But she’s calm and strong...

A. Derzhavin.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

There is no saint more revered in Russia than Nicholas the Wonderworker. Whether in need, in illness, in war, or at sea - the strong hope in St. Nicholas the saint saves the Orthodox everywhere. How many churches in Rus' are dedicated to him, how many miraculous icons, before which human sorrows and troubles are poured out, how many grateful tears are shed before him...

From the day of his birth, the saint showed his glory: as a baby at baptism, he stood for three hours in the font, unable to walk... Since then, his miracles cannot be counted: bags of gold thrown to the unfortunate father, who in desperation planned to sell his daughters, saving an entire city from hunger, protection of the condemned, salvation of the drowning, destruction of idolatry temples, defense of Orthodoxy... The Church calls him “the rule of faith and the image of meekness,” the people call him a miracle worker and saint.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Our beloved Father,

With a prayer to You the matter is resolved -

You are the eternal crown of joy!

When I look at the icon,

With Your beloved Face,

Then they will run quietly

Tears running down my cheeks.

I'll go out and cry

About the sorrows that exist.

And then I smile at you.

And the sun is shining for me today.

Comfort me, my Saint,

You will strengthen any of us.

Lead us to the Holy Abode,

When the hour of death comes to us.

Jacob Lipyansky, 2009

"Don't cry, girl!"

I'll tell you about a miracle that happened in 1958. My mother then had surgery. Having not yet recovered from it, she fell ill with lobar pneumonia. The situation was critical. The attending physician warned that we must prepare for the worst. They didn’t allow me to stay in the hospital to take care of my mother, explaining that today was a decisive night.

I came home upset and in tears. My sister and I went to bed. She fell asleep, and I lay with my eyes open, crying and praying: “Lord, save our mother, have pity on us,” because we had no one except her. I locked the door to the room.

I don’t remember how much time has passed, but I suddenly see the door open and a short old man with sparse gray hair enter. Dressed in white canvas pants and a shirt. I have never seen such old people in my life. She shuffles to my bed, strokes my head and says: “Don’t cry, young lady. Your mother will get well.” The warmth of his hand remained on my head.

When he came out, I was very scared, I woke up my sister: “Look: is the door locked?” - “Of course, it’s locked.” As soon as dawn came, I ran to the hospital. The department where my mother was lying was on the third floor. When I reached the second one, I stopped in fear. I stand and cry. A woman comes up to me and says: “Go, don’t be afraid, the crisis is over. Your mother will live.”

When my mother began to recover, I told her about the old man. She told me that that night he came to her too. The door of the chamber opened, an old man came in and said to her: “What should we do with you, widow, if you ask for death, and not pardon and life, in order to raise young women...” “I,” his mother tells him, “ask for life.” . The old man disappeared.Thank God, our mother recovered and lived until 1991.

When I told about this incident, of course, they didn’t believe me, saying that it was a dream. But it was reality, and I had never heard the word “youth” before.

L. Varlamova