Predictions about the fate of Donbass. The big war in Donbass will begin in a matter of days

Some recent years Donbass is attracting the interest of the whole world, and psychics have not ignored it. Among the most interesting statements Clairvoyants about this region include the prophecies of Vanga, the witch Olga and Vera Lyon.

Vanga's terrible words

Everyone has heard about the famous fortuneteller from Bulgaria, who accurately predicted many seemingly incredible events. In the distant years of Vanga’s life, Ukraine was a peaceful land; no one could even think about a bloody war on its lands. However, today, turning to the archives of her predictions, we find in them repeated mentions of Donbass. “Brother will rise up against brother and the earth will be stained with blood” - these are the words she expressed what is happening in our time in the East of Ukraine. She knew that in 2014 a turning point in the life of the country would come, and the Ukrainian people would undergo severe trials. Unfortunately, there is no specific mention of when the conflict ended. It is only known that Vanga associated the onset of peace with the emergence of a “strong eastern ruler.” Many analysts are convinced that we are talking about Ukraine’s eastern neighbor, Russia, which is increasing its influence on the world stage. Russia is probably the force that is capable of reconciling the opposite sides of the conflict.

The Vision of Vera Lyon

Modern clairvoyant, astrologer and fortune teller Vera Lyon is often called the “Kazakh Vanga”. Her visions are usually filled with vivid images, and her statements are filled with precise poetic comparisons. Thus, Ukraine appeared in the form of a dry tree, bleeding with red resin. It is unlikely that such an image indicates a healthy situation; rather, we should expect an intensification of the civil conflict. According to Vera Lyon herself, there is a final split in the country and an even greater deterioration in diplomatic relations with its eastern neighbor, Russia. In general, the situation in the country will not become calmer in 2018.

A good omen from the witch Olga

The witch Olga, like Vera Lyon, obtains information about the future through visions. Over the past years, she has already made detailed forecasts about Ukraine and the war in Donbass. She is convinced that the cause of the troubles of the common people is the greed and selfishness of her authorities, but all those responsible will receive a well-deserved retribution. In the coming 2018, brutal bloodshed in the East will be repeated, but this time it will end quickly. The capital of Ukraine is awaiting a new uprising and a change of power - a long-awaited leader will appear who can improve the economy and stop civil war and improve relationships with neighbors.

Donbass in 2018 in contradictory prophecies

Clairvoyant predictions about Donbass differ from each other and sometimes contradict each other. Thus, according to the calculations of astrologer Vlad Ross, the rebel eastern regions will return to the control of the capital’s authorities. Medium Elena Osipenko talks about the end of the economic crisis and peace negotiations between the conflicting parties. Less optimistic is the forecast of parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, who is confident that the conflict in Donbass will last another decade. 2018 will show who their predictors will be closest to the truth.

From the very beginning of 2014, Ukraine has been experiencing a difficult economic situation. Political problems are caused by the ATO and the transition of Crimea to the Russian Federation. It's no surprise that many people wonder will the war in Ukraine end in 2018?. Answers to existing questions are provided by predictors with developed intuition.

Despite the complexity of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass and the existing occupied territories, full-scale military action should not be expected. It is important to note that many citizens believe that the ATO represents a war, because an operation to liberate territories cannot last more than three weeks. In this regard, you should carefully study the current situation and understand what its consequences may be.

Features of the situation in Donbass

Ukrainians and Russians often try to study Latest news about when the war in Ukraine will end 2018. It is noted that quiet periods are sometimes replaced by bursts. This is how the situation has been developing over the past few years.

The prolonged war in Ukraine leads to negative manifestations in all spheres of the state’s economy:

  • the standard of living of society is becoming lower and lower;
  • there is economic instability;
  • Many families from Donbass lost their homes and jobs and were forced to leave their homes.

Residents of all regions, regions and cities of Ukraine note that these events could not remain without publicity. Now every citizen is worried about their future, understanding the potential difficulties that may arise during the long-term development of the operation in Donbass. As a result, there is a lot of speculation about what the impact on the economies of other localities in Ukraine might be. The forecasts of political scientists, psychics, and astrologers are subject to discussion.

What do leading experts say?

In 2015–2016, various assumptions appeared regarding military operation. Predictions varied significantly over time. Now experts are trying to take into account the specifics of the situation in order to make more reliable forecasts and maintain public confidence.

Deputies are confident that the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia will continue to exist. At the same time, some experts are convinced that the situation will sooner or later lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. At the same time, representatives of military organizations are convinced that a peaceful situation can be established in mid-2019. Thus, about five years will pass after the start of the ATO.

Pavel Globa, without any doubt, reveals his point of view. One of the most famous and powerful astrologers of the 21st century believes that the current situation will continue until 2020. The specialist is confident that real chaos will occur in 2019, since this is the period when the conflict will peak.

Pavel Globa notes the following manifestations related to politics and the ATO in the next few years:

  • public propaganda;
  • political inconsistencies;
  • dissemination of false information through mass media;
  • disorientation;
  • national problems.

Thus, the first couple of years of the ATO will no longer be the worst. About how it develops war in Ukraine, latest news are regularly informed. One can guess that in the future, periods of exacerbation and calm will continue to follow each other.

What do psychics and astrologers say?

What do they say? psychics about when the war in Ukraine will end? It is not surprising that this issue worries those citizens who worry not only about their well-being, but also about the country.

  1. Alena Zelibora is confident that the military conflict will be ended after interested parties understand the meaninglessness of the situation and begin to act differently. Ukraine may experience a new revolution reminiscent of the Maidan. After dramatic changes in the political and military sphere eastern regions decide to return to the country with the acquisition of previous rights.
  2. Alena Kurilova believes that the chaos will pass after a woman becomes the head of government. It is the lady who will help ensure that the two enemy countries, Ukraine and Russia, move towards rapprochement. The gradual restoration of relations between the parties will make it possible to change the policy in better side, strengthen the economy.
  3. Sergei Shevtsov believes that the military conflict will be ended in 2019. Currently, Uranus is in the constellation Aries, so a peaceful resolution of issues remains impossible. Psychic Khayal Alekperov agrees with such a prediction, and he clarifies that the state banner is on fire and a man stands nearby holding the earth in his hands.
  4. Shaman Dondukov is in no hurry to name the exact date. At the same time, he is confident that the war will end in Crimea, which is included in Russia. The specialist is convinced that a peaceful end to the conflict is impossible. Shaman Dondukov fears heavy bloodshed and a huge blow to the economies of both states. Only a woman leader will lead Ukraine to new level, contributing to the successful resolution of the conflict.

Numerous predictions about when will the war in Ukraine end 2018 from psychics, still remain unreliable and unverified. It can be assumed that Ukraine and Russia will have to go through serious trials before politicians get along with each other again.

In 2017, news about the ATO still remains relevant. Most likely, nothing will change in the coming months. Updates appear regularly, and they inform that opponents often lead to an escalation of the existing conflict. What news has appeared lately?

  1. Militants repeatedly fired at Ukrainian posts using various weapons. The most dangerous is considered to be HAIL, which is also regularly used. They try not to report some cases of the use of weapons, since such situations would lead to an official violation of international convections and agreements reached.
  2. Occupied territories are often left without the benefits of civilization and means of communication. Residents of Donbass, who had to stay in their homeland, are forced to live without light, heat, and water. It is not surprising that the local population is looking forward to a resolution to the military conflict and sincerely believes that comfort will eventually be returned.
  3. Residents of many settlements in Donbass are forced to face serious restrictions on access to regular transport movement. Despite volunteer support, the problem still exists.
  4. Avdiivka appears in the news most often. The area used to be prosperous, but now regularly faces shelling. The population of Avdeevka is most likely accustomed to living in constant tension.
  5. The news often reports about the death or injury of Ukrainian soldiers. Even if the soldiers initially manage to survive, the operations are ineffective.

Similar news materials appearing on radio, television and the Internet cause emotional stress. It is not surprising that the question of will there be a Russia-Ukraine war?, worries many residents of the two enemy countries. Fortunately, within a couple of years the military conflict did not develop into a serious war.

Numerous predictions of how the war in Ukraine 2018 will end, warn that full-scale hostilities throughout the entire territory of both countries should not be expected. At the same time, Russians and Ukrainians must learn a serious lesson from the current situation, so the tests are not over yet.

Vanga at the end of the last century foresaw a conflict between the Slavic peoples. The woman was sure that she could not do without weapons. Most likely, the conflict will be prolonged due to the “blindness” of both peoples. Each side will gain confidence that it is fighting its enemy.

Globa is convinced that there will never be a war between Ukraine and Russia. Despite numerous stressful periods, the astrologer is 100% confident in his prediction. In addition, Pavel Globa believes that there is a chance of creating a new republic with the inclusion of Ukraine and Russia. Military expert Igor Koziy agrees with Pavel Globa. It is believed that the economic problems that manifest themselves in the history of both states will not allow the development of war.

Experts also note that frequent and unreliable news about the military conflict in Donbass leads to serious problems in society. The main objective of such an information attack is to place the local population under special tension.

So, when will the 2018 war end? You can believe that positive news will certainly appear in the very near future. One to two years should resolve the current situation. Astrologers and psychics, as well as political scientists and military experts agree on this.

For reconciliation, Ukraine must undergo a coup and the approval of certain bills in order to reform the entire political system. This is confirmed by the renaming of streets and the demolition of communist parties. Psychics believe that this will have a negative impact on the energy level of the planet, but at the same time it will allow us to overcome the military conflict.

How reliable can it be? prediction when the war in Donbass will end 2018? It all depends on how quickly the fraternal peoples, Russians and Ukrainians, will be able to take a new approach to assessing the existing issue. There are still chances for a successful resolution of all political and military issues in the near future.

In 2014, difficult times came in Ukraine. There was a change of power in Kyiv, which caused misunderstanding among the residents of Crimea and Donbass. While Crimea peacefully came under the jurisdiction of Russia, an armed confrontation took place in Donbass, which continues to this day. The fate of the inhabitants of this region worries many, both in their homeland and in neighboring countries. Predictions about Donbass for 2018 can answer the question: What awaits this region in the near future?

In our unpredictable times, some people have stopped believing politicians and have turned their gaze towards those who have more than once accurately predicted the future course of events. We are talking about famous psychics who never stop predicting the future. We think that new predictions regarding 2018 will also be of interest to readers of our site.

Pavel Globa

This psychic gained incredible popularity back in Soviet time. Since then, he has repeatedly successfully predicted many events in Russia and abroad. Of course, not all people believe in these kinds of predictions. They believe that all that has come true is random coincidence facts. Although, if you analyze the number of coincidental events, it turns out that there are approximately 85% of them and this cannot be called an accident.

As for Ukraine, back in 2009 Globa predicted the collapse of this state into three independent regions:

  • the western part, which over time will become mired in hatred towards all surrounding countries;
  • Crimea, which is already integrated into Russia;
  • the eastern region of Ukraine, which will eventually also become part of the Russian Federation.

According to the psychic, peace in Donbass will come only when a leader appears in Ukraine who will convince all Ukrainians of the futility of the policy directed against the residents of the Donetsk region and Russia.

The soothsayer also noted that rapprochement with America will not give anything to the Ukrainian people. The impoverishment and plunder of the country will continue in 2018. Military tension on the demarcation line will continue. They will suffer from this simple people on both sides of the conflict.

The resolution of the armed confrontation will end when the warring parties sit down at the negotiating table and agree on peace. And most importantly, they will begin to fulfill the terms of the truce. According to the psychic, this will not pass soon, but for now the residents of Donbass and Ukraine will continue to experience the hardships of war, and the oligarchs will profit from the misfortune of ordinary people.

At the same time, P. Globa predicted in ten years the formation of a strong Slavic state which will include:

  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine.

Vera Lyon

An astrological forecast for Donbass was also made by a Kazakh clairvoyant, who recently amazed everyone with her insight. It’s not for nothing that the name has already been assigned to her - the Kazakh Vanga. According to her forecasts, the situation in Ukraine will remain tense.

She saw this country in the form of a withered tree, which, despite everything, begins to be reborn. Relations with Russia will continue to deteriorate in 2018. The soothsayer also did not rule out the desire of some regions to secede from Ukraine. The conflict in the country will continue for several years.

Witch Olga

This soothsayer is sure that the Ukrainian authorities are misleading their own people when they say that the cause of the existing difficulties is the war in the east of the country. In fact, the current government continues to rob its people. Having climbed the pedestal of power, politicians deceive their people and are interested in continuing the war. After all, in muddy water easier to catch fish. The advice from the witch Olga is that the people themselves should take power into their own hands and not allow old politicians to approach the Olympus of power. It is necessary not to miss the “birth” of a new leader who can lead the country out of the crisis.

Russia has suffered no less from the latest events in Ukraine, but it will not rush to the negotiating table. She will try to the last to negotiate more acceptable terms for herself. According to the medium, peace will come in Donbass when new political forces win in the two countries and understand that it is much more profitable to live in peace than to fight.

Julia Wang

This famous soothsayer from Latvia also answered the question of what will happen to Donbass in 2018. Her prognosis is not optimistic. She is sure that Europe will face internal political problems, so she will not care about the situation in Donbass. This fact can give Russia a free hand, which will try, under the guise of helping the Ukrainian people, to carry out an armed invasion of the territory of Donbass. According to the soothsayer, Donbass will never become part of Ukraine, just like Crimea. Julia believes that the country will fall apart into parts that will go to different states. At the same time, the psychic is sure that such a fate will become the best way out for the country, and it will eventually begin to rise from the ashes. The patriotic spirit of the population of Ukraine will help it overcome the most difficult situations which she will fall into.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

The forecast of this psychic is somewhat encouraging to the expectations of the Ukrainian people. Vasilisa believes that after a new leader and parliament are elected in Kyiv, changes for the better will begin in the east of the country. The LPR and DPR will remain part of Ukraine with broader powers. New leader state will take pro-Russian position and the Russian Federation will finally be able to address its internal problems.

The restoration of Donbass will require a lot of money, but the psychic did not specify where Ukraine will get it. Most quickly, the people of Ukraine will continue to solve their problems themselves.

Forecasts from the strongest psychics for Ukraine

The war on the territory of Donbass managed to affect not only the whole of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, but also shook up all European states with its scale, which until recently doubted the veracity and seriousness of this conflict. Many psychics made their predictions about Novorossiya, how the war would end in their opinion, including those who died long before it began

What do the predictions of psychics and elders say about what will happen in Ukraine in two thousand and seventeen? Read on the website Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

The fate of the young state directly depends not only on the resilience and endurance of the residents of Donbass, but also on the firm hand of Russia.

War or peace await Lugansk and Donbass according to psychics?

In 2017, Novorossiya continued to strengthen its position in front of Ukrainian Kiev, proving its absolute independence and love of freedom. Despite impressive successes in military clashes and the liberation of their own territories, Lugansk and Donbass are daily subject to impressive political pressure from Ukraine, the United States and Germany, whose actions are aimed at suppressing the uprising of Russian-speaking rebels and returning them to the Ukrainian state.

What clairvoyants say

Not only politicians are interested in the fate of Novorossiya, but also psychics and seers who believe that the formation of this state will entail incredible changes in many powers of the world. Having endured unbearable torment and oppression, defending own right speak in native language and honor the traditions of Russian ancestors, Donbass received a huge chance to carve out a place for itself in the sun and get reliable protection from Russia.

Thus, while currently experiencing not the best and sweetest times, Novorossiya is gradually growing stronger, gaining more and more independence from Kyiv. Despite the fact that the armed confrontation has cooled down somewhat and entered a sluggish phase, the new state is still in great danger due to the possible manifestation of aggression from Ukrainian military personnel and foreign mercenaries who do not want to obey the Minsk agreements and pursue the goal of intimidating the residents of Lugansk and Donbass.

Predictions about Novorossiya for 2017 vary from each other. Real confrontations and discussions break out between psychics and magicians when it comes to the fate of the young Russian state.

There are a number of opinions of famous seers who believe that the future of Novorossiya will depend only on its own hands and people at the levers of power. The emerging economic stability in the two regions makes it possible to take impressive steps forward, leaving issues of conflict and disagreement between political clans in the background.

What do the predictions of the future of Ukraine and Novorossiya from famous seers say?

What did Vanga see about Donbass and Lugansk?

The predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga have always been ambiguous and ambiguous. However, over time, there was no doubt that the words she said came true and turned into certain events and incidents. Vanga also did not ignore Ukraine and Russia, on which, in her opinion, the fate of many innocent states and nationalities depended.

Vanga repeatedly dwelled on this issue and made dozens of predictions regarding not only the development of political relations between the two fraternal states, but also the conflicts that threaten them. Thus, the Bulgarian sorceress predicted war and a crushing defeat for Ukraine, which, due to her own carelessness and negligent attitude towards her lands and natural resources, will lose valuable territories that it will never be able to return.

Vanga constantly described a “traitor brother” who undermined not only his own well-being, but also the normal life of his loved ones. The clairvoyant spoke about the incredible hatred and enmity that the “wanderer who came from overseas” would sow between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine will be infected with ideas regarding a new life, in which there is no place for Slavic customs and foundations. Russia will cease to be an authority for her, which will significantly undermine the standard of living of ordinary Ukrainians. Vanga did not ignore Novorossiya, which was also mentioned in her predictions.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant mentioned several times about a new state that will appear immediately after Ukraine stumbles and decides to start living by new rules. Vanga talked about courageous warriors who would not want to live according to the traditions of foreign peoples, but would want to leave only their own and coexist in peace and tranquility with fraternal peoples. But disobedience will lead to the fact that the ground under the feet of the rebels will burn, and the new state will be threatened by economic instability and famine.

Vanga's predictions about Novorossiya sound somewhat ambiguous. The blind clairvoyant predicted the most difficult first years after independence and constant pressure from opponents of the Russian world. The rulers will achieve partial recognition, and Russia will help restore financial well-being and bring the country out of starvation. But Vanga never managed to see whether the new Russian state full and complete.

Julia Wang

What exactly predictions did the winner of the Battle of Psychics give to Lugansk and Donetsk?

Julia Wang is one of the strongest participants in the “Battle of Psychics” 2014 project. Her predictions have always amazed with their truthfulness and accuracy. Like any compassionate and caring person, Julia is concerned about the latest events in Ukraine and the fate of the new Russian state, which still has not been fully recognized, but is already an independent participant in political proceedings.

Julia does not hide the fact that she fears for the fate and well-being of Ukraine. She predicted that this state had irretrievably lost Donbass, which would begin to build and improve political relations with Russia and Belarus, but economic cooperation with Ukraine will not stop. Novorossiya will be for a long time to move away from the horrors of the war, but 2017 does not promise a final end to the conflict, since the current authorities of Ukraine are still aggressive and skeptical not only towards Donetsk and Lugansk, but also the Russian Federation.

Nazar Lebedyak

Nazar Lebedyak is a famous predictor and participant in the “Battle of Psychics” competition. Previously, he did not touch upon the conflict that occurred between Ukraine and the rebels from Donbass. However, Lebedyak is now seriously concerned about what is happening on the territory of these two states.

In their latest predictions Nazar assured that peace in Ukraine and Novorossiya would come with the signing of a peace treaty, which would help get rid of weapons and prevent the senseless deaths of civilians. But now Lebedyak assures that signatures on paper alone are not enough. In order to achieve peace and recognition in the state of Novorossiya, it takes time and a change in the current authorities in Ukraine and the United States.

Khayal Alekperov

What awaits the rebellious Donbass in 2017?

Khayal Alekperov made his first predictions about Donbass during the Maidan. Then he saw the first revelation, in which Jesus stood in the middle of a huge, destroyed and empty square. There was a handful of bloody soil in his palm, and tears were rolling down his face. Then Khayal made a statement about the bitter fate of the Ukrainian state.

But the second vision seemed even more terrifying to Khayal, in which Jesus was holding a burning fire in his hands. Ukrainian flag. Then Khayal made a statement that the conflict in Ukraine would not be resolved peacefully and, perhaps, the authorities would have to say goodbye to part of their lands. Thus, Khayal mentioned that Novorossiya would still exist.

Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa said that Ukraine will fall apart into 3 parts that will never be able to reunite again. Perhaps he meant the DPR and LPR.

According to the prophet, Ukraine will have to hold another Maidan, as a result of which people who will be friendly with Russia and the Customs Union will come to power.

During her lifetime, Juna never had time to make statements about the future of Novorossiya. But there are also clues in her interview that analysts are now increasingly remembering and thinking about. So, Juna often talked about a young power that could bring the USSR together own strength spirit. The power itself will be “under Russia’s wing,” and despite its youth, it will become an identification of the strength and power of a great power.

Holy elders

According to the holy elders, the current conflict is the beginning of the Third World War

The predictions of the holy fathers about Novorossiya have a more pessimistic tone. They lead to the fact that it is the formation of this new state that will entail the development of the Third World War. Russia is the leading state in these predictions, which will be destined to defend the rights of all Russian-speaking people and their traditions.

The war, according to the holy fathers, will be short, but incredibly bloodthirsty and cruel, as a result of which Russia will lose most their lands. But at the same time, the country will undoubtedly survive, uniting with Belarus.

The fate of Novorossiya will depend on its own patience and ability to wait out troubles. Being under the warm and reliable wing of Russia, this young state will have every chance to start new life without dictatorship and oppression.

Novorossiya will cut off all ties with Ukraine, preferring cooperation with Russian Federation, Serbia and Belarus. Novorossiya will not become part of Russia, as it wishes to remain integral independent state with their own preferences and laws.

The most accurate forecast for 2017

Predictions about Novorossiya: how the war will end in 2017 vary greatly. On this moment there are no accurate assessments of the future of the self-proclaimed republic. There is very little that can be highlighted. One of the most interesting is the prediction of the clairvoyant Andrei Hyperboreas.

Andrei more than once announced the approach of disasters in the form of tsunamis, earthquakes or hurricanes. A month before one of the last earthquakes, which greatly affected Afghanistan, Andrei predicted the amplitude of the tremors with an accuracy of one point. .

Andrei Hyperborea made predictions about Novorossiya more than once. And about 70% of what he said came true within the next three months. In his new prediction for 2017, Andrei said that Novorossiya will become a symbol of the unity and strength of the Russian people. It will not yet become a completely independent state, but 2017 will bring the republics closer to their goal.

In 2017, not too active are possible fighting in the territories of the LPR and DPR. But they will quickly stop with the onset of the crisis predicted by Andrei in the United States.

Prediction from Vera Lyon

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The self-proclaimed republic is tipped for independence

Residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics will have a hard time in the coming 2018. The forecast for the almost separated part of Nezalezhnaya was made by tarot reader Marianna Abravitova.

“The topic of Donbass will not subside either next 2018 or the year after. Events will develop progressively for several more years. The intensity will be wave-like, and will either flare up or fade away,” she said.

According to her, this territory of Ukraine will undergo restructuring in the future. "Within the DPR and LPR there will be a division of interests and a shift in the center of the conflict to slightly different areas of activity. The reformatting will be 100%. It is already underway. People have not yet felt any progress in any direction. A little later, when this wave of modernization captures the Donbass, we We will all see that it looks different, is managed differently, and stands on different foundations,” Marianna continued.

The tarot reader noted that the redistribution of Donbass will happen by the summer. "The reformat will move towards legalization and recognition. Already, a couple of countries are ready to recognize this territory as independent. This will happen in the future. Once a precedent happens, then little by little other countries will join in accepting the position of Donbass, and later it will be possible for these territories to be in legal condition," she said.

"The layout shows a lot of gray, shadow currents, a certain duality, like a suitcase with a double bottom. There is a lot of Russian population there. The people are clean and open and they are completely for justice. I would like to wish them, of course, health and, if possible, happiness in the new coming year. According to the maps, I don’t see a worsening of the situation. Problems will begin to be resolved through agreements. Knots will be tied and untied bloodlessly, although, of course, some outbreaks, and more than one, will arise,” Abravitova noted.

In addition, the clairvoyant predicts a change of ruler for the whole of Ukraine.

“Poroshenko’s place will be taken by someone else, and there will be less of this lawlessness. All the military operations that will take place in Ukraine, and the shelling of territories - everything will take place on orders from above, under pressure from the government elite. Everything, of course, will be very difficult. In such a difficult situation, Donbass will stand, fight, it is already taking root in an independent legal sphere,” the expert said.

Marianna is sure that in the coming 2018 the republic will even change its name and undergo a reboot.

"Everything, one might say, will undergo a certain upgrade. The essence remains the same, despite all this - the change of government, the emergence of new characters, which will govern, of course, and the course will gradually change. Although in general the vector will remain the same. But charismatic personalities will appear on the playing field who will be able to make some adjustments and add common sense to the course of events,” she concluded.