Analyze the organizational management structure of the organization. Analysis of the organizational structure of enterprise management

An organization is a complex system that includes many interrelated elements of varying degrees of importance, impact on the organization, resource intensity, productivity, and so on. Analysis of any company allows you to get an idea of ​​how this organization operates, to identify weak spots in the organizational structure and take measures to eliminate them.

In order to understand how any mechanism works, you need to understand how it works. This is exactly what they do to a company when they conduct an analysis organizational structure. The result of this analysis is a company management scheme that gives a clear picture of who reports to whom and reports to whom. After conducting such a study, it becomes much easier to manage the organization, as well as introduce any changes regarding the management structure.

As a rule, when conducting analysis, they come to one or three types of structures: linear, matrix and functional. The linear structure implies strict subordination from top to bottom: there is a boss, there are subordinates, and the same employees always report to the same boss. A functional organization takes a slightly different approach: in an organization with a functional structure, subordinates report to different bosses depending on what work they do. The matrix structure combines the features of the two previous structures, and each subordinate has two superiors - one direct in the hierarchy, and one functional. This structure is typical for analyzing the organizational structure of which is the most difficult to carry out.

By analyzing the structure of a company, it is possible to determine which areas of its structure are ineffective, and how the work of certain problem areas can be improved. This is precisely the purpose of a procedure such as analysis. The following types of areas may be ineffective:

A subordinate who has three or more superiors will not work effectively because he cannot satisfy the demands of everyone at the same time, and also receives too many tasks.

An employee who submits only formally, while the boss does not have significant leverage - this employee is not motivated to work more efficiently, and therefore will hinder the development of the company.

Departments with too few employees are the so-called “bottlenecks” - areas of the organizational structure that, due to their low capacity, cannot cope with the full volume of responsibilities assigned to them.

Departments in which there are too many employees, on the contrary, cope with tasks perfectly, but are characterized by inefficient use of resources. In such departments there are almost always one or two notorious lazy people, whose working day comes down to browsing social networks and endless tea parties. As a rule, such employees are transferred to departments where there is a shortage of personnel, where they fit into the work perfectly and begin to work for the benefit of the company. Such a transfer extremely rarely causes dissatisfaction among employees - usually people try to be useful to the company and perceive the transfer normally.

The sooner and the more detailed the analysis of the organizational structure is carried out, the sooner all problem areas are found and eliminated, the faster the company will develop, and the more profit it will bring. Good luck, effective work and high profits, dear entrepreneurs!

The organizational structure of the enterprise STROYKOMPLEKS-M LLC can be classified as linear-functional.

10 people report directly to the director. If we consider the process approach to management, then the norm of subordination is 12 (+/-5) people.

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise.

In turn, each of the deputy directors has 2-8 departments subordinate to him. Also, some deputy directors have assistants or simply some specialists under direct personal subordination. So, for example, a lawyer, according to this organizational structure, is subordinate to the deputy director for finance.

The line-functional organizational structure is sometimes called traditional or classical because it was the first structure to be studied and developed. Such structures are based, on the one hand, on linear authority. Linear authority is authority that is transferred directly from a superior to a subordinate and then to other subordinates (hierarchy of management levels). An important feature of this structure is the unity of command and chain of command.

In addition, the basis of such management structures is the principle of functional departmentalization (the process of dividing an organization into separate elements, each of which has its own clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities). The specific characteristics and features of the activities of a particular unit correspond to the most important areas of activity of the entire organization. The combination of linear authority and functional departmentalization in a linear-functional structure provides the advantages and disadvantages of this type of structure.

The advantages of using a line-functional organizational structure are that such a structure encourages business and professional specialization, reduces duplication of effort and consumption of material resources in functional areas, and improves coordination in functional areas. Speaking directly about the enterprise STROYKOMPLEKS-M LLC, it should be said that in this case the principle of unity of command is almost completely observed, which ensures greater operational efficiency. In addition, by highlighting the main and auxiliary processes, the implementation of assigned tasks is greatly facilitated. It should be added that it is the linear-functional structure that is characterized by its detailed elaboration.

Of course, the functioning of an organization according to a linear-functional organizational structure may not work well and effectively based on the theoretical foundations of this structure. As for STROYKOMPLEKS-M LLC itself, you can see that in some cases the chain of commands from the manager to the direct executor becomes too long. You can also notice the fact that departments may be more interested in achieving the goals and objectives of their departments than the overall goals of the entire organization. Although, if we take into account the not too large number of employees, this drawback can be ignored.

The organization of work according to a linear-functional structure suggests that the enterprise STROYKOMPLEKS-M LLC is characterized by stability, has regular suppliers of basic resources and a wide customer base.

When using the linear-functional structure of an enterprise under the conditions of a process approach to management, the owners of the main and auxiliary processes become the heads of the main and functional services, that is, the top management of the organization. In this case, the process network is led by the CEO.

Attention should be paid to the fact that many processes occurring in a given organization have their own auxiliary processes, they are smaller in scale and are characterized by less responsibility and volume of work.

To the strengths of this organizational system can be attributed:

· its detailed elaboration;

· Facilitating the task of identifying main and auxiliary processes and their owners;

· The principle of unity of command is observed.

The weaknesses of the linear-functional system include the fact that the use of this system is preferable when the organization is engaged in the provision of one type of service or the production of one type of product. In this case, the company has a wide range of products. Displaying this on a diagram makes it cumbersome and difficult to understand.


Analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise


organizational management management

Today, special attention is paid to the effectiveness of the enterprise management system, which is largely determined by the rationality of the current organizational management structure.

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that today every enterprise is trying to stay in the global and domestic markets. Not many businesses are sustained due to the many factors that influence the business. One of them is a weak organizational management structure.

Analysis of management organization is a complex interconnected process of studying the structure and content of the management cycle, the organization of management work, information, technical and mathematical support, the composition of bodies and management costs.

The organizational structure of management is the composition, interrelation and subordination of independent management units and individual positions performing management functions.

The purpose of this course work is to study existing types of organizational management structures, which will allow us to determine a rational management structure for various organizations.

The objectives set in this course work are as follows:

consideration of the concept and essence of the organizational structure of management;

study of the main types of organizational structures;

identification of factors that determine the organizational structure of management;

analysis of the organizational management structure;

design of organizational management structure.

The object of study of this course work is the organization as a whole: its functional areas, divisions, groups, jobs.

The subject of the study is the organizational structure of management.

1. Theoretical aspects organizational structure of the enterprise

.1 Concept and essence of organizational management structure

The organizational structure of management is understood as the composition of departments, services and divisions in the management apparatus, the nature of subordination and accountability to each other and to the highest management body of the company, as well as a set of coordination and information links, the order of distribution of management functions across various levels and divisions of the management hierarchy. Without an organizational management structure, it would not be possible to manage people; they would not be a controlled crowd, but at best a collection of independent groups, but not as an organization.

Division into departments, subordination, accountability are the main characteristics of organizational management structures. But there are also other characteristics, for example, Information Systems and numerous coordination procedures that cannot be shown in such a diagram.

The work of an enterprise can be divided and coordinated in various ways. To be effective, the organizational structure of management must correspond to the circumstances and conditions prevailing within the organization, as well as in its environment, that is, in the external one. It follows from this that it is possible to determine the optimal structure for only one organization, since the same management structure can never be suitable for another organization. Even for a given organization, after some period of time it will be necessary to modify or create a new optimal organizational management structure. An enterprise should not stop at just one organizational management structure; it alone cannot be suitable for the organization at all times of its existence. Under specific conditions, out of several structures, one organization is more suitable than another. But no organization will be completely effective.

The internal environment of the organizational management structure is the composition, correlation, location and interconnection of individual subsystems of the organization. It is aimed, first of all, at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the organization and distributing rights and responsibilities between them.

In the organizational structure of organization management, the following elements are distinguished: links, levels of management and communication - horizontal and vertical.

Management levels include structural units, as well as individual specialists performing the relevant management functions or part of them. Managers who regulate and coordinate the activities of several structural divisions should also be included in the management levels. The formation of a management level is based on the department's performance of a certain management function. Communication between departments is called horizontal.

Management levels are a set of management units that occupy a certain level in an organization’s management systems. The levels of management are vertically dependent and subordinate to each other in the hierarchy: managers at a higher level of management make decisions that are specified and communicated to lower levels. This is where the pyramidal management structure of the organization arose.

Organizational management structures are distinguished by a wide variety of forms, which are based on features, in particular, the size of the organization’s production and commercial activities, production profile, degree of financial and economic independence, centralization (decentralization) of management, etc. Within the framework of the structure, a management process takes place, between the participants of which tasks and management functions, and, consequently, rights and responsibilities are distributed for their implementation.

1.2 Types of organizational management structure

Nowadays, organizations that operate successfully regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their organizational structures and change them as required by the external environment. As a result, many types of organizational structures have now emerged, all of which depend on adaptation to the specific operating conditions of organizations - complex, multifunctional and extremely flexible. The diversity of organizational structures is associated with differences in the field of activity, the nature and complexity of the products produced, the size, degree of differentiation and territorial location of the enterprise. Modern organizational structures bear little resemblance to the structures of the early twentieth century, when management was just emerging, and they all have a connection with the linear-functional structure of that time. Modern organizational structures, in principle, function as long as they remain the fundamental ideas and rules of linear-functional management.

Let's consider the main types of organizational management structures:

There is a classic management structure, it is also called bureaucratic or traditional. Characterized by high degree division of labor, a developed management hierarchy, a chain of command, the presence of numerous rules and norms of personnel behavior, and the selection of personnel according to their business and professional qualities.

Figure 1 - Classic organizational structure

Most modern organizations are variations of bureaucracy. The reason the bureaucratic structure has been used for such a long time and on a large scale is that its characteristics are still quite well suited to most industrial firms, service organizations and all types of government agencies. The objectivity of decisions made allows an effectively managed bureaucracy to adapt to ongoing changes. Promotion of employees based on their competence allows for a constant flow of highly qualified and talented technical specialists and administrative workers into such an organization.

Linear organizational structure. Currently, it is the simplest management structure. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a single manager, vested with all powers and exercising sole management of the employees subordinate to him and concentrating in his hands all management functions.

Figure 2 - Linear management structure

Linear-functional management structure. With this structure, line managers are the sole commanders, and they are assisted by functional bodies. Currently it is widespread in our country. They carry out their decisions either through the main leader or directly through the relevant heads of the performing services, but all these decisions are made within the authority of the leader.

Figure 3 - Linear-functional structure of the enterprise

4. Functional structure does not exist in a so-called pure form. It is used in conjunction with a linear structure, built on the basis of a vertical management hierarchy and based on the strict subordination of the lower management level to the higher one. With this structure, the performance of highly specialized functions is intertwined with a system of subordination and responsibility for the direct implementation of tasks for the design, production of products and their delivery to consumers.

Figure 4 - Functional management structure

In the management process, as the scale of an enterprise grows, conflicts arise when choosing priorities, decision-making is delayed, communication lines lengthen, and the implementation of control functions becomes difficult.

Divisional management structure. Divisional, or departmental (from the English division - department), management structure is the most common form of organizing the management of a modern industrial company. This structure provides a certain independence to its production units, leaving only development strategy, research and development, financial and investment policies, etc. to management. In this structure, heads of functional services report to heads of production services.

Figure 5 - Divisional structure of the organization

Structuring of production is carried out by departments:

by product, that is, this is a product specialization;

by targeting certain groups of consumers, that is, this is consumer specialization;

by territories served, that is, territorial specialization.

The matrix management structure is a lattice organizational chart built on the principle of double subordination of performers. In a matrix structure, the personnel of functional units, while remaining part of them and subordinate to them, are also obliged to follow the instructions of project managers or special headquarters, councils, etc., which are formed to manage individual developments and carry out special work.

Figure 6 - Matrix structure of the organization

The matrix structure is a very complex, difficult and sometimes confusing form of organization, and because of this it is often impossible to use this structure. A lot of problems arise due to the imposition of vertical and horizontal powers, which undermines the principle of unity of command. Research in some organizations has shown that this overlap often leads to conflict. But it responds very well to innovations; such changes are effective and required in conditions of dynamic change external environment. Therefore, this structure has become widespread in fast-growing industries such as pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

1.3 Factors determining the organizational structure of management

An enterprise has the right to exist as an organizational structure if it finds a more effective way than buying on the market to obtain the products the consumer needs, i.e. production and management technology. But at the same time, the functioning of the enterprise occurs in interaction with its external environment - markets and resources of all types. Thus, the formation of an organizational structure occurs as a result of the mutual influence of the strategic plan of the owner and external conditions. The first step is to find out what guides the enterprise when deciding to produce a certain product.

Strategies can be divided according to the motives of the entrepreneurs who practice them:

maintaining the productive capacity of property (in the introduction it appeared as survival);

social factors of entrepreneurial activity (property growth, obtaining and maximizing income in the short and long term, growth social status and so on.);

individual attachment to a certain kind of activity.

The first strategy is more or less passive, the other two are active, but in different ways: the second is more flexible in relation to the types of activities chosen, since it focuses on the most effective (commercially) projects, the second is more conservative, i.e. less sensitive to their commercial side.

Of course, when forming the organizational structure of any enterprise, the needs of their workforce must also be taken into account. However, this component of the formation of an organizational structure in Russia is currently taken into account even too often, which only harms the functioning of most enterprises. To the extent that an enterprise practices the second type of strategy, the characteristics of its products depend on market trends. Those. The most important factor in the organizational structure of an enterprise is the consumer preferences of potential customers.

Products manufactured by an enterprise can be intended for a narrow circle of people with specific needs that are different from others, or to satisfy the needs of ordinary, everyday people, or to satisfy quickly (as a result of changing social trends) changing needs. Depending on this, the motives of end consumers can be divided as follows:

physiological survival;

social factors of consumption (tradition, prestige, fashion, hype, utility maximization, etc.);

individual tastes and preferences.

As a rule, the organizational structure of any enterprise is “adapted” to the range of products, output volume, etc. External investors can also have a significant influence on the formation of the organizational structure. Moreover, the feedback loop here is very strong, that is, not only the motives of external investors affect production activities, but the state of the organizational structure also affects the behavior of external investors.

This factor plays a particularly important role in the presence of relationships with foreign investors, for whom the state of the organizational structure is perhaps the main guarantee of the successful implementation of investment projects. In modern economic conditions, the influence of macroeconomic parameters on the functioning of enterprises and on the formation of the organizational structure is difficult to overestimate. If many of the factors listed above can be regulated by the administration of enterprises, then this parameter (like the motives of consumers) is completely uncontrollable from the inside, therefore, the organizational structure of enterprises is forced to adapt to its influence.

tax regime;

legal regime;

monetary policy;

level of inflation and non-payments;

conditions of foreign economic activity.

After obtaining an idea of ​​the motives of all external groups associated with the activities of the enterprise, it is possible to determine the position of the enterprise in the sales and resource markets. This factor, in turn, makes it possible to predict the expected state of the enterprise, and, therefore, helps, through flexible changes in the organizational structure, to smooth out the adverse consequences of changes in the market situation.

Typically, the market position of an enterprise is assessed according to the following parameters:

the degree of differentiation of the sales market by groups of goods and consumers (the degree of qualitative homogeneity of products and the mass of its buyers);

market stability (product life cycle time from market entry to discontinuation and sale);

the degree of commercial risk (the likelihood of loss of capital as a result of unforeseen changes);

capacity (how many goods can be sold on the market during a certain period);

the strength of competition from other sellers of goods and sellers of substitute goods (analogues);

degree of economic dependence on suppliers (are there alternative supply channels);

degree of economic dependence on consumers (are there alternative sales channels).

Another important factor influencing the organizational structure of enterprises is personnel policy. Unfortunately, until now, in most regions, the personnel policy of enterprise administrations has had a negative impact on the process of forming their organizational structure. The pseudo-concern of many managers for their own employees, attempts to preserve the team by any means and refusal to reduce personnel necessary in the current economic conditions leads to an unreasonably heavier organizational structure at enterprises, which, naturally, does not give them the opportunity to function optimally. At this stage, it should already be clear to any manager that the organizational structure must be sensitive to all changes occurring both in the environment external to the enterprise and within it.

Production and technology are usually assessed according to the following parameters:

Level of equipment specialization:

universal (it is characterized by relatively low cost, productivity, changeover costs and timing);


production line (it is characterized by relatively high cost, productivity, changeover costs and its timing).

Type of movement of objects of labor:

with or without returns;

degree of parallelism of movement (batch sizes of products, frequency of launch into production and backlog volumes).

The nature of the production functions of workers and the method of their coordination:

non-standardized and poorly standardized with decentralized management;

standardized with centralized control.

Undoubtedly, the organizational structure of any enterprise depends on the management style of its leader. However, this factor is absolutely individual, and in addition, any leader is able to create a management structure that would meet the goal of creating the most favorable regime for the implementation of leadership. And lastly, the organizational structure is directly dependent on the financial condition of the enterprise. There are many cases where plans to create an optimal organizational structure were not implemented at enterprises precisely because of the lack of the required amount of funds.

2. Organizational management structure as an object of study

.1 Analysis of the organizational management structure

The study of organizational management structures is an analysis of existing organizational management structures, as well as a synthesis of these management structures.

The analysis of the current organizational structure of management is intended to establish to what extent it meets the requirements for the organization, i.e. determine how rational the management structure is from the point of view of established evaluation criteria characterizing its quality. Evaluation criteria include:

· principles of management - the relationship between centralization and decentralization (how many and what decisions are made at the lower level? what are their consequences? what is the scope of control functions at each level of management?);

· management apparatus - regrouping of divisions, changing the relationships between them, distribution of powers and responsibilities, separating some units into independent structures, changing the nature of intercompany connections, creating the necessary intermediate links in the management apparatus, etc.;

· management functions - strengthening strategic planning (adjusting the “business plan”), strengthening control over product quality, involving employees in management through the sale of shares, changing approaches to labor motivation, etc.

As a result of the analysis, bottlenecks in the organization’s activities can be identified. This may be a large level of management, parallelism in work, a lag in the development of the organizational structure from ongoing changes in the external environment.

Let's take the first linear organizational structure of management. Here the vertical lines denote organizational communications built on the principle of leader - subordinate (or vice versa - in the case of feedback). Horizontal lines indicate business connections between managers of the same level, between colleagues (the linear structure does not provide for horizontal communication connections). This type of structure has a hierarchical chain that extends downward vertically. In other words, each leader has several (more than one) members of the organization subordinate to him.

The linear structure does not provide for the specialization of managers as managers, and problems of managing divisions of the organization and the organization as a whole are solved by specialists of a narrow profile. The linear structure in its pure form assumes that in his area of ​​work the manager must solve all production problems (technological, personnel, supply problems, control, planning, etc.).

The behavior of members of the organization within the linear structure is completely focused on the immediate supervisor. Any issue must be resolved only through the immediate supervisor. At the same time, initiatives of subordinates and innovations are not allowed without the permission of managers. Of course, this is unrealistic without strict, if possible comprehensive, management control. The unconditional behavior of subordinates in relation to norms in a linear structure is achieved due to the absence of horizontal connections that ensure collegiality in solving production problems and a certain independence in decision-making at lower management levels.

Successful leadership within a linear structure is possible only if managers at all levels exercise their authority in terms of accounting and control of literally all actions of subordinates. As a result, managers of line structures use punishment and reward of subordinates as a motivating stimulus. Other methods of motivation are practically not used. As a rule, linear structures are appropriate in cases where team members have a low degree of maturity, have mastered a small number of organizational roles and are not inclined to independent decisions and initiative.

In general, we can say that linear structures have the following advantages:

the ability to operate an organization in simple and quick solutions. At the same time, there is practically no uncertainty in the perception of decisions and the most complete control is exercised over literally all the actions of members of the organization;

minimizing the possibility of creating coalitions of managers at the same level, which significantly reduces the resistance of middle managers in relation to the decisions of senior managers;

minimizing the number of managers in the organization. Lack of specialization, multifunctionality of managers at various levels, formalization and rigidity inherent in the very basis of the linear structure lead to a reduction in the number of specialized functions, and the main emphasis is on the control function. The latter can be performed with a minimum of costs if the manager has authority among his subordinates.

But the shortcomings of these structures are so significant that modern organizations are practically not built on the basis of purely linear structures. Their disadvantages primarily include;

· extreme difficulties in adapting to any changes in the external environment

· lack of initially provided specialization, as a result of which managers in line structures have to perform not only the functions of managing all processes at the level of their department, but also the role of experts on all technical issues, i.e. specialists-professionals in a narrow production field;

· the presence of only vertical communication links and a multi-level management structure determines the absence of collective, coordinated decisions at the level of department management.

Linear organizational structures are effective only in a very limited number of cases of organizational functioning, in particular in the presence of simple goals and an unchanged external environment. In the case of a real complex market environment, the creative nature of work or goals related to the need to adapt to the external environment, such structures are not effective and their actual use should be abandoned.

Linear-functional structures. The presence of functional elements in management structures is due to the constant desire of the management of organizations to use the high management and leadership qualities of managers and at the same time make competent, informed decisions in highly specialized areas that require special education and special knowledge and skills.

The essence of the functional structure of the organization is that all complex decisions that require technical, economic, legal, psychological and other special knowledge should be made only by employees specializing in these areas who have necessary competence, which is absent from simple line managers.

The functional structure allows for the management of organizational processes with the inclusion of the largest number of competent specialist managers, professionals in narrow fields of knowledge and activity, but it is practically not used in modern organizations due to its inefficiency.

Experience shows that the effect of the activities of organizations is achieved only if one person, a single manager, is responsible for the entire production process in a department or at one site, i.e. In fact, we are talking about the line manager. The constant change of specialist managers inevitably gives rise to irresponsibility and lack of control over activities; double subordination, as well as role conflicts and uncertainty of role settings. Due to these circumstances, the functional structure in its pure form is not currently used.

The practice of using linear structures has suggested some ways to overcome their shortcomings, in particular the combination of a centralized linear structure and a highly specialized functional structure. The essence of the linear-functional structure is that the organizational structure includes separate structural units: (divisions) that perform highly specialized functions at a high level professional level. The influence of the activities of these structural units extends to individual aspects of the linear structure in this way: at some point in the activity, the line manager transfers his management rights to representatives of the functional structure, but makes sure that the prerogatives of the functional manager do not go beyond his competence.

The unity of such an organization is very difficult to achieve. All problems of combining linear and functional structures are related to the law of action of power in an organization. Every line manager believes that only he is capable of making the right decisions and facilitating their implementation. At the same time, a specialist in a narrow field of activity - a functional manager - believes that no one understands his issues except him. Such an attitude towards decision-making issues in organizational units can give rise to tension and conflicts between line and functional managers, as well as the problem of dual leadership in relation to performers.

Divisional structures. One of the noticeable trends in the organizational restructuring of enterprises in a transition economy is a significant increase in the independence of individual parts of management structures and the creation of subsidiaries on this basis. A network of small mobile firms is being formed around large enterprises, capable of quickly adapting to changing demand. Thanks to this, manufacturing enterprises are brought closer to the consumer sector, and the process of selling products is accelerated. From the production and organizational structure of many large enterprises, divisions with a full production cycle are distinguished. On the one hand, independent economic entities are created, focused on specific consumers, and on the other hand, the integrity of the production and technological complex, the general focus and profile of its activities are preserved.

The divisional form can be considered as a combination of organizational units serving a specific market and managed centrally. Its logic lies in the combination of departmental autonomy with a centrally controlled process of resource allocation and evaluation of results.

Matrix structures. Modern market relations, especially relationships such as producer - consumer or producer - competitors, as well as producer - social institutions, are undergoing constant changes, to which the organization must respond to maintain a balance between input and output. For example, if a change in market conditions requires the release of a different product (or another modification of the product), some of the organization's building blocks must be changed or replaced with new building blocks and temporarily exit the production process. However, all parts of the previous structure are rigidly interconnected, all roles of members of the organization are rigidly assigned, so it is necessary to carry out major structural changes at great cost to the organization.

The need to take these circumstances into account ultimately led to the search for new organizational structures that could easily respond to such external influences as changes in situations in the market and institutional environment. These structures are called flexible. Their flexibility is manifested in two main aspects:

· structural flexibility - mobility of relationships between structural units;

· numerical flexibility - variability in the number of personnel focused on certain areas of organizational activity.

In a matrix organization, project managers are responsible for coordinating all activities and utilizing resources related to a given project. For this purpose, all material and financial resources for this project are transferred to their disposal. Project managers are also responsible for project planning and progress in terms of all quantitative, qualitative and time-related indicators. As for the heads of functional departments, they delegate some of their responsibilities to the project manager and decide where and how this or that work should be performed.

The matrix structure promotes the collective expenditure of resources, which is essential when production involves the need to use rare or expensive types of resources. In this case, a certain flexibility is achieved, which, in essence, is absent in functional structures, since in them all employees are permanently assigned to certain functional units. Along with flexibility, the matrix organization opens up great opportunities for effective coordination of work.

Currently, the linear-functional structure continues to exist along with project management, it follows that the project structure is most likely one of the ways to overcome the shortcomings and complement the specified structure, and not as a replacement for it.

2.2 Design of organizational management structures

Designing organizational management structures is a synthesis, that is, separation into parts. The methodology for researching and designing organizational management structures, on the one hand, should be based on scientific principles management, on the other hand, take into account the personal qualities and experience of managers who are well aware of the organization’s capabilities and the requirements that regulate the activities of each of the divisions.

These requirements emphasize the importance of a systematic approach to the formation or improvement of organizational structures and to the development of methods with a sufficient degree of detail of management stages.

Organizational design is the modeling of an enterprise management system, carried out before its construction, or on the eve of significant transformations.

There are many requirements for the management structure that reflect its key importance for management. They are taken into account in the principles of designing the organizational management structure. The main of these principles can be formulated as follows.

The organizational structure of management must, first of all, reflect the goals and objectives of the organization, and, therefore, be subordinate to production and its needs.

An optimal division of labor should be provided between management bodies and individual workers, ensuring the creative nature of the work and normal workload, as well as proper specialization.

Between functions and responsibilities, on the one hand, and powers and responsibilities, on the other, it is necessary to maintain correspondence, the violation of which leads to dysfunction of the management system as a whole.

The organizational structure of management is designed to be adequate to the socio-cultural environment of the organization, which has a significant impact on decisions regarding the level of centralization and detail, the distribution of powers and responsibilities, the degree of independence and the scope of control of leaders and managers. In practice, this means that attempts to blindly copy management structures that successfully function in other socio-cultural conditions do not guarantee the desired result.

The main factor that “sets” the possible contours and parameters of the management structure is the organization itself. Wide variety of organizations in Russian Federation predetermines the multiplicity of approaches to the construction of management structures. These approaches are different in commercial and non-profit organizations, large, medium and small, at different stages life cycle, having different levels of division and specialization of labor, its cooperation and automation, hierarchical and “flat”, and so on. It is obvious that the management structure of large enterprises is more complex than that needed by a small company, where all management functions are sometimes concentrated in the hands of one or two members of the organization (usually a manager and an accountant), where, accordingly, there is no need to design formal structural parameters. As the organization grows, and therefore the volume of management work, the division of labor develops and specialized units are formed (for example, in personnel management, production, finance, innovation, etc.), the coordinated work of which requires coordination and control. Building a formal management structure in which roles, relationships, authorities and levels are clearly defined becomes imperative.

It is important to pay attention to the connection between the management structure and the phases of the organization’s life cycle, which, unfortunately, is often forgotten by designers and specialists. solving the problem improving management structures. At the inception stage of an organization, management is often carried out by the entrepreneur himself. At the growth stage, there is a functional division of labor among managers. At the maturity stage, a tendency towards decentralization is most often realized in the management structure. At the recession stage, measures are usually developed to improve the management structure in accordance with the needs and trends in changes in production. Finally, at the stage of termination of the organization's existence, the management structure is either completely destroyed (if the company is liquidated) or reorganized.

The formation of the management structure is influenced by changes in the organizational forms in which enterprises operate. Thus, when a company joins any association, a redistribution occurs management functions(some of the functions are, naturally, centralized), so the management structure of the company is also changing. However, even if an enterprise remains independent and independent, but becomes part of a network organization that temporarily unites a number of interconnected enterprises (most often to take advantage of a favorable situation), it has to make a number of changes to its management structure. This is due to the need to strengthen coordination functions and adapt to the management systems of other companies included in the network.


In this course work, a study of the organizational structure of management was carried out. The assigned tasks were completed.

The organizational structure of management is a set of ways by which the labor process is first divided into individual work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. Essentially, organizational structure determines the distribution of responsibilities and authority within an organization. It is displayed in the form of a graphic diagram, the elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (divisions, job positions).

The main characteristics of organizational management structures are division into departments (divisions, sectors, etc.), subordination, and accountability.

There are main types of organizational management structures:





The diversity of organizational structures is associated with differences in the field of activity, the nature and complexity of the products produced, the size, degree of differentiation and territorial location of the enterprise. Modern organizational structures bear little resemblance to the structures of the early twentieth century, when management was just emerging, and they all have a connection with the linear-functional structure of that time. Modern organizational structures, in principle, function as long as they remain the fundamental ideas and rules of linear-functional management.

The analysis showed the disadvantages and advantages of each of the studied management structures. Each management structure is optimal in its own way; they can simply exist at different periods of the enterprise’s existence and adapt to the changes that occur. Flexible structures were also considered, including matrix and project management structures.

Currently, each enterprise chooses its own organizational management structure.

Designing a management structure makes it possible to create a rational structure. The creation of departments (divisions) by grouping similar production functions and employees makes it possible to achieve more effective management and the necessary flexibility in company management during the period of expansion of its economic activities.

The main trend is that each subsequent structure becomes simpler and more flexible compared to the previous ones. There is no doubt that in the near future we will encounter a wide variety of structures, each of which will meet the needs of a specific organization.

List of sources used

1. Alekseenko V.B. Organization and management industrial enterprise: Textbook. allowance - 2007

Ignatiev A.V. Control Systems Research - 2008

Knorring V.I. Theory, practice and art of management. Textbook for universities specializing in “Management”. - 2007

Makasheva Z.M. Research of control systems: Textbook. allowance - 2009

Marenkov N.L. Personnel management of organizations. - 2006

Novitsky N.I. Organization of production at enterprises - 2007

Economics of the organization - 2007

organizational management workplace


The economic stability of an organization, its survival and operational efficiency in market conditions are inextricably linked with continuous improvement and development. In this case, improvement should be carried out according to the principle of adaptation to the external environment.

Therefore, the success of any organization and the possibility of its survival depend on the ability to quickly adapt to external changes. In the context of the dynamism of modern production and society, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be achieved without studying trends and opportunities, without choosing alternatives and directions for development.

The relevance of choosing this research topic is due to the fact that today, for any business entity, the organizational structure of management, approaches to the distribution of responsibilities, principles of creating a promising organization, etc. are of great importance. Therefore, at present, significant attention is paid to improving the organizational structure of management, since achieving the main goals of the organization is possible with an effective structure of the organization, built taking into account all its advantages and disadvantages.

The purpose of the organizational management structure is to solve the problems facing the organization, therefore the improvement of the structure should be based on the strategic plans of the organization, and its structure should ensure the implementation of the organization's strategy. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the situation in which the organization is located and which consists of environmental factors, the technology of the organization and its size.

The purpose of the thesis research is to analyze the state of the organizational structure of the management of Garant-Povolzhye Construction Company LLC and develop recommendations for its improvement.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

consider theoretical basis organizational management structure;

analyze the financial and economic indicators of the organization;

study external environmental factors influencing the organizational structure of the organization;

analyze the work of functional departments and management levels;

develop ways to improve the efficiency of the organization's organizational structure;

The subject of the research of the diploma project is the organizational structure of the management of LLC Construction Company "Garant-Povolzhye" (hereinafter LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye").

The object of study is the organization SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC, whose main activity is the provision of construction services.

The following research methods were used in the work: SWOT analysis, analysis of the financial and economic situation of the enterprise, analysis of competitive advantages, analysis of the enterprise development strategy.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that it examines the concept of an organizational management structure, analyzes the activities of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye, identifies the shortcomings of the existing organizational structure of management, suggests options for its improvement, the implementation of which will allow the organization to develop and work more efficiently.

The methodological and scientific basis of the study was the work of T.Yu. Bazarova, A.P. Egorshina, O.A. Vikhansky, A.Ya. Kibanova, B.Z. Milner et al.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters with subparagraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

1. Theoretical chapter. Theoretical foundations of the organizational structure of an organization's management

.1 Concept and essence of organizational management structure

Let us first consider the concept of “organization”. There are many interpretations of this definition in the scientific literature. Organization - the structure of production factors and their interaction in order to obtain maximum qualitative and quantitative results in the most a short time and at minimum costs factors of production. According to Milner B.Z. An organization is a consciously coordinated social entity with defined boundaries that operates on a relatively permanent basis to achieve a common goal or goals.

Thus, we see that the definition of an organization provides for the need for formal coordination of employee interaction.

Any organization is a complex technical, economic and social system, with its own individuality and specificity and requires coordinated management, therefore the organization’s management system includes the totality of all services of the organization, all subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified functioning.

Organizational management is a continuous process of influencing the performance of an employee, group or organization as a whole for the best results in terms of achieving a set goal. “To manage means to lead an enterprise towards its goal, extracting maximum opportunities from all the resources at its disposal.”

In the literature, there are several approaches to defining the concept of “organizational management structure”. Firstly, the organizational structure is the composition and subordination of interconnected management units. Secondly, the organizational structure of management is a form of separation and cooperation of management activities, within the framework of which the management process is carried out according to the relevant functions aimed at solving the assigned tasks and achieving the intended goals. Quite successful, in our opinion, is the definition of the organizational structure of management, which is given by Milner B.Z. From his point of view, the organizational structure of management is defined as “a form of separation and cooperation of management activities, within the framework of which the management process is carried out according to the relevant functions aimed at solving the assigned tasks and achieving the intended goals.” From these positions, the management structure is presented in the form of a system of optimal distribution of functional duties, rights and responsibilities, order and forms of interaction between its constituent management bodies and the people working in them.

Thus, the organizational structure of management can be defined as the relationship and subordination of independent management units and individual positions performing management functions. This structure is determined by its constituent links and levels of management. This structure should ensure the stability of connections between control elements and the reliable functioning of the system as a whole.

The key concepts of the management structure are elements, connections (relationships), levels and authorities. Elements of the organizational structure of management can be both individual workers (managers, specialists, employees), and services, or bodies of the management apparatus, which employ a certain number of specialists performing their duties. Let us highlight two areas of specialization of elements of the organizational management structure:

Depending on the composition of the organization’s structural divisions, the links in the management structure that carry out marketing, production management, scientific and technological progress, etc. are identified.

Based on the nature of the general functions performed in the management process, bodies involved in planning, organization, motivation and control are formed.

A separate unit that performs part of the management functions or a set of these functions is the management unit. Management levels should include leaders and managers who regulate and coordinate the activities of structural divisions. Relationships between units are maintained through connections and communications.

The organizational structure includes two interrelated structures:

horizontal production structure;

structure of controls, deployed vertically.

The production structure of an organization can be defined as a certain ordered interaction of the main and auxiliary divisions of the organization, aimed at achieving organizational goals.

The real state of the organization's production structure is determined, first of all, by its production profile, the size and characteristics of the main and auxiliary technological processes.

Highest level management of the organization can be represented by the Board of Founders, the General Director and his immediate deputies. This part of the organization is usually called the administrative and managerial apparatus. The input influence and final product of the control part is information. This level of management develops the organization's policy and ensures its practical implementation.

Middle-level managers ensure the implementation of the organization's operating policies developed by senior management and are responsible for communicating more detailed tasks to departments and their timely execution. Specialists included in this group, as a rule, have a wide range of responsibilities and have great freedom to make decisions. These are heads of departments, heads of buildings, workshops, and functional departments. The lowest level of management is represented by junior managers. Junior managers directly supervise ordinary employees who no longer have anyone under them. These could be foremen, foremen, heads of bureaus, laboratories. The task of this level of management is to bring specific tasks to the immediate executors and ensure the implementation of these tasks. Let's consider the relationships between the elements of the management structure. The relationships between the elements of the management structure are usually divided into horizontal and vertical. Horizontal relationships are in the nature of coordination and are one-level. Vertical relationships are relationships of subordination (power relationships within the organization). The need for them arises when the management system is structured hierarchically, that is, when there are different levels of management, each of which pursues its own goals. With a two-level structure, upper levels of management (management of the organization as a whole) and lower levels (managers who directly supervise the work of performers) are created. With three or more levels in the organizational management structure, a so-called middle layer is formed, which, in turn, can consist of several levels.

For its successful functioning, the organizational structure of an enterprise must meet the requirements of the following factors and comply with them.

Rice. 1.1. Factors influencing the functioning of the organizational structure

1.2 Characteristics and classification of organizational management structures

Let's consider a detailed classification of the elements of the management structure, which allows us to conduct a diagnostic analysis of the management structure and build on its basis the organizational structure of the enterprise (Fig. 1.3):

Figure 1.2 Classification of management structure

1. Organizational structure is the composition and subordination of interconnected management units.

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual divisions.

The staffing structure determines the composition of units and the list of positions, sizes official salaries and foundation wages.

Social structure characterizes the workforce according to social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).

The role structure characterizes the team by participation in the creative process in production, communication and behavioral roles.

The organizational structure is of greatest importance. Modern management primarily considers two types of organizations - bureaucratic (mechanistic) and organic. Bureaucratic organizations are characterized by hierarchical structures, which can be: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional. Building an organizational structure is the placement of divisions on a diagram by levels and management functions, showing the relationships.

Let's consider linear management structures. The basic principle of constructing a linear structure is the vertical hierarchy, that is, the subordination of management links from bottom to top.

Rice. 1.3. Linear management structure

Linear structure - a vertical scheme of subordination of enterprise divisions specialized in the scale of management, implies the principle of unity of command, when each division is headed by a manager vested with full powers. Let us highlight the advantages of the linear structure:

Unity of management;

delegation of authority from top to bottom;

consistency of actions of performers;

efficiency in decision making;

simplicity and clarity of subordination.

The disadvantages of a linear structure are:

lack of specialization by functions;

multi-stage information transfer;

a huge flow of documents;

high demands on the manager, who must be a highly qualified specialist.

Linear management structures are used only at the grassroots production levels, as well as in small enterprises or enterprises during their formation.

Functional structure is a diagram of an enterprise in which divisions are specialized and functionally subordinate (Fig. 1.4). Such structures are characterized by the creation of divisions, each of which has a specific task and responsibilities. The functional structure is based on the principle of complete management, which consists in the fact that the implementation of the instructions of the functional body is within its competence and is mandatory for execution.

The advantages of a functional structure include:

clear division of departments according to the set of functions;

high competence of specialists responsible for performing functions;

elimination of duplication in performing management tasks for individual services.

Disadvantages of the functional structure:

there is no coordinating unit or individual;

lengthy decision-making procedure;

violation of the principle of unity of command;

it is difficult to maintain relationships between different services;

reducing the responsibility of performers and managers for work in general.

The basis of the linear-functional (staff) structure is the linear structure, but with the difference that under line managers, special units are created that are specialized in performing certain management functions. These services do not have the right to make decisions, but only ensure that, through their specialists, the line manager performs his duties with more qualifications. enterprise diagram having a linear and function blocks subordination of divisions.

Characteristics of the headquarters structure (Fig. 1.4):


(linear) Headquarters (linear-functional)

Rice. 1.4. Functional and staff (linear-functional) structures

The presence of two blocks of divisions: linear and functional;

there is one coordinating unit for all units;

the complexity of direct interaction between divisions of linear and functional blocks.

The advantage of a linear-functional (headquarters) structure is improved coordination of activities in functional areas, adequate and effective production response of the organization. The disadvantage is the lack of close relationships at the horizontal level and, as a result, the erosion of the developed strategy.

One type of linear-functional structure is a matrix structure (Fig. 1.5), in which subordination is determined, indicating the relationships between the divisions of the linear and functional blocks.

Main characteristics of the matrix structure:

clear identification of linear and functional blocks of departments;

the ability to coordinate the actions of all units through the head unit;

the presence of a set of tasks that are solved directly by divisions of linear and functional blocks.

Rice. 1.5. Matrix structure

Another type of linear-functional structure is the project structure (Fig. 1.6), in which there is a temporary subordination of divisions of linear and functional blocks for the development and implementation of projects.

A distinctive characteristic of the project structure is the creation of temporary associations of divisions of linear and functional blocks for the development or implementation of one or several projects. After the completion of the project, these units begin to fully perform their immediate functions. During the period of work on the project, the set of functions is reduced due to transfer to other functional departments.

The main advantage of project structures is the concentration of all efforts on solving one problem and increasing the personal responsibility of a particular manager.

Disadvantages - fragmentation of resources and the formation of project groups that do not represent sustainable entities.

Rice. 1.6. Project structure

It should be added that matrix and project structures are characteristic of organic organizations.

The divisional structure is the most advanced structure of the hierarchical type, which arose as a reaction to the shortcomings of linear functional structures. Managing a large company from a single center in modern conditions is becoming ineffective. And with a divisional structure, senior management personnel are freed up to solve strategic problems and, as a rule, rely on several centralized functional units.

Accordingly, the divisional structure is characterized by a combination of centralized strategic planning in the upper levels of management with the decentralized activities of departments, at the level at which operational management is carried out and which are responsible for generating profits.

The divisional approach speeds up the organization's response to changes in the external environment and ensures a close connection between production and consumers. In this case, the structuring of the company is carried out according to one of the following principles:

taking into account the characteristics of the products manufactured or services provided;

depending on the orientation of a particular consumer;

depending on the territory served (regional principle).

Rice. 1.7. Divisional management structure

Also a distinctive feature of the divisional structure is the presence of linear units located in other places or specialized in various types goods. These divisions may have their own functional blocks.

The structuring of the company into departments is carried out according to one of three principles:

in terms of product - taking into account the characteristics of the products manufactured or services provided;

depending on the orientation towards a specific consumer;

regionally - depending on the territories served.

Having considered the characteristics of the types of organizational management structures, we can say that the management structure is, first of all, the most important part of any organization that has a complex structure. It consists of organizational, functional, staffing, social and role structures. And in management theory, there are different types of structures: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional.

1.3 Principles of constructing organizational structures and stages of their research

Organizational structures, being the most important part of an organization, are built according to certain principles that are associated with the type of organization. Let us note the principles of constructing an organizational structure (Fig. 1.8).

Rice. 1.8 Principles of building an organizational structure

1.Flexibility. Characterizes the ability to quickly adjust in accordance with changes occurring in personnel and production.

1.Centralization. It consists in the reasonable centralization of the functions of employees in departments and services of the enterprise with the transfer of operational management functions to the lower level.

2.Specialization. It is ensured that certain management functions are assigned to each division.

.Unity of rights and responsibilities. It means that the rights and responsibilities of departments and employees must be in dialectical unity.

.Separation of powers. Line management ensures decision-making on product release, and functional management ensures the preparation and implementation of decisions.

.Economical. Characterizes the achievement of the minimum required costs for the construction and maintenance of an organizational management structure.

There are many requirements for the management structure that reflect its key importance for management. They are taken into account in the principles of forming the organizational management structure. The main factors that the management structure must comply with, in accordance with which it must be built, can be determined as follows.

The organizational structure of management must first of all reflect the goals and objectives of the organization, and therefore be subordinate to production and its needs.

An optimal division of labor should be provided between management bodies and individual workers, ensuring the creative nature of the work and normal workload, as well as proper specialization.

The formation of a management structure should be associated with the determination of the powers and responsibilities of each employee and management body, with the establishment of a system of vertical and horizontal connections between them.

Between functions and responsibilities, on the one hand, and powers and responsibilities, on the other, it is necessary to maintain correspondence, the violation of which leads to dysfunction of the management system as a whole.

The organizational structure of management is designed to be adequate to the socio-cultural environment of the organization, which has a significant impact on decisions regarding the level of centralization and detail, the distribution of powers and responsibilities, the degree of independence and the scope of control of leaders and managers. In practice, this means that attempts to blindly copy management structures that successfully function in other socio-cultural conditions do not guarantee the desired result.

It is important to pay attention to the connection between the management structure and the phases of the organization’s life cycle. For example, at the inception stage of an organization, management is often carried out by the entrepreneur himself. At the growth stage, there is a functional division of labor among managers. At the maturity stage, a tendency towards decentralization is most often realized in the management structure.

At the recession stage, measures are usually developed to improve the management structure in accordance with the needs and trends in changes in production. Finally, at the stage of termination of the organization's existence, the management structure is either completely destroyed (if the company is liquidated) or reorganized.

The formation of the management structure is influenced by changes in the organizational forms in which enterprises operate. So, when a company becomes part of any association, say, an association, a concern, etc., a redistribution of management functions occurs (some of the functions are, naturally, centralized), therefore the management structure of the company changes.

A rational management structure must meet the requirements imposed on organizational structures by new economic conditions, which today include:

Clarity. Each division of the organization, each of its employees (especially each manager) must clearly know where he is and where to turn for information, help or solutions.

Economical. Management functions such as control, supervision and stimulation should require a minimum of effort, and the management structure should promote self-control and motivation. To keep an enterprise on track, the minimum possible number of people (especially highly qualified and efficient people) must devote attention and effort to “management”, “organization”, “control”, “communication”, “personnel problems”.

Directing employees' attention to efforts towards the results of the enterprise as a whole. The performance of managers should be assessed by economic results, and not by any narrow professional standards of competence or administrative skill.

Clearly define the tasks and functions of each employee in the overall goal of the organization. In order to relate his efforts to the good of the whole, each employee must understand how his task is related to the general task and how the general task determines his task, his efforts, his contribution.

An organization should also be judged according to whether it facilitates or impedes the decision-making process. A structure that pushes decisions up instead of making them at the lowest possible level, a structure that delays critical decisions, and concentrates attention on unnecessary or secondary problems is a bad structure.

Compliance with the above requirements contributes to the creation of a flexible system capable of quickly responding to changes due to the influence of any external factors. These requirements will make it possible to build an organizational structure that will contribute to the development of the management system at the enterprise, increase the level of its organization and create all the conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise as a whole.

Let us take a closer look at the stages of analysis of strategy and enterprise development necessary for designing a new or improving an existing organizational structure (Fig. 1.9).

The first stage is to clarify the main objectives of the organization, areas of uncertainty and the most likely development alternatives. An accurate, well-founded answer to the question about the organization’s objectives and the goals of its activities largely determines the overall structure.

The second step in organizational structure analysis is to identify the variables that significantly influence task performance. At this stage, an analysis of the economic and production structure of the enterprise and its main components is necessary.

It also requires an analysis of the external environment in which the organization operates or its activities are planned. The study of these two closely related areas (external and internal) leads to key decisions that can determine the success of all activities of the organization.

Rice. 1.9 Stages of enterprise analysis to improve the organizational management structure

At the third stage of the analysis, it is necessary to study goals and plans for a certain period, usually at least one year. It is important to ensure that current goals are consistent with the organization's main mission and that plans are aligned with key factors for successful operation. This is significant because goals and plans have a direct impact on the organizational structure by setting priorities and meaning earlier decisions taken. Any organizational project involves inevitable changes, for example, the relationship between production efficiency and innovation, between the volume of the sales market and product quality, between short-term and long-term planning. The plans of the organization and its strategy are the fundamental basis for making informed decisions when designing the organizational structure.

At the fourth stage, the extent to which the organization’s structure meets the tasks, goals, plans and factors on which the success of its functioning depends is assessed. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the existing formal structure of the organization, determine its strengths and weaknesses, find out what shortcomings in the formal structure are compensated by informal elements and how effectively.

An important point in the analysis of an organization is the assessment of the human resources of the enterprise. Sometimes the shortage of workers in certain specialties cannot be compensated for by sufficiently prompt training of workers within the enterprise or by recruiting them from outside, which cannot be ignored in the distribution of functions within the existing organizational structure. The likelihood and validity of changing management processes is considered. Analysis of an organization and its external environment provides a tremendous amount of information that must be assessed so that a decision can be made about the structure of the organization, which is the final stage of the analytical process.

Special meaning has the nature of the influence of the external environment on the organizational structure of the organization. The external environment is understood as the immediate environment of the organization, which is formed from such environmental subjects that directly influence the activities of this organization. Therefore, design should be based on the stages of studying the external environment of the organization.

Stage I - identification and description of the external environment;

Stage II - identifying the main relationships between elements of the external environment;

Stage III - determining the diversity of elements of the external environment;

Stage IV - designing each element of the organizational structure taking into account the external environment;

Stage V - formation of a management mechanism, taking into account the specifics of the elements of the organizational structure and its external environment.

.4 Main trends in the development of organizational management structures

The organizational structure of system management determines the functional relationships between its elements, formalizes the division of duties, the hierarchy of subordination and responsibility, and the necessary specialization. The fewer hierarchical levels in the structure of an enterprise, the easier it adapts to changes in the external and internal environment, but the responsibility of its managers increases significantly and the level of training of performers must be higher. A number of requirements are determined that an optimal (for a certain period of time) organizational structure must meet:

-the enterprise management structure must ensure the effective achievement of basic production and organizational goals;

-ensure interaction between all elements of the structure, scientific, technical, line and management personnel;

-respond adequately to changes in the external environment.

It should be taken into account that in addition to the formal structure, each enterprise also has an interpersonal informal structural connection between departments, especially at the horizontal level. Information flows circulating at horizontal levels of the hierarchical structure have their own characteristics. They are less subject to distortion, are mainly of a coordination rather than an order nature, are more efficient, but are not always reliable, since they do not contain mechanisms for verifying messages. With the help of horizontal connections, complex production issues are resolved more easily and quickly, but rumors and speculation are also widely spread.

A justified choice of the type of organizational structures depends on a balanced analysis of many factors: the possibility of using computer technology to analyze structures, the enterprise development strategy for the period under study, the volume of work performed and, finally, the production experience of management personnel. The simplest and most frequently used method for choosing an organizational structure is to study the structures of successfully developing related enterprises. Another method is the development of a new structure based on the recommendations of professional consultants and experts. Methods of goal structuring and organizational modeling are used less frequently.

Any, even the most advanced production management structure is doomed to change and further improvement. The sooner the governing bodies determine the need for these changes, the more effective the management process will be, the less there will be the threat of stagnation and regression of the system.

The reason for the inevitability of new organizational relationships and corresponding management structures lies in the constant development and redistribution of functions between elements of the management system, obsolescence of the structure and such a powerful catalyst for social, economic and managerial changes as scientific and technological progress (replacement of equipment, development of new products and technologies ). However, most structural changes are met with resistance from staff, and these changes will have a high chance of success if the top management of the organization takes an active part in them. It is important that the need for structural changes is clear to everyone and that each innovation is properly justified. Enterprise managers must be mentally prepared for possible disruptions in work and disruptions to the usual rhythms of activity.

The experience of leading Russian enterprises and successfully operating foreign firms shows that there has been a persistent tendency to replace purely engineering, narrowly functional work with more creative, diverse work that requires independent management decisions. Lower structural levels are becoming increasingly involved in the management process, while higher hierarchical levels are concentrating on solving the most complex, strategic problems. These changes in the content of managerial work require simplification of complex hierarchical structures.

The main criterion for the quality of organizational structures is the final socio-economic, and sometimes psychological, result. The increase in the scale of production and its complication in the context of the use of automated systems for collecting and processing information determine the development of new organizational management structures. At the heart of this development is the transition to structures that provide a quick response to changes occurring in production. Most firms are continuously improving their organizational structures.

The main directions for improving organizational management structures, forms and methods of management are:

decentralization of production and sales operations;

innovative expansion; transition from narrow specialization to integration in the content and nature of management activities themselves, in management style;

refusal to use administrative levers of coordination and control.

It is important to emphasize that experimentation with the development and introduction of new management structures has become a characteristic feature of the last decade of the 20th century. .

In the course of these experiments, a wide variety of combinations of known types and types of structures are often used, adapted by organizations to the specific conditions of their functioning. But still, the main trend is that each subsequent structure becomes simpler and more flexible compared to the previously existing ones.

In this case, the following ten requirements and characteristics of the formation of effective production management structures are named:

) reducing the size of departments and staffing them with more qualified personnel;

) reducing the number of management levels;

) group labor organization as the basis of a new management structure;

) orientation of current work, including schedules and procedures, to customer requests;

) creating conditions for flexible product packaging;

) minimization of inventories;

) quick response to changes;

) flexible equipment;

) high productivity and low costs;

) impeccable product quality and focus on strong connections with the consumer.

Summarizing the trends in the development of organizational structures, it can be noted that the organization of the future is characterized by: integration; automation and personnel development instead of labor rationalization and structure rationalization; demanagerization; destructuring; informatization; virtualization; socialization.

The problem of virtualization of organizations requires special attention. Let's consider some areas characteristic of the virtualization process.

First direction. In fact, virtualization means that the divisions of an organization that make up its structure are “washed out” into the external environment, the structure loses its system-forming significance, the organization becomes more and more “hollow” and merges with the external environment. In extreme cases, the organization may be left with an office, which would be best for the manager to locate at home.

The second direction of virtualization, related to the first, but of independent interest due to its specificity, is the formation of a virtual communication space that allows for the exchange of information in real time throughout the planet and the creation of colossal databases and knowledge bases.

The third direction of virtualization affects the actual structural aspects of the organization. Any organization is just a specific form of people carrying out certain joint activities. At the same time, the motives and nature of the interaction of people and their groups in the organization are determined by the goals of their activities; therefore, if the content of the activity changes, the organization must also change. The meaning of an organization is not what it is externally and internally, but what its role is in the system in which it is included as an element. This system is presented as a business space, which in turn is included in the socio-cultural environment.

The fourth direction of virtualization determines the sociocultural process. The main system-forming factors of a traditional organization are goals and structure. Since the organization in the future ceases to be target system, and the structure loses its relevance, the new system-forming factor becomes, first of all, organizational culture, but not as corporate culture, but as an element of the culture of civil society. From the point of view of the sociocultural process, the external environment becomes a space for civilized cooperation between organizations.

There is no doubt that in the near future we will encounter a wide variety of structures, each of which will meet the needs of a specific organization.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Consideration of the theoretical foundations of the organization's management structure showed that the organizational management structure is understood as an ordered set of steadily interconnected elements that ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a whole.

The organizational structure includes organizational, functional, staffing, social and role structures. And in management theory, there are different types of structures: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional.

The process of analyzing the organizational structure includes the formulation of the goals and objectives of the organization, determining the composition and location of departments, their resource provision, and analyzing the influence of the external environment on the organizational structure of the organization. Having considered these factors, we can conclude that it is necessary to improve the management structure and its compliance with the activities of the organization.

2. Practical chapter. Analysis organizational structures management OOO SK « Garant-Volga region» And offers By her improvement

.1 Characteristics of the organization’s activities and analysis of the main financial and economic indicators

The object of study of this thesis is the construction organization LLC Construction company"Garant-Volga region". The organization is registered in Nizhny Novgorod, st. Shalyapina, 2-a in 2007.

IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is a limited liability company. The organization was formed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” (On LLC) dated 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ (as amended on 12/28/2010).

The founder of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is an individual - a citizen of the Russian Federation. LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has a current account for its main activity, a round seal, an emblem with its name, and other stamps and seals. LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is a legal entity; the organization acquired this status from the moment of its state registration. Legal status determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the organization, the constituent agreement, and other regulatory documents. LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" owns separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, has an independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The main document regulating the activities of this enterprise, is the Charter. The Charter came into force from the moment it was signed by the founders and state registration. From the moment of registration of a limited liability company as legal entity, compliance with the provisions of the Charter is mandatory for the company in its relations with partners.

The highest governing body of a limited liability company is the general meeting of its founders, to exclusive competence which include:

- changing the charter of the company, including changing the size of its authorized capital;

- appointment of an executive director and an audit commission (auditor) of the company and early termination of their powers;

- formation of executive bodies of the company and early termination of their powers;

- approval of annual reports, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts of the company and distribution of its profits and losses;

- decision on reorganization or liquidation of the company, etc.

In terms of the scale of activity, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ (as amended on December 6, 2011) “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation” and in accordance with the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye" applies to small businesses. A small enterprise as an economic entity has independence in carrying out its economic activities, disposing of manufactured products, profits remaining after paying taxes and other obligatory payments, like any other enterprise, it operates on the basis of a charter, which defines the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, its name, location, subject and purpose of the activity (Appendix A).

The goals of the construction organization SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC:

Increasing market share.

Preservation and maintenance of all types of financial resources at the required level.

Attracting valuable resources: qualified employees, capital, modern equipment.

Providing the conditions necessary to develop the creative potential of employees and increase the level of satisfaction and interest in work.

Improving operational efficiency.

Getting a stable profit.

LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye" provides services for the construction of private houses and cottages of any type in Nizhny Novgorod and the region. In addition to private buildings, he has extensive experience in renovation and finishing of premises. Repairs begin with the development of design and estimate documentation, based on the funds that the customer is willing to invest in repairs and arrangement of the premises. Specialists of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye estimate repair costs, search for components, optimally combining the capabilities and costs of customers.

LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye" has state licenses to carry out the following types of activities:

carrying out construction, installation, repair and finishing works;

execution of general construction, specialized construction, repair work and reconstruction of all types of construction and engineering projects, as well as individual (private) buildings, using both standard and independently developed documentation;

carrying out architectural activities and other types of activities provided for by the Charter of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye".

LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" operates in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures."

Let us analyze the main economic indicators of the activities of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" for 2010-2011. on the basis of financial statements (basis - form No. 1 and No. 2, Appendix A, B). In LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" accounting is carried out on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2011) “On Accounting”, etc. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and guidelines on accounting.

Table 2.1 Dynamics of the main financial indicators activities of LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye", thousand rubles.

Indicators As of December 31, 2010 As of December 31, 2011 Abs. deviationRel. deviation % Sales revenue 117086.0131268.114182.110.8 Cost of work 58113.265320.07206.811.03 Gross profit 34523.040320.05797.014.4 Selling and administrative expenses 61.364.02.74.2 Profit (loss) from sales,9519, 211671.62152.418.4 Profit (loss) before tax 8598.210840.62242.420.6 Net profit (loss) of the reporting year 8398.210619.62221.420.9 Return on sales, %

As can be seen from Table 2.1, revenue in 2011 compared to 2010 increased by 14182.1 thousand rubles, a growth rate of 10.8%. Cost increased by 7206.8 thousand rubles, the rate of change in the indicator was 11.03%. Gross profit increased by 5,797.0 thousand rubles, which is a 14.4% increase. Net profit increased by 2221.4 thousand rubles or 20.9%, which is a good indicator financial activities enterprises. Return on sales increased by 12.5%. In modern market conditions, these indicators for a construction organization are satisfactory. Let's analyze the performance of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" in 2011 in comparison with the same period in 2010. Let us analyze the obtained profitability indicators of the organization under study.

Table 2.2 Analysis of the level and dynamics of profitability of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye according to financial statements

Indicators For the reporting period For the previous similar period Deviations No. Change + / - Growth rate % (2011) (2010) 1 Profit before tax, thousand rubles 10840.68598.2 + 2242.420.62 Net profit, rub. 10619 ,68398.2+2221.420.93 Sales revenue, rub. 131268.1117086.0+14182.110.84 Total cost of sales, rub. 65320.058113.2+7206.811.035 Cost profitability for ordinary activities 5.1 For profit up to taxation, %16,614.8+1,810.85.2 For net profit, %16,214.4+1,811.16 Return on sales of a commercial organization 6.1 For profit before tax, %8,267.34+0.9211.16.2 For net profit, %8,097.17+ 1.0212.67 average cost assets (property), thousand rubles 29 09325 968 + 312510.78 Return on assets (property) of a commercial organization 8.1 For profit before tax, % 37,233.1-4,111.08.2 For net profit, % 36,532.3-4,211.59 Authorized capital, thousand rubles 4 4984 498010 Return on authorized capital 10.1 For profit before tax, % 41,552.3 + 10,820,610.2 For net profit, % 42,353.5 + 11,220.9

Let's analyze the performance of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" in 2011 in comparison with the same period in 2010. Let us analyze the obtained profitability indicators of the organization under study. The authorized capital of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is 4,498 thousand rubles (clause 9 of Table 2.2). Return on authorized capital (clauses 10.1, 10.2 of Table 2.2) reflects the efficiency of capital use. The profitability of the authorized capital of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye increased over the period under review, both in terms of profit before tax (+20.6%) and in terms of net profit (+20.9%).

The profitability of sales of LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye" (items 6.1, 6.2 of Table 2.2) reflects the efficiency of sales of construction services. Over the two years under review, the organization's sales profitability shows slight dynamics - an increase of 11.0% in profit before tax and 12.6% in net profit. The profitability of costs for ordinary types of activities - repair and finishing work (clauses 5.1, 5.2 of Table 2.2) reflects the cost efficiency of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye. The cost efficiency of the organization under study also increased - by 10-11%, which indicates an increase in the cost of materials, components and the work itself.

The average value of an organization's property has increased by 3,125 thousand rubles since 2010. (clause 7 of table 2.2). Return on assets (property) (clauses 8.1, 8.2, Table 2.2) reflects the efficiency of using the organization’s property. During the period under review, the profitability of using the property of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye increased by 11.5% in 2011. This suggests that the organization’s production and technical equipment has a higher capacity than is actually used. LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has a reserve of production capacity for the development of its activities, it is not used due to the lack of the required number of orders and the property not used in the activities is sold. In general, the calculated indicators reflected the efficiency of the economic activities of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye.

Conclusion from the analysis of the financial condition of the organization under study: deviations in economic indicators for 2010 and 2011. not significant, the growth rates of all indicators are approximately the same. This indicates that SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC is developing steadily, has opportunities for further growth, and in order to maintain a competitive position in the construction services market, it is necessary to use all available resources to the maximum. It is necessary to develop activities to attract new customers and strive to ensure that sales figures increase, which will positively affect the overall profitability of the company.

Let us analyze the external environmental factors influencing the structure of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye. The external environment in which an organization has to operate is in constant motion and subject to change. Consumer tastes are changing, the market exchange rate of the ruble against other currencies is changing, new laws and taxes are being introduced, market structures, new technologies are revolutionizing production processes, and many other factors are at play. An organization's ability to respond and cope with these environmental changes is one of the most important components of its success. At the same time, this ability is a condition for implementing planned strategic changes.

The external environment of an organization is forces external to the organization that affect its performance (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. External environment of the organization

The functional areas of the organization's external environment include:

) Social environment- population growth, development of culture and education determine the nature of the potential market, changes in needs for the quantity and quality of consumed goods (products, housing, comfort), lifestyle lead to the transformation of the concepts of employment and leisure, healthy lifestyle, comfort of housing and, as a result, is a motivation to change the production of goods and services. The social environment has an impact on SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC in terms of the formation of consumer preferences, on which the direction and magnitude of consumer demand, and therefore the company’s ability to sell its products and services, greatly depend.

) Legal environment - organizations operate within a legal framework, the rules of law regulate their behavior and contribute to the resolution of conflicts between them and society as a whole, therefore legislation, contrastive law, and consumer protection are being improved. The activities of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" are controlled by the relevant government authorities (tax, technical and fire supervision).

) State environment - the state in the economic sphere can play three different roles: non-interference in economic processes (free market); radical intervention in the economy (socialism and communism); pragmatic intervention in the economy, i.e. coordination of political views, individual initiative, profit motivation, market forces (regulated market). Today, the key process of the political component is the struggle for power. Power, on the one hand, determines how access to money is provided, and, on the other hand, how and to what extent money is alienated from organizations for government needs. Both of these processes are a source of opportunities and threats for the functioning of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye. The domestic market is influenced by political events and decisions, and similarly, political factors can impact international business operations.

) Technological environment - the dynamics of supply and demand in the labor, resource and financial markets influence the pace of innovation processes, competitive forces stimulate the development of technology. Tracking the process of technology development is important not only due to the fact that it is necessary to start using new technological advances in a timely manner, but also due to the fact that the organization must anticipate and predict the moment of abandonment of the technology used. It is obvious that SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC dealing directly with construction technologies, must be able to quickly respond to new developments and come up with innovations themselves. However, today, in order to remain competitive, almost all organizations are forced to keep up with at least those developments on which the effectiveness of their activities depends.

) Economic environment - production is always in specific connection with the economic environment: the level of employment, the balance of payments, the rate of economic growth. Analysis of the economic component should be aimed at a comprehensive assessment of its condition. First of all, this is fixation of the level of risk, the degree of intensity of competition and the level of business attractiveness of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye. To study the potential of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye", analyze its external environment, strengths and weaknesses, it is necessary to conduct a SWOT analysis (Table 2.3., Appendix H).

The main threats to the external environment of SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC are the emergence of new competitors, the likelihood of a decrease in demand for construction services due to a deterioration in the general economic situation in the country or region. To minimize these threats, it is necessary to constantly conduct marketing research of the market and develop measures to enhance competitive advantages. When the flow of customers decreases, carry out advertising events, information, introduce a system of discounts, hold promotions, etc.

LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has opportunities for successful development, the main ones being the presence of qualified personnel, a well-established process of sales and customer service, and the presence of well-established relationships with suppliers. It is proposed to implement the following measures to maximize the use of opportunities:

improve staff qualifications;

satisfy growing consumer demands through the use of new technologies and modern building materials;

use and develop established relationships with suppliers, fulfill contractual terms on time.

Activities aimed at increasing the degree of consumer satisfaction through: a wide range of services and materials will also be effective in competition; providing the opportunity to pay in installments for services, providing discounts, bonuses; reduction of work completion time. The proposed measures will require, in any case, additional investments, so it is necessary to search for ways to rationally reduce costs.

.2 Analysis of the work of functional units and management levels of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye"

Let's look at the indicators for labor and wages at LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4 Labor indicators of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye for 2010-2011.

Indicators, units of measure 2010 2011 Dynamics of changes absolute % Average headcount 414212.4, people: Managers 6600 Specialists 101000 Workers 252613.8 Left the company 46233.3 Turnover rate 9.714.24.531.7 Average 14 00015 0001 0006.6salary, rub.

As we can see from Table 2.4, the average salary increased by 6.6%, which is undoubtedly a positive fact for the company. But still, wage growth turned out to be no higher than inflation, therefore, wages should be raised further. Staff turnover is at a low level, but we have seen an increase in this ratio over the past year, which may be due to the lack of clear personnel management in the organization.

The organizational structure of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is linear-functional in type (Fig. 2.3., Appendix E).

LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" is headed by the General Director. IN general view The management structure of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye consists of top management (general director), middle level (commercial director, chief engineer and chief accountant) and lower level, including operational and economic units.

The highest level of management determines the strategic direction of the organization's development and solves important production, economic and technical problems.

The middle level of management (commercial director, chief engineer, chief accountant) ensures the efficiency of the functioning and development of the enterprise by coordinating all its divisions.

The lower level (departments, warehouse, support workers) solves operational problems in organizing economic activities within the framework of individual structural units, the main task of which is to carry out production program.

Let's consider the distribution of management functions in accordance with the existing organizational management structure.

The highest governing body of the Company is the general meeting of its participants, since LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has one participant, decisions on issues within the competence general meeting members of the Society are accepted by the sole member of the Society individually and are drawn up in writing. The exclusive competence of the sole participant of the Company includes:

determination of the main directions of the Company’s activities;

changing the charter and size of the authorized capital of the Company;

amendments to the memorandum of association;

appointment of the General Director of the Company, adoption of a decision on early termination of his powers;

increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the Company’s property and at the expense of additional contributions of its participants;

approval of annual reports and annual balance sheets;

making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the Company;

making decisions on the creation of branches, opening representative offices;

making decisions on major transactions;

approval of internal documents of the Company.

The sole executive body of the Company is the General Director. The General Director (in LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye is not a member of the Company) is appointed for a period of three years and can be reappointed an unlimited number of times. The terms of activity of the General Director, his rights, duties, powers, and remuneration are determined by the agreement concluded between him and a member of the Company. The General Director makes decisions on issues of the activities of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" that do not fall within the exclusive competence of a member of the Company.

The General Director of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has the right to: act on behalf of the Company without a power of attorney, incl. represent his interests; make transactions, with the exception of transactions defined as large; issue powers of attorney for the right of representation on behalf of the Company; issue orders on the appointment of employees of the organization, their transfer and dismissal; apply incentive measures to employees and impose penalties on them.

The director plans and manages the activities of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye, coordinates the interactions of structural divisions, distributes responsibilities and determines the degree of responsibility of employees, monitors compliance with work quality standards, identifies and analyzes problems in the work of the construction organization and takes measures to resolve them, represents the interests of a construction organization in court, arbitration, government and administrative bodies, etc.

The General Director of the construction organization LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye performs the following duties:

manages, in accordance with current legislation, the economic and financial activities of a construction organization;

determines measures and methods for solving problems of the construction organization subordinate to him;

ensures timely and high-quality implementation by the construction organization of contracts, contracts, and obligations;

takes measures to provide the construction organization with qualified personnel, rational use of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health;

hires and fires employees, applies incentive measures or imposes penalties, creates conditions for their professional growth;

approves internal regulatory organizational and legal documents;

defines pricing policy in the field of construction work;

controls and ensures compliance with the law in the activities of a construction organization, timely payment of established taxes and fees, the correct combination of economic and administrative management methods, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, moral and material incentives for improving the quality of construction work, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of everyone employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the work of the entire team, payment of wages in deadlines;

takes measures to comply with environmental protection legislation when performing construction work.

Directly subordinate to the director are the commercial director, chief engineer, chief accountant, and lawyer.

The commercial director of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" manages the activities of the organization's division - the warehouse. The main responsibilities of the commercial director: management of financial and economic activities in the field of logistics, procurement and storage of construction materials, takes measures to timely conclude economic and financial agreements with suppliers of materials, expand direct and long-term relationships, ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

The departments of estimate-contractual and production-technical are subordinate to the chief engineer. The contractual estimate specialist performs the work of drawing up estimates for orders, and consists of two engineers - estimators. The production and technical department performs the main work of fulfilling construction orders. The department includes foremen and workers of various construction specialties.

The chief accountant performs the functions of registering and summarizing information about property, obligations of organizations and the movement of property by documenting all business transactions. Responsibility for organizing accounting in the organization and compliance with the law when carrying out business operations lies with the head of organizations.

All business transactions carried out at LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" are documented with the appropriate documents. These documents serve as primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is conducted. Documents used to document business transactions with funds are signed by the general director and chief accountant.

As mentioned above, in addition to his direct work, the accountant of the company SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC conducts the organization’s clerical work (i.e., performs the functions of a secretary) and performs the duties of a personnel employee. An accountant is overloaded with work, especially during the period of accounting and tax reporting.

The lawyer reports directly to the general director, he provides legal advice and support for all economic and commercial transactions of the organization, and, if necessary, represents the interests of the company in court, government agencies etc.

Organizational influence on enterprise employees should be based on the preparation and approval of internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of personnel. In LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" these include a collective agreement between the administration and the workforce, Internal Rules labor regulations, staffing schedule of the organization, job descriptions of employees and organization of workplaces. Compliance with these documents is mandatory for all employees, and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

It was revealed that in LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" there are no documents regulating the organization's management system - the philosophy of the organization, regulations on structural units (departments). These documents need to be developed.

When analyzing the organizational management structure of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye, we took into account the fact that effective management structures must satisfy the following criteria:

1.There can only be one immediate supervisor in a department or employee.

2.No more than 7+/-2 people should be directly subordinated - maintaining the principle of controllability.

.Each employee must have certain functional responsibilities.

.When delegating responsibilities, it is necessary to delegate responsibility for their implementation; control is not delegated.

.The association of employees into departments should be carried out on the basis of some grouping principle (unity of the function performed, unity of the business process, unity of the client, etc.).

.Each function must be performed entirely within one department.

Accordingly, the presented organizational structure of SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC has a number of advantages, such as: division of labor, which leads to the emergence of highly qualified specialists; hierarchy of management levels; the presence of an interconnected system of generalized formal rules and standards that ensures the uniformity of staff performance of their duties and the coordination of various tasks; hiring is carried out in strict accordance with technical qualification requirements. Along with the listed advantages, it also has disadvantages inherent in all linear-functional structures:

lack of close relationships at the horizontal level between individual units, which leads to the need to coordinate the actions of different functional units and sharply increases the amount of work of managers;

exaggeration of the importance of standardized rules, procedures and norms leads to a loss of flexibility of behavior in certain situations, since all issues and problems are resolved based on precedents;

a discrepancy between the responsibilities and powers of managers at different levels is allowed;

The specifics of the work of various units are not taken into account.

It was determined that, in general, the organizational structure corresponds to the overall goal of the organization, but requires a little refinement, since some functions are distributed irrationally, there is a problem of overload of the chief accountant, who performs many functions - in addition to maintaining accounting records, he is entrusted with personnel records management. Such excessive overload and responsibility of the deputy can negatively affect the results of work and lead to errors and shortcomings in the work. There is no agreed system for hiring personnel; this work is not planned and is carried out only when a vacancy arises directly. Perhaps this is where there is a problem increase in turnover rate. Also, part of the personnel work (interview, hiring decision) will be performed by the general director, which also causes his overload. He should be responsible for determining the overall strategy of personnel policy; the placement of personnel, remuneration, and hiring and other issues arising in the system of selection, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel should be carried out by a specialist - a personnel manager.

2.3 Ways to improve and evaluate the effectiveness of the organization based on improving the management structure

An analysis of the management structure showed that in LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye there is an overload of the general director and chief accountant with personnel work, and as a result, personnel work is carried out ineffectively, there is no coherent system for hiring personnel, and over the last year there has been an increase in the turnover rate.

Let's consider the proposed new staffing position - HR manager. The HR Manager will report directly to the General Director. After the proposed changes in the structure of the organization (introduction of the position of HR manager), the accountant will perform only his main responsibilities for accounting for the company’s financial assets. The new organizational structure is presented in Appendix B.

The activities of the HR manager should be aimed at:

Development of a personnel management system: selection, assessment, placement, adaptation, training of personnel.

Organization of work with personnel: defining and drawing up the philosophy of the organization, tracking and analyzing the personnel structure, management regulation, scientific organization of work, etc.

Motivation, payment and personnel performance: development of a motivation system, an optimal remuneration system, personnel management methods, analysis of personnel performance.

Responsibilities of the HR Manager in the field of office work:

Receive and view incoming documents, register them, send them to performers; select documents requiring immediate consideration, report them to the General Director, and provide draft resolutions.

Maintain operational records of the passage of documents and daily monitor the deadlines for the execution of documents and oral instructions of the General Director by heads of structural divisions.

Prepare draft documents on behalf of the General Director, ensure coordination of projects with department heads, prepare and execute management and administrative documents.

Carry out and control document flow within the organization, on behalf of the general director, carry out document flow between the enterprise and other organizations, bodies, institutions.

Conduct paperwork, ensure the safety of documentation, formulate files.

Keep records, issue powers of attorney, accept reports from authorized representatives.

Maintain daily time sheets for company employees.

Prepare travel documents.

Maintain personnel records, register hiring and dismissal, vacations, and sick leave for employees.

Ensure familiarization, recording and storage of orders and instructions.

To determine how effective the distribution of functions is between managers of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye, based on the organizational management structure, we will draw up a matrix for the distribution of management functions (Appendix E).

The distribution matrix of management functions allows you to clearly separate them, determine the technological sequence of management operations and clearly assign operations to specific managers or specialists. The presented matrix is ​​based on a classifier of management functions of a construction organization.

This is how we see the rational distribution of functions between the management employees of the construction organization SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC. The CEO has fewer functions, which allows him to devote more time to solving strategic issues of the organization, engaging in development strategy and business development. Each manager of the organization performs functions according to his job profile and within his competence. Thus, the work of management personnel will be most effective and of high quality. In order to document the distribution of functions, it is necessary to develop job descriptions for employees of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye and make changes to the job descriptions of employees.

At LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye, at this stage it is necessary to develop regulations in accordance with the new structure and distribution of functional responsibilities of the organization, so the HR manager will need to start his work by developing or adjusting some documents. It should be noted that the compilation of not all initial data is within the competence of the HR manager. Thus, the development of the organization’s philosophy, regulations on remuneration, etc. is within the competence of the general director of SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC. But the HR manager can work on drawing up a workplace model, internal regulations, job descriptions, and regulations on structural divisions together with the heads of structural divisions. In Appendix D, E The developed Regulations on the Production and Technical Department and the Job Description of the Head of the Production and Technical Department are presented.

Job models at LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" are not given due attention when assessing candidates for vacant positions and when assessing the work of the organization's employees. An effective solution to the problem of personnel selection requires the development of scientifically based models of workplaces for workers and employees, which ensure the selection, assessment and placement of personnel on a unified methodological basis. The model of blue-collar jobs includes 15 elements that represent quality and quantitative characteristics workplace.

1.Personnel data: personnel records sheet, work book, characteristics, autobiography, copy of education documents.

2.Worker experience: life, production, government, public. Determined through interviews and questionnaires.

.Professional knowledge in specific academic disciplines. Identified as a result business games.

.Professional skills: a set of managerial jobs that an employee can perform. They are identified through interviews, during business games and practical exercises.

.Personal qualities: totality business qualities and the employee’s shortcomings, determined through a sociological survey.

.Personality psychology: personality type, temperament, intelligence, motivation - determined through psychological testing of the employee.

.Health and performance with medical diagnosis of the condition: healthy, practically healthy, sick.

.Level of qualification: determined by the acquired specialty, education and advanced training.

.A career path is formed based on an assessment of the employee’s potential and his interest in career growth.

.Hobbies: identified through interviews, observations and questionnaires.

.Bad habits and shortcomings: addiction to alcohol and smoking, etc. They are identified through questionnaires, observations and sociological surveys.

.Labor organization: premises, technical means, transport. They are established according to workplace organization standards and by interviewing the employee.

.Remuneration: salary, remuneration is determined by staffing table and the average income of workers in a given region.

.Social benefits: provision of branded clothing, personal protective equipment, living conditions, thermal conditions, etc. are established in the company on the basis of an agreement between the employer and employees in the collective agreement.

.Social guarantees: temporary disability benefits, pension, benefits in case of dismissal. Determined based on state standards.

The main stages of solving the problem of personnel selection based on workplace models.

1.Development of the concept of a personnel workplace model, its elements, characteristics and weighting coefficients.

2.Development of standard models of workplaces for personnel positions.

.Methodology for comprehensive personnel assessment based on a workplace model in assessment centers with the involvement of specialists (experts).

.Technology of working with idle or laid-off personnel in employment centers based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of personnel for vacant positions.

.Technology of working with personnel in an organization (personnel certification, career planning, advanced training and retraining of personnel).

To draw up a model of the HR manager’s workplace, you can involve the general director, commercial director, and heads of other structural divisions as experts (specialists). It is necessary to collect expert assessments on the elements included in the workplace model. Let's create a model of a marketing specialist's workplace. You can attract the general director, deputy director, and other specialists as experts (specialists). Also, to develop a workplace model, it is necessary to study the labor market, the requirements for specialists in this field, the level of wages and the factors that influence its size. Data from personnel (recruitment) agencies in Nizhny Novgorod, such as Retail Service, Chance and the consulting center Maxima, were studied. Also considered were the requirements for HR specialists on Internet sites - Superjob, RabotaVGorode.Ru, HeadHunter and

An analysis of the requirements for these specialists showed that an ordinary HR manager at an enterprise performs a fairly wide range of responsibilities. They may include: organizing work with personnel in accordance with the directions of personnel policy to achieve the effective use and professional development of employees; studying the labor market in order to determine possible sources of providing the necessary personnel. As well as personnel selection, interviews with those hired; timely registration of admission, transfer, relocation and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, personnel records, etc. After processing the collected data, we obtain a model of the HR manager’s workplace (Table 3.2., Appendix G).

Based on this example, the HR manager should develop workplace models for all positions in the organization with the help of heads of structural divisions. These documents will also be needed when evaluating personnel.

With the introduction of regulatory documents in organizations, a number of goals are achieved (Fig. 3.1., Appendix H).

Let's calculate the economic efficiency of the developed organizational management system of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye. Let's present the planned economic and financial indicators for 2012 (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3 Planned economic indicators of LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye" for 2012

Indicators 2012 (plan)1. Revenue, thousand rubles 150 5802. Cost of work, materials, thousand rubles 73 7903. Gross profit, thousand rubles 76 7904. Selling and administrative expenses, thousand rubles 6505. Profit (loss) from sales, thousand rubles 12 5906. Return on sales, % 26% 7. Net profit, thousand rubles 63 550

It is planned to increase the economic indicators of the organization and increase orders for construction work. It is planned to increase commercial and administrative expenses within reasonable limits, to motivate employees to work effectively through the development of a management system and a system for working with personnel. No reduction in the number of employees of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye is expected.

If we talk about management efficiency from an economic point of view, it is possible to provide planned figures and calculate how beneficial the developed management system is for the enterprise. The planned total gross profit in 2012 is 76,790 thousand rubles, of which 3% of the profit is expected from the implementation of the new management system of Garant-Povolzhye Insurance Company LLC - changes in the organizational, functional and staffing structures of the enterprise and streamlining of work with personnel. Accordingly, the profit from the developed management system is expected to be 2,303 thousand rubles. The estimated financial costs for the development and implementation of a new management system will be 281,200 rubles, calculations are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Justification of financial costs for the development of a management system for LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye

No. Costs Amount (in rubles) 1. HR manager rate (per month) 15,0002. Tax deductions (contributions to the Pension Fund, Federal Migration Service, Social Insurance Fund) - 34% (per month) 51,003. Salary of the HR manager (per year) 180,0004. Tax deductions (per year) 61 2005. Organization of the workplace - personal computer with the necessary programs 40,000 Total 281,200

The total cost of creating a profit will be 281,200 rubles.

As part of overall effectiveness, organizations consider management effectiveness. In economic literature, efficiency is calculated as the ratio of savings (profit) from the implementation of a specific result to the costs of its creation according to the formula:

E = E/Z(3.1),

where, E - economic efficiency, shares;

E - savings or profit, rub.;

Z - costs of creating savings, rub.

E = 2,303,000 / 281,200 = 8.2

Economic efficiency is a relative indicator; it is the ratio of profits from innovations to the costs of their implementation.

T = Z / E, (3.2),

where T is the payback period of capital costs, years.

T = 281,200 / 2,303,000 = 0.1 year.

The costs of increasing the staffing structure of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" - introducing the position of HR manager should pay off in an average of 1.5 months.

Conclusions on the second chapter

An analysis was carried out of the efficiency of the economic activities of LLC SK "Garant-Povolzhye". The calculation showed that the deviations in economic indicators for 2010 and 2011 in the organization under study are not significant, the growth rates of all indicators are approximately the same, the organization is developing steadily.

The main threats to the external environment of SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC are the emergence of new competitors, the likelihood of a decrease in demand for construction services due to a deterioration in the general economic situation in the country or region. To minimize these threats, it is necessary to constantly conduct marketing research of the market and develop measures to enhance competitive advantages.

It has been established that the organizational structure corresponds to the overall goal of the organization, but requires a little improvement; there is a problem of overload of the chief accountant. A model of the HR manager's workplace was compiled and the economic efficiency of the developed organizational management system was calculated, which showed the payback of the new position in 1.5 months.


Let us summarize the thesis research. The project studied the theoretical foundations of the organizational structure of the organization, examined the concept and essence of the organizational management structure. It has been established that the organizational structure of management is the relationship and subordination of independent management units and individual positions performing management functions. The relationships between the elements of the management structure are analyzed and the main types of organizational structures are characterized.

As part of the study, an analysis of the organizational management structure of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" was carried out and proposals were made for its improvement. An analysis of the main economic indicators of the activities of SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC and profitability indicators showed that SK Garant-Povolzhye LLC is developing steadily, has opportunities for further growth, and in order to maintain a competitive position in the construction services market, it is necessary to use all available resources are maximized. It has been established that it is necessary to develop activities to attract new customers and strive to ensure that sales figures increase, which will have a positive impact on the overall profitability of the company.

The results of the analysis of external environmental factors influencing the structure of LLC SK Garant-Povolzhye and SWOT analysis of threats and development opportunities showed that the main threats to the external environment are the emergence of new competitors, the likelihood of a decrease in demand for construction services due to the deterioration of the general economic situation in the country or region. But there are opportunities for successful development, the main ones being the presence of qualified personnel, a well-established process for sales and customer service, and the presence of well-established relationships with suppliers.

The organizational structure of LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" has been analyzed and its type has been established - linear-functional. It was revealed that LLC IC "Garant-Povolzhye" lacks some documents regulating the management system - the philosophy of the organization, regulations on structural divisions (departments); a proposal for their development has been developed.

In general, the organizational structure corresponds to the overall goal of the organization, but requires a little refinement, since some functions are distributed irrationally, there is a problem of overload of the chief accountant, who performs many functions - in addition to maintaining financial statements, he is entrusted with personnel records management.

It was proposed to introduce a new staffing position - HR manager. The HR Manager will report directly to the General Director. After the proposed changes in the structure of the organization (introduction of the position of HR manager), the accountant will perform only his main responsibilities for accounting for the company’s financial assets. It has also been determined that job models at LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye are not given due attention when assessing candidates for vacant positions and when assessing the work of the organization’s employees. A model of the manager’s workplace has been developed and, based on this example, the HR manager must develop workplace models for all positions in the organization with the help of heads of structural divisions, since these documents will also be needed when assessing personnel. The economic efficiency of the developed organizational management system was calculated based on planned economic and financial indicators for 2012. It was determined that the costs of increasing the staffing structure of LLC IC Garant-Povolzhye - introducing the position of HR manager should pay off in an average of 1.5 months. Thus, the goal of the work has been achieved, all the assigned tasks have been solved.

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Tags: Analysis of the organizational structure of enterprise management and development of proposals for its improvement Diploma Management

The process of organizing the activities of any company, including a travel agency, consists of forming the structure of the company. It is very important and serves many purposes such as:

· distribution of work that needs to be performed into specific departments and positions;

· identification of tasks corresponding to specific positions and measures of responsibility for each work assignment;

· coordination of various and different types of tasks of the organization;

· combining certain types of work tasks into groups;

· creating relationships between individual employees, groups and departments;

· determination of the formal chain of command;

· distribution and unlocking of the organization's resources.

During this process, managers are faced with the difficult task of creating an organizational structure that will enable employees to carry out their professional responsibilities effectively and efficiently, thereby contributing to the achievement of company goals. Organizational management structure is a set of management links that are interconnected and subordinate and ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a single whole. Organization management structure– a set of specialized functional units interconnected in the process of justification, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

The current organizational structure of the travel agency "Reopis" is presented in Fig. 2.3.

Fig.2.3. The current organizational structure of the travel agency "Reopis"

When organizing its activities, the Reopis company uses a linear management structure. This is one of the simplest organizational structures. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a manager vested with great powers and carrying out all management functions.

This type of organizational management structure is used in the operating conditions of small enterprises with simple production in the absence of extensive cooperative relationships with suppliers, consumers, etc. The advantages of the linear structure are due to its ease of use. All responsibilities and powers are clearly distributed here, and therefore conditions are created for an operational decision-making process, to maintain the necessary discipline in the team.

Among the disadvantages of the linear structure of an organization, rigidity, inflexibility, and inability to further growth and development of the enterprise are usually noted. The linear structure is focused on a large amount of information transmitted from one management level to another, limiting the initiative of employees at lower management levels. It places high demands on the qualifications of managers and their competence in all matters of production and management of subordinates.

Among the shortcomings of the organizational structure of the Reopis travel agency, one should indicate non-compliance with management levels, duplication of functions, and incorrect designation of positions.

The functioning of the unit is based on assigning functions to each employee (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Assigning functions to employees in the travel agency "Reopis"

Job title Functions
CEO Organization and implementation of legal and managerial activities, control over the activities of employees, development of the overall strategy of the enterprise, marketing strategy and making important management decisions. Management of investments and development of the enterprise. Deals with issues related to personnel selection and management.
Deputy General Director Implementation of tactical and operational planning of work; distribution of duties; carrying out ongoing monitoring of task completion; management of subordinate personnel; monitoring the activities of specialists in booking air and railway tickets and specialists in the passport and visa department. Replacement of the functions of the General Director during his absence.
Marketing, PR and Advertising Specialist Management of marketing processes, advertising activities, sales promotion
Accountant-cashier Working with the bank, checking prepared financial statements and other work related to coordinating the financial activities of the company.
Sales and Customer Relations Manager Working with clients, promoting sales of services. Preparation of documents and monitoring compliance with contract terms.
Visa and passport service specialist Work with tour operators, work with embassies, assistance in obtaining visas, invitations for foreign guests.
Air and railway ticket reservation specialist Working with clients, selecting, booking and issuing air and railway tickets.
Courier Delivery of documents, tickets and other correspondence throughout Moscow.

Having analyzed the data in table. 2.2, it is worth noting that the functions of employees in the Reopis travel agency are not assigned correctly enough. There is a combination of management functions and their duplication by the general director and a marketing specialist. The CEO is too busy. There is no clear definition of the HR management function.

Thus, there are several obvious shortcomings in the organizational management structure of the Reopis travel agency. Among them, first of all, the double subordination of the courier should be indicated. Even in a small tourism enterprise this is a hindrance efficient work employees, especially during the season, due to the heavy workload of the courier and the lack of unity of command. Therefore, confusion arises and a lot of time is wasted on resolving disputes and conflicts.