Project work on the topic: “Making covers for sofa cushions. Research project "making a sofa cushion" Project for making a sofa cushion

Barteva Valentina

The creative project developed as part of the study of the "Handicraft" section in grade 7 and made using the "Patchwork" technique. The project solves an important technological problem - rational use fabric scraps or waste-free production.



Municipal state educational institution

average comprehensive school Zarya village

Oparinsky district, Kirov region

Creative project on technology

Elegant pillowcase for

sofa cushion

7th grade student

Head: Levkina L.A.

Technology teacher

Zarya 2012

1. Justification of the problem.

2. Initial ideas

3. The purpose and objectives of the project.

4. Basic parameters and limitations.

5. Project work plan.

6. Research. Design analysis of analogues

7. History of patchwork.

8. Study of consumer demand.

9. Design specification.

10. Characteristics of the materials and equipment used.

11. Manufacturing technology.

12. Safety precautions and work culture.

13. Environmental assessment of the project.

14. Economic justification for the project.

15. Expert review products. Attribute analysis of the product (5-point rating system). Spider diagram.

16. Self-analysis and self-esteem.

18. List of references.

Justification of the problem and need.

The apartment in which we live, work and relax should be comfortable, cozy and of course beautiful. To achieve this there is no need to spend a lot of money. Aren't we familiar with apartments furnished with expensive fittings, which, nevertheless, give the impression of being boring and formulaic? At the same time, a small, modestly furnished room often reveals the good taste of the housewife. But for this you need to do a lot with your own hands.

A safe haven after working day is a sofa or armchair. And here you simply need a comfortable and beautiful sofa cushion.

Few people will deny themselves the pleasure of lounging on the sofa, surrounded on all sides by pillows. Sofa cushions are those pleasant little things that give an apartment a lived-in look, emphasize its individuality and are always ready to carefully offer themselves to a tired owner or guest. And a sofa cushion made in the form of a children's toy will certainly appeal to those children who come to visit you.

Pillow - best friend person. Especially after work! There are a lot of beautiful ones on the store shelves. How to make not just a pillow, but an elegant pillowcase that will decorate any pillow?

Make an elegant pillowcase - The best way get rid of the remnants of scraps, which I have enough for this work. And also express yourself through creativity. After all, any novice craftswoman can cut and decorate a pillow. A homemade pillowcase will decorate any faceless pillow.


Design and make an elegant pillowcase for a sofa cushion.


  1. Pick up suitable idea for a future product.
  2. Conduct research and development of the selected product option.
  3. Pick up necessary tools and materials.
  4. Make a product.

Project work plan.

Thinking about the work plan, I drew up a diagram in which I included the necessary factors

Basic parameters and limitations

  1. The sofa cushion should be coordinated in color and material with the upholstery, bedspread or cover on the sofa.
  2. Must serve color accent, a spot that makes the interior of the room unique and interesting.
  1. From the variety of options, I need to choose exactly the one that suits the interior of my room.


Relevance of the project, historical data.

Fascinating needlework, sewing from patches, appeared in Russia in ancient times, but it gained particular popularity in the second half of the 19th century. Patchwork originated and developed among peasants. Careful housewives cut and sewed clothes, and collected scraps, from which they subsequently sewed all kinds of products (panels, pillowcases for sofa cushions, bedspreads, blankets, vests, handbags, toys, etc.), such products were useful and beautiful, filled everyday life and brought joy eye. Among the urban population, products made from rags for a long time were considered signs of poverty. And only in the 70s of the 20th century, when the folk style came into fashion, interest in patchwork arose again.

Sewing from rags is also called “patchwork mosaic” - products assembled from colored rags. They are distinguished by artistic taste, integrity of composition, and decorativeness.

Patchwork mosaics - bedspreads, blankets, curtains, panels, napkins, rugs, paths - still decorate many residential building interiors and arts and crafts exhibitions. Ancient crafts are flourishing thanks to the work and creativity of young masters. Their secrets are carefully kept, passed on from generation to generation - and the thread connecting us with distant ancestors does not break.

Nowadays, the patchwork technique has not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, is gaining new round. Working in this technique has many positive aspects: the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of decorative and applied arts, to become familiar with folk art, and the opportunity to express oneself. What is attractive about this work is the relative cheapness of the materials used and for the future housewife good preparation To family life: learns to be thrifty, practical. And also working in the patchwork technique helps to expand knowledge in the future choice of profession.

Design – analysis of existing analogues

Before you begin the practical work of making a pillowcase, you need to select a sample. In the magazine “Wonderful Moments” there are many interesting drawings and photographs using the patchwork technique, and you can also find pillow samples on Internet sites.

1. Cute pillow, well-chosen colors, but the product has small crocheted napkins.

2. Impressive model with many different small sizes geometric shapes, which will be difficult to do.

3. Good decision, the color scheme also suits me, the product is not very difficult to manufacture.

Studying consumer demand.

10 people were interviewed.

Survey questions

Survey results

1.Do you like patchwork sofa cushion?

a) yes

b) no

+ + + + + + + ++

2. The pillow should be:

a) using patchwork technique

b) with embroidery

c) knitted

+ + + +

+ + + +

3.Which topic do you prefer?

a) still life

b) drawing

c) pattern

+ + + +

+ + +++

4. The pillowcase should be:

a) bright colors

b) subdued tones

+ + + + + + + + + +

5. What size should it be?cushion?

a) big

b) small

c) average

+ + +

+ + + + +

6. If you decided to buy such a thing, what should the price be?

a) low

b) high

c) average

+ + + +

+ + + + + +

So, according to the survey results, it turned out that the majority of respondents like a sofa cushion as an element of home interior decoration. The pillowcase for it should be made using the technique of patchwork or embroidery, preferably in the form of a pattern, bright colors, medium size and low cost.

Design - Specification

Product name

Wall panel

Purpose of the product

To decorate the interior of a home, satisfies the aesthetic needs of a person

Market (who can use and buy it)

wide range of buyers

Single product, small batch

single product

Requirements for size and shape

small size, rectangular shape

Style and finish requirements

using the flap technique, bright colors,

in the theme of the pattern


inexpensive, easy-to-process shreds various colors, cotton, wool blend, artificial

Manufacturing methods

manual method, machine - sewing patches with a zigzag stitch, creative work, does not provide for industrial production

Safety precautions

The product can be manufactured in a technology room in compliance with safe labor practices when working

Requirements from the human factor,

safety in use

Aesthetic requirements

creating beauty, comfort in the home and good mood

Environmental requirements

waste-free production, use of environmentally friendly materials

Economic requirements

The product is economically profitable, as it is made by hand using recycled materials.

Necessary materials, tools and equipment.

  • A simple pencil, a set of colored pencils, a tailor's colored chalk;
  • square ruler, measuring tape;
  • 1 set of safety pins, 2 needles (medium and long) for handwork;
  • small scissors, large scissors for cutting;
  • 1 cardboard and 1 tracing paper measuring 12x14 cm, 1 album sheet;
  • scraps of fabric, threads for running and machine stitches;
  • pillow 60 x 60cm;
  • sewing machine, iron and ironing board.

Choice of fabric.

While researching various materials used in making pillows, I found optimal solution between the cost of the material and the availability of its processing. To make a pillow using the patchwork technique, you can use fabric scraps that are always available at home, and the easiest to process and safest for human health are cotton or linen fabrics, which have similar properties.

Color solution

Particular attention in patchwork technique is paid to color and its combinations. All colors are conventionally divided into warm (red, yellow, orange) and cold (blue, purple, green), also known as achromatic colors. Also neutral (chromatic) white, black, gray.

Red, yellow, blue are the primary colors that, when mixed, give all other colors; the color wheel will help you choose fabrics by color for making a product from scraps. Colors are combined opposite each other and through 1 (harmony of the triad), in a large circle through 3 colors

Harmony of the triad

The principle of contrast is used in the work, i.e. combination light pink with light green.

Rules safe work

Safety rules when working with needles, pins and scissors

Needles and pins

1 . Store needles in a cushion or pincushion, entwined with thread. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Do not throw away a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this.

3. Know the number of needles and pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check for their presence.

4. During work, stick needles and pins into the pad, do not put them in your mouth, and do not stick them into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains. Do not leave the needle in the product.

5. Do not sew with a rusty needle. It does not penetrate the fabric well, leaves stains and can break.

6. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction away from you, so that when moving your hands forward or to the sides you do not get pinned.

7. Before trying on, check to see if there are any pins or needles left in the product.


1. Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.

2. Place the scissors with the blades closed away from the person working; when passing, hold them by the closed blades.

3. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

4. Do not leave scissors with blades open.

5. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.

6. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Rules for operating a sewing machine.

1. Rotate the flywheel only towards you.

2. Select the thickness of threads and needles in accordance with the fabric.

3. Check the degree of tension of the upper thread, the stitch size, and the type of machine stitch.

4.Thread the threads in strict accordance with the instructions for the sewing machine (the upper and lower threading threads should be the same number and preferably the same color).

5. Remember that when sewing, the part of the product should be on the left side of the person working, and the seam allowances should be on the right side.

6. Place fabric under the foot, pierce it with a needle, lower the foot, and bring the threads behind the foot with ends 8-10 cm long.

7. Upon completion of work, raise the needle and foot, move the fabric to the side, tighten the threads and cut them using a knife located on the sleeve of the sewing machine.

8. Do not allow the sewing machine to operate when the fabric has come off the teeth of its rack.

9. When finished, place a piece of fabric under the foot and turn off the electric sewing machine.

Rules for working with an iron

1. Before using the iron, check that the cord is in good condition.

2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, grasping the plug body.

3. Place the iron on the stand.

4. Make sure that the sole of the iron does not touch the cord.

5. When finished, turn off the iron.

Manufacturing technology.

Making templates.

For the selected product I used such work techniques as patchwork sewing and volumetric appliqué. The “Squares from Triangles” technique was used - this is the most interesting and easy to master technique for assembling flaps. To obtain a high-quality product from triangles, it is necessary that the stitching lines are even, the width of the seam is equal to the width of the foot (0.6 - 0.75 cm). The technique involves assembling a canvas from a certain number of blocks. Machine stitch - for regular straight and zigzag stitches.

The work began by collecting the necessary scraps of texture and color in accordance with the sketch. Cotton fabric scraps light shades pink and green colors. I ironed the prepared flaps, determined the warp thread, and laid them out in order.

Before you start making the product, you need to prepare templates from cardboard and cut out 2 triangular templates. Next stage work - cutting out parts for a pillowcase from prepared scraps (all parts without seam allowance!).

Based on the sketch, the number of squares made from fabrics of a certain color is calculated. You should cut exactly according to the template, otherwise it will be difficult to combine the squares when sewing.

The principle of joining squares into a fabric is as follows: first they are sewn into strips, and then the strips are sewn together. For rectangular product The squares are sewn into stripes along the shorter side - this is much more convenient. In our case (a square product) all sides are equal, so start with any of them.

Connect the strips into a fabric with the right sides facing inward, pin them together, aligning the cuts, and sew exactly along the seam allowance line. Press the seam “on the edge” and then press it out.
Iron the canvas.

The bottom part of the pillowcase is plain and cut to the size of the fabric. Then the two parts of the pillowcase are folded with the right sides inward and connected with a stitch seam. The seams are covered with a zigzag stitch, the edges of the pillowcase are hemmed with a closed cut.

Manufacturing sequence.


Operation name.

Graphic image.

Tools and equipment.

Connect the triangles with a pressed seam

Connect squares into stripes

Sewing machine, threads, needles, scissors

Connect the strips into a canvas

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Cut out the bottom piece of the pillowcase

Pillowcase top piece, scissors

Connect the pillowcase parts with a backstitch, overcast the seams

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Finish the top edges of the pillowcase with a closed hem stitch.

Sewing machine, thread, needles, scissors

Turn the pillowcase inside out and straighten the corners.


Conduct final finishing and WTO


Ecological justification

My job didn't require use large quantity resources: energy costs, complex tools, expensive materials, energy-intensive equipment. When creating my project, I used scissors, an iron, glue, a sewing machine and I believe that there was no damage environment was not applied.

As a thrifty housewife, my mother gave me scraps of various fabrics; they remained with her after making sewing items, and I also used things for work that were no longer suitable for wear. Thus, there was no need to throw them away, therefore, no damage was caused to the environment, and the things received a second life.

Products made from scraps allow for waste-free production, since even the smallest scraps may be needed for work. By doing this, we benefit the environment without polluting it.

Economic justification

The cost of a pillowcase for a sofa cushion made using the patchwork technique can be calculated as follows: We do not take into account the cost of the fabric, since we use remnants of fabric used for making other sewing products.

Name of materials used

Price, rub)

Consumption of materials

Material costs


Base fabric (cotton)

1 Sewing thread (any color) for basting parts

10 (1 reel)

1 PC

1 Colored sewing threads for sewing parts

10 (1 reel)

1 PC



Total: 86.92

Despite the rather minor material costs, I received an elegant pillowcase that will decorate the interior of my room, and for much less than what I would have to pay if I bought a similar product in a store.

Aesthetic assessment of the product

My work produces a positive emotional effect. It will become a bright spot of color in the interior of the room. Made with high quality.

Self-assessment of work

In the market and in stores, sofa cushions are sold, as a rule, “Chinese” production. Their range is not very diverse, and the quality leaves much to be desired. In addition, we are very often not satisfied with their design and prices. The pillowcase I made turned out to be elegant and bright. Of course, in the process of doing my work I encountered many difficulties, but it seems to me that I overcame them. A small pillowcase made by me can serve not only as a decoration for a sofa cushion in the interior of my room, but also, on occasion, serve as a toy for small children.

You will sleep sweetly today,

And you won't forget my gift.

After all, I will sew you a pillow,

Note: a pillow, not a toy.

Dreams will be bright on her,

And everything is greener in the yard.

Tell me how you slept,

And what in the dream has now come true.

MBOU "Elanskaya Secondary School No. 2".


TOPIC: “Making a sofa cushion at home”

Completed by a 5th grade student

Truzhennikova Alexandra.

Teacher – Kulguskina N.A.

Goal: Sew a sofa cushion at home and give it to your grandmother. Show a master class to girls in grades 5.

Tasks :

    Find literature on sewing and choose an interesting pattern for a pillow.

    Apply the knowledge and skills acquired in technology lessons.

    Follow safe sewing rules.

    the work must be neat, original and of high quality;

    Conclusion: I am satisfied with the work done. The result completely met my expectations. I really liked it appearance pillows. I believe that it will perfectly complement the interior of the house and both mother and grandmother will be pleased. The product is made from environmentally friendly fabrics, it can be used as a living room decoration and will not harm your health. I decided that it was possible to make a pretty decent sofa cushion at home.

1. Selection and justification of the problem.

2. The history of sofa cushions.

3. Types of sofa cushions.

4. Sketch of the selected model.

5. Material used.

6. Pillow manufacturing technology.

7. Economic calculations.


During the technology lesson, we were asked to sew sofa cushions for our home. The teacher suggested choosing different models and showed samples of finished pillows. Having studied and considered possible options, we settled on a pillow with a New Year's pattern. We liked it unusual shape pillows, bright colors, the presence of a “face” and “hairstyle” on the pillow. The pillow looks like a toy, so it can not only be a decorative part of the interior, but you can play with it and even make friends. There is an opportunity to give a gift to your family and friends.


The first semblance of sofa cushions arose in ancient times in Asian countries. The interior of a traditional Turkish home is characterized by the absence of any furniture. They sat and ate on the floor, on mats called khasyr or on rugs called kilim and oblong-shaped minder pillows.

In Lebanon, a room intended for receiving guests usually contained a low sofa with flat pillows in bright pillowcases.

In Rus', a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

Pillows can be very diverse: in the style of patchwork technology, with embroidery, appliqué, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD: “Processing of cut details.”

Sequence of work.

Graphic image.

Tools and accessories.

1. Cut out 2 parts

patterned pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

2.Cut out

pattern small details

pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

3. Sweep parts

main part,

grind, leaving in

the top part has a 5 cm hole for


Needles, scissors,

threads, sewing

4. Turn the pillow inside out, stuff it,

sew up the hole



Needle, thread, scissors, padding polyester.

5. Sweep and stitch

small parts

pillows, leaving

hole for

eversion with

bottom side.

Needle, thread,

scissors, sewing

6. Turn the parts inside out, stuff them, sew them up with secret stitches

stitches, sew to the main part of the pillow.

Needle, scissors,

7. Create a hairstyle from fur, cord or yarn, sew to the top of the pillow.


Fabric, cord, fur, braid, scissors, needles, threads, glue.


To make a sofa cushion we may need: drape or fleece bright colors, cord, braid, buttons, artificial fur, sewing threads, floss threads, artificial filler- padding polyester.

Having assessed our possibilities, we decided to use old coats and fur, threads, braid, buttons were bought at the store, the teacher offered us padding polyester.


IAs a result of a little saving, the pillow cost us quite little and turned out to be very funny and beautiful.

1. Fabric from an old coat.

2. Sintepon.

3. Threads. Used 0.5 spools at a price of 8 rubles. per reel

4. Cord and braid for 6 rubles. for 1 meter, 4 meters consumed.

5. Embroidery threads for 8 rubles. for 1 skein, 2 skeins used.

6. PVA glue - 1 bottle at a price of 12 rubles, 0.5 bottles used.

7. Total cost = 4+24+16+6=50 rub.


1. Electric sewing machine.

2. Overlock.

3. Ironing board, iron.

4. Threads No. 40 for machine work.

5. Centimeter, ruler, scissors.

6. Paper for patterns.


Big Book crafts for girls and boys. Dankevich E.V., Zhakova O.V.

Making toys and souvenirs. Molotobarova O. S.

Soft toy. Petukhova E.N.

Soft toy. Sokolova Yu.A.

Technology. Simonenko V.D. Bronnikov N.L., Samorodsky P.S., Sinitsina N.V.

Project using the technology “Sofa cushions with cat applique”

Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………2 1.1. Relevance……………………………………………………………………………….3 1.2. Problem situation………………………………………………………34 1.3. Object of study………………………………………………………...4 1.4. Objective of the project……………………………………………………………. .…..….4 1.5. Project objectives………………………………………………………….…...…..4 1.6. Selection and justification of the problem…………………………………………..……56 1.7. Brief Definition design task……………………………......6 1.8. Tools and accessories for work……………………………6 7 2. Main part………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 2.1.History of the appearance of the sofa cushion……………………………… ….…..78 2.2. Variety. Bank of ideas…………………………………………………………….…....89 2.3. Rules for safe work……………………………………………………………...…912 2.4. Sequence of work……………………………………12 2.5. Ecological justification……………………………………………………..……….13 2.6. Economic justification…………………………………………..…1314 2

Why cats? My sister loves cats very much. They recently bought a cat, a Scottish breed. She is 4 months old, her name is Stesha. So, my task is to design and produce decorative sofa cushions with a cat applique. 1.3. Object of study. oo What is a pillow? Under the shka - bedding in the form of a bag sewn up on all sides, stuffed with down, feathers, foam rubber or other soft material. Serves to support the head of a lying person, for the convenience of sitting on a sofa or for decorative purposes. There are also orthopedic pillows for increased comfort and correct location neck and head. 1.4. Project goal: To design and sew sofa cushions with appliqué for convenience and coziness in the home. 1.5. Project objectives:  To get acquainted with the history of sofa cushions;  Develop a sketch of a pillow, compare pillows made in different styles;  Develop your aesthetic and artistic taste.  Make pillows with appliqué with your own hands; Methods of work To solve the assigned problems, a descriptive method is used (search, selection of information, study, analysis) and practical method(sewing) Practical significance: this pillow can be used to decorate and add coziness to a room. Stages of implementation: Stage I Stage II preparatory research Collection of information and material Selection and study 4

The apartment, the house in which we live, work and relax, should be comfortable, cozy and of course beautiful. To achieve this there is no need to spend a lot of money. Aren't we familiar with apartments furnished with expensive fittings, which, nevertheless, give the impression of being boring and formulaic? At the same time, a small, modestly furnished room often reveals the good taste of the housewife. But for this you need to do a lot with your own hands. A reliable “shelter” after a hard day is a sofa or armchair. And here you simply need a comfortable and beautiful sofa cushion. Few people will deny themselves the pleasure of lounging on the sofa, surrounded on all sides by pillows. Sofa cushions are those pleasant little things that give an apartment a lived-in look, emphasize its individuality and are always ready to carefully offer themselves to a tired owner or guest. And a sofa cushion made in this form will certainly please everyone. A pillow is man's best friend. Especially after work! There are a lot of beautiful ones on the store shelves. How to make not just a pillow, but a pillow that everyone would like? Making an appliqued sofa cushion is the best way to get rid of leftover scraps, which I have enough for this project. And also express yourself through creativity. After all, any novice craftswoman can cut and decorate a pillow. Any handmade pillow will decorate any faceless or boring interior. 1.7. Brief definition of the design task 1. The sofa cushion must be coordinated in color and material with the upholstery, curtains or sofa cover. 2. It should serve as a color accent, a spot that makes the interior of the room unique and interesting. 3. From the variety of options, I need to choose exactly the one that is suitable for the interior of my sister’s room. 6

1.8. Tools and accessories for work Sewing machine. Ironing board, iron. Hand needle, pins, scissors. Pencil, ruler, measuring tape To make my pillow I needed: remnants of scraps from gray curtains 84 cm high by 50 cm wide, pieces of furniture fabric: 28 cm by 33 cm and 20 cm by 10 cm. Threads of gray, beige, brown, pink, blue flowers. Filling: holofiber 1 kg. 2. Main part 2.1. History of the appearance of the sofa pillow Initially, pillows were mainly used by wealthy people; pillows were found in ancient Egyptian burials. Ancient Egyptian commoners were content with wooden pillows and stands with a semicircular recess for the head. The sophistication of making dyes and sewing techniques led to the transformation of the pillow into an object of art; richly decorated pillows became expensive goods, first in China, and later in Medieval Europe. During the Industrial Revolution, the making of decorative fabrics and pillows became mass-produced. Traditional Chinese pillows, instead of covers filled with soft filling, are often solid rectangular supports made of stone, wood, metal or porcelain. Linguistic interpretation: the word pillow comes from the word “spirit”; the connection with the combination “under the ear” is accidental. In the Middle Ages in Rus' they began to use special small pads under their feet that protected their feet from the cold. It was at that time that pillows began to be used for prayer; they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Cushions for riding horses were also common; they softened saddles. Embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Several 7

appeared later decorative pillows. The poor stuffed pillows with hay and horsehair, down and feather pillows were considered a luxury. They come in:         various shapes and sizes; for various purposes; from shreds; with embroidery, braid, cord; with applique; in the form of toys; with faux fur; decorated with satin drapery;  knitted. 2.2. Variety. Bank of ideas. 1st idea: Knitted pillows. This interesting option pillows, but I don’t think it’s very suitable for my sister’s room. I want it to be modern and 8

youthful, so this option does not suit me. 2nd idea: Fabric pillows. They can be of different types and sizes, and they can also be decorated in a variety of ways. This set of pillows will probably be the most suitable for my sister’s room, you can choose the fabric to match the color of the curtains, or vice versa, then sew the curtains to match the color of my pillows, this will give the room coziness and warmth. 3rd idea: 9

Pillowstoys. When making such pillows you can get very creative; such pillows should be colorful and cheerful. But such toys, I think, are for children, but for my sister this is no longer suitable. I chose the 2nd idea. I liked her better. 2.3. Safe work rules. Safety rules when working with needles and pins. 1. Store needles in a cushion or pincushion, entwined with thread. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid. 2. Do not throw away the broken needle, but put it in a special 3. 4. box. Know the number of needles and pins taken for work. At the end of the work, check for their presence. During work, stick needles and pins into the pad, do not put them in your mouth, do not stick them into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains, do not leave the needle in the product. 10

District week of project activities

Festival of projects within the subject "Technology"

Section "Technology"

Making covers for sofa cushions


Ponomareva Lidiya

student of 7th grade

Municipal educational institution No. 42

Zheleznodorozhny district

g.o. Samara


Pavkina Galina Gennadievna,

technology teacher



Formulation of the problem

Rationale for choosing a topic

Main part

History of the sofa cushion

5 - 7

Pillow design development

Routing product manufacturing

10 - 11

Selection of materials for the product



I would like to give my grandmother a gift, but I don’t know what gift could give her greater pleasure.

Objective of the project:

Create several covers for sofa cushions so that they fit into the interior of the room as much as possible.


Think over Beautiful design pillows.

Select materials for making the product.

Perform economic calculations for manufacturing the product.

Activities to accomplish the assigned tasks:

Consider options for sofa cushions on the Internet and in stores.

Develop ideas and design options for sofa cushions (think about the shape, color scheme, compositional construction).

Choose materials that are suitable for price and quality.

Justify the choice of materials for the product.

Make cushion covers.

Consider price limits for similar products; calculate what material costs will be required to manufacture the product and evaluate your options by cost.

Planned result:

Beautiful designer item, which is inexpensive and can please my grandmother.

Rationale for choosing a topic

It’s great when you want to make something unusual with your own hands and give it as a gift or leave it at home. I really like it when a lot of unusual and interesting things are used to decorate the interior of an apartment. It is very rare to find things in the store that are compatible with internal device apartments, it is especially difficult to choose sofa cushions by color or composition. Therefore, I decided to make a sofa cushion for my grandmother with my own hands and decorate it in accordance with the interior of the room.

Grandma has a lot of sofa cushions of different shapes, but they all look outdated, although she recently used the services of specialists who reupholstered her favorite sofa. I often visit my grandmother's room and I wanted to update her old pillows.

After upholstering the sofa, there were unnecessary leftovers, and my grandmother also has many different beautiful pieces of fabric that can be used to work on the designed product. At first I wanted to sew a new pillow, but my grandmother gave me an idea: you can sew fastened covers on old pillows and they will become new...

I thought about it and decided that this idea is even better, because the covers are convenient to remove and wash, much more convenient than washing pillows often.

History of the sofa cushion

Sofa pillows, or as we affectionately call them “dumochki,” appeared somewhat later than ordinary pillows for sleeping.However,history of sofa cushiondates back many centuries. The first sleeping pillows were found in Ancient Egypt, in the pyramids. They were invented so as not to ruin an intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow then consisted of curved planks on a stand.

But the birthplace of sofa cushions is considered to beEast or Ancient Greece. The first semblance of sofa cushions arose in ancient times in Asian countries.The interior of a traditional Turkish home is characterized by a lack of furniture. They eat and sleep on the floor on mats, rugs and oblong pillows,minders. In Lebanon, the room intended for receiving guests usually contained a low sofa with flat pillows in bright pillowcases.The first soft pillows appeared in Greece.Comfort was more valued here, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult object for the Greeks; they spent time on it most day. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented. Pillows, the ancestors of modern sofa cushions, were filled with the most various materials and were decorated (often even pretentiously and excessively) to show the wealth and prosperity of their owners. During a feast or discussion of important transactions, they preferred to recline on comfortable couches surrounded by pillows.History of the sofa cushiondidn't end there. Already inMiddle Agesanalogues of modern sofa cushions were taken with them to church, placed on benches, and placed in saddles. Even a special kind of pillows appeared; feet were placed on them so as not to freeze them on the cold stone floors of castles. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days. It was then that pillows began to be used for prayer; they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Cushions for riding horses were also common; they softened saddles.In Rus'Embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry, an accessory to the ceremonial bed. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. In Rus', the first pillows were “dumka”, which were used to decorate rooms. Now “Dumka” pillows have been replaced by modern onessofa cushions.

Pillowcases for sofa cushions were sometimes made from the same fabric as the upholstery. But more often, day pillows were made of velvet, rep, silk, and decorated with appliqués, satin stitch embroidery or cutwork. Since the last quarter of the 19th century, cross stitch, simple or double, the so-called “Bulgarian”, has been in particular fashion.

And since then, embroidered pillows have not left living rooms, onlyin the 1960s, during the “severe style”, they were removed from sight. And their other, less elegant friends continued to be modestly present on the ottoman and sofa.

Now these Cinderellas have become fashionable again, moreover, they have become an indispensable piece of living room decoration. They became beauties without losing their ease. They know how to add variety and unique intonation to a standard setting. And at the same time, their decorativeness and expressiveness are achieved comparatively by simple means and do not require special costs.

Replaced each other different styles, sofa cushions changed, the main functions that were assigned to them changed. One thing remained unchanged: they were always needed to provide comfort and create additional coziness. Sofa cushions still regularly perform this important function in our apartments.

Study existing solutions

Pillows are such a cute interior detail! and if you dream up a little, it can become one of its most interesting details. After all, there are so many options for decorating a pillow: pieces of fabric with patterns, fringe, braid, applique, embroidery, as well as toy pillows! share your ideas!

Sofa cushion design development

Cushions- this is convenience and comfort when watching TV, as well as when reading books. Moreover, this great way literally transform interior room, make it unrecognizable, add rich, bright spots to it. Original patterns can say a lot about your impeccable taste.

The choice on the market now is very wide - pillows can be knitted, embroidered, or with appliqués. It's not very difficult to make them your own with my own hands! Do you want to give something original and attractive to your friend for a housewarming? Do it for himDIY sofa cushions - and the gift is ready! After all, without them, the sofa will not be so cozy, it will not become a real resting place for the whole family. In addition, if something is missing in the room, some bright original zest, then such a zest can becomesofa cushions. They are not very expensive, but they last a long time - especially if you skillfully choose a thick pillowcase, thereby sparing the fabric of the pillow itself from damage and dirt.

Is it your family's birthday? Wonderful! Give them a pillowcase with a family photo on it that will remind them of how much they are loved and appreciated.Cushions for sofasThey are also made to order - it is important to indicate the exact size, material (velvet, cotton, natural or artificial silk, cambric, leather, satin and other options).


Work sequence

Graphic representation of the operation

Image of the resulting node

Tools and accessories

Cut out the details of the corduroy pillow cover

Fabric, chalk, ruler, scissors

Cut out the details of the cushion cover from upholstery fabric

Fabric, chalk, ruler, scissors

Process upholstery fabric parts using an overcasting machine

Overcasting machine, thread, scissors

Basting corduroy pieces

Needle, thread, scissors

Sew corduroy parts using a sewing stitch

Iron part of the cover part

Iron, ironing board

Adjust the seams to 0.1 cm with a finishing stitch

Sewing machine, thread, scissors

Baste corduroy and upholstery parts

Needle, thread, scissors

Sew the corduroy part with the upholstery part

Sewing machine, thread, scissors

Iron the entire cover piece

Iron, ironing board

Place a zipper on both sides of the cover

Needle, thread, scissors

Sew a zipper on both sides of the cover

Sewing machine, thread, scissors

Baste the cover along three edges.

Needle, thread, scissors

Sew the cover along three edges.

Sewing machine, thread, scissors

Final ironing of the cover

Iron, ironing board

Selection of materials for the product

The choice of fabric for the product is determined by the fact that when upholstering the sofa, fabric of a certain color was used to fit into the interior of the room in which I live with my grandmother.

To make the sofa more beautiful, corduroy from a used jacket that had lost its presentation was used in the upholstery. The new sofa made the room cozier; the only thing missing was pillows that matched the interior.

I decided that the cushion covers would look better if they were made from two fabrics: corduroy and upholstery fabric. During the work it turned out that my idea was very good.

During the work, it was discovered that the upholstery fabric was fraying very much along the edges. The teacher helped me finish all the seams using the overcasting machine she has at home. To make the seams stronger, I used the teacher’s recommendation and stitched the seams along the edge at a distance of 1-2 mm. To make the cover more functional, I thought it was necessary to sew a zipper along the edge to fasten the cover so that it could be washed without washing the pillow.

Environmental justification for the project

When we use various items, surrounding us, we do not think about how “clean in production” this or that thing is and whether it can harm us. However, we want the furniture around us to be made of wood, things to be made of natural materials, for example, cotton, silk or wool. Even the elements decorative ornaments the apartment must be environmentally friendly.

When we work on the manufacture of any product, it is necessary to consider environmental issues. If the product uses environmentally friendly clean materials, then the product will meet environmental requirements. Very difficult to use natural materials, since they are very expensive, and it is very difficult to distinguish natural fabric from synthetic fabric by eye.

It is very important to think about environmental issues if we want to make something that will always be in the apartment next to you, and moreover, come into contact with your body or face .

For the cushion covers, I decided to use leftover upholstery fabric and corduroy that matched the color of the upholstery fabric.

I needed to find out what species both fabrics belonged to and I conducted laboratory tests on tissue samples. I took small pieces of fabric and, using a metal plate and matches, set them on fire. It turned out that the corduroy contains synthetic impurities, since during combustion there was a smell of burnt paper mixed with the smell of plastic. This means that corduroy is a mixture of cotton and synthetics. And the upholstery fabric is all synthetic. This was evidenced by sintered lumps that looked like plastic after cooling; they were hard and did not knead in the hands.

Of course, I was a little upset, but what can I do, since the sofa is already upholstered... Next time I need to analyze the fabric in advance.

Economic calculation for product manufacturing

To know how much money we spent on the production of products, it is necessary to make an economic calculation of the materials for the manufacture of covers for sofa cushions, and determine the average cost of each cover. To do this, we present all the information in a table.

Table No. 1







Upholstery fabric

Remains from sofa upholstery

0 rub.

0 rub.



Cutting details of a corduroy jacket

0 rub.

0 rub.



2 coils

10 rub.

20 rub.


Zip lock 40 cm

1 PC.

10 rub.

10 rub.


30 rub.

During the economic calculation, it turned out that I spent 30 rubles on the implementation of products for the project. 00 kop. Considering that pillow covers of the same size in area, which are sold in stores in the city, are significantly higher than the one I got. Moreover, such work cannot be found anywhere, because I made a pillow cover specifically for our sofa, which is in the room.


While working on the project, I mastered the technology of patchwork plastic surgery. I became interested in this only because on the Internet I had seen many times works done using this technique. I learned from my grandmother that patchwork quilts have been sewn in Rus' for a long time. I decided that I needed to try to work in this direction, and I began to collect information about different types sofa cushions made not only in patchwork plastic. The most interesting thing was that small pillows are used in different countries. They have different shapes and colors. When I was making covers for sofa cushions, I had to master the manufacturing technology, learn how to sew on a sewing machine. Mastery different technologies required skills that became more refined by the end of the work. I enjoyed working on the project. It was especially pleasant that my grandmother liked my gift. I am very pleased that the work I did was highly appreciated. This means that my work was not in vain. It was also nice that my grandmother was inspired and sewed a few more covers, now my pillow has girlfriends - they cheerfully and friendly decorate the sofa and organically fit into the interior of the room.


Motifs of East and West in needlework. -M.: Christina-new century, 2007 - 130 p.

Bedroom decoration. Ideas and practice, translation by O. Maksimenko - M.: Vneshsigma, AST Publishing House, 1999. - 80 pp.: ill.

L.E.Uehovskaya, Nadosuge. Issue 3. Patchwork plastic surgery. - M.: Legpromizdat, 1989 - 156 p.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school with in-depth study individual items."




LEADER Irina Stanislavovna Minaeva - technology teacher, school No. 9, Serpukhov, Moscow region.

1. Selection and justification of the problem.

2. The history of sofa cushions.

3. Types of sofa cushions.

4. Sketch of the selected model.

5. Material used.

6. Pillow manufacturing technology.

7. Economic calculations.


During the technology lesson, we were asked to sew sofa cushions for our home. The teacher suggested choosing different models and showed samples of ready-made pillows. After researching and considering our options, we settled on a pear-shaped pillow. We liked the unusual shape of the pillow, the bright colors, and the presence of a “face”, “hairstyle”, arms and legs on the pillow. The pillow looks like a toy, so it can not only be a decorative part of the interior, but you can play with it and even make friends.


The first semblance of sofa cushions arose in ancient times in Asian countries. The interior of a traditional Turkish home is characterized by the absence of any furniture. They sat and ate on the floor, on mats called khasyr or on rugs called kilim and oblong-shaped minder pillows.

In Lebanon, a room intended for receiving guests usually contained a low sofa with flat pillows in bright pillowcases.

In Rus', a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

Pillows can be very diverse: in the style of patchwork technology, with embroidery, appliqué, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD: “Processing of cut details.”

Sequence of work.

Graphic image.

Tools and accessories.

1. Cut out 2 parts

patterned pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

2.Cut out

pattern small details

pillows with

seam allowances 0.5 cm.

Patterns, scissors,

chalk, pins.

3. Sweep parts

main part,

grind, leaving in

the top part has a 5 cm hole for


Needles, scissors,

threads, sewing


4. Turn the pillow inside out, stuff it,

sew up the hole



Needle, thread, scissors, padding polyester.

5. Sweep and stitch

small parts

pillows, leaving

hole for

eversion with

bottom side.

Needle, thread,

scissors, sewing


6. Turn the parts inside out, stuff them, sew them up with secret stitches

stitches, sew to the main part of the pillow.

Needle, scissors,


7. Create a hairstyle from fur, cord or yarn, sew to the top of the pillow.


Fabric, cord, fur, braid, scissors, needles, threads, glue.


To make a sofa cushion, we may need: drape or fleece in bright colors, cord, braid, buttons, faux fur, sewing threads, floss threads, artificial filler - padding polyester.

Having assessed our capabilities, we decided to use old coats and fur products; we bought threads, braid, and buttons at the store; the teacher suggested padding polyester to us.


I As a result of a little saving, the pillow cost us quite little and turned out to be very funny and beautiful.

1. Fabric from an old coat.

2. Sintepon.

3. Threads. Used 0.5 spools at a price of 8 rubles. per reel

4. Cord and braid for 6 rubles. for 1 meter, 4 meters consumed.

5. Embroidery threads for 8 rubles. for 1 skein, 2 skeins used.

6. PVA glue - 1 bottle at a price of 12 rubles, 0.5 bottles used.

7. Total cost = 4+24+16+6=50 rub.


1. Electric sewing machine.

2. Overlock.

3. Ironing board, iron.

4. Threads No. 40 for machine work.

5. Centimeter, ruler, scissors.

6. Paper for patterns.


A big book of crafts for girls and boys. Dankevich E.V., Zhakova O.V.

Making toys and souvenirs. Molotobarova O. S.

Soft toy. Petukhova E.N.

Soft toy. Sokolova Yu.A.

Technology. Simonenko V.D. Bronnikov N.L., Samorodsky P.S., Sinitsina N.V.