Sunday's story we are trying to continue in an interesting way. Toughie

(essay based on a given beginning)

We try to spend Sunday interesting. You look forward to your day off. That's what happened last week.

It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen. Grandfather and I walked along the grass, damp with dew, to a pond hidden in thick fog.

Before the first ray of sun had even lit up the sky, half a dozen silver crucian carp were already fluttering in our fish tank. You rejoice at this, and the excitement grows.

The bite was excellent, the crucians were even, slightly larger than the palm of your hand. Once again the float on my fishing rod moved to the side. I took hold of the rod, but could hardly hold it, and the line stretched like a string. Grandfather came up with a landing net, and with great difficulty we pulled a huge ide ashore. Hefty!

The sun had already risen into the sky and dispelled the fog with its hot rays.

With a fish tank filled with fish, we cheerfully returned home. I was incredibly happy, looking at the handsome giant I had caught.

Yes, it was a successful fishing trip! This will be remembered for a long time. You sit at home in winter and remember such wonderful summer days. (155 words)

Essay on the topic: Have a good weekend

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  • essay on the topic my day off
  • essay on how I spent my day off
  • my day off essay
  • We try to make Sunday interesting
  • Sunday we try to have an interesting essay

Sunday walk .

We try to spend Sunday interesting. You look forward to your day off.

That's what happened last week.

We waited for this Sunday with special trepidation, because for the first time in a long time, all our close people had to get together almost immediately after the New Year holidays.

Our guests from Moscow arrived early in the morning, after which we all began to prepare for dinner: someone cooked, someone decorated the Christmas tree that stood in the yard, and someone went to the store for groceries. Things moved quickly and amicably .

Closer to noon, the rest of the relatives arrived, after which our entire friendly

The large family began to prepare for a walk in nature.

We all put on warm boots and jackets, and also took hot tea. When everyone was ready, we set off for the island of Klichen. Soon we approached the island,

and a wonderful picture opened before our eyes: a bright blue sky, shining in bright

rays of the sun and ice painted in all the colors of the rainbow, soft, white, fluffy snow, smoothly falling from the sky, and a bright, green, winter forest, dusted with fluffy snow .

We were all delighted with such a landscape, especially our loved ones who came from the capital were delighted, because for most of the year they saw nothing but the haze covering the big city, and only occasionally went out into nature.

After we saw such an impressive landscape, everyone immediately became excited.

mood: everyone became even more cheerful, perked up and walked faster along the road,

anticipating something even more joyful.

When we approached the slides, it became clear that we were not the only ones who decided to continue the holidays in the fresh air.

Many people with their entire families came here to have fun.

There were very young children and quite elderly people here, but at the same time they all behaved equally carefree and joyful.

Many people lined up near the highest and steepest mountain, and when it was my relatives’ turn, it was very funny to watch how my respectable and serious uncle, forgetting about everything in the world, sat down on a cardboard and slid down with a joyful cry, and my the aunts sit down one after another and with deafening

they rush down with a squeal.

It was very cool when the whole family and I rode down together at high speed. .

But the most happy person was my cousin’s son, who had never come to us in winter and had never seen so much snow. He ran, jumped and

He threw snowballs at everyone.

Everything was so carefree, sweet, friendly and very fun,

It was as if we found ourselves in some kind of Russian fairy tale. Everything around glowed and sparkled from the gentle rays of the sun, sparkling snow and human smiles.

We spent the whole day in such a wonderful environment. Even when the unexpected winter twilight came, as always, we did not want to leave at all.

When we were returning home, emerging from the forest, in which black shadows had already thickened, we saw a charming

picture. After the darkness that reigned in the forest, our eyes did not immediately get used to the brilliant red rays of the bright, setting sun. The snow sparkled in the rays of the sun, and the forest briefly took on

warm shade. The sky was painted in very beautiful shades of blue, scarlet and orange.

We came home wet from snow, frozen, but happy. Everyone was filled with fun, emotions and impressions.

Dinner was held in a friendly atmosphere, everyone smiled and laughed, remembering our walk.

That Sunday we all realized how great it is when our whole big family gets together and relaxes together.

Now, when it comes to that day, all our relatives

They remember him with special warmth.

Polina Parashchenko.

(essay based on a given beginning)

We try to spend Sunday interesting. You look forward to your day off. That's what happened last week.

It was early morning, the sun had not yet risen. Grandfather and I walked along the grass, damp with dew, to a pond hidden in thick fog.

Before the first ray of sun had even lit up the sky, half a dozen silver crucian carp were already fluttering in our fish tank. You rejoice at this, and the excitement grows.

The bite was excellent, the crucians were even, slightly larger than the palm of your hand. Once again the float on my fishing rod

led to the side. I took hold of the rod, but could hardly hold it, and the line stretched like a string. Grandfather came up with a landing net, and with great difficulty we pulled a huge ide ashore. Hefty!

The sun had already risen into the sky and dispelled the fog with its hot rays.

With a fish tank filled with fish, we cheerfully returned home. I was incredibly happy, looking at the handsome giant I had caught.

Yes, it was a successful fishing trip! This will be remembered for a long time. You sit at home in winter and remember such wonderful summer days. (155 words)


- essay on the topic of my day off

- essay on how I spent my day off

– my day off essay

– We try to spend Sunday interesting

– Sunday we try to have an interesting essay

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