Christmas fortune telling: what you need to know for the right results. Fortune telling for New Year and Christmas using glasses

Christmas fortune telling for children has been known since time immemorial. Since in ancient times families were very large, there was simply nowhere to put the children while the adults were guessing. And so that the kids “don’t get in the way,” various funny fortune telling was invented for them.

The day before Happy Holidays On the Nativity of Christ, all Christians, young and old, prepare for this solemn day. Everyone is preparing kutya and the appropriate dishes for the festive table.

They also come up with entertainment for guests, clean their own home, create small Christmas installations, etc.

In this pre-holiday chaos, children often have almost no work to do; they disturb parents and adults, constantly getting into trouble.

But giving little girls and boys an interesting and responsible task is very simple. It’s enough to tell them about what Christmas fortune telling for children there are.

Christmas fortune telling for children originated a very long time ago. After all, families used to be large, and there was simply nowhere to put the children when adults performed various ceremonies and rituals on Christmas Day.

The children were almost always with their parents or left to their own devices. Therefore, initially no specific practices created for the purpose of finding out fate were developed for them.

However, in ancient books the fact that there is no place for children in the process of fortune telling is not clearly indicated. Therefore, here we offer the most adequate Christmas fortune-telling for children, which they can carry out on their own.

It is interesting to tell fortunes with children at Christmas using books, and in this case any kind of literature can be taken. This fortune telling is suitable for children of different ages: for kindergarten students, schoolchildren, and teenagers. In addition, you can change books from year to year, depending on your state of mind, erudition and emotional state children.

For Christmas, it is better to take appropriate books: the Bible, Psalms, appropriate prayers and parables. Fortune telling is carried out directly as follows:

First, a specific question is asked that worries the fortuneteller. You need to ask it to the book on which they are telling fortunes, mentally repeating it to yourself several times.

After the task is formulated, you need to open the book in the first place you come across. Then you need to ask a specific line, from which the answer corresponding to the question will be read.

Fortune telling experts confirm that a correctly formulated question is already half the battle. After all, books never lie if you approach them with an open heart.

If children are not completely tomboys and you can trust them to spy on strangers, then you can entertain them in one unusual way.

On the night before Christmas, several fortune tellers should go to a street they know or to a neighboring one. Then, having made a wish for a specific house, they go to its windows and see what is happening there.

Depending on what they see there, they can interpret their fate differently. If you see tightly curtained windows, life will flow peacefully, without change; spy on someone else's feast - the year will be cheerful, kind and eventful; they will see dark windows - they won’t see happiness in the near future, etc.

In this Christmas fortune-telling, the age and gender of those people who flash outside the windows of the mysterious house also matter.

  • If youth flashes by - to joy and carelessness,
  • If old people - to serious events and wisdom,
  • If people are middle-aged - to stability and well-being.

Fortune telling for children - house assistant

In addition to serious, almost scientific observations of weather and nature, on Christmas Eve it is proposed to entertain children with stories about a good brownie. About how he protects a person’s home, contributing in every possible way to his free life and prosperity.

To do this, you need to show the children pictures of the house-elf in advance, tell them about his abilities and character. You also need to teach kids to respect the forces that guard the house and live in it side by side with people.

You can also tell the children how to feed the brownie by placing pieces of food and a couple of spoons of milk at the window at night. Thus, a “fed” brownie may well help with fortune-telling, becoming kinder to the people with whom he lives.

So, fortune telling itself will include the following steps:

You need to take a small saucer or a jar lid. Pour fresh milk into it and place an improvised plate closer to the threshold front door.

While the milk is standing near the door, you need to melt all the candle stubs in the house in a metal container. After this, sentencing the vessel to say the following words:

“My little house, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.”

When the wax is melted, you need to pour it into cold milk and fix the shapes that will appear when it hardens in the liquid.
It’s not always easy to figure out what happened as a result of fortune telling, but kids like this stage the most.

It can be interpreted like this:

  • Stars - to many interesting events,
  • The cross - to sadness and illness,
  • Flower is joy
  • Animals are new friends
  • Lines – travel, roads,
  • People are many new characters in fate, etc.

You can diversify Christmas fortune-telling for children by involving different pets in the fortune-telling. Hamsters, guinea pigs, dogs and cats are suitable for this purpose.

However, traditionally in rural magic the cat is considered the most mystical animal. Since a cat can bring on its paws the truth about a person’s future. It is better if the cat is black or tricolor, but any other color will do.

To perform this fortune telling you need to do the following:

Come up with and formulate to yourself or, on the contrary, out loud a certain desire related to future affairs or events.

Then you need to call your pet by name an odd number of times. Call until the cat deigns to run into the room where the fortune tellers are sitting.

At the moment when the cat crosses the threshold, you need to record the fact which paw will be transferred through it first.

Fortune telling is interpreted very simply: if the left paw goes ahead of the right, then the plan is destined to come true. But if the cat turns out to be right-handed, then it is better to forget about that desire as unrealistic.

Fortune telling at Christmas for children - the cup of fate

A good fortune telling at Christmas for children who really want to “be like adults” is fortune telling with the distribution of “cups of fate.”

To perform this ritual, you need to take absolutely identical mugs, preferably deep ones and always according to the number of fortune tellers, and then rinse them well (to remove foreign energy).

Afterwards, you need to scatter various objects in these circles in random order. Any kind you can find in the kitchen or in your mother’s boxes will do. For example, these could be coins, beads, pieces of bread, sugar cubes, seeds, onions, salt, pebbles and other small things.

The items at the bottom of the improvised “cups of fate” are filled with black tea (so that the contents are not visible) and then offered to fortune tellers to choose from.

Each participant must choose a cup for himself and take an object from its bottom.
Decoding is done approximately as follows:

  • Onion - to sadness and disappointment,
  • Pebble - to solve difficult life problems,
  • Sugar or candy - life will be sweet and beautiful,
  • Coin promises wealth and luxury,
  • Businka - interesting meetings,
  • Seeds - many new friends,

If there is nothing in the mug, it means that life next year will not bring any special changes.

Perhaps you can pick up fortune telling for older children in this video:

In the old days, Christmas fortune-telling for children was invented mainly by older people. They gave the children tasks to monitor various natural phenomena and signs.

For example, it was necessary to monitor the weather, animals and birds, the sky and precipitation, trees, etc.

The kids put all their diligence and concentration so as not to miss the smallest hints that nature gave. To the point that all the Christmas days were planned out in detail. Based on the analysis of each of them, it was possible to say what the weather would be like in the coming year.

So, instruct your child to learn and notice these basic natural phenomena At Christmas:

  • Presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this means a successful and good year.
  • Air temperature. If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.
  • The presence of wind, or even a snowstorm. If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.
  • Number of stars in the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.

Children can even keep a diary of fortune telling based on natural phenomena. There they can write down or sketch their observations, noting the signs associated with them.

Approaching New Year and long weekends, so I suggest you prepare for them in advance and today I will touch on an unusual topic for my site - how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays. In the article I will tell you a few simple ways Christmas fortune-telling for the future on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Also at the end I will publish interesting ways of Christmas fortune-telling for children that are suitable for home use. If this interests you, then read on.

Despite the ban on divination in Rus', from time immemorial women have been telling fortunes in order to find out their fate in advance, and Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling for the future were considered the most reliable. The desire to look into the future is so natural for a person whose life is limited by time frames, which is why today simple fortune telling for Christmas, this can be done easily and safely at home if you follow the long-established rules.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 - types of predictions that can be received on Christmas days

Lifting the veil of future events should be done with caution, because holy days, in themselves, are mysterious and full of magic, and not only bright angels dwell on earth, but also dark, unclean spirits that can frighten and harm the fortuneteller.

In addition, divination may not succeed if all the conditions of such a ritual are not fulfilled. Therefore, we will try to familiarize ourselves with the main requirements of ritual actions and find out what and how to tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays.

related articles:

The mystical ceremony must be carried out under the cover of darkness, on Christmas Eve, and, starting from this time, another 10 days during Christmas time, until January 18.

There are quite a lot of methods of divination, and it all depends on what worries the fortuneteller. If done correctly, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Christmas rituals performed in the evening will prompt:

  • what pleasant and sad events the coming year will bring;
  • will your dreams of meeting your fiancé (betrothed) come true, and where will this happen;
  • will the beloved become a good spouse?
  • whether it will be possible to have a wedding in the next twelve months;
  • how many children will there be in the family and what gender;
  • Will the marriage be successful?

In addition, you can ask about what awaits friends and family members, how successful their fate will be.

Rituals performed at midnight will predict:

  • will the girl marry or not;
  • which of the bridesmaids will be the first at the altar with the groom;
  • the name of the future betrothed and his age;
  • what will it be like appearance spouse - his facial features and hair color;
  • poverty or wealth awaits in the future;
  • whether to expect happiness from marriage.

You can also tell fortunes just before you go to bed on Christmas Day. The mysterious ceremony will allow you to look at the person destined by fate in a dream, find out what his appearance and character are like.

Also, during Christmas fortune-telling, girls use various accompanying attributes, various places and on various things - under the window, with a shoe, with a ring, by voices, by a knee, over an ice hole, under a pillow, with a comb, with a dog and a cat, by a book, by a ear of grain, by steps, with chickens, by yarn, by hair, with a candle, needles, lists, on eggs, lead, near a church, on a sheet of paper, on windows, nutshells, wax, on coffee grounds, and regular and Tarot cards, on beans and salt, on a mirror.

These are just the predictions that are easy to remember, but there are many more. different types and methods of fortune telling for Christmas on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Below in the article we will describe only the most proven and accurate Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, which are suitable for home use.

Yuletide and Christmas fortune-telling for the future (the coming year)

It's incredibly attractive to get a sense of what lies ahead in advance, especially if it's something that can bring joy and perhaps change your destiny in the future. better side. This is why fortune telling at Christmas exists - at home, fortunately, you will find everything you need for simple ritual actions.

Well, let’s arm ourselves with patience and try to extract the secrets of the future by performing the following rituals:

  1. Fortune telling on paper for the future is an accessible and extremely common method. Take a piece of paper, crumple it into a ball, place it on a glass or clay dish and set it on fire. As a rule, it does not burn completely, and then illuminating it with a candle flame in dark room, and by projecting the outlines onto the wall, you can see from them interesting details, persons who will suggest upcoming events.
  2. You can also ask answers to pressing questions from a book, but it is wiser to take publications with religious and philosophical content. Repeat the question three times to yourself, trying to completely disconnect from the reality of the world around you. Then randomly name the page and line (bottom or top). All that remains is to open the book and see what is written there. Most often, the passage read, one way or another, concerns the life of the fortuneteller.
  3. Girls have used wax to cast spells since time immemorial, but this method remains popular to this day. It is necessary to pour milk into a bowl and place it next to the threshold of the front door. After this, they call the brownie, saying the following words: “Master-brownie, come to the threshold to eat wax and drink milk.” Having said this in advance, the melted wax is slowly poured into the milk. You can judge what answer the entity gave by the pattern formed by the hardening wax:
  • if stripes have formed on the surface of the dish, a long journey awaits you, and maybe even moving to another place of residence;
  • a cross is not a very pleasant sign indicating illness;
  • an animal figurine can mean the appearance of an enemy in life;
  • asterisks are always good, which means you will have success in your studies or career At work;
  • figurine resembling a person - acquisition true friend and comrade;
  • a beautiful flower - a meeting with a loved one, perhaps marriage.
  1. You can tell fortunes for the future, for the coming year, by sticking it on different sides a small bowl of paper with the words: travel, love, new job, sadness, unexpected joy or something like that. The container must be filled halfway with water, make a small boat out of a nut shell, insert a thin church candle into it, and lower it into the water. It’s not hard to guess that the answer will be the shore and the name to which your fateful boat will land. It is worth watching him longer - sometimes he can change his direction. Sometimes it happens that the glued piece of paper lights up from the candle when it comes into contact with it - this is a sign of blessing, meaning the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  2. You can tell your wish using your own hair. At midnight you need to cut off a lock of hair and bring it to the flame. Based on how they burn, we can conclude what consequences await the fortuneteller as a result of the fulfillment of his dream:
  • a symbol of approval of your aspiration will be a long, even and bright burning, moreover, this indicates major acquisitions;
  • hairs that light up instantly and at the same time hint at positive changes and success in the planned business;
  • changes in life associated not only with good but also with bad events will be indicated by smoke during combustion;
  • if the hair does not catch fire, but smolders, then, most likely, failure awaits you, perhaps illness, or unpleasant circumstances.

An attempt to find out what fate awaits in the coming time involves the simplest fortune-telling for Christmas at home, but, of course, first of all, a woman’s heart is concerned with the problem of mutual and all-consuming love.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2019 and Christmas using Tarot cards

Below I suggest you watch a video that clearly shows how you can tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays using Tarot cards:

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 for love

For single young ladies, the issue of marriage is especially acute, and it is important for them not only to find out whether there will be a wedding or not, but also to actually see the face of their future spouse and find out his name. True, not everyone knows how to tell fortunes for the betrothed (groom) at Christmas.

For accuracy of prediction, it is wiser to carry out such rituals specifically on the eve of the Christmas holiday - then there is no doubt that the Universe will answer truthfully.

The optimal time for the ceremony is on the night of January 6-7, 2019. Try not to miss this moment, otherwise you will have to wait another year.

Rituals to help you get love predictions:

Fortune telling on your betrothed in a dream. The girl will have to borrow a wedding ring from her family or friend (only from females). Taking a black thread, it is passed through a ring and immersed in a faceted glass. The ring may touch the edges of the container along right side from a fortuneteller, and then the marriage will take place. Touching the left side indicates that it is too early to think about marriage. The young lady can take the jewelry out of the glass and put it on her finger at night. In this case, she has the opportunity to see prophetic dream about his betrothed-mummer.

Another type of fortune telling for love, through a reliable dream. You need to prepare for such a ritual - put a pen and paper next to the bed, take out church icons and utensils, take off all your jewelry and belt, and let your hair down. They lie on the bed the other way around - with their feet where the head is, placing the pillow there too. In addition, having said the words of the spell, the fortuneteller should no longer talk to anyone.

Fortune telling for your betrothed under the pillow has several options:

  1. A bridge is built from twigs, and it is placed on the bed up to the pillow. Having said, “Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge,” the girl can calmly fall asleep. On Christmas night she will see her future chosen one.
  2. If you want to meet a “knight on a white horse” in a dream, you will have to put a rod from an untested broom and a horseshoe at your head (it can be made from paper or a piece of cardboard). The groom in a dream will appear in the guise of a horseman.
  3. You can build a well out of matches and also place it under your head, only now you will need to say other words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
  4. If you put a jar of sweet jam or marmalade on the dressing table next to the bed, the girl will be able to see the gentleman already languishing in love with her.
  5. Three leaves are also suitable for the sacrament. noble laurel, it is important that the young fortune teller say “My betrothed, the mummer” and call him to her dream.

Rituals using human hair are of extreme interest, because it is known what power, energy and information they possess. It is important that the ritual be carried out when you are completely ready to go to bed. After it is carried out, the girl must remain silent, no matter who speaks to her, especially since she is not allowed to get up and do any business until the morning.

You need to buy a new comb, light a red wax candle at night and comb your hair for a long time, imagining in your thoughts the guy you would like to marry. Then you need to put a comb under the pillow, extinguish the candle without blowing it out, but with your fingers, and while lying down say: “Betrothed, come to my dream, find me along the comb, my beauty, your love, we will meet you in a dream.”

It is believed that if a man appears in a dream and combs his or a girl’s hair, then she will definitely not only meet her love, but also get married within a year.

It is most effective to carry out rituals at midnight during the holy week; it is advisable for girls to do this at women's days weeks - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home: basic rules

To protect yourself from evil entities, and to achieve truthful answers when fortune-telling, you must adhere to some conventions that are well known to real sorcerers and fortune-tellers:

  1. It is necessary to take the ritual seriously, otherwise it is useless to wait for a significant result, so even if fortune telling is performed by several people, the room should be quiet. It's best to guess when you're alone.
  2. You will have to try to have a positive attitude towards the ritual and enlist the help of the Light Forces - read the “Our Father” or any other prayer.
  3. Even with bad omens, don’t even think about getting upset, because we create the outline of life with our own with my own hands. Any forecasts are, first of all, warnings, but not a verdict.
  4. At the end of the divination, thank God for your assistance. After the ritual, it doesn’t hurt to thoroughly wash your hands and face.

In order for supernatural forces to help find out the truth about upcoming events, girls are supposed to rid their hair of hairpins, elastic bands and jewelry, letting it loose over their shoulders, so their own energy will help them receive information. At the same time, you cannot keep your legs and arms crossed, otherwise the channels of communication with the incomprehensible beings of the Universe will be blocked.

It is advisable to remove all jewelry from yourself, even rings and earrings, as well as icons, because what will happen, in essence, is an invocation by the spirit, and is an unclean thing, from the Orthodox point of view. In principle, the place where Christmas fortune-telling for the future was carried out has always been a bathhouse, but today not everyone has their own home, so the ceremony can be carried out in any room. The light in the room should be dim, so only candles should be left.

Simple and interesting fortune telling for Christmas for children

Below I suggest you watch a video that shows several types of interesting and simple ways of Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling for children. After all, children, seeing that adults are guessing, will also want to look into their future.

One more thing important requirement– simple fortune-telling for Christmas at home should be carried out only when a person sincerely believes that the invisible mystical world of spiritual entities is connected with reality and can influence any events in human life. Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain the truth from otherworldly forces.

During pregnancy, many people resort to unconventional methods of determining - fortune telling the sex of the child using various items. Having learned about the long-awaited pregnancy, future parents cannot wait to find out the gender of the baby. Most often, such information is determined no earlier than 3-4 months of pregnancy and, unfortunately, even modern medical methods can give an incorrect result.

It is worth considering that traditional methods Predictions on the number of future children, gender and other characteristics have an error, so you should not completely rely on the result obtained. In addition, many believers consider it wrong to tell fortunes during pregnancy, since there is a belief that such actions are a sin and lead to punishment.

Rules for fortune telling for a child at Christmas

The best time to determine the number of children and their gender is considered to be fortune telling at Christmas. To obtain a more accurate result, during the ceremony you must follow some rules:

  1. Before the fortune-telling procedure, it is necessary to remove any jewelry, untie ties, belts, loosen and comb your hair, wash - eliminate any factors that could interfere with the energy movement.
  2. In order not to block the information flow, the fortuneteller should not cross his arms or legs during the ritual.
  3. Any actions are performed in complete calm and silence. There should be no extraneous sounds in the room: television, what is happening outside the window or in the next room. That's why best time for rituals it is considered closer to midnight.

The general rules of rituals for determining gender must be followed for any type of fortune telling, each of which also has its own characteristics of implementation.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using stones

One of interesting species Fortune telling about the gender of a child is done using stones. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to think about the names of future children; male and female names should be present. Take any stones and use a marker or ink to put the names you like on them.

Another way is to write names on sticky notes or regular pieces of paper and stick them to the stones. Take a bucket of water, immerse the stones in it and after a while observe them.

It is believed that the number of future children corresponds to the number of stones with preserved and not peeled off leaves. The sex of the baby is determined in the same way. If all the inscriptions were erased from the stones, it means that the name of the unborn child was not announced.
Many believe that the name that is erased last is true and correct, and gender is determined by it.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using a glass

To carry out the ritual on the sex of the unborn child, the presence of certain weather conditions is required, namely - subzero temperature.

The ritual is carried out in stages:

  1. Pour water into the vessel.
  2. Take it outside or put it on the balcony.
  3. Water at sub-zero temperatures should freeze overnight.
  4. Bring the glass home in the morning and examine it carefully.
  5. If there are holes in the ice, this indicates the birth of a female baby, while the presence of tubercles indicates a male child.

Together with gender, the number of tubercles or pits can be used to calculate the number of children born in the future.

This method of determining sex is suitable for rituals on Christmas night or winter time, which is not always suitable. Therefore, many resort to a trick - using freezer. Most women using this method claimed the accuracy of the prediction.

Christmas fortune telling from a book

One of the frequently performed magical rituals half a child on Christmas night - according to the book. In order to find out the future, you need to ask a question, say the page and line number out loud, open the book and read the sentence that appears.

In a similar way, you can determine the gender of the baby. Only for this it is better to take a book with names. If there is not one, then only the page of the book should be named. Having opened it, you need to go through the eyes and find the name, if it is male, it will be a boy, if female, it will be a girl.

Christmas fortune telling with saucers

The ceremony for the gender of the baby is carried out in stages:

  1. Take empty saucers (at least 4 pieces) and clean pieces of paper.
  2. Write men's and female names, arrange them on saucers.
  3. Take your pendant on a chain or any other hanging personal item.
  4. Place your hand between the saucers and begin to slowly swing the pendant.

Take a piece of paper from the saucer towards which the pendant swayed most; if the name is masculine, it will be a boy, if it is feminine, then it will be a girl.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

Christmas rituals, including fortune telling the baby's gender using wax, are one of the most reliable methods, according to many girls. For the ritual you need:

  1. Pour cool water into the bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, melt the wax and pour it into the liquid.
  3. The wax instantly hardens, acquiring a certain shape, according to which the ritual is carried out.

It is believed that if a figure is round and convex shape– indicates the female gender; if the figure contains elements of shoots and tails, the baby will be male.

Christmas fortune telling on cards

There are no strict rules for fortune telling to determine the gender of a child using cards - it all depends on the experience of the fortuneteller. If you have no experience in performing card rituals, you can use one of the simplest ones.

Stages of the ceremony for the gender of the baby:

  1. Stay in the room alone and focus on your question.
  2. Take the deck in your hands and turn over one card at a time until one of the required options appears.
  3. To find out the gender, you need to roll an eight, and the suit will indicate the gender: spades and clubs are male, hearts and diamonds are female.

After the ritual, many leave the fallen deck card on the baby’s floor as a talisman against the evil eye for the unborn baby.

Tarot cards can predict with incredible accuracy. Tested many times by the author of this site. Tarot cards have an inexplicable and fantastic gift of foresight.

Christmas fortune telling by shadows

Magic rituals for the baby’s gender using shadows can be performed in several ways:

  1. Using wax. Pour the melted wax into cold water, poured into a plate without a pattern. The room should be dark and the windows should be closed to avoid drafts that could distort the results. Light a candle and begin examining what appears from wax figure shadows at the bottom of the plate. Round form speaks of expecting a girl, oblong or with the presence of an appendage - of a boy.
  2. Using paper and a candle. Turn off the light, take the paper, crumple it and place it in a saucer opposite the lit candle. Images will appear in reflection on a table or other surface, which are interpreted in a similar way as with wax shadows.

It is worth remembering that all of the specified sex determination rituals are not always accurate, and you should not completely trust the result obtained. In addition, everything depends on one’s own perception and faith; the same result can be interpreted by people differently. Therefore, this kind of ritual on the gender of a child should be treated as entertainment.

Christmas fortune telling under the pillow

This ritual to determine the sex of a child is performed on Christmas night. First, before going to bed, you should prepare: write male and female names on separate pieces of paper. Roll the notes into tubes, put them under your pillow and go to bed.

In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out one of the leaves and unfold it. If pulled male name- there will be a boy, female - a girl, and the specified name does not mean that the future baby should be named by it.

Also, read the previous article about the unborn child.

Human curiosity has no limits. We always want to know everything, about everything and everyone. This is our nature. However, there are things in the world that cannot always be predicted or planned. This includes pregnancy. Yes, some people are planning it. But their number is so insignificant compared to those to whom it, like winter to housing and communal services employees, comes unexpectedly. And there are those who are really looking forward to it, like the children of Santa Claus, but, alas, it still doesn’t come and doesn’t come. What to do?

How to find out the moment of conception of the unborn child? How to check the occurrence of pregnancy when the tests are silent or, due to the short period of time, cannot yet provide reliable information? Try pregnancy fortune telling!

Yes Yes Yes! You heard right. And there are such people. Moreover, you can predict pregnancy in different ways, and each method is distinguished by its originality and its percentage of reliability. Well, let's get started?

Fortune telling about future children

The most common pregnancy fortune telling refers to the gender of the child. Well, who wants to wait a whole nine months for the baby to be born and tell the parents whether they have a daughter or a son?

This fortune-telling does not require any cunning devices, and even those who do not have a child under their hearts, but are interested in who they will have in the future - a boy or a girl, can guess at it.

What needs to be done to lift the veil of secrecy? Take a needle with thread threaded through the eye. Moreover, you need to hold the needle over an open palm by the thread. The hand should not move. But the needle must perform certain manipulations over the woman’s palm in the form of oscillations or movements in certain directions or in a circle.

It is these movements that are a clue to solving the mystery of the sex of the unborn baby. This fortune telling also helps determine the number of children and their gender. You should guess until the needle stops responding, which will mean only one thing - the previous child will be your last.

Take a needle and thread right hand and place it above the left, which should be turned with the palm facing the needle.

For fortune telling, it is better to take a white thread

The thumb of the left hand should be well moved to the side and between it and the other fingers, lower and raise the needle three times, and then fix it above the center of the hand, where it will begin to swing to the sides or describe circles. A circle is a girl, oscillations to the sides are a boy. A frozen needle means no children.

If you already have children and want to know if you will have more, know that the needle will begin to show the gender of the child with the first baby, and then subsequent ones. That is, if you already have children, during the first procedures you have the opportunity to check the accuracy of the needle. Each subsequent procedure after children born will indicate the next baby.

Christmas fortune telling for those wishing to get pregnant

Among those who want to get a round belly with their favorite belly this coming year, Christmas fortune telling is the most popular. In addition to needle fortune telling, women froze overnight wedding ring in a glass of water and asked a question about pregnancy, reading the answer from the frozen surface of the water. Lumps on the surface are sons, depressions are daughters, a flat surface is the absence of children in the near future.

The most truthful Christmas fortune-telling is performed on the night before Christmas and on the Old New Year (the night of January 13-14), as well as Epiphany (the night of January 18-19). Although you can guess during the entire Christmas period.

The ring can be used as a pendulum

Fortune telling can be done using a chicken bone, on cards, on a ring, with a log, and so on. The main thing is that this will be a fortune telling for pregnancy and its veracity is estimated at 90%. Why not 100%? Because 10% are left to chance and possible non-compliance with the ritual.

Fortune telling by chicken bone

Prepare any chicken dish, have lunch, leave the bones, relax, make a wish, and in the evening take the bones out into the yard. If in the morning the bones remain in the same place - the wish will come true, if the bones have shifted a little - to achieve the goal you will have to overcome some difficulties, if they disappear - the desire is not destined to come true, at least in the near future, bones covered with snow say that you should give up wished for.

Fortune telling with a log

Do you live in the city and can’t even imagine where to get logs for this fortune-telling? Then go to a store that sells products for fireplaces, grills and barbecues. You can also find a log in a restaurant, of course - your request will sound strange to the waiter, but is it as important as fortune telling? We think not.

The log is taken at random, without examining the bundle of firewood. This will help you figure out what kind of child the child will be - light or dark, smooth or rough. If the log is difficult to pull out of the bundle, it means that childbirth will not be easy, as will pregnancy. But that doesn't mean you should throw that log and start pulling out another one. You can't do that.

This fortune telling used to be very popular

A long log is a tall child. Heavy - dense. If after one log a second one immediately falls out - twins.

More about pregnancy fortune telling

There are also simpler fortune telling and signs about pregnancy. So, it is believed that if a woman becomes ugly during pregnancy, then she is expecting a girl. The boy only decorates his mother, and the girl takes away her beauty during pregnancy, but in fact - female hormones.

Another fortune telling based on a woman’s appearance is done by the appearance and shape of her abdomen. When pregnant with a boy, the belly is more droopy and vague. With girls, the belly is located higher and has a sharp shape, protruding it forward.

Another way to predict pregnancy is to compare the year of conception and the age of the mother, that is, the pregnant woman. If both numbers are even or odd, then the woman will have a girl, but if the numbers are opposite in value, the woman will have a boy.

Pregnancy fortune telling is just an assumption and an opportunity to guess. None of them gives the same result as ultrasound, but each of us knows cases when even it was wrong. No one can give a 100% guarantee except the child himself and he will announce his gender at the time of birth! Good luck with your pregnancy, childbirth and life hand in hand with the most desired and beloved creature on earth - your child!

Christmas time is special. It is believed that on Christmas night everyone can ask about what awaits them in the future, without harm to themselves. The tradition of Christmas fortune-telling is much more ancient than Christmas itself, because our ancestors, while still pagans, knew about the extraordinary power of the winter solstice, and dedicated magnificent celebrations to this day. Issues related to the family have always been considered the most significant, so the most popular at all times were fortune telling for a betrothed and fortune telling for a child at Christmas. Girls were always interested in how many children they would have and what gender. Children were their parents' hope for what would happen to them and who would look after them in old age. At all times, a family was considered incomplete if there were no children in it. Their absence was the most terrible thing for the young woman. There was a belief that this was a punishment from the Lord for the sins of our ancestors. For this reason, Christmas fortune telling for children has always been very popular.
It must be said that the church was very strict about fortunetellers. At the same time, unable to completely eradicate this tradition, she announced that fortune telling is only permissible on Christmastide, when devilry the weakest.

Rules for fortune telling for a child at Christmas

For fortune telling to be successful, you must follow some rules. Among them:

  • The ritual must be performed in complete silence. Turn off the TV and other possible sources of noise. It is desirable that it is also quiet outside the window, so optimal time for fortune telling - closer to midnight.
  • In order not to block the energy flows emanating from the fortuneteller, which can negatively affect the vision of the future, you should not cross your legs and arms during the ritual.
  • For successful fortune telling, you need to prepare accordingly: wash, comb your hair, untie all kinds of belts and ties, remove jewelry - in general, eliminate everything that in one way or another can interfere with the free movement of energy flows.

Guessing the gender of the child at Christmas

Before ultrasound machines became widespread and it became possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, pregnant women also wanted to know who their child would be. To do this, they resorted to fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child.
To perform this ritual, you need a thread and a needle. Take the thread threaded through the needle and pinch it between your index finger and thumb. It should be above your palm. Sooner or later the needle will start spinning. If it moves clockwise, this indicates that the next child will be a daughter. The movement of the needle, like a pendulum, indicates that you will have a son. If the needle does not move, you are no longer destined to have children.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using stones

One more in an interesting way To determine the number, as well as the gender of future children, is fortune telling on stones.
Before you conduct it, you need to think carefully about which names you like best. For married women, it would be a good idea to ask their husband about this. After that, take the stones and write your favorite names on them using ink. You can also use paper for fortune telling on stones by gluing a strip with a name to the stone. You will have as many children as there are pieces of paper left unstuck, or inscriptions not erased. This is how the sex of the unborn child is determined. At the same time, if all the pieces of paper have come off, it is quite possible that a baby will be born, whom you will call by a name not written in stone. For this reason, try to provide for everything possible options, for example, the names of distant and close relatives, the most popular names, etc. Thanks to this, you can ensure maximum objectivity of the results obtained.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using a glass

Fortune telling with a glass has also been incredibly popular at all times. True, such a ritual also requires the assistance of the weather, since it requires that there be a minus temperature on Christmas night.
You need to pour water into a glass and leave it in the cold overnight. In the morning, take a glass of water into the house and see how the water has frozen: the presence of tubercles indicates boys, dimples indicate daughters. To find out the exact number of children, you need to count all the depressions and tubercles.

It must be said that today this ritual is also carried out using a freezer if the weather on Christmas does not want to please with frost. Those who have carried out fortune-telling in a similar improved way claim that the predictions come true.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that the special atmosphere of Christmas is more important than the use of specific objects, because even our ancestors noticed that on this night the most ordinary things acquire magical properties and are able to tell people about the future, for example, telling fortunes for a child at Christmas.