Ruta: planting and care, growing garden rue. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Many plants have been known to mankind for a long time, and they still retain their popularity among gardeners, as well as among lovers and experts of traditional medicine. One of these cultures is that which came to our territories from the African and European coasts of the Mediterranean; Let's talk about its features in a little more detail, discuss its cultivation and use, figure out how this plant is planted, what kind of care it needs, and what beneficial properties it has.

Do you like fragrant rue? Growing will decorate your space!

It is best to grow rue on loam, limestone and crushed soil. This plant is particularly resistant to drought, it is best to place it in a sunny area with good drainage. Excess moisture in the soil and stagnant water can cause the death of fragrant rue. Also, this crop “does not really like cold drafts,” so you should not place it in a ventilated place.

So, the site has been selected, purchase seeds.

Fragrant rue - planting:

Fragrant rue reproduces by seed. You can sow planting material in pots or boxes in March to obtain seedlings. After three or four true leaves appear on the seedlings, it is worth picking them up. It is advisable to plant young plants immediately in separate containers, so over time they will begin to grow actively and quickly acquire an attractive appearance. decorative look.

In principle, you can sow seeds directly into the soil in early spring. In this case, their germination rate decreases by an order of magnitude, and their decorative properties also suffer. Plants obtained in this way will truly delight the eye only for the next season.

Ruta fragrant - care:

The main care for fragrant rue consists of systematic weeding, loosening, and fertilizing. For feeding, it is worth using standard complex formulations; as an alternative, you can use diluted mullein or bird droppings.

It is not at all necessary to cover the rue for the winter, since the cover can provoke damping off. In spring, plants need to be pruned down to living wood, and then fed. This will ensure good and rapid growth, and will also contribute to the formation of a large leaf mass. Rue can grow normally in one place for three to five years.

What are the beneficial properties of the aromatic rue plant?

Rue fragrant has many medicinal qualities. It can be used to achieve a diuretic and carminative effect, as well as eliminate stomach cramps. Rue is a source of a significant amount of oils, as well as glycosides and flavonoids, which makes it a good remedy for the treatment of dizziness, atherosclerosis and hypovitaminosis. This culture is believed to be able to cope with impotence.

Also, preparations based on fragrant rue effectively treat allergic lesions, pustules, rickets, boils, scabies, rheumatism, etc. This plant can be used to eliminate intestinal atony and colic. Treatment of joint ailments, sciatica, neuralgia, bedsores, etc. is carried out using compresses based on an alcohol tincture of fragrant rue.

Rue remarkably relieves inflammatory processes. It can neutralize headaches and cramps, and also help neutralize snake bites. Based on this culture, preparations are prepared that can help people with insanity or depletion of the body.

Decoctions, infusions, and tinctures of fragrant rue can be used as external and internal remedies. So, such dosage forms are considered one of the most effective soothing compounds; they are also recommended for use during menopause.

When correcting bruises, inflammatory lesions of facial nerves, as well as paralysis, it is recommended to prepare healing lotions based on rue infusion. This product is also suitable for washing eyes for conjunctivitis.

What is the use of the fragrant rue plant for correcting human health?

To eliminate general weakness and correct epilepsy

Combine fifteen grams of dried plant herbs with one hundred milliliters of vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks in a fairly dark place. Take the resulting composition ten to fifteen drops three times a day, about a quarter of an hour before meals.

To optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate dizziness, achieve a diaphoretic and calming effect

Combine a teaspoon of dried rue herb with half a liter of cool, pre-boiled water. After eight hours of infusion, strain. It is recommended to take the resulting infusion a quarter glass four times a day, about half an hour before meals.

For the correction of neuralgia, rheumatism of the joints, cramping abdominal pain, scabies, urolithiasis and kidney stones

Combine a tablespoon of dried crushed rue leaves with two and a half glasses of water. Place the container with the composition on the fire, bring to a boil, then set aside and leave for another half hour. Strain the resulting medicine thoroughly. Take this mixture a quarter glass three times a day, you can sweeten it with honey. When correcting scabies, the decoction is also applied externally.

Please note that the use of formulations based on fragrant rue is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Such drugs are not used in pediatrics. Rue can provoke allergic reactions, and in case of overdose, cause poisoning.

The herb fragrant rue has a wide range of uses - both as a medicine, and as a poison, and as a culinary seasoning. In this article you can learn everything about rue and its indications for use. We will also talk about the features of collecting this medicinal plant and its contraindications.

Ruta: description of a medicinal plant

Rue grass and its medicinal properties are familiar to almost everyone, just as the photo of this perennial plant is familiar. Find him out in wildlife possible by the following characteristics:

  • straight bare stems with many branches;

  • plant height – from 20 to 80 cm;
  • elongated ovate leaves, each of which has several dissections; the leaves are fleshy and have veins with a high content of essential oils;
  • flowers are formed at the very tops of the stems, where they are collected in shield-shaped panicles;
  • flower color – greenish-yellow;
  • the flowers have a very strong aroma;
  • Flowering period: June-July.
  • Rue has quite a lot different names– fragrant, fragrant, garden and even noble rue. Sometimes it is also called wintergreen. Besides medicinal use, it is also common as an ornamental flower.

    Did you know? Many Slavic beliefs are associated with rue flowers. According to one of them, 4 times a century on the night of Ivan Kupala yellow flowers The roots turn red and help girls bewitch their loved one.

    Chemical composition of the plant

    Rue is a plant that is very rich in chemicals, some of which are poisonous. In particular, in this plant you can find:

    • alkaloids (0.2%);
    • essential rue oil (1.2%);
    • flavocolrutin (less than 0.1%);
    • furocoumarin (less than 0.1%);
    • xanthoxin (less than 0.1%);
    • rutin (vitamin P);
    • coumarin (0.1%);
    • umbelliferone (less than 0.1%);
    • bergapten (less than 0.1%);
    • quercetin (more than 2%).
    This herb even contains organic acids, including malic and valeric acid. By taking rue tinctures, you can replenish your body's supply of vitamin C.

    What are the benefits of rue: pharmacological properties

    Garden rue has a number of beneficial properties, for which it is valued even in traditional medicine. In particular, rue herb is used in the treatment of various diseases as a remedy with the following properties:

    It is also worth noting that long-term use of preparations and tinctures based on rue can significantly increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, as a result of which a person may unexpectedly get a sunburn.

    Did you know? Pharmacological drugs“Rutin” and “Akofit” (“Radiculin”) are made from the base of fragrant rue. Thanks to "Rutin", the balance of vitamin P is restored, and "Akofit" allows you to overcome radiculitis.

    Medicinal properties of rue: how the plant is used in folk medicine

    Rue is a plant with many healing properties, for which it has long been valued in folk medicine. Teas, infusions, and infusions are used to treat various diseases. The latter are used for both internal and external use. In folk medicine you can find many recipes from rue, but their use should be extremely careful. Do not forget that rue is one of the poisonous plants:

  1. Rue and its tincture have found their use as a disinfectant, which is used for conjunctivitis to wash the eyes from purulent discharge. Rue tincture is also used for varicose veins and many other diseases associated with blood incoagulability.
  2. Rue decoctions have proven to be an effective remedy for eyelid inflammation, skin rashes, frostbite, fungal dermatitis and purulent abscesses. In such cases, compresses and lotions can be made from decoctions and herbal gruel.
  3. Rue oil also has many uses. It is obtained by water distillation of fresh (green oil) or dried rue (yellow oil). Rut oil is used in aromatherapy for head and ear pain. It has also found its use in rheumatism and dislocations. In some countries it is used in perfumery.

To prepare a hot infusion of rue, 200 ml boiled water Use only 1 teaspoon of dried herb.
After it has infused for 10 minutes, the infusion can be filtered and taken orally in no more than 0.5 cups 2-3 times during the day. To obtain a cold infusion, a similar amount of herb is poured into 400 ml of boiled, but already cooled water, and infused for about 10 hours. The resulting infusion is taken no more than 4 times a day, 0.5 cups.

Alcohol infusions are also prepared from rue, which can only be used externally. To prepare such a medicine, only 40% alcohol is suitable, to which a tenth of the herb is added from the total volume of alcohol (10 g of herb is given per 100 ml of alcohol).

Did you know? In alternative Indian medicine, rue is used as a remedy that can cause abortion.

How do cooks use spices?

Despite the presence of not only beneficial properties in rue, but also contraindications, it is also used in cooking, where it has earned love for its aroma. Only rue leaves are used in cooking, which are important to collect before flowering begins. It is noteworthy that fresh and dry leaves have different aroma and taste:

  • V fresh rue resembles a mixture of onion and garlic;
  • when dried, its leaves are more suitable for making tea, as they have an aroma similar to rose petals.

Rue is added to vinegars, wines and even berry liqueurs. If you add rue to cheese, salad, sauce or even meat dishes, their taste will only improve. Rue is even used for pickling mushrooms, tomatoes and cucumbers. It goes well with spices such as sage, cumin, rosemary and garlic.

Important! To avoid poisoning with rue, when adding it to food, you should not use more than 0.15 g of this herb in one serving. It is added to hot dishes 1 minute before turning off the stove.

Ruta: how to prepare and store medicinal raw materials

The beneficial properties of rue make it necessary to collect and prepare its raw materials, although rue is also used in its raw form. To prepare medicinal raw materials, it is necessary to wait until the rue is in flowering period, when it will be possible to collect the leafiest young branches on which several flowers have already bloomed. It is worth noting that the rue plant can be quite large, so if necessary, you will have to use pruning shears to remove 20-centimeter branches from it.

Important! When collecting rue, you should wear rubber gloves. In direct contact with skin, rue can cause severe burns, watery blisters and swelling.

The correct process for drying rue involves placing the plucked herbs in a thin layer in a well-ventilated area, where it cannot be exposed to direct sunlight. After this, it is collected in glass or metal containers and stored in a dry place. During storage, the grass should also not be exposed to sunlight, which can cause it to fade and lose its properties. The shelf life of such a medicinal preparation is no more than 2 years.

Contraindications for rue

Despite the fact that rue herb is widely used, treatment with its use is contraindicated for many categories of people. In case of overdose, rue can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the human digestive tract, causing swelling of the tongue and larynx. Subsequently, the victim of poisoning may experience severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting. If gastric lavage is not done in time, complications in the functioning of the liver and kidneys may occur.

Syn: fragrant rue.

Perennial strongly aromatic herbaceous plant. In Europe, it has been cultivated since ancient times as a spicy and medicinal plant. It has antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, diuretic, and hemostatic properties.

The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

Formula of the fragrant rue flower: *CH5L5T10P4-5.

In medicine

Fragrant rue is one of the most popular medicinal plants, is widely used in medicine in Europe. For medicinal purposes, mainly fresh or dried herbs are used. Preparations from rue are widely used in gynecological practice; they are prescribed for algomenorrhea, hypomenstrual syndrome, neurasthenia during menopause, and also for the regulation of weak menstruation in youth as an estrogenic agent. Due to its analgesic effect, rue was included in the drug "Akofin" (Radiculin). In small doses, rue enhances intestinal motility and improves the flow of bile from the gallbladder. Rutin contained in the herb belongs to the P vitamins, which strengthens capillaries, and is available in the form of tablets mixed with ascorbic acid. Rue fragrant is used for fatigue, nervous excitability, especially in autonomic neurosis as a sedative. In addition, rue is used as an antispasmodic in the treatment of insomnia and headaches. According to some sources, it is recommended to use rue oil in aromatherapy for pain in the head and ears, dislocations and rheumatism.

Contraindications for use

Rue is included in the pharmacopoeias of many countries, but requires very careful use. Since the plant is poisonous, its overdose causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, swelling of the tongue and larynx, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and disruption of the liver and kidneys. Preparations from rue are contraindicated during pregnancy, uterine bleeding, hypotension, hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, hyperacidity and during menstruation.


Fragrant rue (Latin Ruta graveolens) is a species of the genus Ruta (Latin Ruta) of the subfamily Rutoideae proper, family (Latin Rutaceae). The genus includes 7 species, among which are herbs or subshrubs. The homeland of rue is the European and African coasts of the Mediterranean, found mainly in the eastern hemisphere from the Canary Islands to South-West Asia.

Botanical description

Perennial herbaceous plant with strong odor. The stem is erect (10-30 cm in height). The flowering shoot is leafless. The leaves are simple, alternate, without stipules, ovate-triangular in outline, double-, triple-pinnately dissected, with oblong-obovate obtuse lobes. Usually leaves with translucent dots - glands with essential oils. The flowers are bisexual, regular, yellow, collected in an apical loose corymbose inflorescence. Double perianth. There are 4 petals, at the top they form a small helmet, at the base they are narrowed into a marigold, the sepals are quite dense. The fruit is a spherical four-locular capsule. Rue blooms in June - July. The fruits ripen in September.

Rue flowers are protoandric, pollinated by insects (usually small flower flies). The original adaptations to cross-pollination in rue is the ability of the stamens and style to perform certain movements during the flowering process, as a result of which they take different positions in relation to the style with the stigma. During flowering, rue flowers are wide open and at the beginning the stamens lie on strongly concave hood-shaped petals and sepals. Then they rise one after another and in a vertical position the anthers are opened; after the pollen has poured out, the first stamen bends down and takes its previous position. Then everyone else makes such movements one after another. Due to the movement of the stamens, self-pollination is prevented at the time the stigma ripens, but at the end of flowering, on the contrary, it is ensured. Rue flower formula: *CH5L5T10P4-5.


In Russia, fragrant rue is widespread in Crimea. It is found as an alien plant in the Kaliningrad region. It grows on dry, usually rocky and gravelly slopes and rocks. In the southern regions of European Russia it is cultivated as an ornamental, medicinal and essential plant.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, fresh or dried herbs are used. Raw materials are harvested during flowering. They collect the grass - leafy twigs with buds and 1-2 blossoming flowers, usually wearing rubber gloves, since the juice can cause burns (in the form of watery blisters) and swelling. Branches no longer than 20 cm are cut with pruning shears. Dry the raw materials in shady place in bunches. The finished raw rue is green in color; it is stored in a well-closed glass or metal container in a dry place, protected from light, since in the light the rue fades and loses activity. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Chemical composition

The leaves of fragrant rue contain alkaloids - 0.2%, essential oil - 1.2%, flavocolrutin, furonumarin, furocoumarins, xanthoxin, rutin, coumarin - 0.1%, umbelliferone, bergapten, flavonoids - rutin, quercetin more than 2%, as well as organic acids (malic, valeric), vitamin C, bitterness and resinous substances.

Pharmacological properties

The drugs have anticonvulsant, diuretic, hemostatic, estrogenic properties, and also increase uterine contractions and stimulate appetite. The substances contained in rue (coumarins, flavonoids - rutin and quercetin) have a vascular strengthening and antispasmodic effect. In addition, coumarin - umbelliferone, together with bergapten, increases skin sensitivity to UV rays.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, fragrant rue is widely used in the form of teas, mixtures, infusions and tinctures, both internally and externally. An infusion of rue herb is used as a disinfectant for washing the eyes for conjunctivitis. For inflammation of the eyelids and skin rashes, use a decoction of the herb for compresses and lotions. Rue decoction is also used for frostbite, rosacea, fungal skin diseases and abscesses. In folk medicine, fragrant rue is used for neuroses, as a restorative, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, and also as an anthelmintic and a remedy that reduces rheumatic, neuralgic pain and migraine headaches. Rue has a good effect on frequent urination, impotence, fragility of blood vessels, rickets and myopia. Rue tincture is used for varicose veins and the treatment of many other diseases. In Indian traditional medicine, aromatic rue is used as a stimulant, antiseptic and abortifacient. Rue is included in preparations for the treatment of liver diseases, heart diseases, colds and coughs.

Historical reference

Ruta was known to the ancient Greeks, who used it as a herb. The Greek philosopher Socrates, inviting one of his friends, treated him to cheese and rue. According to Pliny (1st century BC), rue was first used as a medicine by King Mithridates Eupator, the ruler of the Pontic kingdom (near Kerch). If we take this fact into account, then rue appeared in Crimea more than 2 thousand years ago, where it grows to this day in a wild form. Rue was considered a universal antidote. In the Middle Ages, it was a favorite plant in monastery gardens; it was used as a means to relieve sexual arousal among monks. However, rue was valued mainly as an antidote, and it was also used to combat “pestilence” - contagious diseases. Ruta gave the name to a valuable medicinal substance - rutin, isolated from it back in 1842.


  1. Biological encyclopedic dictionary (edited by M.S. Gilyarov). M. 1986. 820 p.

2. Blinova K. F. et al. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary. Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovleva. M.: Higher. school, 1990.P. 233.

3. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or terrestrial plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

4. Plant life (edited by A.L. Takhtadzhyan) 1982. T. 5(2). pp. 159-162.

5. Zamyatina N.G. Medicinal plants. M. 1998. 496 p.

6. Kovaleva N.G. Fragrant rue // Treatment with plants. Essays on herbal medicine. M.: Medicine, 1972. - P. 214.

7. Medicinal properties agricultural plants / Ed. M.I. Borisova.

8. Minsk: Urajai, 1974.P. 105. 336 p.

9. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. Directory. SME. 2001. 684 p.

About 15 species of perennial plants belong to the genus Ruta, and even more plants belong to the Ruta family. This family includes citrus fruits (orange, lemon, kumquat), Yasenets flower, Fagara plant ( iron wood). Among the rue family there are herbs, shrubs and subshrubs, united by a common feature - a rather strong aroma emanating from the leaves and shoots. Plants are known for their medicinal properties, in particular, their ability to remove poisons from the body.

In our country, gardeners most often grow fragrant rue as a spicy and medicinal crop. Less known is Monarda (Bergamot) - a spicy and ornamental herb that produces wonderful tea. Blooming monarda decorates the area from mid-summer to late autumn bright inflorescences. Another name is Chervona rue, the plant received it for the bright red hue of its flowers.


A perennial plant, in nature, can be found in North America. Monarda was brought to Europe and Asia, where it is found in temperate climates.

Tall (up to 160 cm in height) plant, with straight, slightly pubescent stems, tetrahedron shaped. Its root is branched to the sides and powerful. The leaves are oval, with a sharp tip and teeth along the edge, light-colored Green colour. The monarda bush, in shape and structure, resembles a lemon balm or mint bush.

Monarda flowers are small, up to 4 cm in length, collected in several dozen inflorescences - heads. The color of the petals of the monarda is double - bright scarlet; in the fistula - violet, pink or lilac. There are artificially bred hybrids with crimson or purple (almost black) flowers.

The plant has good winter hardiness. After the above-ground part dies, the rhizome safely survives the winter under a snow blanket. In spring the plant grows back.

You can admire the subtle beauty of the Chervona rue flower from the presented photos.

Growing in the garden

Rue is not demanding on the composition of the soil; areas with loose and light soil with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for it. Light loams are ideal. Monarda loves the sun, but puts up with the lace shadow. In the deep shade the plant will not die, but it will bloom sparingly.

The soil for the flower is prepared in the fall by digging up the area and adding rotted manure and high-moor peat, 2–4 kg per 1 sq. m. m.

Monarda is easy to sow with seeds. To admire the flowering of rue early, seedlings are prepared in March. The seeds of the plant remain viable for several years; special preparation for planting is not required. They are sown in light and nutritious soil (sand + peat + humus), to a depth of 1 cm. Shoots will appear within 2 weeks.

Caring for seedlings consists of moderate watering and picking at the age of 3 weeks. IN open ground seedlings are placed in May, when the danger of frost has passed. Chervona rue is planted at a distance of 30–60 cm from each other, depending on the size of the bush of a particular variety.

Interesting. The rhizome of monarda releases substances into the soil that repel harmful insects. A flower planted among garden and garden plants, will protect them from some pests.

Monarda loves watering, especially in preparation for flowering. A water shower is beneficial for the plant; the foliage should be washed in the evening so that the plant does not get sunburned.

Flower feeding scheme:

  • nitrogen fertilizers (humus, a solution of chicken manure 1 to 15, urea) are given in the spring, with the beginning of the regrowth of green mass;
  • Potassium-phosphorus mixtures are necessary for monarda during the period of budding and flowering.

Fertilizers must be applied every 3 weeks. Faded inflorescences should be removed unless the seeds are to be collected. With the onset of autumn, when frosts destroy the foliage and stems of the monarda, the tops are cut flush with the soil. It is recommended to sprinkle young bushes of the current year of planting with sawdust or peat. Adult plants do not need insulation. The flower is grown in one place for 4 – 6 years.

Beneficial features

Except decorative use In the flower garden, red rue is used as an aromatic component of tea and as a medicinal plant. In the homeland of the flower, the Indians knew about the characteristics of rue and applied crushed leaves to wounds, pacifying the pain. An infusion of leaves helped with intestinal pain and headaches.

A high proportion of essential oils in the leaves and stems of monarda have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body.

Tea from red rue leaves will calm you down headache and will reduce fever for colds and flu.
Herbal infusions are used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throat, stomatitis, and toothache.

On a note. The substance – thymol, contained in rue flowers and leaves, is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of mouth rinses.

Rue alcohol tincture or oil is used to wipe the skin for purulent rashes, eczema, and fungus. Monarda is part of cosmetic masks, eliminating micro-inflammations on the skin.

Important! Like any medicinal plant, monarda must be taken orally in strictly recommended doses. An overdose can harm the body and cause poisoning. Pregnant women and children are allowed to take rue only after consulting a doctor.


Monarda oil will help cure foot fungus. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply a compress to the affected area for an hour. The course of procedures is until the fungus disappears.

At nervous tension and stress, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of fresh chopped herbs into 200 ml of boiling water. The cooled infusion is taken throughout the day, one tablespoon before meals.

To improve sleep, take tea from rue leaves (a teaspoon of dry raw material per 400 ml of boiling water).

Monarda in cooking

Dry red rue herbs are added to marinades and sauces to give a piquant spicy taste. Fresh greens are added to salads, for example: hard-boiled eggs, fresh monarda leaves, green onions, salt and sour cream.

Delicious tea made from leaves and inflorescences of rue and lemon balm. The herb is poured with boiling water and left for about half an hour. Flavored drink quenches thirst well and calms.

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Ruta means “to save” in Greek. She gave the name to a large family of plants (rutaceae), which includes Amur velvet (cork tree), beautiful but very poisonous ash (burning bush) and citrus fruits: lemon, orange, tangerine.

Already two and a half thousand years ago, rue was known to the ancient Greeks, they used it as a spice.

The homeland of rue is the African and European coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. From here it spread throughout Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and China.

The first to use rue as a medicine was King Mithridates VI Eupator (63 BC), ruler of the Pontic Kingdom, whose capital was located near present-day Kerch.

There is a legend that King Mithridates was considered a great expert on poisons and antidotes; he took all the then known poisons in small doses, and thus accustomed his body to their action.

And when his army was defeated by the Romans, he was unable to poison himself and was forced to throw himself on the sword. Mount Mithridates near the city of Kerch, on which he died, bears his name.

Since then, rue has spread to Crimea, where it still grows wild everywhere.

With the light hand of King Mithridates, rue was considered a universal antidote for a very long time. It was used as a remedy for poisoning and bites of poisonous reptiles and insects. In ancient times they wrote about it: “...drink and the hops will go away, eat raw and you will expel poisons.”

In Ancient Rome it was considered a remedy against witchcraft. The Romans believed that rue helped against the evil eye. They carried it with them, hung it over the door to protect themselves from poisons, werewolves and all sorts of misfortunes.

There is still a popular belief that snakes do not crawl near places where rue grows.

In the Middle Ages, rue was widely distributed in monastery gardens due to its ability to relieve sexual arousal in men. The famous German doctor Bock (XVI century.

), wrote: “...All monks and religious people who want to preserve innocence and purity should constantly use rue in food and drink.” It was also considered the best disinfectant.

People rubbed rue on their bodies to protect themselves from the plague; they disinfected rooms with its smoke.

This plant is mentioned in all medical writings of that time.

To date, rue is included in the pharmacopoeias of 8 countries around the world. It serves as a raw material for the preparation of numerous herbal preparations used to treat arthritis, articular rheumatism, neuralgia, as well as to obtain rutin.

Infusions and decoctions of rue suppress the development of Staphylococcus aureus and stop the growth of fungi that cause diseases; juice from fresh leaves is a good antiseptic. Essential oil has bactericidal and anesthetic properties.

In fact, the medicinal properties of rue have not been fully studied. However, the use of rue for medicinal purposes requires great caution and should only be done under the supervision of a physician. rue is poisonous in overdose.

Therefore, in this article I will not consider extensive medicinal properties of this plant, provide recipes for the preparation of various preparations and methods for procuring raw materials for these purposes.

I will dwell on the description of rue as a spice and even... as an ornamental plant.

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Ruta is a small perennial evergreen subshrub 50-70 cm high, with an erect, branched, woody stem and lower parts of branches. Every year, non-lignified shoots die off.

In harsh winters, without shelter, the entire above-ground part may die, but is restored annually from the roots. In the middle zone they live for 20 years or more. Woody parts of the plant have a straw-yellow color.

Leaves and non-lignified shoots are bluish green. The leaves are petiolate, twice or thrice pinnate, in general outline triangular or almost obovate. When exposed to light, containers (light dots) with essential oil are visible in the leaves.

Rue owes its Latin name to this oil: Ruta graveolens - fragrant rue. The smell of rue is strong and quite heavy, and not everyone likes it.

But when dried, the smell changes, becomes pleasant and resembles the aroma of a rose, which is why it has been used as a herb for many centuries.

Ruta is light-loving and drought-resistant, not demanding on soils, grows well on crushed stone, calcareous, carbonate, and loamy soils. The plant tolerates drought better than excess moisture.

Flowering lasts from June to August. Ruta is a good honey plant, the bees are buzzing around her. Its inflorescence is loose, corymbose, the flowers are yellow with four petals.

The fruit is a spherical capsule with four “compartments”, on short stalks and with small horns on each segment. Dry inflorescences with fruits are very decorative and are used for dry bouquets.

The boxes contain black seeds that ripen in September - October and remain viable for more than 5 years.

Ruta is pretty unpretentious plant, does not require special care, it grows in one place without reducing the yield for 5-6 years.

Rue bushes, due to their bluish-green, bluish lacy foliage, are very decorative. Therefore, decorators often use it - plant it in flower beds or plant it as a border plant. Ruta tolerates haircuts well.


Rue is propagated by seeds. If you have collected seeds from your plants, it is better to sow them before winter, because the first 4-5 months. after collection, the seeds do not germinate. You can purchase bagged seeds from seed stores.

In particular, I bought seeds from the Semko agricultural company and sowed them for seedlings in March-April in seedling boxes; the seeds sprouted in 7-10 days. After the threat of return frosts had passed, the seedlings were planted on permanent place according to the scheme 20-25x50-60 cm.

Then I replanted the plants more than once. Ruta tolerates transplantation well.

In the first year, seedlings usually do not grow higher than 10-12 cm. You can cover them for the winter, this ensures that most young plants will survive the winter.

In my case, no shelter was provided, but all the bushes overwintered, even the ground part was preserved, perhaps this is explained by the favorable weather of that winter. In the future, the plants need not be covered.

True, then they grow later in the spring and at first, until many branches appear, they are not decorative.

In the spring, frozen, dead branches should be cut back to the first bud and the plant should be fed with nitrogen fertilizer (preferably urea).

You can also propagate rue by dividing the bush or green cuttings, which are rooted under film cover.

Rue has no diseases or pests, but young bushes can be oppressed by weeds, so they need to be weeded regularly.

This plant can cause skin irritation and burns, so it is advisable to place it where people have less contact with it. Just in case, it is better to carry out all work with rue wearing gloves.

Use in cooking.

The leaves and seeds of rue are used as a spice in dried form. As noted above, when dried they acquire a pleasant aroma.

Rue is used to season salads, stewed lamb, meat fillings, omelettes, fish dishes, and potato soups. The plant is used for canning.

Sandwiches made from black bread with cream cheese harmonize especially well with the savory bitterness inherent in rue (perhaps the recipe for this cheese has ancient roots, remember, at the very beginning of the article it was said about the use of spices from rue by the ancient Greeks? Well, there is information that the Greek philosopher Socrates, inviting one of his friends to visit, promised to treat him with cheese and rue...).

Vinegar flavored with rue acquires an original taste and smell.

Since this plant has a strong aroma and taste, it should be added to food as a spice in moderation.


In order to use rue as a spice, its greens must be harvested before flowering or at the very beginning.

Use pruning shears to cut off non-lignified leafy branches no more than 20 cm long with buds and 1-2 blossoming flowers. Dry in the shade in bunches. The raw material must be green. Store in a dark, dry place.

In the light, rue quickly fades, almost to white, and loses activity. Store for no more than two years.

For the first time, the Russian vegetable rue variety Kruzhevnitsa has been zoned. It compares favorably with a more “elegant” appearance.


Ruta fragrant, also known as Ruta fragrant, is a widespread perennial and herbaceous subshrub as part of the Rutaceae family. The translation of the name of the flower from Greek means “to save.”

The plant can grow up to seventy centimeters in height. In the lower part, at the base, it has a lignified trunk with numerous branches. The shoots of the plant have a muted green color, and the leaves have an alternate arrangement.

The lower and middle ones are dissected twice, and sometimes three times, to form oblong-lance-shaped segments. The upper leaflets are usually sessile, with pinnate dissection into segments of smaller caliber.

All leaves have multiple spots, reminiscent of needle puncture marks.

Rue has loose inflorescences located apically and corymbose in shape. The greenish-yellow flower contains four green triangular sepals, four yellow petals up to nine millimeters and a single pistil.

The fruits of the plant look like a four- to five-locular capsule, almost regular spherical in shape, with a diameter of up to seven millimeters. Inside are angular black seeds.

The flowering period is from June to July, the fruit ripening occurs in September-October.

Rue aromatica is native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe. Widely distributed in Crimea, in many regions of Ukraine and China, and in Japan. In Asian countries and Europe it was cultivated as a medicinal and aromatic plant.

Thanks to its fragrant, bitter taste and peculiar spicy aroma, when used as a seasoning for food, it improves digestion and stimulates appetite. It has toxic properties and therefore requires controlled use.

How to prepare rue for medicinal purposes

The herb rue is used as a medicine. It is harvested during the flowering of the plant.

To do this, cut off its tops and dry it in a shaded, well-ventilated place or in a special dryer so that the air temperature does not exceed forty degrees. For storage use closed containers.

Beneficial properties are preserved in raw materials for one year. The smell of a fresh plant is strong and quite distinctive; after drying it becomes pleasant, reminiscent of a rose.

Pharmacological composition of the plant

The main active components of rue are the alkaloid rutin and a special essential oil. In addition to them, the above-ground part of the bush contains coumarins, sesquiterpenes, special hydrocarbons, higher-order fatty acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, alcohols, Vitamin P and ascorbic acid.

It is interesting to know that in ancient times, monks and people seeking to preserve innocence ate this plant to reduce sexual desire in men.

To protect against the plague, people rubbed this herb on their bodies, and the premises were disinfected with its smoke.

Growing rue in a garden plot

Garden rue has good decorative properties that last throughout almost the entire season. The place for planting the shrub should be chosen taking into account its southern origin, giving preference to sunny places, protected from cold and wind.

The soil must be fertile, well permeable, with good drainage of excess moisture. The flower does not tolerate spring stagnation of water. The plant lives in one place without transplantation for five to six years.

To propagate grass, planting seeds in open ground or preparing seedlings, dividing an adult bush and cuttings is used.

To quickly reach the plant decorative properties It is recommended to grow the succession using seedlings. To do this, you need to start sowing seeds in March-April, using special small containers for this.

The seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of no more than two centimeters, observing the condition of sparse planting.

IN open ground seedlings are transferred in the first ten days of May, into rows located at a distance of up to one hundred centimeters from each other in increments of up to twenty-five centimeters.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out both before winter - in November, and in spring - in March-April. Based on the seeding rate, four to five kilograms per hectare.

After the first shoots appear, cultivation is carried out and the sprouts are thinned out in increments of at least twenty centimeters, while at the same time the rows are cleared of weeds.

Further care of the seedlings consists of occasional watering and timely removal of weeds.

It is important to remember that aromatic rue is a Mediterranean plant and can freeze out in the middle zone. However, the question of winter shelter the flower does not find unanimous approval. Many gardeners are wary of this method, as it carries the risk of damping off.

Spring care of the plant includes pruning to the level of living wood and fertilizing, then the young shoots grow quickly and form a significant leaf mass.

Garden rue is not susceptible to attacks from pests and diseases. The only threat to young seedlings is weeds, which can significantly weaken the plant. That is why they are subject to mandatory removal.

Medicinal properties

It has already been mentioned that fragrant rue is a poisonous plant, but this does not prevent it from being part of the eight pharmacopeias of the world.

It is used as a raw material for the preparation of drugs used to treat joint diseases and neuralgia, and also as a source of rutin.

Decoctions and infusions made on its basis are destructive to Staphylococcus aureus and inhibit the spread of fungal diseases, and fresh juice from the leaves has a good antiseptic effect.


Malankina Elena Lvovna Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the department. Botany RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazeva

Ruta has been known since ancient times. Dioscorides readily used this plant. It was considered a remedy for plant and animal poisons.

There is evidence that rue was part of the antidote, which was taken for prophylactic purposes by the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator in 121-64. BC.

In ancient times it was used for various diseases. Odo of Mena's poem stated:

“Very good for the stomach when drunk often,

The fruit is driven into drink and love is curbed in a state,

Sciatica treats joints, as well as patients with fever..."

In the Chapters of Charlemagne it is mentioned under the modern Latin name rue. In the 16th-18th centuries, it was an obligatory plant in home and herb gardens in Europe, as it was considered effective means from... the plague that was raging in those days.

Botanical description and places of growth

Fragrant rue (Ruta graveolens) is a subshrub from the Rutaceae family, 30-100 cm high with a woody, fibrous root. The stem is woody in the lower part, branched, erect.

The leaves are alternate, grayish-green, slightly fleshy, double or triple pinnately dissected. The flowers are regular, greenish-yellow, on short stalks, collected in a corymbose panicle. The fruit is a round 4-5-locular capsule.

Each nest contains 4-6 seeds, almost black in color. Blooms in June - July. The fruits ripen in September - October.

Within Russia, it is found in the wild only in the Kaliningrad region as an alien plant. Grows in gardens, orchards and trash areas. It is grown as a medicinal and essential oil plant.

Medicinal raw materials and active ingredients

For medicinal purposes, fresh or dried herbs collected during the flowering period are used. Dry the raw materials under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area.

The leaves and apical shoots contain essential oil (up to 0.5%), which contains nonanone, linalool, undecanone, and undecanol; in addition, rutin, furocoumarins bergapten, xanthotoxin, pangelin, psoralen, daphnoretin) (up to 1%), resins, alkaloids of various chemical structures (rutamine, graveolin, dictamnine), malic acid.

Application in official and folk medicine

In our country, rue is not used by scientific medicine, but in a number of European countries it is included in the Pharmacopoeia.

However, rue is a poisonous plant and requires careful use and strict adherence to dosage. In addition, the contained furocoumarins exhibit a phototoxic effect.

Rue herb has, according to traditional medicine, a significant range of pharmacological activity. It is known as a tonic, antispastic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and antitoxic agent.

Used for neuroses, atherosclerosis, menopause. Rue is effective in treating asthenic conditions, hysteria, epilepsy, and headaches.

Rue herb is used for rheumatism, gout, impotence, myopia, fragility of blood vessels, scrofula, rickets, as well as for cramping pain in the stomach and intestines.

Fragrant rue has a general tonic effect, relieves fatigue, and calms the nervous system.

Preparations from this plant reduce spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary tract and peripheral blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and increase diuresis. Herbal tea is considered good remedy from impotence.

An infusion of leaves is used for stagnation of blood in the internal organs, as a sedative for nervous irritability. According to some reports, taking an infusion of rue herb in grape wine helps with impotence.

In traditional medicine, fresh rue juice is taken orally for bites. poisonous insects and snakes, as well as for poor eyesight.

Fresh leaves are applied to the site of bruises and bruises.

Use at home

Leaf infusion prepared from 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials, which is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 2 hours, filtered. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

To prepare cold herbal infusion, you should pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials with 2 glasses of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

The tincture is most convenient to use and, using it, it is easier to maintain the exact dosage. It is prepared with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, strain. Take 10 drops in 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day.

Rue preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy, hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

In case of an overdose, irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, swelling of the tongue and larynx, fainting, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, general weakness, kidney and liver damage may occur.

External use of rue sometimes causes skin burns.

And in order not to make a mistake with the dose and not to forget about contraindications, you can take homeopathic preparations of rue, which are prescribed for bruises, sprains, spasms, rheumatism, and excess tension.

Other uses

Young leaves are eaten.

They are used as a spice to flavor tea, soft drinks, sausages, sauces, and added to canned cucumbers and tomatoes, lamb and cheese dishes. Rue essential oil is used in the alcoholic beverage industry in the production of cognac and liqueurs.

Growing on site

The plant is very decorative almost all season. Given its southern origin (Mediterranean), the plant should be placed in a sunny area, protected from cold winds. The soil is preferably fertile and permeable. Ruta does not tolerate stagnant moisture in spring.

The plant reproduces by seeds. It is better to sow them in a pot in March and grow seedlings. In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, the plants dive. It is better to plant them immediately in separate pots, then when planted in a permanent place, the plants quickly begin to grow and acquire a decorative appearance.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm in early June. Care consists of weeding, loosening and fertilizing with complex fertilizers or diluted mullein or bird droppings.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground in early spring, but in this case the consumption of seeds increases greatly, and the plants will only become truly ornamental by the next season.

Covering plants for the winter does not always give good results. Often they begin to rot. Therefore, to cover or not to cover is a rather controversial issue. In the spring, the plants are pruned to living wood and fed.

In this case, they grow quite quickly and form a large leaf mass. In one place in the non-chernozem zone, plants grow for 3-5, and sometimes more, years.

But gradually they still begin to fall out, so it is necessary to take care of replacement.

The plant is so decorative that it will decorate any plant composition: a mixed border, a rocky garden, or just a flower bed in front of the house.

Rita Brilliantova, Maxim Minin


Good afternoon dear friends! “There is neither benefit nor joy in food without spice,” sounds the ancient saying.

And not in vain, because spicy aromatic plants promote the absorption of food, stimulate cleansing, metabolic and protective functions body, have healing and bactericidal properties. Therefore, the more diverse the assortment spice plants in our menu, the healthier you and I will be.

Probably no housewife can do without dill in the kitchen these days. But today few people grow such a plant, known even in folklore as fragrant rue. This is exactly what this article is about.

In ancient times, the leaves and seeds of rue served as a medicine, believed to help with various diseases, poisoning and against “evil spirits”. It is no coincidence that the very name “ruta” comes from the Greek word meaning “save”, “help”.

Fragrant rue comes from the Mediterranean. In nature, it is found within the Crimea. It is distributed from Southern Europe to the Canary Islands. It is widely cultivated as a spicy, medicinal, phytoncidal and ornamental plant in Iran, India, Libya, Algeria, USA.

It is grown in small areas in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

Morphological features

Sweet rue belongs to the rue family. This is a perennial evergreen subshrub. Its stem is erect, woody at the base, 50-70 cm high. The leaves are bluish-green, petiolate, double or triple pinnate, elongated.

Rue flowers are small, yellow, collected in an apical corymbose inflorescence. They bloom from June to September from the second year of life.

The seeds are black-brown, small, 1-1.5 mm long. They ripen in brown boxes in August-September. Weight of a thousand seeds is 1.5-2.0 g.

They remain viable for more than five years.

Features of use

Young leaves with a strong pleasant aroma and piquant, with a slight bitter aftertaste (as a spice for fish, mixed salads, lamb, cheeses, vinegar, tea in small quantities).

The plant is added when canning tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and other vegetable and fruit cocktails. Sandwiches made from black bread with cheese harmonize especially well with rue.

Add 0.1-0.15 g of rue greens per serving.

Rue leaves contain vitamin C and rutin. The latter has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens blood capillaries.

The herb is used for medicinal purposes, the most important property which is the ability to relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, biliary and urinary tracts, as well as peripheral blood vessels.

As a result, blood pressure decreases, attacks of bronchial asthma are relieved, the functioning of the digestive tract improves, and blood vessels and veins are strengthened.

As an external remedy, fragrant rue is effective for skin rashes, rheumatism and gout. In the USA and Italy, rue herb is used for eye diseases. In India, it is used as a stimulant, antiseptic and abortifacient.

In China, it is used for headaches associated with vasospasm, pneumonia, amenorrhea, and epilepsy in children. In Austria, rue is used for rheumatism, palpitations, neurosis, and gout. It is considered a good remedy for impotence. In folk medicine, the fresh juice of the plant is used to treat wounds.

But despite all the usefulness of the plant, one should not forget about caution and remember that excessive consumption of rue, like other medicinal plants, can lead to poisoning.

In very rare cases, in some people, fresh plant juice can cause redness of the skin, which appears within 24 hours after contact with the plant.

As an ornamental openwork plant, fragrant rue is recommended for spicy vegetable beds, borders, mixborders, and in group plantings on dry rock garden slopes. It is most decorative during the flowering period - it creates yellow spots in the middle of lush greenery.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Fragrant rue is a light-loving and drought-resistant plant that is not demanding on soil. It grows in one place for 5-6 years. The plant is propagated directly by sowing seeds in the ground or growing seedlings, as well as by dividing the bush and cuttings.

When planting, seeds are planted sparsely, to a depth of about 2 cm.

Plants are planted in the ground in early May with a distance between rows when planting of 70-100 cm, between plants - 20-25 cm.

When sowing in open ground, seeds are sown before winter, in October-November, or in late March-early April. The seed sowing rate is 4-5 kg/ha.

After germination, cultivation and thinning by 20-25 cm are carried out with the simultaneous removal of weeds in the rows.

Caring for plantings consists of keeping the soil free of weeds and occasional watering.

Fragrant rue blooms from the second year after sowing. To use as a spice, the ground mass is mowed before flowering and dried under a canopy.

To obtain essential oil, it is removed at the beginning or during the period of mass flowering and immediately sent for processing. essential oil makes up 0.2-0.3% of wet weight.

And in conclusion, Sofia Rotaru gives you her song

See you soon!

With all respect, Andrew!


Family Rutaceae

Origin of culture
Comes from the countries of the Mediterranean coast.

It grows wild in the Mediterranean region, as well as on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Crimea, China and Japan.

Cultivated for many centuries different countries Europe and Asia as an aromatic, medicinal and antiseptic plant.

Beneficial features
All parts of the plant (stem, flowers, leaves) contain essential oil, alkaloids, vitamins C and P, carotene.

Dried rue flowers have a scent reminiscent of roses. Rue leaves have strong phytoncidal properties, a pungent odor and a bitter taste.

Rue is an insecticide for flies, mosquitoes, and lice. Yellow dye is obtained from the flowers.

Raw rue is included in folk and scientific medicine in many countries around the world. Various parts of the plant have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic, antibacterial, anticonvulsant, antitrichomoniacal and tonic effects.

It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, skin rashes, neuroses, heart failure, worms and as a detoxifying agent for snake bites and rabid dogs.

Rue is also widely used in cooking.

Biological features
Rue is a perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub bluish-green glabrous plant. The strongly branching stems of rue reach a height of 50 cm. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the flowers are yellow, collected in loose inflorescences.

The plant is cold-resistant and relatively frost-resistant. Overwinters in open ground, but under shelters. It is undemanding to growing conditions, but grows best in sunny areas well protected from cold winds. The soil needs to be well-supplied with moisture and fairly fertile.

The varieties Kruzhevnitsa and Impatiens have been zoned.

Growing conditions
Rue is propagated by sowing seeds in open ground, seedling method or dividing the bush and cuttings.

At seed propagation in the fall, organic fertilizers are applied to the plot; in the spring, seeds are sown in a row with row spacing of 60-70 cm and a distance between plants in a row of 20-25 cm.

After thinning, each plant is provided with a feeding area of ​​60×60 or 70×70 cm. Plant care consists of loosening row spacing, weeding and watering.

If you grow seedlings and root cuttings, it is better to do this in film greenhouses, and then plant the plants in open ground according to the same scheme. Rue is grown in one place for 6-8 years.

In early spring it grows and blooms for a long period, providing the site with a decorative appearance.
Mostly young leaves are harvested and used; they begin to be harvested from the second year of life.

For food purposes they are picked throughout the season, young annual plants can be used entirely.

Touching the green rue can cause skin irritation, so all work with rue should be done with gloves.

For medicinal purposes, rue herb is collected during flowering before frost. When harvesting, cut off the tops flowering plants and then dried in the shade.

Note to the hostess
Rue leaves are used as a seasoning for salads, stews, sandwiches, and to flavor tea, vinegar, fruit and vegetable smoothies. Cranberry drinks and sandwiches made from black bread with cream cheese harmonize especially well with the inherent bitterness of rue. The taste is something between onions and garlic.

Alcohol tincture (medicinal)
An alcoholic tincture of rue for external use in the treatment of chronic joint diseases, articular rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago and infectious neuritis is prepared with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The same tincture is used to make lotions for damage to the periosteum, facial nerve paralysis and bedsores.

Rue infusion (medicinal) To prepare the infusion, pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs into 500 ml of hot water and boil for 35 minutes over low heat.

After cooling, strain and take 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

When treating bruises, hemorrhages (hematomas), and conjunctivitis, fresh rue juice mixed with honey is used.

Crushed leaves or an ointment made from the juice are prescribed for scabies and other skin diseases.

Leaves infused with sunflower oil, are recommended for rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and lack of menstruation. Rue preparations are contraindicated for children and pregnant women.


Growing rules and beneficial properties of rue

Have you heard anything about rue? It is likely that yes. Currently, the plant is very popular in folk medicine, especially in Russia.

What do you know about him? About its effect on the human body? About its application? Do you want to grow this? useful plant and in your front garden? Let's try!

Ruta: description

Ruta (Ruta)- a perennial herbaceous plant or evergreen subshrub with a rather peculiar odor.

In the wild, it is distributed from the Canary Islands to the Mediterranean Sea. In Russia, the plant is grown exclusively in people's gardens and vegetable gardens.

It is extremely rare to find it growing wild.

It is also cultivated in America, in Western Europe, in Asia and even in Africa. In general, this plant has been known for many centuries. Even the ancient Greeks used it to treat many diseases. The most common is considered to be fragrant or fragrant rue.

Useful properties of the culture

The herb is known to have a high content of essential oils and alkaloids. Rue, and especially fragrant rue (Ruta graveolens), is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine.

Also read: Hyacinths: planting and care in open ground

The plant is effective for:

  • stomach cramps;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • impotence;
  • allergies;
  • worms;
  • increased heart rate;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach colic;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • neurosis and hysteria;
  • paralysis and osteochondrosis;
  • scabies;
  • rickets or rheumatism.

In addition, rue has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • soothing (for bruises, bites, wounds, abscesses);
  • refreshing (used for rinsing the mouth);
  • antiseptic.

However, despite its wide pharmacological use, it should be remembered that in large doses, rue is poisonous! Therefore, it should be used very carefully and at the slightest symptoms of an overdose (gastrointestinal upset, swollen tongue, bradycardia when used internally or burns when used externally), you should consult a doctor.

You can also learn about the beneficial properties of chokeberry.

How to plant rue correctly

Cultivating rue yourself is not that difficult. Growing and caring for them will not take much effort. This plant loves light and tolerates drought calmly. Any soil is also suitable for it, but carbonate, loamy, calcareous or crushed stone is preferable.

Landing can be done in two ways:

  • immediately in open ground;
  • grow seedlings and then transplant into the ground.

If you plant crops in open ground, remember:

  • It is advisable to plant in early spring, although it is possible before winter;
  • Planted seeds must be thinned twice at monthly intervals.

With this method, seedlings will appear in about two weeks.

If you first decide to grow seedlings, then remember that you need to transplant the seedlings into open ground in the second half of May.

Fragrant rue: general information (video)

How to care for a plant

Fortunately, caring for rue does not require any special effort. It consists of the following:

  • remove weeds in a timely manner;
  • loosen the soil in time;
  • you can use complex fertilizer for feeding 1-2 times a season;
  • It is necessary to water not very often, let the soil dry out;
  • In spring the plant needs to be pruned.

Also read: Growing belamkanda chinensis in the garden

Features of reproduction

In addition to seedlings and planting seeds, the plant also propagates by cuttings or division.

When taking cuttings, you must remember that:

  • First you need to place the cuttings in a container of water;
  • As soon as the cutting gives roots, it can be planted in a pot of soil or directly into the ground. But it is best to do this in August-September.

Using root

The leaves are most often used for medicinal purposes. They can be used in the following forms:

  • brew like tea;
  • make an infusion;
  • make an ointment;
  • use as part of collection;
  • use twigs to repel insects (including mosquitoes);
  • drink juice internally (especially for snake bites);
  • fresh leaves can be applied to the bruised area.

Some people eat rue leaves as a spice; they are also added when canning cucumbers and tomatoes.

What else you need to know about the plant

If you are going to use rue for medicinal purposes, be sure to note that this herb should not be used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • hypotension.

In addition, a few words about how to properly collect and prepare plant materials:

  • You need to collect grass during flowering;
  • shoots must be carefully cut with scissors, and not torn off or broken off;
  • do not forget to wear rubber gloves, as rue juice can burn the skin and even cause allergies;
  • dry the plant in a well-ventilated area, not in the sun;
  • dried raw materials are stored for up to 1 year.

Undoubtedly, another advantage of rue is its decorative value. This plant will delight you with its bright sunlight and will look great in a complex composition of flower plants both shrubs and rock gardens, as it goes well with stones.

Rue - healing spice (video)

Rue is a very valuable plant that deserves to be grown in your garden. The benefits of the culture are undeniable: it will help with diseases of the body and will please the eye on a warm sunny day. However, do not forget that it is still poisonous.

Also read: When and how to plant dahlias: secrets of experienced gardeners

Gallery: rue (25 photos)

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