Homemade swing for relaxation. How I made a country wooden swing - drawings and diagrams

It is difficult to imagine a person who did not ride on a swing at least once as a child. Even as adults, many still love to relax and swing in the garden at the dacha, not to mention children. Many install structures bought in a store on their site, and some create country masterpieces on their own. The editors of the site bring to your attention a review from which you will learn how to create a rather popular attraction - a garden swing with your own hands: photos and drawings will be a good help in this.

Read in the article

Types of garden swings with photographs of models

Swings are divided by material of manufacture, type of construction and purpose. For example, there are designs for adults, children and the whole family. Let's consider some features of various designs depending on their purpose.

Swings for adults

Swings for adults are distinguished by their simplicity and increased structural strength. They can be stationary or portable. Swings for the dacha are made from the most different materials and must withstand a load of more than 120 kg. Designs can have a variety of shapes.

Garden swing

Attraction for children

children's swing for outdoor garden

Designs for the whole family

Attractions designed for the whole family are large, stable structures with a wide surface that can accommodate several adults at the same time. For more comfort The swing is equipped with a wide awning that will protect from the scorching sun and rain. The designs have the most various sizes, are made of different materials and can be either stationary or mobile.

Design of a garden swing and materials used

Swings can have A-, P- and L-shaped support structures. They can also be suspended on chains, cables and balance beams, familiar to everyone from childhood. Depending on the type of swing, when making an attraction for adults and children, corners, logs, plastic and scrap materials are used.

Comfortable swing seat

A regular (the simplest option), an old one, can be used as a seat for a swing. car tire, or a bench with a back, sofas. Structures intended for children must be equipped with special seat belts.

Hanging chairs

Attaching the suspension to the supporting structure

The attachment of the seat to the support can be rigid or flexible. The first option uses a wooden beam, a metal corner or a pipe. Cables, chains and ropes are used for flexible suspension.

Swing seat with chains and ropes

The flexible suspension allows you to build a swing from scrap materials and install it very quickly. The simplest option is a board and two pieces of rope, which are attached to a thick tree branch on the site or veranda. Using chains, ropes and cables, you can attach the seat to both stationary and mobile support structures. It is not recommended to use flexible harnesses for riding small children, since such structures are not stable and unsafe twisting of cables, chains or ropes is possible. To set up a swing, it is better to use chains or metal cables, since hemp ropes can stretch and sag, which will affect the reliability of the structure.

Wooden swing with soft sofa and an awning

Rigid suspensions made of metal and wood

Used for hanging seats from wooden beams supporting structure, metal corners or pipes has its advantages. This option is more reliable and allows you to withstand more weight. A rigid suspension is best suited for children's swings.

How to make a swing “nest” with your own hands

The “nest” is a suspended structure with a round wicker seat. This model The swing is also called a “basket” or “spider web”. The nest swing can accommodate 2-3 children or one adult. However, strong ropes must be used to suspend this attraction.

To create such an attraction you will need following materials:

  • climbing safety rope, hemp or synthetic cord with Ø 5-6 mm for seat arrangement;
  • durable fabric and felt for the exterior of the seat;
  • steel water pipe for the installation of a supporting structure;
  • gymnastic hoop Ø 900 mm for making a seat frame.

Playgarden Hanging swing “Nest”

Scheme and step-by-step instructions for creating a do-it-yourself outdoor swing for your dacha

The creation of a “nest” type swing begins with the manufacture of a wicker or textile seat. If the attraction is intended only for children, then gymnastic hoops will be needed. The structure, designed for adults, is made of a steel pipe with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 1,500 mm, which is formed into a circle on a pipe bending device. The joint is welded. Cables are attached to the frame, and the hoop is braided using the dream catcher or macrame technique. The seat cords are pulled tight to prevent sagging. The hoop is finished with foam rubber and textiles or tarpaulin.

When the seat is ready, you can begin to create the support structure. To do this, you can use a profile pipe or a thick wooden beam. The support for hanging the seat is made as follows.

  1. We assemble two side A-shaped structures.
  2. If the swing is stationary, then the sides are dug into the ground. The distance between the supports must be equal to the height of the structure.
  3. The sides are connected at the top steel pipe, to which the seat will be attached.
  4. Cables, ropes or suspension chains are attached to the crossbar. To prevent abrasion of the cables from contact with the pipe, a polyester gasket is placed under them.
  5. The seat is attached to cables, ropes or chains using four carabiners.

After the structure is ready, it needs to be tested for strength. To do this, it is necessary to place a load with a total weight of about 120-150 kg on the seat. This will allow you to check the tension of the cables, the braid of the hoop, and also adjust optimal distance between the seat and the ground.

How to make a metal swing with your own hands at the dacha

Metal swings for dachas can be stationary, with a rigid structure, or collapsible. The first option is preferable because it provides greater stability, safety and reliability. However, in this case, welding skills are required. The collapsible design is less reliable, since loosening of the joints may occur during operation.

Drawings of a DIY metal garden swing

We present one of the solutions for constructing a garden swing.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a metal swing with your own hands.

How to make a swing from a profile pipe with your own hands

Profile pipe – best option for the manufacture of metal swing, especially collapsible portable structures. This is due to the fact that in this case you can do without welded joints. The swing can be easily assembled using nuts. As we have already said, a bolted connection is less reliable than a welded one due to loosening during operation, but this problem can be solved by regularly checking the fastening points and, if necessary, eliminating the resulting play.

Let's consider the option of creating a metal swing for a summer house from profile pipe using welding.

Drawings for making a country swing with your own hands

Detailed manufacturing instructions

To make a metal swing from a profile pipe, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • electric drill;
  • square and tape measure;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • metal brush;
  • paint brush or roller;
  • 40 × 40 × 2,000 mm – 5 pcs.;
  • pipe 20 × 20 × 1000 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • profile 20 × 40 × 1,000 mm – 3 pcs.;
  • board 20 × 90 × 1,500 mm – 7 pcs.
Illustration Description of action

To begin with, take two pipes and at an angle of 45°. We check the angles: internal - 45°, and external turn - 90°

We take a piece of pipe for the crossbar, measure 700 mm from the bottom edge and mark the corners. We cut off the excess with a grinder and a cutting wheel. Using welding, we connect together all the parts of the A-shaped sidewall. The distance between the lower ends of the side pillar should be approximately 1,600 mm

We make the second side of the swing in the same way.

We install the sidewalls, and on them we place the upper crossbar, on which the swing seat will be attached. We check the angles between the vertical posts and the crossbar: they should be exactly 90°

Additionally, we strengthen the structure with two sections of profile pipe, which we use to connect the sidewalls. It is necessary to weld two “ears” to the upper cross member for attaching the seat hangers

Now let's start making the swing seat itself. To do this, you need to take three sections of profile pipe with a cross-section of 20 × 40 mm and attach them together by welding. Step back 100 mm from the edge and place the first mark. Next, apply marks at a distance of about 120 mm from each other

Using a grinder, make V-shaped cuts at the marks. The outermost cuts should be made from the reverse side. After all the pipes have been cut, you need to bend the structure to the desired shape

All joints in each pipe must be boiled, and the excess must be cut off

Separate the pipes, weld and clean all the seams using a grinder and paint

We attach the pipes to the cut boards. To do this, drill holes Ø 4 mm in them. We fix the boards using self-tapping screws

It turns out this is the seat

When spring comes, it begins golden time country life. Gardeners are drawn to garden beds, and craftsmen are drawn to arranging their plots. Creating a comfortable, beautiful space is as necessary as cultivating a vegetable garden. I would like to provide each family member with something to do to their liking. Children also need to be offered an interesting, exciting pastime. If you create for this the necessary conditions, rest on fresh air It will be a great success. For example, make a children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, similar to the samples shown in the photo.

Children's swing made of iron

Acquisition finished design a swing will undoubtedly save time, but will not allow you to show your personal imagination and dexterity. The industrial version is beautiful, convenient, and not cheap. These are often bulky models that require a lot of space.

Small children's swing with awning

For your dacha with your own hands you can create various designs swing. The work is not difficult, but it will bring great pleasure. It's nice to watch how a child enjoys new fun. Pride in making a swing with your own hands will give you high spirits, and playing with your child will bring a lot of happy moments.

You can easily create a swing with your own hands from any available materials; you don’t even have to spend money on purchasing structural elements.

Swing for children

To make a baby swing, you can use:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • old tires;
  • furniture parts;
  • durable fabrics, ropes.

Large wide wooden swing
Large swing with awning, trampoline and basketball hoop

Any remnants of materials left over from various repair work, will be used to make a swing. It will be possible to “attach” various good pieces that would be a pity to throw away. Even shabby furniture will be useful in making a swing. If you show imagination and creativity, you will get a masterpiece from available materials. Anything that should have gone to landfill can get another life.

Small children's swing

When choosing which children's swing to make for your dacha with your own hands, you should think about who will use it and how. It is necessary to ensure the design is comfortable and safe. We must not forget about the characteristics of the age category. Some designs are universal, while others are suitable exclusively for kids.

Swing with wall

1. Swing for the little ones.

For kids, you can offer a rocking chair or a balance beam. These options are suitable for a child from 1 year old. They are the most acceptable in terms of security. Due to the fact that the swing stroke is small, even if the baby falls, he will not be harmed. If you make seats on the swing with sides in the shape of a chair, you will be able to additionally secure the child.

Swing for two

2. Rocking chair.

The easiest way to make a rocking chair is to cut it out of a piece of thick plywood or chipboard (parts old furniture). To do this, you need to draw the outlines of the future swing on the material. This is usually a horse, but you can try any other swing shape.

Children's swing
  • Using a jigsaw, cut out the intended figure strictly along the contours. In this matter, extreme care is required. The appearance of the future product depends on the accuracy of the work. Young children are very critical of new things. If your child doesn't like the swing, he may refuse to use it.
  • The next stage is a thorough cleaning of the edges of the swing. To do this, use a file and sandpaper. This requires a serious approach. Careful processing is the key to the safety of the finished swing.
  • The swing seat is attached from above between the runners using metal corners. At a convenient distance (depending on the baby’s size), hand holders are installed.
  • Finally, you can decorate the finished children's swing - paint it in a bright color, make patterns, carvings. It is advisable to varnish the finished product. Such swings are used outdoors or directly in the house. The mobility of the option is one of the main advantages of this design.

Children's swing in the yard

3. Balancing swing

A balance swing is a popular option for little ones. The model is a crossbar with seats mounted on a support. The simplest version of the swing is performed as follows.

4. Swings for older children

Wooden children's swing for home

For those who have grown up, standard models can already be offered. Such designs are easy to make. For this you will need:

  • seat plank (board, plywood, base of an old chair, etc.);
  • strong ropes, chains;
  • reliable supports.

Comfortable things come from simple things, fun fun. If the design is done well, then not only children, but also their parents will be able to ride.

Children's swing in the yard with sun protection
Swings for children


This element can be made from various available materials. Any piece of material suitable for this purpose can be adapted. If it is a board, it must be processed and sanded. An excellent option for a swing seat is the base of a used chair.

Children's swing made of wood

Tires are also used (both whole and cut into pieces). The one-piece version is good for its simplicity - tie a rope and you can ride. From the point of view of aesthetics and convenience, a prefabricated model - cut into pieces - is suitable various forms connected with rivets.

A good seat for a swing can be made from a hoop covered with mesh. Reliable material is required; knots are made using marine or macrame techniques. You can also put a tarpaulin or durable fabric over the hoop. The metal base is covered with foam rubber, textiles or any suitable material.

Children's swing with slide

A good swing base can be made from wooden warehouse pallets. They are wide and durable. If you put 2 pieces together, it will come out beautiful. hanging bed. This structure is secured at all corners of the product with a chain or rope.

If the swing is intended for a baby, then in addition to the seat it is worth installing a backrest, armrests, and a limiter. For this purpose, treated bars are used, into which ropes are threaded.

Children's swing made of wood with a ladder

Fastening, support

The seat is attached to strong ropes. To do this, holes are made in the base, and the ropes are secured with sea knots. You can simply make grooves and stretch ropes, but then the base will be less stable. Chains are often used instead of ropes. For greater strength, they should be secured with nuts. Chains are not very pleasant to feel; over time they begin to rust and creak. Rope cables also have a disadvantage - they will soon (especially with active use) begin to fray. Rings are used to extend the life of the rope.

Iron swing for children

The support for the swing can be durable wood. In this case, you will not have to install additional design. A good rope is thrown over a thick branch, which holds the seat. This option is still very mobile - we didn’t like it in this place - we are looking for another, more suitable one.

Large swing for children

If there is no good tree on the site, you will have to install supports. The easiest way is to dig in 2 pillars, which are connected by a crossbar. For structural strength, it is made of metal. Ropes or chains are attached to the beam using a flip method or carabiners. It is permissible to use less strong beams, but then the support is made in the form of racks.

Steam swing for children

To securely fix the supporting elements, the lower base is treated with bitumen and placed in a hole approximately 1 m deep, filled 1/3 with sand and crushed stone. The remaining void is filled with concrete. This way the supports will stay firmly in the ground. Stability is additionally provided by supports. Can be used as a support concrete pillars. Then the support will last as long as possible and will not collapse several years later. Wooden crossbar they are mounted on such poles anchor bolts, and at the joints of different materials a moisture-proofing gasket is used.

Children's iron swing

Metal swing

Similar children's swings can be made entirely of metal. To do this, you will need pipes or similar suitable parts with a non-hazardous surface. The design can be done as follows.

Green iron swing for children
  1. First, swing blanks are created - support posts of 2 m each, a slightly smaller crossbar (1.5–2 m), 4 areas for attaching the bases.
  2. Sand the surface using metal sandpaper and a file.
  3. The base blanks are welded, the racks and crossbar are attached.
  4. They dig 4 holes about 1 m deep.
  5. Place the beams in the holes, fill them with concrete, and leave them to harden (at least 1 week for the solution to set well).
  6. Weld the anchor hooks to the crossbar and the base of the swing to the beams.
  7. Secure the seat.
  8. The finished swing can be painted - this will help extend its service life, protect it from corrosion, and make the structure attractive.

Seat swing

A cheerful swing at a summer cottage will become a favorite pastime for the little naughty boy. Outdoor fun is just what a child needs.

If you have excess metal pipes, you can use them to make a frame for stretching the awning. It will help protect the structure from rain.

Functional swing for children
Swing bed for children

Making a swing for your dacha with your own hands is not that difficult task. A little skill, diligence, as well as available means - and fun for a child of any age is ready. Life at the dacha that is boring for a child will turn into unforgettable emotions and happy laughter.

Video: DIY wooden swing for children

50 photos of ideas for baby swing designs for children:

For a cottage or private home there is no better decoration than a swing - an excellent place for an afternoon relaxation for the whole family. Would you like to install them on your site? In our instructions you will find all the necessary information on how to make a swing with your own hands from wood for your dacha and garden, and not only about that.

The material is divided into three parts.

  • In the first part of the article, we will look at the properties of wood and which species is best to choose to make a garden swing with your own hands. Next, we will clarify what types of wooden swings there are, and also provide a table calculating the strength of supporting structures so that you can calculate the weight load.
  • In the second part of the material we will conduct several step-by-step master classes, from which you will learn how to make the most popular and not so popular ones. complex designs wooden swing for the cottage. Among them: single-seaters with a wooden frame, made of timber and logs, in the form of a sofa and bench, made of pallets, double outdoor swings and swing-balance for children, as well as simplest option from the board.
  • The third part of the article is aimed at arranging a garden swing. Let's discuss their decoration, painting and choice of covers. You will learn how to make a wooden swing seat with your own hands, how to secure it and repair it if it cracks. In conclusion, we will consider the main options for the roof of a swing for a summer house and garden and how to care for such attractions.

Wood as a material: characteristics and properties

To build a good swing, first of all you need to take care of the selection quality materials. The most popular is wood - a cheap and practical raw material that will not cause difficulties in use even for beginners, not to mention experienced builders. Outdoor swings for a summer cottage made of wood are popular in all types of areas - they fit organically into landscape design, easy to use. Let's try to figure out what are the pros and cons of using such material.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood

You don't need to have any serious carpentry skills to work with wood - all you need is a few supplies (we'll talk about them a little later). Among the advantages of wood it should be noted:

  • environmental friendliness - similar material the more organically it looks on the site, the more flowers, bushes and trees you place on it;
  • aesthetics wooden buildings– with a competent approach to decoration, the result can exceed all expectations;
  • low price.

However, when listing the advantages, one cannot help but pay attention to some disadvantages. The most significant of these is the relative fragility of wood. Unlike a metal swing, a wooden swing will require much more careful care. Wood with difficulty endures such natural factors as:

  • rain;
  • snow;
  • direct sunlight;
  • fungus and mold;
  • insects;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • decay processes.

That is why it is important to cover the wood with special antiseptics or simply varnish or stain.

Which breed is better to choose for a swing?

Please note that some breeds coniferous trees may undergo rotting, which can be combated locally by covering the fungus-affected areas with a special antiseptic (pinotex has proven itself well).

An excellent raw material for buildings of any type is oak, which has significant drawback– high price of raw materials. However, it is very durable, massive and quite easy to work with when decorating.

Another option would also be to build a swing from linden - it is rarely used for large buildings, because it does not have a sufficient degree of protection from the cold, however, for a swing this factor does not play a significant role. The material itself looks attractive, while possessing the necessary level of strength.

Calculation of strength for beams of wooden swings

The strength of the swing is calculated based on the crossbar on which the swing will be hung. The thickness/height/length of the crossbar is taken into account. In the table below you can see what approximate loads the support will withstand at these quantitative values.

Types of garden swings made of wood

Wooden swings come in a variety of shapes and construction methods. We invite you to draw your attention to the proposed options for country garden swings made of wood; each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account before starting construction.

By installation method

According to the installation method, the swing can be:

  • stationary
  • portable
  • hanging

Summer swings for a dacha can be stationary - this means that when installing them, you assume that they will stand exclusively in one place (a columnar foundation is laid). Such a building is reliable and strong, it will last a long time. The disadvantage is obvious: moving the swing from its place will be problematic.

This swing is more mobile than the previous version. They are mounted on a pre-prepared support, and mainly differ in how high degree transportation, and the possibility of folding, for example, for transportation to another vacation spot (not all wooden structures have this property).

Aesthetic appeal and ease of operation make this type of swing especially desirable for installation on the site. A significant disadvantage may be the insufficient strength of the proposed support - in other words, you must have a tree of the required size on your site. More often, hanging swing with a wooden seat are installed for children - tree branches can support their weight without much difficulty.

By purpose

Outdoor swings for the dacha can be divided according to their purpose. Not every design is suitable for use by even two people at the same time. This classification implies division into swings:

  • family;
  • for children;
  • for adults.

Family swing.

They can easily accommodate up to 4 people. They are based on a large bench, which helps to place both children and adults on the swing without much difficulty. The structure must have powerful fasteners installed and be made of durable wood.

Wooden children's swing.

This is a small design designed for low weight - most often they are designed for one or two places, and you can swing quite high on them. These are installed more for entertainment than relaxation. An important component are safety elements - comfortable backrest and handrails that will help secure the child’s position.

Outdoor swing for adults.

They are considered one of the indispensable attributes of an area equipped for recreation. Such swings cannot swing widely, but in most cases they have canopies, which makes it possible to enjoy relaxation even in rain, wind or scorching sun. Sometimes insect nets are attached to such swings - they look like tents and can rival even gazebos in terms of comfort.

Properties of different types of wood

A few words should be said about wood species, because not every wood will do to create a swing, because such a building must not only resist the challenges of nature, but also withstand certain loads every day. Strength limits different breeds wood are given in the table below.

When compressed along the fibers64,5 48,5 44,5 57,5 55,0 42,5
When stretched along the fibers125,0 103,5 103,0 168,0 125,5
When growing across the fibers radially5,6 5,4 5,0 8,0 11,1 7,1
When growing across the fibers tangentially5,2 3,5 3,2 6,5 6,5 4,6
With static bending111,5 86,0 79,5 107,5 109,5 78,0
When folded along the fibers radially9,9 7,5 6,9 10,2 9,3 6,3
When folding along the fibers tangentially9,4 7,3 6,8 12,2 11,2 8,6

Wood is also chosen because of its texture - the pattern on the cut that is obtained when the fibers intersect or tree rings. The texture closely depends on the type of wood: for conifers it is simpler, for deciduous trees it is more varied. Here are the textures of some rocks:

Important physical factor is also the shine of the wood. The most brilliant structures are those made of beech, oak and mahogany (otherwise known as mahogany).

Do-it-yourself single swing made of wood

If you are interested in high-quality construction, then you should pay attention to the instructions and advice of experts. We will now tell you in detail how to make a garden swing with your own hands from wood.

We should start with the fact that a single-seater swing for a garden made of wood is not designed for a large weight of the person sitting (up to 120 kg). Most often they are installed for small children. If you decide to install a baby swing, then, among other things, you need to think about a protection system for the baby to avoid falls and injuries.

Drawing and project

Do-it-yourself drawings of a garden swing made of wood will be necessary for a more detailed study of the appearance of the structure. The diagram should reflect:

  • overall length, width, height;
  • height of vertical pillars;
  • vertical beam length;
  • the length of the fastening bars supporting the vertical posts;
  • the distance between the seat and the vertical beams on both sides;
  • distance from the seat to the ground.

We have prepared a project and drawing of a wooden swing for you, check it out below.

It will be important to indicate the thickness of the board and the area on which the swing will be located. It is best to create a drawing from several angles - the better you approach planning, the less likely there are errors in calculations in the future.

Step-by-step instruction

You need to start building a swing for the garden with your own hands by choosing a location. Preferably, the terrain should be free of holes and hills. Otherwise the swing will not be level.

We construct side vertical pillars. To do this, we take two 3100 mm bars. We can calculate the length of the bars (side “a”) knowing the height of the swing (side “b”) - 3000 mm and the angle at which the bars are connected at the top point - 30 degrees (β). The formula looks like this:

Base length – 1560 mm.

Now between the vertical posts we insert a horizontal beam (a chain with a seat will be attached to it in the future) with a length of 3000 mm. After this, drill a through hole from the top edge support post and screw in the screw and nut, strengthening the structure.

We tilt the structure on its side and drill two through holes in a horizontal beam at a distance of 750 mm from the edges (for the construction of a suspension). We screw bolts and washers into them, and screw eye nuts onto the ends. Now we raise the support to our feet.

Wooden spacers should be installed between the post beams. We will fasten it using metal corners and 5 mm screws. We fasten the upper spacer using corners.

In this project we install the swing without installation concrete base, therefore we cover the beams with bitumen to extend their service life. We cover the wood with stain on top to give it the desired color.

Let's take care of the seat. For the back we make bars with dimensions of 30x13x457 mm. For the seat frame, use bars with dimensions of 51x152 mm. You will need two of these frames (seat and back). Attach slats to the frames and tighten the seat and back using corners. For convenience, you can nail the armrests to the seat. We screw eye bolts to the sides (2 pieces on each side - one to the seat, one to the back).

Let's hang the swing. We attach carabiners to the ring nuts and then attach two chains. The length of the chain that is attached to the seat is 1650 mm, and the one that is attached to the back is 1200 mm. Calculating the distance is quite simple; it is only important to remember that while sitting, a person should touch the ground with his feet.

Since sitting on a wooden seat is not very comfortable, we recommend sewing special covers that can be removed and washed at any time.

In order for both posts to have the same angle of inclination, we recommend that you first lay out the structure on the ground and then outline the necessary boundaries

DIY swing made of timber and logs

Timber is a material in which reliability is successfully combined with attractive appearance. You can easily make a swing from it for both children and adults. Thanks to this material is quite massive, a do-it-yourself wooden swing can turn out to be as beautiful as a store-bought one and as strong as an iron one.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's decide on the main pros and cons of a log swing. Let's start with the positive aspects:

  • the swing is stable;
  • such structures are difficult to damage not only to people, but also to adverse weather conditions, for example, strong wind;
  • attractive appearance. As a rule, such swings look quite impressive, which makes them a real decoration of your garden plot.

Disadvantages, alas, are also present: wood, as is known, is very sensitive to all kinds of insects, and protecting logs from pest invasion is somewhat more difficult than regular boards. Wood, among other things, tends to rot over time.

Antique wooden swing

If you want to make your yard a work of art, we recommend paying attention to the stylization of an antique wooden swing. To do this you need:

2. Make notches and notches along all the beams of the swing.

3. Cover with the first layer of stain, let dry, then cover with one more layer and leave until completely dry.

Let's make a garden swing with our own hands step by step

We suggest you build a wooden swing in the form of a bench, which is shown below.

First, prepare a flat area for the swing. Use a yardstick and pegs to mark the boundaries of your structure. Study the drawing we have compiled of a swing made of timber with dimensions before proceeding with installation.

It is necessary to prepare the material for installation. You will need 4 beams 2070 mm long and 100 mm in diameter. They will support the structure and are connected at an angle of 30 degrees in the form of an isosceles triangle (letter A). Base length – 1035 mm. The length of the partition at the base is 1035 mm. The length of the A-shaped partition is 455 mm (20 mm protrusion on each side). The width of the structure is 4500 mm, the width of the bench is 1500 mm. The diameter of all beams is 100 mm (it’s not clearly visible in the photo, but we recommend using this size).

We make vertical stands for the swing. We take two beams 2070 mm long and place them on the ground in the shape of an isosceles triangle. After this, using a compass and pencil, we mark a single circle on two bars with a diameter of 100 mm (each bar should have a semicircle with a radius of 50 mm). Using a grinder, cut out the marked area and sand it. We check how the horizontal beam fits into the recesses; if it protrudes, we file it a little and clean the vertical posts. We do the same with the other side.

Now we place the racks vertically and secure the horizontal beam with long bolts with washers and nuts. We fix it on the other side in the same way.
We make horizontal partitions. On vertical racks make indentations using a chisel and hammer. It should look like the picture.

The first partition is A-shaped. First, you need to make a recess in it, since the diagonal support will go into it. We make a recess in the vertical pillars (for the upper and lower partitions). Next, we adjust the diagonal beam to fit the hole in the A-shaped beam. Finally, we cut it at the end at an angle of 45 degrees and attach it to the bolt.
The upper spacer should be at a distance of 1110 mm from the base, the lower one - at a height of 50 mm. .
We put the structure on its feet. At a distance of 1500 mm from the ends, we drill a hole and thread two bolts. Tighten everything with ring nuts.

Swing in the form of a sofa

This type of swing really appeals to most summer residents with its attractive appearance. We will not consider step by step how to make a sofa swing for a summer house with your own hands, because... We have already described how to make supports from wood, and this is 75% of the structure. Using the drawings we provide, you can make a stand for such a swing. However, we will dwell in more detail on sofas for such swings.

Tips for building a sofa swing with your own hands

Such swings must be varnished from time to time - this will protect them from insects and cracks.

Pallet swing

Swings in the yard made from pallets for the dacha are a success among those who know a lot about saving and design ideas– such a design will be inexpensive and will attract attention from neighbors. How to make a swing from pallets with your own hands? Let's look at this issue.

Which pallets to choose for a swing

Garden swings can be made from virtually any pallet. There are three types of pallets:

  • European (1200x800);
  • Finnish (1200x1000);
  • American (1200x1200).

The latter are the strongest of those presented, but at the same time the heaviest. Finnish ones are best suited for swings - they are equally strong and light. It is advisable to use new pallets, but if you don’t have any on hand, you can use used ones, having repaired them in advance.

  1. Rigidity. The pallets must retain their shape during deflection and not break, otherwise the swing is unlikely to support the weight of even an adult.
  2. Price. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on purchasing pallets, just as you don’t need to save too much on their purchase. Here you should stick to the golden mean.

Step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself pallet swing

Simple but very convenient design– swing-sofa made of pallets. Prepare pallets for work. Remove excess debris and excess nails (if the pallets have been used before).

We are preparing a general design drawing of a swing with a seat and frame. In this case, the width is 3000 mm, the height is 3000 mm, 4 crossbars are used as A-shaped supports, placed on both sides in the form of isosceles triangles at an angle of 30 degrees at the top attachment point. (the bench is not the same as in the drawing, but the same dimensions. The correct bench is in point 2).

Explore detailed drawing the swings themselves made from pallets, provided by our editors.

We cut the pallets according to the drawing with a jigsaw.

We knock two pallets together with nails, as in the photo. If you use two pallets for the seat, then take care of the load-bearing logs nailed from below (they will take the weight of people).

Make armrests. We use 4 bars of 80 mm height and 35 mm diameter. Nail them to the seat as in the photo. On top of each side we nail two boards, pre-polished. We screw on the eye bolts on which the chains will subsequently be attached.

We make vertical pillars-supports. The creation scheme is the same as in previous cases - we cut off the edges of two inclined beams, and place a horizontal beam in the center. Then we fix it with bolts. We strengthen the edges of the horizontal beam with metal corners.

For decoration, you can put several pillows on the seat or sew a separate cover so that you can spend time comfortably on the swing.

Double outdoor swing

Double outdoor swings on wooden stands are an option for families where children do not want to take turns riding. Making them is just as easy as making single ones, you just need a little more time.

A double outdoor swing also requires additional calculations - in the drawing for the project, do not forget to think about the location of the seats so that when swinging they do not touch each other.

If the swing is a solid bench, then keep in mind that it will be quite heavy, so you should calculate the load on the fastening in advance. We advise you to study the table provided in the section “strength calculation for wooden swing beams”. Designs of this kind have their own characteristics:

  1. Wider top beam. If the seats are not connected to each other, we recommend making the length 4500 mm, but if the seats are connected - 3000-3500 mm.
  2. Reinforced base (column foundation).

Materials and tools

We propose to make the double garden swing for the dacha original - for two children with separate seats. This way, the children will get maximum pleasure while relaxing together.


  • shovel;
  • construction meter and pegs;
  • hand drill;
  • bucket;
  • container for mixing concrete;
  • saw or grinder;
  • hammer (regular and rubber);
  • drill with drills;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • grinder with a metal disc;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdriver


  • beams 100x100x3000 – 4 pcs;
  • timber 70x200x4000 – 1 piece;
  • bolts with eye nuts;
  • carabiners for chains;
  • metal chain 3000 mm long;
  • plywood sheet 3 mm;
  • paint (blue, red);
  • professional pipe with a thickness of 10 mm and 50 mm.

Step-by-step instructions for a double outdoor swing with your own hands

Building a swing for the garden with your own hands begins with choosing suitable place on your site. Make sure that the area is open and permanent buildings are located at least 5-7 meters from the site.

1. We are preparing a project. After this, we mark the boundaries of the swing with pegs on the site. To make the structure more attractive, you can paint it in bright colors, but more on that later.

2. For the upper part of the swing frame we use a corrugated pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. It is necessary to weld two pieces 600 mm long at an angle of 45 degrees to the crossbar (if it is made of corrugated pipe) to form an isosceles triangle. If the crossbar is made of timber, then we use nuts and bolts, pre-drilling holes required diameter. At a height of 250 mm from the base of the tubes, weld a spacer so that you get an A-shaped structure as in the photo. If you use a crossbar made of timber, it will be able to withstand a weight load of approximately 250 kg.

3. Drill 4 holes for bolts with eye nuts.
4. It is necessary to prepare vertical supports made of timber for a two-seater garden swing. We attach them to triangles made of corrugated pipe. We drill 5 holes in each triangle and tighten the screws. We do the same with the remaining legs. Finally, we coat the lower part of the beams with an antiseptic for longer service.
5. Take plywood and a jigsaw. Using a pencil, draw an equilateral triangle with sides 600x600x500 mm. Cut out a triangle and round its corners. After this, use self-tapping screws to attach it to vertical bars, closing them.

6. Now you need to make a columnar foundation. By using hand drill We make holes 400 mm deep. Add a layer of sand (100 mm) to the bottom. Next, install the swing legs and fill concrete mortar. We wait 2-3 days until it hardens.

7. Installation of seats. To do this, take several steel rods with a diameter of 10 mm and bend them as shown in the figure. Next, we connect them into a single structure using welding. At the top along each edge we weld fastenings for chains. We repeat the procedure for the second seat.

8. Finally, you need to connect the seats to the upper horizontal beam using chains. We measure 4 pieces of 1800 mm each. Next, we attach it to the eye nuts using carabiners. All that remains is to decorate the swing. We take blue and red paints and paint the seats, as well as the pillars. Let it dry for a day and enjoy.

Wooden swing balancer

You already know how to build a swing for your dacha with your own hands, but if you don’t want to deal with suspended structures, we can offer a balancer-type structure - an option for shared leisure time with your child or for general children’s entertainment.

Features of balancers

Children's homemade swings made of wood of this kind are good because they are difficult to break or damage. It is worth considering that such entertainment is only suitable if you have two children or you are constantly focused on playing with your child, since it makes no sense to ride a balance beam on your own.

In addition, balancers are several times more dangerous than conventional designs, and therefore there is no need to neglect safety rules when using them. For balancers, handrails and backrests are made in the safety frames.

Step-by-step instruction

Do-it-yourself outdoor swings are made as follows:

1. Draw a drawing of your future swing-balance. Indicate the dimensions of all structural elements, as well as angles and radii.

2. Take a board 1500 mm long and sand it using sandpaper. Next, you should cut out small recesses 20 mm thick and 100 mm wide. The recesses should be located 280 mm from the ends of the board.
3. We cut out the parts for the recesses with dimensions as in the drawing.

4. Now you will need a board 20 mm thick, measure it as shown in the figure. Next, using a saw, cut off the unnecessary parts of the board. Finally, take the brace and drill a hole. Let's sand it down. After this, we fix the parts to the recesses using self-tapping screws.
5. We make vertical posts for the base of the swing. We take a board 650-680 mm long, 50 mm high and 60 mm wide. We sharpen the end of the board in the form of a stake using an ax; at the other end, using a brace, we drill a hole with a diameter of 25 mm.

6. We take a device for attaching the board to support posts with dimensions of 40x60 mm and a length of 160 mm. Sand and rub the ends so that you get a pointed rectangle. Then, using a saw, cut off a small piece from the end, 3-5 mm long. We do the same on the other side. Further using long drill Drill 25 mm through

7. Now you need a steel rod with a diameter of 24 mm and a length of 180 mm. Using a die, we make carvings on both ends by hand. Thread length – 5-6 mm. We hammer it into the drilled 25 mm hole in the block so that it fits very tightly;

8. Assembling the structure. We connect the long board and the block together using bolts (we drill a hole through and connect). We hammer the rod into the vertical posts and tighten the nuts. For greater strength, you can weld them.

The assembly of the wooden garden swing is complete - now you and your children can enjoy their new toy in the yard!

A board swing is the easiest option

A few words about how to make a swing from boards at the dacha with your own hands. More precisely from one single board. The design is one of the most popular among summer residents and country builders.

Assembling a wooden garden swing usually requires some time and materials. Here you only need one board and a rope. We will attach this structure to a tree (oak or any other solid tree will do).

Unusual swing options

If you want to make something special for your children, we recommend that you pay attention to the unusual designs of homemade garden swings for the dacha. Their main difference is in the material, which is used either for the seat or for attaching the seat to the frame/wood.

You can create your own swing in the garden from tires, for example.

An excellent option for a wicker round swing is a tire suspended from several fasteners using a rope or chain. In order to make such a structure, you will need to punch the tire right through and thread a rope or chain through the resulting holes, securing it.

Another unusual option swing - floating benches. These are the most ordinary benches, suspended from a tree on ropes or chains. We recommend making such a garden swing from rattan or wicker and then hanging it by carabiners from the ceiling of your veranda or from a tree.

Another option is to make a swing in the shape of an object, such as a car or an airplane. This design will take more time, but in the end your children will constantly play on them. To do this, you will need to spend a lot of time making individual parts, as well as connecting them together. However, the result will justify all your efforts.

Decoration and arrangement

Wooden swings for relaxation can be decorated different ways. It could be like decorative pillows, thrown on the seats, and intricate carvings along the edges of the beams. Lamps next to swings, including floor ones, look especially impressive. There are options to experiment with the rope - perhaps it can be braided with something bright.

Finishing features

A beautiful wooden swing cannot be imagined without finishing and decoration. At the same time, even a non-professional can try himself as a carver - for this you need to have a jigsaw and a little imagination. Remember that hardwoods are somewhat easier to work with - although they are more reluctant to finish, the end result will look many times better.

You can paint the swing with the following materials:

  • wood/metal paint;
  • stain;
  • antiseptic.


It is best to paint a garden swing immediately after installation. The paint should be chosen specifically for wood - it will not only adhere better, but will also protect the material from pests. At the same time, the paint, unfortunately, is not so durable - the swing will have to be repainted every few years.

Paint is considered good protection against pests and insects, and the appearance of a painted swing is aesthetically pleasing.

Selection of covers, mattresses and pillows

Covers for swings are most often chosen in bright colors - there is no mistake in this, but it is worth considering that the material may fade in the air. It is best to select fabric for a garden swing from those that are considered waterproof (like tarpaulin or raincoat fabric). There is no chance that you will always carry the pillows into the house on time, and with tarpaulins the rain will not be so bad, and it will be much easier to dry them later.

Pay attention to the fact that people will come into contact with the fabric, and not just natural factors - in order to make sitting on a swing not only comfortable, but also pleasant, you need to make sure that the fabric contains natural raw materials - for example , cotton or viscose.

The dimensions of the cover should be 3-4 mm larger than the dimensions of the seat so that you can adjust the cover. To attach the cover to the bottom of the wooden seat, we recommend using a construction stapler.

Swing seat

If you don’t want to buy seats in a store, we suggest you consider the option of making a swing seat with your own hands using available materials. Pay attention to the fact that wooden seats will be more advantageous than metal ones - they are safer and more comfortable. On the other hand, their strength will be constantly tested, and it would be good to take this fact into account when designing. For a comfortable ride, it is recommended to cover the seats soft cloth- it also helps to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Types of seats for swings

The design of the swing seats differs:

  • with a backrest - for both children and adults;
  • without backrest. Relevant for teenagers - may be too dangerous for children;
  • with and without armrests;

By size:

  • for garden swings - in the form of a bench or sofa;
  • single seat for an adult or teenager - no more than 600 mm in width;
  • for children's swings - single-seater with a width of no more than 500 mm, or even less.

According to the material of manufacture:

  • plastic;
  • tarpaulin;
  • tree.

How to make a swing seat with your own hands

Making a swing seat with your own hands is extremely simple. You can knock it down from boards:

You will need:

Prepare the seat frame. To do this, sand all the bars and then knock them down using nails (or screw in self-tapping screws).

Nail the horizontal strips. The distance between each strip is 3 mm.

Attach bars to the seat, on each of which a crossbar for the armrests is attached.

We recommend fixing the backrest at an angle of 110 degrees.

The seat is ready. After this, it is best to cover it with a special septic tank or stain/varnish.

If the seat on the swing that you made turned out to be unreliable (or you see that it will soon become so), then you should start repairing it.

  • The most important thing is to remove the fabric and patch the holes after washing it first. You can use raincoat fabric or other strong material to patch holes (if the seat on a garden swing is torn). Often funny appliqués are attached in place of the holes - they are sold in the store.
  • Repairing the seat on a garden swing can be completely radical: you can remove the seat completely and wrap the frame with a nylon cord. You will ride on such a swing for a very long time - the cord is very strong, and if something happens, it won’t take as long to re-tighten it as it would to patch it.

How to attach a swing to a horizontal crossbar?

We discussed how to assemble a country garden swing - it’s time to clarify how to secure them. The sizes of the drill, bolts and nuts depending on the design of the swing.

If you are attaching to a horizontal bar from above:

  1. Drill a hole through using a drill;
  2. Insert the bolt with washer;
  3. Screw the ring nut onto the underside of the crossbar.

If you are attaching to a seat:

  1. Drill a hole for fastening;
  2. We thread the bolt and washer;
  3. Screw in the ring nut.

To prevent the nut from being pressed through, it is advisable to place a washer under its head.

In the store you can find special mounts of various shapes and devices. There is only one drawback to such a fastening - the swing begins to seriously creak during operation if the fastening is not lubricated in time.

Roof for outdoor swings

A roof for a swing in the garden can be made with your own hands almost as quickly as the swing itself. When creating a roof, it is best to focus on the shape of the building and its purpose. Let's consider several options for materials for a wooden swing with a roof for the garden.

How to care for a swing

During construction (as well as during subsequent operation), it should be taken into account that wood for a swing does not have the same strength and reliability as, for example, metal. Therefore, you need to pay close attention not only to how you will knock down the swing, but also to how to properly care for it.

  • Once every few years (usually a period of 3-4 years is taken as a basis), it is advisable to treat the surface with a special anti-rotting agent.
  • We recommend repainting the structure and refreshing the colors at some intervals.
  • Don't forget about metal parts(for example, handrails on balance swings) - they will also need to be treated with an anti-rust and darkening agent.
  • Fabric covers need to be washed periodically - once every one and a half to two months.

What kind and at what price should I buy a garden swing made of wood for my dacha?

At the end of our material, we have prepared small selection, so that you have an idea of ​​how much garden swings cost and which ones are better to buy. Let's start with the most expensive and elite ones.


RUB 308,100Design dimensions: 290x190x210 cm. Permissible load 300 kg. Made from larch (laminated veneer lumber). The frame is varnished, and all materials are environmentally friendly. VIP option for elite areas.

RUB 172,900The dimensions of this garden swing are 264x180x207 cm. Withstands a maximum load of 300 kg. Made from coniferous species wood, all materials are environmentally friendly.
Garden swing “Aristocrat”
RUB 106,799Dimensions 224x167x200 cm. Withstands 200 kg. Eco-friendly luxury furniture, made of solid spruce. Additionally coated with antiseptics that protect against rotting.

RUB 95,401Dimensions: 250x155x245 cm. Withstands a maximum load of 200 kg. Made from natural coniferous wood, coated with acrylic varnish.
Outdoor swing Kampfer Talking
RUB 47,039Swing dimensions: 240x260x240 cm. Maximum permissible load at 150 kg. The stands are made of cedar. The set includes an awning.
Swing Gloria
RUB 30,676Dimensions: 221x265.5x212.5 cm. Maximum permissible load 200 kg. Also treated with special impregnation and moisture.
Garden swing Avola
RUB 23,690Dimensions: 208x165x204 cm. Made of solid timber (pine). Oxford cloth awning. The swing is treated with compounds against moisture and drying out.

Good afternoon. Today we will make a swing for a summer cottage. I decided to immediately collect in ONE ARTICLE all the variety of swings for the dacha (from simple to complex). So that you can choose the swing model that you like best.

I will NOT ONLY show ideas - we will also LET'S CONSIDER each model in detail

And one more thing - I'll tell you HOW to attach a swing to a support beam - all 4 ways.

I will start from the SIMPLE ideas of a swing for a summer house - to more COMPLEX AND MORE INTERESTING ideas.

And the most original ideas swing for children- with slides, rope climbing frames and built-in wigwams - I put it in a separate article

So let's get started...

A SIMPLE idea - how to make a swing from a pallet.

If you have a cargo wooden pallet (pallet) left on your site (after bringing bricks or other building materials), then it can be used as a basis for a country swing.

We need a wooden pallet (pallet) - a strong rope - and something to hang it from. Or it will be a tree trunk. Or you can make a support on two strong pillars. We then - a little later in the same article- we will consider swing support options (and then I’ll go into more detail on this).

But... if you develop this idea of ​​a swing from a wooden pallet further... then you can make everything much more comfortable... Like this...

And if you have not one - but 2 whole pallets found in your household... then from two pallets you can make a cozy swing with a back... paint... put in sofa foam cushions... And voila 2 shabby pallets - turned into a luxurious swing for the dacha .

Of course, the pallets must first be cleaned and sanded. sandpaper(so that there are no splinters) and paint (stain or paint) and even varnish (but preferably moisture-resistant).

How to attach such a swing – I’ll tell you at the very end of the article...

Rocking chairs are the SIMPLE IDEA of a swing for a dacha.

This is what this country swing looks like.

Please note - NOT JUST boards with a hole for a rope - but saddles, which are duplicated below by two more boards. So that the rope fastening holds tighter and there is no strong friction on the rope when swinging.

I think there is no need to explain for a long time how to make such a swing yourself.

ANOTHER MODEL – a swing with a rope for a summer house.

And here is also shown HOW you can attach a rope to a swing. That is, the essence is very simple:

We make 4 cuts (we cut out grooves) - 2 grooves at the end of the board - and 2 grooves along the edges closer to the corners of the board. (it is not necessary to make the edge of the board as semicircular as in the photo - the same principle will work on a rectangular section of the board).

And then, when 4 grooves are cut out, we place the rope in them in the same way as shown in the photo.

Although slots remain open– the rope does not jump out of them. Under the force of tension, it only fits more tightly to the grooves - and is fully ensured reliable fastening ropes to the swing seat.

A swing for a summer house is made from a snowboard.

Or here’s another idea for a summer cottage... Snowboards are made from very durable materials. Although such a board looks thin, it is actually very wear-resistant (it is extremely difficult to break). And therefore it can also be used as a seat for a swing in the country.

Do-it-yourself swing for a summer house, made from two logs.

And here is another variation of a swing seat - made from two logs.

In the photo above you can see how easy it is to make this swing from two pieces of rounded beams. A very simple model. We wrap two pieces of rounded logs with rope and fasten them with some tricky sea knot.

A swing made from a board - with a roll in the longitudinal direction.

But the swing model is when the roll (motion vector) is directed in the longitudinal direction. Such a rocking board can be made longer - so that friendly neighbors and children can swing on it.

AND LET'S COMPLICATE THE TASK... now there will be more serious swings...

Country swings are made of rounded beams.

How do you like this cozy country corner?

Nice, right?

Let's take a closer look at how to make such a swing yourself.

SUPPORT – two A-shaped structures from rounded beams - (two letters A are assembled from the beams - as we see in the photo) - put them on legs and we lay cross beams on them.

And so that this beam lies more securely on our A-shaped posts, we also (see it in the back) reinforce it with additional short beams.

ROCKING CHAIR... here is an interesting rocking chair.

seat– L-shaped bench made of beams and planks + armrests made of beams.

Seat holder – also cool – it’s not a chain or a rope.

This is the same rounded beam - which is tightly attached to the seat with its lower end (in area of ​​her lower seat beam And in the area of ​​the armrest beam).

And the upper end of the beam holder has a movable fastening in the form of a metal ring. And this ring is attached with fastening carabiner the suspension support itself.

Detailed drawing exactly THIS swing is made of timber- (with dimensions and large photographs from all sides) - I posted it in a separate article... In this article you will find everything about bench-type swings.

But here is almost the SAME MODEL of the support post - but in a slightly different variation. And then an elegant lathing was added to the side of the support spreaders.

Swings for the dacha - made from rough timber.

Here's a model...

It can be made with a bench seat.

With two board seats - you get a swing into two separate places.

Moreover, note that We hang them from the same anchors on which the swing-bench hung before. This way you can hang different rocking seats on the same swing support.

Or here’s another combination for the same swing support. Combined swing with a seat-chair and a seat-board.

Fastening elements are standard for swings - chains and carabiners made of metal rings and hooks.

This is what two chains from the back and seat of the chair look like - they meet in one ring and then go to the carabiner for fastening the beam.

And here it is - a fastening anchor with a carabiner for attaching a rope (or chain)

But I got ahead of myself...

I will show you in more detail (below in the same article) 6 ways to attach a swing to a support beam...there we will dwell on carbines in more detail...

In the meantime, we continue to look at what other models there are..

Almost the SAME model - but with a continuation for another swing.

Here is a variation of this model– where the cross beam extends beyond the lateral boundaries of the support beams and a light rocking board is suspended from it.

Wooden swing with canopy.

And here is a model of a swing complete with a canopy roof - in case of a rainy summer at the dacha.

And pay attention - there is already a ROPE HOLDER - another system of carabiners.

We will make these A-shaped swings (with supports in the form of beeches A) step by step in a separate article “Swings for the dacha - STEP by STEP we make it ourselves.”

Everything will be simple and clear there - in pictures like this.

You may also have a question...

What should I do if I want to build a swing?

but I don’t have beams - only boards?

Here is the answer - a double board easily replaces timber in terms of endurance and load.

Well, now let's talk about ways to attach the swing to the support.


(6 WAYS)

Fastening the swing with a carabiner (with a girth around the beam)

Here we see photographs of fastening systems for swings - which are attached either to a rectangular beam (square girth of a carabiner) - or to a rounded beam (round girth of a carabiner).

Through fastening - with a carabiner (with drilling of timber)

Or special anchor devices for through fastening to the timber. Most of the swings from our photographs in the article are attached precisely to these anchors.

It's good if personal plot furnished cozy place holiday for the whole family. Even in a small area you can place a gazebo, a canopy, and several small benches. A garden swing would also come in handy.

They can be made both for children and for adults. Building a wooden swing with your own hands is quite simple. To do this you will need to follow the instructions.

Subtleties of constructing a garden swing

When creating a wooden swing for the garden, you will need to decide on the main material. It can be metal, wood or plastic. They are most often used in the construction of swings with and without backs. When creating such a structure with your own hands, it is best to pay attention to wood.

Such a swing will undoubtedly have its drawbacks. However, they apply to everyone wooden products located in the open air. At correct processing and the installation of the structure, it will serve for many years. Such swings will not suffer from negative environmental factors.

The most unfavorable of them are:

  • snow;
  • rain;
  • mold and mildew;
  • rot;
  • Sun rays;
  • temperature changes.

You can build a swing in the garden with your own hands quite quickly.

Advice! To prevent wood from deteriorating prematurely, it is worth using to protect wooden elements. special means. You can also put an awning over the swing.

The benefits of making a swing yourself

Wood has many positive properties, which ensure its successful operation in different conditions. This allows you to make a wooden swing for your dacha not only comfortable and beautiful.

Wooden structures have the following features:

  • Environmental friendliness. Wood is a natural material that is completely safe for people and animals.
  • External attractiveness. A swing made of wooden elements can fit perfectly into any landscape. This is explained by the fact that in the garden most of the environment consists of natural materials. Compared to metal products, wooden swings look much more harmonious in the garden near a country house.
  • High level of security. Wood is soft and flexible, which allows you to avoid many injuries during the use of the swing. This advantage is especially important if the design is intended for children.
  • Ease of installation. Almost anyone can build a swing on their own. The main thing is to become familiar with the construction technology of the structure.
  • Versatility. This material lends itself well to processing. It can be cut, sanded and turned. Swings are made both single-seater and in the form of spacious sofas. To design and build a swing, you will not need to hire specialists.

Attention! At self-production wooden swings do not need to spend money on the work of specialists. Also, the material for the construction has a fairly low price.

Swing sizes and models

When building a wooden swing yourself, you should take care not only of finding materials for the structure, but also of creating a project. You will also need to determine the location of the swing. To speed up the work you should use a photo finished products. You can also use existing drawings.

Wooden swings have many types of designs. Each of them should be considered in more detail:

The photo of the wooden swing from above confirms that portable structures look quite attractive. When choosing the type of swing that you plan to install on your site, you should pay attention to the features of the garden area.

Selecting a location

Any construction planned on a summer cottage should first be designed. Also, before work, the optimal location for construction is selected.

Attention! All principles that are used when choosing a location for a swing apply to both family and children's swings.

It is best if the area on which you plan to install the swing is level. You should also choose a place where shade will remain on sunny days. You can install a swing under a spreading tree or place it directly on the porch, where a canopy will protect you from bad weather.

Such factors directly affect the comfort of people relaxing on the swing. For example, sitting on a seat that is too hot is quite unpleasant. If the structure will be under open air, wooden elements can deteriorate from constant exposure to precipitation.

You also need to choose a place where there is enough space for swinging. It must be taken into account that during the day the shadow will move depending on the position of the sun in the sky. It is better to place the swing where there is shade by midday. At this time the heat is at its strongest.

Drawing of a wooden swing

Making a swing with your own hands from wood is quite simple. To do this you will need to make an accurate drawing. Simple hanging structures that are mounted on an A-frame support will fit perfectly into both a large area and small garden. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort and time on their construction. It is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • pins;
  • Circular Saw;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw

Also, to make the swing you will need a plane and a hammer, a chisel, sawhorses, a screwdriver, and an electric drill.

Attention! Purchasing a ready-made swing is, naturally, a faster and easier option. However, in order for the design to fully meet the needs of the owner of the site, it is worth drawing up an individual project and doing all the work with your own hands.

Phased construction

You can create a swing for your dacha with your own hands quite quickly. To avoid problems during the actual work, it is worth drawing up a drawing in advance. It will reflect everything Construction Materials with dimensions indicated. Based on the detailed diagram, you can easily understand which building elements need to be purchased.

For example, you will need bars for racks, boards for the back, seat and armrests. You should also stock up on fasteners. It is better if pine impregnated with special compounds is chosen to create the structure.

Advice! An antiseptic that will be used to treat the wood should be prepared in advance. In addition, you need to select materials for finishing the wooden swing.

Such subtleties of the construction of the structure should be taken into account at the planning stage.

In addition to fasteners, you will need to prepare spacers, a chain (2 cm thick), hooks, and sandpaper.

DIY family swing

The optimal place to install the structure would be the backyard. In most cases, it is equipped specifically for recreation. Here the swing will look cozy and harmonious.

At the end of each support leg for the swing, a marking of an inclined cut is applied. This work is carried out using a square. The result should be a bevel along which the cut will be made.

Before sawing wooden structural elements, you must first secure them in the mounting trestles. Sawing should be done according to the markings. Don't forget about controlling the parties. Sometimes it is necessary to process an already made bevel. To do this you should use a plane.

To make the second leg identical, you should attach the first joint to it butt to joint. Each mark is transferred to the second leg. Then they are cut. After this, each leg is laid on an edge so that there is 1.2 m between their lower parts. The upper ends of the legs are adjacent to the transverse beam.

Half a meter is marked from the bottom of the supporting legs and a lower block is applied to fasten the legs of one side of the swing. The upper fastening bar should be located 15 cm below the cross beam.

Once the support legs on each side are secured, the cross beam should be installed. The seat is created on the basis of an L-shaped frame. The boards must have a thickness of 50 mm.

Attention! If you want to build a children's swing, you just need to shorten the seat.

To hang a swing on both sides of the structure, it is worth installing screws to which the rings will be attached. Such elements must be used to connect the swing and the support using hangers. Usually for wooden structures use chains.

The main parts are connected using carabiners. The length of the hangers is selected in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site. It is better if the bench is placed at a height of 30 cm from the ground.

Advice! The chains can be seen with a fairly strong rope. This is due to the fact that such products do not create much noise.

Completion of work

At the last stage of construction, all its elements are treated with varnish. This will ensure maximum smooth surface, and will also allow you to save natural look wood and increase the service life of the swing.

The structure can also be painted in any color. In addition, many people install a small canopy. It is worth including imagination in the process, and the swing can be made as original as possible. To make the swing more comfortable, you can place pillows on it.