The most mysterious coincidences in history. Are these strange coincidences in life random?

Is stories of amazing coincidences never cease to amaze us and make us wonder how the world really works. Are they mere coincidences? the random appearance of seemingly distant possibilities? Or is there something deeper and more meaningful going on?

Lucky girl

Violet Jessop was on board the Olympic when it collided with the Hawk. She was also on board the Titanic when it hit an iceberg, and on board the Britannic when it hit a mine and survived.

In 2002, a man was hit by a truck in Finland while trying to cross Highway 8 on his bicycle. 2 hours later, his twin brother was also hit by a truck while trying to cross Interstate 8 on his bike. They died while 1.5 km from each other, with a difference of 2 hours.

3. The plot of Edgar Allan Poe's book comes to life

Edgar Allan Poe wrote the book in 1838 The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym" is about four shipwreck survivors stranded on the open ocean who, after a few days, decide to resort to cannibalism and eat a cabin boy named Richard Parker.

A few years later in 1884, the ship "Mignonette" sank, leaving only four survivors. They decided to eat the cabin boy, and his name was Richard Parker.

4. Last name confusion

In the 1920s, three Englishmen met on a train to Peru. The surname of the first was Bingham, the second was Powell, and the third was Bingham-Powell.

5 Twins Heart Attack

Twins John and Arthur Mowforth lived 120 km from each other in England. One day on May 22, 1975, both began to experience chest pain and were sent to different hospitals. Unaware of each other's condition, they both passed away soon after.

6. The book that was returned to its owner after many years

American writer Anne Parrish was walking through a Paris bookstore when she came across the book Jack Frost and Other Stories. She told her husband about how much she loved this book as a child. He bought the book, opened it, and inside it was written "Ann Parrish, 209 N Weber St., Colorado."

7. The absence of the Twin Towers in the computer game

During creation computer games Deus Ex one of the artists forgot to add the Twin Towers in New York. His mistake was attributed to a terrorist attack. It was 2000.

8. Names of Rome

The founder of Rome was named Romulus, and the first emperor was named Augustus. The Last Emperor name was Romulus Augustus.

9. Coincidence in the cemetery

The graves of the first and last British soldier to die in the Second World War are located just meters apart.

10. City of ruthless people

Stalin, Hitler and Franz Joseph I, together responsible for the deaths of almost 80 million people, all lived in Vienna at the same time.

11. Beware your warnings

At the age of 49, South African astronomer Denis du Toit gave a lecture on how death can occur at any time. After he finished, he took out a mint and put it in his mouth, and a few minutes later he died from choking.

12. Napoleon and Hitler

Napoleon and Hitler were born 129 years apart, came to power 129 years apart, declared war on Russia 129 years apart, and were defeated 129 years apart.

13. Car matching

In 1895, there were only two cars in Ohio until they collided with each other.

14. Almost identical twins

Twins were born in Ohio who were separated at birth. They knew nothing about each other, but they were both named James. They both became police officers and married women named Linda. Both had sons. One of the twins named his son James Alan, and the other - James Allan. They later both divorced and married women named Betty, and both had dogs named Toy.

15. Happy child

In Detroit in the 1930s, Joseph Figlock was walking down the street when a child fell from a window onto his shoulders. No harm done. A year later, the same child fell on Joseph's shoulders in the same place.

16. Taxi driver

In 1975, a man riding a scooter in Bermuda was killed by a taxi driver. A year later, his brother was riding the same scooter and was killed by the same taxi driver, who was riding with the same passenger.

A bullet that did not immediately reach its destination

When American Henry Ziegland broke up with his girlfriend and she committed suicide, her brother decided to take revenge and shot Henry. Thinking that Henry was dead, he decided to commit suicide. However, Henry survived after being grazed by a bullet and lodged in a tree. A few years later, Henry tried to cut down the tree and then unsuccessful attempts decided to resort to dynamite. It was then that the bullet killed him.

Double deception

During World War I, the British converted the passenger liner Carmania into a Navy auxiliary cruiser and disguised it as the German passenger liner Cap Trafalgar. On September 14, 1914, he sank a German ship off the coast of Brazil, which turned out to be the real Cap Trafalgar, which was disguised as a British liner Carmania.

License plate prediction

The car of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which he was killed had the license plate "A III 118". First World War ended with a truce (armistice in English) on 11/11/18 (November 11, 1918).

Guest with the same name

In the 1950s, Mr. George D. Birson(George D Bryson) checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, discovering that the man who had stayed before him was also named Mr. George D. Bryson.

In the history of mankind, there are cases of such strange and amazing coincidences that even convinced skeptics have to wonder whether these are mystical plans of fate. Samogo.Net portal, based on historical facts, compiled his own version of the TOP 10 most incredible coincidences in life famous people or related to significant historical events.

The novel that predicted the sinking of the Titanic
This is one of the most mystical and most famous coincidences in history. In 1898, a novel by Morgan Robertson called “The Abyss” was published, the plot of which was invented by the writer. It told the story of the death of the large liner Titan from a collision with an iceberg. According to the novel, none of the 3,000 passengers on the liner survived, despite the fact that the ship had 24 lifeboats. Morgan Robertson turned out to be a visionary - the transatlantic superliner Titanic sank, on full speed ahead crashing into an iceberg, 14 years later. On the real Titanic there were 2207 passengers and 20 lifeboats. A phenomenal coincidence - if it can be called a coincidence.

The phenomenon of American presidents

This historical phenomenon is difficult to explain simply by coincidence. Almost all American presidents who were elected in a year ending in zero suffered tragic fate. Here is their list:

Abraham Lincoln - elected 1860, assassinated;

James Garfield - elected 1880, mortally wounded;

William McKinley - elected 1900, assassinated;

John Kennedy - elected in 1960, mortally wounded;

William Harrison - elected 1840, died of pneumonia;

Franklin Roosevelt - elected 1940, died of a polio-related stroke;

Warren Harding - elected in 1920, suffered a severe heart attack;

Ronald Reagan - elected in 1980, survived an assassination attempt.

Unlucky number for Louis XVI

The French King Louis XVI, as a child, received a warning from his personal astrologer that the 21st was an unlucky day for him. Louis took the prediction so seriously that, after becoming king, he never planned any important matters on the 21st. But that didn't help him. In 1791, on June 21, he was arrested by the revolutionary government of France, and in September, on the 21st, a republic was proclaimed in France. Louis XVI was executed in 1793, in January, on the same 21st.

Complete double of King Umberto I
Umberto I, King of Italy, once decided to have dinner in a small restaurant in the city of Monza. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king was amazed - in front of him was his exact copy. The restaurant owner's name was Umberto, his wife's name was the same as the king's wife. Moreover, the restaurant was opened on the day when the coronation of Umberto I took place. Marveling at such an incredible coincidence, the king began to frequent the cozy restaurant. One day he was informed that the owner of the restaurant had died from an accidental shot. The king did not have time to express his condolences - he was shot by an anarchist from the crowd that surrounded the carriage.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet

The great writer Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was born on November 30, 1835. It was on this day that Halley's Comet flew near the Earth. Of course, many other people were born on the same day. But for some reason the writer seriously believed that his fate was connected with the comet. His notes say: “I came into this world with Halley’s comet, probably the next time it appears, I will disappear with it.” Incredibly, the writer died in 1910 on the day that Halley's Comet approached the Earth again.

"Spy" crossword puzzle
In 1944, the popular Daily Telegraph newspaper published a crossword puzzle that shocked the military. It contained all the code names for the Allied landings in Normandy: “Neptune”, “Omaha”, “Jupiter”, “Utah”. The intelligence department rushed to look for the source of the leak of classified information, and found it very quickly. The creator of the “spy” crossword was an elderly man school teacher, who was puzzled by this coincidence no less than the military personnel.

Exactly from the novel by Edgar Poe

Among the works of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, known for his “dark” stories, there is a story about several travelers who survived a shipwreck. In order not to starve to death on the open sea, they were forced to eat one of their comrades. The cannibalism victim in the story was named Richard Parker. The story itself is creepy, but by the most incredible coincidence, a few years later it came to life. In 1884, a passing ship discovered a skiff in the open sea, in which there were three sailors who survived the crash. They said that at first there were four of them, but they had already eaten the cabin boy. The cabin boy's name was Richard Parker. None of the sailors had ever heard of Poe's story.

Rene Charbonneau's painting as destiny
In 1992, by order of the mayor of the French city of Rouen famous artist Rene Charbonneau painted a picture for which the model was university student Jeanne Lenois. The painting was called “Joan of Arc at the stake.” The canvas was placed in the exhibition hall, and the next day an explosion occurred in the university laboratory. Jeanne Lenois, who was there at that time, burned alive.

A forgotten song is a harbinger of trouble

The great Marcello Mastroianni was once invited to friendly party. In the midst of the fun, the actor unexpectedly jumped up and sang the long-forgotten song “The house where I was so happy burned down.” He had not yet finished singing the song when it was reported that there was a fire at his villa in Menton. According to Marcello himself, he wrote this song last time sang while still a schoolboy.

“I wish you success, Mr. Gorski!”

When Neil Armstrong American astronaut, stepped on lunar surface, his first phrase was precisely this wish. The fact is that even in his youth, Armstrong accidentally heard his neighbor angrily scolding her husband: “The neighbor’s boy would sooner fly to the moon than you satisfy a woman!” The neighbors' last name, as you might guess, was Gorski. Neil Armstrong had to fly to the moon out of male solidarity!

Green, Bury and Hill

And the last of the ten most incredible coincidences, which can hardly be called anything other than destiny. In 1911, three people were executed in the Greenberry Hill area of ​​London for the murder of a certain Edmund Berry. Their last names were Green, Berry and Hill.

: Tatyana Kondratyuk, Samogo.Net
The most incredible coincidences © 2012

On December 5, 1664, a passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers were killed except one. The lucky guy's name was Hugh Williams. More than a century later, on December 5, 1785, another ship was wrecked at the same place. And again the only person saved was his name... Hugh Williams...

British officer Major Summerford, during a battle in the Flanders region in February 1918, was knocked from his horse by a flash of lightning and paralyzed from the waist down. Summerford was discharged from the army. He soon moved to Vancouver. One day in 1924 he was fishing on the river when lightning struck the tree under which he was sitting and paralyzed the entire right side his body. Two years later, Summerford had recovered enough to take a walk in the park. He was walking there one day in the summer of 1930 when lightning struck him, paralyzing him forever. He died two years later. But lightning found him one last time. Four years later, during a storm, lightning struck the cemetery and destroyed the tombstone. Who was buried there? Major Summerford.

The plot of Morgan Robertson's 1898 novel Futility was strikingly similar to the fate of the Titanic. The book described a fictional ocean liner named Titan that ultimately collided with icebergs on a calm April night en route to New York. Many details in the book were strangely similar to the Titanic tragedy.

In 1920, American writer Ann Parrish, who was on vacation in Paris at the time, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a used bookstore. Anne bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved the book as a child. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and found title page caption: "Ann Parrish, 209N Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was the same book that once belonged to Anne herself!

Louis XVI was predicted to die on the 21st. The frightened king sat locked in his bedroom on the 21st of every month, did not receive anyone, and did not assign any business. But the precautions were in vain: on June 21, 1791, Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested. On September 21, 1792, royal power was abolished in France. And on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was executed.

Edgar Poe wrote a gruesome story about how shipwrecked and food-deprived sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. In 1884, the horror story came to life. The schooner “Lace” was wrecked, and the sailors, mad with hunger, ate the cabin boy, whose name was... Richard Parker.

A resident of Texas, USA, Allan Folby had an accident and damaged an artery in his leg. He would probably have died from loss of blood if Alfred Smith had not passed by, who bandaged the victim and called “ ambulance" Five years later, Folby witnessed a car accident: the driver of the crashed car lay unconscious, with a severed artery in his leg. It was... Alfred Smith.

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names for the secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. The crossword puzzle contained the following words: “Neptune”, “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Jupiter”. Intelligence began to investigate the “information leak.” But the creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military personnel.

In 1992, the French artist Rene Charbonneau, commissioned by the city hall of Rouen, painted the painting “Joan of Arc at the stake.” A young student, Jeanne Lenois, served as his model. However, the day after the canvas was hung in the spacious exhibition hall, reagents exploded in the university laboratory. Zhanna, who was there, could not get out of the room and burned alive.

It is impossible not to appreciate the jokes of fate. It is known, for example, that in 1848 the tradesman Nikifor Nikitin “for seditious speeches about flying to the Moon” was exiled not just anywhere, but to the distant settlement of Baikonur!

By a strange and frightening coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day - June 24, although different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book “Behind the Scenes of the Flying Saucers,” Frank Scully, died. On June 24, 1965, film actor and ufologist George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two UFO researchers - Richard Chen and Frank Edwards - left for another world.

Famous actor James Dean died in a terrible car accident in September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the actor’s death, some kind of evil fate began to haunt the car and everyone who touched it. Judge for yourself: Soon after the accident, the car was taken away from the scene. At that moment, when the car was brought into the garage, its engine mysteriously fell out of the body, crushing the mechanic’s legs. The motor was purchased by a certain doctor who placed it in his car. He soon died during a racing event. James Dean's car was later repaired, but the garage in which it was repaired burned down. The car was exhibited as a landmark in Sacramento, fell from a podium and crushed the hip of a passing teenager.

Residents of a Scottish village watched the film “Around the World in 80 Days” at the local cinema. At the moment when the movie characters sat down in the balloon basket and cut the rope, a strange crack was heard. It turned out that he fell on the roof of the cinema... exactly the same as in the cinema, balloon. This happened in 1965...

Two cars collided on a rural Italian highway. However, both drivers were not injured. They decided to get acquainted and... gave the same first and last name. Both were named Giacomo Felice, which, by the way, means “happy.”

Once, Marcello Mastroianni, in the midst of a noisy, friendly feast, sang an old song “The house where I was so happy burned down...”. Before he could finish singing the verse, he was informed about a fire in his mansion.

An Australian midwife named Triplet (translated as “triple”) was born on March 3, lives on the third floor in house No. 3, was married three times, gave birth to three children, and delivered triplets three times during her medical practice.

In 1966, four-year-old Roger Losier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Luckily, he was saved by a woman named Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, returned the favor - in the same place he saved a drowning man who turned out to be... the husband of Alice Blaze.

Do you believe in coincidences? Or is everything that happens in the world quite natural and explainable to you? Do you believe that there is some mysterious mechanism that allows events to happen in this particular way? We publish a collection of amazing coincidences in modern history, which show how surprising and inexplicable events can be.

Double death

2002, Finland. A man on a bicycle tries to cross a highway, gets hit by a car and dies. Two hours later, his twin brother, also on a bicycle, tries to cross the highway and is killed in exactly the same way - he is hit by a car. The time interval between deaths is 2 hours.

Patient Bullet

One girl committed suicide as a result of unhappy love. Her brother swore that he would kill the culprit, Henry Siegland. He shot at him, but missed: the fired bullet got stuck in a tree in a neighboring area. A few years later, Henry was clearing the area and decided to use dynamite to get rid of the tree. As a result of the explosion, a bullet hit Siegland and still killed him. True, we had to wait a little for this.

Musical neighbors

Jimi Hendrix and George Handel were neighbors, albeit with a time difference of 200 years. They lived at 23 and 25 Brook Street, respectively, in London.

Mr. Bryson checks in twice

When Mr. George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, he discovered that the previous guest at the calving house was also Mr. George D. Bryson.

The first and last victims of the Hoover Dam

The first worker to die during the construction of the dam was J. G. Tierney. This occurred on December 20, 1922. The last person to die during construction was the son of J. G. Tierney. It was December 20, 1935.

He wasn't joking

Legend has it that on June 20, 1941, Soviet archaeologists uncovered the tomb of Tamerlane, a descendant of Genghis Khan. The inscription on the grave was a warning: “Whoever opens the grave of Tamerlane will release the spirit of war. And there will be a massacre so bloody and terrible that the world has never seen it forever.” They opened it, 2 days later Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

A license plate that said a lot more than anyone thought

The license plate number of the car of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which he was assassinated was III118. The official end of the First World War was Armistice Day, 11/11/18

Don't take it on cruises!

Violet Jessup is like a walking bad omen. She served on all Olympic class airliners and was an eyewitness to incidents involving them. She was on board the Olympic, which collided with the cruiser Hawk, on board the Titanic, which collided with an iceberg, and served as a nurse on board the Britannic, which sank after being struck by a mine.

Dangerous Taxi

In 1975, a man was killed by a taxi driver in Bermuda. A taxi passenger witnessed the death. A year later, the same taxi driver was carrying the same passenger as the year before. This time, the taxi driver hit and killed a man who was... the brother of that very first victim. It happens!

Keep children away from the window!

In the 1930s, a child fell on one Joseph Figlock after falling out of a window. IN next year, on the same day, the same child fell out of the window again and again... onto Joseph Figlock. Neither the child nor Figlock were injured, but it would obviously do the parents some good to install a protective screen on the window.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet

Halley's Comet flies past us once every 76 years, a segment almost the length of human life. Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day when a comet flew past the Earth, and died in 1910, during its next return.

I'd like to see their insurance.

In 1895, two cars collided in Ohio. And everything would be fine, but in the entire state of Ohio at that time there were only... 2 cars.

Death of Twins

On May 22, 1975, twins John and Arthur Mawforth were admitted to hospital with a heart attack. The twins died soon after. At that moment they were far from each other and knew nothing about each other. There were 120 km between them.

Incredible facts - history repeats itself

Hitler was born 129 years after Napoleon. He also came to power 129 years after Napoleon came to power, invaded Russia 129 years after Napoleon attacked Russia, and was defeated 129 years after Napoleon lost.

A time when you should have listened to yourself

South African astronomer Danny do Toit, aged 49, gave a lecture on how death can strike at any time. At the end of the lecture, he vigorously stuffed a menthol candy into his mouth, choked and died.

Non-random chance

Stalin, Hitler and Emperor Franz Joseph lived in Vienna on neighboring streets at the same time. It was 1913.

Geminis are strange people

The Ohio twins were separated as children and each grew up unaware of the other's existence. Both were named James, both worked as police officers and married women named Linda. They each had one son, named James Alan and James Allan. Everyone had a dog named Toy. They were both divorced, but each later remarried to women named Betty.

Neighbors forever

The first British soldier killed in the Second World War is buried meters from the last British soldier killed in the Second World War. This was not done intentionally.

The name with which the history of Rome began and ended

Rome, according to legend, was founded by Romulus, who was said to have been raised by a wolf along with his brother, Remus. The last emperor of Rome was named Romulus Augustus.

Fatal error

When designing landscapes for the Deus Ex games, one of the artists made a mistake: he forgot to put the twin towers on the diagram. In order to hide this mistake, they created something like a terrorist attack. The real terrorist attack followed 1 year after the games were released.

Hello from childhood

American writer Ann Parrish found her favorite book of fairy tales in a used bookstore. She was very happy and told her husband how much she loved the book when she was a child. When she opened it, she found on the title page: “Ann Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado.”

Three fellow travelers

1920, three men are traveling in a compartment. As it turned out later, the last name of one of them was Binkham, the second was Powell, and the third was Binkham-Powell. It's amazing that they weren't even related.

They weren't even twins

The King of Italy, Umberto I, once wandered into a restaurant, the owner of which also turned out to be Umberto. He was like two peas in a pod like a king. Moreover, it turned out that the king and the restaurateur were born on the same day - March 14, 1844. The restaurant was opened on the day of the king's coronation. In 1900, the king was informed that the owner of the restaurant had died from a gunshot. King Umberto I was also shot dead.

Fortune book

One story by the writer Edgar Allan Poe tells of a shipwreck in which four people survived. They were carried along the ocean for a long time, hunger tormented them and in the end they ate young boy, Richard Parker. A few years later, a ship with three shipwrecks was discovered on the high seas. In general, there were four survivors, but hunger forced them to eat the cabin boy, the youngest of them. His name was Richard Parker.

Even medieval scientists noted that existence develops according to a given cycle, in which the events of today copy the past with incredible accuracy. Such repetitions of an incredible nature occur both in the destinies of individuals and families, and entire countries.

Sinister coincidences in the destinies of rulers

The most a shining example amazing coincidences in the history of mankind can be caused by the similarity of fateful life stages two American presidents.

The sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, was elected to the post of head of the country in 1860. The thirty-fifth chief executive, Johnson Fitzgerald Kennedy, was appointed exactly one hundred years later - in 1960.

Both politicians had democratic views and sought racial equality. This was the reason for their murder. Moreover, both were killed by shots to the back of the head in front of their wives and many witnesses.

A mystical connection can be traced at the scene of the incident. Abraham was killed during a performance at Ford's Theater, and J. Kennedy was killed in a luxury Lincoln limousine produced by the Ford automobile company.

Paradoxical intersections are also observed in the fates of the killers who took the lives of world leaders. Lincoln's assassin named John Booth and his follower Lee Harvey Oswald were also born exactly 100 years apart and both in the southern United States. Both murderers were supporters of extremist views and did not live to see the verdict announced.

Fatal number of the king of France

Amazing coincidences in the life of the King of France from the Bourbon dynasty, Louis XVI, were each time associated with the number 21. An astrologer who served at the court warned about the fatal number for the future ruler long before ascending the throne. Although the king took note of the warning and therefore refrained from making important decisions on this day, knowledge did not help.

The number 21 played out its fatal destiny:

  • On June 21, 1791, the ruler and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested while attempting to secretly escape from a country that had been subjected to radical measures by revolutionaries.
  • On June 21, 1792, he lost power, since France was officially recognized as a republic by decree of the National Convention.
  • On January 21, 1793, the ruler was publicly beheaded.

The former monarch listened to his sentence calmly and accepted death with dignity. His last phrase on the chopping block: “I forgive everyone who is guilty of my death.”

King Humbert and his double

The incredible meeting of the second king of Italy, Humbert, with his double, which revealed amazing coincidences, took place on June 28, 1900 in a small town called Monza. The monarch arrived here from Milan to reward the laureates of athletics competitions.

On the day of arrival, the ruler and his adjutant decided to have a snack at a local restaurant. The owner of the establishment volunteered to serve his distinguished clients. At first glance, the monarch noticed that the owner of the restaurant was very similar to him. In a personal conversation, he found out incredible facts and matches:

  • Both were born on March 14, 1844 within the same locality.
  • Both were married on April 22, 1868. Their wives wore same name- Margarita.
  • Both named their adopted sons after Victorio.
  • On the day the monarch ascended the throne, his namesake organized his own business - he opened a restaurant.

Amazing coincidences in the lives of people could be traced as they climbed the military ladder. Even before ascending the throne, as a colonel, Humbert received a medal for bravery. His namesake was also awarded the same title. In 1870, both were promoted: the first became a corps commander, the second a sergeant.

Excited by such an incredible meeting, the ruler decided to honor his namesake with an award the very next day. But in the morning it turned out that the owner of the restaurant had been shot. On the same day, the monarch himself was killed by two bullets in the heart.

Fundamental coincidences between the sinking of the Titan and the Titanic

Among the most amazing coincidences in the history of mankind are the events associated with the legendary transatlantic steamship Titanic. 14 years before his death, the American writer Morgan Robertson published the prophetic novel Futility, in which he described in detail the crash of the liner called Titan.

The number of coincidences between the fictional liner and the real Titanic is amazing:

  • In the book, the Titan was positioned as an unsinkable sea vessel. But after colliding with a floating ice mountain in the waters Atlantic Ocean according to the story, it sank. The same fate befell the real liner on April 15, 1912.
  • According to the descriptions in the book, the passenger ship "Titan" is surprisingly similar to the real legendary liner. It had everything except the most basic thing - a sufficient number of lifeboats and basic things that would enable passengers to survive the crash.
  • In the novel, the fictional liner was larger in size than all ships existing at that time. Its displacement reached 70 thousand tons. In the event of a collision with one of them, the airliner could receive only light damage. The only floating object of equal mass for him was an iceberg, which became the cause of his death.

In the first years of publication, the novel did not find a wide range of readers. Interest in him arose only after a real shipwreck. The prophetic work was republished in 1912, but under a different title, “The Death of the Titan.”

Coincidences of accidents with a happy outcome

No less surprising coincidences occur in the present years. So in 1966 American boy named Roger Losier splashing in the water coastline city ​​of Salem, almost drowned. Luckily for him, Alice Blaze was swimming nearby, who noticed the drowning four-year-old boy and came to his aid in time. 8 years after the incident, twelve-year-old Roger pulled a dying man out of the water in the same place. As it turned out later, he turned out to be Alice Blaze's husband.

An incredible story happened to Texas patrolman Allan Folby. On his way home, he got into a car accident. Unable to move, he realized that excessive bleeding would lead to certain death. Alfred Smith, who was passing by, came to the aid of the policeman. He applied a tourniquet and called an ambulance. Everything ended well.

5 years after the incident, while on patrol, Folby found himself at the scene of a car accident. The victim was a man with a damaged artery in his leg. His name was... Alfred Smith. And this time the story is with the same participants, but in mirror image, ended successfully.

In 1976, the Italian carabinieri recorded an unusual record in the country's capital, Rome. On several sections of the capital’s roads on the same day in a short time interval, seven people were involved in traffic accidents. The surprising thing is that they had the same first and last name - Giacomo Felice.

Examples demonstrate that behind any randomness there is a certain pattern. But realize it to the common man It’s not always possible.