Shadow of Chernobyl walkthrough. "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl": walkthrough and tips for the game

"Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl" is the first part of the famous games about stalkers. The developers presented the game in 2007, and it immediately gained a leading position in the world of computer games, and over time became a cult favorite.

A little plot

The story of the game begins in 2012, when the miraculously surviving hero woke up in a “death truck” - a special transport that transported the dead from the Exclusion Zone, where it was going off scale. But the main character of the game remembers absolutely nothing, and in his arsenal of personal belongings there is only a communicator with an incomprehensible inscription - “Kill Strelok”. He picks him up and takes him to the merchant Sidorovich. For the tattoo, the hero receives the nickname STALKER. From this moment the game “Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl” begins, the passage of which is based on the hero completing assigned tasks and going from one informant to another in order to find out who this mysterious shooter is.

Features of the passage

In "Stalker: it is based on completing simple tasks that the hero receives from Sidorovich via communicator. Moreover, the entire gameplay is associated with the transition from one game location to another. Well, the intrigue of the entire gameplay is the penetration of the Marked One into the very heart of the sarcophagus, with the goal find the Wish Granter.

On the hero’s path, he will encounter two types of stalkers: those sitting near fires in destroyed buildings and those loitering idle along the roads. From both of them, the hero can get the necessary information or sell some of his unnecessary equipment. The graphics of the game are quite realistic: deserted streets, destroyed and abandoned houses, areas with high radiation, animals affected by radiation, and zombies.


In "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" the passage also comes down to the destruction of groups of bandits, enemy soldiers and zombies, which are distinguished by their tenacity. Enemy stalkers behave inconspicuously and appear at the most unexpected moment, and in open areas of locations, shooting with them is a rather exciting process. Of course, for battles the hero needs equipment, and for confrontation - various types of firearms, which can be bought for in-game currency or obtained by searching the corpses of destroyed enemies. In the same way, you can replenish food supplies and energy, which the hero simply needs to survive in emergency conditions. Game currency can be replenished by completing certain tasks or selling unnecessary equipment. Different types of overalls protect against different heroes, but none provide 100% protection. Also, during the game, the suits wear out, and you have to buy new ones. The same situation applies to weapons. As wear and tear occurs, misfires appear, and eventually the weapon becomes unusable. Different types of weapons have their own types of ammunition. When searching corpses, you can also replenish your supply of bandages, first aid kits and food.

It is worth noting that we will get several endings in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. The passage takes more than one hour.

Also in the game you will need to collect artifacts. Many of them increase the strength and power of the hero, while others can be sold profitably, but they are not always quite easy to get, many of them are in hard-to-reach areas, and in order to get them you will have to show skill. But it is worth considering that by strengthening one characteristic, we reduce another, so you should not select everything.

The marked one will penetrate into various secret laboratories, warehouses and enemy objects, where he will have to fight both warriors and enemy stalkers, and mythical zombies and monsters.

In the game, participants will be offered a choice of three modes: classic, team versus team and the most exotic - hunting for an artifact.

The walkthrough for the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" and additional mods and patches for the game can be found on the official website of the game.

Second part

The continuation of “Stalker” will present to the attention of players the already familiar gameplay, where the main character, undoubtedly, remains the Marked One. In "Stalker-2: Shadow of Chernobyl" the passage comes down to the hero completing various tasks. At the same time, it will also be necessary to complete certain tasks and fight bandits and warriors. In this part of the game, new locations, completely new missions and new plot twists appear, as well as a variety of types of firearms.

In "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Apocalypse" the passage comes down to the fact that Strelok returns from the Pripyat zone and finds himself at the cordon. When entering the Exclusion Zone, new groups and, of course, new adventures await our hero.

Walkthrough of the game STALKER - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (Stalker)

Walkthrough of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
stalker cheats


Before you is not quite ordinary Stalker walkthrough, not a traditional stalker cheat to help a lost gamer. This is an attempt using the eyes and ears of the game hero S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, Tagged, to artistically depict the world. Therefore, read carefully and enjoy: the world of the Strugatsky brothers in the new arrangement comes to life, as if in the palm of your hand.

Walkthrough Stalker

Well, newbie, sit closer to the fire, I see that you are tired. Who am I, you ask? Hmmm, call me Bullseye. You want to hear something interesting, right? Well, then listen...

Walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Thunder rang in my ears, thunderclouds were torn by lightning, the wind knocked on the front window, forcing me to squeeze the steering wheel harder. I clenched my teeth, whispering to myself: “Don’t look back, don’t look” - I didn’t want to see the corpses of my former comrades again. The wind howled louder at that moment, drowning out even the thunder, and lightning divided the darkness into two equal parts. The steering wheel seemed to come to life and began to escape from the fingers, causing the car to tilt to one side...
My head was buzzing and my throat was dry, as if after drinking. I closed my eyes, but when I opened them, Sidorovich was again sitting in front of me with a sly smile that did not bode well. Reluctantly, I moved closer to him. He began a long speech, which boiled down to one thing - free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap or the debt is red, so I must complete several of his tasks. If it weren’t for the mention of Strelok, I would have refused, but now... Noticing that I was not paying his attention, Sidorovich called me by my “name” - Marked. It hurt my ears. Although I couldn't remember anything from my past, the name "Marked One" was unpleasant to me. Nothing, everything will change after I find out who Strelok is - I hope.
Sidorovich's first task was to find Shustroy with a flash drive. For further information, he advised contacting the Wolf, who was located in a small camp near the merchant’s bunker. There's nothing you can do - you'll have to obey.

Advice: Visit the gray dots on the map - PDAs of killed stalkers, you can find interesting things there, but keep in mind that when loading (if you did not take things from the storage earlier), there may be nothing there.

The wolf stood near the wall of one of the houses. He gave me a pistol and cartridges and told me that Shustroy had been captured by bandits who were located nearby in the ruins. The guy was unlucky and now I have to risk my life because of his bad luck. Near the indicated place, I met Wolf scouts. They offered their help, but I refused: for some reason I was sure that I could handle it myself. It turned out to be easy to kill: no doubts, no trembling in my hands - now I began to believe that I had not ended up in the Zone by accident. I found Nimble on the floor in a practically collapsed building - he looked terrible. He gave the flash drive and asked to bring him modified armor from the storage facility. Well, I ran to the place indicated on the map and found there a rather decent thing, compared to my current clothes. I thought for a few minutes whether to give it or not. After suffering, he nevertheless gave the armored armor to Shustrom, received the money and ran to Sidorovich. No, I still had to pick up the suit, but it’s too late to change anything - I’m a fool, I decided to play noble in the Zone, where the most important thing is to survive. Eh, apparently the accident did not have a beneficial effect on my head. Okay, I won’t think about it, I’ll try to avoid such situations in the future. On the way to the merchant, I stopped by the Wolf and received some things in gratitude for saving Shustroy.

Tip: Don’t forget to search the corpses of enemies - a source of ammunition and medicine, as well as break boxes, etc.

He offered to complete several ordinary tasks to choose from, but after thinking about it, I refused.

Note: The tasks are similar to each other.

Sidorovich was so happy to see the flash drive that he didn’t even ask about Shustroy’s health. Instead, he immediately got down to business - I need to steal some documents from Agroprom. Hmmm, go against the military? Do I really look that much like a suicide? Having agreed, I bought cartridges from him for a double-barreled shotgun, which I took from the corpse. Looting in the Zone is not prohibited, which makes life very easy for stalkers and me, otherwise you won’t earn money for cartridges. Having somehow equipped myself, I went out into the street, where it began to rain - after a moment it turned into a real downpour.
I didn’t want to go straight through the ranks of the military, so I chose the easier path: through the tunnel. I was helped in this by an entry in the diary of a dead stalker (the guide Sidorovich spoke about) about the pattern of anomalies appearing inside the tunnel. Having admired the conductor’s corpse, I wanted to change my mind, but the prospect of turning into a “sieve” didn’t appeal either, so I chose the lesser of two evils.

Note: There are three ways to get across the railway: the first is through a tunnel, the second is to go through a checkpoint (if the soldiers are shooting at other stalkers, then they won’t let you through, but if they don’t pay attention to you, then you can by paying 500, pass by (a rare case)), the third - through the railway embankment (from the road to the right and up the embankment, there should be a hole in the fence).

Walkthrough Stalker
Northern Cordon

When I got out, my hands were still trembling from the experience, and I had to admit it to myself - I was so scared that I forgot to even go through the pockets of the next dead man. Okay, but he’s alive and seemingly healthy.
Sidorovich didn’t let me enjoy my life - he told me about Fox, who knows something about Strelok. Having reached the ruins, I found him barely alive near the fire and, having borrowed a first aid kit, I thought I would hear a detailed report about Strelok, but instead - the Fox didn’t even see him in person! And for this I spent the first aid kit? Although it must be admitted that he provided useful information about another acquaintance of Strelok - his brother, Gray.


It was not possible to pass by without interfering anywhere - at the entrance to the next area, behind a couple of cars, I met three bandits surrounding the stalker. I told myself: “You don’t need to play noble,” so what? Having destroyed them, I thought that I would receive a reward for saving them, but in response I only heard thanks from him. What kind of area is this? Judging by the pile of broken cars around, it's a junkyard. On the way to Seryoy I met Bes. He asked for help in repelling the bandits' attack. And again, like some kind of Rambo, grabbing a stronger MP-5 found on the way, I ran in the direction from where the attack was supposed to begin. There, next to the trucks, sat a rusty, broken-down bus. I climbed into it, squatted down and waited. I don’t like expectations - my heart is pumping hard, my hands are trembling from an excess of adrenaline, my eyes are scanning the area in search of enemies - you begin to get nervous to such an extent that you may not notice the start of the attack.

All's well that ends well: the Bes and I survived - taking the reward from him, we continued the interrupted path. My stomach began to cramp from hunger - I wanted to eat, so much so that it seemed that I would die if I didn’t eat something. A piece of sausage fell into greedy hands, which immediately ended up in the stomach - it became easier. I was distracted from my meal by the howling of the wind and the radiation counter. Almost next to the place where I stopped there should be an ejection. This fact made me rush like a bullet towards Gray, who was located either at the railway station or at the factory. He, along with his squad, fought off some guys and did not want to talk to me until he destroyed them all. Well, “The Marked One is always ready to help.” I found the last bandit in a railway carriage - he tried to blend into the wall in order to remain unnoticed. In gratitude for the help, Gray reported about Mole, who knows where Strelok’s hiding place is. At the exit from the station another group of bandits was waiting for me - how many of them are there? The gate helped me destroy them, behind which I tactfully hid and in short bursts shot those who got closer to me. Having dealt with this good deed, I moved on.

Walkthrough Stalker

The mole, it turned out, also needed my help - he was attacked by the military. Is it written on my forehead: I provide help to everyone in need? In the end, through our joint efforts, we destroyed the attackers, and the Mole took me to the hiding place, where I was greeted by “highway robbers” and glowing green slime. Having climbed all around, I climbed up the pipe into Strelok’s hiding place.

Note: After going down, you need to move forward and to the right, there will be several bandits waiting for you. Go down the stairs again, go forward, then left, forward and right, after a couple of meters you will find a ventilation hole on the right.

I took the flash drive, looked around in search of something interesting and, having found bandit armor, a modernized machine gun, went downstairs and went to the exit to the Agroprom military base, having previously fought with the mutant controller.

Note: After getting out of the hiding place, go left, kill two military men, go to the stairs, there are two more there. After destroying them, go upstairs, go forward - there is a dead end, there is a hatch at the top. A controller appears (it is better to destroy it with grenades).

Having got out of the dungeon, he made his way to the house across the road, squatted down and began to wait. A siren howled and soldiers began to run up to the house, who immediately fell dead to the ground. There was no time to think about something extraneous - he acted mechanically: turn, reload, turn reload, then run to the building where the documents are, shooting from around the corner. The only thing I remember was the fear that arose when the weapon jammed. I barely had time to reload and shoot first.

Sidorovich ordered the received documents to be taken to Bartender and, having almost reached the base of the debtors, I helped them fight off the mutants and moved on. Before the outpost I had to shoot back at the “kind” dogs - I wish I could train one of these.
The bartender paid for the documents and sent for the next batch, which is located in the X-18 laboratory.

Note: The bartender is the second merchant in the game, from whom you can also take regular tasks.

Apparently, this is my destiny - to climb into the darkest places, it’s good that the Bartender gave me armor that is more resistant to radiation.

Tip: Before using any artifact, you should look at the percentage of your suit's resistance to radiation. If it is less than the total amount of radiation affecting you through artifacts, then your lives will be taken away.

Eh, you can’t refuse - this is the only way to find out something about both the Ghost and the Strelok, but before that I’ll still go to the Arena. The first opponent was a newbie like me, then they put a more experienced stalker against me. Two bandits were next, but they ended up like the first two. I wanted to fight more, but they told me that I needed to gain experience. Sighing in disappointment, I went outside. Before going to the Dark Valley area, I decided to drop by the Army warehouses for Vintorez. Of course, it would be more correct to sit down and rest now, but... Instead, my legs themselves carried me to the exit from the territory that belonged to the debtors.

Stalker walkthrough
Army warehouses

There I met with the Skull and his squad - he decided to attack the Freedom base exactly where Vintorez was located. First of all, I was ordered to remove the sniper, after which the Dolgovtsy went on the attack. Jumping onto the tower, I took a sniper rifle and began to shoot other snipers. Screams and orders from the debtors were heard over the intercom. Quickly going downstairs, I ran to the house where Lukash was hiding - I wanted to make sure that the Skull remained alive. When I got there, everything was over, all that was left was to kill Lukash, which I did without being upset at all.

Note: If you helped the Skull before you received the task of getting the Bulldog-6 grenade launcher from the head of the Debtors, General Voronin, then know that the weapon is in Lukash’s house. When you go inside, turn left. There is a weapons warehouse behind the bars; in one of the boxes you will find Bulldog-6.

Having received the reward, I hurried to one of the barracks, there I found what I was looking for - Vintorez, a good and useful thing. Everything can now move on.

Note: You can not complete the Duty mission, but join Freedom - three tasks: 1. destroy the Duty group located nearby in the village; 2. kill the traitor; 3. help the outpost fight off the Monoliths.

Dark Valley

In the Dark Valley I met a debtor - Bullet. He asked to ambush the bandits who captured his partner. Having freed him, I learned that Borov (he had the second key to the laboratory) had captured two debtors, and now I had to free them. Sergei was on the lower levels, and the second was near the garages. It’s just that I couldn’t save him - I found his corpse in a deep hole. What followed was a real massacre; we barely managed to get out of it alive. Borov was in his office, and when I went inside, he even tried to hide under the table, but he failed. Taking the key, he went down to the lower floors and freed Sergei. That's it, next stop is the X-18 laboratory.

There we had to kill several bandits again in order to get to the lower levels. Eh, it turned out to be too dark here, and flying ghostly monsters or something else didn’t improve the mood at all.

Tip: Before visiting laboratories, stock up on anti-radiation medications.

Searching everything around, I came across a locked door. To go further you had to find the code for it. I wanted to give up on everything and get out of the laboratory, but, overcoming my unwillingness, I went in the direction of the point marked on the map. On the way, apparently, in the locker room he found the "Monolith" armored vehicle, and then the body of the scientist, just in his PDA - the code to the door (1234). Without relying on my memory, I quickly wrote down the information into my communicator and returned to the door.

Note: The code will not work until you find the scientist's corpse.

In the next rooms I met another mutant, with whom I had to tinker for a long time before he died. Then I came across a coded door again, and had to run around the rooms looking for someone with the code. A few minutes later, I finally found the corpse of another scientist (apparently of a higher rank, since he was in a red spacesuit) and took the code - 9524. Honestly, I completely lost the desire to open the door, because it shuddered under blows of such force that It became scary to think who was frolicking there. Having gone inside, he found no one and, trying not to waste time, quickly ran to the stairs on the right, deciding that the documents would definitely be there, and he was right. Just as quickly, he grabbed them and went downstairs and found that someone was holding the door. Of course, I couldn’t stand it and dumped a multi-level checkmate on the head of the next obstacle. Apparently, my words touched the “subtle, vulnerable” soul of the culprit, because he immediately appeared in front of me - it turned out to be a fiery monster. I had to run after him before I finally hit him and killed him. That's it - the passage was clear. When I decided to leave the room, I lost consciousness and had a strange dream about Strelok. What's happening? Is this stalker somehow connected to me?
When leaving the room, military orders were heard over the intercom. No luck! Not only were there few cartridges left, but the military arrived. I managed to escape unharmed from this trap through the southern gate and reach Cordon.

Stalker walkthrough

Sidorovich asked to come see him. I was on the same path, so I agreed. He took the documents from me, looked at them and gave them back, giving me more money, and also asked me to take the box with documents from the military, saying that at night it was guarded by only two soldiers, and in the morning by a whole regiment. Well, I had no reason to refuse, so I quickly walked towards another checkpoint. I somehow didn’t want to wait for night, so I attacked during the day.
I barely survived, how, I still don’t understand. If you're lucky, you're lucky and you should take advantage of it. Taking the suitcase, he gave it to the merchant and went to the debtors.

For the documents, the Bartender gave me about ten thousand and a new task related to the remaining part of the documents - in the X-16 laboratory. He also said that scientists whose base is located in the area of ​​​​"Amber Lake" will help me get there. I decided to postpone the trip there, but for now I went to the Arena. I took part in battles again until I heard from Anri that I was not yet ready for another battle, so I decided to go to the scientists.

Wild territory

As I made my way to the center of the area, bandits shot down a military helicopter carrying scientists and surrounded them. I learned this from the scientist himself via the intercom system. Sighing heavily, I hastened to fulfill the request - only one Kruglov was saved. They immediately chased us, which is why we made three stops, fighting off the arrogant bandits. Eventually we reached a tunnel that was filled with anomalies. Kruglov said that I should go ahead, since he was wearing a scientific suit. Well, with quick dashes I reached the end of the tunnel and began to wait for Kruglov. He did not deceive - even when his armor lit up on him, he continued to walk as if nothing had happened. In gratitude, he gave me an artifact and promised me a suit identical to his if I visited their scientific base. I just nodded my head silently and followed him.

Amber Lake or Yantar Lake

I ran down the road, looking around - Kruglov was not nearby. Where did he go? Maybe something happened to him? Deciding not to worry in vain, I quickly crossed the swamp and found myself in front of the bunker marked on my map. When I went inside, I heard the voice of Kruglov and someone else. How did he manage to arrive at the base before me? There is nothing to say - a meteorite. Scientists talked about some kind of helmet that can protect against psi radiation. I approached the old man, who said that his name was Sakharov. He asked me to help Kruglov take measurements so that the helmet would work properly. Well, I still need this helmet to protect myself from psionic radiation, so I agreed. We got to the pipe without a hitch - the scientist took measurements - but, upon reaching the bus, we were hit by a surge of radiation, and I lost consciousness. Someone's voices could be heard from afar: someone said that I would not survive, someone refused to leave me. When I woke up, I looked for some time at the opposite wall of the bus. Kruglov was lying on the ground outside. He was shaking all over, and he could barely get up; he had to be helped. It’s good that no one bothered us on the way back, otherwise we would have been easy prey. Having received the measurements, Sakharov set up the psi-helmet, gave it to me and explained how to turn off the psi-emitter. He also said that only Ghost and Vasiliev knew how to get into the X-18 laboratory, whose last message was sent from the swamp. I quickly ate and went in search of this unfortunate stalker, assuming that he was dead and turned out to be right. Having received the necessary information, I went to the northwest, climbed the embankment, went straight and turned left - here it is the X-16 laboratory.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl walkthrough

Having entered inside, I tried to get to the building as discreetly as possible, avoiding a large number of zombies and snorks, and from there, ultimately, to get into the room, in the middle of which stood a huge flask and a floating brain in it. The timer on the psi-helmet began counting down. Warned by Sakharov, I, without panicking, began to quickly climb up the stairs, simultaneously turning off the levers - there were three of them in total. After the last switch, I lost consciousness and received another piece of memories - it turns out that I was the shooter, but why then was there a task in my PDA to kill him, no... myself? Nonsense, complete nonsense, enough, now is not the time for thinking, we need to get out of the laboratory. After running a few meters, I climbed the next staircase, killed the controller and came across the corpse of the Phantom - just his photograph was attached to the task to kill the Strelok. From his PDA I received information about the Guide and the Doctor, and the scab took off the suit. It turns out that Vasiliev framed the Ghost, so I shouldn’t feel sorry for him - he got what he sentenced the other to. Grabbing the Vintorez tightly, I quickly examined the room and found a hole in the floor at the far end on the right. There is nothing to do - he jumped down and found himself in an underground tunnel. Having dealt with the mercenaries, zombies and a huge mutant, they call him the Pseudo-Giant, he got out of the laboratory. Beauty. I didn’t imagine that I would be so happy to breathe this radiation air again. Quickly going downstairs, either from the carriage or something else, I ran to the scientists. As a reward for my efforts, Professor Sakharov gave me a SEVA suit. Now I should give the documents to the Bartender - I'm probably tired of waiting.

Note: Professor Sakharov is the third merchant in the game from whom you can buy ammunition, weapons and armor.

Having given the documents, I received the following task from the Bartender - turn off the Burner. He also said that General Voronin wants to see me. I didn’t want to make the head of Debt wait, so I immediately went to him. His task was to bring the Freedom Bulldog-6 grenade launcher. He advised not to help the Skull, but to gain the trust of Freedom in order to obtain the necessary information about this weapon. If the general knew that I had already been to the Army warehouses and helped the Skull defeat the Freedom group. Well, it’s okay, I know where the grenade launcher is lying around. Having run back and forth, he received a suit of Duty as a reward from the debtor. I wanted to rest at least a little, but instead I went to the Arena. Several more battles awaited me there, of which the most memorable was the one when I was pitted against two military men with one pistol and several grenades. Well, it’s okay, I still won and in the end became the Arena Master. It’s nice, especially when I took fifty-fifth position in the rating list. Well, I've been playing around, and now I'll get down to more serious matters - I'll meet with the Guide that was mentioned in the Phantom's PDA. Judging by the records, he could be found on Cordon.

walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

Hmmm, the backpack on my back significantly pulled down my shoulders while I was running towards Cordon. Upon returning to the Bartender, I need to sell some things to lighten my burden. The guide was sitting by the fire in the ruins, where I met the Fox a few days ago, and here he is by the way - lying dead near the entrance, it’s a pity for the guy, he couldn’t avoid death a second time. The mysterious stalker, about whom there are many rumors, said that the Doctor was waiting for me in Strelok's hiding place. I know where he is, so without wasting any time, I immediately headed to the Agroprom area.


To get to the hiding place I had to break through the ranks of bandits - they multiply like cockroaches, honestly. It’s good that I remembered where to go next, otherwise I would probably have to wander through these catacombs again. Here is the ventilation pipe - as soon as I started to climb the stairs, something hit me on the head. When I woke up, I heard the Doctor's voice. It turns out that I simply ran into a stretch that the Doctor set - well, I was lucky that I only got away with a headache, otherwise something even worse could have happened. My interlocutor spoke about the Monolith and the secret door to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant - it can be opened using a decoder, which is kept in a secret cache in the Pripyat hotel - and then disappeared. My head still hurt, but that was no reason not to go to the X-19 (X-10) laboratory to turn off the Burner.


I had to run straight along the road, without turning anywhere, since anomalies appeared along the sides, and I really wanted to hide somewhere to avoid shelling from the Monoliths. Dreams, dreams - what sweetness! The dreams are gone, the disgusting remains. Gritting my teeth and firing back at my opponents, I climbed up the mountain towards the laboratory. These bastards began to throw explosive barrels at my feet - I barely had time to dodge them, and blew up some on the way.
Finally, a hole in the wall appeared in front of me, more like a gate. The Monoliths began to jump out of it, like out of a snuffbox. Quickly shooting them and the phantoms, I ran to the railway tracks, jumped into the carriage sticking out of the tunnel, and soon found myself inside the laboratory.

STALKER walkthrough
X-19 (X-10)

There was practically no one inside, I ran along the corridors until I came across an elevator shaft, and next to it, a staircase. Behind her came a coded door. I found the code for it from a dead soldier - 342089. Inside there were a lot of first aid kits, grenades and ammunition, which was appropriate, since everything was coming to an end. Having grabbed everything I needed, I went further and ended up in a room with generators. Climbing up the stairs at the last generator, I found myself in a corridor and after a couple of steps I came across a lever, turned it off and immediately lost consciousness - again memories of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Monolith. My head was buzzing and my mouth was dry. Shaking my head, I headed for the exit, along the way destroying the Monolith soldiers who appeared inside the laboratory. Nothing was heard except the whistling of bullets and the sounds of an explosion. I felt like I would never be able to get out of here, but I still managed to get to the surface. Once free, he headed towards the exit, towards the road leading down to the east. A message came over the intercom system from the Bartender, which said that a group of stalkers was gathering in Pripyat to break through to the sarcophagus, wanting to be the first to get to the Wish Granter. This was to my advantage - their help would not be superfluous.


Approaching Pripyat, I saw a group of stalkers and continued walking with them. Snipers began to appear on the roofs of houses, making us nervous and ready for anything. Firing back from our opponents, we reached the underground parking lot. Hmmm, as always, you will have to act alone - having taken down the snipers on the roof, you quickly made your way to the hotel, from cover began to shoot enemies in the lobby of the building, and then went inside. There he jumped from the window onto the roof of the passage, climbed into the window of the neighboring building and got to room 26, where the secret hiding place was located. Having taken everything I needed from there, I left the hotel and walked north, to the entrance to the Avangard stadium.

walkthrough of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Then real chaos began. Monolith soldiers seemed to be everywhere. They were supported from above by Mi-24 helicopters. I had to get to the building in the area of ​​the fourth power unit. Trying to stay on the left side, I reached the intersection and saw an armored personnel carrier, there I crawled through a hole in the wall and moved on, now trying to stay on the right side, and when I entered the courtyard, the timer started counting down five minutes until the release. Trying not to get into a fight, I ran to the place marked on the map, entered the passage, turned left and went down the stairs. It was dark inside, but not quiet - many Monoliths began to shoot as soon as they saw me from afar, so I slightly modified my battle tactics: first I threw grenades, and then I used Vintorez to kill those who remained alive. With snipers we had to do things differently - take up a sniper rifle.

Note: If you want to take an exosuit, then you should run from the stele “Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant named after V.I. Kuzmich” to the station building, always turning to the left. In front of the building there are rails on which two trains stand. You need the one to the left. Just before the end, you run up to the building, finally turn left and then move between the train and the wall to the gate, from which, as you approach it, the Monoliths run out. Kill them, run through the gate and down the stairs.
The area is something like this: a dark corridor - in front on the left is a door to a lighted room - which bends to the right.
You don't need to go left, you need to go straight and right. Around the corner at the end of the dead end are two soldiers. After killing them, go through the door on the right, into a square room with columns and a monstrous level of radiation. From the door immediately to the left and down the stairs - in the lower room there will be an exosuit in the corner.

After passing another corridor lined with boxes, I saw a staircase. At the very top behind the door, I turned right and came across another staircase under a yellow emergency light. I climbed up it and found myself in a room with a secret door. Approaching it, I used the decoder and fought off the Monoliths for thirty seconds until it opened. Having entered inside and continuing to shoot back from the soldiers, he turned left, reaching the control room, turned left again and found himself in a small darkened room.
When I walked inside, the door closed behind me. Without being confused, I began to shoot eight purple balls - fiery anomalies immediately began to appear. Trying not to pay attention to them, which was very difficult, I continued to shoot. As soon as everything was destroyed, a green hologram of the professor appeared in front of me, who told about the history of the Zone, what the S.T.A.L.K.E.R mark means. on my hand and so much more that even my head became swollen. After the monologue, he invited me to join O-Consciousness. I didn’t like these guys, so I refused their kind offer and again teleported to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant yard. I found myself in an open space. A group of soldiers approached me from the teleport, which I destroyed by hiding behind cover, after which I began to make my way to the nearby teleport. Each of them took me to a different part of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The goal was to reach a large building with several domes with energy coming out of the spire. In total there were about twenty teleports, the last one led directly to the building.

This walkthrough presents ways to complete the basic
missions. This guide specifically does not cover the full 100%
passing. Mostly there are side quests that don't affect
to the final ending of the game, they are monotonous and their meaning
no to describe. However, I strongly advise you to go through
all quests, this will allow you to get maximum pleasure from
games. Happy hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!!!
Start: Cordon

After watching the video, at the beginning of the game, you woke up in front of
a man named Sidorovich. You owe him for saving you
life. And debts must be repaid. Sidorovich - the first merchant with
who you will communicate with and sell swag, but not the only one in
game. You can sell weapons, buy, so to speak, produce
exchange of your honestly earned tugriks. Well, or vice versa,
sell it to him and get a reward. Consider what you are buying
you are obviously at a higher price than you will sell. If you
play for the first time, select in conversation to Sidorovich
communicated with you as a newcomer and listen to what he has to say.
You also learn from him that your main target is the SHOOTER.
This is exactly the entry in your PDA.

Get Information from a stalker captured by bandits.
(flash drive)
Conversation with the Wolf
The wolf is located in a small camp nearby, in the same place as you
start the game. It will be marked in green on your map.
dot. Find him and talk to him, find out about your
missions. You can talk to him again after completing
missions, thereby receiving new tasks and earning money.

Meet the WOLF people
After you talk to the wolf, you are given a gun and
cartridges. You need his group near the bandit base on
north. Follow the road north, near the road on the left
side you will see a corpse lying nearby, writhing in pain
stalker. If you take the first aid kit next to the corpse and give
stalker, then upon returning to the camp he will tell all the people
What a good guy you are, deep down! Look for gray dots on
your minimap, this is the PDA of the killed stalkers. There are very
useful things. You can shoot animals that will be on
attack you. Go ahead. There will be a green marker on the minimap
Wolf people are marked. We approach them and talk. You can
ask them to come with you. Or refuse and how
terminator act alone.

Destroy the Bandits in the parking lot
Ah, the first fight. There are about seven bandits in the parking lot. Are you with
with the help of your teammates must complete the mission.
A pistol is a good weapon, but not accurate, you should
get close to the target. Luckily for you, there are great
holes in the walls that you can use. Valim
bandits, simultaneously taking away their ammunition and provisions. The stalker himself
in a multi-story building, the very first one in the parking lot. Let's go
inside, and in the left corner he will be asking for help. We come and
We talk... We get a flash drive and information. You can take
he has an additional quest to find a modified
armorer You decide. I agreed, the quest is simple, let's go
road in the direction from the parking lot to the top. Let's go inside
tunnel and turn on the flashlight. Bronik in the far right corner.
Be careful, when you take it, dogs will appear.
Return to camp. We approach the Wolf, he will offer an artifact
– “Medusa” as a reward. We can talk to him and take
additional quest, at the same time you can put the artifact on your belt.
Return the flash drive to Sidorovich to receive your reward. Now
you got some money to buy a gun
Fort12MK2. After you complete this mission,
Sidorovich will offer you a “special mission”, and the usual
missions that are simple, for profit. Special
missions must be completed according to the plot, while
regular missions will have certain deadlines for their completion.
None of the normal missions are particularly difficult.

Find military documents/gather information about STRELKA
Sidorovich could help find the shooter, but he wants
You still worked for him. He wants you to go to
laboratory of the Scientific Research Center. To the northwest,
and found documents for him. Sidorovich suggested that you
met the conductor in a tunnel, under the railway, but, to
Unfortunately, the guide turns out to be dead! In his PDA we find
information about the tunnel and how to get through it. Us
warn about anomalies - they move. Fine.
Let's save. And so, we make our way through the tunnel. Anomalies
really move, first appear around the beginning
tunnel, then slowly move to the end of the tunnel and
disappear temporarily. If you don't want to bother with anomalies, you
you can go through the military checkpoint. If
soldiers shoot at other stalkers, they will be hostile and to
to you. If they're just standing there minding their own business, you can
come up and, having paid 500 rubles, calmly pass through. Also you
you can go through the railway embankment. Moving from
roads to the right and climb the embankment. We see a hole in the fence,
We move to the other side and quietly pass the checkpoint.
Fox asks for help
When you pass through the railway embankment, Sidorovich
will inform you via radio about a stalker named Lis, who knows
something about Strelka. He's in the next house, lying wounded on the floor.
on the first floor. He needs help, give him a first aid kit so that
help him. If there is no first aid kit, we return to Sidorovich and
we buy a first aid kit, or kill bandits or military men and take
They have first aid kits. After helping the fox you get what you need
information. You also learn about a stalker named Gray, who
knows more than him. Well, let's head to the gray one.

Help repel the attack of bandits at the landfill.
When entering the location, we hear the voices of stalkers. Let's go straight
we go around a couple of cars and see - three in black surrounded the stalker and
They demand swag and money. He replies that there is nothing. AND
here he shouts to you - “These are bandits, help.” Methodically and
carefully, so as not to hurt the stalker, we kill all the good
Trinity. We take away their weapons. We move north in search of
Gray. Along the road, the path of which passes through a landfill, we
you have to help a group of stalkers, clear the landfill of
bandits. We agree to help the group, we wait for the stalker to cry about
approaching bandits. After the command we begin to methodically kill
a group of bandits. It's better to hide behind the truck and lead from there
fire. After destroying the bandits, we approach the main thing and
we receive a reward. Go ahead.

Talk to Gray
The stalker the Fox wants you to talk to is located
at the factory, heading north. When you reach
factory where Gray is located, he will also need help.
We fight off the attack of bandits. For this he reports the group
MOLE. A group of stalkers. MOLE will tell you something important about
ARROW. Let's move on. Along the way from the factory exit we can
go into the railway tunnel that Gray told us about.
We carefully go through the anomalies, throwing bolts (button 6), we pick up
artifacts and leave from there in the same way.

Meet with the KROTA group
We move along the road, having previously specified the route using the CCP. Let's go
and we find ourselves at a new location (loading). Upon entering the location
We see the stalker, he is not hostile. We come up and talk, in
This is the moment you hear a request for help. Brother Stalker is beaten
military!!! Let's move forward. Before this we are shown a video,
Let's look more closely. They will show us the location of the warriors. We help
fight off the military. The mole reports on the radio that he is trapped in a corner
a group of military men, we need help! Let's run to him and help him
fight back. Afterwards we talk. We find out that a new squad is coming soon
the military will be here. He suggests running, a good idea.
Let's run after him. He leads us to a hatch in the ground. Reports
information about the shooter's hiding place.

Strelka's cache
We go down the hatch. New loading and transition to another location.
We are inside, underground. Be careful, this place is crawling with bandits.
We move forward and to the right. We kill a couple of bandits. Let's go down
On the stairs. Let's keep to the right. There will be three more ahead
bandits, kill them and collect supplies and first aid kits. Again
forward. Don't forget that we have a card in the PDA if
confused, we check with her. Then we go left. Let's pass
forward and to the right. After walking 50 meters, on the left side there will be
drawers and ventilation hole. We climb onto the boxes and up
On the stairs. We're in the hiding place. We take the flash drive for the card. Close to
on the racks there is a modernized machine gun and on the left side a suit
bandit. There are boxes on the right side, break them and find more
one suit. We leave the hiding place. We go down the stairs,
along which they climbed up. Having gone down, we go left.
We kill two military men. We approach the stairs, there are two more at the top.
We kill and go upstairs. Let's move forward, let's move on
a few meters and we come to a dead end. We look up and see
Luke. Are you thinking up? No. The controller appears! Hiding behind
corner, throw grenades at it. Here, now through the hatch
stairs up. We get out, we are already on the territory of a military base.
Research Institute Agroprom
Mission: Find Military Documents.
After leaving the hiding place, you will find yourself in the Scientific Research
Agroprom Institute, very good location. Feel free to
run to the next barracks and stand in the doorway. Be
Be careful, the windows behind you are being shot through. Now it's easy
We stand and wait for the warriors. One appears - we shoot, the second, the third.
There are about 18 soldiers in total. To turn off the alarm sound, you can
shoot at the roof of the building. That's where it's located
speaker. Now we leave the barracks. Let's go big
building. There are still guards in the building itself, be
more carefully. The documents we need are at
third floor. We go up the stairs. The documents are in
table, come up and take it. There are no special quirks in the building. Bottle
vodka on the shelves and a couple of bandages. Take it if you want. Not
I advise you to immediately rush to the bottom. We better climb further
up. Coming out onto the roof, go to the left and kill the shooter on
tower, we do the same on the right side. Now we come to
edge of the roof and sit down. There will be about 8 soldiers on the road,
a couple behind the helicopter and the rest on the road itself. We kill them.
It is better to shoot single shots from the modernized AK74
shots. Now you can go down. We leave the building and go
northeast to the road. We will use it to transfer documents
to the bartender.

Take the documents to the Bartender (Bar)
Now that you have taken out the documents, let's go to the bar. Let's drink beer
Let's chat with someone there. Sidorovich will give us free passage
through the post in the north to Bar. He is guarded by the Dolgovtsy. Let's approach
to the soldiers. On the radio we hear the transmission of debt - “To us from the outside
Mutants are moving in the dark valley. Everyone who helps will receive
reward. Word of Duty" will probably have to help them
eliminate mutants. It's better to do it quickly. As soon as
mutants appear, shoot. If you hesitate, Dolgovtsy
they will start shooting themselves. And you will have to get into the bar
pay. Let's move on. Having passed forward, we find ourselves on
new location. There is an outpost ahead, we are approaching. We can chat.
Dolgovets will tell you about this place and give you the coordinates of the bar,
arenas and other necessary information. Let's go to the Bar. Let's approach
to the bartender and give the documents. The bartender gives us the following task:
he wants you to find the second set of military documents,
hidden somewhere else. In the laboratory x18. To get into
x18 you need a key card. You have one, but the second one is
Borov. Your goal now is to reach the Dark Valley, take the key
and penetrate x18.

Dark Valley
We leave Bar and go into the dark valley. There's a lot on the way
We collect artifacts. When you reach the Dark Valley, you
It's a simple mission. You can skip this task.
Follow Bullet to recapture Dolgovets from the bandits
The first time you enter Dark Valley, you will come across
on a soldier. He tries to find out from the bandit about the fate of his
comrade. Apparently a gang of bandits captured one of the soldiers.
You can help free a soldier for a reward.
We follow the soldier (Bullet). We're setting up an ambush. Hide behind
stop. When a gang appears, we shoot at the bandits. Mission
completed. We receive an optical reward as a reward
aim. It's better to put it on a modernized AK. After that,
when you complete the mission, talk to the freed man
soldier You will receive information from him about Borov and his base.
He will also report that there may be another one of them there.
comrade. If you help free him, then you can hope for

Find Documents / Free a prisoner from Prison
Both of these missions can be completed at the same time. Before,
Before you start, check the gray markers. You'll probably find it
the right things. Pay special attention to the top floor
structures on the eastern side of the zone surrounded by bandits.
Now heading north is where you should go to
find the second key to the laboratory, this is the pipe on the western
the side that will go under the wall. Find and go
inward, then go left to reach the ground.

Take the Key from Borov
Borov is a bandit, he is hiding in one of the buildings on the southern
side of a small complex. He's on the second floor of the building and he
The marker is on your map. When you reach the staircase
cells in the middle of a brick building, you can go down
a little down the stairs to find a soldier. You
must flip the switch on the wall near the camera,
to free him. We communicate with him and get information.
Now we go up the stairs to the second floor. Let's move
to the right. We suppress resistance. Now to Borov. He is in
room, shoot and take the key. We search the closet standing with
to the right from the entrance to the room. We take first aid kits and bandages. Now you can
search the building. On one of the floors you will find the hog's arsenal.
We take the armored armor and cartridges there. You can also climb the most
top, there will be a bandit in a black cloak. We kill him and pick him up
Abakan assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher. Then you can
give it to Dolgovets at the bar and get your profits. Or leave
yourself and use it.

Exit the Base/Find the entrance to the Laboratory
You must leave the base. Let's look at the map. We leave the base and
we move towards the laboratory. Let's go and kill a couple of bastards
(bandits). We enter and go straight then from which to the right and to
them. In front of us is the entrance to the laboratory.

With both keys at your disposal, you can get
in the laboratory and complete the tasks, find the second part
documents for the Bartender. You find yourself in a room where
there is a door. It's locked with a combination lock, it's necessary
enter on the numeric keypad. You must find the code for the door.
Look around, in the immediate area, until you
you will find a locker room. It's not very far, northeast of
code door. Open all the lockers, here is the Monolith costume,
which is better than your stalker costume. There is also an AKM
74/2 rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher, and a pair of grenades
him. This is a fairly small laboratory level, but dangerous.
There are numerous foggy anomalies scattered around, from
which fire will burst out when you pass through them. You can
throw bolts at them and run after activating the anomaly. Are looking for
further and we find the body, they find the body of the scientist. In his PDA you
We find out the code to the door - 1243. We return to the door and enter the code.

In the laboratory.
When you reach the stairs, you will notice that there will be
fly through the air anomalies. They are not particularly dangerous, more
Beware of fast moving electrical anomalies.
Head to the green dot on your PDA to detect
second locked door. The Pseudogigant will interfere with you, he
blocks your way to the access code. We quickly run to the right and
We go up the stairs and throw grenades at him from above.
Then find the dead scientist in the red suit, we get the code
for the door - 9524. The scientist will also have an IL 28 rifle.
Return to the locked door and open it by entering the code. Let's go in.
There will be a staircase on the right, go up. We take the documents.
We search everything around.
Get out of the laboratory x18
Now that you have the documents you need to get out. Approaching the door
you will see an inscription, someone is holding it. To open you need
shoot a fireball. The passage is free. We go back.
Soldiers will interfere with us. They will be armed
modernized Abakan assault rifles. Let's go back the same way

Escape from Dark Valley
When you reach exit X18, the building will be full of soldiers.
You can kill them all or just run away. The only way out
available to you currently is the south gate., which
will lead you back to Cordon. You can return to
Sidorovich to collect new missions to get cash
money. And get new quests.

Return to Bartender
If you want, you can not talk to Sidorovich. Let's just go
back through the dump north to the bar. There we go to the bartender. He
will give you a reward. 10,000 tugriks. The bartender reports something new
task - laboratory x16. Where is the rest of it?
documents. We receive tasks, but are in no hurry to leave the bar.
We approach the Stalker who is standing on the way to the bar. We take from
His mission is to “find the family gun.” Let's go not northwest from
Bara to the Wild Territory. On the road to the wild territory in you
snipers will shoot. We kill them and go up the stairs,
take a new weapon.

Wild Territory
You are moving towards the center of the Wild Territory, bandits are shooting down
military helicopter with scientists and surrounds the team of scientists. Yours
the goal is to kill the bandits and help Kruglov,
one of the scientists. You will fail the level if Kruglov dies,
so we do everything quickly. The bandits have a new type of rifle, not
we forget to search them and take ammunition. Now let's go from
helicopter to the right and go down under the bridge. At the end of it
the container will contain the family gun, which will be needed
give it to the stalker in the bar. Now we talk to Kruglov.

Help Kruglov/Escort him to Lake Yantar
Kruglov asks you to accompany him to Lake Amber. How
Once you agree, be prepared for an attack. There will be a total
three ambushes while traveling with Kruglov. The first one in
the beginning of the journey. The second ambush will be in a few meters.
A group of mercenaries will be hiding behind the wall and behind
barricade. We kill them and move on. Kruglov stops
and the ambush screams. This is the third wave of attack. We fight back.
Act quickly and shoot accurately. Better than grenades. IN
Eventually you reach a tunnel filled with anomalies
, where Kruglov wants you to go forward. Tunnel
directly harmless, just stick to the middle. She
indicated by a white stripe. When you reach the end, Kruglov,
tells you that the bartender will pay and gives you the artifact. He also
reports important data and promises you a scientific suit if you
visit the scientific laboratory in Yantar. If you sell
artifact to the bartender, then he will pay you 5,000.

Lake Yantar
Let's go down the road. Through the swamp and in front of you is a bunker. Let's go
into the bunker, we hear a conversation between Kruglov and Professor Sakharov.
We talk to him. He will give us an environmentalist suit, it is very effective
against radiation, but less protected from shots. This is Sakharov
one of the merchants in the game from whom you can buy and
sell various things. During the conversation we learn, in order to
to get to the laboratory x16 you need to use
psi protection. This is a special helmet that protects against psi radiation.
But the helmet is just being developed, and in order to use it,
Scientists need measurement data.
Guide Kruglov to the measurement site/Take measurements
This is a fairly simple escort mission. Kruglov must get there
collector pipes and take measurements. While he's taking measurements
near the pipe, we protect it from enemies. Having completed the first stage
measurements, we move further along the pipe. Killing enemies along the way.
And so Kruglov takes measurements a second time. At that time
radiation is released. You pass out and watch
screensaver. Having woken up, we approach Kruglov and help him
rise. We go back the same way to the bunker. Sakharov
will reward you with a psi-helmet, which should protect you from
effects that are caused to anyone who enters X16. However
Sakharov says he cannot guarantee permanent protection.

Find Vasiliev's body
To enter the laboratory, you must find documents that
are with the scientist Vasiliev. But he's dead. We need to find him
bodies and collect information. Vasiliev also tried to get into
x16 together with a stalker nicknamed the Ghost, but alas they are not
are back. We leave the bunker. Let's go to the lake. We see from afar
crashed helicopter. The body will be there. On the way we are afraid of zombies.
It is better to use weapons with optics. Shooting zombies from afar.
We approach the body and obtain information. Then we move to
northwest. We go up the embankment. Let's go straight and turn
left. This will be a complex of x16 laboratories.

Laboratory X16
After entering X16, we move slowly. There are a large number
Oh, zombies themselves are not dangerous, but there are a lot of them. More
Beware of snorkels. They are very dangerous in close combat. Let's go to
to the left, we see a broken car. There will be a body nearby. We search him
and we find a suit. Let's move forward. We go into the building. IN
Eventually you arrive at a large control room.
The timer countdown begins. It turns out the psi helmet is not
can protect you from ejection and psi radiation for a long time.
The timer starts. It is necessary to turn off the radiation. For this
you need to turn off three switches on the panels. Let's go up
Queues up the stairs and switches off. We go up to the control room.
And we turn off the lever there to turn off the floating brain in the flask.

Find the Phantom's Documents/Learn about his fate
Now that you have turned off psi radiation, you are attacked
zombie. We kill them and move forward a couple of meters and rise
On the stairs. We see the entrance to the room. Be careful out there
there will be a controller. We throw a couple of grenades at him. We see the body
Ghost. You must search him and get information.
After searching him, we learn very important information about the conductor and
we get a suit. The ghost has a special one, he helps
heal wounds. We leave the room by jumping into the hole in the floor
right corner of the room. The way back won't be particularly difficult.
Several mercenaries, zombies. The main danger is
pseudogiant. You have already met him in the x18 laboratory.
We do the same, throw grenades, if not,
We shoot. We move again to the scientists’ bunker.
Sakharov will be happy with your success and the information you
got it. He will give you a SEVA suit. This is the most optimal
protection option.

Return to Bartender
You have now completed several important story quests. This and
will affect the ending. We return to the bartender, give the family heirloom
gun. We talk to the bartender. He reports a brain burner,
which is located in the north in the center of the zone. We agree
perform a task.

Meet the guide
The guide is located in the Cordona area, in one
from the huts near the railroad crossing. Where you helped the fox.
We talk to him, he tells you a simple message: to
to meet the Doctor, you must go to the gunslinger's hiding place.

Return to Strelok's hiding place/ Talk to the Doctor
We return to the territory of Agroprom to the shooter’s hiding place.
We go down and move the same way as the first time. Not
We forget that you have a card in your PDA. We enter the hiding place and see
screensaver with a doctor. He will give you information regarding
monolith, and how to access it.
Disable Brain Burner
Army Warehouses
If you missed and did not meet with the guide, this
can be done later. But much more difficult and longer.
When you enter the location, you will see a fight between the group
freedom and completeness. You can immediately play for the debt. Or
refuse to join and go to the freedom base. Next you
carry out missions for freedom. If you just want
turn off the burner, then move forward and that's it. Is not
will affect the final ending.

Freedom Missions
None of these missions affect the ending. Reward for
completing missions - money, you. just get cash.

Freedom Missions I: Destroy the Debt Group
After talking with Lukash, you are assigned to meet with Max,
who gathers a group of soldiers at the entrance to the base. Max gives you
mission to destroy a debt group in the village. We distribute
roles, who will be on the front line and who will be on the flanks. Let's go head-on
village. After approaching, we begin the battle. We kill everyone. After
We collect supplies and weapons. All! The task is completed.
We return and receive a reward. Upon your return you can
go to the base and after entering the building turn left.
We approach the merchant. He asks to clear the area from
mutants. If we want, we agree. The mission is simple, describe it
I won't. We go up to the next floor and meet with the main
Freedom group - Lukash.

Freedom Missions II: Kill the traitor (informant)
One of the Freedom soldiers is an informant, and Lukasz wants him
kill. Before you kill him, he wants you to track him down.
and his contact. We move according to the map. We approach carefully and
we wait. The informer enters the house. Let's go after him and kill him. Through
In a few seconds a messenger will appear. This will be a group of
bandyukov. We kill them. The task is completed. Back to

Freedom Missions III: Help Outpost Barrier
Lukash tells you about the need to help the outpost. Let's move out
to it, checking the map and following the green marker. Let's approach
at the outpost to the main thing. He tells you that the Monolith's powers
tried to break the barricade that the soldiers of Freedom
established, and that they will attack again soon. You must help
drive them away, destroying them and protecting the outpost. It's better to climb
tower and from there methodically destroy the Monoliths. We use
night vision. Having destroyed them, we collect ammunition. U
Monolithians will have a new weapon - a screw cutter. Silent,
rapid fire weapon. Let's take it. Now let's go back to
the main one for the reward. We talk with him and move on to
north. Turn off the brain burner.

Missy DEBT
Mission I: Kill the Liberty Sniper
The Dolgov residents in the village house really want to “talk” with the soldiers
Freedom, but they are prevented by a sniper on the watchtower.. Yours
The task is to eliminate the sniper. Suitable for completing the task
any weapon with optics. Personally, I liked the TRS 301 better.
We move northeast from the house with Dolgovtsy. As soon as
We reach the broken cars (embankment) and stop. This
the most convenient shooting point. We aim... and bam! Exercise

Mission II: Kill Lukash
Now that no one bothers the soldiers of Duty, they can
advance to the Freedom base. They are planning to make a hole in
wall using explosives. The mission itself is not difficult, but there is
moments in the game due to which the task may fail.
If the soldier who places explosives in the wall will
shot through the wall, yes exactly through the wall, by the enemy before,
than he could install them, the mission would simply fail.
If someone from Duty kills Lukash first, the mission will also be
failed. If they kill the main Dolgovets, you will not be able to
Get an award. Your main goal here is to
kill Lukash, but first you need to kill three snipers.
First sniper, to the left near the main entrance to the camp. Second
on the tower near the middle of the camp and the last one to the right in the other
tower. There are approximately 25 soldiers in the camp, try
cover your own. Now let’s quickly navigate on the mini map and
we run to Lukash. A small shootout with him and that's it.
We return quickly for the reward before we kill Dolgovets. But to
Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to get through this. Most likely you don't
you will be able to complete the missions due to script bugs in the game. However
However, this mission is worth taking on only for the weapons of freedom. U
They have excellent GP-37 rifles. And also collect the weapons of the dead
snipers - SVUmk2 sniper rifle.
Road to the Burner
Along the way you will be confronted by a large number of enemies and
the same number of radioactive zones. Try to get around
vehicles, buildings. Use weapons with optical
aim, thereby destroying opponents from afar.

Find the entrance to the Brain Burner
Base of the road that leads to the Burner, mountainous area
to the east, where the burner is located. Be careful,
soldiers will drop barrels, they are explosive. Or
dodge or shoot them as you approach. When you
reach the burner, your first goal will be to
to find the antennas. You shouldn't get involved in a fight at the base itself,
It’s better to quickly run to the entrance to the bunker. He is on
northwest. You will see railway tracks and a train.
We approach them, jump into the carriage and go straight. We're inside

Inside the Scorcher
The vnturi mission is quite linear and there are problems with finding the main one
There shouldn't be a switch. When you see the freight elevator,
look for a stairwell nearby and go up it.
We find the corpse of a soldier and find out the door code - 342089, behind the door
Lots of first aid kits, grenades and ammunition. Carry on
move on from there until you find a row of four generators.
The last generator will have a stairwell nearby
leading to a small corridor. Follow there. A couple of steps and
you're at the switch. Let's turn it off.

Get out of the Burned-out Brains
Now comes one of the most difficult parts of the game. We will
confront a large number of monolith soldiers. They are good
armed. I think there is no need to remind you to search the corpses for
search for weapons and supplies. We move back the same way.
Before entering the corridors and rooms we throw grenades. Then quickly
we run out and finish off the living. We get to the surface and run
north to the entrance, to the road leading down to the east. Bartender
informs you on the radio that a group of stalkers is gathering in
Pripyat to break through to the sarcophagus, they intend to be the first to get there
to the fulfiller of wishes. He doesn't know what's there, but
suggests a large number of artifacts. Let's move on
north to the exit, to Pripyat, to meet them.
I will not describe the road to Pripyat, it is similar to the road to
burner, only in the opposite direction. Approaching Pripyat
we see a group of stalkers, they will help you get into the zone
sarcophagus Let's move with them. Be careful on the rooftops
snipers and shooters appear. Snipers will be on the rooftops
on each side of the road. We kill them. In the end
stalkers will lead you to an underground parking lot, where they
stop. Then you need to move alone. Let's move
yourself. Forward from the parking lot. When leaving, pay attention to
roofs of buildings, there are snipers there. On the right in the ruins is one, and the second
ahead at the top. Either we run away or we kill. It's better to kill
using a sniper rifle. Further forward, straight ahead, we get to
hotel building.

Find the Secret Stash in the Hotel
If you spoke at the cordon with the conductor and the Doctor, then you
must have mission information in your PDA. Let's approach
hotel, there is little resistance here, we go up
stairs to one floor, we find a door on the west side
building. We take the decoder, documents and a new suit. Decoder
will help open the door to the monolith control center. Let's go down
down. At the exit from the hotel we take the path north.
Directly to Chernobyl. There is a second way there, further east.
But there are a huge number of monolith soldiers there. Let's go west
by. There is a small group of soldiers there. Well, if you still decide
go the eastern route, get ready. There are a large number
soldiers with grenade launchers, snipers and mutants.

Reach the Power Plant
After reaching the entrance to the stadium, at the northern end of Pripyat,
look at the splash screen. Loading screen and new location. Armed
Monolith forces are everywhere. They have modified
rifles, grenade launchers. They are supported from the air by the military. Yours
the goal now is to reach the entrance to Chernobyl.
You must travel far to the west to reach the entrance.
Beware of snipers. It's better to move on the left side.
When you reach the intersection and see an armored personnel carrier crawling through a hole in
wall, we move straight. We go to the right side and
moving forward. When you enter the zone the timer will start
ejection You will have 5 minutes. Try not to get into a fight
better run. Having reached the green marker on the map, we enter
passage. We move to the left, and we see stairs leading down.
Let's go down.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Many Monolith soldiers patrol the area. They are dressed in
exoskeletons. Be extremely careful. Combat tactics
simple. We throw a grenade and clear out the remains. Better to use
not the most powerful, but fast-firing weapon. At the end of some
there are snipers in the corridors, you can’t get away with them with a grenade,
we kill them with a sniper rifle. Move along the corridors
until you eventually reach a fork in the road. Door on the left
there are five soldiers from you, in the corner on the right side there will be two more
soldier In the room with the pipes there is a place leading to the stairs
leading down. There's a cache of ammunition and an exoskeleton suit.
We make our way further through the soldiers, we reach rooms similar to
soldiers' barracks.

Granter of Desires
When you reach a stairwell leading to several
square rooms that connect to each other, simply
you will need to move to the southeast, there will be a room with
Fulfiller of Desires. Depending on how you went
game, how many people you killed and what your rating is, you will receive
one of the endings (200,000 thousand money - I want wealth, etc.) To get to the Wish Granter you need to get to
a small luminous ball - a teleporter. He teleports us
on the opposite wall. We go straight but, carefully, so as not to
fall, then jump to the right and forward to the wall, then to the left and
straight again. A couple of meters and you are already with him. Come and click
enter button. Let's watch the splash screen. Game over.
Secret Laboratory
On the north side, near the square rooms, opposite
wish fulfiller security room. Let's go to the stairs, under
rotating yellow lantern. Let's get up. You're in a room with a secret
door. We approach, use the decoder. We'll have to wait 30
seconds At this time, monolith soldiers will appear, we shoot back,
It's better to throw grenades. After entering, down into the hallway on the left
from you at the very beginning. We save more often. Do not miss
turn. Eventually you will reach the control room, to the left
and into a small, darkened room.

True endings
When you enter the room, the door closes behind you. You
stay in the room, in the middle there are 8 purple balls
colors. We shoot them when you start shooting, they will appear
fire anomalies. We just run from them while continuing to shoot.
Once you destroy all the balls, a green hologram will appear
colors with the image of a professor. A conversation with him begins. You
you can find out what the abbreviation S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is,
"trucks of death", history of the zone, etc. After a monologue with him
you are invited to join “O-Consciousness”. You can
agree and watch the false ending, that's it
the game will end. If you refuse, you receive
additional mission. This is where the true ending will be.

Destroy O-Consciousness
The consciousness group will teleport you to Chernobyl directly
near the station. In the "back yard" so to speak. We find ourselves
in open space. Let's move forward. From teleport
a group of soldiers appears, we destroy them by hiding behind
shelters. We move further to the nearest white light -
teleport. Each of the teleports will send you to a different zone. Yours
the goal is to reach using teleports
large building at the end of the territory. There are several on this building
domes from the spire of which energy comes out. Describe especially
I won't teleport every time. The only moment that caused
The problem I have with teleporting is the moment of teleportation onto the pipes.
In front of you will be a hanging pallet and boxes on it. You need
go to the other side. I didn't bother and just
jumped over to the right, there is a building nearby. Further straight and left. More
jump onto the railing and up. Let's go forward. And that's it, let's jump on
pipes and walk along them. After 20 teleports you will eventually
you go straight into the building. Let's watch the splash screen. ALL! The final,
happiness and complete satisfaction

To succeed in the difficult conditions of the alternative future of the Chernobyl Zone, to win honor and respect among stalkers, defeat the bad guys and reveal the secret of your origin, it is not enough to run fast and shoot deftly. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - not exactly an action movie. This is a game that mixes battles and quests, the pursuit of artifacts and secret conspiracies, the selection of equipment and the hunt for mutated living creatures.

Special rules apply here. We'll start with them.

Life inside the Zone

Fast or hard

The first sensations from being in the Zone are familiar. The hero can run, crouch, jump, speed up for a few seconds (sprint), shine a flashlight with an infinite charge into dark places and look at the surrounding hills with binoculars.

But there is a big difference in the way he handles things.

In a regular action movie, the hero can hang a dozen guns on himself, load up with ammunition, and joyfully tear through the area. This won’t work here - having robbed several defeated enemies and stuffed five machine guns into his backpack, our main character suddenly discovers that jumping under a hail of bullets is no longer so easy.

This is all due to the limitation of the backpack: only forty kilograms can be carried by a stalker, anything higher is difficult. The limit after which the stalker cannot budge is sixty kilograms.

The sprint here is very fast - for a few seconds our hero turns almost into a living motorcycle - but even a light stalker will run out of steam after a while. And if he carries a bunch of swag on his shoulders, his sprint will not only be reduced to some ten meters - the stalker will run out of steam even at a normal trot. Stopping for a break is dangerous if blind dogs are wandering nearby, sensing a fresh stalker. In case of danger, an energy drink will help, if you have it with you - your strength will be restored for another ten-meter sprint. But it’s better not to be greedy and overload yourself, risking your life.

For your information: the stalker gets tired not only from sprinting, but also from jumping.

Hide everything you don't need in your own stash and carefully choose what you take with you on business. An assault rifle... a pistol... several grenades, ammunition. Already ten kilograms. Secondly, medications. It is advisable to have at least ten to fifteen kilograms of “free” weight in order to run faster and be able to pick up an interesting gun for the collection.

Chicken sausage with soy, canned “Tourist's Breakfast”, bread - all this will be useful to the stalker if he suddenly feels a little hungry. But you should take food with you only as a last resort. Usually a couple of canned goods lasts for the whole day. Vodka is never enough - especially among young stalkers, who often, out of inexperience, fly into infected areas and are greedy for treatment with a valuable antidote.

It doesn't hurt to have a few bandages with you. These are not just “small first aid kits”. With their help, they stop bleeding, due to which the character loses health and may even die before the wound has time to heal.

Mental health

In the character window (I), next to the health bar, you can find another blue bar. What is this, magic? No, mental health. It is not gloomy sights that can damage him, but a more common thing - psionic influence. Some monsters in the game can boast of the habit of putting pressure on their brains, and first of all, of course, the controller.

There are, however, places in the game where a character will simply burn his brains out. Maybe I should put the pan on my head so that my neighbors don't get irradiated? The idea is good, the method of panning by stalkers has been tested and works, but our hero will take a different path.

Politeness Lessons

Every stalker should firmly know that it is impolite to poke another stalker in the face with a machine gun unless you are fighting shoulder to shoulder or... trying to kill each other.

From the very first minutes you need to acquire a good habit - to put away weapons in camps where stalkers are located, or when meeting a fellow professional in the wild. The easiest way to do this is to switch to binoculars, bolts, or press the weapon button again.

Remember that politeness is the key to good attitude towards you. An NPC not only has a name, community affiliation and experience level - he also has an established opinion about the main character. If he attacks one neutral character, then all the NPCs in the area will want to blow the hero's brains out. Winning the friendship of another stalker is not so easy. Only an NPC saved from death, to whom the hero handed the first aid kit in time, immediately becomes a friend.

For your information: a seriously wounded stalker can only be cured if he is neutral or friendly. The enemy cannot be healed. It's a pity - it would be interesting to see what he will do when he discovers who saved him.

Reputation is gained in the game slowly, but quite easily, if you don’t deliberately do dirty tricks to your neighbors.

If a neutral or friendly stalker is not fighting, telling a joke, or playing the guitar, he is available for conversation. Some can give the hero a quest, some can be talked to about the latest rumors or gaming legends (yes, our hero, like a real folklorist, writes them down in his pocket computer). But with the majority you can only try to trade. The stalker is ready to put up a few things for sale - mainly medicines or food. And he will agree to buy very little from the hero - the same first aid kits, food and, interestingly, upgrades to weapons.

The weapons themselves are valued very well here and are lying around in abundance after every battle. But in order to sell it, you will have to run with a full backpack to a merchant far away. Yes, doing business in the game is not so easy.

This is interesting: Having seen a good cannon on the ground, the stalker can pick it up, throwing away his old one, which has become unnecessary. You may well be overtaken in the selection of trophies, so hurry up!

...And the bolts with it

Why does a stalker need a bottomless bag of bolts? In order to provide them with a safe path among dozens of anomalies in the Zone. The need for this, however, arises infrequently. Almost all anomalies can be seen in daylight and successfully avoided. The anomaly detector, which the stalker always has with him, will warn in time with a squeak that the hero is approaching a dangerous zone. Finally, there is the stalker’s sixth sense, which puts “flies” in the hero’s eyes when he is about to fly into the “meat grinder” or step into the “witch’s jelly.”

At night, some anomalies are not so visible - and this is where the bolts come into play. Nights in the Zone are not always dark, but even in pitch darkness you can try to discern the boundaries of the anomalous zone “by eye”. Corridors, underground passages and dungeons are places where bolts can really come in handy. For example, the hero needs to walk along the corridor at any cost - and on the way there are several dangerous anomalies at once. Only by throwing a few bolts can you “grope” for a safe path.

This is interesting: The bolts for checking anomalies in the game are very heavy and large - each fifteen centimeters long. But they cannot kill you, even if you fire a bolt at an NPC’s head. There will be no negative reaction either. At the same time, the bolt interacts with the rest of the world according to all the rules of physics. For example, by throwing it, you can knock a skeleton hanging on the wall to the ground.

Geography lessons

An extensive rectangular map of the southern and central parts of the Zone - from the southern Cordon to the northern city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - was initially “sewn” into the stalker’s pocket computer.

For your information: The stalker's PDA serves as both a quest journal and an encyclopedia of information about the world around you, and can even wirelessly determine what kind of people are around you, slowly squeezing the ring, right down to their names and nicknames. If an NPC dies, his computer marks the place of death on the main character's mini-map.

But not all over the map you can walk freely. Areas accessible to visit - Cordon, Equipment Cemetery, Amber Lake and others - look like small “spots” on the map. They are surrounded on all sides by barbed wire, anomalies or zones of deadly radiation. They are usually connected by areas of road crossings. When crossing them, the player sees a loading window.

For your information: in a game, like in “Space Rangers” or in the series of star simulators X: Beyond the Frontier, the lives of monsters and NPCs are calculated not only in the area where the player wanders, but also in other areas, according to slightly simplified rules.

However, in some places the player cards do not miss NPCs or objective reasons. For example, at the very beginning of the game, you can immediately explore four areas - the southern Cordon, the Equipment Cemetery behind the northern checkpoint, the Agroprom Research Institute in the west and the Dark Valley in the east. The passage to the central area - the territory of the stalker organization "Duty" called the Bar - is closed by a post through which you will be allowed only when you reach the desired place in the plot or prove to the stalkers of "Duty" that you are worthy of visiting the bar "One Hundred Roentgen".

It is impossible to get to the northern zones - to Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant - except according to the plot.

Lots of artifacts, few pockets

The character does not have parameters that grow over time. All the hero can afford is a change of protective suits and a selection of artifacts in five pockets. There are a total of fifteen types of costumes in the game - from simple leather jackets and primitive protective suits to durable spacesuits that protect from almost all harmful influences. And there are many ways to die here.

  • Mutants bite and scratch the stalker - which means the clothes must be tear-resistant.
  • Fiery anomalies burn painfully - fire-resistant qualities will not hurt.
  • Electrical anomalies can quickly finish off a stalker whose clothes do not have protection against current.
  • Anomalies of impact and falling from a height will not be so dangerous for someone whose suit absorbs the harmful effect.
  • Chemical burns are rare in the Zone, unless you go into the thickets of burning fluff. However, protection will come in handy.
  • Strong armor will reduce damage from nearby explosions. Usually, enemies take care of grenades and do not throw them in vain - only in the later stages of the game, when helicopters and RPG-7 shooters appear, protection will become relevant.
  • Bullet protection is usually what matters most. Lead poisoning is one of the most common causes of death in the Zone.
  • Finally, don't write off radiation. There is a lot of it here, especially in the later stages of the game.

Many costumes have their own specialization. For example, the orange suit of scientists protects well from chemistry, current and radiation - but does not help at all against bullets and fangs. Military suits are often well armored, but do not protect against radiation. The heavy exoskeleton is powerful armor, but the hero, having put it on, loses the ability to run quickly.

Five pockets for artifacts (stalkers usually find them near anomalies) will allow you to fine-tune the hero’s defense parameters or increase his stamina. Typically, each artifact has positive and negative traits. Some make the stalker more resilient, but reduce the defense parameter. Others protect against radiation, but with them the stalker gets tired earlier. Some artifacts in the game are radioactive (positive parameter “Radiation”) - you can only hang them on your belt for a short time if you don’t have a good protective suit. The harmful effects, however, can be compensated for by other artifacts with a negative radiation parameter.

Do not forget that light and valuable artifacts are a good source of money if you hand them over to merchants on time.

Complete walkthrough of the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Detailed description of all story and side missions.


You appear in the forest and your main task is to find fallen helicopters and find out the reason for their fall. But you still can’t do without money and good ammunition with weapons. And so we will begin to join the environment. You just start walking straight and suddenly along the road you meet two stalkers. You can ask them about the Zaton location, what is where.

If you ask them about a safe place they will give you the exact location and you go there. You approach a cargo ship called Skadovsk. You go inside, but keep in mind that they won’t let you in with weapons, and don’t dare kill anyone, you will immediately become enemies of the people.

When you come in, you can chat with the stalkers and receive tasks from them. I recommend starting with the Sultan's task.

He will offer to attack the stalkers' base on another barge, the Shevchenko. We agree. Now there are two options. First: hand over the bandits and get stalkers as friends, the next task will open. Second: kill the stalkers together with the bandits, get the bandits as friends, and the next task will open. What you choose will not affect the plot. I advise you to go to Kastet or Spartak after completing the task to receive a reward. In Skvadovsk, after sleep, go to Sultan or Beard to receive a new task “Deal”. You can get the quest “Strange Phenomenon” from the beard.

We go to the mark and see the ship. We need to get into the captain's cabin. This can be done by going up the stairs and jumping over the anomaly, but I won’t just write further. When you take the artifact, we go downstairs. Below you will meet a stalker. He will say that his friend needs this artifact. THIS IS A DIVORCE!!! We bring down him and his friends. Let's go take the quest.

You can still work on your beard by bringing an artifact to order, you don’t have to climb anomalies, wait for others to find it and go shoot them. Each artifact costs approximately 26,000 rubles. In Skvadovsk you can take more tasks from Sych (Find information from mercenaries), Cardan (Two friends), Gont (Search for Magpie, hunt for a chimera, after destroying the lair of the bloodsuckers), Capercaillie (Lair of the Bloodsuckers), Koryagi (Inaccessible cache). With Koryaga, everything is simple: we go to a gas station and carefully jump into the abyss (it’s hard not to notice), we take a box from the trunk of the Cossack and swing from there, there are a lot of snorkels, and you will come to the place of anomalies, by the way, you can find a jellyfish there (for starters, it’s a good way to get rid of radiation), when we come to hand in the task, Snag will offer to divide it equally, take the medical kit and the “Soul” artifact, if you want, take a Helmet, an upgraded AKSU (+10 rounds), or a Fort. We take the “Two Friends” quest from Cardan, where you can find them in the screenshots.

By the way, the Barge is located in the caves under the “Burning Farm”. They can find an upgraded suit and a gas mask. With Sych it’s simple, we dump all the hires and take the laptop, EVERYTHING.

Gonta will give you the task of finding the stalker using Soroka's key. You can find it on Janow. The capercaillie will ask you to find the lair of the bloodsuckers. More precisely, he will find it himself, but will ask you to help him. Let's go after him. Along the way, you will meet two awake bloodsuckers, one on the first floor, the other in the basement. Their lair will be in the basement. If you don't touch them, they will continue to sleep. After this, the Capercaillie will say that it is necessary to destroy the lair and that he will contact you later. We go to the beard and inform him about the lair. He will tell you that he needs to destroy it. We go to Sych and buy information about poisonous gas. Here is a screenshot of where you need to look for it.

We take the balloon and go poison the creatures. The balloon should be placed here. And get out, otherwise the angry creatures will tear you apart. We return to Beard for a reward and to Owl to sell the documents that you found on the bridge. Then we go to the “Port Cranes” and go into a small building. There we see Tremor (a local doctor) who “eats” Capercaillie. We need to talk to him and then he will shoot himself. Then we go to the beard and get a reward.

Now I will tell you how to complete the story quests on Zaton.


Go to the Old Barge. There we will meet a Free Stalker with a Pseudo Dog. But don’t run in right away, after you try to open the door, he will shoot at you, confusing you with the monster. Just don't rush to kill him and his dog. He's just a little out of his head.

Approach him and talk to him about the fallen helicopters and at the end ask him to guide you. After the conversation, you will appear at the Burnt Farm. He shows you how to get to the first fallen helicopter. You repeat all his movements and go through the anomalies, then jump into the teleport and find yourself in an unknown place. Look at the map and you will immediately understand where you are.
This will be South Khutor. You are not far from the helicopter, but keep in mind that there is a den of snorks there. We examine the helicopter.

Evacuation Points

We immediately go to Skvadovsk and ask Beard about the military on Zaton. He says that they were never here. Let's go look at other helicopters.


Fell in the swamp. Come get information. All. By the way, if you go to the “Sawmill” you will find tools for rough work in the attic of the house.


Now we go after the Skat-2 helicopter. A poltergeist is flying next to the helicopter, we bring it down. We receive information. Along with it you will receive a map of the area. It can be given to the conductor in Skvadovsk.

When we return to Skvadovsk, we give the conductor a map of the area thanks to which he gives us a discount for transitions between locations from 3000 to 1000. We move on to Yanov.

We get to Yanov. Azoth immediately greets us and hints about a task after completing which you will have a discount on repairs and upgrades. From now on, I will stop talking about side quests because they are easy, and talk about the main quests. I can only tell you where and from whom to take quests. These are: Uncle Yar, Vano, Flint (aka Magpie), Azot, Torba and Bear (arguing at the table), Surviving Monolith, St. John's Wort, and ask around the scientists in the bunker.

I'll only talk about difficult side quests

Find Magpie

As I already said, this is Flint, but to prove this you need to find and talk to the dying stalker Sliver here.

Afterwards we go to Flint and talk to him, but he won’t confess, then we go to Freedom or to Debt and hand him over with the fucks. The next difficult quest is “Searching for the Oasis.” We go along the railway and there we will see the entrance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How and where to find Snag? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: From the very beginning of the game, Koryaga is located in Skladovsk at the bar at the table. When we start completing the Reputation quest, Snag hides from us. You can find it near Yanov station, but to do this you need to start completing the quest “Theft”.

Question: where to find tools? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The location of all Cardan tools and Azoth tools are indicated in the corresponding Tools quests. Calibration tools can only be found at the last stage of the game in the city of Pripyat.

Question: Why can't I crawl under the pipe? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In Stalker, you can simply sit down (Ctrl key), or you can crawl (Ctrl+Shift keys). In some places you can only crawl.

Question: Cement factory. Where is Strelok's hiding place? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: From the factory we go north to the swamp. There is an underground canal on the shore of the swamp; we enter the far right tunnel of the canal and find a cache in a box. The location of all Stalker's caches on the map.

Question: how to upgrade the exoskeleton? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: You can improve exoskeletons from the technician Cardan, but to do this you need to bring him a set of tools.

Question: how and where to find Soroka? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: Stalker Soroka changed his name and group, now his name is Flint, and he serves “Freedom”. But this assumption still needs to be proven. For this you need a witness, Sliver. A detailed exposure of Magpie is described in the quest “In Search of Magpie.”

Question: how to find an oasis? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The location of the Oasis is indicated in the walkthrough for the quest “Oasis”.

Question: how to get through the ventilation complex? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: Described in the walkthrough of the quest “Oasis”.

Question: How to join the Debt group? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In the third part of Stalker you cannot join groups. But there are a couple of additional quests, after completing which one of the factions (“Duty” or “Freedom”) will become our allies. It is necessary to complete the quests: "Debt" Warehouse (you need to save Morgan's PDA from the mission "Deal" in the Forestry), History of "Debt" (you need to complete the scientists' quest "Anomalous Activity") and "Surviving Monolith".

Question: how to get to skat-4? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The SKAT-4 helicopter fell right inside the Jupiter plant building. To get inside, you need to go to the southeastern workshop, go down to the underground floor and go to the adjacent western workshop to the helicopter.

Question: where to find the Joker? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In his second task, technician Cardan asks us to find two of his comrades: the Joker and the Barge. Their location on the map can be seen in the description of the “Three Comrades” quest.

Question: where to find the Kolobok artifact? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The military man asks to find the “Kolobok” and “Hunk of Meat” artifacts in the scientists’ bunker. “Kolobok” can be found in the anomaly -, and “Hunk of Meat” in the anomalies -.

Question: how to get to Pripyat? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: To do this, you need to ask the guide Pilot, search the entire Jupiter plant, gather a detachment for the trip, and go through the underground overpass. All this is described in detail in the passage of the story mission “Pripyat-1”.

Question: how to get all achievements? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: You won’t be able to get all the achievements in Stalker: Call of Pripyat in one playthrough, since some achievements are given for supporting factions. By completing tasks for one faction, you will receive its achievement, but will lose access to the achievement from the opposite faction. List of all achievements (achievements).