Sliding wardrobe without profiles. Making wardrobe doors yourself

Wardrobe doors designed experienced designers, using quality materials and accessories have excellent characteristics. They work softly and silently, promoting practical use available space in the room, and also increase the aesthetics of the room, making it more attractive and consistent with the tastes of users.

At ADEM GLASS you can do individual order doors to the closet, which will be made with high quality and taking into account the interior features of the room where it will be used. You can order either a solid sliding door from one type of material, or combine a door from different materials. The page presents popular options for combining materials in sliding doors - choose.

Where to make custom-made compartment doors in Moscow?

Today you can order the production of doors to your size from different companies, but not all of them actually offer customers profitable terms cooperation.

Many clients choose ADEM GLASS because we offer:

1) Favorable prices. You can order a sliding door for your closet from us at an inexpensive price. The cost of our products starts from 3,600 rubles.

2) Professional approach. We have been working in the market for more than 20 years, and every year we improve our service.

3) Quality guarantee. Thanks to the use of only high-quality Supplies, we can guarantee that all our products will serve you for as long as possible.

4) High speed. We quickly produce doors according to your sizes and deliver finished products in Moscow at the address specified by the client.

5) Big choice. They choose us because we have a huge selection of glass and mirrors with and without patterns for making a door so that it is guaranteed to fit into the interior of your room, hallway, or dressing room. The main advantage of our glass and mirrors, which we use in wardrobe doors, is that the design is applied by chemical etching, which visually looks presentable and is more expensive compared, for example, with sandblasting. Here you can choose an insert for a compartment door
e with any pattern as in classic style, and modern: geometry, floral design, monograms, feathers, just plain colored glass or even an aged mirror - which looks simply incredibly beautiful in the doors of a compartment!

6) Practicality. In production we use glass and mirrors with patterns or painted glass, which long years retains its consumer properties eg compared to sandblasting.

You can see for yourself all the advantages of cooperation with us by ordering the production of a door, and we will do everything necessary to ensure that you remain a happy, satisfied customer!

Contact us, we will be happy to advise you on all your questions and calculate the price of manufacturing a door for your closet.

The website shows retail prices. If you are a furniture maker, ask for wholesale prices for sliding doors from the manager by phone: + 7 499-110-62-63.

Zoning of residential or office premises- the most functional and common use of such doors. After all, they are suitable for rooms of any size, even the smallest ones. Here you can select and inexpensively buy sliding doors to separate

  • balconies and loggias,
  • terraces and verandas,
  • kitchens and living rooms,
  • kitchens and dining rooms,
  • offices and living rooms,
  • sliding doors for wardrobes,
  • utility rooms, storage rooms, technical rooms.

They are appropriate and convenient almost anywhere where you need to save space.


The popularity of sliding doors in Moscow is constantly growing, as people have managed to appreciate their undeniable advantages:

  • suitable for all types and styles of layout,
  • Maybe ,
  • being correctly selected, they combine functionality and aesthetics,
  • the price of sliding doors does not exceed the cost of other designs,
  • installation requires a minimum of effort and time, practically without affecting the existing interior,
  • their security is higher than that of conventional swing doors.

You should only trust the production of such an important part of your interior to professionals, practical experience which will allow you to realize all your ideas and wishes.

You can order sliding doors inexpensively from the RIAL-MOSCOW company. The quality level always remains high thanks to the professionalism and skill of our employees.

To find out the preliminary cost of a door for a wardrobe or opening, you can send required sizes to our email or a feedback form, order a call back or call a surveyor.


* depends on the number of doors in the order and the distance from production. Calculated individually with the manager. Pickup is possible from a warehouse in Shchelkovo and Reutov for both profiles and doors.

** Delivery of the profile to wholesale customers is free from 30,000 rubles, in other cases by agreement, again based on the logistics distance and the cost of the order.

*** Taking measurements (free of charge).

Payment Methods

  • Payment by invoice (for legal entities)
    When concluding a contract for entity- you will be issued an invoice, usually after payment we see the receipt of money within 24 hours.
  • Cash
    We accept payment in cash both at the company's office and at the address upon conclusion of the contract. Upon receipt of the money, the company employee will provide you with everything Required documents confirming payment.
  • Visa/Mastercard
    The company's field employees are equipped with mobile terminals, so you can make payment when placing an order at your home in a way convenient for you.

Functional and beautiful furniture- the key to comfort and coziness in every home, so you need to approach the choice of such interior items carefully. But what to do if there is no cabinet in the store that matches the design or size? Then the wardrobe can be assembled independently. But to do this, you need to learn how to make doors for a sliding wardrobe with your own hands, and then install them.

A wardrobe with a compartment design is a system, the purchase of which will make it possible to successfully plan the space of a room, highlight the features of the interior, and solve the issue of storing personal belongings. As soon as such furniture appeared on the domestic furniture market, buyers immediately fell in love with it. great amount advantages.

Many people are hesitant to assemble a cabinet themselves, but in reality it is not that difficult if you prepare and divide the work into stages. Start with purchasing necessary materials, the volume of which depends on the selected size of the structure. Therefore, the first thing to decide is what material to use and what size the structure will be.

The following materials are used to create compartment furniture:

  • Chipboard - belongs to the category of common and affordable materials for making doors for sliding wardrobes. Chipboard is varied in color scheme, practical, easy to cut. If you decide to assemble a wardrobe with your own hands without experience in such matters, opt for chipboard;
  • MDF is a more expensive material than chipboard, but it has higher performance characteristics. MDF is afraid of moisture, under the influence of which the film can become detached from the base, which will significantly worsen appearance furniture. But in general, a sliding wardrobe with 2 doors made of MDF looks very decent;
  • solid wood is a durable, incredibly beautiful, wear-resistant option. But it’s not cheap, and it’s difficult to work with natural wood Only an experienced furniture craftsman can do this. If you are a beginner, it is better to choose a material that is easier to work with – chipboard or MDF.

The dimensions of a particular cabinet are selected for the room in which it is planned to be installed. Look around and take measurements to understand what length, width and height of furniture will work best. The height of such furniture may vary.

Models non-standard sizes made to order or independently. Experts insist that in small rooms the closet should be made as high as possible. This will allow you to fit the maximum number of things into it.

Facade options

Drawing and detailing

Today, sliding wardrobes are popular among residents of small-sized city apartments and owners of spacious country cottages, because they have high functionality, practicality, and serve long time without breaking, they retain their visual appeal for a long time. You can fit such a piece of furniture into almost any room in size and style. And to spend a minimum amount on this Money, make the furniture yourself. How to make doors for a sliding wardrobe and what is required to start assembling sliding wardrobe doors? Drawings and drawing of details of the future structure indicating where this or that fastening will be performed will significantly speed up the completion of the work.

Preparing parts

To save money, many people wonder if they can do it without help. experienced furniture makers and how to make wardrobe doors with your own hands. First, the parts to be installed are prepared. After selecting the most relevant material (chipboard, MDF or natural wood), the purchase of accessories has been completed, you can get to work. You will need to create reliable frame from pre-prepared parts:

  • two side walls;
  • lid;
  • bottom.

Shelves and storage systems will subsequently be installed inside the structure.

A sheet of selected material is cut using special equipment, which cuts out the described parts of the future cabinet with high precision. If special tools For this purpose no, you can order cutting of the material from professionals. After cutting, the parts are processed and covered with end caps to make them more aesthetically pleasing. Next, we’ll tell you how to assemble the doors and get a full-fledged piece of furniture at a minimum cost.

Sash design without filling

Profiles may be different, so they must be measured individually


When the details of the future structure are prepared, assembly can begin. How to assemble a cabinet without mistakes? For this purpose it is created detailed diagram assembly and installation of doors on the wardrobe. Then, using a drill, you need to create holes in the sides, roof and base. Its individual parts are connected into a single frame using special fasteners. To increase the maximum level permissible load on the cabinet, the junction of the base and the top cover with the sides of the structure is reinforced with special metal corners. The back of the furniture is covered with a thin sheet of chipboard, and supports are attached to the base.

You will also need holes for pins in the side walls of the furniture. This will be required for subsequent installation of shelves inside the product. If necessary, storage systems for certain types of things are installed inside the structure: vertical crossbars with hangers, trouser racks, and the like. If the assembly stage is completed, we proceed to the most difficult part. It is the installation of doors that will be the most critical process in the entire work.

Assembly diagram

Installation of profiles and frames

If you have completed assembling the wardrobe doors, you can proceed to installing the profiles and frame of the structure along which the sliding panels will move. However prerequisite is exhibiting door leaf exactly at the level, otherwise problems will arise during subsequent operation of the sliding wardrobe, and the level of comfort for the user will be low.

After measuring the length of the cabinet from the inside, using a hacksaw, cut a profile of a similar size and fix it on the top and bottom lids using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

To prevent damage to the profiles, when organizing holes, experts recommend using any convenient support. For example, you can use a table or chair for this purpose. And the holes made should be carefully sanded using sanding paper. The holes should be arranged on the profile with a pitch of 50 mm; this rule should not be violated so that problems do not arise during the operation of the structure in the future.

To securely fix the lower profile, it is worth organizing similar holes for self-tapping screws, but there is no need to rush to attach the guide inside the structure. It is important to choose the right place for its attachment. It is shifted inside the cabinet by 20 mm, since the depth of the furniture will decrease by the width of the compartment doors. Sometimes it happens that the doors are installed too deep. This spoils the appearance of the furniture, reduces its aesthetic qualities and comfort.

You will also need to install latches so that the doors stop in the closed position and a gap does not form with the sidewall. The stopper is installed in the groove of the lower rail. To install the lock in the required location, close the compartment doors tightly, after which a mark is made on the bottom rail of the center of the wheel. A stopper is inserted here, which can be easily moved with a flat screwdriver.

To install the mirror in the profile, a silicone seal is used

The mirror is inserted into the profile frame

Three holes are made in the vertical longitudinal guides

Drilling the profile

The frames are fastened together with self-tapping screws

The lower profile fasteners are also fasteners for the lower rollers

Fastening the rollers

The guides for the door leaf are secured with self-tapping screws and press washers.

Door fastening

Next, we will describe in detail how to install a sliding wardrobe door with your own hands. Order step-by-step assembly doors and correctly selected tools are largely determined by the type of door being manufactured and the specifics of its fastening to the furniture body. This can be one of two models:

  • hanging;
  • rail




If you have decided to make hinged doors, then experts recommend starting to install doors on a sliding wardrobe with your own hands by studying the specifics of working with such systems. The 2-door wardrobe with hanging panels has a special compartment mechanism, which is not mounted inside the structure, but is superimposed on the facade. It consists of two guides, but the highest load falls on the top rail. Hanging mount sliding systems allows you to veil the ends and roofs of the side facades from the eyes behind the doors. As a result, the design after installing the cabinet doors looks incredibly laconic, elegant, and beautiful.

Hanging door fixing


The description of the installation of rail structures with your own hands differs from the description of the stages for suspended ones. The peculiarity is that the rails are mounted inside the cabinet frame. In this case, it is worth hanging the bottom one slightly offset into the cabinet, since it will bear the highest load.

Rollers need to be hung on the canvas, with the help of which it will move on the rail. Next, the canvas must be very carefully inserted one by one into pre-installed guides. To do this, start top part the door into the guides, after which we install its lower part.

To check the doors for perfect vertical alignment, you should use a spirit level. If you do the work carefully, there will be no need for adjustments at a later time.

Experts insist that rail doors on a cabinet cannot be placed at an angle, as this can cause deformation of the profile. Whatever design is chosen, do not forget that limiters will be required. This part must be attached to the cabinet door.

The video provides instructions phased implementation work experienced craftsman, which will once again demonstrate how to install doors on a wardrobe. After viewing it, you will know exactly how to install a wardrobe door, and the instructions with photos will help make this process easier.

Roller mount

Front part of the wardrobe has not only a practical function, but also a decorative one, decorating the interior of the room, and when making the right choice- even visually expanding it. Our catalog offers a complete right to choose, in which the most common wardrobe door materials are widely represented.


Doors made of chipboard have an incomparable advantage over other options - they are the cheapest. But price is not their only advantage. The advantages of this material also include:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • large selection of designs and colors.

They do not fade or crack. They will look appropriate in rooms with a minimalist design, but will not suit an expensive interior.


This material is glass, painted on one side in a rich opaque color. Lacobel facades are distinguished by their richness and uniformity of color, resistance to moisture and unlimited service life. Many customers choose it because of its brightness and reliability.


Glass doors will visually expand the space, so this optimal solution for a cabinet that will be in a small room. The cost of the material is also low, so glass usually competes with chipboard when choosing budget option for the facade. However, glass has one feature that should not be forgotten - it is fragility. This point should be taken into account if there are children in the house.

Photo printing

Photo printing allows you to apply all kinds of drawings on cabinet doors - from landscapes to a photograph of a person. Photo printing is applied to a glass base, that is, essentially the same glass doors, only in this case there will be not a mirror on the facade, but a naturalistic pattern.

Sandblasting drawings

They are applied to glass with a thickness of at least 4 mm, thereby forming rough surface. For application, sand is used, which is applied by jet using a special technology using a stencil in a special chamber.