The schoolchildren will get their medal back and will be awarded prizes - capital education.

Graduates of capital schools who have achieved particular success in educational activities will be awarded a medal . The corresponding resolution was adopted by the Moscow Government on February 25, 2014.
Deputy Head of the Education Department Tatyana Vasilyeva announced this on February 27, 2014 at a press conference at the Moscow Department of Education.
“On behalf of the mayor of Moscow, the Moscow Department of Education worked on and developed a Moscow medal of honor for schoolchildren.
The medal will be awarded to graduates who have achieved outstanding success in their educational activities. ", said Tatyana Vasilyeva.
According to her, schoolchildren have three opportunities to qualify for a medal. Awards will be given to:
- winners and runners-up All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren;
- graduates who scored the highest number of points in the unified state exam (100 points) in one general education subject;
- graduates with final grades “ Great " in all subjects of the curriculum in secondary educational subjects general education and those who scored at passing the Unified State Exam a total of at least 220 points in three general education subjects.
Tatyana Vasilyeva also noted that the Moscow Government approved appearance medals. On the front side of the medal there is a relief image of the facade of the Moscow Government building (13 Tverskaya St.). Along the upper edge of the front side of the medal above the image of the Moscow Government building there is a raised inscription “ Moscow ".
On the reverse side of the medal there is a relief image of an open book, framed at the bottom by two crossed laurel branches. Above the unfolded book there is a raised inscription "For special achievements in learning". The medal is a disk with a diameter of 40 mm, a thickness of 3 mm, made of tombac. Color - gold.
Each award will be packaged in a blue velvet case.
“On average in Moscow, about 7% of all graduates were awarded medals annually. This trend will continue this year. The decision on awards and lists of schoolchildren are approved by the head of the Moscow Department of Education.
The award will be traditionally presented along with the certificate at the graduation ceremony. ", concluded Tatyana Vasilyeva.

/ Thursday, February 27, 2014 /

Topics: Department of Education

Medal "For special achievements in learning" will be awarded to Moscow graduates starting this year. Three categories of applicants will be able to receive a medal: prize-winners and winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, graduates who received one hundred points in one of the Unified State Examination subjects, or those who have “ Great " in all subjects and scored at least 220 points for three subjects on the Unified State Exam. Deputy of the capital's education department Tatyana Vasilyeva spoke about this at a press conference on February 27.
“The Department of Education, the scientific community of Moscow and parents of graduates very carefully monitored the possibility of rewarding students. Therefore, we decided that it was impossible not to use the opportunity prescribed in the law to reward the best Moscow schoolchildren.”, - said Vasilyeva.
The decision to establish the medal was made by the Moscow government on February 25. This year, five thousand students will receive the award in advance.
The medal will be presented at the graduation ceremony. The design of the award was determined by a special resolution - it will be in the shape of a gold disc. On one side the medal will be decorated with the government building and the inscription “ Moscow ", on the other - a book, crossed laurel branches and an inscription "For special achievements in learning".
Vasilyeva also added that only its owner will be able to use the medal - personal data on the graduate’s successes entered into the electronic database will be carefully monitored and verified.
Let us remind you that in December last year it became known that gold and silver medals were canceled for distinguished graduates. Law “About education”, which came into force on September 1, 2013, does not provide for awards for successful schoolchildren.

Moscow authorities approved the design of the new medal "For special achievements in learning", which will be awarded to graduates of capital schools starting in 2014, a source in the city administration told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

According to him, the corresponding resolution was signed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

"Medal "For special achievements in learning" is a disk with a diameter of 40 millimeters, a thickness of 3 millimeters, made of tombac. Medal color - golden ", said the agency's interlocutor.

. . . . . There will be a raised inscription above the unfolded book "For special achievements in learning", - noted a representative of the mayor's office, adding that each medal is packaged in a blue velvet case.

On Tuesday, at a meeting of the Moscow government, it was decided that in 2014 the medals "For special achievements in learning" will be received not only by schoolchildren who have excellent grades in their certificates in all subjects, but also by prize-winners and winners of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as graduates who score 100 points in one subject on the Unified State Exam. According to the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina, in total, in 2014, about 5 thousand students of capital schools can be awarded medals for good studies in Moscow.

In the old days the ending high school with a gold medal was a guarantee that any higher educational institutions are open to the children.

Benefits for gold medalists

The 11th grade certificate was issued in a special format; it was a kind of pass for preferential admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. Of course, this situation also contributed to the emergence of grounds for abuse by the administration of the educational institution. Many high school students dreamed of receiving an excellent certificate for the 11th grade without any problems and being a student of their chosen university without additional exams and problems.

Modern realities

After the breakup Soviet Union Enough time has passed, society has changed, but gold and silver medals remained in educational institutions. Some educational institutions do not take them into account when compiling ranking lists of applicants, but most of institutions of secondary and senior management adds points to excellent students and willingly accepts such graduates into its walls.

The medal winner must take additional exams along with the rest of the applicants, while the gold medal of the school graduate guarantees priority in situations where several children have the same number of points.

The incentive to receive such a high award as a medal is the opportunity to receive various awards established by city authorities, numerous sponsors, and founding committees of the educational institution.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal at school?

Let's try to figure out how to get a gold medal at school. The badge “For exceptional academic achievements” is awarded to students in grades 11 (12) who have only excellent grades in each half-year at the senior level of education. In addition, one of the requirements for presenting this prestigious award is passing mandatory final exams in the form of the Unified State Exam in grade 11 (12) no lower than passing score. Currently, such mandatory exams are in two main subjects: mathematics and Russian language.

The conditions for receiving a gold medal at school do not allow such an award to be received by students who studied externally, as well as by those children who received excellent marks when retaking exams.

The decision on whether to award certain students with a gold medal is made by the teaching council of a particular educational institution. Next, the decision is coordinated with local executive authorities and approved by a special order of the school director. Complete secondary education is a chance for children to enter higher institutions, become the owner of a prestigious profession.

Way to success

Many first-graders ask how to get a gold medal at school and systematically move towards the task. You will have to work hard to achieve such a high result. The school administration is trying to provide every possible support to talented children who did not receive a single “good” mark in the 10th grade. If desired, a potential medalist can also obtain additional teaching aids and consultations with teachers outside of class hours. Besides excellent studies Special emphasis should be placed on active social life. Such guys also succeed in competitions at various levels, conduct research, participate in projects and competitions. Complete secondary education is hard work, especially if the student is studying at full capacity and demonstrates good results in educational activities.

Regulations on awarding the medal “For special achievements in training”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a special regulation, which specifies all the rules on how to receive a gold medal at school. In addition to “gold”, “silver” is issued.

  1. Graduates of 11 (12) grades studying in schools that have an official certificate of accreditation have the right to receive such an award. Graduates of professional institutions can also receive the medal. primary education that have passed state accreditation.
  2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates who have final grades “excellent” in all subjects for half a year or a year, and who have successfully passed final exams. A similar award is given to graduates of vocational schools who, upon receiving a complete secondary general education, have demonstrated excellent knowledge in all disciplines, including their specialty, in six months or a year, and have passed exams with “5”.
  3. If in one of the semesters a graduate had no more than two “good” marks, he has a chance to receive a silver medal, but he is deprived of the right to receive “gold”.

Graduates who become owners of a gold or silver medal, emphasizing their special successes in the learning process, are awarded a special certificate with silver or gold embossing. Medals are awarded at graduation along with an official document indicating the appropriate level of education.


When answering the question “How to get a gold medal at school?”, you need to understand that children who, in addition to the usual ones, in their individual curricula can count on such a prestigious assessment of educational activities academic disciplines choose various elective and optional courses. For many modern graduates, being awarded a gold medal at graduation becomes confirmation of high intellectual development. Parents of gold medalists are rightfully proud of their excellent students, because their merits are recognized already during their studies at school. A gold medal is the highest standard that many strive for modern teenagers, in whose life plans includes further education in prestigious educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Just recently, graduating from school with a gold medal opened the door to any university for an applicant, giving him considerable benefits upon admission. Judge for yourself - the winner of the coveted award could enter any educational institution without competition. The most prestigious universities readily opened their doors to the golden and. But this also gave rise to rich soil for abuse, because it was very tempting to enter college without problems and exams. Now times have changed, benefits are a thing of the past and the gold medalist will have to participate in the entrance tests on a general basis. Why is a gold medal needed now, what does it give? Although it does not exempt its holder from having to take exams, it does give him priority for admission if several applicants score the same number of points. In addition, there are a considerable number of private universities, the management of which grants gold medalists the right to become students without any entrance exams. Another incentive to graduate from school with a gold medal can be the fact that city authorities very often reward graduates who have distinguished themselves in this way. cash payments or valuable gifts. And, of course, we should not forget that such an award becomes a worthy reward for especially diligent students.

Conditions for receiving a gold medal at school

How to get a gold medal? A gold medal for graduating from school, or, more precisely, a medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to those students in grades 11 (12) who have semi-annual, annual and final grades of “five” (in Ukraine, respectively, “ten”, “ eleven", "twelve") in all subjects included in the curriculum, and who received the same marks at the state (final) certification. Students who are studying externally or who received excellent grades as a result of re-certification carried out to improve their scores cannot receive a gold medal. The decision to award a gold medal is made by the pedagogical council of the general education educational institution, consistent with local authority education management and approved by order of the school director.

Thus, to become the rightful owner of the coveted award, you need to make a lot of effort. In fact, to receive only excellent grades in all subjects included in the course of two very difficult years of study (grades 10 and 11) school curriculum, it’s not easy at all. But if a student is firmly convinced of his desire to become a gold medalist, his path to this award should begin with a conversation with the school principal. Having declared his intentions, the future medalist has every chance of receiving additional support from the school administration in the form of the necessary teaching aids, literature, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. An additional advantage in determining a candidate for a medal will also be an active public life student: participation in olympiads, conferences, competitions and even KVN.

As can be seen from the above, obtaining the highest school award is a very labor-intensive task, requiring full dedication to the educational process for at least two years. The aspiration is, without a doubt, honorable, but does not bring significant benefits. That is why it would be much more advisable not to chase after a medal, but to focus your energy on adequate preparation for passing the unified state exam and entering a university.

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ORDER of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03-12-99 1076 (as amended on 06-05-2000) ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON GOLD AND SILVER MEDAL FOR... Relevant in 2018


1. Graduates and students educational institutions Those who have demonstrated ability and hard work in learning are awarded gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning”, a certificate of merit “For special success in the study of individual subjects” and a certificate of merit “For excellent achievements in learning”.

2. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are awarded to graduates of grades XI (XII), regardless of the form of education. educational institutions who have a certificate of state accreditation, as well as, regardless of the form of education, graduates of primary institutions vocational education who have a certificate of state accreditation, have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education.

3. The diploma of commendation “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” is awarded, regardless of the form of education, to graduates of classes IX and XI (XII) of general education institutions that have a certificate of state accreditation, as well as, regardless of the form of education, graduates of primary vocational education institutions that have certificate of state accreditation.

4. Students in transfer classes of general education institutions are awarded a certificate of merit “For excellent academic achievements.”

5. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions who have semi-annual (trimester), annual and final grades of “5” in all subjects studied in classes of the third stage of general education, and who received at the state (final) certification mark "5".

6. The silver medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions who have in the following subjects:

In X grade, based on the results of the first half of the year (trimester), the grades are “5” and “4”; at the end of the second half of the year (second and third trimesters) marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”, annual and final marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”;

in grades XI and XII, based on the results of each half-year (trimester) and annual grades of “5” and no more than two grades of “4”;

at the state (final) certification and in the certificate of secondary (complete) general education, the final marks are “5” and no more than two marks “4”.

7. Graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions who have not passed the state (final) certification or have not fully studied the subjects of the curriculum of a general education institution are not awarded medals.

Graduates assigned to a special group for health reasons or exempted from classes due to health reasons physical culture, labor training and computer science, who have passed state (final) certification and have the appropriate marks, are awarded medals on a general basis.

8. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates of institutions of primary vocational education, certified for the appropriate level of qualifications in the profession, with the simultaneous receipt of secondary (complete) general education, having semi-annual, annual and final grades of “5” in all subjects for the entire course of study and passed the final exams with a grade of “5”.

The silver medal "For special achievements in learning" is awarded to graduates of institutions of primary vocational education who have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education, who have received semi-annual, annual and final grades of "5" and no more than two during their studies in all courses. items marked "4" that received a final exams marks "5" and no more than two marks "4".

9. Changing semi-annual (trimester), annual and final grades received by a graduate in the X, XI and XII grades of general education institutions or in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of primary vocational education institutions is not allowed.

10. The decision to award graduates of general education institutions and institutions of primary vocational education with gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” and a diploma of commendation “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” is made, respectively, by the pedagogical council of the general education institution and the council of the institution of primary vocational education.

The decision of the pedagogical council of a general education institution to award graduates of the 11th and 12th grades with gold medals is approved government agency subject education management Russian Federation, on awarding silver medals - by the local (municipal) education authority.

The decision of the council of an institution of primary vocational education to award graduates with gold or silver medals is approved by the state educational authority (vocational training) of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

11. Awarding medals to graduates of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of other ministries and departments is carried out in accordance with these Regulations and the procedure for considering materials for awards established for them by these ministries and departments.

12. A certificate of commendation “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” is awarded to:

graduates of IX and XI (XII) classes of general education institutions who have achieved particular success in studying one or more subjects, having received quarter (six-month, trimester), annual and final grades of "5" in them during their studies in classes at the corresponding level of general education and received he received the mark “5” on the state (final) certification, with positive marks in other subjects;

Graduates of institutions of primary vocational education who have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education and have achieved particular success in studying one or more subjects, having grades “5” in them during their studies in all courses and having received a mark at the state (final) certification "5" with positive marks in other subjects.

13. Students of transfer classes of general education institutions who have quarter (trimester) and annual grades of “5” in all subjects studied in the corresponding class are awarded a certificate of merit “For excellent academic achievements.”

14. The decision to award graduates of general education institutions with a certificate of merit “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” and students of transfer classes with a certificate of merit “For excellent achievements in learning” is made by the pedagogical council of the general education institution.

The decision to award graduates of institutions of primary vocational education with a diploma of commendation “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” is made by the council of the institution of primary vocational education.

15. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation develops and approves samples of forms of a certificate of merit “For special achievements in the study of certain subjects” and a certificate of merit “For excellent achievements in learning.”

16. Graduates awarded gold or silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are issued documents on the appropriate level of education on forms, respectively, with gold or silver embossing, awarded with a certificate of commendation - on standard forms.

17. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” and a certificate of commendation “For special achievements in the study of individual subjects” are awarded to awarded graduates along with a document on the appropriate level of education.

18. A certificate of merit “For excellent academic achievements” is awarded to awarded students at the end of the academic year.

In order to stimulate and encourage students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in educational activities, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Establish a medal "For special achievements in learning."

2. Approve:

2.1. Regulations on the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 1).

2.2. Description of the medal "For special achievements in learning" (Appendix 2).

3. Financial support for activities related to the production of the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period as part of the implementation State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")."

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on issues social development Pechatnikova L.M.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

about the medal "For special achievements in learning"

Graduates of educational organizations that implement basic educational programs of secondary general education located on the territory of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as graduates) are awarded the medal “For special achievements in learning.”

Graduates are recognized as having achieved particular success in their educational activities if they:

They are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;

Scored the highest number of unified state exam points in one general education subject;

They have final grades “excellent” in all subjects of the curriculum for educational programs of secondary general education and scored a total of at least 220 points in three general education subjects when passing the unified state exam.

In order to form a list of graduates recommended for awarding the medal “For Special Achievements in Education.” The Moscow Department of Education is creating a commission.

The decision to award is made by the head of the Moscow Department of Education in accordance with the conclusion of the commission created by the Moscow Department of Education, and is approved by order of the Moscow Department of Education.

The regulations on the commission and its composition, the procedure for awarding the medal “For Special Achievement in Education” are approved by the Moscow Department of Education.

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" will not be awarded again.

Medal "For Special Achievements in Education"

The medal "For Special Achievement in Education" is a disk with a diameter of 40 mm, a thickness of 3 mm, made of tombac. The color of the medal is golden.

On the front side of the medal (obverse) there is a relief image of the facade of the Moscow Government building, located at the address: Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 13. Along the upper edge of the front side of the medal above the image of the Moscow Government building there is a raised inscription “Moscow”.

On the reverse side of the medal (reverse) there is a relief image of an unfolded book, framed at the bottom by two crossed laurel branches. Above the unfolded book there is a raised inscription “For special achievements in learning.”

Each medal is packaged in a blue velvet case.

Document overview

Graduates educational organizations, implementing the main educational programs of secondary general education, who have achieved special success in their studies, are awarded the medal “For special achievements in learning.”

To receive such a medal, you must be a winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian School Olympiad; score the highest number of Unified State Examination points in one general education subject; have final grades "excellent" in all subjects and score Unified State Exam results at least 220 points in three general education subjects.

The decision on the award is made by the head of the Education Department.