How many days do eggs last? How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator: timing and temperature for the product

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


For normal functioning, the human body requires a constant supply of nutrients. One of the favorite foods of many peoples is eggs - they are not only an excellent source of protein, but also the main component of delicious dishes, most of which are prepared in a matter of minutes, satiate well and for a long time. A couple of boiled eggs, an omelette with vegetables or a sandwich with an egg, poached for breakfast is the best start to the day. Almost every Russian housewife always has a dozen eggs in reserve in the refrigerator, but not everyone knows how to store this valuable product correctly.

How long do eggs last in the refrigerator?

The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator initially depends on whether they have undergone heat treatment. Raw can remain edible for up to three months if stored at low temperatures (2 to 5 degrees above zero). If the product is stored in the refrigerator, but the temperature inside it ranges from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius, the eggs will spoil in about a month. Higher temperature conditions are simply not acceptable for storing such a delicate product.

If the egg is raw, but broken, placed in a container with a lid, at low refrigerator temperatures it will remain relatively fresh for another two days, and without a lid it will become covered with a dry film in just a couple of hours. The shelf life of eggs does not depend on the color of the shell, but solely on its integrity and strength: eggs with a hard, strong shell can remain fresh a little longer. Dirt on the shell significantly reduces the shelf life, but if you wash it, destroying the natural protective barrier, then the testicles will rot even faster.

All of the above storage periods are for chicken eggs; goose and duck eggs spoil faster, so they should be consumed no later than two weeks after laying. Turkey eggs remain suitable for as long as chicken eggs, but dietary quail eggs last longer than others - up to 120 days in the refrigerator and about a month at room temperature. Such a long shelf life is ensured by their high content of lysozyme, a natural antibiotic that can prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the shelf life of guinea fowl eggs (poultry of the chicken genus), whose shell is much stronger and contains 3 times fewer pores than the shell of a chicken egg, so this product is stored at low refrigerator temperatures and even just in a cool room much longer . Guinea fowl eggs remain suitable for consumption for up to six months if stored at temperatures ranging from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

Poultry products that have undergone heat treatment may not spoil in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, if we are talking about hard-boiled eggs. Soft-boiled eggs spoil more quickly, and the culprit is the yolk, which can be stored much shorter than the white. Easter eggs and krashenki can be consumed throughout the week, even if they are just lying in a cool room, because thanks to the protective layer of paint and vegetable oil, which is used to add shine to the painted shell, such a product does not spoil longer.

Boiled eggs, whose shells are intact and without damage, are stored better, which is why the maximum shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is determined to be 20 days. Cleaned poultry products must be eaten within four days - they simply will not last longer. Moreover, they must be stored exclusively at low air temperatures in an airtight container. You can find out how long boiled eggs prepared in different ways can be stored in the refrigerator from the table:

Cooking method

Shelf life


In order for boiled eggs to remain fresh and edible for as long as possible, they must be prepared correctly for storage:

  1. Boil hard-boiled for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Cool with cold water, then wipe dry with a napkin.
  3. Place in a clean, dry container or enamel container with a lid and store in the depths of the refrigerator.

Shelf life in the freezer

The freezer is not the best place to store eggs, because due to prolonged exposure to very low temperatures, this product loses almost all of its beneficial properties. If you find eggs among your supplies that are approaching their expiration date, it is better to freeze them so that you can use them later for cooking, rather than throwing them away now. You can freeze both raw and boiled eggs; the shelf life of both types in the freezer is up to one year. To freeze raw eggs you need:

  1. Break them one by one into a deep plate, remove the remaining shells, and shake a little with a fork.
  2. Add a pinch of salt or sugar and stir so that after defrosting the consistency of the egg mixture remains homogeneous and does not become grainy.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into a clean, dry container of a suitable size, without adding 1-2 cm to the edges - it will expand under the influence of negative temperatures.
  4. Write the freezing date on the lid of the container and store it in the freezer.

If you want to freeze boiled eggs, use only the yolks, and use the boiled whites now, because once defrosted, their grainy texture is unlikely to remain suitable for cooking. To freeze boiled yolks:

  1. Place them in a deep saucepan, cover with cold water, and place over high heat.
  2. Once boiling, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Then remove the yolks with a slotted spoon, remove any remaining liquid, place in a container and freeze.

What determines the shelf life

There are several factors that directly affect the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator. This:

  • temperature regime;
  • shell integrity;
  • storage.

The main criterion still remains the integrity of the shell, because if it is mechanically damaged, the time during which the product will retain freshness and taste is sharply reduced. Thus, eggs with shells cracked during boiling or completely cleared of them can be stored at low refrigerator temperatures for no more than four days. An unpleasant consequence of storing a product longer than the specified period is the risk of infection with pathogenic microflora, which sharply increases the risk of food poisoning.

How to store

If you want to keep eggs fresh and tasty for as long as possible, keep them in a clean, closed container on one of the refrigerator shelves (preferably the top) near the back wall, but not on the refrigerator door, where there are special cells for this. The fact is that frequent opening and closing of the refrigerator inevitably leads to the temperature of the food located on the door fluctuating rather than remaining stable. Such changes have a negative impact on any food product, but this causes the testicles to deteriorate much faster.

Another fact against storing eggs on the refrigerator door is that for a long shelf life the eggs must remain motionless, so it is better to place them on the special tray in which they were sold, somewhere inside the refrigerator itself. Place the eggs on a tray or in a container with the sharp end down and always away from sharp and strong-smelling foods. Eggs instantly absorb extraneous odors, although boiled and peeled, they can also create a not-so-pleasant aroma inside the refrigerator.


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Chicken eggs are a healthy product that contains a large amount of nutrients. For a healthy person, the need for them ranges from 0.5 to 2 pcs. in a day. Chicken eggs contain B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H and choline.

The product is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, selenium, etc.

Considering all the benefits of chicken eggs, there is a need for their proper use. You need to know how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator and what conditions are necessary for this.

It is not always possible to store eggs outside of the refrigerator. If the content is inappropriate, the beneficial substances disintegrate and the product may deteriorate.

What factors affect storage time?

Eggs are a staple of the human diet, so they should be consumed regularly. Only fresh and usable specimens bring benefits to the body, so you need to know the peculiarities of their content.

Many factors influence the suitability of food, but it is recommended to store chicken eggs in the refrigerator. At room temperature, they spoil quickly, regardless of whether they are cooked or raw. A heat-treated product can be used for no more than 12 hours if it has been outside the refrigerator.

The length of storage is also affected by proper preparation. Before you start the cooking process, the egg should warm up a little (if it was taken out of the refrigerator). Then you need to boil water and cook the product for 10–15 minutes. This is the optimal time for hard-boiled cooking.

There are different shelf life periods for hard-boiled and half-cooked (soft-boiled) eggs. A poultry product prepared hard-boiled has a longer shelf life in the refrigerator - 14–20 days, and a soft-boiled product - no more than 2 days.

Separately, it is worth considering Easter colors. Since the dye layer creates some kind of protection, the food will be edible a little longer. So, if the shell is intact, then when using natural pigment, the shelf life of boiled dye is up to 14 days. If painting was done using chemical dyes, shelf life is no more than 2 days. It is recommended to eat Easter dye with thermal film no later than 3 days after preparation.

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In addition to the cooking method, the following factors influence how to properly store eggs in the refrigerator:

  1. Storage conditions. If the product was purchased in a place where all necessary standards, such as temperature and humidity, are met, then it is good for 25–30 days. Storing hard-boiled, boiled and raw poultry products in the refrigerator is also different. When eaten raw, it has a longer shelf life.
  2. Factory and non-factory origin. Industrially produced food is marked on the shell with the date of origin. You definitely need to pay attention to this indicator. The shelf life of a product produced at a poultry farm is no longer than 30 days. Homemade eggs have a longer shelf life - up to 3 months. But when purchasing farm goods, you need to check the date of origin of the eggs and use the “7 days” rule, i.e. it is recommended to reduce the storage period by 7 days.
  3. Condition of the shell. If a boiled egg has a damaged shell, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days, and a broken raw egg can be stored for no more than 1–2 days. The white shell is thinner than the brown shell, so it is more susceptible to cracks.

Secrets of refrigerator storage

There are some rules for storing eggs in the refrigerator. They will help extend and control their shelf life. Please note the following:

  1. Almost all refrigerators have special compartments for eggs. They are located on the door of the refrigerator; they keep in containers only those specimens that will be eaten in the near future. The door is often opened, temperature fluctuations occur, which negatively affects the freshness of such food.
  2. If household appliances are equipped with a special chamber designed for fruits and vegetables, then it is better to place the poultry product in this compartment. It maintains stable temperature indicators.
  3. The optimal temperature for storing eggs in the refrigerator is +2…+4°C. If you store them at a temperature of +1...+2°C, then raw specimens can be kept for up to 40–45 days, and hard-boiled ones for up to 20 days.
  4. Eggs, regardless of whether they are boiled or not, are recommended to be placed in special containers or on a shelf, closer to the back wall.
  5. Place the product in the container correctly - with the sharp end down. Instances should not touch each other. The container must be well closed so that odors from other food do not penetrate.
  6. Raw eggs can be stored longer in the refrigerator if their natural protective shell is not damaged. Therefore, it is better not to wash the product before storing.
  7. For convenience, many housewives recommend writing on the container the date when the product was prepared or purchased. This makes it easier to control its suitability.

Storing food in the refrigerator depends on many factors, but by following simple rules, you can enjoy fresh food longer.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator: table of temperature conditions

Type of egg preparation and productionTime spent in the refrigerator at the appropriate temperature
+2…+5°С5°C and above
Raw homemade, without cracksup to 90 daysup to 30 days
Homemade hard-boiled, without cracksup to 20 daysup to 5-7 days
Raw factory, no cracksup to 28-30 daysup to 14 days
Factory hard-boiled, without cracksup to 10-14 daysup to 4 days
Broken raw (regardless of type of production)1-2 days0 days
Cracked hard-boiled (regardless of type of production)up to 3-4 days1-2 days
Peeled boiledup to 3 days1 day

The refrigerator is a great place for eggs, especially boiled ones. It creates optimal conditions for food preservation. And the main indicator is temperature. It is necessary to take it into account and know under what parameters food acquires an optimal shelf life. These indicators are shown in the table above.

Eggs can be consumed boiled for quite a long time. But you should always be careful. Before starting a meal, you should make sure that the product is safe to eat.

A cooked dish whose protein has acquired a blue or gray tint and an unpleasant odor is unfit for food.

The maximum shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator depends on many factors. This may include the type of product, its age, environmental conditions in the chamber, and the fact of heat treatment of the component. The recommendations here are quite clear and specific; violation of them is fraught with serious negative consequences for the body.

In addition to observing the time periods, every housewife should know how to properly store eggs so that they do not lose their nutritional value and taste. There are not many rules and nuances; they are all accessible, logical and easy to implement.

What conditions are considered optimal for storing food?

No matter how long you plan to store the eggs, they need to be provided with suitable conditions. The component, unique in its structure, is very demanding on the environment, which many housewives are not even aware of. Despite the dense protective shell, raw and cooked ingredients are highly susceptible to external factors. For this reason, you need to take care of the following points:

  • The temperature in this case is not so critical; its range can be from 3 to 20ºС.
  • Components are stored much longer if the humidity is no more than 85%, and the place itself is cool and shaded.
  • Many housewives make the same mistake - they throw away paper and plastic trays in which stores offer the product. In fact, storing eggs in such devices is not only more convenient, but also has a positive effect on the quality of the food component.

  • No matter how long the eggs lie in the refrigerator, even just a few hours, they will have time to absorb the sharp specific odors of citrus fruits, fish, mushrooms, aromatic spices, and smoked meats. Therefore, the listed products should be placed as far from each other as possible. By the way, the mentioned trays provide additional protection against the penetration of odors through the porous shell.
  • Items should be placed in trays with the pointed end down.

For chicken or duck eggs, the optimal place is considered to be a compartment in the refrigerator, located against the wall or directly above the freezer. But quail analogues are usually stored in special closed trays on the doors.

How long can raw eggs be stored?

How long fresh eggs are allowed to be stored depends primarily on the type of product. At home, you can use the following indicators:

  • It is not recommended to keep goose and duck eggs in the refrigerator for more than two weeks. Chicken and turkey analogues can remain fresh for up to 3-4 weeks.
  • The question that raises controversy is how long quail eggs can be stored. Some claim that they contain an amino acid that inhibits the development of certain bacteria, so that the product does not spoil for three months. In fact, there is no point in delaying the use of components. Firstly, some harmful microorganisms still remain, and secondly, beneficial components can be destroyed over time.

Tip: Some housewives wash eggs in warm water with a little soap before putting them in the refrigerator or storage basket. It is strictly forbidden to do this, because... The protective properties of the shell are reduced, causing the products to spoil much faster. Processing of components must be carried out immediately before their preparation.

  • Raw, shelled eggs are stored only in the refrigerator and no longer than 1-2 days.

Fresh eggs can be safely stored at room temperature as long as there are no cracks or scratches in the shell. But in this case, all terms are reduced by at least two times.

Rules for storing boiled product

How long to store a boiled egg depends on the degree of its processing and external conditions. In this case, the optimal temperature is considered to be within 0-5ºС. Then the timing will be as follows:

  • Hard-boiled products will last for up to 5-7 days without changing texture or taste. Boiled ingredients “in a bag” will begin to deteriorate within a couple of days, just like soft-boiled products. Products with shells cracked during cooking can be stored for no more than two days, regardless of the duration of processing.
  • The same rules apply to eggs dyed for Easter, but only if natural dyes were used. The use of thermal film reduces the ability of eggs to breathe, which is why eggs boiled in this way spoil faster. They need to be used 1-2 days faster. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the condition of such a product. If the dyeing procedure was carried out with technical violations, water may get under the shell. In this case, after a couple of days the eggs will begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

  • Boiled and peeled eggs should not be refrigerated for more than three days. It is recommended to use airtight containers to store them.
  • It is better not to store heat-treated eggs at room temperature at all. As a last resort, the maximum period under such conditions cannot exceed two days.

Among other things, you need to take into account the characteristics of the current season and the quality of heating in the room. On hot days, the given periods are noticeably reduced, because... Constantly opening the refrigerator door leads to an increase in the temperature in its chamber. And products that have been pre-boiled and taken on the road must be consumed within 12 hours.

Eggs are the most famous product in the history of cooking, providing humans with high-quality protein, vitamins and microelements. Is there a way to preserve the beneficial properties of an egg for as long as possible? We reveal the secrets of proper storage of such a valuable product.

  • duck
  • ostrich
  • quail
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • goose
  • guinea fowl

To be fair, it is worth noting that the egg of any bird is edible. The main condition is that the product must be as fresh as possible!

Important. Poisoning from stale eggs ranks second after mushrooms in food poisoning statistics.

Shelf life of raw eggs

The shelf life of eggs at room temperature and in the refrigerator depends on many factors.

  1. Storage temperature
  • The optimal temperature is considered to be within 3-4⁰С
  • For comparison: 1 day of storing a chicken egg at room temperature corresponds to 1 week of storage in the refrigerator
  • The more stable the temperature, the longer the product will retain its freshness.
  1. Humidity

Surprisingly, eggs love moist air. This is why many cooks and poultry farmers recommend storing eggs in the refrigerator in vegetable containers. At the same time, excess moisture can cause putrefactive processes and spoil the product.

  1. Shell thickness

The thicker the shell and the denser the inner film of the egg, the longer it will be stored (even without refrigeration). Guinea eggs, which have a relatively thick shell, remain fresh at room temperature for more than 30 days.

  1. Shell integrity

The shell is an ideal shell created by nature itself. Even the most microscopic cracks that appear on it disrupt the internal balance and shorten the shelf life of the egg.

  1. Cleanliness of the shell: the cleaner the surface, the fewer pathogenic organisms there are on it
  • But this does not mean that the eggs of non-waterfowl birds need to be washed urgently. Washed raw eggs have a sharply reduced shelf life. This is due to the need for the egg to “breathe”. When washing eggshells, the pores become clogged, which prevents the natural exchange of gases between the internal contents of the egg and the environment. Eggs are washed with warm water immediately before use. Heavily contaminated eggs are used first
  • Eggs laid by waterfowl can and should be washed with water before storing!
  1. Illumination

Eggs don't like sunlight! The darker the storage location, the longer the eggs will last.

  1. Position

This placement of eggs is quite justified. The fact is that in the round, blunt part of the egg there is an air chamber, the so-called “puga”. Nature created the puga as an oxygen cushion for the future chick. Puga and more than 10,000 pores of the shell saturate the egg with oxygen, removing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide outside the shell

These are general rules that extend the shelf life of all bird eggs. Read below about the storage features of individual types.

What is the shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator?

Chicken eggs remain the most popular product around the world.

If you buy eggs in a store, carefully read the labeling. It is she who will tell you how long the product you purchase can be stored, because the shelf life of dietary and table eggs is different. The explanation of the marking is shown in the photo below.

Important: do not forget to pay attention to the packaging date of the eggs

Shelf life of quail eggs in the refrigerator

Quail eggs, in comparison with chicken eggs, are smaller in size and have a thinner shell. This also leads to a shorter shelf life of the product, even in the presence of a refrigerator. So, at a temperature of 18-23⁰ and in compliance with all the above rules, a quail egg can be stored for no more than 30 days. In the refrigerator, shelf life increases to 60 days.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

In the case of eggs, the generally accepted logic is not acceptable: heat treatment does not increase, but sharply reduces the shelf life of the product.

A boiled chicken egg remains suitable for consumption.

  • at room temperature no more than 24 hours
  • in the refrigerator - 3-5 days (depending on the initial freshness of the egg and the cooking method). Storage for more than 5 days degrades the nutritional characteristics of the product. Eating boiled eggs that have been in the refrigerator for more than 10 days can be hazardous to health.

Important: we are talking about an unpeeled boiled egg!

Why do boiled eggs last less?

This is all due to the effects of high temperatures, as a result of which

  • the natural protection of the shell is destroyed
  • the white and yolk coagulate - the process of so-called denaturation occurs
  • the natural processes inside the shell are disrupted, because the main purpose of the egg is not to become breakfast

Shelf life of eggs for incubation

The main purpose of the egg is to become the cradle of new life.

How well an egg will cope with its primary task depends on the conditions of its storage. Different rules apply here

  1. The optimal temperature for storing eggs before incubation is 8-15⁰С, for ostrich eggs - 16-18⁰С
  2. Humidity - 75-80%
  3. Laying method
  • avoid multi-tiered laying of eggs
  • use special trays for laying
  • Place ostrich, quail, chicken, and turkey eggs vertically, with the blunt end up. To prevent tearing and stretching of hailstones, movement of the embryo and drying out of the medium, turn the eggs from top to bottom from time to time
  • Store goose and duck eggs in a horizontal position, also changing their position from time to time. To avoid confusion when turning over the incubation material, mark one side of the egg with a simple pencil
  1. Shelf life of eggs at optimal temperature
  • chicken, ostrich and quail - 6-7 days
  • turkey -5-6 days
  • duck - 8-10 days
  • goose - 10-12 days

Features of use and shelf life of goose eggs

Waterfowl eggs are rare guests on our tables.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Geese and ducks are not laying hens by definition. Their eggs are primarily used to replenish the bird population. Rejected raw materials not suitable for incubation are used in cooking
  2. It is customary to eat waterfowl eggs only after heat treatment due to the high risk of salmonellosis infection
  3. The storage conditions for eggs are almost identical to the storage conditions for chicken eggs, but the shelf life is longer due to the high density of the shell

If you are lucky enough to own goose or duck chickens, don't be embarrassed by a new culinary experience! These products have proven themselves excellent in baked goods, omelettes, and salads.

Features of use and shelf life of ostrich eggs

The ostrich confidently conquers northern latitudes and feels great in our climate, which is far from African.

  • Ostrich eggs are a dietary product, while retaining all the beneficial properties of a chicken egg.
  • One ostrich egg can make an omelette for 8-10 people. A cracked egg can be stored in a hermetically sealed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without losing its beneficial properties.
  • At room temperature, an ostrich egg can be stored for up to 30 days, provided the shell is not damaged. Refrigerated shelf life increases to 6 months

The video at the end of the article will tell you more about how long eggs should be stored.

Video: How to store eggs correctly?

Eggs are a low-calorie product endowed with beneficial properties by nature. They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Housewives usually face the question of how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator in cases where they accumulate in large quantities in the household. before and after Easter celebrations, because this is the time of the real abundance of eggs in any home.

Refrigerated storage: what affects shelf life

One or two dozen - this is the quantity that a housewife usually buys for one family. They spoil quite quickly, so it is better to understand the shelf life of eggs before stocking up in large quantities. In our case, everything depends on two points:

  • how long did it take to prepare them;
  • exactly how they were cooked.

Hard-cooked eggs have a shelf life of 5 to 7 days. When preparing the product “in a bag” or soft-boiled, the period is reduced to 2 days. Eggs with shells cracked during cooking also have a short shelf life - 2-3 days.

For eggs with Easter coloring, the shelf life does not change only if natural dyes are used, such as onion peels, beet juice, turmeric and others. They are suitable for consumption for a maximum of a week. The use of thermal film for decoration reduces the shelf life by two days, since heat exchange is disrupted. In addition, if the decorating procedure is carried out incorrectly, water accumulates under the film. After about a day, an unpleasant odor appears.

How many days can they be stored in the refrigerator if they are shelled? The question is also relevant for housewives. There are also deadlines for such cases. By placing the eggs in a container and putting them in the refrigerator, you can expect the product to be safe for three days.

What affects the shelf life of eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs is influenced by a number of reasons. Among them are:

  • what degree of freshness the product was at the time of its purchase, what were the conditions of its storage;
  • whether the technology for preparing eggs was followed - a product cooled in the refrigerator should not be immediately immersed in boiling water, this way you can prevent the appearance of cracks on the shell, which cause their premature spoilage;
  • Have the eggs been inspected before the end of cooking? If there are cracks, the shelf life is reduced.

Conditions for storing eggs in the refrigerator

It is imperative to avoid contact of eggs with raw meat and fish products. It is better not to leave them for storage in refrigerator compartments, since temperature changes occur when the doors are opened. A container is more suitable for storage. It will protect against odors from other foods in the refrigerator. Dishes can be enameled, metal, plastic. Thus, how long you can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator depends on the storage location - the door or shelf of the refrigerator.

Some sources say that boiled eggs can remain in the refrigerator for up to twenty days. But you shouldn’t really trust this. Such shelf life is realistic for products with antibiotics. For many producers, it is the norm to add them to poultry food. This increases the shelf life of eggs and protects against animal diseases. Also, products reach customers closer to the end of their shelf life; they can be counted by production date. Accordingly, it quickly becomes unsuitable for nutrition.

Thus, how long raw eggs can be stored in the refrigerator must be determined taking into account the listed conditions in each case individually.