How many boards are there in a cube of unedged boards? How to calculate the cubic capacity of an unedged board

September 27, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

As a rule, the volume of boards is measured in cubic meters, so when purchasing material you often have to count how many boards are in a cube. If this task causes you difficulties, I suggest you figure out how to solve it quickly and correctly.

How to calculate

As you know, the material in question is of two types:

  • Edged - has a smooth cut edge;
  • Unedged (shalevka) - the edges are not sawn, so they may have a wane. As a result, the width of the plate is unstable.

The calculation method depends on the type of product processing, so we will further consider both options.


It is very easy to calculate the number of edged boards in 1 m3, since it has the correct geometry. To do this, you must first calculate the volume of a unit of product using the standard formula - V=a*b*c. For example, its length is 5 meters, thickness 3 cm and width 30 cm. In this case, V = 5x0.3x0.03 = 0.045 m3.

Now we count how many pieces are in a cube - 1/0.045 = 22.2~22 pieces. If, for example, you calculate that you need to purchase 50 units, the cubic capacity will be equal to 50x0.045 = 2.25 m3.

It must be said that cubic capacity can be measured in batches, i.e. a whole stack if the lumber is laid neatly. Knowing the volume of the stack and the amount of material in it, you can calculate the volume of a product unit by dividing the total cubic capacity by the number of pieces in the package. This will allow you to calculate the amount of material in 1m3 according to the above diagram.

Of course, such a calculation is not entirely accurate, since it largely depends on how neatly the stack is folded. But, in most cases, high accuracy is not required.

To avoid recalculation, you can use reference data. The table below shows the number of boards 6 meters long per cubic meter:


Number unedged boards It is impossible to accurately calculate in a cube, since this material does not have clear dimensions. However, it is also not difficult to obtain an approximate value.

For example, if you are going to sheathe something with wood, then you need to calculate the area that will be sheathed. Then the resulting value should be multiplied by the thickness of the material - this will be the required cubic capacity. The number in this case does not matter.

If you need to find out the number of pieces in 1m3, a table with average values ​​will come to the rescue:

Our portal has an online calculator that allows you to quickly calculate the number of different lumber in a cube or vice versa - cubic capacity, if the quantity is known.

  1. Determine the average thickness of the shalevka in the stack. For example, if the maximum width of the plate is 35 cm and the minimum is 10 cm, the average width will be (35 10)/2 = 22.5;
  2. Now you can calculate the volume of one shalevka using the standard formula, for example, the length is 4 meters and the thickness is 20 mm. In this case, V=4x0.225x0.02=0.018m3;
  3. Now we count the number of pieces in a cube - 1/0.018 = 55.5 pieces. 5 meter boards.

Keep in mind that companies that sell lumber always round up quantities in their favor. Therefore, you should buy with a small margin.

  1. The height, length and width of the package are measured, after which all parameters are multiplied;
  2. The resulting cubic capacity is multiplied by a factor of 0.96;
  3. Next, the resulting value lasts for the volume of the shalevka (average in width).

Please note that bags often contain spacers, e.g. wooden blocks, providing ventilation of the space inside the stack. Therefore, when calculating the height of the stack, you need to measure the height of the bars and multiply the resulting value by their number in the vertical row. Then the total height of the spacers must be subtracted from the height of the stack.

If you are going to trim the edges later, keep in mind that an unedged board produces 80% edged board.

Here, in fact, are all the instructions for calculating the amount of lumber in a cube. In the same way, you can calculate the volume of the timber.

A few words about weight

When purchasing a board, the weight of 1m3 is important, since the choice of transport for delivery depends on it. Weight depends on two parameters:

  • Density of wood. As is known, different breeds have different densities;
  • Humidity. The higher the moisture content of the lumber, the heavier it is.

Of course, theoretically, you can put one board on the scales with your own hands and multiply the resulting value by the number of pieces in the cube. But since exact value usually not required, it’s easier to use data from the table:

Despite the fact that the price of raw material is much lower than dry material, it is usually not advisable to purchase it, because during the drying process it can become deformed or crack.


September 27, 2017

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This article will provide detailed information that will allow you to most correctly calculate the amount of lumber in cubic meter wooden board. Today, edged and unedged boards are the most popular lumber. Manufacturers produce numerous variations of this material in sizes from 16x8 mm to 250x100 mm.

In this case, the width of the board is always at least twice the thickness; if the aspect ratio changes, the material is already called timber. It is customary to measure edged boards in cubic meters, so to determine the cost of work you need to learn how to determine the weight of a cube of edged boards. Fortunately, there are ready-made tables and formulas that will allow you to quickly cope with this task.

As a rule, most novice builders do not think about the question “how much is a cubic meter of boards?” » , but simply use the table below. However, we strongly recommend that you learn how to calculate cubic capacity yourself; this will greatly simplify your work, and only in this case can you consider yourself a professional.

If you compare an edged board with an unedged or one-sided edged one, on the surface of the first there are no places where there used to be bark; this parameter is called wane. A small amount of wane is usually allowed, but the less the better. So, in terms of geometry, such a board is guaranteed to be a rectangular parallelepiped. This figure has three parameters: thickness, width, length, which are usually expressed by the letters a, b, l. These indicators are enough to know how to calculate the cubic capacity of a board in a few seconds.

It is important to know that there is an official standard according to which boards can only be produced with parameter “a” equal to 22, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100 mm. There are also other lumbers that are made from others by planing or sawing. Their width varies from 100 to 250 mm, pitch 50 mm. The length of such boards can be 3, 4, 6 m.

Formula for calculating cubic capacity

Thickness * Width * Length


Once you know all the values, you can quickly answer the question of how to calculate the cubic capacity of the board. Before making calculations, you need to convert all values ​​to meters. For example, we have a board measuring 25 mm x 10 cm x 4 m, when converted to meters it turns out 0.025, 0.1, 4. Now we multiply these parameters:

0.025 * 0.1 * 4 = 0.01

Now we divide the unit by the result obtained and find out how to calculate the cube of boards, or rather the number of boards in a cube of wood.

1 / 0.01 = 100

Thus, a cubic meter will contain 100 boards of the specified sizes. Now you can easily answer the question of how to calculate the cube of boards, but you need to learn how to calculate the amount of lumber needed to complete the work.

What is an inch board and how to calculate its cubic capacity

Inch gauge is just the name of one of the board sizes; there are also forties, fives, and beams, this allows the builder to quickly figure out which board we are talking about. To find out how many inch boards are in a cube, you need to make calculations that are already familiar to us, as a result of which you will get 66 pieces for a board width of 10 cm, and 44 pieces for a board width of 15 cm. As a rule, one cubic meter is enough to cover an area of ​​40 square meters.

As already mentioned, there is also an unedged board, which is obtained as a result of longitudinal sawing of logs without processing on the sides. So finding the answer to the question of how many boards are in a cube of unedged boards is usually somewhat more difficult than in the first case. The point is that unedged lumber Only the width and length are accurately indicated, but the width may vary. Much depends on what part of the tree a particular board is cut from. If you are wondering how to calculate the cubic capacity of an unedged board, you need to first think about the task at hand.

For example, you may need to sheathe a building, in which case you will first find out the finishing area and multiply it by the thickness of the sheathing, this will allow you to calculate the required volume of material. Let's describe this situation in numbers:

How many unedged boards 25 mm thick might be needed for the cladding of a rectangular building 10 * 5 meters and 3 meters high?

We calculate the entire area for finishing; to do this, we multiply the perimeter of the building by its height: (10 + 10 + 5 + 5) * 3 = 90 square meters. Now we multiply the resulting value by the thickness of the material: 90 * 0.025 (convert millimeters to meters) = 2.25 cubic meters.

As you can see, in this case the width of an individual cladding element practically does not matter, since this does not affect the overall cubic capacity. However, sometimes it may still be useful for you to know the average dimensions of the board, which will allow you to approximately find out how many unedged boards are in a cube. These approximate data are shown in the table.

Before the beginning construction work any owner land real estate, on which it is proposed to build a residential structure, wants to know how much material is required. Financial costs will depend on the volume of building materials and their type, which can be difficult for some owners to bear at one time, and they are forced to purchase various materials step by step. In low-rise housing construction, wood and products made from it make up a significant part. Therefore, it is advisable to know how many boards will be needed and how much they will cost.

Thanks to the accurate calculation of the number of boards, you can save a lot and not be deceived

Characteristics of wood materials

Currently the market building materials offers various wood materials at a price in rubles per cubic meter. If it is known how many boards will be needed for arranging the floor, I would like to know their price. In addition, construction requires different kinds wood products, differing in shape, size and price. Therefore, before studying the question of how many boards are in a cube, it is necessary to study the range of offered wooden products. To build your future home, the future homeowner may need:

  • profiled timber of square or rectangular cross-section, the smaller side of which exceeds 100.0 millimeters;
  • a block whose dimensions are:
  • ü 16.0…75.0 millimeters for sawn wood products coniferous species;
  • ü 19.0…100.0 millimeters for hardwood.
  • edged board, processed in three planes, with a thickness of more than 20.0 millimeters, the width of which varies widely;
  • unedged board having two sawn sides, the side edges of which are unprocessed;
  • croaker, which is lumber half sawn from round timber ;
  • terrace board for flooring.

The greatest financial costs will be required for the purchase of the first three types of lumber, so solving the question of how many timber, whetstones or boards are in a cube is most relevant.

Accurate calculation of the amount of lumber in one cubic meter (1 m³)

The task of determining how many boards are in a cube is at the level of arithmetic tasks solved in the first grade. The initial data for calculating how many timber, bars or boards are in a cube are:

  • z – number of boards (pieces);
  • h – thickness of the board (smaller sectional size of the bar) in meters;
  • b – width of lumber (meters)
  • L – length of a unit of lumber (meters).

The volume (V) of one product (board, beam or bar) is determined by the ratio:

V = h×b×L, cubic meters,

and the number of units of lumber per cubic meter is determined as:

Of course, this calculation is quite approximate - it does not take into account the gap between individual products, the type of board processing (grooved, planed), length allowance and other rather specific details. Using the above formulas, it is impossible to calculate the amount of unedged boards or slabs. However, to determine what amount to take with you to the lumber yard, and whether an extra thousand rubles would be a problem there, accuracy is sufficient. More accurate results can be obtained using tabular method calculation.

Tabular determination of the amount of lumber

To determine how many boards are in 1 cube, the calculation table contains columns and rows. The lines indicate the cross-section of the lumber, and the columns (rows) show the calculated values ​​of the volume of one board and the number of boards in one cubic meter. In principle, these values ​​are obtained by calculation, but taking into account correction factors. Let's consider a cutting (part) of the table of how many boards are in 1 cube. Wherein symbols correspond to those used in the above formulas.

Table for calculating the number of boards in 1 cube

Board size Number of pieces per 1 m³
25 x 100 x 600066
25 x 150 x 600044
25 x 200 x 600033
30 x 100 x 600055
30 x 150 x 600037
30 x 200 x 600027
40 x 100 x 600041
40 x 150 x 600027
40 x 200 x 600020
50 x 100 x 600033
50 x 150 x 600022
50 x 200 x 600016

Table for calculating the amount of timber in 1 cube

Beam size Number of pieces per 1 m³
25 x 50 x 3000266
30 x 40 x 3000277
30 x 50 x 3000222
40 x 40 x 3000208
50 x 50 x 3000133
50 x 50 x 600066
50 x 70 x 300095
100 x 100 x 600016
100 x 150 x 600011
100 x 200 x 60008
150 x 150 x 60007
150 x 200 x 60005
200 x 200 x 60004

Calculation table for non-standard boards and timber

Non-standard timber Number of pieces per 1 m³
90 x 90 x 600020
90 x 140 x 600013
90 x 190 x 60009
100 x 250 x 60006
100 x 300 x 60005
140 x 140 x 60008
140 x 190 x 60006
150 x 250 x 60004
150 x 300 x 60003
190 x 190 x 60004
200 x 250 x 60003
200 x 300 x 60002
250 x 300 x 60002
300 x 300 x 60001
Non-standard board Number of pieces per 1 m³
22 x 90 x 600084
22 x 140 x 600054
22 x 190 x 600039
25 x 250 x 600026
25 x 300 x 600022
30 x 250 x 600022
30 x 300 x 600018
35 x 90 x 600052
35 x 140 x 600034
35 x 190 x 600025
40 x 250 x 600016
40 x 300 x 600013
45 x 90 x 600041
45 x 140 x 600026
45 x 190 x 600019
50 x 250 x 600013
50 x 300 x 600011
60 x 100 x 600027
60 x 150 x 600018
60 x 200 x 600013
60 x 250 x 600011
60 x 300 x 60009
70 x 100 x 600023
70 x 150 x 600015
70 x 200 x 600011
70 x 250 x 60009
70 x 300 x 60007
80 x 100 x 600020
80 x 150 x 600013
80 x 200 x 600010
80 x 250 x 60008
80 x 300 x 60006

Before purchasing floorboards, you need to calculate how many cubes of lumber are needed to construct a certain structure. Wherein exact calculation can be done using a regular calculator, knowing the area of ​​the room and the thickness of the board. Such skills will be useful to you not only in order to calculate the volume of lumber for flooring, but also if you decide to build a house, because wood products are used to construct various structures.

Since the price of all lumber when sold is charged per cubic meter, it is important to be able to calculate the need for this particular unit of measurement. This way, not only the number of boards is calculated, but also other lumber, for example, timber, slats, etc. The thing is that products with the same cross-section may differ in length. Therefore, after determining the volume, you can understand how many floorboards there will be in one cube.

Important to know: when buying a board from valuable breed Wood products are sold individually. The thing is that the price of such coatings is too high, and when calculating in cubes there is a small error.

When calculating, it is better to use a regular calculator. This way you can get a more accurate result and take into account all the nuances of the future design of the house. Although if you need to find out how many cubes of boards, for example, 50 mm thick, will be needed to construct a floor, then you can use online calculator. He can perform such a simple calculation correctly. However, it is always a good idea to be able to count the amount of lumber by hand.

When building a house or laying a floor, the calculations are carried out in the same order:

  1. First you need to calculate overall volume lumber in cubes. Knowing the moisture content of the wood, you can determine the weight of the entire material. This will help you decide which product delivery method to choose.

Advice: when ordering a carrier, it is better to indicate an inflated weight (10-15% more). This way you won’t have problems with the load, because the wood moisture content stated by the manufacturer may be a little more or less.

  1. Next, knowing the dimensions of the boards, you need to calculate the volume of one element. Then you can find out how many products will be in the cube. Multiplying this number by the number of cubes, you get total number floorboards for your floor design.

However, such a simple calculation is applicable for edged elements, because they are processed on all sides and when they are stacked, there are practically no gaps left. To calculate how many cubes of unedged boards are needed for a floor, you will have to use a correction factor, because due to the untreated sides of the product, too many gaps will remain when stacked.

Calculation example

Let’s assume that in your house you want to cover a room with dimensions of 5x6 m with a 50 mm thick floorboard. We calculate the volume of lumber and the number of products in the following sequence:

  • Find the area of ​​the room: 6x5=30 m².
  • Since we decided to use a board with a thickness of 50 mm or 0.05 m, the lag step can be 1 meter.
  • Knowing the thickness of the element and the area of ​​the room, we obtain the volume of lumber: 30 m² x 0.05 m = 1.5 m³.
  • Now using a calculator, you can calculate how many floorboards you will need. To do this, knowing the dimensions of the floorboard, we calculate its volume: 2m x 0.05 m x 0.13 m = 0.013 m³. Now we divide the total volume of lumber by the resulting number for an element with a thickness of 50 mm: 1.5: 0.013 = 115 boards.

Thus, using a regular calculator, you can calculate the need for other lumber for building a house: paneling, timber, slats.

All photos from the article

Our task is to learn how to independently calculate the cubic capacity of lumber.

Simple geometry

Volume of a rectangular product

The simplest calculation problem is calculating the cubic capacity of a product correct form. From the point of view of geometry, we have before us a rectangular parallelepiped, the volume of which, as is known, is equal to the product of the lengths of all its sides.

An important point: in order to get the result in cubic meters, all dimensions of lumber must first be converted into meters.

Let's calculate the cubic capacity of a product with a cross-section of 200x50 mm and a length of 6 meters.

  1. Convert dimensions to SI units. In meters they correspond to 0.2x0.05x6;
  2. Let's multiply these values. 0.2*0.05*6=0.06 m3.

The shape of the edged board is a rectangular parallelepiped.


What is the price of material of a known cubic capacity? As you might guess, it is equal to the product of the number of cubes and the cost of a cubic meter. So, if a cube of lumber costs 6,400 rubles, its unit of 0.06 m3 will cost the buyer 6,400 * 0.06 = 384 rubles.

Number of products per cube

The instructions for calculating the amount of lumber per cubic meter are not much more complicated than those described above.

Here the task is divided into two stages:

  1. The volume of a unit of lumber is calculated;
  2. The number of units per cubic meter is calculated as the ratio of 1 cubic meter to the calculated volume.

So, in the case described above, the number of boards in a cube is 1/0.06 = 16, (6).

tongue and groove

Let's use common sense:

  • A tongue and groove lock consists of a groove on one side of the product and a tongue on the other side. In this case, the dimensions of the groove and the ridge are equal to each other with a minimum error;
  • Accordingly, we can simply discard the size of the tongue and neglect the groove, calculating the cubic capacity of a unit of lumber without a lock. To obtain m3 for one board of it working width multiplied by thickness and length.


Calculation for obtaining trim

The calculation is extremely simple. It has been experimentally established that during sawing, about 20% of lumber goes to waste. Accordingly, they need to be purchased with an adjustment factor of 1.2, that is, to obtain 1 m3 of trim, you need to purchase 1.2 cubes of unedged material.

Payment upon purchase

Let's turn to the regulatory documentation, and the answers we need will be found in:

  • GOST 13-24-86, which regulates methods for calculating the cubic capacity of unedged wooden boards;
  • GOST 6564-84, which describes control rules for lumber (including sizing).

However, first, let’s remember what the material we are interested in is. This is a fragment of a trunk sawn in two parallel planes.

Accordingly, the following can have a trapezoidal shape:

  1. Faces (larger sides);
  2. Section.

In addition: there may be unbarked areas and wane on the sides of the board.

With thickness, everything is simple: it is constant along the entire length and, according to the standards of GOST 6564-84, is determined using a caliper according to GOST 166 or a measuring ruler according to GOST 427. The measurement is carried out anywhere, but no closer than 150 mm from the end.

The longitudinal dimension is measured by shortest distance between opposite ends. The result used is rounded to the second decimal place (in other words, to the nearest centimeter).

The main problem is measuring the width.

It can be defined:

  • In the general case - in the middle of the lumber, as half the sum of the width of both layers. In this case, the bark and bast are not taken into account, shares less than 5 mm are also not taken into account, and shares over 5 mm are considered 10 mm;
  • With a noticeable deviation of the edges from parallel - at an equal distance from the ends on the surface without wane.

It would seem that what follows is clear: the cubic capacity of lumber is defined as the product of its overall dimensions. However, not all so simple. The text of GOST 13-24-26 contains an interesting table: how many unedged boards are in a cube depends on its humidity and whether we are talking about deciduous boards.

For humidity above 20%, correction factors are used:

Wood species group Coefficient
Conifers 0,96
Deciduous 0,95

When humidity is up to 20%, the coefficients do not apply. How many unedged boards are in a cube can be determined without measuring each individual unit of lumber.

Another table contained in GOST 13-24-86 of the cubic capacity of unedged boards depending on its stored volume will help us with this.
