How many times to do the plank for weight loss. What does the plank exercise do?

I am glad to welcome beginners and those who are actively continuing! The plank exercise is about it today, yes.

The calendar shows Wednesday, which means technical day and the corresponding note on the project “”. Today we will strengthen the muscular corset of the abdominal muscles with one simple, but very effective exercise. After reading, you will learn everything about the technique of doing it, mistakes and the training program for creating abs of steel.

So let's get started with our story.

Plank exercise. What, why and why?

Very often in the gym I see the following picture: newbies come in and the first thing they do is start hammering their abs with standard exercises, such as crunches on a Roman bench or side crunches in a machine. Undoubtedly, the abdominal muscles are a very important and indicative muscle group, but it is not at all necessary to work with it according to a template standard. You can move away from these clichés and try something new and relatively outlandish, particularly the plank exercise. It is designed to create a rigid abdominal muscle corset and strengthen the foundation called the core muscles.

It is also worth saying that this is not a pumping exercise, but a formative, strengthening exercise, and therefore is not as popular among gym goers. In connection with such injustice, I decided to consider this hermit :).

As usual, let's start by looking at the muscle atlas, or rather those muscles that take on the load.

As you can see, the plank exercise is not an isolation exercise, and it does not target the upper/lower or any other parts of the abdominals. It can be called a basic tonic for all abdominal muscles. If we delve into the technical details, the plank belongs to the class of isometric exercises, i.e. it is static and does not cause joint movement.


Further narration on the topic of the plank exercise will be conducted in the form of small subchapters

Main advantages

It simultaneously develops many physical characteristics of the athlete, for example:

No. 1. Strengthening and developing strength

The plank exercise is unique; it (among other things) allows you to develop the strength of several muscle groups at once.

The main effect of it is to strengthen the core muscles, especially the abdominal and back muscles. First of all, the exercise is aimed at erector spinae (extensor spinae), rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. At correct execution The main muscle groups in the neck area called the trapezius work. They help posture - they support a person’s neck if he spends too much time in sedentary activities. (PC work, office work).

Performing a plank allows you to strengthen your shoulder muscles, thereby improving their performance, for example, in an exercise such as the floor. Holding your upper body on your arms allows you to actively engage the biceps brachii muscle, which helps develop your biceps.

If you go down, the following muscle groups develop their strength indicators.

The pectoral muscles also participate in the work and receive their load. Exercise perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles (what a news:)). The lower back also plays important role in maintaining the plank position. Moving along the body, we come to muscle groups such as the buttocks, thighs and calves.

So, the plank promotes strength development and strengthening of many muscle groups. It is rare that an exercise without the use of simulators allows you to do this.

No. 2. Mental concentration

Psychological aspect exercise is also very important. When performing a plank, a person needs to concentrate, focus on the goal (keep your body horizontal for as long as possible) and show character - either merge and nod off, or stand until the specified time has expired.

An excellent exercise that, in addition to strengthening large quantity muscles, allows you to train your will and “pump up” your mental characteristics.

No. 3. Stretching

As a result of sedentary work, the muscles become stiff and compressed. Holding a plank will stretch a lot of muscles and relieve tension.

No. 4. Aesthetic appearance

The exercise is an excellent tool for those who want to influence their waist - tighten their stomach, make their abdominal wall more compact. The plank helps in improving the waist, but does not eliminate the need for a regimen, a balanced diet and various forms cardio activity - the main tools for “cleaning” the abdomen.

Actually, we’ve sorted out the advantages, now let’s move on...

Plank exercise: technique

In theory and practice, the plank requires you to collectively tense (contract) your core muscles while supporting your own body weight on your arms. (elbows and forearms) and toes. The execution technique consists of the following steps.

Step #1.

Find a mirrored wall/mirror in your gym (or home). Place a gymnastic fitness mat on the floor, take a horizontal position - lying down.

Step #2.

Stretch your body, leaning on two support points - elbows / forearms (bend your arms to an angle in 90 degrees) and toes.

Step #3.

Keep your back flat so you can mentally draw a straight line from head to toes. Tighten your abdominal muscles and make sure that the middle section does not sag in the middle, and the fifth point does not protrude upward.

Step #4.

Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds and execute 3-5 repetitions.

Technically, the bar includes following all of the following rules.

In a picture version, this exercise looks like this.

The plank exercise is often recommended as a therapeutic exercise to strengthen the back muscles. (for example, after an injury). In this case, the course consists of 10 days with “freeze duration” from 30 seconds to 1,5 minutes.

At first glance, it may seem that the exercise is from the series “don’t hit someone who is lying down!” - However, it is not. Not every person will be able to overcome the bar in the first try. 30 seconds Of course, you need to start small and keep it horizontal as long as possible. In particular, use the following tips to increase retention time:

  • practice the exercise several times a day, trying to hold the position a little each time (even a few seconds) more;
  • use auxiliary exercises - push-ups and (or upper block pull) to strengthen the profile muscles involved in the plank;
  • Squats and deadlifts will also help strengthen your lower back and core muscles.


If you don’t have enough strength in your abdominal muscle corset to perform the classic plank, then you can practice a lighter version - with bent knees. If you hold the position for more 2 -x minutes, then you can move on to more advanced variations of the exercise.

When doing the plank, you can look at the time, but it is best to focus on the sensations - i.e. As soon as you feel the beginning of a burning sensation in the abdominal area, you can stop repeating.

Plank exercise: variations

As you get more trained, a regular plank will seem like a breeze to you, and then the following complicated variations of this exercise will come in handy.

No. 1. Plank and push-ups

Take the classic plank position (a). Raise your body to the top position of a push-up using your arms (b). Pause at the top point (c), then change the direction of movement and return to resting on your elbows. This 1 repeat

No. 2. Plank jump

Take the classic plank position (a). Jump slightly, spreading your legs out to the sides (b). Make sure your top part the body does not turn. Quickly return your legs to the starting position. This 1 repeat

No. 3. Plank with arm lift

Take the classic plank position (a). Lift and straighten left hand, holding it so that it is parallel to the rest of the body (b). Return to the starting position, then raise your right arm, repeat the specified number of times.

No. 4. Transition bar

Take the classic plank position (a). Turn onto your left side into a side plank (b), hold 10 seconds Then turn onto your right side and perform a right side plank, holding for 10 seconds (s). This 1 repeat Return to IP and repeat.

No. 5. Side plank with body rotation

Get into a side plank position so that your right arm is directly above you and perpendicular to the floor(s). Pass your hand under your torso (b). Raise your hand back to IP. This 1 repeat Roll to the other side and repeat.

No. 6. Straight-arm plank with forward lunge

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms (a). Bring your right foot forward and place it next to right hand (or as close as you can get (b)). Watch your hips - they should not sag or go too high. Return the leg to IP, repeat with the left leg. This 1 repeat

No. 7. Plank on fitball and bench

Place your feet on the bench and rest your forearms on the bench. Your body should form a straight line with your shoulders and ankles. Lock yourself in this position for 60 seconds

Use these variations as you progress in the classic style.


Isometric exercises can cause a rise in blood pressure, so if you have cardiovascular problems, you should avoid doing the plank exercise.

In conclusion, I would like to give a simple 5 - a minute complex for every day. Do it, and then your core muscles will be as steel as iron :).

Well, something like this, all that remains is to summarize all this crap information and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Plank exercise, nice to meet you! It is considered the most effective for creating a rigid abdominal muscle corset. Strengthening the latter will help you progress well in other exercises where good stabilization and support of the core is needed, for example, or. The theory is over, you can start practicing, let's go!

PS. We don’t limit ourselves to just reading, we actively ask questions, write comments and other miscellaneous things.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The plank exercise is one of the best for the abdominal muscles. It allows you not only to acquire abs of steel, but also to strengthen the muscles of your back, shoulders, and buttocks. The exercise is universal - it is equally effective for both women and men. To achieve the desired effect, you need to consider how to perform the “plank” correctly, otherwise you may get injured.

How to properly prepare for exercise

The plank exercise is not popular in gyms, since it’s unlikely to be possible to pump up abs this way. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles while burning fat. The effect will be positive only after the plank exercise is done correctly. There are basic rules that should be followed before class. You need to make sure that you can get into the correct position, and then start this abdominal exercise.

The important rules are as follows:

  1. The most important thing is a straight back position. If it bends or rounds, there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. The pelvis should be parallel to the floor, so the load on the lumbar region is less.
  3. You should not keep your neck, head and shoulders tense; they should be located on the same plane.
  4. The lower limbs should be fully straightened. Any bending leads to the fact that the load on the lower back increases sharply.
  5. Shoulders should be above your wrists or above your elbows. Other options are not valid.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, you can consider in detail how to do the plank exercise. This stand is different in that the most important thing about it is keep your body properly for as long as possible. It is much better to stand for thirty seconds as expected than to stand for 3 minutes with your back or legs bent. When deciding to perform the “plank” exercise, you can see how to do it correctly in the video, but due to the lack of active movements, it is better to seek the help of a trainer initial stage. Many people come to a suitable implementation on their own, gradually increasing the load and following all the rules. So, before starting training, you need to understand what position all parts of the body should be in.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • stand with your back to the wall, feet together;
  • heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should be pressed against the wall;
  • lower your shoulders, a deflection will appear in the lumbar region (the palm should fit into it, if more, the position should be corrected).

You need to stand in this form several times a day, and always before the start of class. On day 3-4, the muscles will get used to it and doing the “plank” will become easier in the sense that the body itself will take the correct position.

What does the plank exercise do?

The plank exercise for weight loss is one of the most difficult, as it involves the weight of a person’s body. Its advantage is that most muscles are tense, making it great for warming up before serious training. By the trembling of the whole body, after 20-30 seconds it is easy to understand which muscles are working during the “plank” exercise:

  • the press – it bears the main load;
  • core muscles;
  • gluteal muscles.
  • the body is more toned, the skin will be elastic;
  • the arms are stronger, but the muscles will not increase;
  • The belly slimming bar will allow you to notice its reduction, especially in the lower part, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

All muscle groups are in a stressful situation, which is why this type of training is more effective for losing weight in the abdomen and sides than simply pumping the press. Not every person starting to lose weight is capable of performing such a complex exercise. Muscle tone is different for everyone, in some cases, you first need to master more simple techniques to strengthen them. What the plank exercise gives you can see almost immediately, provided you practice regularly: the stomach becomes flat, the buttocks become elastic, the spine becomes stronger.

Later short period time, the following will become noticeable:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • any spinal injuries;
  • radial nerve neuropathy;
  • pregnancy, especially if it has complications;
  • spinal hernia;
  • any injuries and sprains of the joints of the elbows, shoulders, hands and feet.

Most often, the program is designed for 30 days, after which the result is simply amazing. If you want to continue practicing, it is recommended to increase the load, as reviews show that after a month it becomes much easier and efficiency decreases.

Types of exercise

You can do the plank in various options, depending on the person’s physical fitness. Many people want to start weight loss exercises from the most difficult stage in order to quickly get rid of excess fat and get the body into the desired shape. The plank is an exercise that is ideal for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, but only with a gradual increase in load. The degree of muscle tension depends on the type, more details about them in the table:

This option is the simplest and ideal for beginners. The hands in this form are located directly under the shoulders, the back and legs are straight, look ahead

The most popular option, in this case the support is on the toes and elbows, the whole body is elongated in a straight line. Breathing should be smooth

This option is recommended when the usual plank no longer causes such fatigue and tension. Lying on your side, you need to lean on your legs and elbow, the arm on which you rely is perpendicular to the body. The second hand is located on the other side. Stretch your body in one line, tensing your abs

Most difficult option, requiring preparation. To perform the exercise, you need to straighten your body, leaning on your elbow, and then carefully straighten your arm. To make it more difficult, you can also straighten your other arm.

The duration of execution depends on the preparation of the person and the type of exercise. For beginners, it is enough to be in correct stance a quarter of a minute, requiring 3-4 approaches. After the execution ceases to be painful, you can increase the time to 30 seconds, also 3-4 approaches. If you need to make the plank more difficult, it is recommended to increase the time to 1 minute for 4 approaches. When performing all types, you need to start with the most difficult, finishing simple option"on clasped hands."


If you want to lose weight and strengthen your muscles, many people use the plank exercise, the benefits and harms of which are rarely studied. Of course, everyone knows that training can produce positive results in short time. Those who are especially concerned about their health will even learn from a trainer that, as a rule, there can be no harm from a seemingly simple exercise. It should be borne in mind that the plank exercise also has contraindications, albeit quite a few.

In other cases, you can perform the exercise as much as you like, the main thing is to listen to your body and sensations. In the absence of contraindications, a person has every chance to improve the condition of his figure in a short time.


The results after training using this exercise are simply amazing. Photos famous people who have achieved perfect abs using the “plank” can be seen in many magazines, and their opinion about this exercise makes you try for yourself its amazing effectiveness. Before starting classes with the plank exercise, a photo should be taken in advance so that after a month of training you can compare the results.

Plank is one of the simplest and most effective isometric (static) exercises that strengthens the body, lower back and shoulders of a man. All you need is your own weight and enough floor space.

The plank is simple but functional, and there are many variations of this exercise: side, on the elbows, palms, with one leg raised and using additional improvised objects, such as a ball or books.

Burning fat and toning muscles based on resistance force is the main effect of the plank exercise for men. It improves posture and coordination, maintains a healthy back and strengthens the body.


The plank strengthens and tones muscles throughout a man's body, including the shoulders, arms, and torso, but the main target is the ABS (rectus abdominis), which contracts and becomes very tense during the exercise. In addition, willpower is also trained, since it is quite difficult to remain motionless in this position for a long time.

Benefits of the plank exercise for men

  1. Strengthens core muscles

The plank engages major muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles, as well as the glutes. Doing this exercise alone will not help you quickly create sculpted abs, six-pack abs, or burn fat for an untrained man. But in combination with diet and other types of training, it will contribute to the systematic formation of an athletic body.

  1. Reduces pain and risk of back and spine injuries

In most cases, the bar is safe for minor problems with intervertebral discs or back pain, as it does not require bending or stretching of the spine. It engages the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps the abdominal muscles, which also maintain an even posture. Good posture improves back health and inhibits the development of degenerative osteoarthritis. When the abdominal muscles are developed and the back is always straight, pain in the neck and shoulders appears much less frequently.

  1. Improves posture

The more developed the back and abs, the smaller man will slouch. The plank helps you stand and sit straight, maintaining your posture. It trains many important muscles, including the erector spinae, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

Good posture is the correct alignment of the bones, which facilitates breathing and promotes normal placement internal organs. A straight back also makes a man visually taller and slimmer.

  1. Increases metabolism

The plank is a simple exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes can boost your metabolism for the entire day and even night.

  1. Increases flexibility

The plank helps expand and stretch the posterior muscles of the back and legs.

  1. Improves mood

Almost any physical activity It's a mood booster, but the stretching effect of the plank helps release muscles that become stiff from prolonged sitting. Relieving tension relaxes and helps relieve stress.


  • Classic elbow plank

Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders so that each arm (from shoulder to hand) forms a right angle. The forearms (from the elbow to the hand) should be pressed to the floor. Hands can be held together. Lift your hips off the floor, rest on your hands and toes. Feet can be kept shoulder-width apart. Feel the tension in your abdominal area, tighten your abdominal muscles. The back should be straight. Do not rise or bend towards the floor. Keep your breathing even and do not lift your head up too much. Try to maintain your body in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Do the plank every day two or three times, gradually increasing the duration.

  • On outstretched arms

When doing this, your arms should be fully straightened. You can only lean on your palms (do not place them too close to each other) and toes. The body should form a smooth, straight line; do not lift or arch your hips.

  • Knee plank

If you can’t do a regular plank yet, you can perform a simplified version of the exercise on your knees, while your arms can be straightened or bent at the elbows, as described above. Watch a video where a professional trainer shows how to do a plank correctly for beginners.

When you can hold in this position for more than two minutes, you can move on to the classic version, and then to more complex options.

  • Superman Plank

This exercise is similar to a yoga pose. The starting position is the same as a regular plank on your palms with your arms outstretched. Lift your left arm off the floor, straighten it and extend it forward. At the same time, lift your opposite (right) leg. Straighten and pull it back, holding it above the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds (2-3 seconds is enough to start). Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

This exercise can be done if you can hold a regular plank for at least 30 seconds. When performing this and similar types of planks, attention may shift to the muscles of the arms or legs. Remember to focus on your abs.

When performing the plank, you can also use improvised objects: a ball, dumbbells, books. Additional equipment serves as a support for the arms or legs instead of the floor and develops coordination. You need to do the plank on the ball carefully and slowly so as not to get injured.


How long should you hold the plank?

The world record for the longest duration belongs to a Chinese policeman who was able to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute. The second result was achieved by an American Marine who stood in the same position for 7 hours and 40 minutes.

There are no norms or standards, for example, GTO, for the duration of the bar. Instructors always advise starting with a minimum time, increasing it gradually.

Plank: standard for men

The longer a man can hold a plank, the tighter his lower back will be and the better his abs will look. Do the plank several times a day, each time trying to hold the position a little longer.

Plank for men: table for 30 days

All it takes is a few minutes a day, which will test your will and physical endurance. To distract yourself, you can listen to music or watch a movie while exercising. Start implementing the plan from the table when you can confidently hold the classic plank for 30 seconds 2-3 times a day, or first do the exercise on your knees. If you start the 30-day program without preparation, you can end up with back pain, which often occurs with incorrect technique.


  1. Can doing planks somehow harm the body?

Any exercise will have side effects, if done incorrectly. Poor technique can lead to pain, injury and...

  1. Planck renders Negative influence on the joints?

When performing the exercise, the intercostal and pectoral muscles, putting pressure on the joints and cartilage connecting the ribs to the chest. When lifted off the floor, a lot of pressure is also placed on the joints of the ribs and shoulders, which can lead to inflammation. If a man has or has had problems with ligaments, joints, or spine, he should consult a doctor before performing the plank. Perhaps in this case it will be allowed to do gentle variations of the exercise.

  1. Breathing problems

During exercise, the muscles become very tense, which can lead to decreased oxygen levels. Sometimes for this reason, experts advise doing the plank on all fours (hands and knees) so that oxygen reaches the thin muscle tissue. If a man has asthma, breathing problems, insomnia, panic attacks, problems with the lungs or other internal organs, you should consult a specialist before performing the plank.

The plank exercise is one of the exercises that does not require high dynamic loads; the main requirement is to hold your body correctly. During this exercise, all muscle groups necessary for your body to be slim and fit are involved. The muscles of the back and abs work especially actively. buttocks, legs and arms. Several versions of the plank exercise have been developed, all of them differ in varying degrees of load on the body.


Basically, all the exercises done in training are dynamic. They are aimed at working one muscle group. The static load when performing the plank exercise acts on a muscle group and amazes with its results. Within just a few weeks, you can notice a change in your figure better side. By doing this exercise it is possible to lose weight, as daily exercise increases metabolism. The plank can be part of a regular dynamic workout and can perfectly complement it.


For people suffering from unstable blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system, this exercise is not recommended, since the pressure may rise during the exercise. For girls, a contraindication to performing this exercise is the period of PMS and pregnancy.

What to do before performing the exercise

Before any workout, you should definitely warm up. This will protect you later from injuries, sprains and unpleasant pain. A good warm-up for you would be to do several bends, squats and turns of your head and torso. Let's move on to consider the types and features of the exercise:

Plank on hands or elbows, classic plank

There are several types of classic planks, all of which differ in the degree of load on a particular muscle group.

Plank performed with straight arms

Classic plank, performed with straight arms. You need to take a position as if you are going to do push-ups, with your body extended in one line, your neck stretched, and your gaze directed down in front of you. Hands are placed shoulder-width apart and form a 90-degree angle with the body, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible.

Classic elbow plank

The classic plank on the elbows repeats the plank on straightened arms, with the only difference that the support is not the palms, but the elbows.

Progressive plank exercise

If your body easily tolerates the loads of the classic plank, you can do more difficult exercises.

Plank and push-ups

Plank with a transition from a position on your hands to a position on your elbows and back (plank - push-up). This exercise must be performed as the load increases.

Plank jump

The jumping plank is another form of progressive exercise. To perform it, you need to push off with your toes and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pushing off a second time to return your legs to the starting position. When performing such an exercise, more significant loads are applied to the muscles.

Plank with arm extension

A simpler exercise than the previous one, but no less useful, is the plank with your arms extended forward. Removal of the hand is carried out alternately. When performing this exercise, the center of gravity changes, which forces the muscles to work differently.

Side plank

When performing a side plank, the body is on its side, supported by the foot and palm, or supported by the foot and elbow. The body is elongated in line, the hips and lower back are kept in tension without bending, the stomach is pulled in.

Progressive side plank or transition plank

When performing this exercise, you switch from a side plank to a classic plank on your elbows, followed by a transition to the other side and back.

Progressive side plank with twist

This exercise is analogous to the twisting exercise, and affects the work of the oblique abdominal muscles.

Plank with frog lunge

This exercise is very good for stretching and strengthens the gluteal muscles.

Plank on fitball and bench

Despite the similarity of this exercise with the classical variation, the number of muscles involved here is greater, since while leaning on the fitball you also need to maintain longitudinal balance.

Reverse plank

This exercise does a good job of tightening the buttocks, evenly distributing the load on the shoulder muscles and stretching them. You can enter the stand from a sitting position, leaning on your palms - straighten your body. When performing the exercise, just like in the classic plank, the body should be in one line.

Mistakes when performing the plank exercise

Back flexion

The most common mistake when performing the exercise is arching your back. This error occurs due to undeveloped back muscles or due to ignorance of how to correctly perform this exercise.

Knee bending

If your knees are bent while performing an exercise, this will affect your general position hips, which in turn can cause discomfort when performing the exercise.

Tucking your head under or lifting it too high

If the head is positioned incorrectly, pain in the cervical spine may occur. The neck should be located almost in line with the spine.

Incorrect palm placement

When performing a classic hand plank, your palms should be at shoulder level. When doing planks on your elbows, the same rule applies. Incorrect hand placement is very common among those who have recently started doing it.

Plank exercise: how to do it correctly, how many approaches?

If this is your first time doing this exercise, 2-3 approaches of 30-15 seconds will be sufficient. Subsequently, you can increase to 3-4 approaches of 30 seconds. Well, when your body can easily accept such loads, you can perform 4-5 approaches of 60 seconds. To increase the effect, you can do the plank twice a day. The most important rule is to do it right and not to overdo it.

Plank exercise for 30 days or abs of steel in 30 days

This marathon program can truly do wonders for your body in just 30 days. The most important thing in this program is regularity. Set yourself a reminder on your smartphone or alarm clock and go ahead. In terms of time, this entire action takes no more than 5-10 minutes a day. This time is not difficult to find even for the busiest person.


In conclusion, we can say that the plank exercise will help you tone your body, strengthen your abdominal muscles, increase your metabolism and reduce excess weight. If your goal is weight loss, the bar will certainly not solve all problems, but it will become very a good helper in this case. All over the world, this exercise is becoming very popular due to its effectiveness and simplicity.

15:45 6.02.2016

The plank exercise and the weight loss effect of daily simple exercises at home are amazing. Losing weight in 5 minutes a day has become possible. Good news: not only lose weight. The bad news: you need to exercise every day.

The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Do you want to lose weight? Need to ? Or maybe you're not happy with your back or your arms? Try to do a plank and do it every day.

Fitness for the lazy is not a shame, it is very effective. Thissimple and practical way put your body in order, and not much is required of you, and the result will be amazing! Changes will begin in a week, but in a month the effect will impress you.

Please note that if you have problems with the spine or are too heavy, you should do this exercise after consultation with a specialist and only under the supervision of an instructor. But if you just gained weight, your body has lost its flexibility and lightness, then “lie down and stand up” is an excellent solution. It won’t be easy at first, but just consider what will happen to you after a week of torment, which, by the way, in a week will already be just a morning procedure. You may not be able to stand for 1 minute in each pose at once (I didn’t succeed). But even if you start with 20-30 seconds, there will be an effect. The main thing is to gradually increase the time. I have some cool tips and tricks. Just don’t be lazy: read, watch, do. And tomorrow too!

Core muscle exercises are one of the most effective ways lose weight and remove excess fat from the waist. The plank exercise trains these muscles!

You will strengthen your core muscles and improve the condition of your internal organs.

The core muscles provide support to the internal organs. They are also involved in the formation of good posture, and, as you know, if a person has good posture, then the whole body works much better.

A strong muscle corset in the waist area is the key to maintaining intra-abdominal pressure at the required level. And this means fixation of the spinal column, proper outflow of venous blood from the internal organs and... more strength!

Just imagine: one exercise engages all the most important muscles for beauty and health at once!

  • transverse muscle - helps lift heavy weights;
  • rectus muscle - is responsible for the “pack” and helps you jump better (the bar is just the beginning, you’ll want to go to the gym later);
  • oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral bending and twisting at the waist;
  • gluteal muscles - will support the back and give a beautiful profile (well, just not in the nose area). Speaking of profile: the double chin will also gradually begin to shrink, so not only the butt will be beautiful!

Your back muscles will improve

Doing a plank will allow you to build your core muscles without putting unnecessary stress on your back and hips. If you exercise every day, you will strengthen not only your lower body, but also your upper body. And this will reduce the risk of back pain and improve posture (this is always visually minus 5 years).

Your metabolism will speed up

Planks burn more calories than classic abdominal exercises. Twists and sit-ups are great, but planks speed up your metabolism with less effort and less effort. long time: even at night the body will burn calories (don’t be alarmed: you won’t have to sleep in the plank, although... who knows what sporting peaks you will achieve in a couple of months).

Posture will improve

Strengthening your core muscles significantly improves the condition of your neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing planks every day will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture. By the way,It is a straight back that does not give you offense, as psychotherapists say. So don’t slouch: you always want to attribute all the problems to such people and assign as many tasks as possible.

Develop a sense of balance

You will notice that it is much easier to walk in heels, and if you stumble, for some reason you do not fall, but maintain your balance. This is all the plank. By the way, a well-developed sense of balance will help you achieve great results in any sport, and you will also become more balanced in daily communication: it has already been proven that your physical state greatly influences your psychological state. So practice ;)

Increased flexibility

Well, if you cannot reach the floor with your hands or, while sitting on the floor, you are not able to touch your head to your knee, then the plank will save you (and you urgently need to start doing it).

Thanks to the bar, the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, hips, and toes are stretched. Using the side plank you will work the oblique abdominal muscles. By increasing the flexibility of your whole body, you will be able to easily perform other exercises, and when it comes to sex, you will surprise both your partner and yourself: this is great!

Stop freaking out and being nervous

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. If you sedentary work, then you are nervous not only because of contacts with various wonderful people and misunderstandings. The body just goes numb and tension arises on the physical level, which is immediately reflected in emotional state and on the psyche. In just a week you will look at the world differently (just do it every day).

It is very important that the lower back does not sag. The abdominal and buttock muscles should be in constant voltage, while the stomach should be retracted. This will ensure the correct position of the pelvis.

Tuck your tailbone inward and keep your body parallel to the floor. If you feel like you can't, stop, rest and do the right thing.

Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable. They are not measured in kilograms. You'll just look and feel better. If you continue, in a month everything will be even better.

Three tips to make the plank exercise easier:

  1. Use a clock with a second hand or a timer
    During the plank, you need to breathe so that the navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to get rid of your belly. It’s hard to count to yourself at this time. Set a timer!
  2. Play some cool music
    Music is distracting. And if you pick up something truly incendiary, it will make it easier to stand in the plank.
  3. make a wish
    I used Alexander Palienko's hint. Now, when I stand, but want to go somewhere to the shower or to the kitchen, I tell myself: “The longer I stand, the younger and more beautiful I become. The longer I stand, the more money and health I will have. the longer I stand, the more peace and there will be happiness in life." Or I make a clear wish and then, of course, I don’t give up.

Watch online how to do the plank exercise to easily lose weight at home

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