Modern materials for wall decoration. Finishing materials for interior walls: types and characteristics Lightweight materials for wall finishing

During any renovation, the question of choosing materials for interior decoration. Their wide variety and price range make it possible to choose the best options for any apartment or house. In this article we will take a closer look at all kinds of materials for interior decoration of walls, ceilings and floors.

Wall decoration

Let's start looking at the variety of materials for interior decoration with options for cladding wall surfaces. Most often such materials are used for interior walls:

Wallpaper has the widest range of coatings. Textured, with photographs, glossy, matte, plain, with a pattern - this is just an approximate list of what can be found on sale. Thus, among the wallpapers you can always find exactly what you like. Their main advantages:

  • diversity;
  • ease of gluing;
  • various price categories;
  • ease of wall preparation;
  • high gluing speed.


  • lack of resistance to mechanical damage;
  • difficulties with replacing a damaged piece after painting due to fading and differences in shades between batches.

Decorative plaster is suitable for any design - from classic to high-tech or modern. Its advantages:

  • a wide variety of textures and colors;
  • the opportunity to make your own drawing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • versatility.

At the same time, this coating has its drawbacks:

  • labor intensive application;
  • quite high cost.

Paint is another one universal material for the walls, which showed great amount advantages over many centuries of its use:

  • many different shades;
  • can be used in any room (moisture-resistant or oil-resistant are suitable for baths and kitchens);
  • easy to apply;
  • quite durable;
  • the ability to create paintings and patterns on the wall;
  • You can buy any price category.


  • high demands on the surface (shows all irregularities);
  • unpleasant odor (not for everyone);
  • long drying time (not for everyone);
  • the need to apply 2-3 layers.

Tiles are usually used for kitchen apron and decoration of bathroom walls. Its advantages:

  • moisture resistance, easy to clean;
  • resistance to light physical influences (scratches, weak impacts);
  • wear resistance;
  • does not burn;
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • variety of sizes;
  • any price category.


  • poor sound insulation;
  • fragility;
  • low thermal insulation;
  • installation complexity and high cost.

MDF panels have the following advantages:

  • quick installation;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • no need to prepare walls;
  • a wide variety of colors and types;
  • ease of cleaning during operation;
  • cheapness.


  • stains and drops of water are very noticeable;
  • easy to damage and break;
  • afraid of dampness;
  • flammability;
  • unpresentable appearance (associated with office premises).

It looks pretty nice, but is not suitable for all design projects. Most often used for private houses, cottages, recreation centers and baths. Advantages of wood as a decorative surface for interior walls:

  • creates a warm atmosphere;
  • hides any unevenness of the walls;
  • quick installation;
  • variety of forms;
  • improves sound insulation;
  • pleasant smell and microclimate;
  • does not rot, does not mold;
  • durable;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • Possibility of painting in any color or adding shade using varnishes.


  • high price;
  • requires updating the impregnation to protect against bugs and moisture;
  • does not tolerate temperature changes well.

Natural stone in the interior looks very solid and rich. They can be used to cover all walls or a small part of them. Advantages:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • beauty;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
  • price;
  • It gets clogged with dust, which is difficult to clean off.

PVC panels - modern material for indoor cladding. Has the following advantages:

  • fast installation speed;
  • simplicity of cladding;
  • variety of colors and patterns;
  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing;
  • Washable (moisture resistant).
  • flammable material;
  • easily broken and scratched;
  • fade in the sun.

Interior wall decoration is also made from other materials, which we will not consider in such detail:

  • kronospan;
  • Fiberboard panels;
  • cork;
  • bamboo wallpaper;
  • artificial facing stone;
  • textile;
  • painting;
  • mosaic;
  • leather;
  • metal or metal film.

Ceiling finishing

In recent years, tension and plasterboard structures on the ceiling. Let's look at their advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

Stretch ceilings have the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • aesthetically attractive;
  • safe;
  • durable;
  • middle price segment;
  • does not require ideal preparation of the ceiling surface;
  • wide variety of designs;
  • quick installation (less than 1 day).

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings:

  • price;
  • sagging is possible;
  • impossible to install yourself;
  • difficulty in removing contaminants;
  • possible collapse, floating or tearing of the canvas;
  • fragility;
  • intolerance to changes and low temperatures;
  • impossibility of replacing a separate section;
  • easily scratched;
  • Do not use too powerful lamps, otherwise there will be yellow spots around them over time.

Pros :

  • environmental friendliness;
  • fairly quick and simple installation;
  • perfectly flat surface;
  • beauty;
  • the ability to create any designs;
  • any finish will fit well on top of this material;
  • behind them you can place heat and sound insulation, wires;
  • affordable price.

Minuses decorative ceilings from plasterboard:

  • no resistance to moisture and mold (except for special sheets with increased moisture resistance for baths and kitchens);
  • low strength;
  • mandatory plastering of joints and screws.

If you decide to decorate with plasterboard, then be sure to use non-woven wallpaper or fiberglass before painting it. As practice shows, plastering the joints is not enough to prevent ceilings from cracking during operation. A layer of special wallpaper will help avoid problems such as cracks. This is especially true for floors where there are neighbors above.

Materials for interior decoration of ceilings are a special category, which in many ways has something in common with wall decoration. Here it is possible to use:

  • wallpaper;
  • paints;
  • whitewashing

Since we have already considered the advantages and disadvantages of 2 of the 3 materials, we will focus on whitewash. This outdated method of decorating the ceiling has a right to life, because... has the following advantages:

  • it’s easy to whitewash the ceilings yourself;
  • very cheap;
  • does not reduce the height of the room;
  • environmentally friendly material that “breathes”;
  • protects against fungus and mold.

Whitewashing also has disadvantages:

  • surface preparation required;
  • white color only;
  • inability to wash.

If the wall covering and ceiling covering are the same, separate the surfaces using ceiling plinth. The width, pattern and color are at your discretion, but the lack of color difference between the ceiling and walls does not look attractive without such a divider .

Usually the ceiling color is chosen more pastel, light shades compared to the color of the walls. The white ceiling is an unchanging classic that will match any color of wall surfaces.

Floor covering materials

Domestic facing materials for the floor must have the following performance characteristics:

  • ease of operation (cleaning);
  • strength;
  • non-flammable;
  • the surface should not be slippery;
  • if possible, with additional insulation (especially important for the 1st floor).

Most often they put everything on the floor:

Linoleum is a universal material that looks equally good in any room. A variety of colors and patterns makes it possible to match any design. Its advantages:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • relatively low cost;
  • moisture resistance;
  • noise and heat insulation;
  • easy to clean;
  • strength;
  • wide variety of choice.
  • few natural ones;
  • easily deformed;
  • is not resistant to chemicals;
  • does not tolerate low temperatures and temperature changes.

Laminate is now as popular as linoleum. Has some similar benefits:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • easy and quick to install
  • easy to clean;
  • affordable;
  • quite durable;
  • wide variety of choice
  • easy to clean;
  • affordable;
  • quite durable;
  • insensitive to temperature changes;
  • wide variety of choice.


  • afraid of moisture (unless you take a special one with improved characteristics);
  • may squeak due to improper installation or after exposure to moisture;
  • additional preparation before installation - only a flat surface is suitable;
  • a large number of low-quality laminates on sale.
  • Sometimes stains, dust and any stains are very visible on the laminate. This drawback especially applies to dark shades of laminate in well-lit rooms. It is impossible to fight this - just wash it every day.

Wooden floors are a classic that has stood the test of time. Essentially, there are the same advantages and disadvantages as in finishing walls with wood, so we won’t repeat ourselves.

Ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware - perfect option for floors in rooms with high humidity, temperature changes and heavy load on the floor. Otherwise, the pros and cons were discussed earlier, in the part of the article about wall decoration.

Carpet is an excellent replacement for today's expensive carpets, which also has the following advantages:

  • presented in any price category;
  • spreads quickly and easily;
  • soft, warm;
  • ease of care;
  • good sound insulation.

Disadvantages of carpet:

  • it is necessary to overlay the edges;
  • cheap carpet often has an unpleasant odor;
  • after 3-5 years it is rubbed off in places of greatest use.

The following materials are less commonly used for interior floor finishing:

  • cork;
  • parquet;
  • vinyl;
  • a natural stone;
  • self-leveling floor;
  • rubber coating;
  • bamboo floors.

The choice of coating for interior decoration is entirely at your discretion. We hope that this article helped to understand the wide range of types of these materials.

Modern finishing materials for interior walls are presented on the construction market in such a variety that it is very difficult to choose right away. best options finishing for all your premises. During the purchasing process, you need to pay attention to important features each product. These include: types of selected coatings, available methods installation, specifications materials that correspond to the operating conditions in a certain room or its area (kitchen, living room, sports section, children's game room, corridor, workshop).

Types of interior decoration

Decorative cladding materials for the walls of a house are installed at the final stage of construction (repair) work; it is necessary to plan how to decorate the walls and what type of coating will be used at the design stage. This is important, since a certain degree of preparation of the base surface will be required for wall cladding with the selected material.

In addition, each type of wall finishing materials is further divided into its own subcategories, which have a specialized focus according to the properties specified by the manufacturer. The division into commercial brands and household use implies not only increased performance characteristics For public buildings, but also safety for human health in residential and sleeping areas.

The main division is based on the method of installation. There are 2 main options:

  1. Wet. This method involves preparing solutions for plastering, puttying the surfaces of walls and ceilings after they have been previously cleaned of dust, loose pieces of the main structural material or old coating. The plaster layer serves as the basis for applying the finishing finish. Wet method finishing is characterized by high labor intensity, the formation of a large number construction waste, dust. The advantage of this method is a good and reliable result of wall preparation, thanks to which the finishing materials can fully demonstrate their decorative qualities.
  2. Dry. In this case, a sheathing (frame) is mounted on the wall under the plasterboard covering. Subsequently, the resulting smooth surface can be finished with ceramic tiles, various types wallpaper, panels, decorative seamless compositions.

The choice of the dry method makes it possible to minimize the time required to complete the work (increase the speed of finishing due to the absence of drying masses of mortar), the amount of dust, improve the sound and thermal insulation Houses. Negative consequence Using sheet plasterboard for wall cladding will result in a noticeable reduction in the internal volume of the room.

To match a certain interior design style, it is not necessary to use real building parts, given their weight and volume; full-weight brick will successfully replace an imitation made of thin and light polymers, like the wall decoration in the house in this photo:

Materials for finishing walls in a house are also chosen taking into account the conditions in a particular room (humidity, temperature range, possibility of exposure to aggressive substances and ultraviolet radiation). To ensure environmental safety, do not use products for outdoor use, as they can emit toxic volatile substances.

Division by type

Building materials for interior wall decoration differ significantly from each other in terms of their own characteristics and installation method. They can be broadly divided into the following types:

  • tiled (panel);
  • slatted (board, slats);
  • roll;
  • plastering (dry mixtures of industrial and self-cooking and ready-to-use formulations packaged in measuring containers);
  • paint and varnish.

The differences between them are not necessarily the final result, but also their suitability for application to certain materials (wood, brick, metal, concrete), cost, and complexity of the necessary operations for preliminary preparation of the base.

Information about what modern materials for finishing walls inside the house were shown at the exhibition by the world's leading manufacturers will be presented by a specialist designer in this video:

Slatted decorative materials

When choosing a material for wall decoration, you need to take into account the combination of all factors present in the house. For a small country residence, which is used, as a rule, in the warm season, the ideal style option would be to cover not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling with slatted materials. The best option This type of finishing coating is often used in frame building structures.

The advantages of the slatted type of finishing are speed and subsequent quick repair. For this type of coating there is no need for careful preparation of the base and it is easy to arrange additional insulation or sound insulation.

When decorating a city apartment from the inside, thin decorative slats were developed that create the appearance of a full-fledged wooden beam, but they themselves are very thin and can be easily collected with your own hands on the selected area. An example of installation in this photo:

Common rack materials sold in retail networks, are divided as follows:

  1. Lining made of natural wood. Environmentally friendly, durable and aesthetically attractive material. Today, such boards for interior wall decoration in a house have several subtypes: eurolining, American, imitation timber. Temperature conditions The use of wood corresponds to comfortable indicators for humans, which is why this material is always popular.
  2. PVC slats. They are among the cheapest options for covering the surface of walls inside the house ( plastic lining). A wall lined in this way can be easily washed and have a smooth or textured surface. It is not recommended to install it in a living room, since plastic is not a material safe for human health. But PVC can be successfully used in outbuildings, technical and passage rooms. Also, one of the acceptable options for using PVC panels is the design of ceilings.

Slat products are made in various lengths and widths of no more than 30 cm. They are recommended for use in relatively small rooms.


Cladding panels for interiors are quite affordable and can be easily installed independently using available tools. Wide variety of designs, textures and color solutions The front layer allows you to reproduce not only natural expensive raw materials, but also modern materials with various patterns and patterns. The product is durable, has good strength, sound insulation and thermal characteristics; interior wall decoration does not require complex maintenance and preliminary leveling of the wall plane.

The slabs, as a rule, are made in the shape of a square, having a side of 0.3 m to 1 m. They are connected to each other by a lock due to special protrusions and grooves. They are mounted on the wall using adhesives. Sometimes they use the technique of combining a pattern from slabs of different shades, which is achieved as a result of a pattern that is unique in its individuality.

Produce Wall panels made of wood or plastic. Natural wooden panels for long-term operation, they are installed in rooms with stable temperatures and normal humidity.


Stone decoration produces a massive, solid impression, so it is not recommended for use in rooms Not big size. But noble material is always appropriate in combination with a fireplace, in a recreation area - the impression of solidity of construction and personal security is created.

An interesting production technology will not allow you to detect 2 artificial stone tiles that are identical in color. The use of the technique of double sequential coloring gives the effect of a mandatory difference in the color of the veins on each tile.

According to its performance characteristics, the stone is extremely resistant to temperature changes, does not burn, and is inert to household chemicals.

The tiles imitate various types of natural stones, differ in shape, geometric dimensions and have a small thickness.

Finishing small sections of the wall allows you to remove the feeling of heaviness of the surrounding walls. An example of hallway design can be seen in the photo:

Rolled finishing materials

Roll materials (wallpaper) are one of the most commonly used types of finishing when decorating rooms in an apartment. Low cost, ease of installation, wide selection of colors, patterns and textures attract attention to them in front of current repairs. Today new materials have appeared on the construction market - modern options finishes that replace traditional paper wallpaper.

One of these types is wallpaper made from natural ingredients: some herbs, reeds, bamboo and other types of plant materials. This finish is an environmentally friendly, but quite expensive coating.

Samples of bamboo wallpaper, which can be used to beautifully decorate any room, are visible in this photo:

Cork wallpaper has the maximum advantages, having characteristics above average in all comparative indicators for finishing materials.

paints and varnishes

Compared to other finishing products, the benefits of wall painting include decorative properties, operational characteristics, maintainability of individual sections of the front surface of walls made of various materials.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • seamless plastic layer over the entire plane;
  • dust-repellent qualities making cleaning easier;
  • moisture resistance of the resulting film, preventing the growth of mold and fungi;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high environmental friendliness, allowing use in kitchens, bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • application on all types of possible types of bases ( brickwork, cement, gypsum and complex mortars, wood, glass, metal);
  • ease of changing the appearance to a different color during routine repairs.

With gentle use, the service life of the finishing material is paint and varnish material will be about 10 years (wallpaper in the same conditions will last no more than 5 years).

Decorative plaster

Available range of brands decorative plaster, as a representative of finishing materials for walls, offers mixtures suitable for work on any substrate (brick, concrete, plasterboard, foam concrete, wood, some metals). This seamless finish does not require perfect alignment base plane, as for wallpaper. Plaster mixture successfully fills unevenness and hides minor defects. Even with minimum experience carrying out plastering operations, it is possible to perform the entire volume necessary work to apply and level the solution to the selected area.

Complex, highly artistic types of plaster (Venetian) will require painstaking work by professionals (see photo):

The main types of decorative plaster are distinguished by the presence of the resulting surface texture:

  • smooth;
  • structural (bark beetle, fur coat);
  • mineral (filler made of marble, granite chips);
  • Venetian (stylized multi-layer pattern of a certain texture);
  • textured (specified roughness of the front side, obtained using a special tool);
  • embossed (texture natural materials, convex patterns, whole paintings, bas-reliefs).

Specific Features technological process preparation and application of decorative plaster compositions are indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

Knowing how to correctly apply this or that finishing material will allow you to competently complete the cladding of the entire apartment, ensuring its safety for many years.

October 9, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Interior wall decoration is an operation that everyone has to face. home handyman in the process of home renovation. Currently, there are many finishing technologies and a wide selection of materials for these purposes, which often confuses people when choosing. To help you understand this issue, below I will try to tell you in detail about the most common modern materials and interior finishing technologies.

First of all, I note that there are two types of interior decoration:

  1. roughing – ensures the preparation of walls for finishing. As a rule, preparation consists of leveling the surface and removing all kinds of defects;
  2. finishing – performs a decorative function.

Rough wall finishing

Rough wall finishing can be done in two ways:

  • by plastering;
  • wall sheet materials.

Each type of finish has its pros and cons, which we will discuss below.


Plaster is a time-tested method of rough finishing, which is still relevant in our time. Among its advantages the following points can be highlighted:

  • high strength, thanks to which heavy finishing materials can be mounted on top of the plaster, as well as furniture can be attached to the walls;
  • low cost - price per bag cement plaster weighing 25 kg starts from 150 rubles;
  • wear resistance;
  • the ability to use any finishing materials;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Therefore, plaster is an excellent solution for use in the bathroom.

However, plaster also has some disadvantages:

    • fragility;
  • The process of plastering walls is very labor-intensive. If you turn to specialists for help, the cost of finishing increases sharply;
  • the layer thickness should not exceed 50-70 mm.

For these reasons, recently they have been trying to use plaster only where it is really needed. In other cases, a more modern finishing material, such as drywall, is used.

As for the installation technology, it includes several stages:

Preparing the walls consists of removing the old finishing coating, cleaning the walls from dirt and priming. After completing these procedures, work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. if the thickness of the plaster layer is several centimeters, it is attached to the wall metal grid. To fix it, you can use self-tapping screws with wide washers or even dowel nails;

  1. then the guides are installed. This is the most difficult stage on which the quality of the finish depends..
    As beacons, a special beacon profile is used, which is fixed to the wall using lumps of plaster mortar or special fasteners. The main difficulty in installing the guides is that they must be positioned strictly vertically and in the same plane. Therefore, first, the beacons that are outermost from the walls are installed according to the level, after which threads are stretched between them, allowing intermediate guides to be placed in the same plane.

The distance from the corner to the beacon should be 20-30 cm, while the step of the guides should be less than the length of the rule. As a rule, it is 1.5-2 m;

  1. Next, spraying is carried out - it is thrown onto the walls manually or mechanically plaster mortar creamy consistency. The thickness of the spray should not exceed one centimeter;

  1. After the spray has set, the main layers are applied with a thicker solution. The thickness of each layer should not exceed 5-7 mm. In the process of applying plaster, the surface of the walls is leveled with your own hands using a rule that is stretched along the beacons from the bottom up;
  2. in the process of applying the base layer, they are glued to the outer corners metal corners, protecting corners from chipping. Internal corners are formed using a corner spatula;
  3. the final layer is the covering - this is a liquid layer of plaster, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm;

  1. After the top layer of plaster has set, the beacons are removed, and traces of them are filled with mortar. At the same time, grouting is carried out - the surface is leveled with a smooth trowel, as in the photo above. To do this, the tool makes circular movements.

This completes the process of plastering the walls.

Wall covering with sheet materials

This method of rough finishing has a number of advantages over plaster:

  • simplicity and high speed of installation;
  • no dirty work;
  • there is no restriction on , i.e. you can level even the most crooked walls;
  • it is possible to insulate the walls by placing insulation under the sheathing;
  • the ability to give walls complex shapes, for example, to create niches, arches, etc.

The disadvantage of this finish is its low strength. True, this does not apply to all materials. For example, OSB boards are a very durable coating.

The cost of these coatings depends on their type:

  1. First of all, the ceiling and floor are marked for installation of guides, which should be located at the same vertical level;

  1. then, following the markings, the guide profiles themselves are attached to the ceiling and floor;
  2. then brackets for PP profiles are attached to the wall, taking into account that the step between them should be 50 cm;
  3. after this, PP profiles are inserted into the guides, which are then fixed with self-tapping screws in the brackets;

  1. to increase the strength of the frame, the cross members should be staggered;
  2. then sheets of drywall are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws;
  3. then a 5 mm chamfer is cut from the joints of the sheets, after which a sickle mesh is glued onto them;

  1. after this, the surface of the walls is primed with two layers acrylic primer using a paint roller;
  2. then the joints of the sheets and the heads of the screws are puttied;
  3. after the composition has dried, the starting putty is applied to the entire surface of the walls;
  4. the hardened putty is sanded with a coarse mesh or sandpaper;
  5. after sanding is completed, the walls should be wiped and primed again;
  6. then a starting layer of putty is applied and carefully sanded with a fine mesh.

If the walls of the house are smooth, installation of drywall can be done without a frame. In this case, the sheets are glued with starting putty.

After completing all these steps, the walls are ready.

Finishing the walls

Once the rough finishing is complete, you can begin finishing. There are simply a huge number of options for decorating walls. Therefore, traditional coverings such as wallpaper or tile, we will not consider, but will touch only on the most modern and popular materials.

So in my opinion special attention The following coverages deserve:

All these finishing and decorative materials have different operational properties, which I will discuss below.

Decorative rock

Decorative stone is the name given to tiles made from natural stone or other materials, for example, gypsum or plastic. It should be noted that fake diamond outwardly practically indistinguishable from natural.

In the interior, such material looks very impressive and modern. Moreover, it can be used for a variety of styles.

True, decorative stone is rarely used as the main material. Usually it is combined with other coatings - wallpaper, plaster, etc., while individual areas of the room are finished with stone, corners, doorways, etc. are highlighted.

Among its advantages, in addition to its attractive appearance, the following points can be highlighted:

  • high strength;
  • practicality - the stone can withstand high humidity(except for plaster), easy to clean. Therefore, it can be used as an apron in the kitchen;
  • easy to install - ordinary tile adhesive is used to cover walls with stone. Moreover, during the installation process there is no need to ensure uniformity of seams and level the tiles. Therefore, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Regarding the cost decorative stone, then this material cannot be called budgetary:

Clinker tiles

Another modern material that has recently become very popular is clinker tiles. Let me remind you that clinker is ceramic material, which is made from shale clay using a special technology.

As for decorative qualities, this material is a tile made in the form of a brick. Thus, it allows you to imitate brickwork in the interior.

Among the advantages of clinker tiles are:

  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to moisture, detergents and other things negative impacts. Therefore, clinker tiles are also excellent for finishing an apron;
  • durability - the material is able to retain its original appearance for decades.

As for installation, then this process looks the same as laying regular tiles. Therefore, to do the job well, you need to have some skills.

Clinker tiles exist not only for walls, but also for floors. Moreover, you can even find kits for finishing staircase steps on sale.

It should be noted that clinker is also a fairly expensive material:

Decorative plaster

Until recently, decorative plaster was perceived exclusively as facade material. However, in our time there is a fashion for its use in the interior.

It must be said that decorative plaster is not only the familiar “bark beetle”, as many people think. In fact, this concept includes different appearance wall coverings.

The most common among them are the following:

  • marble chips - as you might guess, decorative coating in this case formed marble chips, glued with a binder;
  • Venetian plaster - is a glossy coating that looks like marble covering. It should be noted that application Venetian plaster is a complex and expensive procedure;
  • textured plaster - is an elastic coating that can be given any texture, for example, with a special textured roller.

Like any other materials for finishing walls inside a house, plaster has its own advantages:

  • easy and quick to apply;
  • You can cover surfaces of even the most complex shapes;
  • suitable for interiors of any style;
  • the coating can hide small unevenness of the surface being finished;
  • can be used in any room, as the coating is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

As for applying decorative plaster, the instructions most often look like this:

  1. before applying the composition, the prepared wall surface must be covered with two layers of primer;
  2. if the plaster was purchased in the form of a dry mixture, it must be diluted in water according to the instructions on the package;
  3. then the coating is applied to the surface of the walls in a thin layer using a spatula or trowel;
  4. If the plaster is textured, after its application the texture is immediately formed with a roller or other devices. After setting, compositions such as “bark beetle” are rubbed with mala;
  5. To complete the work, painting of the plaster may be required. To do this, you can use any interior water-dispersion paint.

The price of plasters depends on the composition of the mixture and the manufacturer:

Liquid wallpaper

When considering modern wall finishing materials for interior work, one cannot fail to mention liquid wallpaper. I’ll say right away that the name “wallpaper” in this case is very arbitrary, since this material is applied in liquid form and, accordingly, is much more reminiscent of decorative plaster.

Compound liquid wallpaper can be very different. As a rule, it contains:

  • cotton and silk fibers;
  • cellulose;
  • acrylic dispersion, which serves as a binding component;
  • dyes;
  • all kinds of plasticizers

Due to the presence of silk and other fibers, this coating, after drying, vaguely resembles fabric wallpaper. Hence the name.

As for the advantages, they are the same as those of decorative plaster. The only thing that should be noted is that liquid wallpaper is susceptible to moisture, but it can be reused. In this case, they are soaked and carefully removed from the walls.

To make liquid wallpaper moisture-resistant, they need to be varnished. In this case, their repeated use is, of course, excluded.

The disadvantage of this material is its high cost:

Brand Price
Silk Plaster From 130 rub. 1m2
Bayramix Koza From 1000 rub. kg
Bioplast 250-350 rub. 1m2
Silkcoat 1100 rub. 1 kg

Water dispersion paints

Modern finishing The interior walls of the house can be painted with water-dispersion paint. Of course, the idea of ​​painting walls is far from new. Also in Soviet times The walls of the kitchen and bathroom were often painted, however, the result of such finishing left much to be desired.

Modern water-based coatings are on a qualitatively different level. Among their advantages the following points can be highlighted:

  • form an attractive matte, sometimes even silky film on the surface;
  • dry within a few hours;
  • have no odor;
  • There are moisture-resistant water-dispersion paints;
  • are tinted, so you can get any desired shade and not waste time looking for the right paint;
  • durability is significantly higher than that of oil paints, which were used in Soviet times. In addition, water-dispersed coatings do not fade in the sun;
  • the painted surface can be repainted without removing the old coating layer.

The disadvantage of this solution is the need for careful preparation of the base. The fact is that even the smallest flaws on the wall become more noticeable after painting.

As for the cost, water-dispersion paints can be both cheap and very expensive:

Brand Price
LAKRA 600 rub. 14kg
Dulux Easy BW 1250 rub. 2.5kg
Tikkurila euro power 7 1000 rub. 1.7kg
Tex 880 rub. 14kg

Plastic panels

Wall decoration inside a private house or apartment can be done with plastic panels. This is a practical moisture-resistant material, which is usually used for corridors, kitchens and bathrooms.

It must be said that modern plastic panels can imitate different materials, such as:

  • tree;
  • tile;
  • marble, etc.

Thanks to this, they are suitable for almost any interior. In addition, the panels have some other advantages:

  • do not require rough finishing of walls;
  • easy to install;
  • easy to clean
  • are budget material, while having an attractive appearance. The price starts from 50 rubles for a panel measuring 3000x100 mm.

To install panels without rough finishing, it is necessary to construct a frame. It can be made in the same way as a drywall frame. The only thing keep in mind is that the profiles must be positioned across the panels.

Often the frame is made from wooden slats. However, this does not change the principle of its design.

As an example, consider vertical installation panels:

  1. U-shaped guides should be installed on the ceiling and floor. Special corner profiles are installed in the corners. The profiles are fixed with self-tapping screws.
    Keep in mind that all guides must be level;
  2. the first panel is inserted into the horizontal guides and inserted into the corner profile;
  3. on the groove side, the panel is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws;
  4. then a second panel is inserted, which is connected to the first, and secured to the frame with self-tapping screws in the same way. The entire wall is sheathed according to this principle;
  5. the penultimate panel is cut lengthwise from the groove side, after which it is connected to the penultimate panel. To tuck it into the corner profile, the outer edge needs to be bent slightly.

If the walls are smooth, you can install the panels on mounting strips and kleimers. Mounting strips are attached directly to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowel nails. Clamps are clips that are inserted into mounting strips and secure the panels, as shown in the diagram below.

Here, perhaps, are all the modern finishing materials for interior walls that I wanted to tell you about. Of course, there are a huge number of other coatings, but it is the products described above that are most popular.


All of the above materials and technologies for interior wall decoration have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, each homeowner must decide for himself “which path to take.” In this case, of course, it is necessary to take into account the future design of the room and financial possibilities, since the cost of these materials is also different.

By watching the video in this article, you can learn Additional information. If you have not found answers to any of your questions regarding wall decoration, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

October 9, 2016

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- a classic version of wall decoration. The material can be selected for almost any room, because there are many types of material: from simple paper to modern 3D wallpaper. Wallpaper perfectly combines decorative qualities and practicality.

– there are a large number of tiles of different textures and colors, differing in their technical properties and qualities. Each type has its own advantages, but almost any tile is resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and has fairly high wear resistance. Therefore, this material is great for kitchens and bathrooms.

- most a budget option for wall decoration. The building materials market provides a wide range of paints, in addition to special painting tools(for example, a texture roller) will help to decorate the room in an elegant and original way. But do not forget that paint can highlight unevenness and defects in the walls, so before painting the walls are leveled with plaster or drywall.

– a universal material for room decoration. Allows you to create various curly design solutions and complement them with various lamps. This finishing method allows you to hide uneven walls, wiring, pipes, etc. The disadvantages include the hollowness and hollowness of the wall.

Unique in its final design, because the material is plastic, changeable and versatile in terms of decoration. Advantages include seamless application, environmental friendliness, fire resistance, and ease of maintenance. The downside is the difficulty of application and the high cost of the material.

– fast and practical way finishing. The panels have qualities such as moisture resistance and low maintenance, which is why they can be seen so often in toilets and bathrooms. But today there is decorative panels with imitation wood, stone and other textures that will perfectly decorate a living room or bedroom.

What about gender?

– great for the bathroom, it can also be installed in the kitchen, hallway or utility room. Tiled floors are wear-resistant, durable and easy to clean. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that such a coating is “cold”, so it is recommended to connect a “warm floor” system.

- one of the most expensive finishing methods. The advantage of parquet is its artistic appearance and, of course, naturalness and environmental friendliness. This floor requires special care, since wood is afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

- a modern and practical way to finish the floor. A wide selection of colors and textures will help decorate and complement any interior. Laminate is durable, wear-resistant and fire-resistant. In addition, such a floor does not need to be painted, primed or varnished over time. To care for it you only need a damp cloth.

– coating in the form of a screed based on a self-leveling mixture. This floor has a flat and smooth surface. Distinctive feature is the possibility of applying a film that gives the floor a 3D effect.

- one of the most popular methods of floor finishing. The material can imitate any coating: wood, tile or even stone. Disadvantages include poor resistance to low temperatures, otherwise the linoleum will harden and crack.


– fast and sufficient effective option decor, great for economy class renovations. The material is very easy to install and does not require special experience.


– a universal material in terms of creation multi-level ceilings with various combinations of lamps. Moreover, such a ceiling hides surface defects, wiring, ventilation, etc. The loss in height will be at least 5 cm.

– is a perfectly evenly stretched canvas, which can be glossy, matte, satin or textile. High aesthetic appearance and quick installation are main feature stretch ceilings.

Building materials for interior wall decoration are available in large quantities. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to choose.
They are distinguished by price, appearance, application and installation complexity. In this article we will figure out which material to choose for interior wall decoration and where it is best to use it.
After all, the rooms are different. First, you should look at photos and videos on this topic and figure out the desired design.
Then you can start choosing wall decoration in the apartment.

Materials for finishing interior walls can be distinguished according to several parameters. First of all, you should pay attention to the temperature regime.
After all, not all elements can withstand elevated temperatures. Susceptibility to high humidity will also affect the choice.
Now let's look at each material separately.


This is perhaps the most traditional finish. Its price is not high compared to other types of wall decoration.


  • What is most attractive about this type of cladding is the speed of work. It's fast enough.
    Yes, and you can do everything completely with your own hands. This will reduce the overall cost of performing the work;
  • This material for wall finishing is perfect for treating walls in a room where there is constant heating, but where there is no heating, such finishing will not be suitable; with temperature changes and changes in humidity, this material will peel off and lose its appearance. Although they can easily be used to decorate the kitchen;
  • This product contains only environmentally friendly clean materials that will not harm your health.

This material is divided into several types, which differ in the material of production and the possible living environment:

  • Paper is the cheapest and least durable material that will not last long. They can easily be damaged mechanically;
  • Vinyl, which is already more durable. On outside done vinyl covering, which is less susceptible to high humidity and mechanical stress;
  • Acrylic, the finishing of which is carried out using an acrylic emulsion, which is applied to a base made of paper. In terms of resistance to external influences and moisture, they are approximately in the middle, between those listed earlier;
  • Finishing materials for interior walls are non-woven based, this is a more durable material. Vinyl is applied to the surface and first foamed.
    They can paint beautifully;
  • Fiberglass is a fireproof material that can also be used for painting.

Any such wall decoration with wallpaper is also decorated with decor and borders. Many people also use photo wallpaper, which is also not durable.

Wall tiles

Cladding materials for interior wall decoration would not be complete without ceramic tiles, which are quite often used when decorating the walls of a room.


  • These are non-flammable materials that can be used for almost any type of room;
  • These building materials for wall decoration are perfect for finishing rooms with high humidity, for example, for finishing a bathroom. They tolerate temperature changes well;
  • The cladding can be done entirely with your own hands;

Attention: Fastening must be done according to certain rules and properly prepare the base plane.
Otherwise, you risk that the material will not last long. On our website there is detailed instructions to do this job.

This material is divided into several types, which are divided according to appearance and material of manufacture:

  • Clinker tiles, which have a closed porous structure. It is made on the basis of clay and oxides, followed by annealing.
    It has different shapes, but not large. Most often it has a matte surface;
  • Majolica is made from clay and produced using double firing. It has increased strength and is often used for floor finishing.
    This is a durable material that will last a long time;
  • Porcelain tiles, which are made on the basis of granite and clay. Such tiles have a lot of weight, but are also quite durable in construction.
    IN retail trade there are many colors and shades. She tolerates it well external influences and can even be used to finish the basement of a building;

Wood panels for wall decoration

This wall decoration environmental material, which is not used in all rooms. It just looks too officey.
But for finishing the hallway and office, perhaps will suit best way.


  • During installation, you can also insulate the walls. Which will lead to a reduction in heating bills.
    This material even without additional insulation will already perform these functions;
  • This finish looks quite rich; it can be finished with valuable wood species;

Attention: If you decide to decorate with this material and want to choose a valuable type of wood, then do not rush to spend money.
In the retail trade there are mixtures that, when covering cheap wood, create a structure that is practically indistinguishable from a valuable species. Just do this in advance.

  • Only during installation should you correctly understand that such finishing does not tolerate high humidity and should not be installed in rooms without constant heating. The material absorbs moisture and quickly deteriorates. And care won’t be cheap;
  • This finish will take away and usable area premises, it is attached to the frame.

PVC panels

This finish began to be used not so long ago. But she has already found her fans.


  • The low price and ease of installation attracts consumers. You can do all the work yourself and it doesn’t take much time:
  • You can also insulate the walls at the same time;
  • This coating tolerates and high humidity, which makes them suitable for cladding bathroom walls;
  • You should know that the panels should not be mounted on the side where direct rays of the sun fall. In this case, the panels begin to warp;

Attention: When choosing materials, preference should be given only to trusted manufacturers.
When purchasing material, check the certificate of quality and conformity. The fact is that unknown Chinese manufacturers do not make the panels using the same technology; in direct sunlight they can produce harmful odors. Think about it.

  • The panels are attached to the frame, and therefore you will take away the usable area of ​​the room. Minimum height the profile will take at least 5 cm;
  • PVC panels tolerate temperature changes well, so they can also be used in rooms without constant heating. For example, such a finish would be well used for finishing the premises of a summer house.

Decorative plaster of walls

This material is perfect for wall decoration. All work can be done with your own hands, which will reduce the cost of all work.
The price is not high, so almost everyone can afford it.

  • Prostate finishing can attract the consumer. Everything is done quickly enough and no special skills are required;
  • Does not take up free space and can be applied to almost any surface;
  • Tolerates temperature changes and high humidity perfectly. Can be used for finishing almost any type of room;

Attention: To apply this coating, the surface must be properly and thoroughly prepared.
Before applying the material, carefully read the rules for applying this material in the article on our website. There are detailed instructions there.

  • This material will perfectly hide small cracks walls and you won’t need to do a thorough finishing;
  • When purchasing material, read the instructions; there are some options for such products that also serve as insulation.
    And this will be very useful. Moreover, the sound insulation in the room will increase;
  • This finish is also quite durable and will last for many years. And repairing the surface does not take much time and does not require much effort.

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

This type of finish is gaining popularity these days.
And there are reasons for this:

  • This type of finishing does not require much space and can be done in a very short time. And do everything completely with your own hands;
  • Although they are quite easy to apply, they will not insulate the wall. They are easy to damage mechanically;
  • They look a little office-like, but are perfect for decorating the walls of a hallway or cottage;
  • Tolerates temperature changes and high humidity;
  • There are many colors and shades available in retail. You can also make different surface textures. Apply all your design ideas.

You now have the most popular types finishes and you can make your choice. Many people make decorations using several types of materials and make them quite attractive and quality finishes.
It should be said that any finishing is carried out according to certain rules and requires a certain technology for performing the work. On our website there is detailed description according to the rules for performing any type of finishing.