We create an original design of a children's room for a girl. DIY children's room design for a girl Simple children's room design for a girl

Children grow quickly, and each age has its advantages. An older child is more picky about everything related to his environment. This is especially true for girls. How to decorate a children's room for a girl is a hot topic in a family where a little princess is growing up. The room should correspond to her character, hobbies, favorite activities, and age.

The size of the room does not play a special role, but it must be bright and warm. Each age group has specific features for arranging a nursery. Let's take a closer look at the children's room for an 8-9 year old girl. This is a preparatory period before adolescence, so the opinion of the little housewife is taken into account.

Start planning

There must be a clear division working area, recreation areas. The workplace is given Special attention. The color scheme of the room for a growing child can be completely different: white, light green, lavender, soft pink.

The choice of wallpaper color, furniture, and possible layout must be discussed with the girl herself. It’s more pleasant for the child to take part in the process of creating a personal corner, and it’s easier for parents to choose something specific.

Wall decoration and lighting

8-9 years is a serious age. You need to forget about wallpaper with bears and bright flowers. Experts have found that light, neutral wall coverings (this could be wallpaper or paint) are suitable for better perception. If you have a small room, choosing light shades will visually expand the space. If it is cloudy outside, the room remains bright. It is not forbidden to hang various pictures on the walls.

The window should not be covered with heavy curtains, drapes or filled with furniture. Instead of curtains, light curtains and Roman blinds in soft and pleasant shades are used.

Lighting plays a big role. Is it not possible to place a workplace or a place to relax near a window? Care should be taken sufficient quantity artificial lighting.

There are several sources of artificial lighting:

  • Lamp above the bed;
  • Lamp on the desktop, directly above the table;
  • Several lamps in the closet (if you have one).

Game of colors

Parents need to forget forever about the stereotype that girls love pink. At this age it is good for mental development and general state calm tones will influence: pale green, baked milk, pale blue and similar colors.

Decorating one wall with a different color or photo wallpaper is becoming relevant. And even though 9 years is a serious age, girls still play with toys. This emphasis allows you to highlight the recreation area.

By participating in the process, the girl will be able to feel more mature and responsible for making decisions.

Furniture for a children's room

In the video: a family made renovations in the nursery, take a look, it will come in handy! :)

Furniture for the nursery, where the girl will rest and work, should, first of all, be functional, comfortable, and please the owner herself. The main place is occupied by the closet, since the young lady has enough wardrobe items. It is advisable to separate school uniforms and everyday items. Various shelves required drawers, where books and toys will be placed. It is important to separate school supplies and toys.

Plays an important role physical development girls. If the size of the room allows, there is a gym or wall bars in it. This solution will allow you to alternate between physical activity and mental work. To save space, you can put a sofa instead of a bed. When the child is awake, it is folded, and at night it turns into a sleeping place. Experts advise positioning the bed or sofa so that the door is visible. They claim that this way the child feels more comfortable and can see everyone who comes in.

Particular attention is paid to school furniture. It should be a comfortable table of small size. This should also be a backrest, a shelf above the table. Advice on choosing school furniture: the table should have an adjustable tabletop and correspond to the height of the child, the chair should be chosen so that the feet are completely on the floor and the backrest is easily adjustable, shelves attached to the wall will significantly save room space. Interior elements for a girl’s nursery include mirrors, various ottomans for get-togethers with friends, and various decorative items that decorate the room.

Here are photos of pieces of furniture that may be in the nursery.

Girl's room design styles

Despite the large number of styles for decorating a nursery, we will focus on the most common ones.


Both the girl and her parents will like this style. The design contains only smooth lines, no corners. It can be either bright (which is still undesirable) or calm, with colors blending into each other. Looking at the interior as a whole, we can say that here every thing is in its place, nothing superfluous. The furniture is convenient and comfortable, and the combination of natural shapes, textures and colors has a positive effect on the child himself. The photo shows how harmoniously the Art Nouveau style blends into the nursery.


The word itself speaks for itself! This design of the room suggests its impressive size and only pastel colors. The furniture is made from natural materials and is therefore quite bulky; the chandelier is decorated with crystal; It is possible to have heavy multi-layer curtains.

If curtains are present, they should not be drawn, otherwise light will not penetrate the room.

In a word, when you are in a nursery designed in a classic style, you feel like a princess.

High tech

Modern parents are increasingly choosing this style. This is by design high technology combined with clean lines. Glass, plastic shelves, gray or metallic colors, a variety of electronics. Oddly enough, girls will love this corner. Below is a photo original design nursery for a 9 year old lady.


A children's room in this style is the ultimate dream. Minimum furniture, maximum space. All furniture is functional and compact. The color scheme is quiet, calm tones, neutral shades, no color spots. A good solution for quiet and calm girls 8-9 years old.

It all depends on the area

The dimensions of the room play a very important role. After all, a child’s imagination can run wild, but how can all this be realized if the room is small? It’s another matter if the room is spacious. Let's consider options for both cases.

Design small room easy for a girl. The principle of minimalism is used or the furniture is placed on the walls (literally!). Minimalism involves multifunctional furniture. In other words, a sofa easily turns into a table and vice versa, a closet is built into the wall and the like. You may get the impression that there is no furniture at all.

In a small room, you can hang all the cabinets and shelves on the walls, and the furniture should be without doors, so as not to be taken away small space. There will be no wardrobe in such an interior or it will be built into the wall.

Color scheme and lighting for small rooms:

  1. Pastel shades;
  2. A striped wall (this solution will visually expand the room, it will appear wider and taller);
  3. Lighting (there should be as much of it as possible);
  4. Ceiling (color only white, otherwise the room will seem low).

With the impressive size of the room, you don’t have to skimp on furniture and color design. In a large room, you can separate a play area and a study area, which is important for 9-year-old girls.

You can make a mini-wardrobe. Place a screen, a decorative mannequin, a dressing table, a chest of drawers with a mirror. In general, help the girl imagine herself as a young lady.

Arranging a nursery is a responsible process. And if the child is a girl, then he becomes even more interesting. After all, in addition to functionality and safety, the room should also be beautiful. We invite you to choose furniture for the girl’s room together.

For a newborn

Decorate the newborn's room in soft, pastel colors. The minimum amount of furniture is enough: a cradle, a small chest of drawers and a changing table. Modern manufacturers often combine the last two items into one, which is very convenient. For mom, buy a rocking chair where she can relax with her baby in her arms. The main thing is that the nursery is warm and sunny.

As your baby grows up, she will have new needs, and the room should undergo changes to accommodate them.

2-3 years

At this age, the child actively explores the world, he wants to explore and taste everything. The baby has no time to sit still when there are so many interesting things around. At this stage, the main task of parents is to make the room as safe and comfortable as possible. And since her owner is a little girl, she is also beautiful.

The most popular shades for girls are still pink. But it is a mistake to think that only this color will suit her. Any pastel colors will look no worse, or even better.

Add a few bright accents, but don't overdo it. An abundance of bright colors will overstimulate the child, and it will be more difficult to calm him down. Use peach, yellow, gold colors.

Finishing materials must be environmentally friendly.

At this age, the children's room is conventionally divided into 4 zones: for sleeping, working, playing and storing things. It is important to teach your baby to put things and toys in the right place. Place a small table in the work area where she can do creative work.

Take care of good lighting, place a night light next to the crib. Paint the ceiling plain white. Walls, especially play area, decorate. Use self-adhesive stickers with bright designs and your favorite characters, or decorate the corner yourself.

As flooring use carpet from natural fibers. Unfortunately, it is not affordable for everyone. More budget option will become light laminate. Place a cozy rug on top that makes it comfortable to sit and play on.

6-7 years

When thinking about the design of a room for a girl, practicality and functionality come first. Let her choose the color scheme herself.

Zoning becomes even clearer. At this age, a girl goes to school and always appears in the room. desk. Have extra drawers and shelves to store school supplies. Choose furniture taking into account the girl’s tastes.

A table that is too strict will discourage you from learning, and a table that is too frivolous will not create the right mood. The workplace should be well lit. The table and chair must have height adjustment mechanisms in order to last for many more years.

It is better to place the table near the window, where there is the most natural light. Set up a games area: place Dollhouse, boxes for toys, a set of miniature furniture for my daughter and her friends.

The nursery becomes more and more individual: the child develops interests and hobbies that are reflected in the room. Support her hobbies, create an atmosphere that encourages her to do what she loves.

10-12 years

At this age, the little princess turns into a teenager. Her character is undergoing changes, she wants independence, and she definitely needs a corner where she can be her own mistress. Going against your daughter at this age will only spoil the relationship. Take a step forward, give her free rein in the design of your territory - of course, within reasonable limits.

Look at photos of girls' rooms together and choose a style that suits everyone. Only after this go to the store for materials and furniture. Take your daughter with you, show that you respect and value her opinion.

Let her “try on” the model she likes. The chair and table should be comfortable and suitable in height, the bed should be spacious enough. The closet should match her height so that there are no difficulties with the upper shelves.

Let the girl choose the color scheme, or at least find a compromise together.

From 14 years old

A teenage girl's room is similar to an adult girl's room. She will want to express herself, and the room will become a reflection of her hobbies and interests. It’s better, of course, to do a full renovation and update the furniture to something more adult. At this age, she is no longer interested in toys, so the play area can be freed up. Modern teenagers Can’t imagine life without electronics, so you’ll have to splurge on some equipment.

Fashionable interior styles for girls today are called eco-style, hi-tech, minimalism. Now it is even more important not to go against your daughter, not to impose your vision. At this age, a teenager is very easy to offend. Let her use her imagination, just give her recommendations on the sly.

Main elements of the room:

  • Transformable bed or sofa;
  • Spacious closet (the best option is a wardrobe with mirrored doors);
  • Desk and comfortable chair;
  • Electronics: computer, TV, speaker system or something else;
  • Curtains, lamps, soft pouf.

Room for two girls

The task for parents becomes twice as difficult, especially if the sisters have a big difference in age and hobbies. In the interior, everyone’s opinion has to be taken into account, and girls have to look for a compromise with each other.

The area of ​​the nursery plays a huge role. In order to save space, it is often purchased bunk bed. The eldest will sleep on the second floor, the youngest - below.

When arranging a nursery, functionality comes first. Take a look at a transforming table or a wardrobe bed. Buy furnishings made to order specifically for your room. When choosing folding furniture, take into account the age of the children: it will not be easy for a little girl to cope with the mechanism, and it is also unsafe.

Shelves and drawers for books and toys will have to be purchased by both, and the workplace can be one larger. This way, girls can study together, improving both the quality of their studies and their relationships. This also applies to the closet: one large one is enough.

Photo of a children's room for a girl

Decorating a children's room is as enjoyable as it is responsible. Before you begin the most favorite item for most moms and dads when decorating a room, you need to go through a series of difficult choice dilemmas. finishing materials, design and method of furniture arrangement, find the optimal combination of safety, practicality, environmental friendliness and cost of each piece of furniture. With all this, it is important to take into account the preferences and interests of the child himself, not to succumb to the stereotypes of decorating rooms divided into boys and girls, and to take into account the nuances of a particular space - its size, shape, number of windows and location relative to the cardinal directions. In this publication we would like to understand the design options for a girl’s room. Learn about which color palette and design theme to choose, how to find best option An impressive selection of modern design projects created by specialists in different parts of our planet will help us arrange furniture in a small room, how to take into account the age, interests and characteristics of a little lady and not ruin the family budget. We hope that more than a hundred original, practical and cozy images of a children’s room for a girl will help you create a room design plan for your princess.

Criteria for choosing a design for a girl's room

Children grow up, their passions, interests and needs change at such a speed that parents can only keep up with the metamorphoses occurring with their child. Of course, age will be the main criterion for choosing a design for a nursery, because for each age group Girls are characterized by their own preferences, abilities and skills, and level of independence. But there are many other aspects that will have a direct impact on drawing up a plan for the repair or reconstruction of a room for a little lady:

  • size and shape of the room;
  • number of window and door openings;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions;
  • the number of girls who will live in the nursery;
  • the child’s interests, interests, hobbies;
  • the child’s character (calm or active, in need of reassurance or maintenance);
  • financial capabilities of parents and planning repairs for a certain period (not everyone will be able to change the interior of a nursery every 3-4 years, as experts recommend);
  • design style of an apartment or private house.

Decorating a nursery depending on the girl’s age

In the room of a baby under 1 year old, the design is largely related to the preferences of the parents. The baby does not yet care about the pattern on the wallpaper or the design of the furniture; the main thing is a pleasant microclimate in a bright room, not overloaded with details (less decor means less dust). Experts recommend creating basic renovations, which will later be easy to decorate for a girl who has already learned to walk and wants to do everything possible ways explore the world around her. Light, pastel shades for wall decoration - perfect option to create a background on which you can later apply artistic paintings, drawings using stencils, or stick stickers with characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

By creating the design of a room for a baby, you are laying the foundation for the next 3-4 years. Choosing safe for humans and environment materials for finishing and as raw materials for the production of furniture and other interior items is obvious. In order to make as few alterations as possible in the future, keep in mind at the initial stage that the crib will need to be replaced with a larger one, you will need a place to install a table (for games, creativity, activities), and a small chest of drawers (aka changing table) will need will replace or add a wardrobe closet. A rack or any other storage system for toys can be installed initially, planning for a constant increase in items for games, sports equipment and books.

In the room for girls from one year to about 4 years old most of The space of the room should be given over to a play area. In addition to sleeping space and storage systems, you need a small corner for creative activities - this could be a compact table installed by the window or a small console that can be moved in the future. Each functional segment must be optimally illuminated - limiting yourself to one light source will not work even in the smallest rooms.

In the nursery, which is a small world for a girl 5-6 years old and older, most of the room’s space is still devoted to games. But parallel to the segment for games and creativity, an area with a workplace appears. It is better to prepare for school at a full-fledged desk (preferably with adjustable height of the tabletop - this way the furniture will “grow” with the child) with a comfortable chair or armchair (with adjustable seat height and backrest tilt).

In a preschooler’s room, interior design is a joint effort between parents and child. The baby’s age already allows her to consciously talk about her favorite colors, design themes (heroes of fairy tales, books, comics), hobbies and passions. If the child is not interested in going to the base of finishing materials with his parents, then the baby will be able to choose furniture models on the Internet or in a store, most likely she will want to participate in the process of choosing the textile design of the room - bed linen and bedspreads, drapery for windows, carpeting.

In a teenage girl’s room, designing becomes not just a joint activity between parents and child, but often becomes entirely the responsibility of the growing designer. In adolescence, girls need to show their independence and personally arrange a secluded corner so they can be alone. Therefore, parents need to be patient and listen to all suggestions for decorating the children's room. After all, only the girl herself knows how she wants to see her little world, her universe, contained in a few square meters. It will be possible to find a compromise, because modern stores offer us the widest range of finishing materials, ready furniture solutions, lighting fixtures and textiles for decorating beds and draping windows.

In a teenager’s room, it is necessary to make a special emphasis on expanding the sleeping area and “strengthening” the atmosphere of the working segment. During puberty, adolescents often experience growth spurts - furniture should have a supply for such cases, it is better to purchase a bed “for growth”, and a chair (chair) for writing and writing. computer desk with the ability to adjust the height of the seat and backrest. There are usually no toys left in a teenager’s room (unless they are collectibles), so all storage systems in the form of racks and ordinary shelves are reserved for books and stationery.

Color palette for a little lady's room

The 50 shades of pink that set most parents' teeth on edge, which they often have to put up with in children's wardrobe, they are planning to move into decorating the child’s room. And it’s not a matter of stereotypes dividing everything that sways girls as pink and boys as blue. Most girls really really like the color pink and they ask their parents to use it in the design of their secluded place - the room where they relax, play, explore the world, engage in creativity and sports. In addition, pink has many shades, among which you will probably be able to find “yours”, suitable for the role of the main background tone.

What colors are best combined with pink and its shades? There is no universal advice; a lot depends on the size of the room, its shape, layout, intensity of natural light and the result that the little owner of the room and her parents would like to get. The combination of pink and white is great for creating a delicate and light image of the room. You can add a gray tone or light wood surfaces to this alliance. Experts do not recommend using more than three colors (or shades thereof).

And a little more about gray tone, as one of the main color solutions for a children's room. Only at first glance it may seem that any shade of gray in a girl’s room is melancholy and boredom. This color, neutral in all respects, goes well with white and another more saturated tone. Three primary colors, two of which contribute to the visual expansion of space (white and light gray) and the creation of a calm, peaceful atmosphere - great choice for a nursery room. As a third color in this case, you can use the favorite pink or a more saturated tone - raspberry, blue or turquoise, purple, lilac and even orange. The main thing is a reasonable dosage of bright tone.

White color and its shades as the main finishing tone are an excellent opportunity to create a light and clean look. If we are talking about small rooms, and even with complex geometry, sins in planning or architecture, then White color often becomes the only winning option for decorating walls and ceilings. Moreover, any furniture and decor will look great on a white background. You won’t have to think about color combinatorics, white tone goes with any color scheme.

Beige is another color universal options, which can become not only an excellent option for the main color scheme, but also visually “warm” the interior, bringing softness and comfort, lightness and freshness to the environment. The beige color has many shades, but to decorate the walls in a children's bowl, pastel, warm shades are most often used. In combination with white and soft pink, beige can create surprisingly light and incredibly “homey” looks. A similar effect can be achieved by using peach color as the main palette solution for a girl’s children’s room.

If you and your child like different shades of blue, then feel free to discard stereotypes and use them as the main or additional (to a light tone) color scheme for decorating the room. Soft blue shades look great both as the main tone for finishing all the walls, and for creating an accent surface (if the rest are decorated in white, for example). Sky blue, light turquoise, menthol or ultramarine with a dash of white - all these shades can be an excellent solution for a girl’s room. But it is important to understand that all shades of blue belong to a cool color palette and are suitable for rooms located on the south side of the building with good natural light. Otherwise color temperature The interior will need to be “lifted” with warm tones, using the natural grain of wood to add warmth.

Another palette, created as if especially for girls - shades of lilac, purple. Delicate violet walls can be an excellent backdrop for creating a light and fresh look in a girl’s room. Pastel purple can be diluted with white, dark purple and even gray.

Color experts say that most shades of green can be used as the main finishing color in a children's room. Color sets the mood for positivity, awakens creativity and can calm hyperactive children. Only the shade needs to be decided correctly. The more impurities in green blue tone, the cooler the shade, the more yellow, the warmer. Choose olive and light pistachio tones for rooms located on the north side of the building.

Contrasting combinations in the children's room? Why not! If you want to emphasize the geometry of the room, highlight one or another functional segment and bring dynamism to the image of the nursery, then alternating light and dark surfaces is ideal for this. Often dark spots in the interior of a children's room are black magnetic boards on which you can draw with crayons, attach drawings, photos and other creative results. To “support” a contrasting theme, you can use a contrasting print on decorative pillows, drapery of a bed or windows, carpeting (it is better to purchase small bedside rugs that can easily be pulled out of the room for cleaning)

Design for a room for two girls

In the room where the sisters live, the main problem of choice becomes not color palette or furniture models, but the correct, rational and ergonomic distribution of space. It is not easy for two princesses to create an environment in which it would be convenient to relax, play, study, do creativity and do what they love at once. The task becomes more complicated if the room is small, and the girls have a large age difference and, as a result, different interests, preferences and even lifestyles. But a compromise can always be found, the only question is that you will have to spend more time and, possibly, budget on remodeling the room or a full-fledged renovation.

A bunk bed is an excellent solution for saving space in a small room shared by two girls. This approach to organizing sleeping arrangements is perfect for little princesses with a small difference in age (and therefore height). As a result of installing a bed with two tiers of sleeping places, space is freed up for active games, installation of workstations with storage systems.

But the option of using two-tier structures is not suitable for all sisters. If the area of ​​the room allows, then installing the beds parallel to each other so that the beds are approached from all sides can be considered ideal. In such a situation, set bedside table or a table-stand can be placed next to each bed. If the square footage of the room is modest, then the beds are placed against the walls, and a cabinet or small chest of drawers is placed between them. But at least it is necessary to organize a light source at each head of the bed.

A few ideas for decorating a girl's room

Decoration, which older boys often prefer to neglect, is simply necessary for a girl’s room. After all, it is the details that are dear to the heart that make the interior not just modern, stylish, beautiful, but cute and cozy. Ruffles on the curtains, lace on the bed linen, paintings and photos on the walls, drawings, images of your favorite characters on all possible surfaces. We offer you several ideas for decorating a girl’s room, many of which are not only aesthetically pleasing, but are also functional interior items.

946 1427 Dix https://www..pngDix 2016-12-29 16:30:36 2018-11-30 11:16:03 Children's room for a girl: 100 modern design ideas

The schoolgirl is growing up quickly, and the furnishings of the room have to be changed to suit the interests of the growing girl. If the room does not require renovation, there is no point in radically transforming it; it is enough to think about a spectacular decor. Parents thinking about how to decorate a teenage girl’s room are advised to take the advice of professionals in order to get a stylish and aesthetic design at minimal cost.

Bedroom for a real little lady

Chandeliers in the shape of butterflies will look beautiful in a girl’s room

Light pink color would be appropriate in a girl's room

Where to start transforming a teenager's room?

You don’t need a special reason to decorate your personal space, but it’s better to give it some justification. Great way Make your daughter feel that she is perceived in the family as an independent adult by making decor for a teenager’s room with her own hands for her next birthday. It’s time to remove furniture that has become small from the room, remove pictures and accessories that do not correspond to age.

Preparing to start school year- also a good way to make an audit in the children's room. The main goal is to reorganize the workplace and expand the sleeping area if the legs are already resting on the headboard of the bed or sofa. At the same time, it’s worth discussing at a family council how to decorate a teenage girl’s room with your own hands. All family members can be involved in the exciting creative process, and there is something for everyone.

The bedroom of a real little princess

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the interior of a children's room

The most difficult thing is to come to a common decision regarding the design concept, since parents are conservative, children are radical. But one cannot help but take into account the teenager’s opinion; ultimately, everything is done for the children, and better yet, with the involvement of the children themselves in the decoration.

If a teenager is interested in graffiti, fencing painting, or Murak painting on a serious level, it makes sense to allocate one prepared wall for the author’s “masterpiece.” Teenagers will certainly appreciate the disposition of their parents towards them, this The best way improve relationships. But one condition can be set - to approve a sketch of an inscription or wall drawing that will carry a positive content. For example, a hand-drawn dream of a trip to Paris to buy clothes or a bicycle trip to the mountains with a group of extreme sports enthusiasts.

Teenagers love to have something exclusive, and a wall with an original drawing will be a source of pride for the daughter. She will willingly show off wall paintings to her guests and friends. But such wall decoration should not be self-sufficient; it should resonate with other DIY room decor for a teenage girl. If the time has come to change curtains, lamps, furniture, old bookshelves, it is advisable that an original idea be visible in this newness.

Under the bed you can organize a place for reading and gaming

Children's room in pink with a large bright panel

An example of a room design for a girl

What is the best way to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling?

The design concept should be such that it is easy to implement with your own hands. If you plan to repair the ceiling, you should not make it expensive, but have no aesthetic value.

Before you transform and decorate a teenage girl's room, it's worth discussing interesting options. For example, the ceiling and walls can be designed as open space. Another option is a dark stretch ceiling with diodes that will twinkle stars at a dreamy child. A “floating” ceiling with a glow around the perimeter is something fantastic in a futuristic teenager’s room.

Purple color in the interior of a children's room looks very beautiful

Not the wall you can hang cartoon characters

For a small room on the north side, this approach will not be acceptable; you need to increase the amount of light and free space. Furniture is a minimum; floors, walls and ceilings should be light. Decor and textiles choose cheerful shades in warm colors.

On the south side, it is better to dim the light with thick curtains of a cold palette. It’s easy to do all the decor for the room with your own hands, when it’s a pleasure for a girl to decorate it to her liking. The effect of an open sky will be created by a matte light blue ceiling, and voluminous clouds can be made with your own hands.

This room design is perfect for a girl.

Functional bedroom for a little girl

For the development of the child, you can hang a drawing board

Collages, inscriptions and wall panels

The main decor is usually placed on the walls. There is a lot of scope for implementing ideas for decorating a teenager’s room with your own hands - all this can be hung on vertical plane. Inscriptions, extravagant drawings and homemade accessories are most often dispelled:

  • at the head of the bed;
  • near the entrance (door);
  • opposite the sleeping plane;
  • on a solid wall without furniture;
  • at work surface or countertops.

Romantic teenagers like to decorate the room with the word “LOVE”, which can be done using any technique. Letters made of plywood, coated with golden spray paint or covered with large sparkles look creative.

You can hang pictures with cartoon characters on the wall

Butterflies will look harmonious in such an interior

The inscriptions “LOVE” can also decorate the space at the head of the bed, written on the wall or wallpaper in different fonts and colors. Your daughter will certainly appreciate this kind of DIY room decor. The names of different cities and fashion brands look no less interesting.

Walls can be decorated in different ways:

  • collage of selfies and family photos;
  • a silhouette drawing of your favorite artist or singer on the wall;
  • mosaic canvas on a favorite theme;
  • decorating mirror frames using improvised means;
  • homemade flowers from fabric and paper in hanging planters from plastic bottles;
  • flower pots in knitted “outfits” on glass shelves etc.

Homemade decor can be a lot and modestly, in moderation, but it is important that it is in harmony with the furniture, textiles and lighting.

A girl's room should be bright and functional

Wood in the form of shelves for books

Bright room design for a girl with drawings

Room color scheme

Too bright colors in the decor of a girl’s room are not always appropriate. If your daughter’s every day is full of emotions, events and varied activities, then there should be a relaxing environment at home. Teenage girls often complain about bad dream, cannot fall asleep in the evening and have difficulty waking up in the morning, feel lethargic all day, and after communicating with peers they cannot concentrate on doing the simplest activities. In this case, you should not look for the problem in the fact that the type of sleep and wakefulness is “night owl”.

On the other hand, owls are a fashionable motif for decor; they can decorate a daughter’s bedroom in any way:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sofa cushions;
  • wall pictures.

Owls can be a silent reminder to go to bed earlier.

It is better to decorate a young girl’s personal space in pastel colors or blurred shades of her favorite color. Usually teenage girls like pink and purple colour, but some people prefer red and black, white and turquoise.

There should not be an excess of your favorite shade in the bedroom. It is recommended to maintain a color balance with a predominance of a light background, some bright emotional accents and graphic linear contrasts. Any DIY decor for a teenager’s room will fit well into this color harmony.

Beautiful bedroom design for a girl

You can put a bed near the window

How to transform furniture?

Children's furniture, no matter how attractive or functional it may be, gradually becomes irrelevant. The time comes to replace it or reorganize it in some way. Teenagers most like “transformers” or multifunctional modules that can be rearranged around the room.

But if we talk about sofas, teenage girls don’t like to lay them out every night before bed and put them back together in the morning. If for small child This is done by parents, but as they grow older, these responsibilities are transferred to the teenager. Most often, they prefer to huddle on a compact sofa with their legs tucked up on top of the bedspread, rather than using the transformation mechanism and making the bed.

If the length of the mattress is quite suitable, and the bed or sofa is outdated, it is easy to transform it into a pull-out module under the podium for a computer desk. Such furniture is complemented by many drawers and shelves on which many objects are placed and original decor in the form of colored hearts.

Built-in furniture with children's themed facades does not require complete replacement, if you are satisfied with the functionality, just change the doors. Vinyl stickers do not require large expenses and efforts to produce images. These can be the same motifs or entire scenes in pictures for decorating a girl’s bedroom.

Children's room for a real princess

Chic room design for a little girl

Making a canopy over the bed

One of the simplest ways to decorate a sleeping place is to make a canopy from light transparent fabric. This tradition came from the east, but has taken root in many interior styles. There is something romantic in such an accessory, and this is one of the answers - how to decorate a room with your own hands in an original and quick way for a girl.

The canopy is made and attached in different ways, depending on the shape of the ceiling. If the children's bedroom is located in attic room, then in this way they drape part of the surface of the sloping ceiling above the bed. It may resemble clouds or the sails of a ship.

A simple garland or LED strip attached to the edges of the canopy will add special charm.

The almost weightless fabric can be gathered over the headboard or cover the entire area of ​​the bed. The choice of canopy shape should also be dictated by the style of the room and its general content.

TABLE for canopy design

The room design can be done in bright blue color

A small room with striped walls looks very beautiful

You can stick butterflies on the walls

Focus on lighting a teenager's room

Modern lighting is the best way to beat interesting ideas for decorating a teenager's room. Simple objects will sparkle in a new way with original lighting. If you are tired of the old lampshades or they look too childish, there is an opportunity to make a lamp with your own hands.

It is better to leave the socket and electrical wiring unchanged, but make the chandelier in a new way. A large lampshade casts beautiful shadows on the ceiling, crocheted like openwork napkins.

There are quite a few creative ideas How to decorate a girl’s room with unusual lampshades using improvised materials. We offer a master class on making a lamp from disposable cups, fastened with a stapler.

Video: DIY organization and decor

Psychologists say that the interior of a children's room should be as simple and comfortable as possible. Let's start with the walls. It is believed that little ladies simply adore the color pink. But it is not recommended to use it as a wall color, as bright pink will quickly tire the child.

In addition, there is a possibility that your child has slightly different color preferences. It is better to stick to calm tones of green and blue. And for curtains, beige and caramel shades are optimal. You can decorate a room, for example, in an oriental style - a warm burgundy color will create a comfortable atmosphere in the room, conducive to home leisure.

Bedding sets can either harmonize with the color of the walls or contrast with it. Light-colored bedding will always be in place, regardless of the general atmosphere. If the girl still prefers to see the world in pink, and you have chosen more subdued tones for the walls, then pink shades are also acceptable for the bedding set.

In fact, there is no need to be afraid to experiment with the colors of this product, since if desired, it is not at all difficult to change them to something new.

Furniture for children's room

Furniture plays one of the roles in girls' lives. critical roles. According to psychologists, boys prefer to play on the floor in their room, and girls prefer to play on the bed. Here they communicate on the phone, tinker with dolls, read, and write in their diary. Therefore, a bed for girls must be large.

In addition to the bed, the interior of a girl’s children’s room should include a desk, a chair, and a closet where the child will keep his toys and things. Another of the main items in a child’s room is a wall mirror, which visually increases the area of ​​the room. and also gives it a special charm.

The mirror allows the girl to constantly monitor her appearance, thanks to which she learns to always be neat. A girls' room should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also environmentally friendly. Therefore, when purchasing furniture, you should pay attention to ensure that it is made from environmentally friendly natural materials and organic paint and varnish components.

Children's room for a girl: everything for creativity, play and hobbies

It is important not only to choose the right furniture, but also to implement functional zoning of the room, which is necessary at any age of the child. You definitely need to highlight a sleeping area, a play area, and a dressing room. For example, there must be a dressing table next to the mirror. Cute boxes for accessories and cosmetics for children can be placed there.

Give your child a special area for creativity, as well as an area where she can demonstrate her creative achievements. Once again I would like to remind you - do not be afraid to use your imagination. For this you can use, for example, this hanging system like kitchen rails.

The girl will be able to hang her drawings, coloring books, and crafts there. Such a mini-gallery, firstly, provides an incentive for further creativity, and secondly, it constantly provides a kind of change to the interior.

Video on the topic:

In addition, it will be good if the child receives constant aesthetic education with the help of an artist’s painting or a reproduction of it, which will hang on the wall of her room. It is advisable that the choice of this picture occurs with the participation of the child himself.

Source: vdomax.ru

Room for a 7 year old girl

The design of the room for a 7-year-old girl is made in pleasant spring shades. A feature of the interior will be its definition as an interior “for growth”. Fabric roller blinds with bright polka dots, a small armchair and toys give a hint about the child’s age. By using a partition near the bed and raising part of the room area to a higher level, you can separate the play area from the sleep area. Joyful shades of yellow, green, orange make the room glow even without the sun.

A narrow, long room can be diversified by separating the play area from the sleep area. Dark and light beige shades will create a feeling of warmth and comfort, and a bed in a niche with curtains will make your girl feel like a princess. A small “ageless” room can be turned into a room for a 7-year-old girl using bright yellow, for example, by decorating the sides of the bed and hanging interesting curtains.

A crib with a stopper, a funny bean bag chair, a carpet and curtains with bright colors and a flower lampshade will create a playful spring mood for your little one. For big lovers of hot pink, this room will be a godsend. A niche and an asymmetrical headboard will separate the play area from the sleep area, and walls decorated in the same style will unite the space with a common idea.

A canopy over the crib, a palace chandelier - all this will make your girl feel like a real princess. Comfortable table, closet, chest of drawers, the little housewife will find practical use. A children's room for a 7 year old girl can turn into a flower room. Lilac-pink flowers on the curtains, upholstery of the chair and pouf, on the pillows, spring flowers in the picture will become the highlight of the room and the key to Have a good mood your girl.

Even in small room your little one will be able to feel like a princess. Light walls and ceilings and a chair with palace colors will help with this. Lovers of drawing can classic furniture decorate with very bright and homely simple textiles (pillows, bedspreads, rugs). A painted floor lamp and drawings will brighten up the white wall of the room.

A bedside table, a tulle canopy and the white and blue colors of the room will create a room in a Scandinavian mood. This option is possible for a room of any size. A large children's room allows you to separate the play area and the work area. Table, shelves, books - on one side. A sofa, many drawers and decorations on the walls are on the other side.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for a teenage girl
White furniture in the French style against the background of colored wallpaper with a pattern from a fairy tale and soft green curtains looks especially fresh and cozy. Pink boxes and a shelf above the bed will provide space for your favorite toys. Furniture without sharp corners will be good decision for an active child. Light painting on the surface of the cabinets, a small niche for the bed, and a funny multi-colored chandelier will create a romantic and childish image of the room at the same time.

You can make a room modern even with just one color. Pink on the ceiling and diluted pink in textiles will create an unusual princess mood for the hostess and guests of the room. Turquoise combined with white will create a bright coziness in the room. High bed with soft back will help you enjoy your vacation, and the bedside tables will conveniently organize the necessary little things.

Source: www.houzz.ru

How to arrange a teenage girl's room

Of course, children's rooms for teenagers are filled with the most durable and safest for use and health, because, despite the fact that the girl's height and weight are almost like an adult, she still remains a child. Furniture must withstand spontaneous and cheerful pranks of children so that games do not end in injuries.

In addition, we must not forget that the corners of the furniture located in the girl’s room should not be very sharp or protruding, because often children’s rooms in modern apartments are not very large. For girls, and for any teenagers, it is important that even a small room is spacious.

There is no need to clutter the area. Therefore, furniture for a teenager’s room is chosen to be functional, mobile and modular, which can always be taken out, rearranged or used differently at your discretion. It is advisable to even choose a folding sofa. It is also necessary to take into account that it should be the most High Quality, since the spine of a teenage girl is still developing, and she will have to disassemble and reassemble the sofa every day.

If a very small room is allocated for a girl, you should not install large wardrobes in it. It’s better to let them be located in the hallway or somewhere in the living room, because the main thing is to provide any daughter with the necessary and very important free space. So that a girl can easily get the thing she needs, shelving and a small cabinet will be enough. And remember that any problem can be solved, you just need to want it.

If there are not enough chairs for the friends she will invite, colorful pillows will do. If you have nowhere to put clothes from all other seasons, then you can try putting them under the bed or table. Interfering bookshelf— try to take some of the unnecessary books out into the corridor and leave only the most necessary ones. If a small amount of them interferes, purchase an electronic reader.

Room for two teenage girls

If the room is designed for two teenage girls, then it is easier to save space with the help of a bunk bed. Can be used modern furniture, which can be transformed and is extremely convenient for interior solutions in limited space. You can find many design ideas for such a room, the main thing is that each girl has her own sleeping place and does not feel discriminated against.

Video on the topic:
The girl herself chooses curtains for a teenager’s room. They usually come in pastel, romantic colors, with lots of frills, bidet decorations, bows, ribbons, bugles or flounces. The task of parents is to choose the most suitable material for washing and the closest in composition to natural.

Source: www.remontbp.com

Design of a children's room for a girl: interior arrangement

Girls are delicate and fickle creatures, so when developing the interior design of a children's room for a girl, you need to rely on her tastes, age and interests. This is due to the interests of the child at different periods of life. Let's figure out how the design of a children's bedroom will differ depending on the age of the child.

Room design for a girl 1-6 years old

By designing a nursery for a girl, you can turn the room into a real princess bedroom. This does not require a lot of resources, mainly your skill and imagination. It is generally accepted that the renovation of a children's room for a girl should be done in pink, but this is not necessary. You can choose wallpaper of any color with children's drawings or not. Pay attention to the quality of materials, their technical characteristics, resistance to fading and environmental friendliness.

Since the children's room is not only a room for games and activities, but also a place where the child sleeps, the room should be divided into zones. This can be done using the same wallpaper. Decorate the sleeping and studying area in calmer or neutral colors. You can use wallpaper without a pattern near the crib so that the child is not distracted while falling asleep or studying. Ceiling repairs can be carried out in light colors or decorate with appliqués. This will depend on the theme of the entire room.

Try to stick to one direction and style of interior design. It is best to have heated floors for children's rooms, as most children love to play on the floor. Lay a carpet on top made of natural materials that do not cause allergies. Furniture in the room must include a bed, a table for studying, wardrobes for clothes and toys with books, and chairs. If you decide to decorate your bedroom like a Barbie doll, use pink colors and matching furniture.

You can sew curtains yourself from organza, with lots of ruffles and bows. Decorate the bedspread in the same style and decorative pillows. Hang framed pictures or photographs of the baby on the walls. Of course, not all babies are like princesses; sometimes there are real tomboys, so when designing a nursery. Focus on the child's character.

Room design for a girl from 6 to 10 years old

When creating the interior of a children's room for a girl 6 years old and older, it is advisable to involve the child in this activity. In addition to the fact that she will communicate with you almost as an equal, this way you can instill in her a sense of style. At this age, children are inquisitive and absorb everything like sponges. At 6-7 years old, children go to school.

This means you need to take care of a place to do homework, a shelf for textbooks and a comfortable chair. The study area should be well lit and not only during the daytime. The style of renovation in a children's room is no longer very childish. Fewer bright prints, children's wallpapers are replaced with more neutral ones with geometric patterns or without a pattern.

You can combine dark and light shades of wallpaper. Ruffles on the curtains can be replaced with beautiful lambrequins or you can decorate the window with curtains without decoration, which will hang in smooth folds from the ceiling to the floor. It’s worth hanging a mirror on the wall or putting a dressing table, because at this age girls already have their own cosmetics and devote a lot of time to their appearance. Also pay attention to the child’s bed; the nursery is clearly too small for her.

Room for a girl 10-13 years old

At this age, girls begin to copy adults, they have idols, and they stop playing with dolls. This means that the toys can be put away. The playing space will be taken by a trellis or a computer. Wallpaper becomes more austere, photographs of idols and posters appear on the walls. There are more books and they need to be allocated space. To do this, you can use a toy cabinet or hang additional shelves. The same can be said about clothes.

It is very convenient to install corner cabinets in small rooms. They do not take up much space and are spacious. The ceiling can be decorated with a pattern of soffits. It will be quite light, economical and beautiful.

Arrangement of a room for a teenager

When choosing a nursery design for a teenage girl, you should prepare for difficulties, since the child will definitely want to participate in the process. Maybe some of her wishes will shock you, but that’s what parents are for, you need to be able to negotiate. Most teenagers prefer modern styles. If you have a computer, you can select an approximate interior of a children's room for a teenage girl, discuss the details with her and come to a common opinion.

You can also suggest decorating the room in the style of a country, for example, Japan. Moreover, it is easy to do. Choose the appropriate color and wallpaper pattern. Decorate the walls and floor with items specific to this theme. Select curtains, lamps and furniture in the same style. Arrange, decorate and that’s it, you’re done. If this option doesn’t suit you, you can try the minimalist style.

Teenagers love a lot of free space, and this style has the following features:

  • Lack of almost any decor,
  • Simple forms,
  • Freedom of space
  • Functionality of items
  • Electrical devices.

Source: kursremonta.ru

Nursery design for girls from 3 to 10 years old

Decorating a girl's children's room is a real pleasure, because where else if not here can you let go of all prejudices and make your dreams of a fairy tale come true. From the age of 3, as many have noticed, the most interesting and wonderful age begins, when in front of you is no longer a baby, but a sweet, inquisitive girl. And this is great, because it’s time to get serious about decorating the nursery appropriately, so that your daughter’s room will be cozy, fun and comfortable to live in and develop her abilities.

  • From an early age, a girl’s room should be arranged in such a way that it is easy to maintain order.
  • From furniture - only the most necessary things, a few cute items (an ottoman, a mirror in an openwork frame, an elegant armchair).
  • Forget about dark or too bright colors: a refined taste is cultivated surrounded by neutral shades, complemented by a few natural rich accents.
  • Give it to your daughter indoor plant, let her learn to care for it, water it and loosen the soil.
  • If you want to lay a carpet with long fluffy pile on the floor, choose a small one (1x1.5 m), and cover the rest of the area with a sisal covering. The material will prevent the decorative rug from slipping, and in general, will make the nursery warmer and more comfortable.

Secrets of nursery design for girls

In the girl's room, three main zones should be distinguished: sleeping, working (creative) and dressing room, which must be taken into account in any room, especially small ones. It is necessary to distribute these zones in the room based on the following principles: place a desk (easel, table for games) in the brightest place, and ideally near the window, a closet, chest of drawers or built-in dressing room - on the opposite side or along the adjacent wall, place the bed in the center of the room, leaning its headboard or side against another wall.

Let go of the stereotype that a girl's room should be decorated in pink and all its shades. The monotony quickly gets boring, and it looks quite strange. In order for the nursery to look stylish for a long time and there is no need to make repeated repairs, it is recommended to use neutral, natural or pastel shades in the design of surfaces: light green, cream, beige, ivory (or ivory), soft yellow, silver.

Similar shades will be good choice for a child's little girl, and will remain relevant several years later when the child grows up. If you choose wallpaper, let it be plain without a pattern, or with a classic floral pattern, as well as with polka dots or bird silhouettes. Against such a background, you can safely use other, more saturated colors, different textures and sudden extraordinary combinations, for example: color sea ​​wave and gold, peach and cobalt, pink and silver gray.

White at the heart of a girl’s nursery interior will allow her to choose her favorite combinations of shades for bed linen and curtains, decor and textiles in the future.

From birth to 3 - 3.5 years, children, as a rule, sleep in a crib measuring 120 x 60 cm. But closer to four years, the child’s sleeping bed should definitely be replaced with a more spacious and comfortable one. And if a boy prefers restrained forms and natural colors of wood and metal, then in a girl’s room the bed can safely be called the compositional center of the entire room, around which the rest of the room is built.

A bed for a girl should be chosen in such a way that it should last for quite a long time (on average, up to 10 years, and sometimes longer). The height of the bed may vary, but the main dimensions should correspond to the standard 180 x 90 cm. Make sure that the mattress is of high quality orthopedic, with a cover made of natural fibers.

The strength characteristics of a children's bed frame should not differ from its adult counterpart; it is known that children love to jump on their bed, which means checking the quality of the fastenings is your next task. It is, of course, better to choose wood as the bed material (oak, beech or pine are the most popular species), but combined models with wooden and forged elements are also possible.

The headboard of a girl’s bed is the most beautiful part of it: carved, upholstered beautiful fabric and quilted, painted or openwork, topped with a canopy and light drapery, like a real princess. Stuffed animals, dolls and accessories, books, art supplies and other items will only accumulate over time, making the room feel cramped. This can be avoided if you use the provided square meters correctly and install, for example, a high rack along one of the walls.

You can order one like this and, with the help of specialist furniture makers, transform the nursery into a more comfortable and tidy one. Think in advance about the possibility of combining wardrobes and shelves for various items your daughter needs in a single unit. Before ordering the assembly of furniture for storage, it is necessary to clarify the number and dimensions of the required sections: shelves, closed and open, the presence of crossbars or rods, drawers.

Video on the topic: Children's room design for a girl

First of all, we want to make the girl’s room beautiful, filling it with various kinds of decorative items, textured materials and graceful patterns. Don’t be afraid to make the nursery too girly: use light draperies on the curtains, decorate the walls with flirty pictures, give the girl a dressing table and a soft velvety ottoman. Believe me, touching all this beauty, she will feel happy and develop soft femininity and kindness from an early age.

Growing up, a girl strives to have something “like her mother’s” for her own use, so the room can be decorated with something like an elegant shelf for shoes or a mini chest of drawers for jewelry. Think about the fact that over the next few years, a girl's preferences for decorating her room will change significantly, and what she likes today will confuse your daughter later. So, it is better to choose classic furniture in the form of cabinets, chests of drawers, armchairs rectangular shapes with a minimum of decorative details, designed in light colors.

The older the girl is, the more important it becomes to use more elegant designs in textiles and decor, which is why it is better to purchase small, bright objects with cartoon characters - these are easier to replace.

Away with boredom and uninteresting lamps, use sconces with perforations that scatter light and cast fancy shadows in a girl’s nursery, remember the relevance of floral silhouettes for chandeliers, make a beautiful accent on table lamps.

Source: homester.com.ua

Children's wallpaper for girls: how to make a choice

Making a selection of children's wallpapers for girls. give preference to light room design options, with a moderate amount of painted details. In this case, it will be possible to add additional accessories to the wallpaper: paintings, mirrors, Wall Clock, photographs, various panels and even drawings of the girl, incl. and pictures of Disney characters that would look right on the walls of her room.

To dilute light colors, you can add photo wallpaper or bright curtains to one of the walls, the main thing is to maintain color balance. For a child with a calm character, not too saturated shades of green, orange, and pink are suitable. If you want to stimulate your child’s activity, you should choose cheerful shades and contrasting combinations:

  • brown and green,
  • blue and green,
  • orange and white,
  • pink and brown,
  • blue and sand,
  • blue, white and green,
  • brown, white and orange etc.

Choosing the right pattern is also important. Girls under 15 will love wallpapers with images of their loved ones fairy-tale heroes from cartoons, fairies, kittens, flowers, hearts. For teenagers over 15 years old, images of fairies, cartoon characters and princesses will no longer be inappropriate. The girl is growing up, and this means the emergence of new, more serious hobbies.

Wallpaper with neutral or unobtrusive images will look good. The best option for a teenage girl - provide independent choice.

Wallpaper color for girls

When choosing the color of wallpaper for a girl’s children’s room, you need to remember the following basic and most common shades in interior design:

  • The orange color of the wallpaper provokes activity and playfulness, helping the child to move more.
  • Pink is a classic option and perfect for your little fairy.
  • Yellow - has a positive effect on the child’s creativity. However, you should be careful with particularly bright and pungent shades of this color.
  • Blue and cyan colors, in general, have a positive effect on the child’s psyche. However, keep in mind that pale blue tones make the children's room a little “cold” and rich blue helps to visually narrow the volume of the room.
  • Red color is not entirely suitable for decorating children's rooms, both for girls and boys.
  • Green wallpaper fits quite well into the interior of a nursery. Different shades and tones of green, from light green to sea green, are calming and peaceful, which is important for the psyche and peace of mind of a growing baby.