Standard hypocholesterolemic diet sample menu. Useful for preventing problems with the cardiovascular system and for losing weight, a hypocholesterol diet


The leading cause of death in the world is occupied by cardiovascular diseases, the development of which is associated with atherosclerotic vascular damage. Among the risk factors for the progression of heart disease, doctors identify elevated cholesterol levels, poor nutrition, and the presence of arterial hypertension. To reduce the risk of progression of heart pathologies, it is necessary to adhere to a hypocholesterol diet.

Why is a cholesterol-lowering diet necessary for patients with hypertension?

One of the most popular diseases of our time is hypertension (hypertension, arterial hypertension). It is caused by a persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90. The occurrence and progression of the disease are closely related to the presence of risk factors in the patient, which are divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) causes. The first include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • gender (develops more often in men);
  • age (from 50 years);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, menopause, menopause.

Individuals with an easily excitable nervous system are more likely to develop hypertension. As for exogenous risk factors for the development of arterial hypertension, these include:

  • nutritional reasons: consumption of table salt more than 5 g/day, abuse of alcohol and coffee, deficiency of magnesium, potassium, selenium;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • mental fatigue, stress, depression.

The harm of cholesterol

Cholesterol is vital for the human body, but its excess can cause harm, and for patients with hypertension - sometimes irreparable. Deviation from the norm in the downward direction is also dangerous. At its core, cholesterol is an organic compound, a natural lipophilic (fat-soluble) alcohol. By itself, it does not dissolve in water, so it uses proteins for transport through the bloodstream.

As a result of this synthesis, lipoproteins are formed, which are divided into 2 groups: high density (HDL) and low density (LDL). High molecular weight (good) cholesterol is not harmful to health. Low-density lipoprotein can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques that can cause harm to the body. Due to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels, patients may develop the following diseases:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • disruption of myocardial function;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

Bad cholesterol is especially dangerous in hypertension, because arteries are the means of its transportation. Low-density lipoproteins, passing through blood vessels, destroy them from the inside. The artery itself becomes rigid, its walls weaken, causing devastating consequences. Cholesterol plaques interfere with normal blood circulation, resulting in increased blood pressure.

Benefits of diet

For hyperlipidemia (abnormally increased levels of fat in the body), a cholesterol-lowering diet will help. With the help of a balanced diet, you can reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. The benefits of a low-cholesterol diet for patients with hypertension:

  • blood flow improves, which reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies;
  • blood thins, which helps normalize blood pressure;
  • a balanced diet is well tolerated by patients, they are not tormented by the feeling of hunger;
  • due to the predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet and the absence of animal fats, weight normalization occurs quickly;
  • The diet can be followed for a long time without harming your health.

What is the essence of the hypocholesterol diet?

Medical number of the hypocholesterol diet for hypertension - table No. 10. The developed diet is aimed at normalizing general metabolism and lipid metabolism, slowing the progression of hypertension and the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Basic principles of the hypocholesterol diet:

  • Cholesterol-containing foods (brains, kidneys, pork, beef liver and others) are completely excluded from the diet;
  • the total fat content during the diet is reduced to 70 g/day (from 8% for animal fat content);
  • introduction into the diet of unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils, which contain phospholipids, phytosterols, squalene and phytostanols - substances that prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases (olive, sunflower, flaxseed);
  • reducing the calorie content of dishes, which requires limiting simple carbohydrates, alcohol, and animal fats;
  • enrichment of nutrition with complex carbohydrates: dietary fiber, which is found in grains, vegetables and fruits;
  • introduction of vegetable protein contained in legumes, soy and cereals;
  • When cooking food, preference is given to steaming dishes, as well as boiling and baking without the use of fat.

Product table

A cholesterol-lowering diet for patients with hypertension is mainly a fruit and vegetable diet. Vegetables, fruits and berries should be included in every meal. Purple and red fruits are especially useful, because they contain polyphenols that stimulate the production of HDL (tomatoes, red peppers, blueberries, grapes and others). In second place are seafood, because their source is unsaturated fatty acid omega-3, which helps reduce blood clots. Allowed products for patients with hypertension:

Healthy products, 100 g

Vegetable oils

Meat of chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal without skin, fat, tendons

Sardine, salmon, mackerel, tuna, seafood cocktails

Any cereals, durum wheat pasta

Vegetables, dried fruits, fruits

Kefir 0-1%, low-fat cottage cheese

Foods that are strictly prohibited during a low-cholesterol diet have very high levels of bad cholesterol. Completely excluded:

Prohibited products, 100 g

Pork, lard and offal

Beef liver, kidneys, brains



Smoked, salted fish, squid, shrimp, red/black caviar, oysters

Butter, peanut, palm, coconut oils, margarine

Sour cream 30%, cream, cottage cheese 18%

Confectionery and bakery products

With the permission of the doctor, during the hypocholesterol diet, the patient during the period of remission can treat himself to some foods. Among them:

Sample menu of a standard hypocholesterolemic diet

When developing a hypocholesterolemic diet, it should be remembered that the basis of the menu is vegetables. Fruits and berries are best consumed raw. A side dish for meat or fish should be strictly vegetable. When preparing a diet for patients with hypertension, you must adhere to some rules:

  • the daily calorie intake should be: 30% for breakfast, 50% for lunch, 20% for dinner;
  • It is recommended to eat every 3 hours at the same time;
  • dinner must be served no later than 3 hours before going to bed;
  • food should be chewed slowly to avoid overeating;
  • use pepper, salt, vinegar less often;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

Diet for the week

To reduce cholesterol levels, you need a properly designed menu. The daily diet of patients with hypertension should be balanced and varied. It is necessary to take into account the daily intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, antioxidants into the patient’s body, and the energy value of the diet should be no more than 2500 kcal. Sample menu for the week:

Day of the week

Breakfast, Mr.

Afternoon snack, pcs.


Low-fat cottage cheese -100, toast with honey.

Apple – 1.

Boiled potatoes - 220, vegetable salad - 150, stewed beans - 110.

Rusks – 2, rosehip decoction – 1 glass.

White fish baked with lemon – 100, tomato salad with herbs.

Boiled mushrooms – 120, natural juice – 110, crackers.

Low-fat yogurt – 1 cup.

Boiled chicken fillet – 50, kefir – 250.

Oatmeal cookies – 2, fruit compote – 1 glass.

Buckwheat porridge – 150, vegetable salad – 200.

Spaghetti with boiled egg - 200, kefir - 250.

Grapefruit – 1.

Boiled rice – 70, Stewed rabbit – 50, vegetable salad – 110.

Baked apple with honey – 1.

Lenten soup – 150, crackers, cabbage salad – 110.

Cheesecakes – 100, yogurt – 250.

Orange – 1.

Okroshka – 150, whole grain bread.

Garnet – 1.

Baked tuna - 100, vinaigrette -70.

Rice porridge with water – 150, rosehip decoction – 250.

Apple – 1.

Vegetarian borscht – 150, boiled potatoes – 70, baked chicken breast – 70.

Cheesecakes – 2, kefir – 1 glass.

Corn porridge – 100, cucumber salad – 110, crackers.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice – 150, corn flour tortilla.

Low-fat yogurt – 1.

Boiled beans – 150, vegetable salad with flax seeds – 110, whole grain bread.

Soft-boiled egg – 1.

Vegetarian soup – 110, fish cutlets – 100, green tea – 250.


Low-fat cottage cheese – 100, crackers with jam, coffee – 200.

Grapefruit – 1.

Stewed cabbage – 150, steamed meat balls – 70.

Walnuts – 3.

Tuna fillet – 50, vegetable salad – 150, croutons.


To make the task of creating a balanced menu for patients with hypertension easier, you should use one of the recipes. Food is prepared in the oven, steamed or in a slow cooker.


  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • green peas – 200 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut them into cubes.
  2. Place potatoes and carrots in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add bay leaf, bell pepper, zucchini.
  4. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

Shchi with chicken breast


  • boiled chicken breast or fillet – 150 g;
  • white cabbage – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 0.5 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • greens, bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chicken breast separately, cut into pieces.
  2. Place chopped vegetables, salt, bay leaf into boiling water (not broth!) and cook until tender.
  3. At the end of cooking, add chicken pieces, sunflower oil, garlic, and herbs.

Steamed fish cutlets


  • minced lean fish – 300 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 10% – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • semolina – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Add semolina to the minced fish, stir.
  2. Then place the egg, finely chopped herbs, sour cream, salt, mix, form cutlets.
  3. Place on a steamer rack and cook for 20 minutes.

Fish and shrimp salad


  • peeled shrimp – 150 g;
  • lightly salted salmon – 100 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • corn or olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the salmon into strips, add the whole shrimp.
  2. Cut the pepper into cubes and place with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Peel the tomato, remove the seeds, squeeze out the juice, cut the pulp into cubes.
  4. Pour oil over the mixed products and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Curd smoothie with strawberries and black currants


  • low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • currants – 10 pcs.;
  • strawberries – 10 pcs.;
  • homemade yogurt – 1/3 cup;
  • honey – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind strawberries in a blender, add honey, mix everything.
  2. Separately, whisk yogurt, cottage cheese, and currants.
  3. Take a dessert glass, first add the curd mixture, and top with strawberries and honey.


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High levels of cholesterol in the blood indicate problems in the body. For example, increased rates occur in patients with diabetes and hypertension. It is worth noting that the human body produces cholesterol on its own. And only a small part of it reaches us with food.

But if you suspect that you have high cholesterol levels (or already know for sure), you can slightly adjust this indicator. This requires a special diet.

A cholesterol-lowering diet consists of several components:

  • avoidance of foods rich in cholesterol,
  • reducing salt intake, as well as very large amounts of liquid,
  • inclusion in the menu of foods that reduce blood cholesterol levels,
  • fractional meals up to 6 times a day.

If you are diagnosed with a serious illness and your doctor prescribes a diet in combination with medications, you cannot refuse them! A special diet can reduce cholesterol levels in the body, but sometimes this is not enough.

And if your cholesterol levels are normal, is it possible to go on a low-cholesterol diet? It definitely won't cause any harm, because your body will still produce cholesterol. In addition, most of the prohibited foods on this diet are already harmful, and their exclusion will be beneficial in any case.

What is possible and what is not possible with a hypocholesterol diet?

Here is a table of products for a hypocholesterol diet indicating the beneficial substances they contain. These products must be included in your daily diet. They contain special components that reduce cholesterol levels.

Useful material What do they contain?

(lowers cholesterol)

Almonds, olive oil, avocado, beans, cranberries, celery, wheat germ, bran.

(lowers cholesterol)

Red and black rice, red grapes and wine made from them, pomegranate, beans, cranberries.
Resveratrol (slows down and prevents the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels) Red and black grapes, nuts, blueberries, ginger.
Unsaturated acids (provide the body with “healthy” cholesterol and normalize metabolism) Flax seeds and their oil, pumpkin seeds and their oil, milk thistle, some types of fish (herring, salmon, trout, sardine, tuna).
Fiber (promotes metabolism) Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), eggplant, beets, carrots, dried fruits (figs, dried apricots), legumes.

But the list of these products, although very useful, is extremely limited. What else can you eat on a low-cholesterol diet:

  • milk and low-fat dairy products,
  • bread with bran seeds,
  • cookies with seeds and bran (as well as oatmeal),
  • durum wheat pasta,
  • fruits and vegetables (especially useful in fresh juices),
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit, poultry; the skin of chicken and turkey must be removed before cooking),
  • egg white,
  • sweet fruit desserts (fruit ice cream, jelly, low-sugar marmalade),
  • vegetable broth soups,
  • seasonings (vinegar, pepper, lemon juice, herbs, all instead of salt).

It is better to eat vegetables and fruits raw, as the content of nutrients decreases during heat treatment. Fried foods are not allowed; meat and fish should be boiled and stewed. It is better to eliminate salt completely, replacing it with seasonings, and reduce the amount of clean water you drink (optimally - up to 1 liter per day). Meals need to be split, eating small portions 5-6 times a day.

Here is a list of foods that should be excluded during a hypocholesterol diet:

  • high-fat dairy products (including condensed milk and ice cream),
  • fatty meat and sausages,
  • pastries, white bread,
  • fast food (burgers, fried wings, etc.),
  • butter and other animal fat,
  • egg yolk,
  • chocolate, confectionery (cakes, pastries),
  • coffee,
  • ready-made sauces (especially mayonnaise).

Doctors also advise limiting alcohol, although red wine has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. A glass of wine 1-2 times a week won’t hurt, but on other days it’s better to get polyphenols from grapes.

Low-cholesterol diet: weekly menu with recipes

Even with serious food restrictions, you can eat a varied diet. Here is a menu for several days.

Day 1 (meals 5 times a day)

  • milk with oatmeal cookies,
  • egg white omelette,
  • pea soup, bread, tomato salad with olive oil,
  • fruit salad with yogurt,
  • trout, pasta.

Bake trout in the oven without salt, with herbs and lemon slices.

Day 2 (meals 6 times a day)

  • oatmeal, dried fruits,
  • carrot or beet juice,
  • vegetable stew, turkey stew,
  • green tea with grain cookies,
  • red rice, trout stew,
  • yogurt with nuts.

Cook oatmeal using a mixture of milk and water (1:1), do not use Hercules! Add dried apricots or figs, previously soaked in hot water, to the prepared porridge.

Day 3 (meals 5 times a day)

  • fruit juice, a piece of bread with marmalade,
  • buckwheat porridge, kefir,
  • pumpkin soup, bread, yogurt,
  • celery juice,
  • baked fish and potatoes.

Try baking fish (steaks) with diced potatoes, adding some green onions and carrots. And as a seasoning, use not salt, but a mixture of different peppers.

Day 4 (meals 6 times a day)

  • egg white omelette,
  • fruits with cheese,
  • lightly salted herring with potatoes, grain bread, carrot salad with olive oil,
  • beet juice, bread,
  • vegetable salad with cheese,
  • cranberry juice with oatmeal cookies.

Prepare a fruit drink from fresh cranberries (without cooking). You need to carefully crush the berries, add sugar and wait 5-10 minutes. Then pour boiled water over the berry mixture until it reaches the desired taste.

A low-cholesterol diet can be followed for up to 2 months if you feel normal, alternating foods and dishes. Many of the principles of this type of diet (limiting salt, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of fish instead of meat, etc.) can be followed almost throughout your life. And then not only cholesterol will be normal, but also metabolism, the condition of blood vessels, sugar levels and many, many indicators indicating good health!

Low-cholesterol diet– a powerful basis for a healthy diet, eliminating the risk of heart attacks, severe strokes, and frequent high blood pressure. It is indicated for patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.

A diet based on the hypocholesterol principle is not aimed specifically at weight loss, however it promotes weight loss.

A low-cholesterol diet involves a properly composed menu, healthy therapeutic nutrition, which significantly improves the functioning of the whole organism.

All about the hypocholesterol diet

The basis of our life is blood flow, which supplies tissues and organs with all the required substances through a network of blood vessels. Good vascular condition is a key element of health. It is important to prevent the formation of plaques in the vascular bed that block blood flow.


  • Anti-cholesterol diet for women and men
  • White diet for weight loss - rules and menu for the week
  • Carrel's healthy diet with milk - menu for heart failure
  • Menu for a week with a white diet for weight loss

Normalize cholesterol levels special blood will help hypocholesterol diet.

Cholesterol is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, brain, gallbladder, liver, and endocrine system. Complete avoidance of foods containing cholesterol leads to acceleration of cholesterol synthesis by the liver.

It is advisable to perform a detailed blood test once a year to demonstrate cholesterol levels. Normal blood cholesterol: 3.6-5.2 mmol per liter.

The cholesterol-lowering diet consists in reducing cholesterol intake from food, limiting the fat content of food.

Low-cholesterol diet Table No. 10 is the best therapeutic nutrition for hypertension, proven to be effective for healing the body and losing weight. This hypocholesterol diet is also useful for heart problems.

What are the benefits of a low-cholesterol diet?

The basic principles on which the hypocholesterol diet is built:

  1. limiting foods with high cholesterol;
  2. exclusion of fried foods from the hypocholesterol menu;
  3. methods of preparing dishes while on a diet - stewing, boiling, baking;
  4. refusal of butter, egg yolks, high-fat hard cheeses, limiting vegetable oil;
  5. a ban on trans fats, margarines, palm oil, baked goods, confectionery products, and baked goods;
  6. limiting simple carbohydrates and sugar;
  7. use of lean meat in the hypocholesterol menu;
  8. refusal of fatty dairy products in favor of milk with reduced fat content;
  9. widespread use of a variety of fish and seafood in the menu;
  10. inclusion of vegetables, cereals, fruits, legumes in the diet;
  11. refusal of mayonnaise, canned fish, meat, offal, any sausages, sausages.

Low-cholesterol nutrition includes in your diet: fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates. The basic principle of construction, which includes a hypocholesterol diet, is that fats are limited.

Important rule: During the hypocholesterol diet, it is necessary to give up coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and smoking. Fast food is completely excluded.

There are recommendations that state that eating with hypocholesterol is acceptable use of margarine in the menu instead of butter and excluding fatty fish from the diet. These comments are long outdated. Exactly fish oils are the most beneficial for this nutrition principle.

Statin substances have a hypocholesterolemic effect of lowering cholesterol. Natural statins contain in champignons, oyster mushrooms.

For patients with hypertension The hypocholesterol method is based on general principles with a limit of table salt to three grams. Basic option Table No. 10, hyposalt, hyposodium, potassium hypocholesterol diet.

More attention should be paid to dried fruits rich in potassium, magnesium, and baked potatoes. When eating a low-cholesterol diet, strictly limit salt. Such nutrition has a positive effect on the health of hypertensive patients.

Foods you can and cannot eat

Low-cholesterol diet is presented with a special table of products that are beneficial for the body.

Eggs, meat:

  • a couple of eggs per week are allowed, unlimited egg whites, lean meat, chicken,
  • veal, turkey, rabbit;
  • Fatty meat, goose, and duck meat are excluded.

Dairy products:

  • One percent milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and cheeses with less than 20% fat content are allowed;
  • Ice cream, fatty dairy products, fatty cheeses, condensed milk, sour cream, cream, and mayonnaise are excluded.


  • fish, seafood - consume at least a couple of times a week;
  • exclude fried, salted fish, herring, caviar;


  • vegetable oil, except palm, coconut, in the amount of two and a half tablespoons. per day;
  • lard, hard margarine, and animal fats are excluded.

Fruits vegetables:

  • a variety of vegetables and fruits are needed in large quantities;
  • exclude fried vegetables, any chips, French fries, and candied fruits.

Baked goods, cereals:

  • you need porridge, whole grain bread, oatmeal cookies;
  • Sweet baked goods, muffins, and confectionery products are excluded.


  • Vegetable soups are needed;
  • refusal of soups based on meat broths, packaged soups.


  • weak coffee, tea, and still mineral water are allowed;
  • It is better to limit the amount of juices;
  • refusal of alcohol, coffee, tea, soda.


  • jelly and popsicles are allowed;
  • other sweets are excluded.

Standard menu for the week

With a low-cholesterol diet, a weekly menu with recipes allows you to build healthy, therapeutic nutrition.

An approximate hypocholesterol menu looks like this:

The first day

  1. Breakfast: Oatmeal, cottage cheese 0.15 kg, weak tea.
  2. Snack: Apple, berries.
  3. Lunch: Wheat soup with low-fat chicken broth, some rye bread, boiled chicken.
  4. Snack: Low-fat yoghurt 200 ml.
  5. Dinner: Stewed beans with carrots, a couple of boiled egg whites.

Second day

  1. Fruit salad with kefir and croutons.
  2. Kissel 200 ml.
  3. Salmon steak 0.15 kg, vegetable salad with balsamic vinegar, olive oil.
  4. Low-fat cheese with dried bread and herbs.
  5. Chicken meatballs, stewed cauliflower with peppers and carrots.

Day three

  1. Buckwheat porridge with tomato juice.
  2. Baked apple with honey and tea.
  3. Vegetable puree, champignon salad, bran bread.
  4. Kefir.
  5. Stewed rabbit 0.2 kg with Greek salad.

Day four

  1. Cheesecakes, kefir, salad of nuts, apples, carrots.
  2. A handful of dried fruits, rosehip decoction.
  3. Vegetable soup with rye bread, boiled veal 0.15 kg.
  4. Cottage cheese with raisins 0.15 kg, compote.
  5. Boiled fish with durum wheat pasta.

Day five

  1. Millet porridge, apple, rose hip decoction.
  2. Kefir.
  3. Olive salad, seafood, tea.
  4. Orange.
  5. Bean lobio, cucumber.

Day six

  1. Lazy dumplings with tea.
  2. Tomato, slice of Adygei cheese.
  3. Okroshka, some whole grain bread.
  4. Dried fruits, rosehip decoction.
  5. Boiled broccoli with chicken breast.

Day seven

  1. Pearl barley porridge, steamed chicken cutlet.
  2. A couple of pieces of low-fat cheese.
  3. Baked fish with vinaigrette.
  4. Pomegranate.
  5. Rice milk porridge with rosehip infusion.

Healthy recipes

The most delicious and healthy recipes for a hypocholesterol diet:

Gazpacho– an excellent remedy for hypocholesterol nutrition:


Products: three large tomatoes, cucumber, sweet pepper, a piece of white bread, a couple of cloves

  1. garlic, spoon tbsp. olive oil;
  2. scald the tomatoes, remove the skin;
  3. peel cucumber, garlic, pepper;
  4. soak the bread crumb;
  5. grind the ingredients in a blender;
  6. add olive oil, herbs.

The hypocholesterol diet includes sweet pilaf recipe:

Sweet pilaf

Products: brown rice, glass, dried apricots 0.2 kg, olive oil three tablespoons tbsp. carrot;

A low-cholesterol diet is prescribed by doctors when there is an increased cholesterol index in the blood.

A high index of lipoproteins in the blood not only worsens the general condition of the body, but also provokes life-threatening pathologies.

What is cholesterol and why is it needed?

Cholesterol is a fatty alcohol-containing substance that is a building block for all cell membranes in the body. Without cholesterol, many life processes cannot occur.

Cholesterol is necessary for the production of hormones and the functioning of endocrine organs.

Vitamin D is produced only with the assistance of cholesterol.

Reproductive function also depends on the synthesis of cholesterol molecules.

The synthesis of cholesterol molecules occurs in liver cells, and the body independently produces 80.0% of everything necessary for life. The remaining 20.0% of cholesterol enters the body through food.

Not always, cholesterol that comes with food brings benefits to the body; most often, these are low molecular weight lipoproteins, which are deposited on the inner lining of blood vessels, causing the development of such pathologies:

  • The growth of plaques on the arteries and blockage of the lumen;
  • Pathology atherosclerosis;
  • Formation of blood clots - thrombosis;
  • Acute coronary insufficiency;
  • Unstable angina;
  • Ischemia of the cardiac organ - heart attack;
  • Hemorrhage of the cerebral arteries - stroke.

Cholesterol from food does not always benefit the body.

Reasons for the increase

Doctors say one of the main reasons for a high cholesterol index is an incorrect lifestyle, as well as non-compliance with dietary culture.

Many people have switched to eating processed foods, which has a negative impact on lipid metabolism and an increase in low molecular density lipoproteins.

In addition to unbalanced food intake, the following risk factors for increasing the cholesterol index can be noted:

  • Genetic hereditary predisposition;
  • Chronic degree of alcoholism;
  • Lack of physical activity on the body - physical inactivity;
  • Nicotine addiction;
  • Excess weight is a pathology of obesity.

All these factors lead to the development of dangerous pathologies, which quite often lead to death.

In order to avoid such a fate, it is necessary to promptly diagnose the body for cholesterol, and if it increases, start with dietary adjustments.

Doctors prescribe a hypocholesterol diet.

Quite often, after applying this diet, the cholesterol index returns to standard levels.

Who needs a diet?

Nutritionists, together with cardiologists and endocrinologists, have developed a hypocholesterol therapeutic diet, which must be used if the following diseases develop in the body:

  • Pathology atherosclerosis;
  • Ischemia of the cardiac organ;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • Unstable angina;
  • High blood pressure index;
  • Hypercholesterolemia;
  • Dyslipidemia of genetic hereditary etiology;
  • Disease of the endocrine organs—diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.

This diet allows you to quickly lose those extra pounds, which were the cause of the high cholesterol index.

A cholesterol-lowering diet is recommended for men over 40 years of age, and for women during menopause. If this diet is followed correctly, lipid metabolism is restored, high blood pressure is reduced and the performance of the heart organ is normalized.

In patients with diabetes, a hypocholesterol diet, in addition to cholesterol, also reduces glucose in the blood.

Distinctive feature of the hypocholesterol diet

A hypocholesterol diet is a specially developed proper nutrition system that allows you to maintain the level of lipoprotein molecules at standard levels.

If you follow all the principles of the diet, the patient will quickly feel its therapeutic effect, and will also see a reduction in extra pounds.

After losing excess fat, a person will become more active and their well-being will improve.

You just need to follow all the rules of the developed hypocholesterol diet.

Individual rules

The rules of the hypocholesterol diet are quite simple, and following them will bring positive results for the body:

  • It is necessary to give up animal fats, or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Do not use foods containing palm trans fat or coconut fat. Limit or exclude cow's butter from food;
  • At least twice a week, eat steamed or baked fish;
  • Change your diet from fatty meats to lean meats - rabbit, chicken, or turkey;
  • Completely stop drinking alcohol;
  • Quit smoking;
  • Avoid eating flour and sweet products;
  • 60.0% of the total daily diet should be vegetables and fresh fruits, and garden greens should also be included in the menu;
  • Do not use the method of frying foods for cooking; replace this method by stewing foods or boiling them in water;
  • When preparing broth from meat, it is necessary to remove as much fat as possible from it;
  • Before cooking chicken, you need to remove the skin and excess fat from it;
  • You need to cook dishes without salt, then you can add a little salt before eating;
  • Salt should be in a minimum volume - no more than 5.0 grams;
  • You need to monitor your water intake - no less than 1500 milliliters per day.

What can and cannot be eaten?

Table of foods that can and cannot be consumed on a low-cholesterol diet:

name of productsyou can eatcan't eat
meat· chicken's meat;· fatty meats;
· young veal;· sausages and sausages;
· rabbit meat;· semi-smoked sausage;
· turkey.· sausage, smoked and bacon;
· duck meat;
· goose;
· meat by-products.
chicken eggsProtein can be consumed every day;egg yolk
· eggs 1 - 2 pieces per week.
milk products· low fat milk;· cottage cheese with high fat content;
· skim cheese;· fatty sour cream, especially homemade;
· low-fat kefir;· heavy cream;
· low-fat yogurt;· ice cream;
· low-fat cheese - mozzarella.· condensed milk;
· hard cheeses with high fat content;
· processed cheese.
oil and fat· from 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;· salo;
· oils can be olive, sunflower, corn and linseed oil.· cow's butter;
· trans fats;
· margarine.
Fish· marine fish at least 2 or 3 times every 7 days of the diet;· fatty fish - sardine, salmon, sturgeon, cod;
· seaweed.· seafood - mussels, oysters, shrimp;
· red caviar and black caviar.
fresh and frozen fruits, berries and vegetables· all varieties of vegetables, fresh or frozen;· fried potatoes;
· fruits of all kinds;· potato chips;
· forest and garden berries;· fruits in sugar;
· garden greens;· candied nuts.
· legumes;
· unsweetened dried fruits;
· nuts.
cereals and baked goods· wild rice;· sponge cakes, or cakes;
· oatmeal;· baking;
· buckwheat;· shortbread cookies.
· Wheat groats;
oatmeal cookies;
· pasta of durum grains;
· whole grain, rye, or bran bread.
sweet products· frozen fruit juice;· milk and dark chocolate;
· unsweetened jelly;· confectionery sweet creams;
· unsweetened marmalade.· toffee candies;
· marshmallows and marshmallows;
· sweet marmalade;
· sugar syrups.
Beveragesfruit juices without added sugar;· cocoa;
· mineral water;· strong coffee with added cream;
· vegetable juices;· alcohol.
· herbal decoctions;
· green tea;
· natural or instant coffee, but not strong.

The menu for a hypocholesterol diet is prepared only with approved products, and their choice is not small, so you can use recipes for dishes from available products.

Weekly menu with recipes


  • Breakfast— 200.0 milliliters of low-fat milk and 1 piece of toast with honey;
  • First snack- one apple;
  • Dinner- vegetable broth soup, 100.0 grams of boiled chicken meat, as well as a vegetable mix prepared with olive oil and one slice of bran bread;
  • Second snack– tangerine or orange;
  • Dinner- Boil 125.0 grams of beans in water until tender, boil 100.0 grams of oatmeal in water, one apple stewed with a spoon of honey, herbal tea, or green tea with crackers.


  • Breakfast- one soft-boiled egg, toast, unsweetened fruit juice;
  • First snack- one fresh pear;
  • Dinner- 200.0 grams of soup with vegetable broth, 100.0 grams of boiled young calf meat, as well as a cabbage and carrot mix cooked with olive oil, one slice of rye bread;
  • Second snack- 50.0 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one slice of whole grain flour bread;
  • Dinner— Vegetable mix seasoned with sesame or olive oil, low-fat yogurt in a volume of 200.0 milliliters and 1 piece of oatmeal cookies, herbal or green tea.


  • Breakfast— Boil 100.0 grams of colored beans in unsalted water, 1 piece of toast with weak natural coffee;
  • First snack- one peach, or 2 plums;
  • Dinner- 150.0 grams of boiled wild rice without salt, 100.0 grams of boiled chicken meat, as well as a mix of fresh vegetables prepared with olive oil - tomatoes and cucumbers, 200.0 grams of low-fat kefir;
  • Second snack- one orange, or 2 kiwis;
  • Dinner— Boiled or baked potatoes with a piece of baked fish, a mix of white cabbage and a green apple, season the mix with corn oil.


  • Breakfast— prepare oatmeal with water and without salt + cranberry-based jelly;
  • First snack- an apple baked in the oven and one piece of toast with green tea;
  • Dinner- 150.0 grams of boiled potatoes without salt, 100.0 grams of boiled turkey meat, as well as red beet salad prepared with flaxseed oil;
  • Second snack- one pear, or 2 plums;
  • Dinner- Fish, which must be baked in foil along with tomatoes and seasoned with lemon juice, prepare a mixed salad of vegetables and season it with yogurt.


  • Breakfast- low-fat cottage cheese - 100.0 grams, one slice of toast and herbal tea, one baked apple;
  • First snack- one banana or orange;
  • Dinner- soup with vegetables, prepare spaghetti (100.0 grams), season it with mushrooms, which were stewed in tomato sauce + salad of fresh sweet pepper, cucumber and tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil;
  • Second snack— 200.0 milliliters of kefir and one cookie (oatmeal or biscuit);
  • Dinner— Baked turkey steak, boiled rice without salt, white cabbage salad with green apple and carrots.


  • Breakfast- low-fat and not sweet pudding, 1 slice of bran bread and green tea;
  • First snack- fruit ice cream or frozen juice;
  • Dinner– fish stewed in its juice, mixed vegetable salad, and 2 slices of rye bread;
  • Second snack- one pear, as well as one plum or apricot;
  • Dinner— Boiled turkey, boiled potatoes without salt, cucumber salad with tomatoes.


  • Breakfast- oatmeal cooked in water without salt, one soft-boiled egg, green tea;
  • First snack– cherry or cranberry jelly;
  • Dinner— soup with vegetables, 100.0 grams of boiled young veal, cabbage salad with daikon (radish), seasoned with sesame oil;
  • Second snack- one orange or tangerine;
  • Dinner— 100.0 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one apple baked with cinnamon in the oven, one piece of toast.


A low-cholesterol diet is an excellent method for reducing not only the cholesterol index, but also extra pounds. If you follow all the rules of the diet, the result can be felt very quickly.

Low-cholesterol diet - what is it? This nutritional system helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. It is indicated for people with elevated blood cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol most often accompanies diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis. A hypocholesterol diet with limited animal fats will help correct the situation.

The goal of the diet is to reduce blood cholesterol to acceptable values ​​(4.20 – 7.38 mmol/l). To do this, you need to reduce the percentage of animal fat consumption and replace saturated fatty acids with vegetable oils.

Here are the basic rules:

  • The total calorie content of the diet is reduced by cutting down not only fats, but also fast carbohydrates and alcoholic products;
  • The total fat content in the daily diet is reduced to a minimum - 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. For people weighing over 80 kg, this coefficient should be 0.8;
  • The menu is enriched with fiber and complex carbohydrates. This is necessary to maintain energy and good bowel function;
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day. By increasing the number of meals, the portion size decreases.

It is also necessary to reduce salt intake. This will have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The standard low-cholesterol diet has the following advantages:

  • A wide range of permitted products, allowing you to prepare delicious and varied dishes;
  • Cholesterol levels return to normal within a few weeks, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body;
  • Thanks to five meals a day, there is no feeling of hunger.

If a regular diet is aimed only at losing excess weight and is often stressful for the body, then a hypocholesterol diet has a healing function.

The disadvantages include the presence of certain contraindications and the difficulty in clearly organizing the regime - it is not always possible to eat 5 times a day, most of the time being at work or at school.

Menu - table

If a person is prescribed, the menu for the week will help him orient himself and make a list of necessary products in advance.

Day Eating Sample menu
Monday Breakfast Barley porridge with milk and fruits
Lunch Whole grain bread with cheese
Dinner Puree soup of celery, carrots and cauliflower, bulgur with stewed chicken fillet
Afternoon snack Pear and apple salad. Topped with natural yoghurt without sugar
Dinner Fish cutlets cooked in the oven, salad of Chinese cabbage and sweet bell pepper with flaxseed oil
Tuesday Breakfast Steamed buckwheat with skim milk
Lunch 2 kiwi
Dinner Stewed potatoes with beef tenderloin and carrots
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese casserole
Dinner Millet porridge on water with pumpkin
Wednesday Breakfast Steam omelette of 2 proteins, cabbage and cucumber salad without dressing
Lunch Low-fat kefir
Dinner Carrot puree, beef, stewed with vegetables
Afternoon snack 1 boiled chicken egg
Dinner Baked navaga, boiled green beans
Thursday Breakfast Barley porridge with skim milk
Lunch Fruit jelly without sugar
Dinner Buckwheat, turkey cutlets in tomato sauce
Afternoon snack Apple and carrot salad
Dinner Brown rice with vegetables
Friday Breakfast Barley porridge in water
Lunch Sandwich made from whole grain rye bread with feta cheese
Dinner Vegetarian borscht, raw vegetable salad with vegetable oil
Afternoon snack Pear
Dinner Pilaf with chicken
Saturday Breakfast Oatmeal on water with apples and cinnamon
Lunch Kefir 0.1% fat
Dinner Potato casserole with minced fish
Afternoon snack Low-fat cottage cheese with vanilla
Dinner Curd pudding without sugar
Sunday Breakfast Barley porridge
Lunch 2 egg white omelette
Dinner Buckwheat soup, stewed pumpkin
Afternoon snack Orange
Dinner Chicken breast baked in kefir with spices

When compiling your diet on a hypocholesterol diet, a table of foods - allowed and prohibited - should always be in front of your eyes. Unwanted products can always be replaced with an approved alternative. For example, instead of sausage for sandwiches, you can use boiled chicken fillet with spices.

What you can and cannot eat on a diet

Here is a list of approved products:

  • Lean red meat: lean beef, veal;
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey;
  • Low-fat fish varieties;
  • Vegetables: bell peppers, cabbage of any kind, cucumbers, asparagus, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, carrots, beets, celery, pumpkin, any greens;
  • Fruits: green varieties of apples, tropical fruits, pears, all types of citrus fruits, kiwi. With caution: bananas, avocados, grapes;
  • Cereals: barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • Vegetable oils: flaxseed, sunflower, olive.

You can also eat whole grain bread, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, and feta cheese. Chicken eggs and potatoes should be limited as much as possible.

List of prohibited products:

  • Wheat flour bread and a variety of baked goods;
  • Hot and spicy preserves;
  • Pasta;
  • Confectionery products;
  • Butter, margarine;
  • Fatty meat and fatty fish, lard, smoked meats, any meat and fish semi-finished products;
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat: cream, sour cream, cheese;
  • Semolina;
  • Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces;

Any fast food is also excluded.

How to cook

The preferred heat treatment of foods is stewing, boiling or steaming. It is best to fry meat or fish in a dry frying pan without oil or with a minimum amount of any vegetable oil, up to 1 tsp. You can also cook dishes in the oven.

Soups should be prepared without frying; vegetables and fruits are consumed with the peel, as it contains fiber and plant fibers. You need to salt your food in moderation; vegetable salads can be eaten without salt.

Dish recipes

The recipes are very easy to master. Here are some options.

Oatmeal with fruit

Boil water in a saucepan and add oatmeal. There should be 3 times less flakes than liquid. Cook the porridge for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Chop green apples in any convenient way and add to the finished porridge. Serve the dish hot.

Fish with vegetables

Grease a baking dish with olive oil and place fillets of any lean fish. Pollock, tilapia or silver hake work well. Sprinkle the fish with grated carrots and chopped onions, add green beans. Use spices to taste. Cover with foil and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. Halfway through cooking, pour some water into the fish.

Preparing any dietary dish on average takes no more than 1 hour.

Contraindications and side effects

Who shouldn't follow a diet?

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Teenagers under the age of 16-18 years;
  • Those undergoing treatment for cancer.

Also, the diet should be agreed with a doctor in the presence of such abnormalities as type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, thyretoxicosis, and abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive organs.

Side effects include a slight loss of strength, which may occur in the first week of the diet. This is due to the body’s adaptation to the new regime.