Walls with old plaster. The process of dismantling plaster

All instructions for the installation and application of plaster or putty compositions begin with words about preparing the surface for work.

Removing old coating is main stage during preparation and if not followed certain rules When it is carried out, it is simply impossible to achieve a high-quality result. Even if the final result immediately after plastering or filling seems satisfactory, it will not last long. After a certain period of time, even with minor temperature changes or changes in humidity, gaps made during surface preparation will begin to make themselves felt.

When, when tapping the applied coating, you can hear clunk, cracks or swelling begin to appear in certain areas, then woe - the builders are looking for an excuse in the poor quality of the plaster composition or another issue beyond their control. Experienced builder will easily find the reason. Often this bad load bearing capacity plastered surface.

When renovating premises, everything Finishing work According to the type of processed planes, they are divided into three types:

  • floor covering device;
  • wall decoration;
  • ceiling device.

For proper finishing, each of them has different requirements. There is no, as is mistakenly believed, a universal approach to working with walls and ceilings.

The most critical area where the slightest defects are noticeable is the ceiling of any room. Thanks to the law of gravity, any finishing composition uses the opportunity to break away from the surface on which it is applied if on it:

  • old gypsum or cement plaster;
  • any type of putty;
  • there are painted areas;
  • greasy spots.

Guarantee of quality work done

To be sure that after carrying out all the work, from plastering to painting, you are guaranteed to get a decent result from the floor slabs you need to remove everything, even the dust. The current opinion that only loose areas need to be removed is wrong. A fragment of gypsum mortar left behind will inevitably repel the cement-based composition applied to it. In this case, no soil will help. deep penetration, supposedly penetrating the old composition left behind and sticking it to the base.

The question of whether and how to remove the old putty would not have arisen if the process itself had not been quite problematic in many respects. There are cases that are not complicated and what is applied to the slabs crumbles on its own. A spatula and a stepladder are all you need for this job. But, as a rule, not everything is so smooth.

Nuances of removing plaster

Manual removal of old coating involves the application of certain physical efforts and constant movement. A small area for processing is accessible from the stepladder, and the stepladder can be overturned if the coating does not give way and you have to rest against it. In room standard height at 2.5 meters it is better to carry out work from a regular kitchen table. This is safer, plus you need to move the table much less often than a stepladder.

Before the process begins It is advisable to cover the floor with film– otherwise it will be impossible to completely remove the remnants of fallen putty from the screed. In the case when the floor has a finished coating that cannot be dismantled after repair, the film must be spread in two or three layers to ensure reliable protection. Doors and windows should also be covered with a covering film, this will reduce the cleaning time after repair work.

If you're lucky

Existing ceiling tiles ceilings are divided into two types.

The first one is panel and monolithic houses, where the ceiling is one continuous slab, which is rarely plastered. Basically, only putty compounds were used here, and how to remove putty from the ceiling depends on its quality. For a simple option, dismantling will require a simple set of tools:

  • a hard spatula 10 cm wide (preferably stainless steel) or a special scraper;
  • chisel;
  • grater for cleaning with a large diamond mesh or wear-resistant sandpaper;
  • roller with long pile;
  • bath for paints.

At the first stage you should determine how durable the coating to be removed is. To do this, it is enough to try to remove the applied composition in different places of the ceiling all the way to the floor slab. If this succeeds, you can begin work.

Water is applied with a roller from the bath to the gripper that is taken to work. If the ceiling has been whitewashed, this is a prerequisite. Old whitewash It absorbs water well, so it can be easily removed after several passes with a roller using a spatula. Any other coating is wetted to reduce dust.

A chisel may be needed to remove small deposits of concrete on the slab itself. You also cannot do without it in places where heating pipes pass through the ceiling. This is a difficult area where you will have to tinker, since the pipes are located next to the wall and the hole itself is usually sealed with a coating of mortar.

If the process does not present any particular difficulties, all that remains is to remove the missing remnants of the coating with a float and a diamond mesh.

Hard case

A room in which the ceiling is made of hollow core slabs floors, represents more difficult option work. A serious disadvantage and the main difference from panel and monolithic housespresence of seams and differences in height between adjacent slabs. To eliminate these shortcomings, until recently, a complex solution was used - lime, sand, cement in a certain proportion. If excess cement is added to the composition for better adhesion, then such a solution is not much different in hardness from concrete.

TO difficult cases This can also be attributed to when such a difficult-to-dismantle material as alkyd or polymer putty . Here, without application special tool, the desired result cannot be achieved. When solving a problem how to remove plaster from a ceiling, you cannot do without using a special tool.

A tool to help you

Special tools are divided into two categories - manual and mechanical. Manual includes:

  • metal brush;
  • a special metal scraper, similar to the sole of a climber's boot.

Mechanical tools are more diverse:

  • grinder with a cutting disc for concrete and an attachment in the form of a metal brush;
  • a hammer drill with a chisel-shaped attachment;
  • belt sander with a belt of coarse sandpaper;
  • eccentric grinder with carbide cutter;
  • vibrating grinder with diamond mesh.

First of all, from the seams and at differences in the slabs using a hammer drill with a chisel the solution gets confused. Further actions depend on the thickness of the layer and the strength of the plaster. Here are the options:

  • manual - use a scraper to make cuts up to the slab, then pry up the plaster with a spatula, and in particularly stubborn places, brush the metal;
  • mechanical:
  • 1) with a layer of up to 0.5 cm - with an eccentric grinder with a cutter;
  • 2) with a layer of 0.5 cm or more, use a grinder with a disk to make cuts in the form of a grid on the concrete, then clean the prepared surface with a hammer drill with a wide chisel;
  • 3) for removing particularly durable putties, such as alkyd, a vibrating or belt sander will be very helpful.

Injury safety

There are also traditional methods how to quickly remove plaster from the ceiling - from chains on a hammer drill to spraying various homemade corrosive mixtures. It's pretty traumatic options and it is better not to use them. But, in any case, it is extremely important to take care of work safety.

In addition to following the rules for working with power tools, it is necessary to use tools personal protection:

  • closed safety glasses;
  • respirator - against dust and for partial protection faces from small fragments;
  • work gloves;
  • workwear with elastic bands at the cuffs.

When cleaning plaster in corners where the ceiling meets the wall, you need to show special care. Sometimes the electrical wiring running along the wall is not, as it should be, 10 cm from the ceiling, but is located exactly at the joint and is covered only with plaster. When working with a spatula or hammer drill, there is a risk of damage and electrical injury. To avoid this, it is advisable to ring the place where the wires are located with a special device before work. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to disconnect the room from the power supply during operation.

Plaster is one of the most durable facing materials. If the plastering work is done efficiently, the material will last for decades. However, due to certain conditions and factors, the plaster can crack, swell and move away from the surface. In this case, it is dismantled and replaced.


Before asking yourself the question of how to remove old plaster coating from walls or ceilings, it is worth clarifying in what cases dismantling the cladding is necessary and how it is determined.

The need to clean the walls of old plaster coating directly depends on its composition:

  1. Clay. Indoors it is most often used in the decoration of fireplaces, stoves and various heating devices. During use, it can peel off and collapse, so dismantling and replacing the old coating with a new one is sometimes necessary.
  2. Gypsum. Dismantling is carried out as destruction occurs or if it is necessary to cover the gypsum layer with a building material that is harder and heavier than gypsum.
  3. Lime. It is restored as the layer weakens, as well as when performing work with cement or polymer plaster.
  4. Cement. Most often it is dismantled due to technological errors in the process of applying plaster to the surface.
  5. Polymer. Structure polymer coatings quite plastic, but very durable. They quickly set to any surface, and any solution can be applied to them. The appearance of cracks and peeling occurs in case of shrinkage or violations of the application technology itself.

Cleaning the walls of plaster is necessary during installation tiles. If not deleted old material, then when the bottom layer peels off, the tile may fall off along with it.

A strong sand-cement surface can be covered with materials of any composition. Gypsum putty can't stand it cement mortar. Clay and gypsum can be applied to a lime surface. The clay layer is renewed only with the help of clay; other materials will not set. Sand-clay solution can be applied to any material and any type of surface.


Nowadays, the construction market is replete with facing materials, so making a final choice is quite difficult. In some cases, it is simply necessary to seek the help of a specialist. However, there is a category of materials where you can be sure that the product is as resistant to external influences, as well as to various kinds mechanical defects. TO this species finishing materials include decorative plaster.

Excellent external qualities and long service life makes decorative plaster a profitable purchase. The material has a creamy consistency with inclusions that give it strength and increase volume. Decorative plaster successfully imitates various materials, such as stone, fabric covering, wallpaper and so on. With its help it is possible to create various options wall and ceiling design. This can be a surface with intricate designs applied to it, as well as various visual effects.

These facing materials can be classified into coating and structural ones. In the first case, it means using plaster to level the surface (rough layer) for further cladding. In the case of structural plaster, she herself is the main one facing material and gives the surface a finished look.

Decorative plaster is a very broad concept that combines many options for finishing materials.

Particularly popular are:

Venetian plaster

textured plaster

flock spraying

One of the main and also the most important elements This type of plaster is a binder that is mineral, polymer, silicone or silicate in composition.

  • Mineral plaster is a material whose predominant component is lime. In combination with stone chips, clay and various minerals the mixture has strength, the level of which can increase over time.
  • Polymer plaster. Thanks to the presence of acrylic resins is one of the most resistant to temperature changes and high humidity. This material is easily applied to any type of surface and can imitate marble or leather.

  • Silicate plaster is characterized by increased plasticity. The material is almost not subject to contamination and has high vapor permeability.
  • Silicone plaster. The main component of the material is silicone resin. Among the many advantages, one of the main ones is resistance to temperature fluctuations, a wide range of color range, high vapor permeability.

How to do it quickly?

In order to find out the level of damage to the plaster, you need to knock on the surface layer with a small hammer, and this should be done very carefully, without using a lot of force to hit. If the knock is loud and clear, this is an indication that everything is in order with the plaster layer. If the knock is dull, the material feels too dry and shabby to the touch, and when you tap, the plaster is about to fall off, then the removal of such plaster must be done as soon as possible.

You can remove the old layer of plaster as conveniently and quickly as possible with your own hands.

The easiest way to beat is to use a small electric hammer drill , which, thanks to its special attachment in the form of a wide spatula, is able to pry up the old layer of material and clean the surface of it. Important tip When removing plaster in this way, wet the surface of the wall so that during the cleaning process there is not a lot of dust and dirt in the room. Dismantling is also performed using a special hammer with a pick as one of its sides.

You can only clean the plaster with a spatula if it is in a catastrophic condition. In this case, the plaster most often peels off and falls off on its own; all that remains is to help it a little by prying it with a spatula.

Sometimes, in addition to bricks, shingles serve as a strong support for a thick plaster layer. The process of dismantling such a wall is labor-intensive and requires considerable effort. Shingles are small wooden planks placed on the wall surface. Dismantling such a wall begins with carefully chipping and cleaning the plaster in the area of ​​the supports and carefully inspecting and assessing the condition of the surface of the floors. The simplest and budget method repairs wooden wall- This is covering it with plasterboard.

It is important to understand that the work being carried out is a dusty business, so it is necessary to wear a respirator and safety glasses as precautions.

Required Tools

The tools used have a huge impact on the quality of work and, of course, on the result. As mentioned above, using a hammer is a simple and affordable way remove peeling plaster. Use the sharp side of the tool to tap the surface. Then, if the plaster is held extremely unreliably, then it is likely that it will fall off on its own. Residues can be cleaned using a scraper or spatula.

If the putty material has a coarse-grained consistency, then the easiest way to remove it is with a sharp spatula. This method requires considerable physical effort, as well as constant replacement or sharpening of tools.

Prepare the wall properly for finishing decorative materials You can use a special grater.

If the putty sticks to the wall quite tightly and does not lend itself to manual removal methods, then in this case it is worth resorting to the use of “heavy artillery”. A hammer drill with an impact function will work best. To do this, a special attachment is fixed in the socket, and the tool is switched to impact mode.

You can also dismantle the old plaster layer using a grinder. Using a diamond cutting disc, horizontal and vertical stripes are cut on the surface, the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the plaster layer. After which the residues can be removed with the same scraper or spatula.

Of course, armed with special electrical equipment for removing plaster, the work will go easier and faster. These can be specialized AGP type machines, various grinders, and so on.

Remove from the ceiling surface

The technology for removing the plaster layer from the ceiling surface is almost the same as from the wall. In this case, you will need much more strength, since it is very difficult to constantly keep your arms raised. You can make the dismantling process easier by attaching a long stick to a grater, spatula, scraper or some other tool.

If you decide to make renovations in an apartment or private house, then you should think about what will need to be removed from the walls old plaster. The complexity and labor intensity of the removal process depends on how well the previous plastering of the surface was performed. One way or another, this problem should be approached very carefully.

When exactly should you remove old plaster from walls?

It's no secret that many houses were built during the era of Soviet Union. The volumes of mass construction were reverse side- low quality. Even with the naked eye you can see that the wall “goes in waves.”

In this case, there are simply no options for what to do with the old plaster, and before applying another coating to the walls, gluing wallpaper or performing other actions, the old plaster is removed to the base. You can do this either with your own hands or seek help from specialists.

Important: Applying fresh plaster to old plaster is strictly prohibited. This approach can lead to extremely negative results – peeling of the new coating.

Plaster is also removed in cases where cracks or chips appear on the surface of the wall, and there is also doubt about the quality, otherwise, finishing material may fall off along with the old coating.

This is especially true in situations where the cladding of the wall surface will be carried out using sufficient heavy materials such as tiles, natural or fake diamond and others,

It is worth noting that the presence of cracks does not always indicate poor quality of the coating. To eliminate all doubts, you can lightly tap the surface with a hammer and find out whether you just need to repair the old plaster, or whether you still have to completely remove it from the wall.

Removing plaster

Preparatory work

Before you start removing old plaster from the walls, you need to find out where the electric wires and get everyone necessary tools and personal protective equipment ().

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Respirator. During work, a large amount of dust is formed in the air, which means it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from it;
  • Gloves. It is recommended to use fairly thick and high-quality gloves to avoid the appearance of calluses on your hands;
  • Safety glasses with a tight fit that will protect your eyes from dust;
  • Impact and chopping tools - hammer, pickaxe, sledgehammer, hatchet and others;

  • A sharp chisel with a long handle;
  • A metal brush, as well as special attachments for a drill and grinder;
  • A hammer drill with a jackhammer function and a chisel-shaped attachment;

  • Angle grinder (grinder) and drill. These tools may not be required, but should be at hand if necessary;
  • A bucket of water or a regular spray bottle;
  • Devices for removing and collecting garbage.

Tip: To find out the location of the electrical wiring (if the diagram is lost), you can use a special device - a detector, like the one shown in the photo. After which experts strongly recommend turning off the power to the room.

Removing old plaster

How to remove old plaster from walls? To make it much easier to remove the old coating, the surface of the walls is wetted before starting work. hot water. This way you can not only get rid of the dust that is already in the air, but also slightly soften the existing plaster.

Among other things, similar steps must be repeated throughout the entire work process, carefully ensuring that the wall is always damp.

Instructions for further actions looks like that:

  1. First of all, the surface is tapped with a hammer or small sledgehammer. This is done in order to determine how firmly the old coating holds. The plaster that is loosely connected to the surface will fall off immediately. To make work easier, pieces of the coating can be pryed up with a pick;
  2. In those places where the coating adheres very weakly, it can be removed with a regular spatula. It is worth noting that this tool becomes dull quite quickly, which means it needs to be sharpened regularly;

  1. If a spatula, a pick and even a chisel prove powerless, you can pick up a hammer drill with a special attachment shaped like a spatula. In this case, it is recommended to warn neighbors in advance that the apartment will be very noisy;

  1. To make the task a little easier, you can divide the wall surface into small sectors. For this, an angle grinder and a disc for working with stone and concrete are used. Shallow cuts are made on the surface of the wall. It is worth noting that the smaller the so-called cells are, the more the existing coating will weaken;

  1. The work can be completed using specialized grinding machines. As a rule, not everyone has them, which means that purchasing them requires additional financial costs.

Depending on the power and reliability of such tools, the price can vary from the most budgetary to extremely high. In addition, during sanding, a lot of dust is generated, because the old plaster is not knocked off, but is simply sanded off the wall.

  1. When the main part of the plaster is removed, you need to take care of the seams and joints. In order for the new coating to bond to the surface as tightly as possible, the seams are cleaned and slightly embroidered (to a depth of 5-7 mm).

  1. After completing all the above steps, the surface of the wall is cleaned using a metal hand brush or a drill with a special attachment.


When the wall is completely cleared of the old plaster coating, you can begin removing dust and collecting debris. First of all, it is necessary to remove any remaining dust from the surface. For this you can use hot water and the hardest possible brush ().

The wall is actually cleaned of dust. After this, all garbage is put into bags and taken away.

If you still have questions or doubts regarding removing old plaster from walls, I recommend watching the video in this article.

As you know, foundation preparation is one of the most important stages repairs, since the quality of subsequent finishing and its durability depend on it. This procedure primarily involves removing the old coating, which can sometimes be a very labor-intensive job, especially when it comes to a plastered surface.

However, almost any construction operation has its own secrets that make it possible to simplify and speed up the process, and the removal of old plaster is no exception. Therefore, next we will look at how to quickly remove plaster from walls or ceilings in different cases, With minimal costs time and effort.

In what cases is it necessary to remove plaster?

The need to remove plaster from the walls with your own hands may arise only in one case - if the finish begins to lag behind the base. This is very easy to check, for example. To do this, you need to tap the wall with the handle of the tool every 30-40 cm.

If the sound is loud, as if you are knocking on concrete, it means that the coating is held quite firmly in this place. A dull sound, as if there is emptiness under the finishing, indicates that the plaster has peeled off in this place.

It is quite possible that more with strong blows handles, you will collapse a whole layer of loose coating. Of course, finishing over such a coating is impossible, since soon it will begin to collapse on its own, and all the repairs will go down the drain.

In addition, there are other symptoms that can be used to determine the peeling of the material from the base:

  • Damp spots began to appear on the walls. True, such a picture can only be observed in rooms with high levels of humidity.
  • The surface of the old coating began to crack.

If you find at least one of all of the above signs, then you can safely immerse the edge of the spatula in the coating and clean off the entire area that can be exposed to the tool without special effort. At the same time, keep in mind that it is necessary to remove not only the peeling area, but also 30-40 centimeters of well-fixed finish.

A spatula, of course, cannot always cope with the task. In this case, more people come to the rescue modern methods, which we will look at below.

In this case, the easiest way is to use grinder with abrasive attachments. This work is not hard, but quite long.

The instructions will look like this:

  • First of all, the surface with the old finish should be moistened generously with water and wait until the coating absorbs moisture. If in some areas drying occurred faster than the saturation of the finishing layers with moisture, then the procedure must be repeated, since the impregnation with water must be abundant.
  • If the layer of decorative plaster is thin enough, then you can get by with sandpaper (coarse-grained) stretched on a grater. The surface should be removed in a circular motion, periodically wetting the “skin” with water.
  • If the sandpaper quickly becomes unusable, but the finish remains practically untouched, then you need to use a sanding machine with an abrasive attachment. Since it is not recommended to wet the circle itself, the walls should be periodically sprayed with water.

After removing the coating, the base can be brought to perfect condition using a wire brush attachment.

Complete removal of old finishes

In some cases, it is necessary to completely remove the plaster from the walls, even if the coating adheres well to the base. For example, if the old layer of plaster is too thick, it can be replaced with modern, thinner materials.

In this case, of course, you will need more radical tools, such as a hammer drill and an angle grinder.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • Before removing old plaster from the walls, as in the first case, it must be moistened with water and wait until the material absorbs moisture.
  • Then you need to switch the hammer drill to chiselling mode and place it at a slight angle to the surface, having previously installed the chisel attachment. This way you can remove large pieces of plaster.
  • If the coating turns out to be so durable that even with a hammer drill the job progresses very slowly, you should use a grinder with a disk for cutting stone. In this case, vertical and horizontal cuts are made on the coating, which will divide the surface into separate sections. After this, knock down old finishing It will be much easier with a hammer drill.

Having figured out how to quickly remove plaster from the ceiling or walls, do not forget about the safety of the work.
The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator, and the eyes with safety glasses.


As we found out, cleaning the old coating from the surface of the walls or ceiling is not as difficult as it might seem to you at first glance. The most important thing in this matter is to use suitable tool, and perform the work in accordance with the recommendations given above.

In this way, you can prepare the base for subsequent finishing as quickly and efficiently as possible. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

The question of how to remove decorative plaster from walls is more complex than the question of ridding surfaces of “ordinary” ones. plaster compositions. This is due to the fact that the layer of the first type of material is usually very thin. Conventional leveling coatings can simply be knocked off. Whereas decorative finishes need sanding or scraping.

What tools will you need?

Before removing decorative plaster from the walls, you need to stock up on tools. You can get the job done as quickly as possible using sanding machine. Thanks to the rotating serrated rollers, which are located on its “sole,” you can quickly remove even thin layers of finishing materials.

In the absence of specialized power tools, you can use spatula/scrape, vibration And grinder . If the processing surface is large and electrical engineering is not available home arsenal no, rent it for the required period.

Preparatory work

Before removing decorative plaster from the walls, you need to do a little preparation. It is to generously wet surfaces with hot water. The hot liquid will perfectly soften the material and reduce the amount of dust in the future. During the entire process of stripping walls, we recommend that you regularly use heated water.

After moistening, tap the walls with a hammer. Loosely attached materials will fall off on their own. You will have to “fight” others in the following ways.

Methods for removing decorative plaster

The removal method depends on the tool used:

  • Roughing spatula(unlike the traditional “competitor”, it has a thicker blade). Apply its blade to the Venetian or any other, holding it at an acute angle and performing scraping movements, remove the finish. Move the blades from one area to another. Option does not require large quantity money and does not create clouds of dust. But if the processing area is large, it will not be suitable. Since the speed of work is minimal. Another important point: using a spatula and a scraper can only deal with loose coatings;
  • Rough grinding machine. For very thin and strong plasters, you should stock up on the specified tool. Choose a medium speed setting and, applying force to the machine, press it against the wall and move it slowly and slowly. Important! When using a power tool, a lot of dust will be generated. You cannot do without a respirator that protects your respiratory tract.
  • Chisel and hammer drill. Select medium speed and hold the tool at an 80 degree angle. Proceed in the same way as above. But keep in mind that a hammer drill can cause damage to the base. So take your time and work slowly. In general, the use of a hammer drill is recommended for removing ordinary plaster materials, rather than decorative materials;
  • Vibrating machine(also for decorative coatings from 3 mm thick). It is distinguished from a roughing and grinding tool by its operating principle: the vibrating working element quickly moves in one plane from side to side. Place the device against the wall under minimum angle, and move in a certain direction without haste.

As a rule, silicate plasters are easier to deal with than decorative plasters. gypsum compositions. Easier to remove Venetian and