Shade-loving shrubs for the garden, perennial, blooming all summer long description and photo. Shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden Shade-tolerant fruit trees

It always happens that the territory of a summer cottage is perfectly illuminated by sunlight. As a rule, only some areas receive sufficient sunlight. The reason for this may be trees or shrubs growing in the garden, which produce an excellent harvest, but block the sun from the plants planted under them. But you really want the entire territory to be beautiful and tasteful. There is an exit - Shade-loving perennial garden shrubs , photos and names of which we invite you to consider in this article.

First of all, it should be noted that shade-loving perennials can be divided into three groups: flowering, berry-bearing and decorative-deciduous. All of them have both advantages and disadvantages, but some of them, in addition to aesthetic beauty, also bring benefits, producing tasty fruits. Experts recommend purchasing seedlings only in specialized and trusted stores and not giving your choice to spontaneous markets, since the quality of such planting material leaves much to be desired. Consider the most popular and popular varieties perennials that are accepted even in the shade:

Shade-loving flowering shrubs:

  • Rhododendron. Extremely effective and beautiful bush, which has bright flowers and fleshy leaves. This variety is an ideal option for planting between tall trees where other plants will not survive.

  • Garden jasmni. Quite popular among gardeners and gardeners. This plant will decorate any area thanks to its lush white blooms and also pleasant aroma. Its main advantage is the absence of strict requirements for the location and composition of the soil. Jasmine grows well in any conditions, is resistant to drought and will not disappear even under extreme conditions. cold winter. The only thing you have to consider is systematic pruning to maintain good shape.

Garden jasmni

Berry bushes

This kind perennial shrubs Perfectly suitable for those who want not only beautiful but also useful plants to grow in the garden.

  • Barberry. Famous plant in eastern countries. It grows quickly, does not require complex care, overwinters well and tolerates lack of moisture. It has beautiful small leaves that are autumn period change their color from green to bright burgundy. The main feature of barberry is its delicious berries, which are successfully used in preparing a variety of dishes.

  • Gooseberry. Few gardeners know that gooseberries grow just as well in the shade as in the sun. In addition, the plant does not need abundant and frequent watering and tolerates drought well. But you can enjoy not only green plant, but also tasty and juicy berries, which make excellent jam.

  • Hazel. This shrub will grow well only in non-acidic soils, so if your soil does not meet these requirements, add a little regular sand to it. Beautiful nuts will become the most anticipated fruit in your garden.


Ornamental shrubs

This group of plants includes the largest variety of shrubs. If you plant them on your summer cottage, then you can always enjoy the beauty, regardless of the weather and time of year:

  • Forsythia. A magnificent shrub with bright lemon foliage. This plant will look great both in a single planting and in the vicinity of any other shrubs. Does not require complex care, tolerates winter and lack of moisture well

  • Euonymus. An undemanding and fast-growing shrub that pleases with its beauty even in winter. Bright leaves will definitely transform and refresh the appearance of your garden, adding elegance and a certain charm to it.

  • Mahonia. A favorite plant of many, which belongs to the type of evergreen shrubs. If you take care of systematic watering, you will definitely be able to enjoy abundant flowering and good growth.


Shade-loving perennial garden shrubs, photos and names of which are presented on our website, will definitely delight and decorate your site. We hope that our tips will help you get what you really want.

Ornamental shrubs widely used for landscaping, decorating local areas and park areas. Evergreen or abundantly flowering plants are especially valued. They delight with their beauty for as long as possible and give the site an original, unique look.

Flowering shrubs It is best to plant on lawns, near terraces, at the entrance to the site. Beautiful living borders, curtains, hedges, ornamental arabesques and even unusual garden figures are created from evergreen plants. It is possible to use ornamental shrubs for zoning the space of a site.

One of advantages of landings shrubs is the ability to create beautiful multi-stage cascades, when one plant harmoniously combines with another. An alley planting looks very nice, where the bushes are planted at equal distances in one or several rows. Most best option– landing low-growing species, and in the next rows higher. The maximum height of such plantings is five meters.

What distinctive qualities should ornamental shrubs have?

First requirement– practicality. Such plants should be unpretentious and not take much time to care for. One of the most important requirements is adaptation to the required climatic conditions.

Second condition - aesthetic appeal. The planted shrub should delight with its beauty throughout the season. This is why evergreen plants are so valued, as well as those that bloom all summer. The most attractive shrub is made by bright flowers, unusual shape or flowers leaves, berries, pleasant aroma. Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the crown - in winter, without leaves, the shrub should look impressive.

Shrub seedlings are most often sold in containers with a closed root system. In this case, they can be planted in the ground at any time, but they still take root best during the dormant period - late autumn or in early spring.

Blooming in spring

You can always choose plants so that flowering will not stop from spring until autumn. For the middle zone, spirea, forsythia, tree peony, three-lobed almond, keria, serviceberry, wolfberry (Daphne), Japanese quince. Spring bushes They do not tolerate shady places and require open areas.

All varieties of spirea are very beautiful, among them there are early-flowering and late-flowering ones. By the end of May, Spirea Vangutta is covered with elegant white flowers. It’s not for nothing that people call her “the bride” for her tenderness and marvelous appearance. This shrub has a pleasant aroma and wild bloom lasts two weeks.

Forsythia reveals bright colors in early spring yellow flowers, resembling bells. The shrub is the first to become covered with flowers ornamental plants in the garden, it pleases with its flowering for more than three weeks.

The bushes of pale pink three-lobed almonds look especially noble and attractive. The mesmerizing flowers of this beautiful shrub delight until mid-June.

The white clusters of the Canadian serviceberry bloom in May, reminiscent of bird cherry flowers. Irga looks great at any time of the year, everything about it is attractive with beauty: flowers, beautiful bunches of berries, and crimson leaves in autumn.

Blooming in summer

The majority of ornamental shrubs bloom in summer, and it is simply impossible to choose which one is the most beautiful. At this time, tender jasmine, original barberry, charming hydrangea and bright hibiscus bring joy. A special word should be said about hybrid weigela. This plant blooms in mid-May, blooms until June, and can bloom again in August. During the period of abundant flowering, the bush is so covered with flowers that it turns into a large magnificent bouquet!

Hydrangeas can be decorated with huge white, pink, purple and burgundy flowers. The plant blooms in mid-summer and delights with its colors until late autumn.

When it blooms, the air is filled with brightness, pleasant aroma. Mock orange (this is the second name for jasmine) grows easily in shady places, but it is preferable to plant it in sunny areas.

Shrubs for autumn and winter

Autumn compositions made up of ornamental plants with beautiful leaves or unusual fruits. This can be paniculata, mountain ash, European euonymus, wild apple tree, viburnum, and many other shrubs. Red clusters of rowan berries look especially beautiful against the background of bright yellow leaves. Euonymus blooms with crimson flowers in the summer and is covered in deep purple foliage in the fall.

in winter the garden should not look dull and gray. To avoid this, you need to prepare for winter in advance, plan your planting decorative bushes so that the magic of living colors is preserved in the snow-covered garden. Here plants with beautiful fruits that remain on the branches until spring come to the rescue. This - different types rose hips with dense berries, red rowan and many types of evergreen shrubs.

Evergreen shrubs in landscape design

Ornamental evergreens are of particular beauty and value. Everything about them is beautiful: leaves, flowers, and berries. One period follows another, and the green leaves constantly delight with their freshness. Evergreen shrubs make magnificent hedges, curtains, and frames. Very popular are: akuba, boxwood (buxus), juniper, strawberry tree (strawberry), callistemon, holly (holly). Most of them are shade-tolerant plants, such as boxwood or holly. These shrubs can easily grow in shady areas but still love full sun. Acuba, like other shade-loving plants, does not tolerate bright sun very well.

The strawberry tree is a unique shrub that can bear both flowers and fruits in the fall. Strawberry grows very slowly, it can be planted both in sunny areas and in slight partial shade.
Holly is a symbol of Christmas and is traditionally used to decorate homes during the winter holidays. It blooms from October to December and tolerates shade easily, but is not a shade-loving plant. The greatest contrast of colors of this plant appears in the sun. Holly is especially beautiful in winter, when bushes with bright green leaves and beads of red, white, yellow, black and orange berries stand out clearly in the snow, which remain on the bushes all winter.
From a practical point of view, many evergreen plants are of interest as protective, dividing plantings. Boxwood and holly can be used as hedges and curtains protecting from winds, zoning the space of plots.

Shade-tolerant shrubs and ornamental plantings

It's not always possible plant shrubs in an open sunny area or in light partial shade. Therefore, shade-tolerant shrubs are planted in shady places, which can do without direct sunlight. These are dogwood, alpine currant, and yew, which grow in any climate and are a worthy decoration of any site. Shade-loving shrubs (for example, yew) lend themselves well to pruning; they can produce a crown of any shape.

Advice. Ornamental shrubs should not be planted very densely, otherwise it will be difficult to control the growing shoots. Proper pruning will allow you to form a beautiful crown, enhance growth and flowering. Therefore, you must always choose the right planting material, plan planting sites, and adhere to recommendations for proper care.

It often happens that in shady side the garden, under the canopy of fruit trees, lacks some kind of animation, landscape texture or spectacular fencing. One of best solutions in such a case, plant shade-loving shrubs there. Here are several types of such bushes.

1. Broadleaf Kalmia or Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)

This one is beautiful green bush beautiful with its delicate pink flowers and glossy evergreen leaves. The mountain laurel's homeland is wooded East End North American continent. Tall trees Impenetrable forests provide abundant shade, so this is a familiar environment for kalmia bushes. New ones have been developed for use in the landscape. decorative varieties plants. Their flowers and leaves have brighter shades than those of wild shrubs. A variety of mountain laurel is Kalmia angustifolia. It has graceful oblong or lanceolate leaves, bright green at the top and bluish below. The plant blooms with cup-shaped, funnel-shaped pink or white large flowers.

2. Japanese Kerria (Kerria Japonica)

Japanese rose is a deciduous shrub that can grow and bloom well in shady areas of the garden. Its bright yellow flowers look like little roses. This plant is quite hardy and is often used by gardeners as a hedge. Since kerria is classified as a primrose, it will be one of the first to decorate your garden at the beginning of the gardening season.

3. Petiole hydrangea (Anomala petiolaris)

The plant's appearance is quite reminiscent of a grapevine. It can bloom beautifully with delicate white flowers in low light and in almost complete shade. However, under sun rays the bush blooms more intensely. It is used for vertical gardening garden, for example, to decorate a gazebo, patio, or decorate tree trunks and lamp posts with it.

4. Daphne Carol Mackie or Wolfberry (Carol Mackie Daphne)

This shrub has interesting variegated leaves and simple white flowers that emit a wonderful aroma. If you properly care for the bush, it will bloom profusely even in the shade. Interestingly, it blooms before the leaves ripen in March-April. No less decorative are the fruits of the bush - bright red drupes. They appear at the end of summer. But it is important to consider that both the fruits, flowers, and leaves of daphne are poisonous. It tolerates frost well, but does not do well in drought.

5. Euonymus (Euonymus)

This is an ornamental and beautiful shrub whose leaves have two shades - emerald and golden. The more light hits the bush, the brighter its leaves sparkle with gold. If the bush is planted in the shade, its foliage will be more emerald green. This plant comes in several types. One of them is the so-called “talking bush”.

6. Holly or Holly (Ilex crena)

This evergreen shrub It has shiny, dark green leaves that have jagged or spiny edges. The plant blooms in May-June with modest, white, four-petaled flowers. Holly looks more impressive with fruits - small, red drupe balls that remain on the branches until frost. The bush grows slowly, but can live up to 100 years.

7. Crenate holly (Ilex crenata)

Another wonderful representative of hollies. In its homeland, it can form into an entire seven-meter tree; in our region it looks much more modest - most often in the form of a shrub, shaped like a pyramidal poplar. Its abundant greenery resembles the crown of a boxwood tree. Prefers shady areas with well-moistened soil. It may die in the open sun.

8. Hemlock or Ledum palustre

This beautiful shrub, which does not require good lighting, is classified as broad-leaved. Its dense foliage allows it to be trimmed into a variety of shapes. Hemlock is also great for hedges. It grows up to 60 cm in height. True to its second name, the shrub likes to grow in marshy areas without much sun. Blooms around early summer. Widely used in folk medicine. For these purposes, shoots need to be plucked at the end of summer. But be careful - the plant is poisonous (according to legend, it was the one that killed Socrates).

9. Yew (Taxus)

Yew is poisonous shrub, which is better not to use in design personal plot, if there are children and pets in the house walking around the yard. Yews are considered a Christmas bush and do not require much light. They are distinguished by their bright, showy red berries.

10. Japanese Pieris (Pieris japonica)

This is another evergreen graceful shrub that grows well in shady conditions. Its foliage is oval or lanceolate, shiny and green when mature. Young bushes are distinguished by copper-red, pink or white leaves. The flowers look like white bells, but sometimes other shades are also found. It can delight you with flowering already in March-April, awakening your garden with wonderful aromas and delicate beauty.

Shady corners of the garden are a favorite place to relax in the hot summer, so the desire to decorate them is natural. And someone wants to arrange beautiful flower garden under the trees growing on the site, or plant plants in the shade of a fence or buildings. Shade-tolerant and shade-loving representatives of the flora are suitable for this.

Requirement for light is one of the criteria by which plants are selected for planting in a shaded area. Flowers and shrubs that are in dire need of sun will not be able to gain strength there or will die completely.

Other plants may be:

  1. Shade-tolerant, that is, preferring partial shade.
  2. Shade-loving, growing well with minimal lighting.

This must be taken into account when planning plantings. Typically, decorative deciduous species love shade, although there are many beautiful flowering exceptions. When selecting plants, it is important to pay attention to soil preferences and moisture content.

What plants to plant in the shade (video)

Popular shade-tolerant groundcovers

Spreading along the ground like a green carpet, ground cover plants will become wonderful neighbors to the taller inhabitants of the garden, They will help decorate the soil around trees and shrubs, decorate the slopes of an alpine hill and fit into a rock garden composition. Moreover, many of them cope well with a lack of sunlight.

Creeping tenacious

A plant often found in forests, which has become a garden plant light hand flower growers. This is a perennial with shoots spreading along the ground. It blooms early - back in May. The tenacious inflorescences are spike-shaped: small blue or light blue flowers are collected in axillary whorls. Such “candles” rise 7–12 cm above the ground. Many decorative varieties with fancy leaf colors have been bred, thanks to which the survivor looks original and noticeable, despite its small height.

Creeping tenacious


This is a perennial plant, less often it is biennial or annual. When planted alone, it forms green cushions, usually from 5 to 20 cm high, in rare cases reaching 70 cm. Flowers with 5 petals, colored pink or White color. The main advantages of saxifrage are its unpretentiousness(the plant is frost-resistant and grows without problems on poor soils) and long flowering, lasting all summer.

Gallery: shade-tolerant plants for the garden (25 photos)

European hoofweed

Another option for decorating the soil in a shady corner of the garden is hoof grass, which grows up to 30 cm in height. It has cute leaves, the upper side of which is glossy and the lower side is matte. Blooms in spring, with the establishment of heat, maroon bells.

European hoofweed


Cuff attracts attention primarily with its airy flowers filling the garden honey aroma in June and July. The multi-lobed leaves of the plant in many species have a silvery drooping on the underside of the leaf. Winters well in the middle zone, but for better preservation, it is still recommended to mulch the cuff bushes with peat.

Sphagnum moss

IN wildlife is an inhabitant of swamps, but due to its high decorative value it is also used in garden compositions . Traditionally white and gray in color, but there are red, pink and ginger specimens. The height of the stems ranges from 10 to 20 cm, from which branched shoots extend in bunches.

All these plants do an excellent job with the main task: decorating the surface of the soil with pretty greenery. Despite their small height, they definitely will not go unnoticed.

Sphagnum moss

Choosing shade-tolerant flowers for the garden

If in some corner of the site there is not enough sunlight, this does not mean that there is no place for beautiful flowers. At least 5 plants are ready to fill the shade with their colors.


People often call it a “broken heart” due to the characteristic and very unusual shape of the flowers. They are literally suspended in the air on long peduncles. Volume bush Dicentra grows quite large in size: up to 1 m in height.

Doronicum eastern

The plant has bright yellow flowers, similar to daisies. Doronicum begins its flowering, which lasts more than a month, at the height of May. There are terry and dwarf varieties.

Doronicum eastern


Very beautiful blooming liana, undemanding to lighting. In floriculture it is used for vertical decoration. The main wealth of clematis is its large flowers all kinds of colors: starting from white and ending in dark purple.


Or, as it is called, colchicum. This bulbous plant about 20 cm in height, which blooms in autumn. You need to be careful when handling colchicum because it is poisonous.

Lily of the valley

The modest and well-known lily of the valley readily grows in the shade. Its snow-white bells usually appear in May. This is a perennial plant that does not require care.

In order for plants to bloom abundantly, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. In hot weather they will need watering.

Flowers for shady areas of the site (video)

Shade-loving ornamental shrubs and trees

If herbaceous plants reign on the lower tier of the shady corner, then the upper tier is made up of trees and shrubs. Some of them do not suffer from a small amount of light while maintaining decorative characteristics.


Hydrangea is loved for its lush caps of hundreds of small flowers. Abundant flowering lasts from July to September. To give the bush a beautiful shape, it is usually trimmed into a ball shape. It should be taken into account that in dry weather it will require abundant watering.



There are various decorative varieties of spruce. Some of them are creeping, bush-like and even have flowing branches, which looks very attractive. Even a spruce planted in the shade grows actively. If desired, you can trim the tree into a cone or pyramid shape.


Holly holly, whose leaves are topped with sharp thorns, is known as a Christmas plant in Catholic countries. Among gardeners, holly is famous for its grows even in strong shade. The plant shows itself in all its glory in winter and autumn: small berries appear red against the background of green foliage. This is true for those who want to admire the garden all year round.


A beautiful shrub, the double flowers of which reach a diameter of 4 cm. The leaves are lanceolate-shaped, dark green with a glossy sheen. When planting rhododendron, you need to know that it does not tolerate cold winds and waterlogging of the soil. The plant prefers acidic soil, Therefore, peat is added to soil with a neutral alkaline balance.


Evergreen yew withstands any unfavorable conditions except stagnant water. The plant lends itself well to shaping, so it is often used to create figures or green hedges. Yew is suitable for both single and group planting, becoming a green background for other plants.

Ornamental trees and shrubs need care, as do herbaceous flowers. For example, application of nitrogenous fertilizers will be beneficial for foliage growth.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

Those gardeners who want to use shady areas to harvest fruits and berries can plant certain crops. The harvest of most trees and shrubs suffers greatly from a lack of sun, but among them there are those who can withstand the shade.


This tall bush Arnica is notable for its foliage, which can be yellow, green, or purple. Not far behind in beauty are the sour barberry berries, rich in vitamin C. The plant lends itself perfectly to shaping, and dwarf varieties are used for borders.


One of the few fruit trees that tolerate partial shade relatively well. Cherry plum and plum trees are a little more demanding in terms of lighting. But the harvest from a shady area will still be inferior in taste to that grown under sufficient quantity Sveta.


This is a very tall shrub, the woody shoots of which often grow up to 2 m in height, which must be taken into account when planting next to a flower garden or vegetables. In midsummer, blackberries are covered with white flowers, and in August, almost black berries with a sour taste appear in their place.


Viburnum is one of the people's favorite plants. An extremely unpretentious tall bush whose branches are covered carved leaves. The scarlet berries collected in clusters give viburnum a special charm. They remain to decorate the bush until late winter.


Dogwood blooms in early spring and attracts bees to the site for a month. Throughout the summer he decorates the garden with green foliage, and in the fall with red berries, which make delicious and healthy jam. The only drawback of dogwood is its love for warmth., so the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

To make the fruits and berries larger and tastier, it is recommended to use potassium fertilizers for fertilizing - this slightly compensates for the low amount of sun.

Flowerbed plants for the darkest areas in the garden

Some plants can be called the most “resistant of the persistent” because they grow even where very little sunlight reaches them. And this in no way worsens their appearance!


The original plant attention-grabbing original flowers in the form of calla lilies of various, often fancy colors: white with pink, green with burgundy. The height of Arizema grown in the garden usually reaches 50 cm.


Lush astilbe bushes can grow up to 2 m. But this plant is notable not for its size, but for its panicle inflorescences. The flowering period occurs in June and July.


The beauty of ferns lies in their delicate green leaves. In the wild, the plant is located on the lower tier of dense forests, so shade is common for it. There are also groundcover species of ferns that cover the ground with their lace.



Tiara inflorescences are panicles of white, pink or purple. The most common tiara is cordifolia, having leaves in the shape of a heart.


The plant has leaves collected in lush rosettes and often variegated in various shades of green and white. Hosta is very unpretentious, so there will be no problems with it.

These plants can be planted in the most secluded corner of the garden.

What vegetables can be planted in the shade at the dacha?

Shady places on the site are also suitable for growing vegetables. Here are some of them that grow well in such conditions:

  • root vegetables (radish, beets);
  • representatives of the legume family;
  • cruciferous vegetables: regular cabbage and broccoli, as well as cauliflower and Beijing cabbage.

The shade is also suitable for perennial onions and leafy plants such as sorrel, rhubarb, and lettuce. You can also plant aromatic mint, tarragon, or cilantro: spicy herbs will certainly be needed in the kitchen.

Shade-tolerant plants for the home

Flower growers are faced with a lack of light not only in their plots, but also in the house. What plants should you not be afraid to put in far corners rooms?

  1. Aspidistra, which is called the “cast iron flower” for its amazing durability. It is a plant with several leaves on long petioles.
  2. Chamelodorea, reminiscent of a palm tree with its airy leaves.
  3. Philodendron. Liana, stretching up to 2 m in length.
  4. Sansveria(“Mother-in-law’s tongue”) is distinguished by high long leaves having a dense structure and pointed at the edges. Sansveria has a variegated color and often a yellow border along the edges of the feather-like leaves.
  5. Anthurium- a beautiful flowering plant of various colors.

To houseplants felt good and developed, they need to choose a suitable pot and soil; and then ensure proper care.


Examples of combinations of shade-loving plants in landscape design

How to create a harmonious composition from flowering plants? You need to analyze each “candidate” and its characteristics, and try to create the ideal flower garden. Here are some of the successful examples:

  • green fern in one corner of the flower garden and hosta in the other will become a wonderful green background for a blooming tiara cordifolia. If you add a small stone or driftwood to the composition, this will add spectacularity to the flowerbed.
  • Cuff and coffin They will be good neighbors on the alpine hill.

An excellent solution for arrangement shady place in the garden - turning it into a cozy relaxation area. It will be so pleasant to be here during the sweltering heat. To make a shady corner beautiful and comfortable, you will need to select special plantings for it.

The brightness and beauty of certain types of shrubs helps create not only beautiful plot, but also the right mood for the day

All plants need light for good growth and development. But the requirements for the degree of illumination may be different. All plants can be divided into:

  • Shade-loving;
  • Shade-tolerant;
  • Photophilous.

This way, a light-loving shrub planted in the shade will not die, but it will not please the eye with lush greenery. Therefore, for those areas of the garden where there is little sun, it is necessary to select shade-loving shrubs that can develop well in low light conditions.

Differences between shrubs and trees

Shrubs for landscape design are always in well-deserved demand. Therefore, nurseries will always offer you big choice these wonderful plants. They are usually not expensive and you are guaranteed to buy attractive plants for your garden.

There are transitional forms between a bush and a tree. The main difference is the presence of a central trunk, from which numerous branches extend. For example, hazel, holly, some willows, and hawthorn can be grown in either tree or bush form. It all depends on pruning and growing conditions.

Thus, dark crimson forest beech, if periodically pruned and growth adjusted, turns into a shrub and can be used to form a beautiful hedge. Such a hedge will not shed its brown leaves in the winter. If allowed to grow freely, it will turn into a tree.

Choice of shade-loving inhabitants

To achieve the desired result, you need to take the choice of shrubs seriously. Some plant species require special soil composition. For example, rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias like acidic soil.

Since most shade-tolerant species come from forests, when planting them, it is necessary to take care of the composition of the soil. Soil mixture must be fertile and neutral in acidity. In this case, the plants will easily take root and quickly turn into a lush bush.

It will be less expensive to choose shrubs for your garden that grow well in your region. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time creating conditions favorable for them.

Think about where to plant the plants in advance; they should not be crowded. Select shrubs based on their height. Shade-loving low-growing ornamental shrubs are good for decorating and strengthening embankments. The shape and size, as well as flowering, of most shrubs are controlled by regular pruning of branches.

The space between the bushes can be filled with creeping plants or shade-tolerant flowers. This is both beautiful and will prevent the soil from drying out too much. Lilies of the valley will look very good. In spring you will be pleased with delicate and fragrant flowers, and in summer and autumn - with juicy, beautiful leaves. Lily of the valley has the ability to grow quickly, and you don’t have to think about planting additional ones every year.

Twilight plants

A special decoration of the bushes are the juicy, colorful fruits, which, however, are not always edible

Many types of honeysuckle are shade-loving shrubs. Special attention deserves Tatarian honeysuckle, unpretentious and beautifully blooming, having many garden forms, differing in the color of the petals (from white to bright red).

No less attractive is the rare alpine honeysuckle with bright red fruits and a very dense crown.

The amazing "Poppy" can grow as a small tree. Edible honeysuckle is also popular, which is more valued for its early, piquantly bitter and very healthy berries.

Hazel and euonymus

The well-known common hazel grows well in the shade. For decorative purposes it is better to use cultivated garden forms with different leaf colors.

Euonymus can be in the form of shrubs or small trees. They attract attention especially in autumn due to their bright original fruits and beautiful leaf color. Euonymus warty has pink fruits and leaves. And the winged euonymus has crimson-red tones.

Viburnum and elderberry for a shady garden

Various types of viburnum are also characterized by high shade tolerance. They are decorative at any time of the year. Viburnum common – a good choice for garden. And its healing fruits help with many diseases.

Evergreen, winter-blooming Viburnum laurel is attractive with its white and pink flowers. Ideal for cultivation by inexperienced gardeners.

Elderberry - many shrubs of this genus have long been used as ornamental, food, and medicinal plants. Red or cluster elderberry is particularly unpretentious and can also repel mice well. The fruits of black elderberry are edible. It is advisable to plant this type of plant in a place protected from the wind.

Hydrangeas, Mahonias and Mexican Jasmine

Hydrangeas will perfectly decorate an area in partial shade. They begin to bloom in early summer and until autumn. Their beautiful, large inflorescences will also be attractive in dry bouquets. Not capricious and easy to care for - tree hydrangea. The most spectacular and suitable for growing, for example, in the middle zone is paniculate hydrangea.

Its large-flowered form, “Grandiflora,” is especially noteworthy. Bretschneider's hydrangea looks beautiful with large white flowers, which then turn purple.

Mahonia holly is a compact evergreen shrub with beautiful shiny feathery leaves. In early spring it is decorated with bright yellow inflorescences, and in early autumn - with dark blue edible berries.

Shade-loving shrubs also include Mexican jasmine with orange-scented flowers. After spring flowering it can be pruned short.

Cherry laurel, keria and cotoneaster

flowering shrub

Evergreen shade-loving shrubs include cherry laurel with glossy, dense leaves. In June it is decorated with clusters of fragrant white flowers. It's pretty rare plant for gardens in the middle zone due to low frost resistance. For reliable wintering it must be covered.

Keria japonica is characterized by long spring-summer flowering, and sometimes repeated autumn flowering. True, keria blooms better in the sun. But it also feels pretty good in the shade. Blooms with large yellow inflorescences.

The "Pleniflora" form is distinguished by its magnificent double petals. Keria does not tolerate frost well and therefore for the winter it is better to cover it and protect it from the cold wind.

Cotoneaster is a deciduous or evergreens. These shrubs are very diverse in shape and size. They can be six-meter trees and low-growing shrubs.

Remain on the bush for the winter or fall off. Despite such differences, cotoneasters have common features for which they are valued and loved. All plants have very beautiful leaf colors in autumn and elegant fruits. The shrub blooms in May-June. White flowers emerge from pink buds.

What else can I plant in the shade?

All types of this plant are unpretentious and do not require special care(except for pruning overgrown branches) can grow anywhere. For the middle zone, male derain or dogwood is suitable. It is advisable to cover young plants for the winter.

You can also use:

  • Thunberg's barberry;
  • Black elderberry;
  • Mock orange crown;
  • Viburnum foliage and other types of shrubs with golden yellow foliage.

Tatarian honeysuckle and cherry laurel are well suited for growing hedges. If the place on the site is not only dark, but also dry, then it is better to plant Tatarian honeysuckle and viburnum gordovina. This type of honeysuckle has forms with different flower colors, and viburnum has yellow-variegated wrinkled leaves.

Coniferous garden guests

Ornamental shrubs

Plant several varieties of low-growing coniferous trees in your garden. Trees coniferous species universal and suitable for any garden. They can be used in single plantings and in various compositions.

Conifers do not require special attention and complex care. If you purchase a winter-hardy tree, you will not need to cover it every fall. Only in spring it is necessary to slightly shade from the scorching sun if the tree is not planted in the shade. Coniferous trees do not need frequent feeding.

Yew and juniper

The pointed yew is a coniferous plant and the most shade-tolerant of all trees. It got its name from the sharp spines at the end of the needles. It grows very slowly and is quite winter-hardy. Small decorative forms of this plant overwinter best, but require protection from the aggressive spring sun. In our climatic zone This is the only type of yew suitable for cutting.

Juniper - a useful genus coniferous plants. Today there are many low-growing varieties. As they grow, they look very impressive. Creeping junipers are very beloved and popular in America. And now they are conquering Russia.

There are junipers of both medium and tall sizes. The common advantage for all is unpretentiousness and frost resistance. They are not picky about soil composition and are able to withstand drought better than other conifers. They love pruning, so in mid-summer they prune creeping forms and plants in hedges.

Shrub pruning

To stimulate flowering, many shrubs need pruning. Thus, deciduous shrubs that bloom in spring are pruned immediately after flowering. It is necessary to cut off shoots with faded flowers to speed up the growth of new ones.

After trimming through a short time Young shoots with new buds and buds appear. Shrubs that bloom in late summer are pruned in spring. Immediately after such work, flowers appear on the growing young shoots. Pruning should be done short so that more new flowering shoots appear. Blooming in winter Shrubs are pruned immediately after flowering in early spring, removing damaged and dead branches.

lazy garden

Very often, many people dream of having a flowering, fragrant, bright and memorable plot. But at the same time it does not require constant attention, long-term care, endless weeding and loosening of the soil. Fantastic? No. A dream garden can become a reality if you use very simple remedies. And you won’t have to wait years for maturity and splendor. You just need to pay attention to the bushes.

Today, the choice of ornamental shrubs is so huge and varied that it allows you to choose beautiful garden, not requiring constant care. Shrubs go well with each other and with almost everything garden plants, so the design possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Shade-loving shrub

Shrubs do not lose their decorative value throughout the season, and many even in winter.

Even if the predominant color of the foliage is green, growing young shoots and leaves can be of different shades: bronze, pink, reddish, purple, etc.

Shrubs will create a wonderful backdrop for alpine slides and flower beds. And with proper selection, they will decorate the garden all year round.

Bushes for garden decoration

In the garden, bushes can serve a purely decorative role and are pleasing to the eye. They can bloom for a long time: from early spring until late autumn, and some even in winter. Unusual variegated leaves of shrubs, bright berries and fruits, colored bark, evergreen leaf cover - all this will help the garden maintain its beauty and uniqueness all year round.

And some bushes can even be grown in pots on the balcony, for example, lavender, arctic, camellias. The flowerbed looks beautiful when it has plants of different heights. This can be achieved by using different types of shrubs.

If the bush has grown greatly and it has become crowded, it can be replanted. To do this, remember a few simple rules. Deciduous trees are replanted between autumn and spring. Large bushes need to be replanted when they have just begun to shed their leaves.

It is better to place beautifully flowering shrubs in a shady or semi-shaded area of ​​the site. Don’t forget to regularly feed your green pets with complex fertilizers, take care of them, and in gratitude they will delight you with long and lush flowering.