Minimum distance from garage to residential building. Distance from fence to garage

It’s good when the site is large and convenient. Review the projects, choose the one you need and place buildings, gardens, and yard according to your taste. It is more difficult to equip a small and not very convenient area. It doesn’t matter whether a dacha or a house is being built permanent residence, buildings such as a barn, garage, summer cuisine, a gazebo is always desirable and necessary on private property.

Monolithic brick fence combined with a garage

A rational approach to site planning allows you to save space and significantly reduce the cost of landscaping. One of the options for saving space is projects of fences combined with a garage.
This method of placing a building has its advantages and disadvantages, its fans and opponents.

The advantages of joint construction include:

To create a unified yard style, a garage and a fence with common boundaries must be made of the same material, in a common style.

Projects for the joint construction of a fence and a garage have an option when a common wall with a gate facing directly onto the street becomes common. In this case, the garage door and the gate are made of the same materials, the same color and design.

The second option is a common side wall, and the garage door is located at some distance from the fence gate. In this case, the costs of building two gates are added, but it is possible to park the car in the yard without a garage.

The garage fits best into a fence made of brick or stone; in this case, they create a single picture. Finish as common wall, and the rest are carried out with the same materials. A rich look is created by gates with forging elements.

Another excellent material for this type of placement of buildings is corrugated sheeting. Fences made from it have already become firmly established, and garage designs made from corrugated sheets are an innovation, but quickly adopted by car enthusiasts.

This is the simplest material for building both a garage and a fence on your own, and is also affordable.

Instead of a garage - a canopy to the fence

A common wall makes it possible not to build a permanent structure, but to attach a covered canopy to a high fence. Building a carport is advisable if you have several cars and it is not possible to build a large garage.

Option for a canopy to the fence instead of a garage

Covered parking within the yard can be added to the fence when it is installed, or can be added later. Such a canopy can be placed either immediately after the gate or at any convenient distance. To prevent water and tree branches from getting on the car during heavy rainfall or wind, it is better to plan the parking lot on the side most protected from the wind.

As a material for covered carports, you should choose one that suits your financial capabilities, the design of the yard, and does not create difficulties during installation.

What could be easier than building a garage or erecting a fence? Nothing until you start construction. This is where the questions begin: what distance from the fence to the garage can you choose? Norms? SNiPs? Rules? Calm down, we have prepared a detailed answer about this (and more) in this publication.

Garage on the property: norms and rules, customs and habits

The construction of low-rise buildings today is not subject to strict construction control and regulation. The homeowner has the right to independently determine the parameters of the house and outbuildings, the location of technical services, the garden, the distance from the fence to the garage. And yet, when solving planning problems, the owner of the site must take into account some norms of Russian legislation. At least in order not to rebuild later, when it turns out that in some way the owner of the site and the house infringed on the rights of the neighbors. This also applies to the rules for choosing a location for a garage on the site.

Figure 1 House with a built-in garage. Garage with automatic gates. Convenient and beautiful.

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Compliance with safety rules

The first regulatory document that you need to pay attention to is the law of the Russian Federation dated December 30. 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 384-FZ). Basic safety principles relevant to low-rise and homestead construction. Such objects include a garage.

Principle 1. Buildings and structures should not pose a threat of mechanical damage. Buildings and structures should not threaten people with mechanical destruction and injury as a result of these destructions. There should be no threat of mechanical damage to other buildings and engineering structures. As an example, we can consider a situation where a neighbor installs his garage in such a way that the garage door, when opened, destroys the fence of your property. The situation, at a minimum, leads to a scandal between neighbors, and at maximum to a trial.

Principle 2. During operation and during the construction of houses and commercial or technical purpose, rules must be taken into account fire safety. Today, the regulatory approach to low-rise civil construction has been weakened. Fire danger the object (if it is used for business) in the sphere of private home ownership is determined by the owner himself. It is necessary to take into account the rules (SP 42.13330.2011, SNiPs: 2.07.01-89, 02.31.2001, 02.30.97, 2.01.02-85) and fire safety rules established by technical regulations (law dated 07.22.2008 No. 123-FZ, hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 123-FZ).

Principle 3. During the construction and operation of buildings, outbuildings (including garages) and engineering support structures, it is necessary to comply with sanitary safety standards and not use materials or technologies that pose a threat to human health.

Principle 4. Should be considered environmental consequences. It is prohibited to harm nature.

Principle 5. The designs of buildings and structures must be designed for possible natural disasters characteristic of the area where construction is taking place.

Principle 6. Houses, garages, outbuildings, and structures supporting them should not cause situations leading to injury to people. Houses and outbuildings on the site must be located in such a way as to exclude the possibility of injury to a person.

Principle 7. Buildings and structures today must be energy efficient. Compliance with this principle (use modern technologies energy saving) allows the owner to save on operating costs. The owner saves his money and saves Natural resources and energy on a national scale.

To buildings such as a garage for one or two cars on the territory of a private household today special requirements No. Compliance with these principles makes it possible to arrange all outbuildings on the site as conveniently as possible, to provide for possible emergency and non-standard situations as much as possible, and to maintain good neighborly relations.

What rules should you follow when choosing a garage location?

A private garage can be:
  • Built into the building;
  • Adjacent to the house;
  • A separate building.

When deciding where exactly to locate the garage structure, you must be guided by the principles of convenience and safety. Need to take into account general rules site layouts, taking into account the interests of neighbors. To do this, it is enough to comply with the norms of distances for the location of outbuildings and residential buildings on the site. Table 1 with the legally recommended distances can be found below.

The garage should be placed 3 meters away from the boundaries of neighbors and from the border of driveways. You should retreat 5 meters from the street. There are some planning solutions, which allow you to build a garage with direct access to the street. To do this, as a rule, the fence is moved a meter or two deeper from the border of the site. A garage attached to a house has zero distance to the fence in this case - the garage door is on the same line of the fence.

If there are open artificial or natural reservoirs, rivers, streams, then it is not recommended to install technical structures such as a garage closer than 5-20 meters to the shoreline. The distance at which a building should be removed from the shore depends on many reasons. For example, on the length of the river. To clarify these parameters, you can refer to the Water Code of the Russian Federation and SanPiN Please note that construction in environmental zones is prohibited.

Practical implementation of SNiPs

The practical side of the implementation of SNiPs, which regulate planning decisions on the adjacent plot of land, lies in maintaining the distances between objects. Table 1 below will help you navigate when planning the site.

Standard distance, m

Clause SP 53.13330.2011

Residential house

Travel boundary (red line)

not less than 3 m

Residential house

Streets (red lines)

Not less than 5 m


Streets, passages

Not less than 5 m

Residential house

Neighbors' property boundary

Outbuildings for

poultry or small livestock

Neighbors' property boundary

Other buildings

Neighbors' property boundary

Trunks of tall trees

Neighbors' property boundary

Trunks of medium-sized trees

Neighbors' property boundary


Neighbors' property boundary

Restroom, compost pit


Shower, bath, sauna

Wooden residential building

table 2

Stone residential building

Wooden house neighboring plot

table 2

Stone residential building

Stone house

table 2

A house in the west, south or east in relation to its neighbor

neighbor's house

Not less than a distance equal to the height of the house (located in the south, west or east) from the zero level to the roof ridge

It can be located adjacent to the house, be part of the house (built-in garage), or stand separately from the house. The distance is not standardized

Any outbuildings (except for buildings with sanitary and hygienic restrictions)

Boundary of the neighboring plot

Not less than 1 m


House on the same plot

Can be located adjacent to the house

Note:* – the exact distance depends on the type of overlap.

As you can see, SNiP does not strictly regulate the distance from the fence to the garage. General recommendation– all outbuildings (except for those that have restrictions on sanitary and hygienic aspects) must be located at a distance of 1 meter from the fence.

In addition to maintaining distances from the boundaries of neighboring plots, it is necessary to comply with the standards for the construction of residential buildings and the construction of utility networks. When planning and designing engineering structures, the designer is obliged to provide solutions that will eliminate the accident without harming the health and life of people, nature, and other engineering structures and buildings.

How to properly arrange a garage?

Internal organization Each owner arranges a garage according to his own principles. General condition For Maintenance the car is a device or a technical recess (pit) or a lift. These structures will help to repair the car from the bottom with maximum convenience for the repairman.

Location special devices, equipment and boxes for storing spare parts, tools, hardware, along the perimeter walls of the garage, will allow you to properly organize the space. A right choice automatic gates will solve many problems. Automation for arranging such modern device the gate can be selected here.

The regulations provide for a mandatory ventilation device for a room such as a garage. Previously, the amount of fuel and lubricants that could be in the garage was regulated (for example, there should have been no more than 20 liters of gasoline in the garage). Today these norms have been abolished. However, the principle of reasonable care should stop the owner from turning the garage into a fuel storage area. Moreover, there are very strict standards for a fuel and lubricants warehouse.

Fence and garage

With respect to the fence, the garage can be located either on the same level with it (adjacent to the fence) or at a distance from it. The location of the garage on the same line with the fence can be on the side free from proximity to other areas, since the recommended distance from the neighbors’ land for this type of building is 3 meters. The fence should be 1 meter away from the neighbors' border. But if the fence is common to two areas, then no indentation is made.

If the garage is built at a distance from the fence, then the recommended distance from the fence to the garage is 1 meter. This makes it easier to perform the necessary functions of maintaining the building and the fence itself.

Requirements for fencing the site

There are three main regulatory documents regulating the planning of garden areas:
  1. Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ;
  2. SNiP 30-02-97 (updated version - SP 53.13330.2011);
  3. SP 11-106-97.

According to the set of rules 53.13330.2011 (modern edition of SNiP 30-02-97), a mesh fence should be erected along the perimeter of garden plots (clause 6.2 SP 53.13330.2011). For plots for individual housing construction, this requirement is less relevant. The fence on the street side can be metal, solid, up to two meters high. If the front of the house faces a busy highway. The fence can be erected even higher than 2 meters.

Often the best option fencing is metal picket fence. You can choose this type of fence for your site.

But between areas the fence cannot be higher than 2 meters; a lattice or mesh fence is recommended, especially in places where neighbors have vegetable gardens. If the plots are used for recreation and not for growing vegetables and fruits, then the fence between the two plots can be continuous.

Advice: take it from your neighbor written agreement for the installation of a fence with a continuous (not mesh) covering (clause 6.2 of SP 53.13330.2011).

Conclusions on garage construction

A car is a complex piece of equipment and has its own risks: technical and technological. Even if this equipment is passively stored in a garage, it can cause emergency situations– a sudden fire or explosion of fuel and lubricants may occur (if there is no ventilation in the room, for example). Therefore, the garage carries the threat of certain risks. However, recent changes in legislation and the ongoing liberalization of the construction sector, especially individual construction, have simplified construction and operation standards individual garages. Developers often ask: “What should be the distance between the garage and the fence?”

The location of the garage on the site is subject to the general rules established in SNiP, SP, laws, links to which are given in the article. Failure to comply with the recommendations of SNiP does not entail criminal liability, but can create situations in the life of the violator in which legal proceedings cannot be avoided. The rules for constructing a garage limit the distance to the fence to one meter. But this building can also be on the same line with the fence.

Standard distances from the fence during construction

On the Internet you can find many questions about how to properly build a fence, whether it is possible to place a garage near it, and what the distance from the garage to the fence should be. Citizens often bombard lawyers with similar questions during personal meetings. For example, Alexey M. from the city of Saratov is interested in: at what distance is a garage built from the fence? If so, how to warn neighbors about this, what document to show or at least refer to it? The answer to Alexey’s question, as well as the construction standards for the main buildings on the site, can be found in our material today.

What the documents say

Indeed, there are certain sanitary conditions and standards according to which a garage, fence, etc. must be built. The minimum length to the border of the neighbor’s land should be equal to:

  • Three meters if it's a building.
  • Four meters, if we are talking about a building that houses poultry and small livestock.
  • One meter if other buildings.
  • Four meters if the trees are tall, two meters if they are medium-sized.
  • One meter, if an ordinary bush.

Since the garage can be classified as “other buildings,” during construction you will only need to step back one meter. These standards are provided for by SP 53.13330.2011 Code of Rules. This is true if there are no nearby buildings on the other side of the fence on the neighbor’s property.

If the garage is located close to the fence at a distance of less than a hundred centimeters, this will already be considered a violation. In this case, garages can be either free-standing or built-in, attached to a garden house or buildings on the site.

Fence standards

For many people who recently became owners of a plot of land, it becomes a real discovery that even on their own territory they cannot place buildings wherever they want. The location of all buildings and even enclosing structures is regulated by legislation.

Returning to the SNiP law 30-02-97, as amended on March 12, 2001, there are certain standards for fence construction. If this is a fence between neighbors, then the areas must have transparent fences (lattice, mesh). This is done with one single purpose - to prevent shading of the area.

What height should the fence be? According to the standards, you can build a fence whose height will not exceed 150 centimeters. Of course, neighbors can agree on a different fence height verbally, but it is better to formalize the agreement in a written agreement. It will have legal force in any matter if the case goes to court.

It is worth understanding that SNiP is not considered a law as such. He recommends specific standards. Please note that your locality may issue its own regulations based on these rules. This is done in order to comply with the climatic as well as regional characteristics of the territory.

For example, in the Volgograd region, it is allowed to build a fence that will stand on the boundary with a height of no more than 2.2 m. Its transparency must be at least 50% of the total area of ​​the fence. If the fence is completely opaque, the maximum height of the fence should not exceed 0.75 m.

Placement of the garage relative to the “red line”

It was already noted above that it is not so difficult to comply with the norms of indentation from a fence adjacent to neighbors. One meter is enough for you to serve external walls the buildings. And water from the roof of the garage will definitely not flow to the neighbors.

It’s another matter if the personal plot has access to the roadway. Therefore, it is not allowed to place a garage in the same plane as the fence. According to the rules, it is necessary to maintain at least a five-meter distance from the fence, which is located on the “red line,” or three meters from the fence if it separates the area from the side passage.

Of course, this standard is only advisory in nature. However, if you do not follow it, the consequences may not be very pleasant. But there is a little trick that we will tell you about now. It will allow you to obtain a legal building permit with access from the garage directly to the street.

So, all you need is to build a fence not on the border, but by indenting it at least one meter deep.

Safety regulations

So, we found out what the distance to garages on a personal plot should be. Are there any norms fire safety?

It turns out that the fire distance between buildings within the same garden plot is not standardized at all. But if the buildings are located on different garden plots, this rule applies and depends on the material of the supporting and enclosing structures. It all depends on the flammability of the materials. If it is a stone structure, the distance should not be less than 6 meters, if a concrete building - 8 meters, if a reinforced concrete structure - ten meters.

How is the distance between objects measured?

It is worth understanding that one person may take measurements and say that the distance between the garage and the fence is 1.2 meters, while another may see only 90 centimeters. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to measure distance correctly. Remember: the distance from the house is always measured by the projection of its parts that protrude, as well as the base. If, due to certain circumstances, the buildings on the site are located at a distance of less than one meter from the neighboring site, it is better to make the roof slope in your direction.

It also happens that an outbuilding comes into contact with a residential building on a summer cottage. In this case, you need to comply with completely different standards. You will need to make an entrance to each room at a distance of 7 meters.

Six meter law

We talked about the fact that the construction of a garage is permitted if it is located one meter from the fence on the site. However, there is also a six-meter rule. Its essence is that the distance from your garage to the building on your neighbor’s property should be at least six meters. If there are no nearby buildings, then there are no obstacles to building a garage on your property.

But why six meters, and not four or, say, seven? This norm is determined by fire safety rules. If one building catches fire, the flames can easily spread to another structure. This is more than relevant for the garage. So we can draw the following conclusion. We measure six meters from the nearest neighbor’s building and boldly begin construction.

By the way, do not forget that if you are not sure about the suitability of the land for building a garage or something, it is better to order a geological survey of the land. This will make it possible to understand whether the soil will subsidence in the next few years.

SNiP 30-02-97 gives the basic principles for the construction of gardening and dacha associations and the structures located in them (they are mandatory for all owners land plots area from 6 acres). Planning a separate plot usually begins with a visible designation of its boundaries - a fence separating your own plot from neighboring plots and lands common use. It is recommended to install fences in accordance with the rules prescribed in the Charter of your DNP - this will allow you to coexist safely with people who share your values. What can you place on your plot of land? A residential building (house), as well as outbuildings - greenhouses, summer kitchen, bathhouse (sauna), shower, shed or garage for cars.

Law Club Conference

The distance from outbuildings to the red lines of streets and driveways must be at least 5 m. See also RULES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND USE OF ROAD LANES ON FEDERAL PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. (PP 1420, 1998) clause 2: Federal roadside lanes highways public use - plots of land adjacent on both sides to the right of way of the said road, each at least 50 meters wide, counting from the border of the right of way.

Site layout

These requirements are shown in the diagram master plan developments; residential buildings on personal plots should be placed in accordance with the area development project and with the established setback from the red lines; fencing personal plots should not protrude beyond the red line of the street. the most rational placement functional zones infrastructure depending on the terrain, the size of the site and its orientation to the cardinal points, illumination, the direction of the prevailing winds, the main purpose of the estate (recreation, gardening, breeding pets) and a number of other factors; minimum land allocation for the entire development complex and pedestrian paths; the shortest distances for moving between buildings; The house is the main building site of the site.

Distance between house and garage

If the elements protrude by more than 50 cm, the distance is measured from the protruding parts or from their projection onto the ground (cantilever roof canopy, second floor elements located on poles, etc.). 3. The minimum distances between buildings located on the same plot of land must be: the distance from a residential building (or house) and a cellar to a latrine and a building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 12 m; distance to shower, bath (sauna) - 8 m; the distance from the well to the latrine and composting device is 8 m. The specified distances must be observed both between buildings on the same site and between buildings located on adjacent sites.

Required setbacks from the boundaries of the site and neighboring buildings during individual construction

And in any case, it is necessary to remember that from the future residential building to the border of the neighboring plot, the distance for sanitary conditions must be at least 3 m. In addition, one should not forget about the necessary indentations from the foundation of any building (house or outbuildings) to engineering networks (cables and power communications no less than 60 cm, gas pipelines no less than 2 m, etc.).

Placement of the house on the site

Each village has its own building line, which must be adhered to; if the building line is set at 8 meters, then it is prohibited to place a house closer than eight meters. (Fig. 3) Note: Single-apartment buildings, including semi-detached residential buildings, belong to class F1.4. The degree of fire resistance of a building depends on the materials from which the house is built; it is determined by the designer and indicated in the project. In addition to residential buildings, developers place on their sites such buildings as bathhouses, gazebos, and outbuildings.

Distance of buildings from the neighboring plot (neighbors retreated only 1 meter)

garden house must be at least 5 m away from the border (red line), at least 3 m away from the driveway, and outbuildings no closer than 5 meters. In accordance with the same SNiP, an outbuilding can be adjacent to the house, but the premises for small livestock and poultry must have a separate entrance located at a distance of at least 7 meters from the entrance to the house. The garage can be separate, attached or built into an outbuilding or house, provided that all sanitary and fire safety standards.

Distance from the fence to the building: SNiP, standards and practical implementation

The first thing these regulatory documents pay attention to is the distances between the buildings themselves. According to current fire safety standards, houses on private property cannot be built close to each other, regardless of the distance from the fence to the building. This is due to the fact that if a fire occurs, not only the ignited building, but also those adjacent to it may burn out. If the building is made of completely non-combustible materials (stone, brick, concrete), then a distance of 6 meters must be maintained to the same building, to a building with wooden floors protected by metal tiles or corrugated sheets - 8 meters, and up to wooden house– 10. A house made of non-combustible material with a roof on wooden rafters, protected by low-flammability material, is built 8 meters from the same houses or houses with less flammability, and at least 10 meters from wooden houses. The hardest thing with wooden buildings or with houses on wooden frame.

Dacha plot of 6 acres - features of planning and arrangement

If the width of your plot, subject to all standards, allows you to move the house in one direction or another, then to save usable area it's better to do it. By retreating the required 3 m from the neighboring plot and observing the fire gap, you will leave a free area between the house and the fence of the neighboring plot on the other side for the construction of various areas, lawns, gardens or vegetable gardens. - living room in one room apartment(at home); - at least one living room in a 2- and 3-room apartment (house); - two living rooms in a house with more than 3 rooms. And, of course, an important point in the location of the house is the view from the windows.

At the same time, fire-fighting distances between buildings and structures in each group are not standardized, and the minimum distances between outer buildings and structures of groups are taken according to Table 2. Table 2 - Minimum fire-fighting distances between outer buildings and groups of buildings on garden plots Material of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building Distances, m A B C A Stone, concrete, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials 6 8 10 B The same, with wooden floors and coatings protected by non-combustible and low-combustible materials 8 8 10 C Wood, frame enclosing structures made of non-combustible, low-combustible and combustible materials 10 10 15 6.6 The garden house must be at least 5 m from the red line of streets, and at least 3 m from the red line of passages.

All about outbuildings on your site

If the outbuilding is integral part buildings (for example, a garage, a bathhouse and a house as a whole), then the outbuilding as an object of law is absent here. Outbuildings - service buildings and other structures that perform auxiliary functions for maintaining household(Part 2 of Article 1 of the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus “Buildings and structures, Construction Materials and products.

If there are building structures or structures made of flammable materials protruding more than 1 m, the distance between these structures is taken. 3. The distance between the walls of buildings without window openings it is allowed to reduce by 20%, with the exception of buildings of IIIa, IIIb, IV, IVa and V degrees of fire resistance. 7. For two-story buildings of frame and panel construction of fire resistance degree V, as well as buildings covered with flammable materials, fire distances must be increased by 20%.

What distance to the boundaries of the plot can be set to build a house

By building regulations the allowed distance on the site from the residential building to the fence is at least 3 m. If the fence faces the roadway, then the distance from the dwelling to the fence must be at least 5 m. The rules set a distance between neighboring houses from 6 m to 15 m.

This variation in meters is primarily due to the materials from which both houses and other buildings are made, in compliance with the law local government and fire safety standards. 1) The house is built from non-combustible materials (brick, concrete, stone).

Construction on individual housing construction and private plots

The private plot of land can also be used for construction own home. It is not necessary to raise chickens, goats and pigs or place hives on it, but it is also very profitable to have such an opportunity. Previously existing differences in construction opportunities between plots for individual housing construction and private plots, garden and summer cottages on the territory of populated areas became insignificant in accordance with the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of April 14, 2008 No. 7-P. In the suburban real estate market and among city dwellers planning to live outside the city, and among the residents of towns and villages themselves, plots of individual housing construction and private private plots are in great demand, because they do not require so-called “land transfers”, which allow the construction of a permanent residential building and decision There are no simple questions about registration (registration) in this house yet. In addition, on lands allocated for individual housing construction according to the law, local municipalities must organize effective engineering and social infrastructure. By purchasing land plot Individual housing construction, you can count not only on the provision of territories for individual housing construction with the necessary engineering communications, but also on the availability quality roads, systematic transport links, healthcare institutions, education, shops and other socially significant facilities. IN winter period roads must be cleared of snow and ice.

Basic fire safety requirements for garages

Oily rags are disposed of. Parking spaces are prohibited from being divided into separate boxes using partitions. Service premises are fenced off with type 1 fire walls. Fireproof flooring must prevent the spread of flame and comply with category RP 1. Used automatic systems fire extinguishing for the garage.