Learn how to lay paving slabs correctly. Laying paving slabs with your own hands, step-by-step instructions, video How to lay paving slabs

Most often used for arranging pedestrian paths in suburban areas. paving slabs, which is made of concrete using the . Vibrocast tiles are distinguished by a wider range of colors, variety of shapes and affordable prices. But pressed piece products for sidewalk coverings have more high strength, frost resistance and durability.

For laying on sand, paving slabs must have a thickness of at least 40 mm. Material of smaller thickness is placed on a cement-sand base or glue.

Types of tiles.

The shape and color of the material are chosen at the discretion of the site owner. The easiest way to use rectangular and square products. Curved material is much more difficult to lay, and if you do not have experience similar works, then opt for a tile of a simpler shape.

The use of dense and heavy natural stones is much less common due to the high cost of the material and more difficult processing during installation. Of course, you can turn to a team of professionals, but the cost of such a service is quite comparable to the cost of purchasing the material, so it is wiser to do the installation yourself.

Working tools and materials

First of all, you will need to prepare a certain set of tools and construction equipment:

  • mechanical or manual tamping;
  • shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • building level;
  • plaster rule;
  • tape measure 10 meters;
  • wheelbarrow or stretcher for moving materials;
  • construction trowel;
  • brush;
  • metal and rubber hammer;
  • cord and stakes for marking.

From the purchased materials you will need:

  • coarse sand;
  • Portland cement M400;
  • crushed stone fraction up to 40 mm or gravel;
  • border material;
  • concrete drainage trays;
  • paving stones;
  • pure water.

Trimming tiles to required sizes During laying along the edges of the path, it is done using an angle grinder with a diamond disc.

Laying technology

Work on paving pedestrian paths using piece materials is carried out in several stages:

  • drawing up a plan and marking the area;
  • arrangement of an earthen tray;
  • installation of curb stones;
  • installation of a drainage support layer;
  • backfilling with sand;
  • styling tile materials and drainage trays;
  • sealing seams and finishing work.

The accepted thickness of the poured layers depends on the expected weight load on the paved surface, the density of the soil in the area, the thickness and quality of the paving stones and some other indicators.

Marking and excavation of soil.

Preliminary work

Even before laying paving slabs on the sand, it is recommended to take a schematic plan garden territory with buildings and trees indicated on it. Draw on this diagram the location of the planned pedestrian paths and platforms. In this case, you should retreat from the trees by a meter and a half and provide for slopes of the path away from the buildings.

After this, using the plan, hammer in pegs on both sides of the path and pull the cord along them. Once again check the correctness of the markings and only then begin the physical work.

Soil development

To prepare a stable base for the paved surface, it is necessary to place a deep tray in the ground. To do this, remove the top layer of soil. In this case, the depth of the earthen tray consists of the thickness of the tile, an underlying sand layer of 8-10 cm and a support-drainage layer, the thickness of which depends on the expected weight load on the surface. For a garden path, 8-10 cm will be enough, and for a parking space for a passenger car - 15-20 cm.

Having dug a trench, its bottom can be treated with herbicides to protect against weed germination or covered, after compacting the soil well. Geotextiles will provide good outlet water from the drainage layer and prevent the growth of weeds. High-quality compaction of the soil will protect the bulk structure from subsidence in the future.

Installation of border

Before filling the support-drainage layer of crushed stone, it is necessary. To do this, you will need metal pegs that are driven in such a way that you can stretch the cord along the outer edge of the curb. In this case, the height of the cord tension should be the same on both sides of the path and correspond to the installation of the outer edge of the stones.

Curb stones should be installed on cement mortar, which is laid on the bottom of the trench along the edges. Every curb needs to be checked. building level to its vertical and horizontal installation. Leveling is done with a rubber mallet, because Using a metal hammer may crack the material.

It is recommended to secure curb stones with metal stakes until the solution sets. The outer gap between the soil and the stone is filled with sand and compacted by pouring water.

Support-drainage backfill device

The crushed stone layer performs two functions. It drains incoming water further into the ground and serves as a load-bearing (foundation) basis for the sand cushion and paving slabs.

If it is necessary to install a thick layer, backfilling is done in layers of 5-7 cm with compaction of each layer separately. The laid crushed stone should be sprinkled with a little sand and covered with geotextile fabric. The canvas will stop the penetration of sand into drains under the influence of moisture, and the sand layer will protect the canvas from damage by the sharp edges of stones.

Device with and without geotextiles.

At high level groundwater during snow melting, it is recommended to organize its drainage by laying one or two drainage pipes along the edges of the path and direct the water into drainage well or for draining into a pond.

Sand layer for laying tiles

The described technology involves installing a dense sand layer before laying paving slabs on the sand. This layer is a fixing layer for the paving stones, ensuring its immobility horizontally and, most importantly, vertically. A sufficient layer of sand is 8-10 cm, and with low loads on the path it can be reduced to 5 cm.

The sand must be compacted well and its surface leveled using a plaster rule or a flat wooden block. To obtain an absolutely flat surface for precise leveling, you can install beacons located along the path. The number of beacons is arbitrary, but in the middle of the path the beacon is located above the rest.

Schematic options for sand bases for tiles.

Sand can also be wetted with water. In this case, it will become more difficult to compact it, but the quality of compaction will increase, and therefore greater durability and moisture resistance of the coating will be ensured.

Tile laying

The path is paved on a layer of dry cement-sand mixture 2-3 cm thick, which is spread on top of compacted sand during laying. The ratio of cement and sand for preparing the mixture is 1:5.

You need to start by laying side drainage trays, constantly checking the presence of the necessary slope for the drainage of rain and melt water. They are placed close to the curb stone along the entire length of the paths.

After installing the trays, lay one row of tiles across the path, checking for a slight slope on the surface from the middle to the edges. This arrangement of the tiles will ensure the drainage of water from the surface of the path to the drainage trays. Between the tiles there should be seams one and a half to two millimeters wide.

If the edge tiles do not match, they can be adjusted using a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Sealing joints between tiles

After laying paving slabs on the surface of a path or platform, it is necessary to carefully seal the seams between the slabs, gutters and curbs. This is necessary to ensure that rain and melt water cannot seep through the paved surface, and also to prevent possible destruction of the coating due to ice formation.

The joints are sealed using a dry cement-sand mixture or liquid cement mortar.

When using a dry mixture, scatter it over the surface of the path and sweep it with a soft brush or broom.

After this, the paved surface must be watered. After a week or two, repeat this work operation. It may also be necessary to update the fillings after the end of the autumn-winter period.

Using liquid cement mortar for sealing seams will provide best quality and density, but will require additional effort to clean the paved surface from cement deposits.

The simplest and economical ways paving slabs are laid in the case of direct or parallel arrangement of elements. With diagonal or figured paving, a significant amount of waste appears. Especially for people who do not have great skills in this type of work.

When cutting tiles, it is not at all necessary to cut them all the way through. It is enough to cut about a quarter on each side, and then split along the seam. This will allow you to create less dust in the workplace and eliminate the need for a respirator. In addition, this method can speed up the time it takes to complete paving work.

The durability and level of stability of the tile covering depend on the quality of compaction of the layers and the earthen bottom of the tray. A densely compacted base will reliable support for laid tiles and can withstand heavy weight loads without destruction.

Instead of curb stone You can use paving slabs placed on edge, clinker bricks or other similar materials.

To increase the service life of the laid material, it is recommended to treat the surface with a special hydrophobic composition, which will protect the tiles from moisture.

The technology of laying decorative paving slabs on sand with your own hands has a number of nuances, knowing which you can do all the work easily and without serious mistakes. Thanks to this material, you can create a unique coating in a parking lot, sidewalk or garden. Let's figure out what this technology is.

Most often, paving slabs are laid on a dry cement-sand mixture

Types of paving slabs

Before considering the technology of laying tiles with your own hands, you need to find out what types of material are used for finishing sidewalks and areas. Available today great amount variations of products, first of all, they differ in shape, the most popular are:

  • paving stones;
  • clover;
  • scales;
  • fleece;
  • wave;
  • honeycomb;
  • flower;
  • Gzhelka.

Main types of paving slabs

Production technology also affects the final result. According to the manufacturing method, tiles can be divided into two types:

  • Vibropressed. The machine feeds the mass into the mold, then compresses it and vibrates under pressure, after which the matrix is ​​removed and the tile is left to dry.
  • Vibrocast. The liquid solution is poured into the mold, vibrated for a certain time and dried.

You can use both approaches yourself. At the same time, if you make the solution yourself, it is important to maintain the proportions and use suitable raw materials.

Homemade tiles will be of proper quality only when good components and a vibrating machine are used to compact the liquid mass.

Soil preparation

Before laying paving slabs, you need to prepare work area. The surface must meet certain requirements. If you do the work yourself, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Deepening. The tile is laid in the recess, but it should protrude 3-4 cm above the ground.
  • Dense soil. To do this, the soil is thoroughly compacted.
  • Smooth surface. It is necessary to perfectly level the area for installation.
  • Providing drainage. This condition is met in two ways. Firstly, a sand and gravel substrate is installed, and secondly, you need to provide a slight slope of about 5 degrees per meter.

Before you start laying paving slabs on sand, you need to carry out a number of works to prepare the soil. Let's look at how to do it yourself. First you need to remove the top layer of soil, thanks to this you can level out all the unevenness, compact the soil and prepare a sand and gravel bed. The depth of the site depends on its purpose; for sidewalks, on average, 20 cm will be enough, and for car entrances and parking lots, you need to add another 7-10 cm.

After you dig a hole, you need to compact the soil. To do this, wet it with a spray hose and walk it with a tamper. This procedure will prevent the site from subsiding over time.

The base for laying tiles must be leveled and compacted

Installation of curbs and drains

Also, before you start laying paving slabs on sand, you need to take care of installing limiters, that is, curbs. They are placed along the entire perimeter of the sidewalk. If you do not install them, most likely, over time, your tiles will shift and the sidewalk will simply “pull apart” to the sides. To install them yourself, you need to dig a trench along the site. Its depth should be a little greater. Crushed stone is placed at the bottom for support and covered with sand to compact the voids. Then you need to set up the curbs, keeping them level.

To fix the elements, a concrete solution is prepared based on cement, sand and screenings. Use it to fill a trench with curbs. After drying, the spacers and clamps are removed, and the trench is filled with earth to the desired level.

Before laying the tiles, curbs are installed along the entire perimeter of the site

Additionally, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a water drain. It is laid on the inside of the sidewalk along the curb. It is in his direction that the slope of the site should go.

sand cushion

In order to lay the tile itself, this technology involves the use of gravel and sand as a substrate. First of all, you need to fill the soil with sand. The bottom layer does not matter in terms of the quality of raw materials. Crushed stone is poured on top of the sand in a layer of approximately 15-20 cm, it allows you to evenly distribute the load over the sidewalk area and ensures the outflow of water. To fill the voids, additional sand is poured.

The top layer will act as a fixative, so it is important to know what kind of sand is needed for paving slabs. The best option is a material with fine particles, it will fill all the cracks, but it is important to clean it of impurities. The area should be sprinkled with water and wait until the materials dry.

After leveling the surface, fill in the working “cushion”. It is a mixture of sand and dry cement. It also needs to be perfectly leveled while maintaining the slope. After this, you can begin installation.

Schematic representation of a gravel-sand cushion

Laying tiles

Laying paving slabs on sand with your own hands is done in a certain direction; you need to lay it “away from yourself”, so you will not disturb the evenness of the sand. The elements must be laid in such a way that there are small gaps of about 1-2 mm between them. Wooden or plastic wedges are used for fixation.

The technology involves deepening the tiles into the sand mass to about half, so you need to make sure that the layer of sand is sufficient. In this case, the thickness of the substrate must correspond to the dimensions of the depression in the ground.

Each row must be checked with a level and all defects must be eliminated locally. For this purpose, a rule is used, which is an even wooden block, and a mallet. You need to move along the sidewalk carefully so as not to displace the elements until they are completely fixed.

Irregularities on the surface are eliminated using wooden rule and a rubber mallet

Sealing seams

The last stage is sealing the seams. In order for paving slabs laid on sand to maintain their position and not move over time, they need to be secured; this can be done with your own hands very simply. To do this, use the same mixture of sand and cement powder, pour it on top of the tiles, and then use a brush to evenly distribute it over the surface so that the seams of the area are completely filled with it.

To secure the tiles by sealing the joints, use a cement-sand mixture

After you have treated the entire sidewalk, you need to sweep away the excess and sprinkle the surface with water. As soon as the water is absorbed, check the quality of the seams. The cement will swell and bind the individual tiles together. The spacers can be removed. In the future, it may be necessary to renew the filling of the joints, especially after heavy rainfall.

Filling with water is necessary to ensure that the dry mixture is compacted and compacted, so this procedure must be carried out 2-3 times to completely fill the seams between the tiles.

Now you know how to lay paving slabs on a sand bed with your own hands, following the technology. If the work is done efficiently, you will get a smooth and durable surface for many years.

How to lay paving slabs with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions, video.

It is well known that with the development of mini-productions, paving slabs are becoming more accessible a large number population. All more owners country cottages and dachas are equipped with paths using ready-made cement-sand tiles.

Paving slabs will last for decades

If you choose a thicker option, you can line the entrance and parking area with them. And you can simply lay out the yard and pedestrian paths with them in an original way. Perhaps it will even occur to you to lay out your dacha with paving slabs?

But is it possible to do this on your own? We will give you some tips on how to lay paving slabs correctly.

Laying paving slabs

Currently, tiles, otherwise called paving stones, have become widespread. Paving stones are rectangular or any other shaped tiles. More often rectangular tiles found in sizes 20x10xh cm. Such tiles can be laid using a variety of schemes. The simplest and most popular are “brickwork”, “herringbone” and “column”. What is so attractive about paving stones? It is very easy to install and is well suited for arranging any type of path. There are also schemes with a paired arrangement of tiles. In such paths it is better to use two or more colors of tiles. Such schemes are most suitable for car parks and sites.

Laying paving slabs is a difficult task that requires serious attitude and a certain amount of skill. The service life of paving slabs is quite long and depends on the quality of the work performed. Therefore, if you want to save on tiles, you should not save on laying them. The basis for laying tiles is always a mixture or cushion of crushed stone and sand. This is done regardless of whether you plan to lay the tiles on a dry mix or mortar. In some cases, to strengthen the sand and gravel base, a concrete screed is installed.

How to lay tiles. Technology for laying paving slabs

Paving slabs are laid using the following technology. As already mentioned, paving slabs are laid on a concrete sand or crushed stone base. The type of base depends on the requirements for the tile and the thickness of the tile.

Let's consider the general case of paving slab laying technology.

  1. The turf is removed to a depth of 15 centimeters. At the same time, there should be no roots or seeds of plants or debris left at the bottom.
  2. It is necessary to carry out longitudinal and transverse leveling of the bottom of the trench with calculation of the slope for water drainage. It is desirable that the bottom of the trench has a slight slope. If too much clay soil you need to make drainage in the part where the trench is deeper.
  3. The next step is to compact the bottom of the trench. You can do rolling and vibration compaction if you have the necessary equipment. The tamper can be made with an ordinary piece of a small log, nailing a handle to it at the end, which will serve as a handle.
  4. If a geometric path is being made, grooves are dug for the side stone or curb.
  5. The bottom of the ditch is compacted and a five-centimeter layer of sand is poured onto the bottom.
  6. The side stone is installed in the groove on the concrete pad. A small amount of liquid concrete is also poured into the bottom of the trench and stone is laid.
  7. To avoid deformation of the road surface, we cover the subgrade with geotextiles. This method is mainly used if the soil is slightly heaving. 2 layers of black mulch material Agril, Spandbond or Agrotex are used as geotextiles.
  8. We fill the bottom of the trench with crushed stone, a small fraction from 5 to 20 mm thick, take a layer of 20 cm, taking into account the arrival of vehicles. Then pour water directly onto the surface and tamp it down. If the soil is not heaving, you can cover the bottom of the trench, after slightly moistening it with coarse sand, a layer thickness of 15 cm, you can use 3 methods:
    1. pouring moistened sand 5 cm thick onto the compacted layer of crushed stone and leveling it with a lath;
    2. We moisten the sand surface, roll it, level it and cover it reinforcement mesh 50 x 50 mm without bundle. Fill the dry mixture with a thickness of 3-4 cm and moisten it using a watering can.
    3. the tiles are laid on a mortar 2-3 cm thick, directly on uncompacted crushed stone, without covering it with sand. The solution is prepared from M150 cement (cement: sand, 1:3). There is an option using tile adhesive, which of course will be a little more expensive, but will also be more reliable. But in this case, the glue is applied to concrete screed 5-10 cm thick.
  9. Paving slabs are laid on the prepared layer and compacted using a vibrating plate or a heavy wooden or rubber mallet. You need to carefully monitor the level of laying paving slabs or immediately give the path the required profile. Basically with a slight slope from the center to the edges for water drainage.
  10. A dry mixture of cement and sand is scattered onto the surface of the laid tiles and distributed along the seams between the tiles.
  11. The surface of the laid tiles is carefully and thoroughly swept with a brush, cleaned of any remaining dry mixture and watered so that it penetrates into the cracks. It takes some time for the mixture to harden.

Small tricks when laying paving slabs

When purchasing paving slabs, make calculations in such a way as to take into account the waste that will be generated when laying and cutting the tiles. The amount of waste depends on the shape and size of the surface, as well as on the installation method. If laying is carried out diagonally, there will be more waste than if laying is done in parallel.

It will be easier to split paving slabs if you first cut them with a grinder. It should be taken into account that when cutting, a large amount of dust is released. It is to avoid dust that you only need to cut the tile and then break it.

A path made of paving slabs laid on a dry mixture or a solution on a crushed stone bed can support the weight of a passenger car. The slabs laid on a concrete base and a 1.5 times reinforced cushion will withstand the load from truck. The most important thing to remember when laying paving slabs is to lay the tiles strictly according to technology and to properly prepare the base. The service life of the tile depends on these factors.

Paving slabs High Quality, laid in compliance with all recommendations and rules, with drainage installed, will serve you faithfully for several decades without losing its aesthetic qualities. Enjoy your walks on beautiful and durable paving slabs!

Do-it-yourself country path

In terms of the livability of a summer cottage or country house, an important role is played by beautifully designed paths connecting the house with other buildings or recreational areas. The path not only provides ease of movement, but also becomes one of the most colorful decorative elements of the backyard landscape.

In order to lay out paths on your site, you can invite specialists who will do their work competently and competently, but sidewalks made with your own hands and according to your own ideas will always please your eyes and remind you how diligently and with soul you took this work .

  1. To create a straight path, its boundaries can be easily marked with a stretched rope. If you have planned a winding path that runs between plantings or trees, then you can use a rake with a marking strip attached to it for the selected path. The nails leave a uniform mark that will be used as a marking line.
  2. You make the width of the sidewalk according to your idea and desire, but usually a width of about 70 centimeters is enough. From the markings future track remove the soil and make a trench 30 centimeters deep, maintaining the relief gradient of the site.
  3. To construct the drainage necessary for the outflow of water during rains, the bottom of the trench is lightly compacted and filled with crushed stone. It is best to use large crushed stone that can easily pass moisture and filter the soil. Instead of crushed stone, you can make drainage from construction waste, such as stone, expanded clay, concrete residues, paying attention to the fact that this waste should not absorb moisture, but easily allow it to pass through, and also have increased strength.
  4. Having finished arranging the drainage, you can begin to cover the path. In this work, you can use all your creative abilities, or look at samples in construction catalogs. Material for country paths can be very diverse. This could be the popular rubble stone or paving slabs. It can be laid with a mosaic made of various solid materials, or it can simply be filled with concrete.

Anyway sidewalk paths on your site, created with your own hands, will delight your eyes for a long time and will even become a source of pride in your own creation.

Pebbles in the garden

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with paths made of paving slabs on summer cottage. Another thing is decorative pebbles, which look very beautiful and original. When working with such material, you will reveal your talent as a designer. Pebbles allow you to lay out non-standard ornaments and do not restrain your creative impulses.

In addition, to give your site even more attractive, it is possible to use stone elements with a variety of patterns. So what procedures should you start with when laying pebbles? Firstly, you need to responsibly select required material. There are two types of pebbles on the market: river and sea. It can be rough, polished, processed or in its natural state. Natural stone is an alternative to pebbles and is artificially polished to give a rounded shape.

When selecting color range You should opt for contrasting shades. Typically, pebbles come in white, black and brown colors. You can also find burgundy, gray and red-orange shades. It is necessary to follow some rules in order to correctly line up the fragments of the ornament. To lay out a simple design you will need: rope, wooden pegs and a tape measure.

More complex ornaments need to be drawn in advance on a sheet of paper on a one-to-one scale, and then transfer this drawing to personal plot. After these steps, work is carried out on the site itself. It remains to determine what will be needed for them:

  1. Accurate marking of the perimeter of the paths;
  2. Prepared walking paths three hundred millimeters deep;
  3. Carefully spilled and compacted soil;
  4. Waterproofing;
  5. A compacted layer of sand of one hundred millimeters on the surface of the soil;
  6. A layer of crushed stone of two hundred millimeters, and the crushed granite fraction should be from twenty to forty millimeters;
  7. After falling asleep, the crushed stone must be compacted taking into account the slope for the outflow of precipitation;
  8. The final layer is filled with a pre-prepared solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.

After this, we proceed to leveling using a long level, taking into account that a certain amount of the prepared composition should penetrate into the spaces between the granite pebbles, and the remaining part should protrude above the surface by about half a millimeter. It is intended for attaching pebbles to it, taking into account the selected ornament. During installation, special attention should be paid to maintaining neat rows, and the size of the pebbles should be the same.

After you finish paving the path, thoroughly water it and let it sit undisturbed for about three to four days until the pebbles have completely settled. Now you just need to check whether the ornament is securely fixed. If this is not the case, and you find loose stones, then the procedure must be done again.

Many owners of private houses are interested in how to lay paving slabs. This finishing material Now it is very popular for decorating local areas. Paving slabs allow you to create not only ordinary masonry, but also a kind of multi-colored mosaic from irregularly shaped elements.

The main advantages of paving slabs

Not everyone knows how to lay paving slabs correctly. It's comparative new material. However, paving slabs have already become more in demand than the well-known paving stones.

Among the main advantages of paving slabs are the following properties:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation technology;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to aggressive influence environment;
  • variety of shapes and colors;
  • the ability to create bright and original elements landscape design.

To lay a path or area with paving slabs yourself, you do not need any special technical skills or knowledge, only the ability to use ordinary tools. If you follow the procedure exactly during the installation process and try a little, everything will definitely work out.

How to choose a tile

Thick tiles (more than 60mm) can support the weight of a full truck. These tiles are usually in the form of small bars. This gives the cladding additional strength.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to lay paving slabs correctly. The main condition for a novice master is to choose a small area for his first experiments. A garden path is best. It is better to choose one-color, square or rectangular tiles.

Marking the site and preparing the base

First you need to calculate the area of ​​the path or site. It is calculated according to required amount tiles You need to purchase material with a reserve of 10-15% in case of damage to the material. In order not to make mistakes when making calculations, you can draw a plan of the future site. This will make it easier to carry out the necessary calculations and calculations.

Curbs are required along the edges of the path. This will help maintain the integrity of the structure. The border should be several times thicker than the selected tile. It is necessary to lay tiles only on a properly prepared base; not only does this depend on appearance, but also the strength of the structure.

The correct base for paving slabs

To fulfill all necessary work The following tools will be required:

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • grinder saw;
  • spatulas;
  • rule;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • rubber mallet or mallet;
  • twine or cord, scaffolding;
  • Master OK;
  • rake;
  • container for preparing the mixture.

First you need to outline the location of the path or site. To do this, pegs are driven into the ground on both sides of the route. A cord or twine is tied to them. You need to walk along the marked area in different directions to determine the correctness of the markings and the optimal location of the site or path. The markings can be adjusted during operation.

Drainage system

The technology for laying paving slabs with your own hands requires drainage works. On clayey, swampy soil with high groundwater, internal drainage is necessary. For this in the process earthworks the required slope is formed, drainage pipes are installed to drain water.

On dry soil, it is enough to arrange external drainage. To do this, paving slabs are laid on the path with a slope of 2 or 3° towards the curb. Some water will seep through the seams between the tiles.

Construction of the foundation

You need to dig a ditch under the foundation. The top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm. Remains of vegetation must be removed. The bottom must be leveled and compacted. If the soil is very weak, a concrete screed is laid under the future paving slab structure. This will strengthen the base and ensure the longevity of the path or area.

Concrete reinforced base under paving slabs

Then the curbs are installed. A cushion of fine-grained (10-20) crushed stone or gravel is poured between them. The bulk material must be leveled and slightly compacted.

Curbs on both sides of the path must be installed parallel. The internal space between them should accommodate the required number of tiles. In this case, it is necessary to take into account mounting clearances of 2-3 mm. Then a solution is prepared for concreting the curbs. Cement grade M300 or higher and sifted sand are taken. Proportion 1:2.

The gravel cushion at the bottom of the trench is filled with coarse wet sand, which must be leveled. The thickness of the sand cushion after compacting the sand should be at least 3-5 cm. To control from the top edge of the curb downwards, you need to measure 1.5 times the thickness of the tile.

Tiles are laid on top. If its position exceeds the desired level by 1 cm, the sand can be compacted. To do this, the finished pillow must be moistened generously and left for several hours. Pack tightly. After a day, you can begin laying the tiles. The main thing is that the concrete poured under the curbs is completely hardened.

Laying tiles on sand and crushed stone

The tiles are laid in clear, dry weather. Wind, rain, and dampness make the installation process difficult and can worsen the result, especially if the master does not yet have the necessary skills. The path is laid out in the direction away from you; you cannot stand on the sand and gravel pad while working.

Before laying paving slabs with your own hands, you need to prepare the installation mixture. For it, take dry sifted fine sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1 or ready-made composition, purchased at a building materials store.

Laying tiles on a cement-sand mixture

So that the path can be dismantled later, the tiles must be laid only on sand. The dry mixture or sand is poured to a thickness of no more than 4 cm; the pillow needs to be leveled. When backfilling, you can use guides made of reinforcing rods, tubes, etc. The mixture is distributed over the working surface with a trowel or rake and leveled using a rule.

If the path is narrow, sand is poured between the curbs and leveled with a trowel. Using a level you need to create a drainage slope. While working, the master moves along the length of the path, holding a bucket of sand and tools at hand. On a wide path, the dry mixture is poured along the beacons. The height of the beacons is reduced by 1 cm every meter of the width of the future path to ensure water drainage.

Aligning the base with beacons

On top finished masonry you need to fill in the sand and use a hard mop to grout the laid surface. Instead of sand, you can use special grouting compounds. The procedure for working with them is indicated on the packaging.

Laying tiles on a concrete base

Preparatory work for laying paving slabs on concrete base are carried out in the same way. First, the tiles are laid on a work surface covered with sand.

To prepare the solution, use M500 cement. It must be diluted with water to the required consistency. It is better to mix the solution with an electric drill or a construction mixer. Gradually add sand to the mixture of water and cement. It should be 4 times more than dry cement.

When laying on concrete, a strict sequence must be observed. The tiles are removed one by one from the sand bed. You need to remove 4 elements of preliminary masonry at a time. The solution is applied to the vacant area. It needs to be evenly distributed. Having laid the tiles on top of the mortar, it is necessary to trim and lightly press down with a mallet. When laying, special wooden spacers are installed between the tiles to obtain the required gap. When the entire path or area has been laid out, the remaining mortar must be removed from the surface.

Some rules for laying tiles

To laid material was smooth and beautiful along the entire length of the path, it is necessary to lay out the initial row of tiles especially carefully. You need to stretch the line across the path, maintaining a drainage slope towards the curb. The first tile is installed 0.5 cm from the curb. In the longitudinal direction, laying is controlled by a level.

On the path, the tiles are laid diagonally and compacted with a mallet. Between the elements you need to leave a gap of 2 mm. The laid out row must be carefully inspected and all errors must be corrected immediately. Usually it is enough to adjust the amount of sand under protruding or sinking elements. An evenly laid initial row is the key to ensuring that the entire path will turn out neat and beautiful.

Tamping will speed up the work of laying paving slabs

If the masonry involves partial tiles, they should be laid out last. To correctly mark the cutting line, the tile must be attached to the installation site. A hacksaw is suitable for cutting tiles, but the work will go very slowly. Therefore, you need to cut paving slabs with a grinder. A diamond disc is installed on it. Can be used special knife. You need to wear safety glasses when working.

Sealing seams and cracks

When the installation of paving slabs is completed, it is necessary to seal small cracks. To do this, you need to prepare a cement solution with a high content liquid glass. This will make the structure resistant to aggressive environmental influences. A mixture of sand and cement or sand is poured into the assembly joints between the individual elements.

Sand for filling cracks and assembly seams Only clean ones can be used. A small amount of organic elements or salts will subsequently lead to the appearance of small flora on the paved area. Plants will spoil the appearance of the structure and reduce its strength.

Sand is compacted using a hose with a narrow spray nozzle. The procedure must be repeated several times. Bulk material is added each time. The density of filling the assembly joints will ensure the strength and durability of the entire masonry.

Options for laying paving slabs

Paving slabs allow you to create various shapes and patterns on local area. You can use ready-made laying schemes or come up with your own version of the design of a path or site.

The most common options for laying paving slabs:

  • herringbone;
  • network;
  • chessboard;
  • random mix;
  • circular pattern.

Using colorful elements different shapes By alternating installation options, you can create interesting compositions based on the principle of regular mosaics or puzzles.

Geometric laying of paving slabs

It is better to perform figured masonry first in an area near the work site. This will allow you to correct individual errors or change something in advance. When the working surface is ready, the tiles are gradually transferred to it and laid in the desired order.

To tile a round area, you need to make a primitive compass from wooden slats with pointed ends. With its help, a circle is drawn on the prepared area on top of the sand cushion. Next, the tiles are laid from the outer edge to the center of the site.

Use and care

A freshly laid paving slab path will be ready for use 2-3 days after all work is completed. To remove dust and debris, the path is usually swept with a broom and washed with a stream of water from a hose. Deep patterns with bright colors need to be cleaned more often and more carefully than regular masonry.

The sand placed in the tile joints is gradually washed away as the path or platform is used. Therefore, it needs to be topped up as needed. Damaged structural elements (for example, cracked tiles) are easily replaced with new ones.

Paving slabs are not resistant to mechanical stress, so they cannot be cleaned with abrasive powder. It is better to use sifted river sand.

Do not use strong chemicals to remove stains. Weak enough soap solution. It is applied with a soft brush and then washed off with water from a hose.

IN winter time Snow and ice must be carefully removed without using metal tools. Can be used with rubber tip. This will save decorative tiles. To prevent the path from being slippery, it should be sprinkled with regular clean sand.

Paving slabs are an ideal option for finishing garden paths, areas near the house, garage or recreation area. The cost of laying paving slabs is quite high; by doing this process yourself, you will be able to save a lot. We’ll talk further about how to lay paving slabs with your own hands.

Material manufacturing technology and photo of laid paving slabs

Concrete is most often used to make paving slabs. The mixture for tile production contains cement, water, plasticizers and other fillers. There are certain requirements for the manufacture of tiles, stipulated by GOST.

In order for the tile to ultimately turn out to be of high quality and serve its owners for many years, it is necessary to strictly follow the technological process of its production and the dosage of materials. Some expensive tile options also contain clay, granite chips or polymer sand.

The shape of the tile depends on the customer’s preferences; it can be rectangular, triangular, square, diamond-shaped, hexagonal, etc. The color of the tile is determined by the coloring pigment included in its composition. Most often, tiles are produced in sand, olive, brown or beige colors.

How to lay paving slabs: advantages and disadvantages of the material

Paving slabs are a fairly popular material for finishing sidewalks. The scope of its use is quite diverse. With its help, they decorate not only alleys, parks and squares, but also private houses and cottages. This material is distinguished not only by its attractive appearance, but also by its good performance characteristics.

Among the advantages of using paving slabs, we note:

  • frost resistance - excellent quality of this material, ensuring its long-term operation;
  • environmental safety - in the production of tiles, substances that are harmless to the human body are used, which do not emit toxic substances during the heating process;
  • Duration of operation is another important advantage, which ensures the popularity of this material in the finishing process, tile manufacturing technology involves the use of special pressing, which makes the tile highly durable and resistant to mechanical damage;
  • tiles do not need additional care, it is easy to wash and clean with water;
  • resistance to moisture and other irritants external environment provide the possibility of laying tiles outdoors;
  • aesthetic appeal is another important advantage of this material; tiles are distinguished different sizes, colors, textures, while it is used for both household and industrial purposes;
  • affordable cost is ensured by the low cost of the materials included in the tiles.

However, this material has the following disadvantages:

  • the presence of seams between the tiles leads to the accumulation of dirt in them, which worsens the appearance of the coating;
  • the ice that accumulates on the tiles in winter makes it slippery;
  • if you do not follow the technology for laying the material, the tiles sag in certain places, you have to dismantle them and lay them again;
  • If a tile with high porosity is selected, moisture accumulates in it, which subsequently destroys the material in severe frosts.

Main types of paving slabs

Before laying paving slabs yourself step by step, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the varieties of this material, since the laying technology for each type of tile is individual.

First of all, paving slabs can be solid or pressed. The scope of use of each of these tile options is varied. Cast tiles are used in the process of arranging the area in front of private houses, and pressed tiles are used in the process of finishing city parks, public gardens, paths, etc.

The technological process for manufacturing tiles uses processing of the dry composition with a vibropress or vibratory casting. We invite you to take a closer look at these processes:

  1. Vibration casting involves laying a concrete composition in a special form and installing it on a surface that is constantly subject to vibration. After compacting the composition into the mold, it is removed from the surface and placed in the oven for twelve hours, held there at a temperature of 385 degrees. To improve the quality of the tiles, various plasticizers are added to the concrete composition.
  2. The second method of processing the material involves vibrocompression. Concrete composition fits into molds that are installed on a constantly vibrating table. Initially, the matrix is ​​subject to the influence of a press, then it is compacted under the influence of vibration. After giving the composition the required shape, the matrix rises and the tile remains on the table.

For further use of the tile, you must wait until it has completely hardened. The injection molding method for making tiles is cheaper and easier, it does not require additional equipment and technological processes. Therefore, cast products come in a variety of colors, shapes and colours.

Please note that tiles that are overly saturated in color imply that they were used during its production process. large quantity dyes. This factor has a negative impact on operational characteristics material.

Vibration-pressed tiles are more expensive, since their production requires specialized equipment. This option tiles are more frost-resistant, moisture-resistant, there are practically no pores on them, but such tiles do not have a variety of colors and shapes.

How to lay paving slabs correctly - general information

The method of laying paving slabs depends on its purpose:

  • functional - laying material on office roads, pedestrian paths, in front of private houses in places with increased operational load;
  • decorative - making beautiful patterns, original designs, etc. from tiles.

In relation to the base on which the tiles are laid, it should be noted:

  • sandy base - needs careful compaction, is used on pedestrian paths, is not suitable for vehicles to move along it;
  • the use of a dry cement-sand mixture, as it hardens it promotes the formation solid foundation, suitable for finishing parking lots;
  • use of cement-based adhesive mortar - this method Installation of paving slabs is the most expensive, but also the most reliable; initially, the base is poured with concrete, then the tiles are laid with a special glue.

How to properly lay paving slabs on sand

Most often, the shape of paving slabs is rectangular. There are many patterns according to which tiles are laid - the most popular of them are: herringbone, brick or column laying. Paving slabs have gained popularity due to the ease of their installation. Properly laid tiles will serve its owners for decades.

The type of base on which the tile is laid is determined by its thickness and purpose. In any case, it is initially necessary to remove 15 cm of soil from the foundation, level it and arrange a slope for water drainage.

Next comes the process of compacting the area using sand. To do this, the sand is moistened and compacted well as it falls asleep. Special attention pay attention to the thickness of the material; if the tiles are intended only for pedestrian movement, then a thickness of 2 cm is sufficient, otherwise, given value increases to 4-6 cm.

Before laying paving slabs on sand, prepare materials in the form of:

  • sand, the amount of which depends on total area styling;
  • paving slabs;
  • border elements;
  • cement;
  • regular and rubber hammer;
  • steel pegs
  • shovels;
  • level;
  • Bulgarians.

After forming a slope of the area where the tiles are being laid, the area should be divided into strips. However, the stripe must be equal to the width of the rule. To divide the area, use pegs and strings. Next, the site is leveled using sand.

After this, the process of directly laying the tiles follows. To prepare sand cement mixture, you should combine sand with cement in a ratio of six to one. Please note that the sand must be moistened. It is recommended to carry out work in the autumn-spring period. The prepared composition is evenly distributed over one strip, carefully compacted. Next, under the thread that delimits the area into zones, a steel pipe. After carefully leveling the area with a sand-cement mixture, the tiles are laid. Install the first tile starting from the corner, carefully aligning it with the markings. Tap it with a rubber mallet. Lay the second tile in the same way. Start working from yourself, this way, when laying the tiles, you will move along it.

If there are any obstacles on the site, it is treated with whole tiles and then adjusted at the end of the work. After completion of the work, the tiles are swept away from sand. To fill the gaps between the tiles, use the same solution of sand and cement in a ratio of six to one. All cracks must be carefully filled.

Square paving slabs are the easiest to lay. To trim and adjust tiles, use a grinder and a diamond-coated disc. Install borders along the edges of the tiles. To fix them, a thick concrete solution is used. In areas that are subject to special loads, for example near gates, it is preferable to lay the tiles on a concrete base.

How to lay paving slabs on a concrete base

Sometimes situations arise when you have to lay paving slabs on a pre-poured concrete base. This method of laying provides greater strength to the material. Vehicles and heavy equipment can drive on tiles laid on a concrete base.

Initially, the area for installation is marked. Next, you should initially install the curbs, having previously calculated their location. If the height of the curb is about 50 cm, then it is placed in a 25 cm trench, while 10 cm of the trench should be filled with crushed stone, 15 mm of the trench should be filled with concrete mortar, then the curb is mounted in such a way as to facilitate the removal of moisture from the tiles.

If the base will be subject to high operational load, then before pouring the concrete layer, it is recommended to reinforce it. Lay paving concrete tiles should be observed in compliance with all technological nuances. To reinforce the surface, a mesh is used, the cell thickness of which is 15 cm.

To additionally remove moisture from the tiles, it is recommended to install special drainage holes. For these purposes, an asbestos pipe cut into sections whose height is about 150 mm is suitable. For one square meter one piece of asbestos pipe is installed.

Next comes the cooking process concrete mortar, which covers an area of ​​15 cm, if there is no reinforcement on it, and 20 cm, if there is reinforcement. When pouring a large area, it is necessary to leave gaps for expansion joints after three meters. To do this, boards are installed, then after the concrete has set, they are removed.

24 hours after filling, it is removed wooden formwork, and the drainage holes are filled with crushed stone. In order for the tiles to adhere well to the surface, they are laid on a mixture of sand and cement.

To mix them together, use a concrete mixer. The thickness of the sand layer is about 10 cm. A vibrating plate or stomper is used to compact the composition. Make sure there is a slope on the surface to ensure water flows away. A rubber hammer is also used to fix the tiles. Work should begin from the curb, gradually moving to the top point of the site. Using a level, the surface is checked for evenness; if necessary, the tiles are adjusted using a rubber hammer. To fill the joints between the tiles, the same solution of sand and cement is used. Moisture will enter through these seams. drainage holes and e will accumulate in the tiles.

How to lay paving slabs video: