Snake and insect bites. Poisonous snake and insect bites: what to do? What help should be given after a poisonous snake bite?

Lesson PlanLife Safety

Lesson topic: First aid for snake and insect bites

Class: 6

The purpose of the lesson: Studying new material and developing skills in behavior when bitten by snakes and insects, providing first aid first aid for snake and insect bites

Lesson form: group, individual. (The lesson is held in the form of an explanatory and illustrative conversation-dialogue with elements of discussion)

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity


(Planned results)

I. Organizing time.

II. Statement of the problem, its solution.

Determining the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

III. Main part.

IV. Fzkultminutka. (in the middle of the lesson)

V. Group performance

VI. Reflection

Teacher. Hello guys! Let's check if everyone is present in class today.

Teacher. – In order to determine what we will study in class today. I suggest you solve a small crossword puzzle.

Teacher: And so the key word, what did you get?

Children: Bite!

Teacher: Let's together decide on the goals of our lesson!

Children: In today's lesson we will learn about insect and snake bites!

Teacher. Are we only interested in insect bites?

Children: No, we also need to know how to provide first aid for bites.

Teacher: Yes, you're right, we will learn how to provide first aid for snake and insect bites and at the end of the lesson we will reinforce today's topic with testing.

Teacher: In order to learn how to provide first aid for bites, we need to divide into groups. Using the material (cutting text with PMP, symptoms of a bite, what is prohibited to do when bitten) that you see on the tables, you need to highlight the main thing and draw up reminders according to the following plan: symptoms of a bite, providing first aid. help, which is prohibited in case of bites.

Teacher: You have 10 minutes to complete, after which each group presents its memo.

Finger gymnastics

And our granddaughter has small hands,

And the fingers on the hands are girls and boys.

Fingers live together, they are called by name:

Finger Sasha, finger Masha,

Misha Grisha and Stepan,

Zhenya's finger, Fenya's finger,

Tanya, Vanya and Roman.

These are the fingers -

Girls and boys.

Teacher: And so, you have completed the task, now I ask you to show your notes, but also to explain.

Teacher: Guys, in order to consolidate our topic today and get a grade, I suggest you take a short test. After which you can evaluate for yourself how much you understand the topic of our lesson.

Teacher: Today you have gained new knowledge, thanks to which you will now be able to provide primary care to yourself and your loved ones.


Students submit a report on those present in class

Students solve a crossword puzzle, write the correct answers on the board (where the crossword is prepared in advance)

Students write down the topic of the lesson in their notebooks.

Students complete tasks on A3 sheets, using various pictures and clippings from the text.

During the defense, students explain why they did what they did. Answer the teacher's questions.

Perform the test

Communicative and personal UUD

Cognitive, communicative UUD

Regulatory communicative and cognitive UUD

Cognitive, regulatory UUD

Communicative, personal and cognitive UUD

Cognitive, personal UUD

A wide variety of fauna are capable of inflicting bites. They represent a protective reaction of a living organism.

Unfortunately, bites can harm human health. They often cause intoxication of the body, skin burns and allergic reactions.

They can cause a lot of pain and in some cases pose a serious threat to life.

It will be useful to know how to provide first aid if bitten by a snake, spider, tick, wasp, bee, or jellyfish.

Correct actions help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and prevent the development of complications in the form of allergic reactions, redness and swelling of large areas of the skin.

If you are in conditions wildlife, you should treat its inhabitants with respect and not invade their space. But it is not always possible to avoid the bite of one or another representative of the fauna.

Everyone knows that many types of snakes are poisonous. Their contact with humans can be fatal.

But usually snakes are not the first to attack. They become dangerous if disturbed.

It is worth noting that the most dangerous species are the following:

  • cobra;
  • viper;
  • Cottonmouth;
  • viper.

If a person is bitten by a snake, he often does not have time to see what it looked like. This animal is not necessarily dangerous.

But in order to avoid the most severe consequences, first aid should be provided for a snake bite. The first thing you should do is seek qualified medical help.

Need to call ambulance or place the victim in a car to go to the doctor.

While the person is being taken to the hospital, the poison from the bite should be prevented from spreading in the body.

To do this, expose the affected area and begin to suck out the poison from the wound. Never swallow saliva during this process, as it may contain the victim’s blood and toxic substances.

It is very important to apply a bandage above the affected area to slow down the blood flow and prevent poisoning of the entire body.

It is very important to limit all movements of the victim. The more he moves, the faster the poison spreads throughout the body.

In a situation where a person gets bitten, it is important not only to call for help. Sometimes, it is the first seconds after the bite that are decisive. This is why it is so important to know how to provide first aid.

Insect bite

Most often, first aid for insect bites involves using anti-inflammatory ointments and applying something cold to the affected area to reduce swelling.

But there are people who exhibit increased sensitivity to contact with wasps and bees.

After a bite, they experience an allergic reaction, which can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock.

This condition is treatable, but if measures are not taken in a timely manner, the person may die.

After a wasp or bee sting, you should check your skin for a sting. These insects sometimes leave a sting, which worsens the symptoms of the bite.

Most often, redness and swelling appear on the skin, and mild pain is present.

If a sting is found in the skin, it should be carefully removed with hands washed with soap. After this, it is advisable to rinse the affected area of ​​skin with cool water.

This will reduce swelling, pain and cleanse the skin of contamination. At the first manifestations of an allergy, you should immediately call an ambulance.

An allergic reaction to bee and wasp stings affects everyone differently. Most often, a large area of ​​the body swells, the temperature rises, sharp pain appears, and the person’s general well-being worsens.

To avoid the development of anaphylactic shock, it is very important to call an ambulance. The doctor will give an injection of epinephrine, which will prevent complications.

Tick ​​bites

Ticks are arachnids that bite, attach themselves to the skin, and feed on human blood.

The danger of contact with this subclass is that they suffer a serious disease - encephalitis.

It is accompanied by inflammation of the membranes of the brain. The encephalitis virus can cause inflammation of the spinal cord membranes.

In this case, the disease is called meningoencephalitis or meningitis.

Most ticks that carry encephalitis live on Far East, Urals and Siberia. There is a high probability of contracting such a dangerous disease.

Exists effective prevention encephalitis, which requires vaccination. Thanks to such measures, immunity is ensured for a period of 4 to 5 years.

If you notice a tick on your body, you should remove it. The faster this is done, the less chance that infection will occur.

You should choose methods that will not harm the tick itself. Otherwise a large number of The virus can enter the bloodstream, increasing your chances of getting sick.

Then you must consult a doctor who will prescribe preventive treatment for encephalitis. It consists of administering serum containing antibodies to the virus. In most cases, such prevention is very effective.

Bites from various animals can seriously harm human health. For this reason, it is so important to know what first aid should be.

This will protect you from serious complications and allow you to lead a normal lifestyle instead of treating a dangerous disease.

Knowledge of a clear algorithm of events during summer holiday, will preserve the health and peace of the victims and their loved ones.

Continuing the series of articles with tips for the summer, It should be noted that snake bites are not uncommon events on vacation. Thus, on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries there are many species of vipers, including poisonous ones.

A lot of anxiety and inconvenience is caused by the bites of various insects in the summer.

Snake bite symptoms and first aid

Snake venom, regardless of the type of snake, has a similar effect due to the presence of neurotoxins and enzymes in it, which affect the victim’s nervous system, and also have a poisonous effect on the heart and destroy red blood cells.

The snake leaves at the site of the bite (usually on the limbs) two triangular-shaped wounds at the same level, 2-3 mm in size.

Signs of a snake bite may include:

  • pain, burning at the site of the bite;
  • redness and swelling in the wound area;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • violations by nervous system: headache, vision problems, difficulty swallowing, numbness of the bite area or the entire limb, muscle weakness, etc.

The above symptoms can be mild or severe. This depends on the degree of venomousness of the snake, its age, and the age and health of the person bitten. Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable category and can die from a snake bite.

10 steps to provide first aid to a snakebite victim:

  1. Provide rest and horizontal position to the person bitten by the snake. The fact is that when a person moves vigorously after a snake bite, as a result of increased blood flow, the spread of poison throughout the body will accelerate.
  2. If possible, you need to kill the snake or throw it away in order to protect the victim and yourself, as well as determine its type and degree of poisonousness.
  3. Observe the condition of the bitten person by applying a napkin moistened with any antiseptic (alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) to the wound. While the blood is bleeding, you need to change the napkins, since the snake’s venom is removed from the wound with the blood. Then cover the wound with adhesive tape.
    If the victim does not have pain or swelling at the site of the bite, there are no general signs intoxication, which means the snake is not poisonous.
  4. If it is clear that the snake is poisonous, you need to immediately begin action to provide assistance. first aid for snake and insect bites. A splint using available means should be applied to the bitten limb to keep the leg motionless. This will reduce the risk of the poison quickly entering the bloodstream.
  5. It is necessary to suck out the poison from the wound with a suction cup, a syringe without a needle, or a rubber bulb. As a last resort, squeeze the blood out of the wound. The poison will be squeezed out along with it. It is impossible to suck out the snake's venom with your mouth, since the rescuer may suffer himself if he has oral cavity there are microcracks.
    For better removal poison from the wound, small incisions of the bite wounds should be made with a sterile (fire-heated) cutting instrument.
  6. Apply a compressive bandage above the bite site (do not tourniquet!). A compression bandage reduces lymph flow and venous drainage, but does not compress the arteries. And the tourniquet will compress the arteries and disrupt blood flow, aggravating the victim’s situation.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to: cut the wound if local tissue swelling has begun; apply thermal bandages; strongly cool the victim’s body, in addition to applying a small cold bandage to the bite site.
  8. It is necessary to provide the bitten person with plenty of fluids to reduce the concentration of poison in the blood.
  9. In severe cases with rapid development toxic and shock signs must be done.
  10. A person bitten by a snake must be taken to a medical facility for medical assistance.

How to help with insect bites

To ensure effective first aid for snake and insect bites, you need to know what types of insects can be hazardous to your health during the summer months.

At this time, bites from ticks, bees and wasps, mosquitoes, midges (midges), swimming beetles (in fresh water bodies), spiders, various types ants, ranging from domestic and forest ants, to red fire ants, dangerous to humans, bulldog ants and nomadic ants. The last three species are found in Brazil, Australia, China, southern USA, and Africa. Their bites are very painful and lead to a severe allergic reaction, even anaphylactic shock. Tourism lovers need to keep this in mind.

The bites of the named insects, except poisonous ones, usually do not leave negative consequences for a person. However, they can lead to unpredictable consequences, causing allergic reactions (bites of bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets) and toxic effects (bites of ticks, poisonous spiders and ants) in people predisposed to allergies and with weakened immune systems.

5 first aid measures after an insect bite:

You can find out more about the resuscitation technique in the material:.

From timely and competent first aid for snake and insect bites The life of the victim and his state of health depend.

I wish you to avoid encounters with snakes and poisonous insects on vacation! And if this fails, take confident actions and minimize health risks!

Be attentive and careful while resting!

In the summer, a person can be bitten by a bee, wasp, bumblebee, snake, or other poisonous insects. The wound from such bites is small and resembles a needle prick, but poison penetrates through it, which, depending on its strength and quantity, either acts first on the area of ​​the body around the bite, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Poisonous snake bites

Poisonous snake bites are life-threatening. Usually snakes bite a person's leg when he steps on them. Therefore, you should not walk barefoot in places where there are snakes. Snake bites are most dangerous when the venom enters a blood or lymphatic vessel. When poison enters the skin, intoxication increases over 1-4 hours. The toxicity of the poison depends on the type of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. Other things being equal, poisoning is more severe in children and women, as well as in people under the influence of alcohol.

Symptoms of a poisonous snake bite: burning pain at the site of injury, two deep puncture wounds, redness, swelling, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, blisters with fluid, necrotic ulcers, dizziness, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, tachycardia. After half an hour, the leg can almost double in size. At the same time, signs of general poisoning appear: loss of strength, muscle weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, weak pulse, drop in blood pressure, fainting, collapse.

First aid for poisonous snake bites:

  • It is necessary to apply a tourniquet or twist above the bitten area to prevent the poison from entering other parts of the body (only for cobra bites for 30-40 minutes);
  • the bitten limb must be lowered and try to squeeze out the blood containing the poison from the wound;
  • immediately begin intensive suction of the poison from the wound with your mouth for 10-15 minutes (first squeeze the fold of skin in the area of ​​the bite and “open” the wound) and spit out the contents; You can pull the blood along with the poison from the wound using a medical jar, glass or shot glass with thick edges. To do this, hold a lit splinter or cotton wool on a stick in a jar (glass or shot glass) for a few seconds and then quickly cover the wound with it;
  • ensure immobility of the affected limb (splint or fixing bandage); rest in a supine position during transportation to a medical facility; drinking plenty of water;
  • apply cold (ice pack) to the wound; wash the wound with a 10% solution of potassium permanganate, inject into the wound 0.5% adrenaline, diphenhydramine, 1 ml of 1% solution intramuscularly; 500-1000 units of specific serum intramuscularly, deliver the victim to a medical facility.

Important! You should not suck blood from a wound with your mouth if there may be scratches or broken teeth in the mouth, through which the poison will penetrate into the blood of the person providing assistance. You should not make an incision at the site of the bite, or give alcohol in any form.

Bites of various poisonous insects.

Insect bites (bees, wasps, bumblebees) lead to the appearance of both local symptoms and signs of general poisoning, and can also cause an allergic reaction in the body. Their single bites do not pose any particular danger. If there is a sting left in the wound, it must be carefully removed, and a lotion of ammonia with water or a cold compress from a solution of potassium permanganate or just cold water should be applied to the wound.

Poisonous insect bites are very dangerous. Their venom causes not only severe pain and burning at the site of the bite, but sometimes general poisoning. Symptoms resemble those of snake venom poisoning. At severe poisoning spider venom karakurt Death may occur within 1-2 days.

Symptoms: limited local painful inflammatory reaction: burning sensation, pain, redness, swelling (especially when stung in the face and neck). There are no general toxic effects. Mild: chills, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth. If general toxic phenomena are strongly expressed, this indicates an increased sensitivity of the body to insect poisons and the development of allergic reactions, which can cause death.

First aid for insect bites:

  • quickly remove the bee sting and squeeze out the poison from the wound;
  • put cold on the affected area;
  • moisten, drip galazolin, alcohol, validol into the bite site;
  • take antihistamines internally: diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen;
  • hot drink;
  • if asthmatic syndrome develops, use a pocket inhaler;
  • with the development of complete asphyxia - tracheotomy;
  • call an ambulance.

Animal bites and first aid for them.

A person gets rabies from the bite of a rabid dog, cat, fox, wolf or other animal. The bite site usually bleeds slightly. If your arm or leg is bitten, you need to quickly lower it and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound.

Help with a rabid animal bite:

If there is bleeding, the blood should not be stopped for some time. After this, the bite site is washed boiled water, apply a clean bandage to the wound and immediately send the patient to a medical facility, where the victim is given special vaccinations that will save him from the deadly disease - rabies.

It should also be remembered that you can get rabies not only from the bite of a rabid animal, but also in cases where its saliva gets on scratched skin or mucous membrane.

First aid for a tick bite

A visit to the forest requires preliminary preparation. It is necessary to attend to preventive vaccination in the fall. The first vaccination is done in October-November, the second one in March-April. This measure allows you to minimize the risk of disease tick-borne encephalitis.

However, vaccination does not prevent tick bites. Therefore, you need to know how to properly provide first aid for a tick bite. If there is such a possibility, then after discovering the attached insect, it is necessary to go to an ambulance station. Specialists will carefully remove the tick and tell you where to take it for analysis. If this is not possible, then first aid for a tick bite is provided on your own.

To do this you need to take the following steps:

To eliminate the risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis, it is recommended to submit ticks to special laboratories. If a dangerous pathogen is detected, a prophylactic course of taking specific interferons is prescribed. They do not guarantee the absence of symptoms of encephalitis, but they make the course of the disease easier.

| Lesson plan for the academic year | Providing primary care for snake and insect bites

Basics of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 28
Providing primary care for snake and insect bites

Providing first aid for a poisonous snake bite

When a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, two small red dots remain on the skin from the penetration of poisonous teeth. In the first minutes after the bite, a slight pain and burning sensation occurs in this place, the skin turns red, and swelling increases. Weakness, dizziness, nausea appear, and blood pressure decreases. These phenomena reach their maximum 8-36 hours after the bite.

Immediately after the bite it is necessary to ensure that the victim is at rest and in a horizontal position: this will ensure a minimum rate of poison transfer in the blood. Calm the victim. Transport it to a safe, weather-protected location. Immediately begin sucking the poison out of the wound. To do this, immediately after the bite, open the wound by pressing with your fingers, and then suck out the poison with your mouth for 15 - 20 minutes. Spit out the bloody liquid. These actions are harmless to the person providing assistance. With proper and timely suction of poison from the wound, it is possible to suck out 50% of the poison. To reduce blood circulation, you can apply cold to the bite site (a plastic bag with cold water). Disinfect the wound with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage, which should be loosened as the swelling increases.

Give the affected area of ​​the body an elevated position, fix it, apply an immobilization bandage or splint. Give the victim plenty of fluids. Drinking coffee is contraindicated. Arrange for the victim to be transported to a medical facility.

If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you must:

■ make incisions at the site of the bite;

■ cauterize the bite site;

■ apply a tourniquet above the bite site;

■ allow the victim to perform any physical activity.

First aid for insect bites

When bitten by bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees, pain, burning, swelling and a local increase in temperature develop at the site of the bite. With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting appear, and body temperature rises. People with hypersensitivity to bee venom may experience pain in the lower back and joints, convulsions and loss of consciousness.

First of all You need to remove the insect sting from the skin and moisten the stung area with alcohol. Apply cold to the stung area ( plastic bag with cold water). Give the victim plenty of fluids.

Note that the most dangerous are stings from bees, wasps, and hornets in the oral cavity, where the insect can get when a person eats fruit. In such cases it is necessary urgent help, since the resulting swelling of the larynx and suffocation are deadly.

Due to the specific properties of mosquito saliva, small bubbles form at the site of its bite, causing itching and a burning sensation.

Itching can be relieved by moistening the skin ammonia or a solution of baking soda (half a teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

Note that in places where there are large concentrations of mosquitoes, mosquito nets made from gauze are used. Used to repel mosquitoes various means. Malarial mosquitoes, which are carriers of malaria and other diseases, pose a particular danger. You can distinguish them by their landing. Ordinary mosquitoes sit with their abdomen parallel to the surface, while malaria mosquitoes lift their abdomen upward.

Test yourself

■ What are the consequences of insect bites (bees, wasps, hornets)? Find 1-2 examples on the Internet and prepare a message.
■ How to provide first aid for insect bites?

After lessons

Determine what precautions you should take in your area during the spring, summer, and fall to avoid snake bites and reduce the possibility of insect bites. Record your answer in your safety journal. Be sure to discuss your conclusions with your parents and life safety teacher.

1. Determine how the contents of your personal first aid kit will change at different times of the year. Make notes about this in your safety diary.

2. Based on the results of studying the section “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid” and using Internet resources and medical literature, write an abstract on one of the topics “Causes of injuries and first aid in such cases”, “Use medicinal plants and mushrooms for providing first aid to injured (sick)”, “Personal hygiene in camping conditions”.