Waist exercises according to the method. Does a hoop help with a thin waist and flat stomach?

It is difficult to achieve a perfect figure, especially in such a “difficult” area as the stomach and waist. Maintaining weight, maintaining a thin waist, and a flat stomach at the age of 40+ becomes a real problem. But nothing is impossible. Effective exercises offered by experienced fitness instructor Gay Gasper, are guaranteed to allow get a thin waist and flat stomach.

The Gay Gasper complex includes special exercises for the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles and back muscles. All exercises are carefully selected and arranged in a certain sequence to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Complex for a flat stomach contains 10 effective exercises basic level, which is quite possible even for the unprepared. Gay Gasper called it that - the “Abdominal Press for Dummies” complex.

For each exercise, we also offer a more complicated modification for an advanced level or, conversely, a lighter version if at the first stage it is difficult to cope even with the basic level.

You don't need any special equipment or equipment, just a mat. Therefore, the Gay Gasper flat belly complex is ideal for practicing at home.

Gay Gasper recommends combining abdominal exercises with aerobics and a balanced diet, because Abdominal exercises alone are not enough for a flat stomach. Burn fat is impossible only in one specific area, so without aerobic exercise and a balanced diet you will not get a flat stomach, and even a pumped abdominal press will hide a layer of subcutaneous fat.

By following these recommendations, in 2-3 months you are guaranteed to get a thin waist and a flat, beautiful tummy. Yes, unfortunately, this process is not quick. But you can see the first motivating results in two weeks if you practice every other day.

Basic set of exercises for a flat stomach


Before working out the abdominal muscles, be sure to warm up for 4-5 minutes (swings and punches, kicks, body turns, bending), warm up and stretch the muscles to avoid injury.

The basis of all exercises for a flat stomach and waist- classic crunches, so, first of all, you need to learn how to perform them correctly.

1. Simple twist

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs pulled up, hands behind your head, slightly tighten your abs, pulling your ribs towards your hips.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, hold for two counts, and lower to the starting position.

Try not to pull your elbows forward, do not lower your chin, and do not strain your buttocks during the exercise. Inhale at the bottom, exhale at the top, while twisting. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times.

2. Leg raise

This exercise works through lower abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, arms to the sides.

Tighten your abs, slowly lift your hips off the floor 2-3 cm without changing the angle of your legs, hold for two counts, and slowly return to the starting position. Inhale at the bottom, exhale at the top, while lifting the hips. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe deeply, and repeat 10 times. Make sure your back remains pressed to the floor during the exercise.

3. Twisting and lifting legs

Combines the first two exercises, works with top and lower muscles belly.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees at pelvic level, hands behind your head.

Tighten your abs, simultaneously pull your chest and knees towards each other. Lifting your shoulders and hips off the floor. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe, and repeat 10 times.

Breathe evenly. Exhale during the greatest tension.

4. Side twist

This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position: Lying on your back, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, hips apart, hands behind your head. Alternately perform a twist by reaching your shoulder toward the opposite knee, keeping your elbow at shoulder level. The other elbow remains on the floor to maintain balance. Lower yourself down and twist to the other side. Do 10 crunches without pausing. The tempo of the exercise is two counts up, two counts down. Try not to lift your pelvis off the floor.

Stretch your obliques, relax, breathe, and do 10 crunches again.

5. Lunge Crunch

Starting position: Lying on your back, legs pulled up to the pelvis, hands behind your head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, squeezing your abs, tuck one knee into your chest, then extend your leg completely. Do 10 repetitions with one leg, then do a similar exercise with the other.

Stretch your abs, relax, breathe, and do a second set of 10 lunge crunches on each leg.

6. Bicycle

The “Bicycle” exercise, familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons, will help remove excess from the sides.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, keep your heels close to your pelvis, hands behind your head, elbows apart.

Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles, straighten one leg at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, and stretch the opposite shoulder towards the knee of the bent leg. Then, without pausing, do the same on the other side. Those. imitation of cycling. Pay attention to speed, movements should not be fast. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, rest and do another set.

7. Toe wiggle

A simple exercise that gives a serious load to the abs.

Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, ankles parallel to the floor, knees together, at pelvic level, hands behind your head. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor and slowly touch the toe of one foot to the floor, return your leg back. Then touch the floor with your other toe.

Breathe correctly: legs up - inhale, touching the floor - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times without lowering your shoulders. Try not to lift your back off the floor.

Stretch, rest and do another set.

8. Circular rotations

Exercise good works the entire abs.

Starting position: Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor, hands behind your head.

Slightly contract your abs, pulling your ribs toward your hips. Tightening your abdominal muscles, slowly make a full circle of rotation of the body in one direction 5 times, then 5 times in the other direction.

Breathe correctly: exhale at the top, inhale at the bottom. Make sure that your pelvis does not lift off the floor. Stretch, rest and do another set.

9. Backbend with bent knees

In the fight against belly fat, it is also important to train your back muscles. This is an exercise at the same time pumps up the abdominal and back muscles.

Starting position: Get on your knees, place your elbows on the floor. You can put a soft towel under your elbows. Place your feet on your toes.

Tightening your muscles, lift your knees off the floor, hold for three counts, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Bend your knees, reach forward, rest, and do another set. Try to keep your back straight during the exercise.

10. Raising the legs from the supporting position

Raise one straight leg to hip height, lock it for two counts, and return to the starting position. Then lift your other leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg. Breathe correctly: exhale as you lift your legs. Try to keep your body straight without arching your back.

Bend your knees, sit on your heels, reach forward, relax, breathe deeply, and perform a second set of 10 raises for each leg.


Don't skip this step, it's important point workout.

Traditional stretching of the abdominal, leg, back muscles (bending, stretching) 4-5 minutes.

Video of the best exercises for a flat stomach

Look online video of exercises for a flat stomach Gay Gasper

You can download the video of a set of exercises for the stomach and waist Gay Gasper


If you have read to the end, it means you are already working or want to start working on the problem of your stomach and waist, so let’s repeat it again: It is important to follow a diet and combine pumping the press with aerobic exercise, this could be aerobics, dancing, jumping or just walking at a brisk pace. Then your work will not be in vain, fat will disappear from the abdomen, the waist will become thin, and the stomach will be toned and flat.

Important! Perform crunches correctly and safely

Twisting. Do it correctly and safely!

There's a lot of Gay Gasper in training twisting exercises, so let’s pay a little attention to this most effective exercise for the abs. It is very important to do them CORRECTLY and SAFELY!

Why crunches are so effective for your abs

Crunching exercises are a universal exercise. to form a beautiful, flat stomach. Crunches are the only exercise that fully works all the abdominal muscles.

Twisting. What muscles work

Abdominal Press formed by the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. When performing twisting exercises, the entire abs receive both static and dynamic load at once, because you have to simultaneously hold the body in a fixed position and perform twisting, during which the muscles either contract or stretch.

Moreover, crunches can effectively tone the entire rectus abdominis muscle, although its structure is very heterogeneous: powerful and thick at the top, and weak and thin at the bottom.

In addition, the lower back muscles are involved. They, as antagonist muscles, counteract the abdominal muscles.

Twisting. Basic technique

The task of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles is to bend the body, i.e. bring the ribs closer to the pelvic bones. Please note that it is the ribs that need to be brought closer, not the shoulders and chest, and specifically to the pelvic bones, not to the knees. Otherwise, it will not be the abs that will work, but other muscles.

How to do crunches correctly

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Place your hands behind your head or fold them across your chest.

As you exhale, begin to twist your body, first lower your chin to your chest, then lift your shoulders off the floor, then your shoulder blades. Raise your spine smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, immediately twisting it forward, as if you want to curl up into a ball. Move smoothly, slowly, without jerking, without using your legs.

As you inhale, at the same pace as you twisted, also smoothly, vertebra by vertebra, turn your body: first place your shoulder blades on the floor, then your shoulders, then your head.

At correct execution exercises, you will not be able to sit down, this feature will show that it is the abdominal muscles that work, and not some others.

Twisting. Basic mistakes

  1. Fix legs, lying on a horizontal surface, clinging, for example, to a sofa or with the help of a partner. This position immediately transfers the load to other muscles. With the legs fixed, the abdominal muscles work only in a lying position incline bench or a special simulator.
  2. Do not coordinate movements with breathing. Remember, lifting the body always occurs while exhaling, and returning to the starting position while inhaling.
  3. Lift your lower back off the floor. Lack of support under the lower back during crunches can lead to loss intervertebral discs. Therefore, at the very beginning of the twist, try to press your lower back into the floor. If you can’t avoid arching your back, do exercises on a fitball or place a towel folded several times under your lower back.
  4. Perform the exercise in jerks. Do not help yourself while performing the exercise by swinging your arms and legs. If you cannot lift your shoulders or shoulder blades off the floor, just try to feel the tension in the muscles from your ribs to your lower abdomen. It is important to tense the necessary muscles, and not to do the exercise at maximum amplitude.

Additional help - Galina Grossmann's sessions for weight loss

Additional help that will help you get organized and tune in to fight your stomach - energy sessions by Galina Grossmann that activate combustion excess fat And program for easy weight loss. And this is not just a suggestion, Galina Grossmann gives a clear, reasonable plan of action and confidence in own strength that losing weight is real.

And indeed, if you adhere to the very reasonable and logical recommendations that Galina Grossmann gives: eat according to the clock, exclude flour, sweets, fried foods and other junk food, don't overeat at night and arrange once a week water day, then the result is guaranteed.

However, in order to independently withstand such regulations, serious motivation and strong will are required, which is what we usually lack. It is this missing element that Galina Grossmann gives us in her energy sessions. Grossmann also has a special session for losing weight even for a very large belly, but unfortunately, access to it is now limited by the author.

Additional Help - Japanese Exercise for Belly Fat

And if you trust physical exercises, then here is another effective exercise for getting rid of fat on the sides and belly from the inventive Japanese.

Additional motivation– by removing fat from your belly and waist, you will reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease, chronic diseases, increase your self-esteem and feel much lighter and more confident. Flat, beautiful tummies to you!

Many women want to have a beautiful and flat stomach with pumped up abs, and, of course, an elegant thin waist. In order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to combine the three most important components of any weight loss - perform effective sports exercises for the waist and abdomen, adhere to the principles of a balanced and proper diet, and also do not neglect a variety of cosmetics or procedures (preferably trips to the sauna or bathhouse, as well as cosmetic massages).

With the help of carefully selected and effective exercises for the waist and abdomen, you can easily correct your figure, get rid of extra centimeters not only in these problem areas, but also tighten your sides and lower back. Any set of exercises, the effect of which will be aimed at losing weight in the waist and abdomen, is based on muscle tension, which will require expending energy prudently stored by the body in fat cells.

If you do exercises for the waist and abdomen for 15-20 minutes every day, in about a month the supply of these fat cells will significantly decrease, and the result will be visible not only on the scale, but also visually.

In order to get the best results from waist and abdominal exercises, it is very important to eat right. It is necessary to eat as many vegetables, fish, lean meat and fruits as possible, but it is important to take into account that during training, weight loss occurs due to the loss of calories - if the daily diet menu is calculated so that more calories enter the body than are expended during the day. day, losing weight will never come.

It’s very easy to consult with a nutritionist to choose the most suitable and proper nutrition, which will help, along with exercises for a flat stomach and thin waist, to achieve weight loss in these problem areas.

Very effective exercises for the waist and abdomen are various cardio complexes, during which the fat layer is lost very quickly.

Before starting training, it is best to weigh yourself and measure your parameters - then after a month of training you will be able to know exactly at what speed the weight is losing, knowledge of which will help you make weight loss predictions in the future. It is advisable to train every day for at least 20 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening, or, for those who do not know how to remove the belly and waist and do not have free time, train regularly 2-4 times a week for 30 minutes.

Many women complain that with regular repetition of exercises for a flat stomach and thin waist, a slight curvature of the spine occurs. To prevent this from happening, you need to alternate exercises for the waist and abdominal muscles with exercises for the back muscles.

The best fitness experts recommend not just mechanically performing and repeating exercises, but imagining how to visualize what is happening to the muscles at this time, which ones tense and contract, and which ones relax and stretch. To make visualization easier, it is best to look at illustrations describing all the muscles in these areas. It is necessary to find a manual that would describe in detail what exercises to lose weight in the waist and abdomen, and what muscles are tensed. Thus, you need to know that in order to tighten and lose weight in the abdominal area, it is necessary to visualize the work of the oblique, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. The set of these muscles is called the abdominal press, and they also take part in breathing movements. In order to lose weight in the lower back and waist, it is necessary to visualize the long back muscles, because they are the ones that stretch along the spine, and with their help the torso can bend back and be supported in an upright position.

Exercises for losing weight in the waist and abdomen

There are many various techniques and complexes, the action of which is aimed at losing weight in the waist and abdomen. The most effective exercises for a flat stomach and waist are:

A short rest between performing exercises for the waist and abdomen can serve abdominal breathing, which uses the abdominal muscles and abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to breathe deeply into your stomach so that your stomach inflates like a drum, and then exhale air so that your stomach is drawn in to the limit.

The most effective exercises for the abs and waist. Recommendations for their implementation.

An effective exercise for the lower abs

We keep our legs elevated. Lie on your back on the floor, slightly raise your straight legs, and do the “scissors” exercise, spreading your legs and moving them to the side. When you move your legs, your legs should overlap one another, every other time, first the left one on top, then the right one. It is more convenient to keep your hands on the floor, stretched above your head.

An effective upper abdominal exercise

Target: Upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Target: Hip flexors, lower rectus abdominis.

Target: Upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Target: Upper and lower abdominal area, hip flexors.

Target: Obliques, upper part of the rectus abdominis.

Bend your knees, squeeze your knees and turn them to the side, towards the floor. Then “twist” – lift up, lift up top part housings. “You will immediately feel a strong tension in the oblique muscles - do not change the position of your knees until you have done all the turns on one side, then “shift” your knees to the other side and do the same number of turns.”

Take a stick, or a gymnastics stick, not heavy, or just a mop, put this stick on your shoulders, your arms along this stick, i.e. it turns out that they lie along it and make as many turns of the body as possible, head in place, feet shoulder-width apart. Do it at a fairly fast pace, only 200 times on each side, a total of 400 turns. On average, this takes about 10 minutes , so you don’t have to count, but just time it. Do it every day.

Effective exercise for the waist

First, you should take the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms bent at the elbows together above your head. After this, you need to make 10 rotational movements of the hips to the right side and 10 to the left.

Effective exercise for the waist

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, turn your body to the left, bend over and try to move your right arm to the side as far as possible. The exercise should then be repeated on the opposite side of the body.

Effective exercise for the waist

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body to the left, bend over, and simultaneously swing your right arm above your head. Then you should lean to the other side and swing your left hand. To obtain the desired effect, you should do the exercise 10 times for each side.

Effective exercise for the waist

Lie on your back, put your hands behind your neck, put your elbows forward, bend your knees and turn them to the left. In this case, the thigh of the left leg should lie on the floor, and the right leg should rest its foot on it. You should carefully lift your neck and head without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. To complicate the above exercise, you can take the starting position, cross your legs, rotate your hips left side, raise your head and shoulders and turn them in the opposite direction to your legs. If you have no experience or bad physical form, it is recommended to make the task easier by placing your feet on a bench or pillow.

Effective exercise for the waist

To develop the abdominal muscles, you can use the following exercise: sit on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, straighten your back, stretch your arms forward and bend back until your back begins to touch the floor. The exercise should be performed smoothly and carefully. To take the starting position, you can push off the floor with your hands.

Effective exercise for the waist

The “Rhombus” exercise is useful for training the abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, cross your feet, spread your knees to the side and raise your head and shoulders.

Effective exercise for the waist

For the lower belt, it is recommended to perform a straight lift with raised yoga. You should lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor, cross your ankles, tighten your lower abdomen and smoothly raise your shoulders and head.

Effective exercise for the waist

To develop the rectus abdominis muscle, do the “Bicycle” exercise: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head, point your toes out and make rotational movements with your legs, similar to those made by cyclists. In this case, you should turn the body in one direction or the other and touch the opposite knees with your elbows. When performing the exercise, you should not lift your lower back and back off the floor. To make the exercise more difficult, you need to straighten and extend your leg after each touch of the knee. You can also complicate the training if you bring your arms bent to the elbow of the opposite hip joint legs.

Effective exercise for the waist

It is also recommended to use the Zigzag exercise to develop the muscles of the lower abdomen. Beginners need to lie on their backs, put their hands behind their heads, raise their legs up, bending them at the knees and stretching out their toes, raising their head and shoulders above the floor.

Effective exercise for the waist

If you have experience physical exercise, you can complicate "Zigzag". To do this, you should take the starting position, stretch your arms behind your head and lift them along with your upper body. After this, you should hold your hands for a while just below knee level, parallel to your knees.

Effective exercise for the waist

At a certain level of preparation, it is recommended to gradually complicate the task. The following is quite difficult, but effective: lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, raise your legs at an angle of 45° and hold them in this state for some time. After this, you should lift your body off the floor, pull yourself up to your feet and try to touch your toes with your fingers.

If you do injure your muscles, you can use cold compresses, massage, and warm baths as a pain reliever. Don’t think that the higher the load, the more benefits it will bring. After severe overstrain of unprepared muscles, you have to restore strength within several days, postponing training. During this time, muscle elasticity decreases again, so you should perform exercises no more than 3 times a week.

Order of exercises

The optimal time for training is considered to be the evening, as the body is relaxed and warmed up. Morning workouts are not recommended - in the first 20 minutes after waking up, the muscles will not be able to warm up sufficiently. Do not perform the exercises abruptly or too energetically, or hold your breath for more than 2 seconds.

You should start the complex by running in place or doing a short warm-up. This should be done to relax the muscles that are located along the spine. This way you can avoid pain, overload and injury.

Exercise for a thin waist

Every woman dreams of thin waist, but if volumes have increased over the winter, this is not a reason for sadness.

With desire and patience, a thin waist can become a reality for you, the main thing is to adhere to the right diet, maintain healthy image life, and, of course, exercise.

There is a subtlety here. Exercises to strengthen the abs, of course, have a positive effect in shaping a sporty, toned figure, but an increase in the oblique and lateral abdominal muscles will still affect your waist size. And although muscle tone will increase, and your silhouette will undoubtedly become better, you will not be too close to your goal.

To get a flexible and thin waist, you can use the set of exercises given below.

It should be performed daily, each exercise is designed for two approaches of 15 times. Simple and not at all labor-intensive movements will not tire you, but very soon the effect of them will be obvious, so you should not be lazy and skip the next lesson.
A set of exercises for a thin waist

●Knee swings
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
Place your hands behind your head and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Raise the knee of your left leg higher, trying to reach the elbow of your right hand while holding your breath. Second pause and return to starting position
Repeat the exercise, reaching your right knee to your left elbow.

●Let's reach the floor
Starting position: lying on your back. Arms and legs are extended and relaxed.
Bend your left leg at the knee and try to touch the floor on your left side. It is important that the lower back does not come off the floor, that is, the movement is made due to the flexibility of the body.
At first it may seem impossible to do this. Gradually, the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments will develop, and the exercise will become better and better.
Returning your leg to the starting position, repeat the exercise with your right leg.

●Bending at the chair
Starting position: standing with your right side to the chair. The right leg rests on the back of the chair.
As you exhale, bend deeply toward your left leg. Try not to bend your knees. As you inhale, straighten up.
On your next exhalation, bend toward your leg resting on the back of the chair. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
After completing the cycle (15 times) on one side, change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise.

●Body rotations
Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs spread as wide as possible. Hands raised to shoulder level.
Slowly turn your body to the right until tension occurs in the muscles, perhaps even some pain. Then also slowly turn left.
Returning to the starting position, lie on your back and allow your muscles to relax.
Repeat the exercise again until done required amount cycles.


Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips.
Make circular movements with your upper body: first in one direction, and then in the other direction. It is important to try to keep the lower part motionless.

●Knee squats
Starting position: kneeling, hands behind your head.
Lower yourself to the right, then to the left, as if sitting down on the floor.
You should try to do this smoothly, although at first it will most likely not be possible without jerking. Don't help yourself with hand movements; It is precisely to ensure that they do not participate in the process of performing the exercise that the hands are fixed on the back of the head.

Exercises for losing weight on the sides and waist are divided into three types: stretching exercises, muscle strengthening exercises (shaping and Pilates), and strength exercises with dumbbells. In order to effectively remove fat from short terms, you need to make a training plan and alternate all types of classes.

It is best to start your workout with a warm-up so that your muscles warm up and prepare for various exercises. First, ventilate the room in which you will study. The more oxygen in the air you breathe, the more active metabolic processes occur, which are the basis for weight loss.

Your shoes and clothes should not restrict your movements, and to make it more fun for you during the warm-up, turn on fiery rhythmic music.

  • The first warm-up exercise is performed in a standing position. Keep your hands at your waist and slowly bend from side to side, while the arm opposite the side you are bending on extends upward. Perform ten bends in each direction.
  • Now sit on the floor and bend one leg under you, and try to keep the other straight. Extend your arms straight out in front of you for balance. The exercise is performed as follows: while continuing to keep your leg straight, slowly and carefully turn your body towards the bent leg. Turn around as far as your flexibility allows (don't move your hips during the exercise), then hold in this position for half a minute and change sides. Perform alternately three times for each side.
  • The third warm-up exercise is performed lying down, with your hands held in front of your chest. We stretch our arms up, while simultaneously arching our back far. This exercise stretches the abdominal muscles and makes the body more flexible. Repeat three times.
  • Starting position: Spread your feet further than shoulder width apart. Now slowly lean to the left, while bending your left leg at the knee, and right hand stretches out towards the wall. Do ten repetitions on each side.
  • The starting position is exactly the same as in the fourth exercise, just try to place your legs a little closer. Bend your arms at the elbows and press them tightly to your chest. Now try to make quick turns left and right with the maximum possible range of motion. The exercise is performed very quickly - no more than 30 seconds.

Exercises with hoop, fitball, disc

We use a hula hoop

In addition to the effective exercises that we will consider, you definitely need to know about this sports equipment like a hoop. Before you start training regularly using the exercises suggested in this article, try twirling a hula hoop.

Avoiding common mistakes

The fight against extra centimeters at the waist often leads to the opposite result due to the mistakes that women make when working on themselves:

  • Long workouts in the gym. Girls are confident that the greater the load, the faster they will get the desired result. A workout lasting 60-90 minutes leads to muscle pain. Unpleasant sensations force you to give up sports for a long time.
  • Incorrect choice exercises. Working out your abs to reduce your waistline is one of the most common mistakes. Experts recommend giving preference to yoga or Pilates, which stretches the muscles. Fat deposits in the waist area will disappear faster due to increased blood circulation.
  • Poor nutrition. Visiting gym girls believe that they can afford any product because during training, excess calories are “burned.” In fact, “junk” food replenishes lost kilograms, and the waist does not become thinner. Another extreme is to completely give up “junk” food or start fasting.
  • No massage. Girls who are losing weight should visit not only the gym, but also a massage therapist. If your waist was too wide before starting classes, after sudden weight loss the skin will begin to sag.


Let's focus separately on nutrition. In order for physical education to be beneficial, you need to adhere to special rules when creating a daily menu:

  • Sweets, semi-finished products, fast food, bakery products It is advisable to exclude refined flour, salty, fried and fatty foods from the diet. If it is difficult to immediately give up your usual food, you can significantly limit its use. It is permissible to consume low-health foods 4-5 times a month in small portions. Gradually, the need for “junk” food weakens or disappears completely.
  • You can satisfy your hunger between meals with fruits and vegetables. In this case, bananas, persimmons, potatoes and grapes are excluded from the diet.
  • Alcoholic drinks slow down your metabolism, making it difficult to reduce belly fat. You should stop drinking alcohol.
  • The diet includes porridge from unpolished cereals, lean meat, fish, herbal teas, low-fat dairy products, and vegetable oil.

Proper nutrition and simple exercises contribute to weight loss not only in the waist area. Changing your diet cleanses the body and gets rid of extra pounds throughout the body.


When performing these exercises, you need to be very persistent and diligent in order to achieve results as quickly as possible. You shouldn’t expect visible changes right after the first lesson, but a week intensive training will show itself immediately. Your body will become healthier and fitter.

If you want to have perfect figure, then you need to take care of the regularity of your sports activities.

For most women, going to the gym is boring and tiring. Many of them believe that they can easily do without training.

In fact, physical exercises for the waist are very important, because diets alone cannot get rid of excess volume. So, dear ladies, you still have to get out of your comfort environment and start exercising regularly.

There is simply no universal way to understand whether your waist is normal. Different ways give absolutely different meanings. Surely among your friends there are fat skinny people.

Don’t be surprised, many ladies, even those who don’t have extra pounds, have a waist circumference that is far from ideal. Let's figure out what the ideal waist should be. Take a regular measuring tape and measure your waist circumference.

If it is more than 75 cm, this is a reason to go to the gym.

Moreover, this diagnostic method does not depend on your height; if this indicator is exceeded, then take immediate action.

Of course, waist size depends on heredity and body type. Perfect option – « hourglass" Such women usually do not worry about the volume of their buttocks or hips.

Because they always look attractive against the backdrop of a wasp waist. The pear was a little less lucky with its waist, and the apple was even less fortunate.

In the first type, the waist is quite thin, and fat is deposited only on the hips and butt. But for an “apple”, the fat layer is concentrated in the waist area; it is more difficult for this type to “fight” a plump waist, a large tummy and thick sides.

Rules for performing exercises for a thin waist at home

To keep your waist normal, try to fit a set of physical exercises into your household chores schedule. Believe me, they will bring no less results than training in a specialized center on an expensive simulator under the supervision of an instructor.

To train at home, all you need is desire, small space and an effective set of exercises. Ideally, you can also buy a gymnastics mat and hoop, but this is not the main condition; you can do without them.

When to practice?

Exercise only at the time of day when it is comfortable for you. Ideally, do gymnastics and several stretching exercises in the morning. This way you will wake up faster and tone all your muscles. And full-fledged classes can already be arranged in the evening, when the body is most ready for stress.

Execution rules:

  1. Perform exercises for an ideal waist every other day, so your muscles will gradually get used to the load;
  2. Each movement should be measured and smooth, so don’t rush, and take a minute’s rest between exercises;
  3. Control your breathing while doing the exercises. The correct thing to do is: when you rise, exhale; when you relax, inhale;
  4. Control your chin; it should not be pressed to your chest. Remember, during any exercise you only need to keep your neck straight;
  5. When doing a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles, be sure to watch your back, do not lift your lower back from the floor and do not round your back. Otherwise, you will overload the lumbar spine.

The most effective sets of exercises for a thin waist

Unfortunately, a woman’s waist “gets better” first, and, according to the law of meanness, loses weight, as usual, last. To quickly get your waist and stomach in order, we have selected three effective complexes for you.

Eight exercises for a perfect waist

Seven exercises against problem areas

Three exercises for a slimmer waist, done on the couch

  1. Up down. Sit with your feet on the sofa so that there is a small space behind you. Then bend both legs at the knees and stretch your arms forward, slightly rounding your back. Start to lie back smoothly; when your back touches the surface, immediately return to the original position. If you cannot sit down smoothly, then first stretch your legs. If it doesn’t help, then lean lightly on your hand;
  2. Lifting the torso while lying down. Lie on the sofa with your stomach so that your hips are on the sofa and your body hangs above the floor, that is, hanging in the air. Ask someone in your household to hold your legs to prevent them from lifting up during the exercise. It is better to keep it in the knee area. Your arms should be crossed either on your chest or behind your head. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and rotate your shoulders. Without rounding your back, lower your torso down, chest towards the floor. Now you need to raise your body, as high as possible, and stretch your chin up. At the same time, the buttocks and back become tense. Perform 4 sets of six times;
  3. Raising both legs while sitting. Sit on the edge of the sofa. Lower your legs to the floor, spreading them as wide as possible. Place your hands on the edge of the seat, bend your leg at the knee and pull it towards your ribs. Immediately turn your torso towards the bent leg, bend slightly towards it with the upper half of your abdominals. Return to the original position and do the same thing, but in a different direction. Do four approaches in total, 10 bends on each leg.

Three best exercises for a wasp waist and flat stomach

A little theory: the abdominal muscles consist of 4 parts, they stretch from the bottom of the chest to the lower abdomen, the muscles of our waist are the oblique abdominal muscles, which begin to work when bending over different sides and when turning left and right.

If you train these muscles regularly, then believe me, you will definitely have a thin waist and a sculpted tummy.

Turns in different directions while standing on the floor

This exercise will perfectly strengthen your oblique abdominal muscles. Do it regularly and after a while you will see that your waist has become thinner.

Starting stance: stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a stick in your hands, 1 meter long (if you don’t have one, you can use a ski mop or a regular mop). Lower it behind your head onto your neck.

Make turns in different directions, try to turn your body as much as possible to feel how the oblique abdominal muscles stretch. Turn in each direction less than 20 times, rest for a minute and continue the exercise without slowing down, do three approaches.

The main thing is to keep your back straight during classes and look only forward (don’t lower your head). Make all movements concentrated and measured.

Raising the torso on a regular chair

All movements are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, or rather its upper part. For classes you will need regular chair. Starting stance: sit on a chair, but not as usual, but sideways.

You need to grip your feet onto any suitable surface (it could be a bed, sofa, etc.). If your arms are crossed on your chest, the exercise will be easier to do; if you put them behind your head, you will make the task more difficult for yourself.

Lower your torso back, then return to the starting position. Perform ten lifts, rest, and continue at the same pace, 3 times. The main thing is not to lower your body too low, and try to concentrate on your abdominal muscles to feel how they “work”.

Information for beginners: perform each exercise in 2 approaches for the first month of training, and add 1 approach the next month.

Raising both legs while lying on the floor surface

These movements are aimed at working out the abdominal press, or rather its lower part. Starting position: lie on the floor, straighten your legs completely, arms along your body. Now raise your legs straight up (at an angle of 90º), then return to the starting position.

If it is difficult to raise your legs at this angle, you can bend them slightly at the knees. You need to do ten lifts, then rest for a minute, and continue at the same pace, only 3 times. The main thing is not to rush, raise and lower your legs smoothly.

Does a hoop help with a thin waist and flat stomach?

A gymnastic hoop is an excellent waist trainer. By spinning the hula hoop you are training large group muscles, you do a massage, which significantly improves blood circulation, so weight loss occurs at an accelerated pace. The hoop is also capable of destroying fat, which is eliminated through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

True, all these miracles will begin only if you choose the right hoop. Of course, the heavier it is, the higher the load will be, but you should not start training with a metal hoop.

Out of habit, it will be difficult for you to twist it for 60 minutes, and if “working” your waist with a hoop takes less than an hour, then there will simply be no changes.

Therefore, don’t be smart and take a regular plastic hoop, and when you get used to it, you can take an iron one.

It is better not to use new-fangled hoops with spikes. We don’t argue that with such an object the load will be higher, but the impact is not only on the muscle group, but also on the spine itself, which is very harmful.

In addition, such gymnastic apparatus injure the back and sides (bruises appear). To avoid injuring yourself, instead of a heavy hoop, rotate two iron hoops at the same time. You will get no less load. But most importantly, try to twist the hoop correctly: do not bend your knees, work only with your torso.

Exercises to Avoid at Home If You Want a Small Waist

You are deeply mistaken if you think that the more you do abdominal exercises, the thinner your waist circumference will become. In fact, toned muscles will make your waist even wider than before.

To prevent this from happening, try not to swing, but to lose weight, avoiding movements with a large amplitude and increasing the number of approaches.

For example, in a set of abdominal exercises, when you are on your back and you need to raise your torso to your knees, we advise you to only lift your back from the surface; the entire exercise must be done 30 times in each approach, and there should be three in total.

When you work on the back muscles and lateral abdominal muscles, lift your torso not straight, but alternately to one knee and then to the other.

Nutritionists strongly recommend eliminating all sweets and fatty foods from your diet. Give the sausage, sausages, fried chicken to the enemy. Instead of these products, lean on white meat chicken, dairy products, fresh cottage cheese, fish, cereals and legumes.

If 40% of your daily caloric intake is replenished from foods containing protein, then the weight loss process will go much faster. Leave the porridge for the morning, drink clean water, not less than 1.5 liters per day. Coffee, sparkling water, packaged juice are not for you.

At the same time, it will not be possible to remove hatched fat with just nutrition. I'll have to do some physical exercise. But to bring your dream of a thin waist and flat stomach closer, not just any exercise will do.

Achieve desired effect Regular exercise will help different groups muscles. By working only on your abs and tummy, you will not lose weight.

For those who do not want to exercise at all, trainers recommend daily walks of 3 km, at a fairly fast pace. Yoga and Pilates will also be helpful for excess waistlines.

All girls dream of a slender waist and a flat stomach. For some, nature gave it to them, while others have to work on this problem all their lives. In many ways, waist circumference is determined by your body type and heredity, but this does not mean that you cannot achieve perfect size. Effective exercises performed at home, plus proper nutrition, will help you.

A few more simple and effective exercises for a beautiful waist are in the next video.