Installation of a gas boiler in a private house. Floor-standing gas boiler: do-it-yourself installation How to properly install a double-circuit gas boiler

In order to provide your home or apartment with economical heat and hot water at any time of the year, you can install and connect a double-circuit gas boiler, but only specialists know how to do it correctly. Serious problems can be solved with the help of one element. And therefore in Lately Such units are very popular among owners country houses. Connecting such an installation is not an easy process, but if you figure it out, you can do everything yourself.

basic information

In most cases, there are units that are capable of heating 6 liters of water in one minute. This indicator can be considered quite good. True, it is only possible if you implement correct installation installations.

The operating principle is based on the presence of two circuits separate from each other. The first is responsible for heating the house, and the second is responsible for hot water in the tap.

To connect the installed boiler, you need to take into account the presence of several systems in the room:

  1. Heating. There will be two pipes - hot supply and cold supply.
  2. Water pipes. Cold water is supplied to the system.
  3. Gas pipeline. Fuel supply.
  4. Power supply. It is necessary if the device has control devices and automatic ignition.

Installation and connection of a dual-circuit system begins with mounting it on the wall. For this purpose, special brackets are used, which in most cases are supplied with the equipment. The main thing to consider is that the fasteners must be in an ideal horizontal plane, and therefore you must have a level.

After installing the fasteners, the boiler itself is hung on the wall. All this is done with your own hands. To be on the safe side, to prevent any mistakes, you can first watch several videos, of which there are many on the Internet. They show the installation of different systems.

Premises requirements

There are several rules that must be followed when choosing a room to install the unit:

  1. The presence of a window that can open at any time.
  2. Functional ventilation.
  3. There should be exits for everyone in the room. necessary pipelines, to which the home boiler will be connected. Particular attention should be paid to the gas pipe. It must have a counter.

Usually the connection of similar devices is the same. The only thing that may differ is the location of the pipes. But this does not happen often.

Main nodes

Due to the fact that there are many available on the market different models gas boilers, it is difficult to talk about all the specific installation schemes. We can only highlight the main components that must be present so that the unit is not only easy to install, but also to use in the future.

Key points:

  1. Water filter. Required element gas boiler in a private home, which will help protect the system from debris generated in the pipes. Another such device is installed on the return line to stop possible contamination from the heating system. It must be placed on a horizontal area along with the tap.
  2. Magnetic filter with tap. Used to combat rust and scale.
  3. Gas filter with tap. Allows you to protect the installed boiler from scale and dust. The use of this element can significantly increase the service life of the installation.
  4. Ball valves, which are needed to shut off highways to make it easier to carry out repair work.
  5. A special one is installed for the heating system expansion tank. In wall-mounted boiler models, they are usually installed at the factory.
  6. Safety devices – . Again, wall-mounted models already have all this. For floor-standing ones, everything must be purchased separately and placed next to the installation.
  7. Radiators.
  8. Pipeline.

Important nuances

Installation must begin with the installation of a shut-off valve and filter on the water supply. This will help only purified liquid pass through the unit, which in turn will significantly extend its service life.

The valve is necessary for situations where you need to close the water supply to replace the filter, clean the system or repair.

After this, the heating system pipes are connected and hot water. There is nothing complicated here either. First, the shut-off valves are connected, and then the connection to the boiler occurs.

A home wall-mounted boiler is necessarily equipped with a pump, which ensures uniform heating of all radiators in the room. This device requires special strapping. Wall models are volatile, and therefore any power outage immediately reduces operating efficiency. Floor models are able to work without such pumps, since they are equipped with special elements to create natural pressure.

Recently, boilers that run on natural gas are increasingly being used to heat country houses. The principle of their operation is to heat the coolant. Gas boilers have a number of advantages: environmental friendliness, compactness, noiselessness, ease of operation, and the possibility of installation in a private home.

The degree of heating of the entire house depends on the performance of the boiler. But at the same time, the gas that is used as a coolant is a very explosive substance, so the choice of this equipment must be taken seriously, and the existing rules must be followed when installing a gas boiler.

Installing gas boilers with your own hands is quite a complex, labor-intensive and responsible task. Employees of gas supply organizations receive the necessary certificates, the presence of which, however, only authorizes access directly to the gas pipeline.

But a competent and hardworking person can do anything! Moreover, almost any man can handle installing the boiler, supplying water and connecting electricity.

Besides self installation heating devices allows you to save significant money.

Introductory video guide

Main types

Gas boilers are classified according to various signs: purpose, power produced, type of traction and installation method. Single-circuit boilers are installed exclusively for heating the house, double-circuit ones allow not only to warm up the premises, but also to provide the house with water with the possibility of heating it.

Low-power boilers are regulated according to a single-stage principle, medium-capacity units are regulated according to a two-stage principle. High-performance boilers usually provide modulated power control.

Boilers closed type operate on ventilation draft. There are also gas boilers With natural tractionopen type, or atmospheric.

The simplest boiler, the so-called “water heater,” consists of a gas burner and a heat exchanger. Water and gas are connected to it, and the exhaust is discharged into the chimney. But even for installation like this the simplest system Appropriate permission is required! Let us consider in detail the process of installing a wall-mounted and floor-mounted gas boiler of a more complex design.

Installation wall-mounted boiler

  1. We protect the section of the wall where the boiler will be located with a layer of fireproof material, leaving a gap of 4.5 cm between it and the wall.
  2. We prepare the boiler for installation. Under high pressure of water, we clean the walls of the inlet tubes from small debris remaining after assembly.
  3. We install a filter and shut-off valves on the water supply pipe - before and after the filter.
  4. We install the chimney. This device also has certain requirements: the diameter is not less than that specified in the manual for the gas boiler; the cross-section is similar to the chimney opening of the boiler; an elevation above the roof ridge of at least 0.5 m (section 6 of SNiP 41-01-2003, section 4 and Appendix 6 of MDS 40-2.2000). It is best to use a steel cylindrical chimney with a cleaning hole.
  5. Checking the traction. If it deteriorates, the automatic equipment equipped with modern boilers, must stop the gas supply.
  6. With help steel pipe and a special drive for its installation, we insert the boiler into the gas pipeline. To carry out this work, it is necessary to invite gas service specialists.
  7. We connect the gas boiler to the power supply and connect an automatic device for overload protection.

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Installation of a floor-standing boiler

  1. We build a strong pedestal that can withstand the weight of a cast iron boiler. In the annex for this we fill concrete screed, in other premises on wooden floor put a piece of galvanized sheet iron.
  2. We install the gas boiler with our own hands, controlling its position using a level.
  3. We connect the boiler to the chimney and, if it is not equipped forced exhaust, check the traction.
  4. We connect the boiler to the in-house heating system. At the same time, to protect the unit from blockages, we install a coarse filter, placing it after the outlet line that fills the system with water, before entering the return line boiler.
  5. We connect the double-circuit boiler to the water supply system, making the connection closer to the house, before the branching begins.
  6. Using a steel pipe, we insert the boiler into the gas main, as in the previous case, with the participation of specialists.

Video guide

Operating rules

In private houses, however, as in any other facilities, gas boilers are allowed to be installed and operated only in dry rooms. High humidity prevents the dispersion of foreign substances in the air, including gas vapors. That is why the requirements for furnaces and the rules for installing gas boilers are so strict (see above).

To increase the performance of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to protect it from dirt and dust using a coarse filter. To improve the quality of water you also need to use filters.

Before the start or at the end heating season it is recommended to do Maintenance gas equipment. And, in order to avoid dangerous situations, this must be done regularly!


During the maintenance process, the condition of the chimney and the proper functioning of the ventilation are checked, the filters are cleaned and washed, as well as the entire system. For this you can use detergents, which effectively remove various deposits.

Don't forget about cleaning the burner. Worn parts must be replaced without fail! Before starting the system, you must carefully check the tightness of all connections.

Compliance with established standards, proper connection of the gas boiler, operation in accordance with the rules and timely maintenance will increase the service life of the entire system, while reducing the amount of fuel consumed.

The task is not easy. The boiler cannot be hung haphazardly, since the safety of the people living in the house often depends on how correctly the wall-mounted boiler is installed.
This means that the installation of this device is carried out in strict accordance with technical requirements and standards adopted in Russia at the legislative level.

That is why installing a wall-mounted boiler with your own hands is an extremely labor-intensive and difficult process for a beginner.

Stages of preparation for boiler installation

Before the owner of the house starts, you will need to collect some documents:

  • agreement on supplying the house with gas;
  • technical specifications and installation diagram gas system, approved by the relevant authorities;
  • written permission from the gas inspector to install the equipment.

Boiler installation rules and regulations

Gas heating equipment is installed in accordance with developed and approved technologies that ensure the safety of its operation.

  1. The question of how to install a wall-mounted boiler begins with preparing the room for it. The room must meet certain requirements: the boiler room can be located anywhere in the house, except the bathroom, living rooms and a bathroom. However, when installing wall units, this requirement may be relaxed depending on the type of boiler. The volume of the room is from four square meters, the ceiling height is from two meters. The width of the doorway is at least 800 mm. Also in the room there should be natural lighting of the boiler through the window. In this case, the window size must correspond to 0.3 square meters. for every 10 sq.m. premises.
  2. The rules for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler regulate the supply of a certain volume fresh air by using supply ventilation to the place where the boiler is used. An insufficient amount incoming air may be associated with the accumulation of a substance hazardous to health and life in the room.
  3. : the standards for its placement are such that there must be more than 10 cm from the wall to the surface of the boiler. If this distance is less than required, the wall must be protected with a fire-resistant coating.
  4. Gas pipes can be metal, but not plastic.
  5. The chimney opening must correspond to the power capabilities of the boiler. In this case, its height must be at least 5 m, provided that the chimney is installed above the ridge on the roof of the house. When installing a chimney, it can have no more than three bends.
  6. When organizing a power supply system, it is necessary to provide a circuit breaker with current protection and thermal protection.
  7. In the room where the boiler will be located, there must be a gas sensor connected to a relay. In the event of a gas leak, the sensor must send a relay signal to block gas flow. In addition, an audible alarm should sound.
  8. Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler; when starting it up, regulations require that the device be provided with a gas meter.
  9. If there are other gas appliances near the boiler, then the distance between the appliances is set at at least 20 centimeters.
  10. When installing, the requirements even affect the completeness of the equipment. The boiler package must comply with the standards and contain: a manual, fasteners, a paper template for installation, special keys and fasteners.
  11. The installation height of the wall-mounted boiler is 80 cm - 160 cm from the floor surface.

If all these requirements are met, then there is no doubt about the reliability and fire safety of the system. gas heating. It should be kept in mind that the heating system must be regularly maintained by employees of the city gas service.

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  • In order not to spend money on a full-fledged chimney, you will need coaxial pipe for a gas wall-mounted boiler. The installation, the photo of which is published on this...
  • A house, by definition, should be warm. There are many ways to make it this way. However, every owner strives to do this in the most economical and practical way. One such option is installing a gas boiler. Gas heating is profitable and quite simple to install and operate. Connecting devices should only be carried out by specialists, but arrangement of the boiler room, installation of the boiler, etc. You can do it yourself, saving a decent amount.

    Installation of gas equipment should begin with obtaining permits and necessary approvals. It is necessary to order a project for gasification of premises and installation of gas equipment. The document is developed and approved by specialists from the gas supply company. Once you get acquainted with the project, you can start purchasing necessary equipment, the main characteristics of which must be present in the document. In addition, an agreement on the submission of natural gas. After this, you can directly install the system.

    We will equip a suitable room for the boiler

    A gas boiler is the main element of the heating system. To install it, you will need to properly equip the room. It must comply with a number of strict requirements, violation of which entails significant penalties and provokes accidents with the most severe consequences. Gas is an explosive and flammable substance. You need to be extremely careful with him.

    The room in which gas equipment is installed must meet a number of requirements. The main characteristics of the boiler room are presented in the form of a diagram

    When choosing a place to install a heating gas boiler, you need to take into account the following requirements for the room:

    • a channel must be equipped in one of the walls to remove combustion products;
    • mandatory presence of natural light. The minimum window area is calculated using the formula: cubic meter room volume – 0.03 sq. meters of window surface;
    • ceiling height at least 2.5 m;
    • layout providing unobstructed access to the boiler and auxiliary equipment;
    • Availability ventilation grille located in the lower half of the wall or door. The area of ​​the structure is calculated based on the ratio of 8 square meters. cm grates for every 1 kW of boiler;
    • volume – minimum 15 sq. m;
    • fire resistance wall structures– at least 0.75 hours;
    • the presence of a gas analyzer and an automatic valve that responds to its signals, which will shut off the fuel supply in the event of a gas leak;
    • a well-organized chimney, the cross-section of which must correspond to the power of the equipment;
    • The door width should not be less than 80 cm.

    It must be remembered that the installation of gas boilers with a power of less than 60 kW is permitted in any room except those intended for residential use. It is also not recommended to install gas equipment in a bathroom or toilet. Double-circuit appliances are prohibited from being installed in kitchens. If the total power of the equipment is not higher than 150 kW, it can be installed on any floor of the building. Devices of higher power can only be located on the ground floor or in the basement.

    Many people prefer to place gas equipment in the kitchen. In this case, the standards regulating the installation of gas boilers require calculating the required minimum area based on the requirement that per 1 kW of power there is at least 0.2 m 2 of room. If the kitchen is combined with the living room, it becomes mandatory to have a gas analyzer that can detect a possible gas leak in time.

    If the boiler power allows, gas equipment is often installed in the kitchen, even if it is a shared room with the living room. In this case, the presence of a gas analyzer becomes a mandatory precaution.

    Gas equipment installation technology

    In order for the installation of the boiler to proceed without complications, you should pay attention to the method of its fastening even when purchasing the equipment. You should check the equipment of the device and find out the presence of fasteners. If they are not available, you must immediately buy suitable ones. In addition, when purchasing equipment, be sure to check whether it has a certificate. In the absence of a document, it is possible serious problems with registration. The characteristics of the device and the serial number printed on the inner door of the device must match the information specified in the passport.

    Option #1 - installing a floor-standing boiler

    Before installing the floor-standing device, you should prepare a place for it. Let's start with the floor. Since the equipment is heavy, the base must be strong. You may need to fill the screed. The floor on which the boiler will be installed must be made of material with a fireproof coating. If this is not the case, hollow concrete blocks 100 mm high and covered on top with a sheet of metal 0.8 mm thick. As an option, you can consider using fireproof boards approved for such purposes.

    The device must be placed at a distance of at least 0.1 m from the wall, provided that the covering is made of non-combustible materials. If it is necessary to move the device close, the wall must be fireproof. In this case, the base is insulated with roofing steel, which is applied to an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 0.3 cm. The insulation must overlap the perimeter dimensions of the device body by at least 0.1 m. All protruding parts of the boiler fittings or gas burners must be at least 1 m away from the walls.

    The equipment is installed on the prepared base as level as possible. Used for verification building level. If necessary, place solid non-combustible material under the legs of the device. The boiler is connected to the chimney and the indoor heating system. To prevent rapid clogging of the heat exchanger, a hard cleaning filter is installed in front of the return inlet. If the boiler is double-circuit, it is connected to a cold water pipeline.

    A floor-standing gas boiler must be installed on a prepared base. If necessary, the floor is reinforced and a base made of non-combustible materials is installed. Most often these are hollow concrete blocks 100 mm high, covered with a sheet of metal

    Experts recommend installing the boiler so that it can be easily dismantled. Shut-off valves are installed on all pipes connected to the device. They will make it possible, if necessary, to dismantle the equipment without unwanted discharge of water from the operating system.

    It must be remembered that complete installation of gas boilers cannot be done with your own hands. A certified specialist must be invited to check the correctness of the installation, perform the remaining necessary measures and start the system.

    Option #2 - connecting attachments

    Proper installation of gas wall-mounted boilers begins with flushing the internal tubes. During assembly, various small debris could easily have gotten into them and needed to be removed. To do this, remove the plugs necessary for transportation from the device and pass water through it under slight pressure. After washing, the equipment is ready for installation.

    The wall where the device is planned to be mounted must be very level and strong enough to support the boiler and related devices. If the base is made of flammable materials, a non-flammable gasket with a width of at least 3 mm is attached to it. In this case, the boiler is fixed at a distance of at least 4.5 cm from the wall. The installed device must be located at a distance of no less than 20 cm from other equipment or flammable materials. It is not recommended to place the boiler close to a window or in a small wall opening. The power source must be located close to the device.

    The device is mounted on strips that are mounted on the wall at the desired height. Typically it is located between 0.8 and 1.6 meters from the floor. After securing the device using a level, check the horizontal installation. All identified inconsistencies are corrected, otherwise this may negatively affect the operation of the equipment. Connection to water supply is being made. Before doing this, be sure to remove the plugs from the pipes. It is advisable to install filters at the water inlets, so the heat exchanger will become less clogged.

    A wall-mounted gas boiler must be installed exactly horizontally; the accuracy of installation must be checked with a level. Otherwise, problems with the operation of the equipment may occur, even leading to emergency situations.

    The gas pipeline is connected to the boiler only using metal pipe rigid connection or through a special drive. A paronite gasket is required. Direct connection of the system is carried out only by certified specialists who will check whether the boiler is installed correctly and start the equipment.

    Gas heating is efficient and economical. However, do not forget that gas is potentially dangerous. No need to try to produce self-installation gas appliances without special knowledge and skills. The cost of a mistake can be too high. Regardless of who installed the equipment, the connection is carried out only by gas company specialists. They also check the correctness of the installation. You should not save money on the services of professionals. Even though it may seem that the cost of their work is too high, believe me that the life and safety of everyone living in the house is worth much more.

    Naturally, take on the installation heating equipment Moreover, no one working on gas will be in their right mind without having the required amount of knowledge and experience behind them. However, knowing everything about this matter is very useful. This will help you monitor the work of hired personnel and understand how best to equip heating system in your home so that it is as convenient as possible for you. Today we will tell you how to install a heating boiler in a private house, using the example of gas wall-mounted and floor-mounted options.

    Technical and legal preparation for installation

    The technical part of the installation will not take you very much time - within a few days, qualified craftsmen will install all the pipes around the house, install radiators, connect the heated floor system if necessary, and, of course, install the boiler itself (filling the screed, sealing the grooves in the walls, etc. We do not take finishing activities into account). It will take much longer to obtain documents for this whole matter and coordinate the work with supervisory authorities - sometimes this can take whole year. In this article we will tell you in detail about all important stages that you have to go through.

    Documentation for installing gas heating equipment

    You can study all the rules and regulations for the installation of gas equipment in SNiP 02/31/2001. Everything is laid out there very clearly - all equipment in our country is installed according to these standards. In order to find out how to properly equip a boiler room, you will need to study another document - SNiP 42-01-2002.

    Interesting to know! A boiler room is not required for all gas equipment, but only for those equipped with open combustion chambers. To burn gas in such boilers, air is taken directly from the room where they are installed, which is why it becomes dry. It is difficult and even harmful for them to breathe. The volume of the room should be three times the volume of air that the boiler consumes per hour.

    Knowledge of SNiP standards for installing a gas boiler will not be enough. Additionally, it is necessary to carefully study the specifications that are the basis for connecting gas equipment to the central supply lines - all work is organized according to them.

    Gas boiler installation project

    The next step in line will be drawing up an installation project. It can be done for you there in Gorgaz in the design department or a specialized design organization operating under a valid license. When drawing up this document, all standards specified in the technical specifications must be taken into account. A breeding scheme will be developed immediately gas pipes throughout the house and site, their entry point into the house and the point of connection to the heating gas boiler.

    Equipment installation project

    The project must also be agreed upon with regulatory authorities. Before this point, it is strictly prohibited to begin installation. For approval, he is sent to the department that controls the gas supply to the desired area and home in particular. This stage may take about 3 months.

    From the author! Of course, we are talking about the first start-up of equipment and the installation of gas pipes to the house. If you just want to replace the old boiler with a new one, there will be no such problems - just make a change to the project and check the compliance of the new equipment technical specifications. And for those who are just building their home, start completing all the documents as early as possible. You can always carry out all the internal communications - pipes, heating radiators, heated floors - in advance, so that later you only have to install the boiler, connect it, put it into operation and start using it.

    When a project is submitted for approval, the following documents are attached to it:

    1. Technical passport of the purchased boiler and its operating instructions.
    2. All certificates of conformity attached to it are according to technical specifications and sanitary standards.
    3. The results of the examination are that the equipment meets all safety standards.

    All these documents must be attached to gas equipment manufacturer - you won’t have to run anywhere to get them.

    If for some reason the project was not approved for you, then you will receive a reasoned refusal with a list of actions that need to be performed before resubmitting the documents. If everything is in order, there is nothing stopping you from proceeding with the installation of your gas boiler.

    How to properly arrange a boiler room

    If the gas boiler has open camera combustion or its power exceeds 30 kW, then it can only be installed in a separate non-residential premises, which must comply with the standards and norms prescribed in SNiP. Most often, a room in the basement is chosen for these purposes, but remember that this can only be done if you have a single-apartment house.

    The chimney is an important component of the heating system

    We need to talk about chimneys in more detail, since they proper operation Not only the efficiency of the equipment depends, but also your safety. Ventilation systems are also equipped strictly according to regulatory documents. They are subject to the following requirements:

    A little about gas boilers

    Today on the market there is great amount models of gas heating equipment. By the way, on our website there is an excellent article from. All these boilers differ in their functionality and common features, which we will talk about in this chapter.

    The first thing you need to know is how many water heating circuits should there be in the boiler? What is a contour? In this case, we mean the number of water heating systems in the body of one device. Single-circuit boilers are intended only for heating water for the heating system. Dual-circuit have a separate “chain” in which water for hot water flows; they are also called combined.

    Interesting to know! Single-circuit boilers can also be adapted to simultaneously heat water for water supply. To do this, external storage boilers indirect heating.

    Large floor standing boilers most often they are single-circuit. Moreover, all working parts of the equipment (control module, pumps, etc.) are also located outside the main body. This allows you to organize a favorable operating mode for each unit without unnecessary overheating and vibrations.

    The second difference between boilers is the way they are installed. I distinguish wall and floor options. The first ones are mostly double-circuit and are intended for installation in apartments and houses with an area of ​​no more than 200 m². The equipment is quite effective. There are models with a power of up to 34 kW, which will allow heating small house even in northern latitudes. They are often installed directly in kitchens.

    Floor-standing boilers are installed only in boiler rooms, due to their size. They are characterized by increased power and high energy efficiency, although much depends on the type of burner.

    Boilers can also be convection and condensation. The first ones are less expensive and are used for heating water only. thermal energy from fuel combustion. The latter are able to additionally use steam condensation for this purpose. Their efficiency is very high level(95-98%), they are very economical.

    It is also worth paying attention to additional functionality. For example:

    • control of combustion and ignition;
    • protection against boiling and freezing;
    • traction level control;
    • protection against burner extinction, etc.

    It is clear that the smarter the boiler, the more expensive it will cost, so see for yourself.

    Having understood the functions of the equipment, we move on to selecting it power. This parameter is the main one, and you should pay more attention to it.

    When calculating the required power, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the premises, but since the average height of rooms in our houses rarely exceeds 3 m, the formula was simplified and tied to the area.

    We will need to know the entire heated area of ​​the house and the latitude in which the house is built. For different regions There are correction factors for the specific power required to heat 10 square meters of area.

    For the south it is 0.7-0.9; middle lane – 1-1,2; temperate climate– 1.2-1.5 and northern latitudes – 1.5-2.

    The calculation is done like this. Let's assume that our room area is exactly 100 m². Divide them by 10 and multiply by the coefficient. For the south we get a maximum of 9 kW, and for the north – 20. We add here another 15-20% reserve in case of errors.

    It is worth understanding that such a calculation will be extremely approximate, since how well your house will warm up is influenced by many reasons - all of them are called sources of heat loss. Here you need to know the thermal conductivity of the wall material, the energy efficiency of the windows, the insulation of the roof, and the position of the house relative to the wind rose... Well, what’s there - the builders did not pour the mortar into the masonry well, which is why cracks appeared through which cold air constantly penetrates into the house . All this affects the overall energy efficiency of the building. In general, if you need more accurate calculations, we recommend using an online calculator.