Installing a gas panel into a countertop with your own hands. Installing a hob into a countertop

And again a photo lesson on editing. This time I came across a gas hob from Hansa. Not a bad company, by the way, I had many years of experience with this company’s stove (albeit an electric one) - only pleasant memories.

The design of this panel is quite original - I liked it - on frosted glass fixed as if free-standing burners...

Instructions are also included. I will provide images regarding the installation. The first scheme, in my opinion, is quite useless.

The second scheme has much more practical significance. We will be guided by it. However, it was not possible to do this fully, due to the specifics of the kitchen design. But more on that later.

We take a carpenter's square and transfer these dimensions to the tabletop. Due to the specifics of the project, it was impossible to move the panel onto the adjacent box, so I simply moved it away from the wall as much as possible (as a result, instead of the recommended 100 mm, I ended up with 80 mm).

The next step is to drill out the corners of the marking with a 8-mm drill and connect them with straight cuts using a jigsaw (it is better to use a file with a reverse tooth - the cuts on the front side are simply exceptional)

Since the panel should go onto the wall of the box, I took out the box itself and made a centimeter cutout on its side wall. By the way, after installing the stove into the tabletop, it turned out that I had done it in vain; on the left, it is thinner by about 4-5 mm and does not extend beyond the thickness of the tabletop. But, guided by previous experience, I did just that in advance.

The instructions don't say anything about the next step, but I always silicone the ends of the laminated chipboard in the places where the equipment is inserted. This case was no exception.

Now let's take on the hob itself. We turn it over (trying to avoid the burners falling apart - they can be removed in advance))) and stick foam insulating tape around the perimeter (it is included in the kit)
Now we need the help of a professional, namely a gas technician, to make the connection. You are prohibited from doing this yourself. But the lesson needs to be completed, so I’ll put the stove up, and then I’ll put everything back in place)).

All we have to do is push the slab into the cut-out niche, level it and screw it with special clamps.

The instructions see this process in the following way:

True, the width of the tabletop did not allow me to do it as in the diagram, namely, to place one edge of the clamp in the cutout on the stove, and the second on the tabletop...

But this did not affect the degree of fixation much... As a result, you should get something like this:

By the way, this hood requires connection to an outlet for auto-ignition to function.

Cooktops save space in the kitchen, and they work just like bulky stoves. In addition, installation hob It’s not at all difficult, it happens quickly enough, and any adult can handle it if he has the right tools.

For those who have started a kitchen renovation, there is an opportunity to replace the stove with a surface. You can also do a combination of surface and separate oven, and thus you will lose absolutely nothing.

Sawing a hole

If you have already done renovations in the house or were engaged in some construction work, then the process of installing the hob into the countertop should not be difficult for you. So, let's begin.

  1. To install a surface into a countertop with your own hands, you first need to know its dimensions. All required dimensions are indicated in the diagram in the instructions, there is no need to invent anything. This speeds up work and significantly reduces the likelihood of errors in measurements. You can take measurements yourself by turning the panel over and using a tape measure to determine its width and length along the inner edges.
  2. Please note that the instructions indicate the minimum distances from the edges of the tabletop. You can only change them upward, since an edge that is too narrow may break off over time.
  3. Make markings on the countertop according to the dimensions of the hob. It will be built into this place. To ensure that the lines do not rub off and are more visible on a dark surface, glue strips of paper tape and transfer the lines to it.
  4. Next, drill a hole where the cutout will begin. The cut is made using electric jigsaw. To ensure an even cut without crumbling, it is recommended to use a file with fine teeth, not dull. It’s even better to use a hand router, round the corners with a radius cutter, and grind the cuts.
  5. The resulting sawdust can be collected using a vacuum cleaner.

When the hole is ready, try on the hob to make sure everything is done correctly.

Sealing and sealing

Treat the cuts with silicone sealant or nitro varnish. This will protect the tabletop from dirt, getting wet, swelling and premature damage. You can also use a self-adhesive sealant, which performs the same function. It is glued on top so that the edges of the panel rest on it.

You can also use aluminum tape to seal the edges, which, among other things, will protect the tabletop from temperature changes. Having a quality seal will ensure that your countertop will last a long time and will not require repair or replacement.

Electrical Panel Connection

Modern electrical panels very convenient; if assembled well, they rarely fail, which means they will not need repairs for a long time. If repairs are still required, the panel can be easily disconnected and taken to the workshop on your own, thereby saving on calling a technician.

Before embedding electrical surface, you need to put it on the tabletop, turn it over and connect it according to the diagram. The diagram is shown directly on the panel with reverse side to make you feel comfortable. When doing this procedure on your own, be careful. If the wires are connected incorrectly, you will not be able to control the activation of the burners and the heating temperature.

If a separate wire from the panel is provided to connect the electric hob, then a plug and socket are not needed. Simply connect the wire to the panel.

Turn the panel over and install it in the hole. It is already ready to work, all that remains is to check whether it turns on and heats up correctly.

Gas panel connection

When installing a gas hob, first look at how it is attached. Install the panel, align it with the edge of the table and secure it. Typically, brackets are included with the panel for mounting from below. Electric wire must be plugged into a power outlet.

To connect the gas yourself, you need to know the safety rules. Turn off the gas and connect the hob to the pipe using a flexible hose. Be sure to put paronite gaskets in the nuts. Open the gas, turn on the burners and check the hose connections for leaks. To do this, they need to be soaped. If the foam does not bubble, then there is no leak, you did everything right. You can also use a gas analyzer to check.

Have you thought about self-production kitchen furniture? Then it’s time for you to find out that making it is only half the battle, and the second half of this job is to complete the furniture with all kinds of equipment. These include built-in washing and dishwashers, and a sink, and an oven, and, of course, a hob, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will deal with the question of how to install a hob with your own hands and how to connect it to the home gas pipeline and electrical wiring.

Hob installation photo

Installing a hob: marking the installation site

Markup is perhaps the most important stage work associated with installing a hob with your own hands, which, oddly enough, has the most nuances. Judge for yourself - everything depends on how clearly and accurately you can mark and then cut a hole for the hob. appearance kitchens. This is exactly the case in which a mistake of one centimeter can turn out to be irreparable - you always need to remember the cost of the countertop. Buying a new one is not that cheap. The fact is that the panel itself must fit clearly above the cabinet, and there is practically no margin in width.

There are two ways to mark the mounting hole - you can simply lay it on the tabletop, center it by eye and trace it with a pencil, or you can follow the path of the professionals and calculate everything down to the millimeter. Naturally, it is better to choose the second option to resolve the issue, since in this case the chances of making a mistake are minimal. This is done as follows.

Now all that’s left to do is cut out and install the hob into the hole. We'll talk about this further. For those who do not like to read and delve into what is written, we attach a video on installing a hob into a countertop.

Installing a gas hob: two ways to cut the hole

You can cut a mounting hole for the hob using three different electric tools– this is a jigsaw, drill or hand-held milling machine. The most accurate and beautiful cut is obtained when using hand router, but you don’t even have to ask about its presence in a home workshop of a person not involved in construction. Not everyone has a jigsaw either, but at least it is not very expensive, and you can buy it to carry out this work. Well, almost every business man has a drill. We’ll start with that, but first I’ll warn you about the quality of the hole obtained with a drill - it is, one might say, disgusting. It is quite difficult to seal torn edges, but this must be done, and problems will arise in this regard. In principle, they are solvable, but more on that later.

After the hole is ready, it is imperative to waterproof it - if water or even just moisture gets into the end of the tabletop, there is a very high probability that the material from which it is made will swell and the tabletop will deteriorate. As a rule, the end of the cutout is treated with silicone. If you cut a hole with a drill, then it will be quite difficult to do it efficiently - you will have to tinker.

Installation of an electric hob: fastening and connection

To make it easier to understand how to install a hob into a countertop hole, let’s imagine it in the form of a sequence of work - so to speak, in the form of a small, but clear instructions for installing the hob.

Basically, that's it. An electric hob is mounted in exactly the same way. The only exception is the absence of gas hose in it. There may, of course, be other nuances - for example, if we talk about an oven-dependent hob, then the installation process here looks a little different. First, install the oven, and then the panel, which is connected directly to the oven itself.

Basically, that's it. Now judge for yourself whether this work is difficult or not. You can deal with it yourself or, perhaps, turn to specialists. In general, based on experience, I can say that most people who are wondering how to install a hob with their own hands cope with this work easily. In fact, it is not complicated, and all that is needed to successfully complete the case is to strictly follow all the subtleties and nuances.

The hob allows you not only to prepare any dish, but also to save space. After all, such equipment has smaller dimensions than large and bulky ones. gas stoves. How to install a hob and oven? It's simple. The main thing is to act according to the instructions. Everyone is capable of coping with such tasks. This does not require expensive equipment, but only the availability of certain tools.

What you need

In conclusion

Now you know how to build a hob into a countertop with your own hands. Before starting work, you should evaluate your skills and abilities. If you cannot do this, then you should seek help from professionals. However, it is safe to say that the installation process is not very difficult. Almost anyone can cope with such a task. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and have everything at hand necessary tools. By doing similar works It is recommended to take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the process.

Installing a hob: basic rules and recommendations

The joy of purchasing a hob is understandable - now a new beautiful and smart assistant will appear in your kitchen. However, in order for her to fully demonstrate her talents, she needs to know how to install the hob correctly.

How to install a hob: general requirements

This technique comes in electric or gas format. This is reflected in the difference in panel installation, but general rules before the process itself remain the same:

  1. Mandatory attendance ventilation system. Modern rules hygiene and safety regulations require that over any hob there must be a hood. If this cannot be done, then you should definitely install a high-power fan on the window.
  2. The source material for the countertop can be anything - the main thing is that its heat resistance does not fall below 100 °C. This imposes certain obligations on the thickness, which should be within 25 mm (not thinner).
  3. If the installation is done between two cabinets, then you need to leave a distance from the wall of each to the stove of at least 15 cm. kitchen wall the requirements are slightly reduced, but you still should not cross the 5 cm threshold. If this rule cannot be observed, then you should definitely lay heat insulating material between the wall and the panel.

Installing a hob into a countertop: process features

The surface of the tabletop will have to be sawed through - a jigsaw is best for this. The materials you should prepare are:

  • special sealant;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • clamps.

After compliance general requirements you can start the work itself. It will consist of following the following simple algorithm:

  1. The instructions usually indicate the dimensions of the panel. If it doesn’t exist, then you can measure it yourself, but you don’t need to do it close together - you need to leave a gap of 1-2 mm between the panel and the tabletop.
  2. It is better to attach and trace the cardboard model first.
  3. The gaps between the hob and the edge of the countertop should be at least 5 cm.
  4. Drill out the corners of the tabletop with an electric drill.
  5. Carefully cut along the marked lines from one cut corner to another.
  6. Seal the edges of the table top at the cut points with a special sealant (included with the purchase). It is also recommended to use silicone sealant, which will protect the tabletop from negative influence excessive humidity.
  7. Lower the hob into the resulting niche.
  8. Align it, but do not apply too much force.
  9. Firmly fix the surface using special clamps, securing them with self-tapping screws - this will hold the panel in one place.

Further actions in the event will depend on what connection method this equipment has.

How to install an electric hob

Installing a socket for a hob

An initial grounding check is of great importance in connecting such a stove. Second important rule- this is a ban on the use of adapters and extension cords.

The installation of an outlet for the hob also has its own characteristics. You need to take care of its location before starting work so that this moment does not distract. It is best to place it below the tabletop level.

Very often in this process it is dismantled kitchen set- this is necessary to prepare a new electrical wiring channel, strengthen it and cover it with a cement or putty layer. Only after this is a hole cut out in the back wall of the furniture, through which the panel will be connected to the outlet.

Following actions

They must follow these instructions:

  1. Connecting in progress electrical cord with grounding to the connectors of the plate.
  2. The panel itself is connected to communications. It is possible to improve the power supply system.
  3. Functionality check in progress.

If the connection is made to a single-phase network, then the work is supplemented by the following points:

  1. A separate electrical line is laid (it is better to use a three-core 3x4 wire).
  2. A special socket with grounding is installed.
  3. A circuit breaker is installed.

Refinement of the power supply system is also very important - this significantly reduces both the breakdown of the device itself and the risk of injury electric shock user. To carry it out, you should contact specialists.

A similar installation can be seen more clearly in the following video:

Installing a gas hob

Due to the specific nature of connecting such equipment, only an employee should carry out its connection gas service- poor-quality work carried out by amateurs can lead to tragedy. The recommendations below are specifically for them (and for those who have already repeatedly connected devices to the gas main).

Connection features

There is a difference between receiving jets for main or bottled gas. This should be taken into account when connecting. You can unscrew them with keys 6, 7 and 8. Those that go for main gas have larger diameter holes.

Special flexible hose panel is connected to gas source. In combined panels, for additional safety, it is worth installing a thermal shut-off valve - it will shut off the gas supply if the temperature crosses the threshold of 80 degrees (a second such valve will need to be installed on the gas cylinder).

After connection, all joints are checked for leaks. Typically used for this soap solution- bubbles will appear on it if something is leaky somewhere.

It is best to turn off the gas valve after each use, so it must be controllable and in an accessible location.