Installation of a submersible sewage pump in a sewage pumping station. Installing a sewer pump How to connect a household sewage pumping station

Currently, most industrial enterprises, as well as private residential sectors, are equipped with a sewerage station. This is necessary for forced drainage of waste and industrial waters. For example, if the bathroom is located below the main line, then the option of removing wastewater by gravity disappears by itself. Let's take a closer look at what a sewer system is. pumping station and how this device works. In addition, we will consider the key points of installing equipment without the involvement of specialists.

General concepts and information

Currently, three types of CNS are sold depending on the design: simple, medium and complex. If you want to organize wastewater disposal in a private home, then it hardly makes sense for you to purchase complex sewage pumping stations. Firstly, it is very, very expensive, and secondly, their productivity significantly exceeds the amount of wastewater that will accumulate in your place. In most cases, the simplest KNS is sufficient, but if we are talking about a large industrial enterprise, then it makes sense to give preference to more complex designs.

Domestic sewage pumping station: design

Depending on the manufacturer, the KNS equipment may be disabled. To put it clearly and briefly, such a pumping station is a sealed tank with a fecal pump. It is clear why the storage capacity is needed. Waste products are collected there. The material can be different: concrete, plastic, metal. The purpose of the pump is to raise wastewater to a certain level, then the outflow is realized by gravity. Often the design involves several such pumps. One is working, and the second is a reserve one, which is needed to support the pumping station in working condition in the event of failure of the main one. In addition, there is a piping system with valves to control the pumps. Pipes can lead to treatment systems or drain water into the central sewer system. Another integral part of the design is the float switches, almost the same as in toilet flush tanks. They work simply - when the drains reach a certain level, the system turns on and the water is pumped out.

Operating principle of the CNS

Let's take a closer look at how the device functions. It’s worth noting right away that there is nothing complicated. When the wastewater level rises to a certain point, the float switch sends a signal to the receiving tank into which the waste is pumped. It is worth noting that there are submersible pumps. When they are turned on, the wastewater is sent to the distribution chamber through a pressure pipeline. By opening the water, it goes either to a treatment plant or to the central sewer system. To prevent wastewater from flowing back into the distribution chamber, a check valve. This is how CNSs work. Sewage pumping stations are equipped with a ladder through which maintenance is carried out. The hatches in the upper part of the unit are sealed, which prevents odors from penetrating into the maintenance area.

Types depending on power

Mini-stations are a very simple device that connects directly to the toilet. Low power pump (no more than 400 W), fecal submersible, with cutting tools. Essentially this is good decision for the dacha.

There are also medium KNS. Sewage systems of this type are equipped with a polymer tank and a submersible pump. They are in greatest demand due to their high versatility. They are suitable both for a summer residence and for use in an industrial enterprise, in contrast to small and large pump stations. If the device is intended for use in domestic conditions, then most often one pump with cutting elements is installed. For industrial purposes, pumps do not have cutting elements; there are 2 of them.

As for large pump stations, they are used on large industrial enterprises and in urban sewerage systems. The pumps in this case are multi-channel, without cutting tools.

If you decide to choose a sewage pumping station, then be careful. There are a few important details, which you should always pay attention to. But first, check the following points:

  • depth of the system;
  • pump performance;
  • type of pump (with cutting tools, single-channel or multi-channel running wheels);
  • the material from which the SPS body is made;
  • body diameter.

You need to understand that today manufacturers make cases from polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced. There are also housing options made of polyethylene, concrete and steel. But the last two are more expensive. The metal will also corrode.

In order for the “filling” of the station to serve as long as possible, all its elements must be stainless. If seismic activity occurs, the housing must be heavy-duty. For northern regions necessary additional insulation, the burial depth may also have to be increased. So the sewer systems will serve faithfully for a long time.

What is good about the Grundfos sewage pumping station?

This manufacturer is considered the market leader in the production of modern pumping stations. It is worth paying attention to the wide range of Danish products. Here you can find both mini-sewage stations and a “wet well” modification, etc. For example, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of about 50 years on the mini-station. This is despite the fact that the installation requires virtually no maintenance. In addition, you can buy a product to order.

Let's take a look at specifications Grandfos Integra. The installation itself is quite large, its height can range from 4.5 to 12 meters. Pneumatic cylinders provide a seal, and the reservoir is made of fiberglass, so it is very durable. Of course, we can safely say that KNS, originally from Denmark, are considered one of the best. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the use of advanced technologies.

How to create a project?

Before you begin directly installing the equipment, you need to calculate everything. And the first thing is water consumption. To do this, you need to take the minimum and maximum expenses, and as a result you will get the average. Next you need to decide on the power of the pump. To do this, it is worth calculating the height of the rise of the drains, taking into account the losses of the heating pipeline and air.

But it doesn't end there. It is also necessary to draw up a general operating schedule for the station, and the figure obtained as a result of the functional calculation should be slightly larger than the usual calculation. It is important to understand that there are different pumps. Some are designed to work for short periods of time under load, others vice versa. We must not forget about the occurrence of overloads, which the submersible pump must withstand. The more often they occur, the more powerful the unit is needed. At the final stage, we determine the volume of the receiving tanks and can proceed directly to installation.

pumping station

Before installing the main equipment, you will need to supply concrete slab, to which the base is attached. Her minimum thickness should be 30 cm. Special anchors can be used for connection. Then you can proceed directly to installation. To do this, the first thing you need to do is dig a pit of appropriate depth and diameter. If groundwater appears, a foundation will need to be built. Then you can install the station and attach it to the slab, and then fill the SPS with soil.

In most cases, the installation of a sewage pumping station takes place without any problems. As noted above, for northern regions where soil freezing is significant, additional insulation will be required. It could be sheets of foam or something like that. If we are talking about installing a mini-station, then basic plumbing skills will be enough. The main thing is to ensure tight connections and correctly. At this point, the installation can be considered complete.

About the advantages of CNS

Of course, it is not always advisable to install a sewage pumping station. If you have a normal central sewer system, then there is definitely no point in this purchase. However, most private sectors require CNS. And this is an obvious fact. Let's look at the main advantages that a sewer station has. Firstly, this type of structure is very effective in saving living space, since the equipment is located outdoors. Another big plus is full automation process. After you complete the construction of a sewage pumping station, you can almost forget about this structure. Of course, the installation requires periodic maintenance. KNS is completely harmless to environment, which is important, especially if the device is installed on an industrial site. Some models have cleaning filters, so wastewater can go straight into the ground.

Some interesting points

If you buy a complete sewage pumping station, then it is easier to entrust its installation to specialists. They will install the pipeline for you and do the necessary tests. If you decide to do everything yourself, then be prepared to work hard. It’s unlikely that you can do it in a day or even a week, especially if you have to dig the pit by hand. However, you can save a significant amount and gain valuable experience. By the way, as for equipment prices, Sanicubic (France) with a capacity of 15 kW will cost you about $5,000. In this case, wastewater will be sent directly to the ground after treatment. But Homa Saniflux from Germany - the equipment is very expensive, about $18,000. Domestic manufacturers They supply KNS at a slightly lower price.


So we looked at typical sewage pumping stations. As you can see, this is quite an expensive technique. However, in some cases this is the only option available. Although we can say that many craftsmen themselves make something like KNS, it is true that it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. It always makes sense to purchase a sewer station in half with a neighbor. This option is extremely relevant for a summer residence or a large private sector. This way you can save money significant part funds, and installation will be easier with third-party support.

floor, but if this is medium-sized equipment, then they will dig a pit for it or it will have to be placed in a special room for the pumping station.

Today we will focus on the arrangement of the pit, including all regulatory components, namely:

Sanitary - protective zone KNS, which must be observed within the established standards (about 15 m).

The requirements for fencing the pump station, if it is recessed, can be observed purely for safety reasons or the safety of equipment, but they put a lock on the cabinet and hatch, and that’s it.

Observe safety regulations, and therefore, during the construction of the pipeline and pit, in order to avoid hazardous situations, it is necessary to erect barriers to the work site.

For the installation of a water pumping station, the estimate must include all expected costs:

  • for the rental of special equipment for digging a pit and installing equipment;
  • for the purchase and delivery of sand and concrete for the foundation of the KPS;
  • for related tools and parts for fastening the tank;
  • to pay a team of workers, if you do not plan to install a sewage pumping station yourself, etc.

And so, you have taken into account all of the above and are ready to begin the installation itself:

  • A pit is being dug, its dimensions exceeding the dimensions of the pumping station structure. This is necessary for convenient connection of the rest of the pipeline and power supply.
  • To avoid digging up the soil, the lowest part of the hole is dug by hand.
  • According to the drawing, formwork is constructed: a cushion of sand is made (10 - 15 cm), reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured in several layers, using a level to make the foundation as horizontal as possible.
  • Only after the reinforced concrete structure has completely hardened, the body is attached to it, taking into account that when installing the SPS, deviations from verticality are permissible within 5 mm.
  • Make sure there is no debris or water inside the tank.

The water must be pumped out, and not poured out, overturning the body.

  • If possible groundwater, the structure is fixed anchor bolts, or even pour it on top with ready-mixed concrete so that the top of the concrete plane exceeds the lower rib of the equipment by 200 mm.
  • After all the manipulations, backfilling is carried out to two collectors: pressure and gravity.
  • Then the power supply and pipeline are connected.

Backfilling is carried out evenly around the circumference of the KNS, sifting out stones and compacting layers of 50 cm, at above-zero temperatures, by adding water. IN winter time Please note that the soil must not freeze.

The cover, ventilation, etc. are attached using the parts included in the kit.

The topic of sewer drains may seem unpleasant only to an inexperienced homeowner and only at first glance. Once problems arise with the sewer system, eliminating them becomes the most important task.

If problems with drains are regular, it makes sense to review the original project for errors. To eliminate them, a sewage pumping station may be needed. We will tell you how to install, operate and maintain it.

Sewage station or sewerage station is a device for the forced removal of solid and liquid waste. Such devices are most often used for industrial purposes.

But there are a number of pumping stations specially designed for use in domestic conditions. They are usually installed in private households with or where it is necessary to ensure the transportation of waste to the riser of a centralized sewer system.

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There are compact models of sewage pumping stations that can be installed under the kitchen sink. But connecting a washing or dishwasher it is forbidden

Should be considered permissible temperature drains installed by the manufacturer for each specific model. Thus, sewage pumping stations, into which warm but not too hot wastewater can be discharged, are suitable for connecting to a shower stall, bathtub, toilet, bidet, kitchen sink, etc.

However, if you have an automatic washing machine, you should choose a home sewer pumping station model that can handle wastewater with a temperature of 90 degrees or higher. It should be borne in mind that the operating mode of such equipment usually involves boiling.

All this also applies to the dishwasher, from which almost boiling liquid can flow into the drain. In addition to your current home needs, you should evaluate your plans to avoid having to purchase and install a new sewer plant.

If you plan to purchase a dishwasher in the future, it is better to immediately choose a water pump designed for drains with high temperatures.

It is worth paying attention to the number and location of pipes. For each new household device that needs to be connected to, which may appear in the future, there must be a corresponding connection. Otherwise, there will simply be nowhere to connect it.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

An overview of the compact sewage station for the toilet is presented here:

This video schematically depicts the installation process of a large pump station:

A sewerage plant can significantly improve life in your home. It is important to choose the right pump pump model and install it correctly. Correct operation and regular maintenance will ensure that there are no problems with this. useful device for many years.

The construction of housing complexes is increasing at a very high speed. During the construction process, a water supply and sewerage structure is created.

Sewage and flushing pumping stations made of metal, plastic and concrete become part of this structure.

A sewer-flushing station is a device that is an automated structure. In order to ensure its correct and long-term operation, it is necessary to take into account many significant conditions.

To create a sewerage drainage system, all components must be taken into account. Including a method of temporary storage and transportation of waste waste to the point of processing or discharge. Sewage pumping stations are installed to transport sewage waste.


Sewage pumping station (SPS) is a specialized structure that is installed for the purpose of temporary storage and transportation of sewage water using external sewer pipes.

To perform this function, the CNS is provided with special equipment.

CNNs are divided according to certain characteristics, but performance parameters are mainly taken into account. In addition, you should notice differences in the design itself.

This aspect directly affects the installation method of the structure:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

However, there is one significant drawback in the construction of these structures - the difficulty in installing such stations.

For home use, as a rule, modular sewage pumping stations and installations of “author’s” design are used. When producing such systems, one should take into account safety precautions and rules for installing water pumping stations for a private home.


Key advantages of modular pumping stations:

Principle of operation

KNS device. (Click to enlarge) From the residential complex, wastewater enters the system. Air is constantly pumped into the aeration tank, which makes it possible to increase the absolute amount aerobic bacteria, which are in the drains.

Biological sludge builds up from inside the structure on a plastic load and ensures the breakdown of waste.

From the aeration tank, water flows into the settling tank, where non-degradable contaminants fall into the sediment. Pure water flows into the soil.

Note: Thanks to the presence of a valve and a pump at the station, the sewage pumping station for a private house is not afraid of high groundwater levels, but continues to filter under pressure.

  • polymeric substances and other biologically non-degradable compounds;
  • cigarette filters;
  • building mixtures, sand, concrete;
  • Styrofoam;
  • petroleum products;
  • polyethylene packaging.

What is the level of importance of household treatment facilities in the KNS system? This is the main component for organizing quality cleaning. And the volume of all work depends on the productivity of the pumping station node.

The device is assembled from both polymer and metal components.

The design of the structure is determined depending on the diameter of the collector, as well as the parameters of the pipes and tank. It is also necessary to take into account the specific tastes of the customer and the location of the pump station.


The system is installed on a reinforced concrete foundation. The height of the foundation must be at least 30 cm. In order to fix the body, the KNS set contains collet anchors.

Then holes are made in the foundation in accordance with the grooves on the SPS shell. After this, an anchor is driven into the hole through the groove, which is fixed inside the foundation.

In the presence of groundwater, the SPS should be loaded with concrete. The amount of concrete required for loading is calculated depending on the size of the pump station.

Specialist's note: If you have a ready-made foundation pit and foundation slab, installation of the pumping station lasts no more than 2 days.

Installation and use of water pumping stations in urban areas has great amount pros:

Thus, by installing a sewage pumping station, it is possible to ensure the outflow of wastewater without much difficulty and harm to the environment.

Watch the video, which explains in detail the features of the design and operation of the sewage pumping station:

Planning the location of bathrooms and plumbing fixtures in country houses and cottages is always fraught with the difficulty that they must be located close to sewer riser. Also, the pipes leading to the riser must have a slope in its direction so that the wastewater can move by gravity. Such conventions impose certain restrictions - all plumbing must be located close to each other. This problem becomes irrelevant if sewage pumps are installed. Using these pumps allows you to install a toilet, washing machine, shower and other appliances where it is convenient for you, in the basement or basement - below the location of the main sewer pipe. This is especially true for cafes, restaurants and sports clubs, located in basements high-rise buildings. Sometimes in country houses they install fecal submersible pumps that process wastewater from the entire house and pump it into a septic tank. Such pumps differ from those described above, and in order not to make a mistake, you need to understand what each pump is intended for.

Types of sewage pumps

Sewage pumps can be divided into two categories: domestic and industrial. Domestic pumps are designed for pumping wastewater from one or more consumers and can be used in country houses, private small hotels, cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs and shops. Industrial sewage pumps are installed in multi-storey buildings or even at substations leading to the sewer.

Domestic sewage pumps

Sewage pumps for domestic needs differ in purpose and place where they are used, and also have design differences. For example, there are pumps that are installed directly under the water consumer, and there are pumps for forced sewerage that are installed in the well of a septic tank or sewage pumping station.

Household sewer pumps come in the following versions:

  • (equipped with a chopper).

A pump of this type is installed directly behind the toilet no further than 40 cm and is a box approximately the size of a toilet flush cistern. The color of the pump body can be chosen so that it matches the color of the toilet and is not noticeable. The unit is connected to the drain pipe from the toilet. When the toilet flushes, it fills the pump, where metal grinder blades grind fecal matter and toilet paper. Such a pump will not cope with more serious debris, for example, a towel and personal hygiene products.

After grinding the waste, wastewater is pumped through a pipeline into the sewer riser. Typically, such toilet pumps are capable of pumping liquids up to 10 m in height and up to 100 m in the horizontal plane. After the wastewater is sent to the sewer, the toilet water seal is filled with water again.

The pipes leaving the pump can have a diameter from 18 mm to 40 mm. This allows you to lay them without harm overall design premises, for example, for plasterboard sheathing or under the ceiling. Grinder pumps allow you to install toilets in any room, regardless of the location of the sewer riser, as well as below the location of the main one sewer. For example, this could be a basement, ground floor, redevelopment in a standard apartment and moving the bathroom to another place.

The price of such sewage pumps depends on the manufacturer. For example, popular French pumps from the company Grundfos Sololift2 WC-1 And Sololift2 WC-3 cost 350 USD and 450 USD respectively. These are reliable units that come with a warranty. In addition, in the CIS countries there is a fairly developed network service centers who install and repair sewer pumps of this brand. Pumps from another French company, SFA (a direct competitor), are in approximately the same price range. Model SFA SaniBroyeur Silence costs, for example, 350 USD. Although they are a little cheaper, they have less power and pump to a lower height. And here is the pump Russian company Subline Service called Unipump Sanivort 600 will cost only 200 USD.

The maximum temperature of wastewater that a toilet sewer pump can pump is in the range of +35 °C - +50 °C. This is indicated in more detail in the instructions for the specific model. Also, many pumps have an additional inlet for draining from a washbasin, shower or bidet, or urinal. Therefore, the water temperature is great importance. If the water temperature is much higher, the pump may fail, although some models have protection installed that allows pumping hot water for a short time (30 minutes), but not constantly.

In addition to toilet pumps, which are a box measuring approximately 30x45x16 cm, there are also built-in grinder pumps for wall hung toilets. They are compact in size, thickness does not exceed 12 cm, so they are convenient to hide behind a plasterboard partition.

There are also models that combine a toilet and a pump without cistern. Such a device is not cheap ( SFA Sanicompact 43 costs 900 - 1000 USD), but it is convenient and takes up little space. The toilet is connected directly to the water supply network and has an additional outlet for draining the washbasin.

  • (without chopper).

Such pumps are also called sanitary pumps, as they pump dirty water, but are not equipped with a chopper, which means that the drained water should not contain foreign objects. Sewage pumps for the kitchen have several inlet pipes, so they can be connected to the drain from the kitchen sink, bathroom, shower and washbasin. They are installed in a cabinet under the sink or any convenient location. pay attention to maximum temperature wastewater that such a pump can pump. For example, model Sololift2 D-2 for showers, bidets and sinks, designed for water temperatures not exceeding +50 °C. This means that you cannot connect a dishwasher or washing machine to it. It is also important that kitchen pumps quickly become covered with a greasy coating from the inside and require timely cleaning.

This category of sewage pumps must be distinguished separately. Such units can remove hot wastewater from washing machines and dishwashers, as well as bathtubs and showers. For example, to the pump Grundfos Sololift2 C-3 You can connect a sink, dishwasher, bathtub and shower. The water temperature should not be higher than +75 °C; for a short time the pump can withstand a temperature of +90 °C. This French unit costs about 400 - 420 USD. Sewage pumps Wilo DrainLift TMP 32-0.5 EM And SFA SaniVite Silence also designed for water with a temperature of +75 °C and cost 350 - 400 USD.

  • Submersible sewage pump.

Such pumps are also called fecal submersible pumps, and they are radically different from all those described above. Submersible pumps are installed in a well or container into which wastewater from all over the world flows. country house. In principle, this can be not only Vacation home, this could be a cafe, restaurant, club or other facility that has an autonomous sewage system. The submersible sewage pump is equipped with a powerful motor and cutting mechanism, which is capable of shredding not only feces and toilet paper, but also fabric towels, rubber gloves, feminine hygiene products, terry towels and other large items. The only thing it cannot handle is stones and metal objects, which must be avoided from getting into the drains.

After crushing foreign matter, wastewater is pumped into a septic tank, where it is treated. Submersible sewage pumps are manufactured by companies such as Grundfos, Wilo, KSB, FLYGT, HOMA and GORMAN-RUPP. The body of such a pump and the grinder are usually made of cast iron or of stainless steel. The pump itself can be equipped with a float, signaling that the wastewater level has reached a point after which the pump should start pumping. In the same way, the float controls the shutdown of the unit.

For fecal sewer pumps, the price depends on the power of the unit. For example, a powerful pump PEDROLLO MS 30/50+QES300 remote control with a power of 2200 W costs almost 1000 USD, its analogue simpler power only 750 W PEDROLLO MCM 10/50 costs already 350 USD The price is also affected by the reputation and requests of the manufacturer. For example, a Ukrainian-made fecal pump DNIPRO-M will cost only 60 - 70 USD, although it has a power of 2750 W.

In addition to the above, household sewage pumps include: semi-submersible pumps and pumps that are mounted “dry”. Also popular KNS(sewage pumping stations), which are a ready-made container for wastewater in which a fecal pump is already installed required power. When choosing a pump for your home, be sure to read the characteristics of the unit and recommendations for its use, or better yet, consult with a specialist.

Industrial sewage pumps

Industrial sewer pumps are used in multi-storey buildings, remote sites, cottage villages and enterprises for pumping wastewater into city or autonomous sewerage. The same pumps are installed at pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants. Conventionally, industrial pumps can be divided into the following groups:

Submersible pumps are operated submerged in water at all times. Since the unit is located in an aggressive environment, its body and parts are completely made in accordance with the requirements for stability. The popularity of these types of pumps is due to the fact that they are used directly inside a sewage pumping station and do not require a special location for placement, as well as an additional pipeline.

It is also worth clarifying that submersible pumps are also suitable for “dry” installation, only in this case it is necessary to properly organize the pipe supply and pressure at the inlet pipe.

Such pumps are installed openly in the basements of high-rise buildings, as well as in industrial sewage pumping stations. Their main difference is that the pump and motor are located separately and connected by a coupling. At correct operation cantilever pumps can last for a long time without repairs or breakdowns. If repairs are necessary, it is easy to carry out, since the pump is in plain sight.

  • Self-priming sewage pump of dry installation.

Such pumps are installed in separate room at a specially equipped place inside the sewage pumping station (sewage pumping station). They have excellent characteristics, easy to maintain, but quite expensive, so they are rarely used nowadays.

When choosing an industrial sewage pump It is extremely important to choose a model from a manufacturer that can provide specialists for installation, and then deal with the accompanying diagnostics, maintenance and repairs.

Sewage pump installation

So, if there is a problem of the impossibility of moving wastewater by gravity, then there is nothing else left but to install sewage pumps. We have already considered that the scope of their application is diverse and it is imperative to choose specific model for specific tasks.

To be able to install the toilet in a place convenient for you, without being tied to the location of the sewer riser, you need to equip it with a sewer pump for the toilet. This applies not only country houses, but also apartments in which redevelopment has been carried out, as well as premises in the basement.

What pumps can be used to connect to the toilet? Grundfos pumps models Sololift2 WC-1, Sololift2 WC-3, Sololift2 CWC-3(wall mounting), company pump Wilo DrainLift KH 32-0.4 EM, pumps from SFA model SFA SaniTop Silence, SFA SaniBroyeur Silence, SFA SaniPRO XR Silence and others. These sewer pumps received the most flattering reviews. They are characterized as reliable and high-quality units.

Most toilet pumps have additional inlets, to which you can connect sink drain, soul, bidet And urinal. Therefore, with the help of one pump it is possible to remove wastewater from an entire bathroom.

The easiest way to connect a sewer pump to a toilet is to install a toilet with a built-in pump. You can see how this is done in the video example.

A conventional sewage pump is installed behind the toilet no further than 40 cm from it.

Tips for connecting a sewer pump to a toilet:

  • Pay attention to the diameter of the inlet pipe on the pump. It must match the outlet of the sewer drain pipe from the toilet (toilet bowl outlet). If the diameter of these holes is different, the installation will be incorrect.
  • Before installing the sewage pump, read the instructions carefully. Most often, it is equipped with all the necessary diagrams and recommendations, and the pump itself includes everything necessary, right down to the mounting screws.

  • The first step is to insert connecting elbows or supply pipes into the inlet pipes.
  • Then install the pump behind the toilet and secure it to the floor with screws. On the pump body there are special cast lugs with holes for such fastening.
  • All pipes supplying the pump should be located with a slope of 3 cm by 1 m, ensuring the movement of wastewater by gravity.

  • Then the outlet is connected to the outlet sewage pipe. What recommendations exist for its location are indicated in the photo example (dependence of pressure on the height and length of the pipeline).

  • If the sewage pump model requires ventilation, then it is necessary to remove ventilation duct above the ridge of the roof of the house. Although there are models with carbon filter, ensuring the absence unpleasant odors in the house.
  • The pump is connected to the electrical network through a 30 mA RCD. If the pump model is supplied with a ready-made plug, then it can be connected to a personal socket, the cable to which must be routed directly from the panel and the RCD.
  • All bends of outlet and inlet pipes must be smooth.
  • All pipeline connections must be made by soldering, welding or adhesive joints.
  • If there is a need to dispose of wastewater to vertical plane, then the vertical section of the outlet pipe must be made no further than 30 cm from the outlet of the pump. This will ensure normal pressure in the pipeline.

Please note that the toilet sewer pump cannot be installed below floor level or in pits. Only next to the toilet, ensuring easy access to the pump for maintenance and repair. To prevent the water that the pump removes from returning, a check valve must be installed on the outlet pipe.

If the kitchen is planned install a dishwasher or washing machine, then the sewage pump must be selected that is resistant to high temperature- up to +90 °C. The following models are suitable: Grundfos Sololift2 C-3, Wilo DrainLift TMP 32-0.5 EM And SFA SaniVite Silence. There are also more powerful models with storage tank, which can pump large volumes of wastewater from all appliances in the kitchen.

You can install a sewer pump in the kitchen anywhere - in a cabinet under the sink, near a wall, in a closet or other convenient place. The main thing is to calculate everything so that all supply pipes are located with a sufficient slope (3 cm per 1 m) and do not have too much great length. Otherwise you will have to use several pumps.

Tips for connecting a sewer pump for the kitchen:

  • If several pressure sewer pumps are used, they must have individual entrances to a common riser or main. Connecting the outlet pipes from the pumps into one is prohibited.
  • If the outlet pipe from the pump has an extended horizontal section, which is located below the pump level, then at the highest point it is necessary to install a valve (0.7 bar) to ensure air access after the pump is turned off.
  • If the pump model requires cooling electrical diagram air, then the pump will come with a special plastic tube, which must be inserted into a special hole in the housing and brought out vertically 50 - 80 cm above the pump. This will ensure a flow of air to cool the electrical circuits.

The outlet pipe from the pump must be made of hard plastic, such as polypropylene or polyethylene. Flexible corrugation cannot be used in pressure sewers.

A fecal pump is used to process and pump wastewater into a septic tank. In cases where it is impossible for wastewater to flow directly from the house into the septic tank, for example, if it is located far away, a collection well is installed next to the house, into which a sewage pump is installed. Sewage from the entire house flows into a collection well, where a pump crushes it and pumps it further into a septic tank for purification.

Also, installing a collection well is possible if the central sewer system is located at a distance and it is necessary to create a pressure capable of directing wastewater directly into it.

Most convenient option- purchase and installation KNS (Sewage Pumping Station). She represents plastic container of various volumes and shapes, the material of which is resistant to aggressive environments. The container is completely sealed and there is practically no danger of leaks. A fecal pump is installed inside the tank, which processes garbage and wastewater and pumps it further. Most often such pumps are submersible.

It is necessary to dig a pit of the required depth under the container. Only the hatch should remain on top. The bottom of the pit should be compacted, and then a concrete pad should be placed on top. To do this, crushed stone and sand are added, and then concrete is poured in a layer of 10 - 15 cm. After the concrete has hardened - after about a week - a sewerage station can be installed. It must be lowered carefully. The pump station must be strictly level - vertically.

The pump is connected strictly according to the instructions. For this purpose, a cable and chain are provided to lower and raise the pump. The outlet pipeline must be made with high quality by soldering or welding.

Then the KNS container must be filled with water, this will make it possible to sprinkle around the container. As the container is filled with water, the outside walls of the pump station can be filled with sand to the very top. The last 15 - 20 cm can be laid with turf. After fixing the pump station in the pit, the water can be drained.

Installing a sewer pump with your own hands is not a difficult task, but only if you strictly follow the instructions and do not make compromises. For example, you cannot install a sewage pump for a toilet in a collection well or connect a pump with a temperature limit of +35 °C to washing machine. Directly for connecting the pump is provided detailed instructions. If suddenly you cannot figure it out on your own, do not take risks, seek help from professionals.