Cooking delicious millet porridge for children and adults - step-by-step recipes. Cook millet porridge according to recipes using milk and water

Millet porridge is undeservedly bored at the back of our kitchens and is far from taking first place in the preparation of various dishes. It is inferior to pasta, potatoes, rice and buckwheat in its presence on the Russian menu. But in vain.

Just a hundred years ago it was very popular; its popularity among the Slavs dates back several centuries.

Porridge was brought to Europe from China, which is considered its homeland.

Today millet porridge is very popular in India, Africa, and China. In short, wherever there are problems with water, there is poor soil.

IN Western Europe millet porridge is gaining crazy popularity not only due to its nutritional and beneficial properties. Nowadays, the percentage of people with a “disease of civilization”, namely gluten intolerance, is increasing. For such people, it becomes the basis of the diet and a basic product.

Millet porridge is rich in phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, vitamins PP, E, microelements manganese, iron and copper.

Potassium normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Sulfur is a source of beauty, responsible for the condition of nails, hair, and skin. This is especially important for women.

This porridge is cheap, which goes against its nutritional value and usefulness.

Porridge has unique properties for alkalizing the body, especially after consuming dairy products, as well as coffee, potatoes, meat, white bread, promoting oxidation of the body. After all, it is in an acidic body that cancer cells originate and develop. Porridge promotes prevention and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Those who have constant problems with fungal diseases should also pay attention to millet porridge. After all, fungus is also a sign of “acidification” of the body.

Those who have frequent runny noses and wet coughs should also increase their consumption. Porridge helps remove mucus from the body and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Vegetarians have long accepted this porridge as one of the staple foods, because they are supporters healthy image life and proper nutrition. And millet porridge, like no other product, meets these criteria. That is why It is best to cook millet porridge in water, preserving its alkaline properties.

She is indispensable during Lent. You can prepare it without oil and serve it with vegetable salad.

How to choose and prepare cereals for cooking?

It is better to buy cereals in transparent packs. The grains must be whole, yellow, without spots or darkening. The cereal should have a slight milky smell. Rotted grains with a stale smell can be used if you wash the cereal and heat it in a frying pan. The smell and rancid taste will almost go away, but the beneficial substances will also go away.

When choosing cereals in the store, you should also pay attention to the fact that they come in two colors: pale yellow and rich yellow.

Pale yellow indicates that the cereal is cleared of shell and film and is polished. It is lower in calories, but also, due to purification, does not contain fiber, which removes harmful substances.

Cereals with rich yellow called "dranet". The grain here is not polished and the cereal retains all the beneficial substances. It is heavier on the stomach, however, and medicinal properties her higher. For inflammatory processes and colds, it is prescribed.

Before cooking, the cereal must be sorted and cleared of small debris. Then rinse in cold water so many times that clean water remains after rinsing.

Next, you can prepare the porridge according to several recipes - with and without steaming. In this case, it is better to use thick-walled dishes or cauldrons. This way the porridge will open up better. The main thing when preparing millet is to make it crumbly. There are some secrets for this, which we will consider below.

Millet porridge in water with steaming (with preparation)

Pour one glass of washed millet cereal with 3 glasses of boiling water and leave to steam for 20-30 minutes. The porridge will steam, take on water and cook faster. The grain will also remove the bitterness that is sometimes present there. Next, drain the water and pour the porridge into about 3 cups of boiling water. The proportions of millet to water when steaming are 1: 3. Immediately add salt to taste. Reduce the heat, cover the pan and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring the porridge occasionally with a wooden spoon.

When the porridge has absorbed almost all the water, you can add about 30-40 g of butter and gently mix the cereal. The base is ready. It can be served with meat, poultry, vegetables, and mushrooms. You can also add raisins, honey, nuts.

Millet porridge in water without steaming

Pour the washed cereal (1 cup) into a cauldron with cold water(4 cups), add salt (0.5-1 tablespoons, depending on preference) and place over medium heat. The proportions of millet to water are 1: 4. After boiling, reduce the heat. Cooking time is about 20-30 minutes under a closed lid over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After 20 minutes, add butter, the water from the porridge should almost all evaporate. Mix everything. If desired, you can season the porridge with beaten egg. Let the porridge simmer with the oil for about 5 more minutes. A nutritious and healthy side dish is ready.

Vegetarian millet porridge with mushrooms

Cook millet porridge according to any of the above recipes. Fry one onion in a frying pan until slightly golden brown. Add about 0.5 kg of sliced ​​champignons and about one small carrot, grated on a fine grater, to the mushrooms and fry the mushrooms and carrots until done. Next, mix the porridge with mushrooms, onions and carrots. Add a pinch of dried tomatoes, dried basil and dried garlic. Add everything to taste and simmer in a cauldron for about 5 minutes. Add a little if necessary warm water. Then turn off the heat and let the porridge brew. Ready! Maximum benefits with minimum calories.

Until recently, millet porridge was the main dish on the Russian table, but now it has been undeservedly forgotten, having been turned into feed for chickens. This cereal, even cooked in water, contains a lot of fiber and other useful substances and is considered dietary. There are many recipes for cooking millet porridge. Regardless of the cooking method, it turns out very tasty, satisfying and healthy. They prepare it for breakfast for children and for dietary nutrition.

Preparing millet for making porridge

To make the dish tasty, you need to choose the right grains. There are different types of millet. A very tasty and crumbly dish is prepared from yellow grains; lighter grains are suitable for porridge porridge. Eat different types cereals: crushed, crushed or polished. For preparation, yellow and non-shiny grains are used, previously separated from films and shells.

There is also millet-dranets on sale, but it has a bitter taste, so it is rarely prepared and consumed. You should not stock up on such grains in advance - they acquire a bitter taste when stored for a long time. It is better to buy millet, preferably in the quantity needed for one time.

Often in cereals there is litter: impurities of other grains and husks. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully sort out and rinse several times until the water becomes clear (about 4-5 washes will be needed). Sometimes the cereal is poured cooled boiled water, leave for several hours to swell - then you will need to cook it less (it will cook faster).

How to cook millet porridge correctly - recipes with photos

Only by properly preparing millet can you get delicious porridge. By eating it, you cleanse the body well. Millet (millet groats are obtained from it by purification) contains substances that can bind ions heavy metals. Thanks to them, it is eliminated from the body a large number of waste and toxins. Consumption of millet helps fight early wrinkles and prevents premature aging.

Millet porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Modern housewives have fallen in love with the multicooker; it provides the opportunity to cook almost any food, but there is no need to stand over the cooker at the stove. Millet is no exception. If you cook it in a slow cooker with milk and adding cream, the dish turns out very tasty and tender. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • millet cereal – 1 cup;
  • milk – 3 glasses;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • cream - glasses;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Lay out the food, sort it out, rinse the grains, and drain through a sieve.
  2. Place all ingredients except butter in a slow cooker. Select the “Porridge” mode, set the timer for an hour.
  3. After the beep, open the lid, add oil, set the “Keep Warm” mode and leave for 15 minutes so that the millet acquires the appropriate consistency.
  4. Scatter the porridge onto plates and serve. Add herbs or dried fruits if desired.

How to cook crumbly porridge in water

The classic recipe is millet porridge with water. What i need to get crumbly porridge have to take:

  • cereals – 1 glass;
  • water – 1.5 cups;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare and wash the millet. Pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour boiling water over it, and leave to steep for a while.
  2. Drain the water, add clean water, and put on fire.
  3. After boiling, add salt to the porridge and cover the pan with a lid.
  4. Cook over low heat for 25 minutes.
  5. Place the finished porridge on plates, add butter and serve.

With pumpkin in the oven

Pumpkin with millet is a colossal supply of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. It turns out to be satisfying, but at the same time dietary and hypoallergenic. For the porridge you will need the following ingredients:

  • peeled pumpkin – 200-300 g;
  • millet – 300 g;
  • milk – 900 ml (it is better to take homemade or high-fat milk);
  • dried fruits - optional;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - teaspoon;
  • cinnamon, vanillin or sugar - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pumpkin and chop it. Sort the grains and rinse.
  2. Fill the pot in the following order: first add pumpkin, then millet, salt, sugar, vanillin, dried fruits. Pour milk over everything. The pot must be taken in such a way that it is filled no more than 2/3. This is necessary so that the milk does not boil away during the cooking process.
  3. Cover with a lid or foil, place in the oven, cook at 150-180 degrees for 30-45 minutes (time depends on temperature). 5 minutes before it is ready to open the porridge so that it acquires a golden brown crust.
  4. Serve by adding butter.

In the microwave

When cooking in the microwave, you will be sure that nothing will escape or burn. To prepare 3 servings you will need:

  • millet – 1 cup (180 g);
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter.

Prepare millet porridge in the microwave as follows:

  1. Rinse the cereal, pour into a container suitable for use in microwave oven. Cereals should not fill more than half of the pan.
  2. Pour half the volume of water (1.5 cups) and place in the microwave for about 5 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, the second half of the water needs to be boiled, which will reduce the time for preparing the porridge.
  4. After the microwave beeps, take out the pan, add the remaining water, salt, and sugar. Cover the pan with a lid and send it back for 2-3 minutes, first reducing the power.
  5. After this, leave the porridge in the microwave to steep for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, add vegetables and fruits as desired.

How long to cook millet porridge for fishing

Millet porridge is widely used among fishermen. It is used to feed carp, carp, and bream. In order for the fish to appreciate your efforts, you need to prepare the porridge correctly in strict accordance with the proportions and know how much to cook the millet. Before cooking, the cereal is thoroughly washed and sorted so that there is no debris in it. The porridge is cooked in a ratio of 1 to 8 (1 part cereal to 8 parts water) for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the millet should swell and begin to burst. It is poured into already boiled water.

Do not overcook the porridge and be careful that it does not burn. Otherwise, it will become useless for baiting fish. If there is a burnt smell, there will be no catch - carp and other species cannot tolerate such an aroma. Other products are often added to porridge: peas, halva, ground seeds. This way the fish will not lose interest in the bait and will not get full quickly.


There are many ways to prepare delicious, satisfying millet porridge. Delicious dish comes out with milk and apples. Fruits add a special taste, sourness and pleasant aroma. How to cook millet porridge with apples, watch the video below. The whole process is shown in detail, so everyone can prepare the dish. If you haven't tried cooking millet yet, just follow the tips.

In Rus', millet porridge on water was considered the main dish. Over the years they forgot about her. And this is in vain, because it is nutritious and healthy. To prepare it correctly, follow the recommendations and cook according to proven recipes.

It is important to prepare this healthy porridge correctly.

Buy cereal packaged in transparent bags. Choose millet that is more yellow in color - the porridge from it will turn out more crumbly.


  • millet cereal - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • water - 720 ml;
  • sugar;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Take a saucepan, add the cereal and add water (240 ml). Boil.
  2. Take a sieve, pour out the contents of the pan and rinse the cereal. This procedure helps clean the millet and rid it of unnecessary debris.
  3. Return back to the saucepan. Add salt, sprinkle with sugar and pour in the remaining water. Do not cover with a lid during cooking.
  4. When the water reaches the level of the cereal, add oil. Without this product the mass will not turn out crumbly.
  5. Cover with a lid, remove from heat and let stand for half an hour. The lid must not be opened at this time.

How long does it take to cook porridge?

Depending on how you cook the cereal, it will take different amounts of time to get it ready.

  • It will take 20 minutes in the pan to get a crumbly dish.
  • If you like viscous or watery porridge, you will have to spend half an hour.
  • You need to cook millet porridge in a double boiler for 50 minutes.
  • And in a slow cooker you should wait 40 minutes for a crumbly dish and 60 minutes for a viscous consistency.

Proportions of cereal and water

Many people are unable to cook porridge so that it is crumbly. The main mistake is adding too much water. To obtain the desired state, you need to add exactly 2.5 glasses of water to one glass of millet.

Cooking step by step in a slow cooker

Cooking millet porridge in a slow cooker is very convenient. There is no need to monitor the preparation, you can go about your business, and the device will carry out the entire procedure itself.


  • millet - 1 cup;
  • sugar;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • butter - 35 g.


  1. Clear millet of debris. Rinse. Place in a bowl.
  2. Pour in water, add salt and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Set the mode. Depending on the model of the device, you can select “Porridge” or “Stew”. Turn the timer to 40 minutes.
  4. Place oil. Switch to “Keep Warm” and set the timer for eight minutes.

In the oven

It is convenient to use pots for cooking in the oven. The porridge from them will not be able to escape, will not burn, and will turn out crumbly and aromatic. And most importantly, it will remain warm for a long time.


  • sugar;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • millet cereal - 185 g;
  • salt;
  • water - 410 ml.


  1. Sort out the grains, rinse and place in a pot. The cereal should occupy half the volume.
  2. Add salt, sprinkle with sugar and add water. The liquid should not reach the edge of the pot by two fingers. Cover with a lid.
  3. Place in an oven that has not yet been heated - the pot should warm up simultaneously with the oven.
  4. Select 180ºС. Wait an hour.

If you want to make the porridge more aromatic and tastier, you can add prunes or dried apricots cut into pieces.

Porridge with pumpkin on water

A nutritious and satisfying dish that contains a large amount of vitamins, goes well with pumpkin. The orange vegetable will help make the food aromatic, rich and very tasty. This is a great option for breakfast.

It is best to cook this porridge in water. And lovers of milk porridges, after the water has evaporated, can pour almost ready dish a little milk to give the porridge a special taste.


  • millet cereal - 1.5 cups;
  • pumpkin - 700 g;
  • salt;
  • water - 480 ml.


  1. Select seeds from the vegetable and cut it. It's best if you get small cubes.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add water and cover with a lid. Do not close tightly - you need to allow the steam to escape. It will take 10 minutes to prepare. During this time the vegetable will become soft.
  3. Rinse the cereal. Once is not enough. The process should be repeated several times - the water should remain clear. If you want the cereal to boil faster, you can pour boiling water over it.
  4. When the pumpkin has become soft, add millet to it, add salt and stir gently so that the vegetable pulp does not fall apart.
  5. Boil for a quarter of an hour. To prevent the mass from sticking to the bottom, stir periodically.
  6. When most of When the liquid evaporates, remove from the stove and add oil. Close the lid and cover the pan with a blanket. Leave for half an hour. During this time, the millet will boil down completely.

Cooking option for the little ones

Young children should be introduced to millet after introducing other types of cereals. If the baby is bottle-fed, then perfect time try cereals - 8 months. If on natural - 9 months. It is extremely rare that porridge causes allergies, but the first time it is enough to give half a teaspoon and gradually increase the amount to required norm. Infants should cook only with water.


  • millet cereal - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. Rinse the cereal, place in a saucepan and add water.
  2. When the liquid boils, remove the foam, set the heat to low and cook until the liquid has reduced.
  3. Salt, add sugar and add butter. Mix. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour.

  • Don't buy cereal for future use. Unlike other types, millet cereals are stored for much less time. If you hold it for a long time, it will acquire a bitter taste.
  • If the cereal has been sitting for a long time and has become bitter, then you should pour boiling water over it, and then place it in a frying pan and dry it.
  • Millet is a highly contaminated grain, so it must be rinsed very well until the water remains clear.
  • When purchasing, choose polished grains. The crushed one will make a viscous porridge.
  • When cooked, light-colored millet will never turn out crumbly.

Properly prepared millet porridge can become both a side dish for meat or chicken, and a full-fledged independent dish. Especially if you supplement it with vegetables, mushrooms or other delicious additives. The recipes published below will tell everyone who is interested in how to cook millet porridge in water deliciously.

Millet porridge with water - a classic recipe

If you generously add butter to the treat, it will not turn out dry and bland. In addition to this ingredient (70-90 g), take: 2.5 glasses of water, half a small spoon of salt, 1 glass of millet.

  1. The cereal is carefully sorted and gets rid of any debris that could spoil the porridge. In a fine sieve, the millet is washed until the water is completely transparent.
  2. Next, the millet is poured with boiling water and left for an hour. During this time, the cereal will swell slightly. All its bitter taste will remain in the liquid.
  3. Prepared millet is poured drinking water and salted. When the salt has completely dissolved, you can put the container with the cereal on the stove, bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. The treat should be stirred approximately every 5-8 minutes.
  5. All that remains is to add oil to the dish.

If you plan to make a sweet treat, then replace the salt with granulated sugar or natural bee honey.

How to cook crumbly millet porridge in water?

Housewives are usually puzzled by this question when they plan to serve boiled millet as a side dish. In order for the food to be crumbly, you need to choose high-quality cereals and prepare them correctly. In addition to millet (180 g), take: a little more than 2 tbsp. water, sugar and salt to taste, any vegetable oil.

  1. The millet is sorted and washed to rid it of production dust and debris.
  2. At the end, the product is doused with boiled water so that it does not taste bitter in the finished dish. This will also ensure the dish is crispy.
  3. In a thick-walled container, bring water to a boil. The prepared cereal is poured into it. All that remains is to add spices, a couple of tablespoons of oil and cook the porridge for about 25 minutes until thick.

With added pumpkin

A bright ripe vegetable will not only decorate the millet, but will also add health benefits to it and make the taste richer. In addition to pumpkin (680 g), the following will be used: 375 g of millet, 800 ml of pure drinking water.

  1. The vegetable is peeled and cored, and then chopped very finely.
  2. The pumpkin is transferred to a pan of boiling water and cooked for 12-15 minutes.
  3. The cereal is washed running water until she completely gets rid of white plaque. The millet is poured into the pan with the vegetable, and the products are simmered together for 25-30 minutes with occasional stirring.

The dish is removed from the heat after cooking, wrapped in a blanket and left for about half an hour.

Cooking in a slow cooker - step-by-step recipe

A smart device can be used of any brand and model. From the products you need to prepare: 1 tbsp. millet cereal, a pinch of granulated sugar and salt, 480 ml of water, 45 g of high-quality butter.

  1. The millet is thoroughly washed with cold water and then doused with boiling water.
  2. In a deep bowl, the cereal is filled with the amount of liquid specified in the recipe, salted, and sweetened. You can add any spices to your taste.
  3. In the “Milk porridge” program, the dish is cooked for a period of time programmed automatically by the multicooker.

After the appropriate signal, you need to simmer the heated dish for another 15-20 minutes.

On water in the oven

For this method of preparing porridge will be used open pot for baking or heat-resistant pan. You also need to prepare foil to cover the container along with its contents. From the products you should take: 2 tbsp. boiling water, 70 g butter, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. millet cereal, 2 tbsp. sugar and honey.

  1. First of all, the millet is traditionally washed (until the water is clear). Next, it is soaked in boiling water for about half an hour.
  2. The cereal is mixed with sugar and salt, and then placed in the selected baking bowl. The best solution will become a special wide ceramic pot.
  3. The mixture is poured with honey on top. Its quantity should be adjusted according to your own taste. It is better to melt the sugared bee product in advance in the microwave.
  4. The open container is covered with foil and placed in a well-heated oven for 50-55 minutes.

About 5 minutes before cooking, remove the coating and add butter to the dish.

Hearty dish with potatoes

This is a full-fledged side dish that was extremely popular in Rus'. The food even had proper name"Plum" Currently, it is especially popular in Kuban and is traditionally prepared in a Russian oven. But you can also use a microwave for cooking. Ingredients you will need: 2 large potato tubers, 1.5 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. water, 0.7 tbsp. fat milk, 1 tbsp. millet. How to prepare millet porridge with potatoes is described in detail below.

  1. Potatoes are washed, peeled and cut. The cubes should be very small.
  2. The millet also needs to be prepared first - rinsed and doused with boiling water.
  3. Both of these products will be cooked together. You can salt them immediately, and add milk 5-7 minutes before the end of the program.
  4. In the “Porridge” mode, the dish simmers for 35 minutes.
  5. The food is served with melted butter.

You can also cook porridge in the oven, placing it in portions or one large ceramic pot. In this case, the cooking time will depend on the size of the dish and the type of potato. As soon as the vegetable becomes soft and the cereal absorbs water, you can cool the treat and serve it to your family.

How to prepare millet porridge for children?

Many kids love millet for its softness and delicate taste. They enjoy eating porridge with the addition of nuts and dried fruits. Such components make the treat even more healthy and nutritious. From the additives take: a small handful of dried apricots, prunes and almonds. From the main products: 1 tbsp. millet cereal, 0.5 tsp. fine salt, 3 tbsp. hot drinking water, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.

  1. After thorough washing, the millet is poured warm water and infuses for 5-7 minutes. The liquid is drained. If it is not yet transparent, you can repeat the procedure again.
  2. Then the cereal is placed in a saucepan over medium heat and cooked for approximately 15-17 minutes after boiling, until all the water has evaporated.
  3. Nuts and dried fruits in separate bowls are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes.
  4. Next, the almonds are peeled and finely chopped. Prunes and dried apricots are chopped with a sharp knife. If desired, you can use dates, raisins, etc.
  5. The additives, along with salt and sugar, are poured into the dish a couple of minutes before it is ready. After thorough mixing, the food will be infused for another 5-7 minutes under a closed lid.

If desired, you can replace granulated sugar with natural bee honey, add vegetable, ghee or butter to the crumbly millet porridge in water.

Chefs in modern restaurants are real experts in a variety of culinary styles, from classic to exotic. But among them you are unlikely to find a cook - so housewives have to master this honorable specialty on their own in order to feed their loved ones healthy cereals at home. A real professional in his business, he must master a considerable repertoire, therefore, even if the household members are accustomed to and love oatmeal and buckwheat, it’s time to diversify the diet with other cereals. For example, millet - it will enrich your diet with many useful substances, we will tell you how to cook millet deliciously so that both adults and children will like it.

Chemical composition and benefits of millet
Millet is often called sun grain, and it deserves this name not only because of its bright yellow color. Millet groats are obtained from heat-loving and heat-resistant millet, freed from scales. For a long time in Rus', porridge or millet stew was cooked right on the field, and this simple food did not get boring day after day, practically equivalent to bread. But today, from the heights of modern scientific knowledge, we can say with confidence that millet is healthier than bread. It is high in protein (11-12%) and complex carbohydrates (69%), and fat contains many omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, characteristic of red fish. Therefore, millet should not be stored in a warm place - healthy, but vulnerable fats spoil and impart bitterness to the cereal. But when proper storage in a cool room with good ventilation, millet cereal retains maximum of its properties. For example, it promotes hematopoiesis and strengthens blood vessels, heart muscle and bone tissue.

As a dietary product, millet is known for its ability to prevent the deposition of fat in the body, especially if boiled in water. But adding milk, cottage cheese, and fruit makes millet porridge even tastier, and at the same time enhances the effect of its natural chemical components. Among them, a significant place is occupied by B vitamins and vitamin PP, which have a positive effect on the condition nervous system, skin, hair, normalizing blood pressure and improving appetite. Millet is very useful for people experiencing increased physical and psychological stress, problems with concentration, irritability, and fatigue. Mineral composition Millet cereal is characterized by an outstanding content of silicon, iron, fluorine, calcium and magnesium and a surprisingly low content of potassium. Millet promotes digestive processes and tones intestinal motility with the help of natural plant fibers. Their number depends on the degree and type of processing of millet during the production of cereals:

  • Whole millet that has not been processed beyond peeling and light sanding. Has a pale yellow color and retains maximum beneficial properties. The porridge from it turns out crumbly.
  • Whole millet, additionally peeled and steamed. It has a rich yellow color, boils faster than other types during heat treatment and is absorbed faster. It has a higher glycemic index.
  • Crushed millet is a “fragment” of whole grains and has a pale beige and yellowish color. It overcooks and forms a viscous porridge. Less tasty, but no less useful look than other millet cereals.
Simply put, all varieties of millet are healthy, but porridges made from them differ in taste and consistency. When choosing millet, do not forget that it has a diuretic effect, independent of the type of cereal. In addition, people with disabilities should not get carried away with millet. increased acidity stomach and related diseases to avoid heartburn. Elderly people sometimes complain of constipation after eating millet. But all these contraindications do not in any way detract from the effectiveness of millet in treating diseases of the liver and urinary system, mitigating the symptoms of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, most smart choice- This is moderate regular consumption of millet porridge cooked in water. In this form, millet will bring maximum benefits to the body and minimum troubles.

Recipes for millet porridge on water
In addition to its wonderful taste and therapeutic qualities, millet is also universal base for preparing any dishes: main and side dishes, sweet and salty. It equally successfully acts as a component of soups and casseroles, desserts and baked goods, not to mention cereals, the range of which is worthy of a separate cookbook. We invite you to master the best of them and make one or more of these recipes your favorite:

  1. Friable millet porridge on water. Take 1 cup of millet, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of butter and a pinch of salt. Rinse the cereal with cool running water as many times as necessary so that no debris remains and the water becomes clear. Place the millet in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Then cover with a lid and, stirring regularly, cook the porridge for 20 minutes. Make sure that the millet does not stick to the walls of the pan and that there is enough liquid. Skim off the foam that forms during boiling. If necessary, you can add more water. 20 minutes after boiling, salt the porridge, add oil and stir. Bring the millet to readiness for 5 minutes under the lid. Turn off the heat and wait another 5 minutes before serving. This porridge is an excellent side dish for any meat or fish dish.
  2. Thick millet porridge on water. Take 1 cup of millet, 3 cups of water for preparing cereals, 3 cups of water for cooking porridge, 1 tablespoon of butter and a pinch of salt. Sort the millet and rinse in cool water until it becomes clear. Boil 3 glasses of water in a kettle and pour in the millet. After a minute, drain the water. Boil 3 more cups of water. Place the millet in a pan with thick walls, add oil, salt and stir. Pour boiling water over and place on low heat. Bring to a boil and, stirring regularly and skimming, cook for 10 minutes until thick. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180°C. Remove the pan with porridge from the heat, close the lid tightly and place in the oven for 40 minutes. The best additions to this millet are onions fried in a frying pan and/or lard cracklings.
  3. Millet porridge with water in pots. Take 1 cup of millet, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Rinse the millet thoroughly with cold water until it runs clear. Then place in a ceramic heatproof pot or distribute among several pots. Immediately add sugar, salt and butter (if cooking in portioned pots, distribute all ingredients equally). Fill with water, close the lids loosely and place on the middle rack of the oven, preheated to 180°C. Leave for 30-40 minutes. After this time, stir the porridge, close the lid again - this time tightly. Leave in the oven for at least 30, maximum 60 minutes. Millet porridge with water prepared in this way turns out to be very aromatic and looks appetizing.
  4. Millet porridge with water in the microwave. To prepare one serving, use approximately 1/3 cup millet, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon salt or 1 teaspoon sugar (depending on desired flavor). Place thoroughly washed millet in a microwave-safe bowl with a wide bottom. Add butter, salt or sugar. Add water and mix well. Place in the microwave and turn the oven on maximum power for 5 minutes. Then stir the millet and add water, because the first portion of the liquid will boil away by this time. Return to microwave and cook on high for another 2 minutes. Stir and place in the oven for a third time at maximum power for 2 minutes. After turning off the microwave, do not remove the bowl of porridge for another 3 minutes to allow it to cook and steam. It is convenient to prepare such porridge in small quantities for one or two people, so that it can be eaten freshly immediately.
  5. Millet porridge with water in a slow cooker. Take 1 cup of millet, 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of oil (butter or vegetable) and a pinch of salt. Rinse the millet grains several times until the water runs clear. Then transfer the millet into the multicooker bowl, add salt and oil. Fill with water. Place a steam pan on top if the multicooker design allows for it. Close the lid and set the device to " Buckwheat" or "Cooking", depending on technical features models. Cook for 45 minutes. After the multicooker turns off, do not open the lid for another 5-7 minutes to allow the porridge to brew.
  6. Millet porridge with pumpkin. Take 1 cup of millet, 1 kg of pumpkin pulp, 2 cups of water, 3 tablespoons of butter, a handful of seedless raisins. Soak the raisins in boiling water for 15 minutes, then squeeze. Rinse the millet in cool water several times. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Place the cereal, pumpkin and raisins in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Pour in water, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. Then cover with a lid and cook for another 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add oil, stir the porridge and cook for 5 minutes under the lid. Remove from heat and, without opening the pan, leave for 10 minutes, then serve.
There are many more ways to diversify the taste of millet in water. This porridge is so “accommodating” with other ingredients that it harmonizes perfectly with cottage cheese, dried fruits, and condensed milk. Shortly before it is ready or just before eating, you can add chopped fresh fruit or fruit puree to the millet, boiled in water and butter, and sprinkle with grated chocolate or nuts. During cooking, millet greatly increases in volume - up to 5 times, depending on the amount of water. Therefore, if you did not calculate the amount of cereal and cooked more porridge than you could eat, you can prepare a casserole, meatballs or pudding from the remaining millet. All these dishes will retain the benefits and transform the taste of millet. Experiment with recipes - and you will be surprised how you managed without millet before. Bon appetit!