In the spring, garlic began to turn yellow, what should I do? Garlic turns yellow: reasons, what to do, what to water garlic to prevent the leaves from turning yellow

Garlic is one of the most favorite crops among gardeners. Already in early March, its shoots delight the eye and become a harbinger of spring. However, the summer resident’s joy may give way to anxiety. Very often, when you go out into the garden, you can observe how the juicy, green leaves of garlic have turned into a yellowing feather. What to do if this problem occurs to a vegetable?

Why does garlic turn yellow in the garden? What should I do to get a high yield?

Lack of nutrition is one of the reasons for yellowing of garlic leaves

Causes of yellowing of garlic. Troubleshooting this issue

In many areas, in spring period, yellowing of garlic leaves can be observed. To combat this problem, you need to know the causes of yellowness. And only after this carry out agrotechnical measures. So why does garlic turn yellow in the spring?

Yellowing of the crop may be due to early planting. Vegetables should be planted at a certain time; this factor is very important for plant growth. Gardeners living in the middle zone of the country should plant garlic no earlier than the twentieth of October, but for the south optimal time it will be mid-November.

Early planting can result in green shoots as early as fall. As a result, the leaves will be caught by frost, which will lead to yellow feathers in the spring.

Mulching the beds after planting in the fall is mandatory.

To prevent severe frosts from damaging the crop, it must be covered with a thick layer of mulch at the time of planting. If, however, mulching has not been done, then treat the plant with any biological preparations.

Lack of moisture causes yellowing and curling of leaves

Second reason yellow leaves garlic may become too low or too high in moisture. Violation of the air-water balance leads to damage to the crop. What to do in this situation? If there is little precipitation in the spring, the plant is watered once every fourteen days. If spring is hot and dry, then water the vegetable once every seven days. During rainy seasons, you should forget about watering the plant.

Every summer resident should remember important rule: Garlic tolerates drought more easily than moisture.

Yellowing of the crop can be caused by various diseases or pests. Despite the fact that garlic very often repels pests from other plants, it still has its own ailments. Damage to the vegetable may be due to the scourge of downy mildew, rot, rust, mold, onion fly or mite. What to do?

Onion fly larvae attack the stem from the inside

Determining the presence of a pest or disease is not difficult. It is necessary to dig up a head of garlic with yellow tips and look for the presence of rot, mold, rotting of the root system, larvae in the area of ​​the bulb, or a pinkish coating.

Garlic pest - rattle beetle

What to do to prevent the defeat of culture?

Never plant garlic in the same area for several years. Before planting, make a weak solution of manganese, where the crop cloves should remain for at least twelve hours. Renew planting material every five years.

Plant mint or calendula next to the garlic. The roots of these plants contain a small percentage of toxic substances and can protect the crop from a host of diseases.

White rot of the head causes death of roots and leaves

If the above reasons are not identified, and the garlic is susceptible to yellowing, then it lacks nutrients. In this situation, additional feeding will be needed. Garlic is not a demanding crop, so one feeding in the spring will be enough. It is produced when the ground has completely thawed from snow. How to treat a plant?

  • Place in a 20 liter container ordinary water, add 12 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of superphosphate, 12 grams of potassium.
  • Water at a certain time winter garlic from the proportion of 20 liters of liquid per 2 square meters. meters.
  • If there is a need for secondary processing, perform it after 30 days.

Many summer residents are opponents mineral fertilizers. What to do in this situation? Solving the problem is not difficult. The plant can be watered herbal infusion.

Root rot - the plant dies completely

What to do if yellowness has already affected the crop? Initially, feed the plant, then water the plant with complex fertilizer, and after seven days feed the roots of the vegetable.

Watering with herbal infusion will give plants nutrients

It is important to know: yellow leaves of a feather do not always indicate illness. Sometimes this may be due to the onion beginning to form. During this period, all the nutrients in the leaf are transferred to the future cloves.

Traditional methods of dealing with yellow garlic leaves

To combat pests and diseases that cause yellow garlic, many gardeners use traditional methods of protection:

Plant nearby plants that have a strong, spicy aroma (thyme, coriander).

The question arises: what vegetable should I plant next to garlic? The answer is clear - carrots! In spring, these plants will be able to protect each other from all misfortunes.

Fungal infection under the husk is the cause of yellowing leaves

Insects will not be terrible for the crop if everyone square meter Fertilize the soil with one matchbox of urea or saltpeter. After completing the procedure, water the soil generously.

Have you noticed the offspring of the onion fly? Use carbon-ammonium salt! When you carry out preventive maintenance on the beds, treat the soil with boiling water (three days before planting the crop).

Is the garlic turning yellow? Please use the information provided above and this problem will disappear!

Having learned and determined possible reasons yellowing of garlic, each gardener will be able to choose methods of processing and feeding the plant independently. It is very important to use watering and fertilizing in combination and in a timely manner. Then your garden beds will be adorned with green, lush and healthy garlic stalks!

What to do if it turns yellow winter garlic

The reasons for yellow leaves of winter garlic can be different: early boarding, lack of nutrition, frost, excess or lack of moisture. If you notice in time that the garlic leaves have turned yellow, you can correct the situation and get a good harvest in the spring.

You can feed garlic in the spring immediately after the snow melts.

Why does winter garlic turn yellow?

For winter planting It’s not enough to just plant garlic in the fall. It is also important to follow a technology that will help the vegetable grow and obtain all the necessary substances from the soil.

The main reason why garlic turns yellow isboarding too early. IN central region With moderate temperatures, garlic should be planted in early October. During this time, the teeth have time to take root, although they do not begin to grow. If you plant garlic earlier, by the first snow it will already have leaves, which under the snow will most likely turn yellow and the plant will be weak.

Follow the planting dates for your area, take into account the air and soil temperatures - then the garlic will overwinter better. If it turns out that you planted the garlic at the wrong time and it has already turned yellow, choose a suitable fertilizer for it and follow the watering regime. Gradually the seedlings will recover.

Source: Depositphotos

Another common reason isplanting garlic too deep or too shallow.It is optimal to plant the plant at a depth of 4-7 centimeters from the clove to the soil surface. If the garlic is already planted incorrectly, it can be insulated: mulch the beds of winter garlic with humus or cover the plantings with film in the spring.

Garlic may grow poorly and spoil because the composition of the soil on your site is not suitable for it. Garlic needs neutral soil to germinate.Increased soil acidity, which can negatively affect the plant, you can reduce by adding lime to the soil during autumn digging. On average, you will need 35–45 kg of lime per hundred square meters. After adding lime, the area must be dug up.

Lack of wateringNot ripening the garlic also has a bad effect. Plantings love moisture, so the soil should be moist and loose, enriched with oxygen. But keep in mind that excess moisture is also harmful, so watering should be moderate.

Source: Depositphotos

What fertilizers can be used to treat garlic?

If you notice that garlic is not growing very well, you can feed it, that is, fertilize the soil with organic matter and other useful substances. Manure or urea has a good effect on the growth of garlic.

Urea is used to fertilize the soil in a ratio of 1 Matchbox per 1 square meter of soil. It is also recommended to water the entire plant with urea: dilute the boxes in 10 liters of water and water the beds. About 3 liters of solution is enough per square meter of garlic.

You can use any manure for feeding beds: rabbit, sheep, horse, pig or cow. This fertilizer helps replenish potassium deficiency. Also, the amount of potassium in the soil can be increased with potassium fertilizers or ash. Prepare a solution: a glass of wood ash and two tablespoons of salt per bucket of water. This solution is good for fertilizing the soil where garlic grows.

Potassium sulfate for feeding garlic is diluted in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The fertilizer is sprayed on the foliage or sprayed with watering in a proportion of 15–20 grams of the substance per bucket of water.

What diseases cause garlic to turn yellow?

Garlic leaves may turn yellow due to disease. These are diseases such as:

  • White rotoccurs when there is a lack of nitrogen. A fluffy white coating is visible on diseased leaves.
  • Basal rot begins with yellowing of the tops of the leaves, which fades downwards.
  • Black mold manifested by yellowing of leaf blades and softening of bulbs. It occurs due to a sharp temperature change.
  • Fusarium usually caused by excess moisture. Brown stripes appear on the stems of a diseased plant. It is recommended to treat garlic with potassium permanganate against fusarium.
  • Rust easy to recognize by yellow specks and spots on the leaves. It spreads actively when the air is humid and it rains frequently.

Yellowing of garlic leaves is also caused by pests that live in the bulbs or on the leaves of the plant. This is a stem nematode, onion fly or tobacco thrips. You can fight them with approved insecticides, observing the timing and dosage.

Often the feathers of garlic that has begun to grow turn yellow. If measures are not taken in time, there will not be a good harvest.

The leaves can turn yellow on any garlic, no matter whether it is spring or winter. It’s bad when garlic turns yellow in the spring or at the height of summer, but by the time of harvesting, yellowing and drying out of the tops is normal. What to do if the garlic begins to turn yellow at the wrong time and how to treat it will be discussed below.


Typically, yellowing - chlorosis - begins at the ends. Gradually the yellow color spreads and development is delayed. As a result, the heads will grow small.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • damage by diseases and pests;
  • lack of macro- or microelements;
  • improper water regime;
  • cold weather.

You can determine what caused the yellowing in different ways.

Garlic planted last season turns yellow

When winter garlic turns yellow in early spring, it means that the plants have been frozen.

Garlic turns yellow in warm weather

Remove a few heads and look at the roots. If they are nibbled or the bottom is covered with mold, then the reasons for the poor condition of the plantings are diseases and pests.

Yellowing is caused by two diseases to which lilies are susceptible: fusarium and bacterial rot.


Fusarium or bottom rot manifests itself in that the tips of the garlic turn yellow, the leaves and stem dry out quickly, starting from the end. A pinkish coating appears in the sinuses, then the aerial part becomes covered with brown stripes. If you dig up an onion, you will immediately notice that its roots have almost disappeared, and the bottom has become soft and watery.

The disease is common in southern climate, but gardeners in the middle zone also encounter it in hot years. Crop losses due to fusarium can reach 70%.

Bacterial rot

Bacterial rot affects bulb crops. The disease manifests itself as brown dots on the surface of the teeth. Subsequently, the heads take on a “frozen” appearance and smell unpleasant. The garlic feathers turn yellow, then the leaves and arrows dry out and die, starting from the ends.

The sources of the disease are bacteria living in the soil. Microorganisms enter the plant through damage caused by onion flies, mites, nematodes and thrips.


Stem nematode is a microscopic pest that lives in the soil. The plant affected by the nematode brightens, the garlic leaves turn yellow, then the feathers curl and the bulb rots.

How to recognize a nematode: looking at the roots with a magnifying glass, you can see small worms no more than a millimeter long. Without a magnifying glass, they look like a pinkish coating on the surface of the bottom.

What's wrong with garlic?

Sometimes garlic in the garden turns yellow due to lack of nutrition. More often, the vegetable experiences a deficiency of nitrogen and potassium. The situation can be corrected by feeding.

Garlic responds well to mulching with humus. You can even use chicken manure, but it must sit in a pile for at least 2 years.

Mulching with organic matter - great way feeding. If garlic turns yellow in beds filled with humus, then the cause of chlorosis is not a nutritional deficiency, but something else.

Those who prefer to fertilize their garden with mineral water can use urea and potassium sulfate to prevent yellowing of garlic leaves. The latter fertilizer also contains sulfur, which is useful for garlic.

The chemical industry produces specialized fertilizers intended for garlic: Agricola 2, Kemiru Fertika. The fertilizer is dissolved in water and watered over the planted plants or scattered over the surface of the soil before digging.

You can carry out foliar feeding. The procedure is useful if the leaves of young plants have turned yellow. Urea or potassium sulfate is diluted in a concentration of a teaspoon per liter of water. The leaves are sprayed with a fine spray. Droplets of the working solution that fall on the leaf blades will be absorbed and the yellowness will disappear.

All onions love feeding with ash, as it contains a lot of potassium, which promotes the growth of bulbs and increases resistance to pests. The powder can be sprinkled on top of the bed if it is not mulched with organic matter. Mixing ash and humus is not recommended, as this leads to the disappearance of nutrients from fertilizers.

Ash is added when digging the beds or a water concentrate is prepared for foliar feeding according to the following recipe:

  1. Sift 300 g of ash.
  2. Pour boiling water over and heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth and dilute with 10 liters of water.
  4. Add a tablespoon liquid soap for sticking.

A common cause of yellowing of garlic feathers is lack of water. Chlorosis is caused not only by a lack of moisture, but also by an excess of moisture, as plant roots suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

When the water regime is disrupted, they are the first to dry out. lower leaves. Mulching with humus or peat will help solve the problem of a lack of irrigation water.

It is more difficult to help if the garlic is flooded. To prevent this from happening, in regions with high rainfall, vegetables are planted on raised beds. So that the roots can breathe, the surface of the soil is loosened after each watering, preventing the formation of a crust.

What to do if garlic turns yellow

Depending on what is the cause of the pathology, chemical, folk or agrotechnical measures will come to the rescue.

Ready-made products

Garlic diseases are easier to prevent. To do this, before planting, soak the teeth in diluted water. Pink colour potassium permanganate or the drug Maxim. Fitosporin is suitable, in which the cloves should be soaked for 15-25 minutes. You can disinfect not the planting material, but the soil by spilling the bed with a solution of one of the preparations.

Spray leaves caught by frost with growth stimulants: Silkom, Epin, Succinic acid. Stimulants increase plant immunity and promote the appearance of new leaves.

Silk contains triterpene acids produced coniferous trees. It is a natural regulator of plant growth and development that has a fungicidal effect.

Epin enjoys well-deserved love experienced gardeners. The drug contains an adaptogen, which has a pronounced anti-stress effect. Epin activates the plant's immunity at full capacity. As a result, garlic reacts less to frost, drought, and temperature changes.

The drug stimulates shoot formation, so young leaves quickly grow in place of dried leaves. Garlic damaged by frost or heat is sprayed with Epin once a week. Treatments are repeated until the plant recovers.

For spraying take rainwater, not hard tap water.

Epin contains the phytohormone Epibrassinolide, which domestic scientists managed to synthesize. The drug is almost never used abroad, but in Russia most agricultural crops are treated with it.

Succinic acid is a product of amber processing. Universal medicine for onions and garlic. It not only stimulates growth and improves immunity, but also serves as a source of microelements. Plant treated with stimulant:

  • becomes immune to major diseases;
  • quickly recovers from pest damage;
  • tolerates cold and drought.

It is important that it is impossible to overdose on a stimulant. Plants take only the required volume of the substance from the solution.

First, prepare a concentrated solution by diluting a gram of acid in a small volume of heated water. The concentrate is poured into a 10 liter bucket filled with clean water, and obtain a working solution suitable for spraying leaves and watering.

YAK can be purchased not only in gardening stores, but also in a regular pharmacy, since the product is an adaptogen and immune stimulant not only for plants, but also for humans.

Against harmful insects insecticides are used: Fufanon, Karbofos, Actellik.

Traditional methods

If small worms can be seen at the base of yellowed leaves, this means that an onion fly has laid eggs on the garlic. Getting rid of the pest is not difficult. Cup table salt dissolve in a bucket of water and spray the tops. Afterwards the worms will disappear.

Use 1 glass for each plant. saline solution. The next day, the bed is watered with plain water and the garlic is fed with ash.

But fight the nematode traditional methods and even “chemistry” is useless. Crop rotation also does not help, since worms can remain in the garden bed without food for many years. But it is known that the pest lives only in acidic soils. If the bed is infected with a nematode, you need to add lime or dolomite flour before planting garlic.

Tagetis and calendula sown between rows will help protect garlic. Pests do not like plants, as their sap is poisonous.

To repel onion flies, use shag mixed with lime 1:1. The beds are covered with powder during the first and second emergence of pests.

Prevention of yellow garlic

Prevention of garlic diseases is a properly designed crop rotation. The crop is planted in its old place no earlier than after 3 years. During this time, spores of bacteria and fungi in the soil lose their harmfulness.

Another preventive measure for chlorosis is correct agricultural technology, because yellowing can be caused by serious violations:

  • Shallow planting leading to freezing. The feathers do not turn yellow at the ends, but grow back chlorotic.
  • Premature landing. Early planted spring garlic is exposed to spring frosts. Winter varieties in the middle zone are planted no earlier than October, trying to time the planting so that the clove has time to take root in the soil, but does not throw out its leaves.
  • Soil acidification. Onions prefer a neutral pH. In overly acidic soils, it is necessary to add deoxidizers - lime, ash, dolomite, chalk, eggshells, cement.

To protect garlic from diseases caused by microorganisms, you need to ensure that the planting material is healthy. Do not plant cloves with rot spots or traces of mold, or use fresh manure when planting garlic, as it contains pathogen spores.

So, garlic can turn yellow for many reasons. Before starting treatment, be sure to diagnose and identify the cause of the problem. Only then take measures to eliminate the pathology.

Garlic leaves turn yellow after winter - common problem not only novice summer residents. After all, when growing winter and spring garlic in their plots, summer residents almost every year are faced with the problem of yellowing plant feathers. Most often, the appearance of faded spots on the tips of feathers is associated with a deficiency of certain nutrients, lack of moisture during drought and abundance of water in the soil during rainy summers. Let's figure out what to do if garlic leaves turn yellow, what folk remedy can be recommended? Do I need to cut them off? How to protect winter garlic from yellowing feathers next year?

Garlic – leaves turn yellow, what to do (folk remedy for prevention and treatment)

Many summer residents strive to remove yellow leaves from poorly overwintered garlic “for beauty’s sake.” But there is no need to pick/cut off the yellowed leaves - each feather forms a tooth in the head. It is clear that a leaf that dies early will not have time to produce good nutrition clove, and it will form small.

It may be necessary to reconsider and determine optimal timing planting – the time for planting winter garlic is different for each region. IN Middle lane teeth are planted in September-October, in the south - in October-November, and in the North-West as early as August (experience of G. Kizima).

When yellowed feathers are discovered in the spring, the first step is to loosen the plantation to activate the supply of oxygen to the roots, destroying the soil crust that impairs soil aeration. The event will improve the supply of nutrients to the roots when fertilizing.

Next, the beds are watered with a solution of organic or microbial fertilizers and mulched. A replenished layer of organic mulch will forever rid you of soil crust and confidently protect seedlings from spring frosts, after all common reason yellowing of the feather – frostbite.

In this case, spray the beds where frozen yellowed feathers are found with biostimulants - Epin-Extra, Novosil, Zircon, HB-101, Biostim. After autumn planting, try to cover the garlic bed with fallen leaves, then winter frosts sprouted teeth will more easily survive spring frosts.

Due to the late planting of winter garlic root system is poorly developed, and the tops actively rush upward in the spring, so it turns out that the roots do not have time to provide food to the feathers. Treatment with biostimulants will give a “quick” effect for the feather, but don’t forget about the roots - if the days are dry, water the bed well with the addition of Flora-S or Zircon. Such measures are good in April. In May, it is more useful to prepare liquid fertilizer from nettles or any other weeds.

Other causes of yellow garlic leaves and how to eliminate them

If the tops of seedlings in spring look lighter than usual, and yellow spots appear at the ends of the leaves, this indicates a lack of nitrogen compounds in the soil. The problem can be eliminated using root and foliar nitrogen fertilizing.

  • As for mineral fertilizers, vegetable growers who adhere to traditional agricultural practices use a solution of ammonium nitrate or urea (a tablespoon of the drug per 10 liters). clean water), spilling the planting at the rate of 5-10 liters for each square or spraying the plants with liquid from a spray bottle on the tops.
  • From organic matter, the most effective for replenishing nitrogen is an infusion of slurry (1:8) or a fermented infusion of weeds and mown grass (fill a bucket 2/3 full with green mass, add water, leave in a warm place for 10 days, dilute 1:5). The frequency of treatments is 2 times at the beginning of the growing season with an interval of 14-15 days.

Also, yellowing of garlic leaves can be caused by a lack of phosphorus and potassium. Garlic experiences the greatest need for these elements at the stage of formation and ripening of the bulbs, just after the shoots break off (June-July). Nutritional deficiencies can be eliminated with the help of phosphorus-potassium root and foliar feeding.

  • From mineral compositions use double superphosphate (25 g/bucket of water) and potassium magnesia (10 g/bucket of water), watering the plantation at the root of the seedlings or spraying the plantings on the leaves.
  • From natural fertilizers Ash works best. The first method of using ash is to dust the soil around each plant after routine loosening. The second is watering the beds with ash infusion (2 cups of sifted ash per 12 liters of water, leave for 1-2 days).

Signs of chlorosis are often difficult to identify. And if you don’t know what specific substances the plants lack, we recommend fertilizing the plantings with a complex organic solution rich in humus and all the mineral salts necessary for the development of the crop. Dilute bird droppings 1:15 in a bucket of water, add a glass of sifted ash to the liquid, let it stand overnight and pour soil between the rows and under the root of each bush.

Damage by pests and diseases

One more unpleasant reason Yellowing of garlic leaves is caused by diseases and pests. We wrote about onion moths earlier, so we won’t repeat them. The leaves of garlic also turn yellow from the onion fly - first, the tips of the feathers become pale yellow (as if turning white) and dry out, and when the larvae get to the onion, it rots and the feather becomes withered.

The safest folk remedy for preventing flies is spraying the plantation with a solution of birch tar in the spring and, of course, crop rotation. As well as combined plantings - carrots planted nearby will protect the garlic from pests. And inclusions of marigolds and marigolds will significantly reduce the population of nematodes, which have great respect for garlic.

Diseased garlic leaves also turn yellow. This can be caused by phytopathogenic fungi of gray mold, fusarium, and rust. It is easy to distinguish lesions from pests - you need to dig up 2-3 bulbs in several places and look at their condition. Rot on the roots, mold and discoloration of the bottom of the head without pest larvae are signs of disease. In this case, it is useful to spray directly on the leaf with a solution of biofungicides (Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Gamair, Fitop-Flora-S).

Dense soil and high humidity are also important reasons for yellowing feathers

But that is not all. In unfavorable years, garlic turns yellow due to excess/lack of moisture. We experienced this, so to speak, the hard way, when a mudflow deposited a layer of clay on the site, and our wonderful garlic suffocated under a dense layer of fermented mash. So excess moisture and dense soil are destructive for garlic. But it tolerates short droughts under mulch quite easily.

So, perhaps your garlic is turning yellow because the soil in the garden bed is too dense and the plant could not withstand the heavy spring rains - take care of improving the soil structure. A fail-safe option is to fence the garden bed with low sides and drag weeded weeds and food waste there all season long. In the spring, cover it with black agrofibre, and plant zucchini in the slits, and in the fall, remove the fabric and plant garlic as usual.

If you don’t want to bother with improving the structure of the beds, and the garlic harvest is not pleasing due to diseases, then treat the garlic cloves before planting before winter. This will increase the chances that the plant will better withstand adverse conditions. Although flooded areas will still lead not only to yellowing of the feathers, but also to the death of plants.

In addition to crop rotation, to prevent heads from being damaged by diseases and pests, consider updating seed material– grow garlic from bulbs. This is a long-tested and little-used folk remedy for improving the quality of garlic.

Well, don’t forget that in the middle of summer there is an outflow of nutrients from the feathers to the head, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow - in this case, you can water the bed with ash infusion and prepare for harvesting. As soon as the cap on the signal arrows bursts, start digging.

So we can confidently say that the constant addition of organic matter to the garlic beds and the renewal of seed material is the key to the health of your plants and bountiful harvest sharp juicy onions every year. Do not resort to chemicals where you can find a folk remedy. We are sure that now you will figure out what to do if the leaves of garlic turn yellow, and you will select competent agricultural technology for growing it, as well as folk remedies for his treatment.

Novice gardeners often encounter a phenomenon in which the bright green feathers of winter garlic begin to quickly turn yellow, signaling disease or rotting of the head. What happened to the plant, how to prevent yellowing, and what to do if the problem is already evident?

The soil is not suitable

Garlic is very sensitive to the condition of the soil, so it can turn yellow if the acidity of the soil differs more or less from neutral. If the soil is characterized increased acidity, then you need to use methods to increase low pH. Adding lime, ash or dolomite flour. The use of agroperlite and agrotechnical hydrogels can have a good effect.

In addition, it is very important to water the garlic well in June and be sure to loosen the soil, preventing the formation of a dense crust on it, then the garlic will be able to obtain required amount oxygen.

Stem nematode infection

Another reason why garlic tops turn yellow and curl, and the bulb cracks and rots, may be a pest - the onion stem nematode. This is probably the most serious problem.

Onion stem nematode is a small worm white, 1.5 mm long and 0.05 mm thick. It is believed that it is practically useless to fight it, since it can live in the soil for up to 10 years completely without food or water.

How to identify an infected plant? You need to dig up yellowed garlic and if there are rotten roots on the head combined with a white or pinkish coating, then this is an accumulation of nematodes. Infected plants should be disposed of immediately. And do not plant garlic and onions next year in this place.

To protect your garlic beds from infection with the onion stem nematode, you need to be very careful when choosing planting material. It is better to keep the garlic cloves in hot water(+40°C) for about two hours or in a 3% solution of table salt for at least 25 minutes at a temperature of +20°C. This treatment will significantly reduce the number of pests and inhibit their further spread.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the soil, since the nematode usually lives in an environment with high acidity. We have already discussed how to deal with high acidity above.

In addition to this, on next year It is best to sow a plot of land infected with a pest with calendula or marigold seeds, because the juice of these flowers is destructive to the nematode.

Cold winters

Quite severe and prolonged cold in winter period capable of providing Negative influence for the garlic harvest, so it is better to plant winter garlic so that before the onset of cold weather it has time to take root, but does not begin to grow, otherwise the first shoots will certainly freeze. It is best to do this no earlier than 2-3 weeks before the onset of cold weather. In this case, the optimal depth for planting the teeth should be from 4 to 6 centimeters.

Spring frosts can also cause yellowing. To protect plants from this, the soil should be treated with preparations that increase frost resistance, or the seedlings should be covered with cellophane. And so that garlic can receive nutrients from the ground that has not yet thawed, it must be fed with ammonium nitrate.


Garlic leaves can also turn yellow due to fungal diseases. The most common: fusarium, bacterial rot and powdery mildew, developing in dense, moist soil at high temperature air and insufficient quantities nutrients. They are not easy to treat, so it is better to prevent them.

To do this, before planting, you need to disinfect the garlic for twenty minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or using specialized preparations “Maxim” or “Fitosporin”. You can also do preventive maintenance once a season by watering the garlic beds with the same solutions.

To avoid the appearance of all kinds of diseases, you should not plant garlic in places where potatoes and onions were previously grown. It is better to choose a place for it next to coriander, mint, calendula and thyme.

Nitrogen deficiency in the soil

The reddish tint of the already yellowing leaves of garlic, other vegetable crops and even ordinary weeds are an excellent confirmation of nitrogen deficiency in the soil. When such signs appear, the soil must be fertilized with organic or mineral substances.

Fertilize garlic with complex nitrogen fertilizers or urea and carbamide, it is best in the spring, so that nitrogen is not washed out of the soil ahead of time, as happens when fertilizers are applied in the fall.

According to the technology, shallow grooves should be made between the rows of garlic and a dose of fertilizer should be added to them according to the instructions. Level the furrows and water the fertilized area. You can apply dry humus or compost on top, then the soil will retain moisture longer.

Alternatively, you can first prepare a nutrient solution of 20 grams of urea in a bucket of water and pour it over the garlic at the rate of 10 liters per square meter. This method is the most effective, since the necessary substances immediately reach the plant.

Irregular watering

Moderate watering of garlic, no less or more than necessary, can serve as one of the main preventive measures to avoid illness.

Winter garlic should not be watered in the spring; it only needs the moisture that remains in the ground after the snow melts. It is better to start regular watering in June, but you should not be zealous here either, since too much moisture can cause rot.

Potassium and magnesium deficiency

In addition to yellowness, the problem of potassium deficiency can be identified by the yellowness of the tops and drooping leaves with longitudinal “burns” along the edges.

In this case, especially at the very beginning of growth, it will help a lot. foliar feeding. As a fertilizer, it is better to choose a solution of potassium chloride (10 grams per liter of water) or a specialized complex mixture. Fertilize better way spraying the solution above the ground in clear, windless weather.

You can also use ash at the rate of 100 grams per square meter for fertilizing; it will help reduce the acidity of the soil and enrich it with mineral microelements.

If possible, it is worth using manure humus as the best organic fertilizer. Humus must be added at the rate of 100 kilograms per hundred square meters of land.

It is strictly forbidden to introduce fresh manure! It will not only burn most crops, but also contains great amount larvae of various pests. Suitable humus must be at least three years old.

It is imperative to combat potassium and magnesium deficiency, since their deficiency causes slow absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus by the plant.