Types of imagination. Involuntary and voluntary imagination

Along with perception, memory and thinking Imagination plays an important role in human activity. The ability of the imagination to “run ahead”, to foresee the occurrence of certain events in the future, shows the close connection of imagination with thinking and memory. Like thinking, imagination arises from a problem situation, is motivated by the needs of the individual, and is determined by the level of development of social consciousness. Imagination, like thinking, is a cognitive process in which reality is indirectly reflected. The mediating materials of reflection here are images of perception, representation, and memory. Like thinking , imagination is focused on creating new knowledge by processing past experience.

However, unlike thinking, the main content of which are concepts that allow us to comprehend the world in a generalized and indirect way; imagination flows in a specifically figurative form, in the form of vivid ideas. Specific images created by the imagination often reveal certain abstract theoretical thoughts. Unlike thinking, which is carried out through the operation of concepts and judgments, imagination is carried out through the operation of images.

Another distinctive characteristic of imagination is the ability to use it in problem situations. high degree uncertainties when the source data cannot be accurately analyzed.

Emphasizing the connection between thinking and imagination, K. D. Ushinsky said that a strong, active imagination is a necessary accessory of the mind.

So, imagination is the mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, idea or idea.

Here is another definition - imagination (or fantasy) is a mental process of creating images, including foreseeing the final result of objective activity and ensuring the creation of a behavior program in cases where problematic situation characterized by uncertainty. (E.I. Rogov)

The essence of imagination is, that previous ideas and knowledge about things and phenomena are transformed by it and new images are created on their basis. The intensity of imagination depends on a person's experience and knowledge.

Imagination arose in the process of labor as a person’s anticipation of the results of his activities and developed in work, especially creative work.

The uniqueness of imagination as a form of reflection of reality is as follows:

1. Imagination is a mental step beyond the limits of what is directly perceived by a person.

2. Imagination helps to anticipate the future.

3. Imagination “revives” what was before.

The main meaning of imagination is that without it any human work would be impossible, since it is impossible to work without imagining the intermediate and final results.

Thus, the process of imagination is peculiar only to man and is a necessary condition his labor activity. Imagination is always directed towards the practical activities of man. Before doing anything, a person imagines what needs to be done and how he will do it. Thus, he already creates in advance the image of a material thing that will be manufactured in the subsequent practical activity of man. This ability of a person to imagine in advance the final result of his work, as well as the process of creating a material thing, sharply distinguishes human activity from the “activity” of animals, sometimes very skillful.

Physiological basis of imagination is the actualization of nervous connections, their disintegration, regrouping and unification into new systems. Thus, images appear that do not coincide with previous experience, but not divorced from it. The complexity, unpredictability of imagination, its connection with emotions give reason to assume that its physiological mechanisms are located not only in the cortex, but also in deeper parts of the brain. In particular, the hypothalamic-limbic system plays a major role here. At the same time, the images that appear in the brain have a regulatory effect on peripheral processes, changing their functioning.

In this regard, of all mental processes, imagination is most closely related to organic processes and allows one to influence them (increased heart rate, changes in breathing, pale face, dilated pupils, manifestations of various diseases, etc.). At the same time, the conscious use of images of the imagination allows you to control organic processes, making them available for training and development (self-hypnosis based on the creation of images, including work internal organs, parts of one’s own body, etc.).

Functions of the imagination.

1. Representation in the psyche of reality in images- in the internal mental plane, the surrounding reality is reflected in the form of corresponding images; at the same time, to denote images of phenomena that a person previously perceived, the concept of “representation” is used, and in situations when we are talking about transformative activity and the creation of new ideas on its basis, the concept of “imagination” is used;

2. Regulation of activity and behavior- thanks to the imagination, a person, faced with a problematic situation, first builds a program for resolution in an ideal plan, an image of the desired result based on this, and then carries out practical actions;

3. Emotional state management emotions and physiological processes in psychological technologies various types. In particular in: psychoanalysis - for the formation of “health legends” in the interests of clients based on imaginary images; psychocorrections wrong actions during professional activity; auto-training- to relieve mental tension, pain, to relieve heart rate, etc.; psychotherapy- to cure mental disorders through images formed in the client under the guidance of a teacher; video motor skills- to excite a physiological response to psychological condition caused by imagination.

The main ways in which imagination arises. The most clearly analytical-synthetic character of the imagination is manifested in the technique agglutination(translated from Greek as “gluing”). Agglutination is a combination, the merging of individual elements or parts of individual objects into one image. For example: the image of a mermaid, a centaur, a sphinx, a hut on chicken legs, etc. Agglutination is also used in technical creativity. Using this technique, a trolleybus, a snowmobile, an anphib tank, a seaplane, an accordion, etc. were created.

Analytical The process of creating images can also be considered accentuation, which consists in the fact that in the created image any part or detail is highlighted and especially emphasized, for example, changing in size and making the object disproportionate. Emphasis allows you to highlight the most essential, the most important in this particular image. This technique is often used by cartoonists.

The technique of creating imaginative images is hyperbolization- an increase or decrease in an object compared to reality, a change in individual parts of the object, their displacement. This technique is used in folk tales and epics (giants, Lilliputians, multi-armed Buddha in Indian religion, multi-headed dragons).

Construction representations of the imagination can also take a synthetic route. In the event that the ideas from which a fantastic image is created merge, differences are smoothed out, and similarities come to the fore, then we speak of schematization (national ornaments and patterns, elements of which are borrowed from the surrounding world). Every person can easily imagine a Chinese, an Englishman, etc. These images live in our imagination in the form of generalized schemes.

A more complex technique is typification - the process of decomposition and connection, as a result of which a certain image appears (of a person, his business, relationships). In an image, the artist usually strives to convey a certain, more or less conscious idea. In accordance with this plan, certain features are emphasized.

Modern psychology identifies the following kinds imagination.

Depending on the severity of activity, there are 2 types of imagination: passive and active.

Depending on the effort of will, passive imagination can be either intentional or unintentional.

Passive imagination characterized by the creation of images that are subsequently not embodied in practical affairs and activities. Created images that replace real life activities are called fantasies, dreams . They are examples of intentional (voluntary) passive imagination, consciously caused, but not associated with the will of a person. People tend to dream about pleasant and tempting things. The predominance of dreams in a person’s mental life can lead him to a separation from reality, a withdrawal into a fictional world, which in turn begins to inhibit the mental and social development of this person.

Unintentional (involuntary) passive imagination is the spontaneous creation of new images. It occurs when the activity of consciousness weakens, its disorders, in a half-asleep state, in sleep, etc. The most significant manifestation of passive imagination are hallucinations, in which a person perceives non-existent objects. As a rule, hallucinations are observed in certain mental disorders.

An extreme case of involuntary imagination is dreams, in which images are born unintentionally and in the most unexpected and bizarre combinations. The activity of the imagination, which unfolds in a half-asleep, drowsy state, for example, before falling asleep, is also involuntary at its core.

Active imagination- imagination associated with the implementation of specific practical activities. When starting to do something, we imagine an image of the result, methods of activity, etc. Active imagination is directed more outward, a person is mainly occupied with the environment, society, activities and less - with internal subjective problems. Active imagination, finally, is awakened by a task and directed by it; it is determined by volitional efforts and is amenable to volitional control. Active imagination includes artistic, creative, critical, recreating etc. Close to these types of imagination is empathy- the ability to understand another person, to be imbued with his thoughts and feelings, to sympathize, to rejoice with him, to empathize.

Free imagination has much for a person higher value. This type manifests itself when a person is faced with the task of creating certain images, outlined by himself or given to him from the outside. In these cases, the process of imagination is controlled and directed by the person himself. The basis of this work of imagination is the ability to arbitrarily evoke and change the necessary ideas.

Among the various types and forms of voluntary imagination, there are reconstructive imagination, productive (creative) imagination and dream.

Recreating Imagination manifests itself when a person needs to recreate a representation of an object that matches its description as fully as possible. This type of imagination is encountered when reading descriptions of geographical places or historical events, as well as when reading descriptions of literary characters. So, reading the description of the Battle of Poltava made by A.S. Pushkin, one can clearly imagine the roar of gun shots, the screams of soldiers, the beating of drums, the smell of gunpowder.

Creative imagination- this is the creation of new images without relying on a ready-made description or conventional image. This is the independent creation of new images (writing a novel, a piece of music, etc.). Creative imagination is a type of imagination during which a person independently creates new images and ideas that are valuable to other people or society as a whole and which are embodied (“crystallized”) into specific original products of activity. Creative imagination is a necessary component and basis of all types of human creative activity.

A type of creative imagination is a dream- creating images of the desired future. It is addressed to the sphere of a more or less distant future and does not imply the immediate achievement of a real result, as well as its complete coincidence with the desired image. At the same time, a dream can become a strong motivating factor in creative search. Unlike dreams (deliberate passive imagination not associated with will), a dream is always active and acts as an incentive, a motive for activity, the result of which for some reason was delayed.

Today we will talk to you about creating something new in the form of ideas or ideas - about imagination. It should be noted that everything new, unreal and fantastic, is born in our minds from previously received information.

Imagination is a creative process, so it involves intellect, thinking, memory and attention. A person is necessarily aware of each stage and element of imagination.

Types of imagination

Psychologists distinguish three types of imagination, namely: recreating, creative and dreaming.

Let's start with a dream. A dream is a special form of imagination, and it must certainly be connected with life. Otherwise, a person may become passive. If the imagination does not have character and will, then there will be no logic or purposefulness. Our subconscious will not be able to control it. Such forms of imagination include dreams and reveries, while active dreams imply the participation of human beings, comprehension and formation of an image of the imagination.

With creative imagination in psychology, images are born that do not exist at a given time; this occurs due to the separation of properties and elements, combining them into one complete image. This is how a wide variety of images are born: fairy-tale, fantastic, scientific, religious and mystical. Active volitional efforts are especially necessary in creative imagination. People whose work is creative need it: poets, scientists, engineers, artists. It is thanks to a developed imagination that masterpieces are born.

And finally, the third type of fantasy is the recreating imagination. This is a process during which a holistic image is born, based on the corresponding description. Recreating imagination is associated with a person’s acquired knowledge, skills and experience. Therefore, the richer a person’s knowledge, the easier he will be able to form an exact corresponding construction.

Naturally, performances different people will vary in lightness, strength and brightness. Absolutely all factors will matter - talent, hidden potential, innate abilities, upbringing, age of each person.

Classification of imagination in psychology

  1. Active (intentional) imagination. At will, a person creates new images and ideas. For example, a scientist sets a specific goal for himself - to make a discovery in a given industry.
  2. Passive (unintentional) imagination. A person’s goal is not to change reality. The images in his head arise absolutely spontaneously. This type of mental phenomena includes unplanned ideas and dreams.
  3. Productive (creative) imagination. In this way, completely new representations are created that have no specific pattern. During this process, reality changes.
  4. Reproductive (recreating) imagination. With the help of description, a specific image of objects and phenomena is created. Reality is reproduced by man from memory in its original form.

Speaking about types of imagination, it is also important to note the types of imagination in psychology. We suggest you familiarize yourself with three types, which are most easily defined:

  1. Visual, aka visual type. A person has visual images.
  2. Auditory or auditory type. For a person with this type of imagination, auditory ideas are most easily evoked. That is, a person imagines the tone of voice, timbre, speech characteristics of the object to which his thoughts are directed.
  3. Mobile, aka motor type. The ideas of such people are aimed at active movements. When a person with this type of imagination hears music, he involuntarily begins to beat out the rhythm and imagine the performer. Very often, actors, dancers and representatives of other creative professions have this type of imagination.

Lyubov Uvarova
What is imagination?

Imagination- a mental cognitive process consisting in the creation of new images, ideas, emotional and sensory states by processing previous experience L Afonkina, Uruntaeva)

Imagination- synthesis of the stock of impressions, ideas, experienced knowledge and the creation of new images and fantasies. (Bardier, Romazan, Cherednikova)

Imagination, fantasy is a reflection of reality in new, unexpected and unusual combinations and connections.

These definitions are taken from different sources, but they all talk about the creation of new images based on existing ideas of impressions, knowledge, etc. Moreover, highlight the moment in the situation when only imagination doesn't show up, for example, memory or thinking is impossible, because mental processes take place simultaneously: at every moment, more than ten billion nerve cells of the human brain create a single symphony" of his mental life.

Because the imagination is a function of the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain, then we should immediately say about the influence imagination for the operation of many systems human body. Some observations on people who are rich imagination and impressionability, provide interesting facts about the influence imagination on the course of physiological processes:

Flaubert clearly felt the taste of arsenic in his mouth when he wrote the scene of the poisoning of Emma Bovary, and Voltaire fell ill every time on the anniversary of St. Bartholomew's Night - thoughts of those killed innocently caused him to have an attack of fever.

The word of an authoritative person or a careless doctor can cause nervous disorders or even serious illnesses. This may also include pedagogical tactlessness, the wrong act of a teacher or educator.


Preschool age, when the child’s leading activity is play, is characterized by rapid development imagination. The very first signs imagination can be noticed after one and a half years, when a child examines a picture and begins to recognize the depicted object, because a drawing is still only a sign of a real object, its substitute, and imagination here something that does not quite correspond to reality is completed. Of course it is passive imagination, after all, a child does not create anything new, but such recognition - the most important step on the way of its formation.

And yet the roots imagination one should look for actions with objects from which objective play is born. A necessary element games are imaginary situation, introduced using the words “as if,” and the child’s free transformation of accumulated ideas, not constrained by the rules of logic, however, to a certain extent limit: Can imagine that the raisin is the puck, and the spoon is the stick, but vice versa is no longer the case, because moving the spoon with the raisin is at least inconvenient. This means that internal logic still exists, and the main condition here is the ability to perform the same actions with a substitute object as with a real object.

With the development of speech, the nature of the creation also changes. imaginary situation: the child moves on to supports of a different kind - a syllable. Throughout preschool age there is a gradual transformation imagination the child from external activity with objects to internal activity - verbal. Speech and communication help children imagine objects that they have not seen before. Numerous studies have shown that delays in speech development also affect the development imagination: lead to its lag and impoverishment. And the wealth of children imagination is only visible: a child who has never seen an elephant can easily imagine that the elephant is pink - this is the weakness of the child imagination. But in any case, you shouldn’t say that it’s not true that there are no pink elephants. You should always find out why the child says that and whether he knows what kind of elephants there really are.

Wealth imagination directly depends on the wealth of past experience, knowledge, and memory. Comparison of new knowledge and past experience, uncertainty of emerging situations includes work imagination-search process non-standard solutions homogeneous, similar problems. All this is related imagination with thinking, helps them fulfill the general cognitive function. And when for one reason or another imagination turns out to be underdeveloped in children, they begin to doubt even the existence of very real, but unusual things. K. Chukovsky wrote that when one of the children started talking about sharks in one of the schools shouted: "There are no sharks!"

Imagination and thinking, arising in sensory cognition, help the child to break away from a specific situation, look at the problem from different points of view, and in cases where thinking is powerless, it comes to his aid imagination. It helps the child fill the knowledge gap that does not allow him to solve the problem using thinking.

Speaking about developmental features imagination in preschool children, I especially want to emphasize that the child does not tolerate rude interference in his fantasies. Adults must be careful not to inadvertently destroy the fragile magical world created by the child in his own imagination.

A child's fantasies should be distinguished from children's lies. Fantasizing

always selfless and does not harm others. A lie is a deliberate distortion of reality in order to obtain some benefit. (to be praised, given candy, not scolded). A child’s fantasies, unlike lies, are more varied and are accompanied by positive emotions, because a child always fantasizes for pleasure.

For an older preschooler, unlike a younger one, thinking directs the work imagination. If a younger preschooler involuntarily distorts the signs and functions of objects due to a lack of knowledge and unformed critical thinking, then an older preschooler deliberately replaces reality with fiction, i.e. imagination acquires elements of arbitrariness. In this regard, the so-called changelings, to which all children gravitate, are very indicative. Four year old girl sings: "I'll give you a piece of milk and a jug of pie" (from Chukovsky). Changelings are a product children's imagination, constructed, like other images of fantasy, by rearranging familiar elements to achieve emotional comic affect. It is important that next to this deliberate distortion of reality there exists, as a standard, a correct idea of ​​the world, which refutes these absurdities, and thereby strengthens them even more.

Transition imagination from activity needing external support, independent internal activity is the most important condition for the development of artistic creativity (writing fairy tales, stories of poems, visual and constructive activities). It is the word that accompanies and precedes the creative process, merging into one. In the world of art, the artist’s creative imagination cannot only copy reality. She transforms it, and then not only people, but also birds, fish, plants and stones - everything around speaks to him.

In senior preschool age with the help of words and thanks imagination the child already knows how to plan an activity, a plan appears, achieving a goal or result causes significant difficulties, and the activity planned with the help of speech becomes more successful. The planning function of speech provides the planning function imagination, and inclusion in the process imagination words makes it conscious and voluntary.

Imagination provides the ability to look at a situation from another person’s perspective, the ability to put oneself in his place, to understand his thoughts and feelings. And this leads to the fact that the preschooler can already foresee the development of the situation and its continuation. At the same time, the child learns not only to sympathize with another, but also to help him.

In life there are many rules of behavior that must be strictly followed. Many of them are quite abstract and therefore difficult for the child to understand, and the child is not yet accustomed to detailed logical explanations. And this is where it comes to the rescue imagination, bright visual dynamic picture, situation:

You can get caught in the teeth of crocodiles!

They lurked on every platform,

And everyone who moves out is grabbed by the heels!

And they are dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.

Please, don't slide down the railing! (E. Tokmakova)

But here we should immediately make a reservation that it is necessary to observe reasonable limits of fiction, without intimidating the child, without causing fear in him.

The desire to protect yourself from negative emotions leads to the child imagining himself as big, strong, and generous. By using imagination he tries to transform not only the present, but also past: the broken cup became whole again, mom is not angry, the truck has been found. Thus, the baby seems to get rid of memories that hurt him, internal psychological discomfort, emotional stress, troubles. THAT. imagination runs here protective function-protects the individual from severe traumatic experiences


Subbotsky E. B. A child discovers the world. y.: Education, 1991 Nikitin B. P. Steps of creativity, k.: Education, 1990 Polunina B. N. Art and children. M.: Education, 1962

Dyachenko O. M. About the main directions of development preschooler's imagination. Reader on child psychology. M. Institute of Practical Sciences. Psychology, 1996.

Simanovsky A. Z. Development of creative thinking in children. -Yaroelael, "Academy of Development", 1996.

Kryazheva N. L Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1996.

Uruntaeva G. A., Afonkina Yu. A. introducing kids to the environment peace: M.: Education: Educational literature, 1997.

Einon D. Creative a game: From birth to 10 years. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1995.

What doesn't happen in the world? Ed. Dyachenko Dgaeva E. A. M,: 11 r. ,1991

The images with which a person operates include not only previously perceived objects and phenomena. The content of the images can also be something that he has never perceived directly: pictures of the distant past or future; places where he has never been and never will be; creatures that do not exist, not only on Earth, but in the Universe in general. Images allow a person to go beyond the real world in time and space. It is these images, transforming and modifying human experience, that are the main characteristic of the imagination.

Usually what is meant by imagination or fantasy is not exactly what is meant by these words in science. In everyday life, imagination or fantasy is called everything that is unreal, does not correspond to reality and, thus, has no practical significance. In fact, imagination, as the basis of all creative activity, manifests itself equally in all aspects of cultural life, making artistic, scientific and technical creativity possible.

Through sensations, perception and thinking, a person reflects the real properties of objects in the surrounding reality and acts in accordance with them in a specific situation. Through memory he uses his past experiences. But human behavior can be determined not only by current or past properties of the situation, but also by those that may be inherent in it in the future. Thanks to this ability, images of objects appear in the human consciousness, which this moment do not exist, but can subsequently be embodied in specific objects. The ability to reflect the future and act as expected, i.e. imaginary, situation typical only for humans.

Imagination- the cognitive process of reflecting the future by creating new images based on processing images of perception, thinking and ideas obtained in previous experience.

Through the imagination, images are created that have never generally been accepted by a person in reality. The essence of imagination is to transform the world. This determines vital role imagination in the development of man as an active subject.

Imagination and thinking are processes that are similar in their structure and functions. L. S. Vygotsky called them “extremely related,” noting the commonality of their origin and structure as psychological systems. He considered imagination as a necessary, integral moment of thinking, especially creative thinking, since thinking always includes the processes of forecasting and anticipation. In problematic situations, a person uses thinking and imagination. The idea formed in the imagination possible solution strengthen the motivation of the search and determine its direction. The more uncertain the problem situation is, the more unknown there is in it, the more significant the role of imagination becomes. It can be carried out with incomplete initial data, since it supplements them with products of one’s own creativity.

A deep relationship also exists between imagination and emotional-volitional processes. One of its manifestations is that when an imaginary image appears in a person’s mind, he experiences true, real, and not imaginary emotions, which allows him to avoid unwanted influences and bring the desired images to life. L. S. Vygotsky called this the law of “emotional reality of imagination”

For example, a person needs to cross a stormy river by boat. Imagining that the boat might capsize, he experiences not imaginary, but real fear. This encourages him to choose a safer crossing method.

Imagination can influence the strength of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. For example, people often experience feelings of anxiety, worry about only imaginary, and not real events. Changing the way you imagine can reduce anxiety and relieve tension. Imagining the experiences of another person helps to form and demonstrate feelings of empathy and compassion towards him. IN volitional actions imagining the final result of an activity encourages its implementation. The brighter the image of the imagination, the greater the motivating force, but the realism of the image also matters.

Imagination is a significant factor influencing personality development. Ideals, as an imaginary image that a person wants to imitate or strives for, serve as models for organizing his life, personal and moral development.

Types of imagination

Exist different kinds imagination. By degree of activity imagination can be passive or active. Passive imagination does not stimulate a person to take active action. He is satisfied with the created images and does not strive to realize them in reality or draws images that, in principle, cannot be realized. In life, such people are called utopians, fruitless dreamers. N.V. Gogol, having created the image of Manilov, made his name a household name for this type of people. Active Imagination is the creation of images, which are subsequently realized in practical actions and products of activity. Sometimes this requires a lot of effort and a significant investment of time from a person. Active imagination increases the creative content and efficiency of other activities.


Productive is called imagination, in the images of which there are many new things (elements of fantasy). The products of such imagination are usually similar to nothing or very little similar to what is already known.


Reproductive is an imagination, the products of which contain a lot of what is already known, although there are also individual elements of the new. This, for example, is the imagination of a novice poet, writer, engineer, artist, who initially create their creations according to known models, thereby learning professional skills.


Hallucinations are products of imagination generated by an altered (not normal) state of human consciousness. These conditions can occur due to various reasons: illness, hypnosis, exposure to psychotropic substances such as drugs, alcohol, etc.


Dreams are products of imagination aimed at a desired future. Dreams contain more or less real and, in principle, feasible plans for a person. Dreams as a form of imagination are especially characteristic of young people who still have most of their lives ahead of them.


Dreams are unique dreams that, as a rule, are divorced from reality and, in principle, are not feasible. Dreams occupy an intermediate position between dreams and hallucinations, but their difference from hallucinations is that dreams are products of the activity of a normal person.


Dreams have always been and still are of particular interest. Currently, they are inclined to believe that dreams can reflect the processes of information processing by the human brain, and the content of dreams is not only functionally related to these processes, but may include new valuable ideas and even discoveries.

Voluntary and involuntary imagination

Imagination is connected in various ways with the will of a person, on the basis of which voluntary and involuntary imagination are distinguished. If images are created when the activity of consciousness is weakened, imagination is called involuntary. It occurs in a half-asleep state or during sleep, as well as in certain disorders of consciousness. free imagination is a conscious, directed activity, performing which a person is aware of its goals and motives. It is characterized by the deliberate creation of images. Activity and free imagination can be combined different ways. An example of voluntary passive imagination is daydreaming, when a person deliberately indulges in thoughts that are unlikely to ever come true. Voluntary active imagination manifests itself in a long, purposeful search for the desired image, which is typical, in particular, for the activities of writers, inventors, and artists.

Recreative and creative imagination

In connection with past experience, two types of imagination are distinguished: recreative and creative. Recreating Imagination is the creation of images of objects that were not previously perceived in a complete form by a person, although he is familiar with similar objects or their individual elements. Images are formed according to a verbal description, a schematic image - a drawing, a picture, a geographical map. In this case, the knowledge available regarding these objects is used, which determines the predominantly reproductive nature of the created images. At the same time, they differ from memory representations in the greater variety, flexibility and dynamism of image elements. Creative imagination is the independent creation of new images that are embodied in original products of various types of activities with minimal indirect reliance on past experience.

Realistic imagination

Drawing various images in their imagination, people always evaluate the possibility of their implementation in reality. Realistic imagination takes place if a person believes in the reality and possibility of realizing the created images. If he does not see such a possibility, a fantastic imagination takes place. There is no hard line between realistic and fantastic imagination. There are many cases where an image born of a person’s fantasy as completely unrealistic (for example, the hyperboloid invented by A. N. Tolstoy) later became a reality. Fantastic imagination is present in role-playing games children. It formed the basis of literary works of a certain genre - fairy tales, science fiction, “fantasy”.

With all the variety of types of imagination, they are characterized by general function, which determines their main importance in human life - anticipation of the future, the ideal representation of the outcome of an activity before it is achieved. Other functions of the imagination are also associated with it - stimulating and planning. The images created in the imagination encourage and stimulate a person to realize them in specific actions. The transformative influence of imagination extends not only to a person’s future activity, but also to his past experience. Imagination promotes selectivity in its structuring and reproduction in accordance with the goals of the present and future. The creation of imaginary images is carried out through complex processes processing of currently perceived information and memory representations. Just as is the case in thinking, the main processes or operations of the imagination are analysis and synthesis. Through analysis, objects or ideas about them are divided into their component parts, and through synthesis, a holistic image of the object is rebuilt. But unlike thinking in the imagination, a person more freely handles the elements of objects, recreating new holistic images.

This is achieved through a set of processes specific to the imagination. The main ones are exaggeration(hyperbolization) and understatement of real-life objects or their parts (for example, creating images of a giant, genie or Thumbelina); accentuation- emphasizing or exaggerating real-life objects or their parts (for example, Pinocchio’s long nose, Malvina’s blue hair); agglutination- combining various, real-life parts and properties of objects in unusual combinations (for example, creating fictional images of a centaur, mermaid). The specificity of the imagination process is that they do not reproduce certain impressions in the same combinations and forms in which they were perceived and stored as past experience, but build new combinations and forms from them. This reveals a deep internal connection between imagination and creativity, which is always aimed at creating something new - material values, scientific ideas, or.

The relationship between imagination and creativity

There are different types of creativity: scientific, technical, literary, artistic etc. None of these types is possible without the participation of imagination. In its main function - anticipation of what does not yet exist, it determines the emergence of intuition, conjecture, insight as the central link of the creative process. Imagination helps a scientist to see the phenomenon being studied in a new light. In the history of science there are many examples of the emergence of images of the imagination, which were subsequently realized into new ideas, great discoveries and inventions.

The English physicist M. Faraday, studying the interaction of conductors with current at a distance, imagined that they were surrounded by invisible lines like tentacles. This led him to discover power lines and phenomena of electromagnetic induction. The German engineer O. Lilienthal observed and analyzed the soaring flight of birds for a long time. The image of an artificial bird that arose in his imagination served as the basis for the invention of the glider and the first flight on it.

Creating literary works, the writer realizes in words the images of his aesthetic imagination. Their brightness, breadth and depth of the phenomena of reality they cover are subsequently felt by readers, and evoke in them feelings of co-creation. L.N. Tolstoy wrote in his diaries that “when perceiving truly artistic works, the illusion arises that a person does not perceive, but creates, it seems to him that he has produced such a beautiful thing.”

The role of imagination in pedagogical creativity is also great. Its specificity is that the results pedagogical activity They do not appear immediately, but after some, sometimes a long time. Their representation in the form of a model of the child’s emerging personality, the way of his behavior and thinking in the future determines the choice of teaching and upbringing methods, pedagogical requirements and impacts.

All people have different abilities for creativity. Their formation is determined a large number various kinds of aspects. These include congenital inclinations, human activity, characteristics environment, conditions of training and education that influence the development of a person’s characteristics of mental processes and personality traits that contribute to creative achievements.

Imagination is the ability of consciousness to create images, ideas, ideas and manipulate them; plays a key role in the following mental processes: modeling, planning, creativity, play, human memory. In a broad sense, any process occurring “in images” is imagination.

Imagination is the basis visual-figurative thinking, allowing a person to navigate a situation and solve problems without the direct intervention of practical actions. It helps him a lot in those cases of life when practical actions are either impossible, or difficult, or simply impractical. For example, when modeling abstract processes and objects.

According to E.V. Ilyenkov, the traditional understanding of imagination reflects only its derivative function. The main thing is that it allows you to see what is, what lies before your eyes, that is, the main function of the imagination is to transform an optical phenomenon on the surface of the retina into the image of an external thing.

Classification of imagination processes

  • 1. Based on the results:
    • · Reproductive imagination (recreation of reality as it is)
    • · Productive (creative) imagination:
    • · with relative novelty of images;
    • · with absolute novelty of images.
  • 2. By degree of focus:
    • · active (voluntary) - includes reconstructive and creative imagination;
    • · passive (involuntary) - includes unintentional and unpredictable imagination.
  • 3. By type of images:
    • · specific;
    • · abstract.
  • 4. By methods of imagination:
    • · agglutination - the connection of objects that are not connected in reality;
    • · hyperbolization - increasing or decreasing an object and its parts;
    • · schematization - highlighting differences and identifying similarities;
    • · typification - highlighting the essential, repeating in homogeneous phenomena.
  • 5. According to the degree of volitional effort:
    • · intentional;
    • · unintentional.

Types of imagination

Types of imagination can be distinguished for several reasons.

Involuntary and voluntary imagination

Imagination processes are divided according to the degree of arbitrariness (conscious intentionality). At one pole (a completely involuntary process) is the work of the imagination during sleep, that is, dreaming. In dreams, imaginary images are born unintentionally and in the most unexpected, bizarre combinations and sequences. The activity of the imagination, which unfolds in a half-asleep, drowsy or trance state, is also involuntary.

Involuntary imagination also has some (not yet fully studied by psychologists) significance. Visual and auditory images in dreams are not just a reflection or repetition of what has already been seen or heard. This is also processing, deep elaboration of these images. Even if consciousness is not directly involved in the processing of visual and auditory images in a dream, nevertheless, in a dream, understanding of many things occurs, especially those affecting visual thinking, and not abstract-logical thinking.

Voluntary imagination has a more obvious meaning for a person. It manifests itself and is included in the work when a person is faced with the task of creating certain images, outlined by himself or given to him from the outside. In these cases, the process of imagination is controlled and directed by the person himself.

Some experts also consider hallucinations to be involuntary imagination. However, hallucinations are a consequence of a disorder of mental activity and, moreover, it is difficult to say that these images are imagined; they are directly and directly located in perception.

Types of voluntary imagination

The work of voluntary imagination is based on the ability to voluntarily evoke and change the necessary ideas. Voluntary imagination comes in a number of types and forms.

The most important types of voluntary imagination for human mental activity are:

  • - recreating imagination,
  • - creative imagination,
  • - dream.

Recreative imagination - as the name suggests - is intended to recreate in the mind the idea of ​​​​a real object from its description. High-quality reconstructive imagination is characterized by the most complete correspondence to the description. A person, without noticing it, very often uses a recreating imagination.

The most active re-creating imagination works while reading fiction. Reading the dry lines: “A lady came in, dressed in bright green gloves and with a huge hat on her head,” we complement this image in our imagination: with age (if it is said that this is a lady, and even pretentiously dressed, then perhaps she is an elderly person), the rest of the clothes (after all, there were some other clothes, perhaps White dress, as was fashionable then), shoes (she came from the street, so she may have been wearing boots), manners and so on. Not all of these fleeting considerations are accurate, but without them the perception of the work would be impossible.

As can be seen from the previous example, the work of the imagination is greatly influenced by a person’s life experience and knowledge. One person, after reading “A Man Was Sitting in a Cabriage,” will imagine a black carriage from which a man’s face can be seen. Another person will imagine a bench on which a man is sitting in some kind of clothing resembling a tailcoat.

Other typical examples of the work of the reconstructive imagination are reading (listening to) a description of a certain geographical place or historical event and recreating the corresponding images. The text message is also “deciphered” here. However, there are two significant differences here. Firstly, a text message may be replete with special terms and models that make it impossible for an unprepared person to reconstruct the imagination (for example: “degree”, “latitude”, “formular analysis”, etc.). Secondly, it is not real images that can be recreated, but diagrams. If they say to you: “Imagine Lake Ontario,” then someone will imagine a surface of water with shores, and someone will imagine a blue circle on a map.

“Food” or input information for the recreating imagination can be not only text, but also a drawing, diagram, drawing. In this case, the success and quality of image reconstruction is largely determined by a person’s spatial imagination abilities and experience in reading diagrams and drawings.

Another type of voluntary imagination is creative. It is characterized by the fact that a person transforms ideas and creates new ones not according to an existing model, but independently outlining the contours created image and choosing for him necessary materials. Creative imagination, like recreating, is closely related to memory, since in all cases of its manifestation a person uses his previous experience.

The next, and special, type of imagination is a dream. Difference of this type imagination lies in self-creation new images. A dream has a number of significant differences from creative imagination. In a dream, a person always creates an image of what he wants, while in creative images the desires of their creator are not always embodied. In dreams, what attracts a person and what he strives for finds its figurative expression.

A dream is a process of imagination that is not included in creative activity, i.e. does not immediately and directly provide an objective product in the form work of art, scientific discovery, technical invention, etc. Main feature dreams is that it is aimed at future activities, at the desired future. In a dream there may even be the imagination of the imagination. An artist, for example, can dream about how he comes up with, how he paints a great masterpiece, what creative pangs he experiences, what feelings this picture will evoke in viewers. Each person has his own dreams, and sometimes they are very pretentious and awkward. It is no coincidence that English language the word "dream" means both sleep and dream.

A dream has several types. Most often, a person makes plans for the future and in his dreams determines the ways to achieve his plans. In this case, the dream is an active, voluntary, conscious process. This is one kind of dream.

Another type of dream occurs in cases where it acts as a substitute for activity or even psychological protection. Such dreams will forever remain just dreams. One of the reasons for this phenomenon, as a rule, lies in the failures in life that they constantly suffer. As a result of a series of failures, a person refuses to fulfill his plans - a conscious, voluntary process that has no practical completion.

Another type of arbitrary imagination, similar to a dream, is daydreaming. If in a dream a person draws images of the desired future, then in his dreams a person draws an alternative present. For example, a schoolchild who has just been offended by high school students may dream about what would happen if he came to school now with his own tame lion, how everyone would be afraid of him then. Dreams and reveries often flow into each other. Daydreaming, in some sense, can be seen as a dream about the present or even a dream about the past.

It often happens, especially among people with a well-developed imagination, that dreams begin to replace activity and dominate the mental life of the individual. This may already indicate certain disorders in psychological health. The predominance of dreams in a person’s mental life can lead him to separation from reality, social isolation, and withdrawal into a fantasy world. This withdrawal, in turn, begins to inhibit the mental and social development this person, which can further deepen social maladjustment, which in turn can increase the need to go into the world of dreams. Thus, a vicious circle arises, from which often without outside help I can't get out.