Vitex sacred (tincture) - description, medicinal properties, application. Vitex sacred (Abraham tree) - about properties, use, tincture, contraindications

Humanity has known about sacred vitex (lat. Vítex ágnus-cástus) since antiquity. About him healing power Many philosophers and healers wrote. Hippocrates mixed crushed vitex leaves with wine and gave it to women in labor. This remedy helped prevent the development of complications, reduce bleeding and accelerate placental rejection.

Abraham's tree is another name. The plant was named after the prophet Abraham, known for his longevity and chastity. Was noticed by the monks interesting fact that finely chopped vitex fruits, which they used instead of pepper, significantly reduced libido. In ancient times, people scattered leaves on the bed in order to curb the craving for carnal pleasures. He put these same sheets of paper in his shoes when he went on a pilgrimage. Thanks to them, the pain in my legs subsided.

Vitex sacred is a perennial tree-like shrub of the verbena family, reaching a height of five meters or more. It is equipped with smooth, long, erect, tetrahedral stems with densely felted soft and silky pressed down, emitting a pronounced spicy aroma when broken, complex round gray-green lanceolate leaves that are bare on top and pubescent below, and small violet-lilac five-petaled flowers.

The fruit is a juicy drupe. At first the fruits are red, and then, as they dry, they turn black or gray-black. Flowering occurs almost throughout summer period, and the fruits ripen in mid-autumn.

The Abraham tree is found in Europe, Asia, Africa, Indonesia, China, Turkey, Crimea. Loamy, sandy and rocky soils are where it grows.

How to prepare raw materials

Almost the entire above-ground part of the plant is used to make medicines. It is recommended to harvest the bark in early spring, before the period of juice movement. Then it is dried in a well-ventilated room or outside in the shade.

A little later, when the leaves and the first buds begin to appear, it is necessary to harvest leafy shoots. They need to be cut using pruning shears. You can dry the raw materials as follows: outdoors, in the shade and in a room with good ventilation.

The fruits are harvested during the period of intense flowering. After picking, the berries are sorted and dried either outside or in a special dryer. Raw materials must be stored in glass containers.

Chemical composition, pharmacological properties

The plant contains a significant amount of:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids: propionic, palmitic, butyric, acetic, caproic, valeric, formic;
  • ascorbic acid.

Vitex sacred has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, disinfecting, and hemostatic effects.

Plant preparations contribute to:

  • regulation of hormonal activity;
  • normalization menstrual cycle;
  • minimizing manifestations;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment: infertility, malaria, gonorrhea, neuroses, insomnia, skin pathologies, migraines.

The use of Abrahamic tree preparations in alternative medicine

1. Normalization of the menstrual cycle. Take a handful of seeds mixed with dried crushed leaves, pour into a capacious bottle and fill with medical alcohol - half a liter. Infuse the drug in a dark place for 30 days. Don't forget to shake the contents daily. It is recommended to use 20 drops of the product, diluted in 20 ml of water, three times a day. The duration of the course is six months.

5. Ailments of the spleen and liver: treatment with tincture. Pour half a glass of fresh berries with vodka and set aside in a cool place for a couple of weeks. Take 15 drops of the product diluted in half a glass of water before each meal. The treatment course is a week, then a seven-day break. After a week, repeat the course again.

6. Preparation of a sedative. Combine dried flowers or leaves of the plant with hop cones and peppermint in equal proportions. Finely chop the ingredients and mix. Steam 30 grams of the mixture in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the product in a warm place for two hours. Drink a quarter glass four times a day.


It is strictly forbidden to take plant preparations if you are hypersensitive. If you experience hallucinations, severe agitation, loss of orientation in time and space, or skin rashes, immediately stop taking Vitex-based products.

Do not forget to consult a specialist before taking any medicine from Vitex sacred.

No less effective is the use folk ways treatments that, at the beginning of the development of a pathological process, can suppress its further progression. In the case of more severe forms of the disease, some medicinal plants, such as chasteberry, dandelion root, nettle, celandine and many others, used as part of complex treatment can also alleviate the condition of patients.

The sacred vitex plant grows in the Caucasus on the shores of the Black Sea, and is a low plant with dissected leaves and purple flowers collected in inflorescences. The fruits of this plant, which have healing power, ripen at the end of autumn, often in its last ten days. Depending on weather conditions, common twig can be harvested as early as September and continue throughout October. For treatment, a tincture of the fruits of this plant is used, which are very fragrant and resemble black peppercorns in appearance.

In addition to the tincture containing a liquid extract of the plant, there are other forms of Vitex in the form of dry herbs, capsules and tablets of the same name. Medicines are mainly prescribed for fibroids, for pain in the mammary glands, to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and to eliminate irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Prutnyak ( sacred vitex) is a perennial plant: its lifespan reaches 60 years. The plant is not particularly demanding on soil composition and is resistant to lack of light and drought. It prefers to settle on the banks of reservoirs in ravines, on mountain slopes, sometimes forming small thickets.

The shrub has long and even stems, breaking which you can feel a pleasant, but somewhat harsh aroma. They are erect, brown in color, and tetrahedral in cross section. The branches are covered with soft-to-the-touch, densely felt-like pubescence on top. The branches of the plant are very flexible and elastic, so they are used for making garden furniture and decorative wickerwork.

The following parts are medicinal:

  • stems with foliage, which are collected in early summer, when the plant is at least 3 years old;
  • bark and branches to collect better in autumn or spring;
  • flowers - during the flowering period;
  • fruits that fully ripen in the last ten days of September - the first ten days of October.

This plant is a tall (3.5 - 4 m in height) shrub. Root system– core. The foliage is finger-shaped, collected in 6 leaves. Small flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, the color of the petals is lilac. Ripe fruits have a spherical shape (four-locular drupes). This plant grows best along the banks of rivers or canals. But it is not demanding on soil quality.

All parts of the bush contain the following substances and chemical compounds:

  • vitamins of different groups;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • flavonoids (including isovitoxin);
  • tanning compounds;
  • alkaloids.

The foliage and ripe fruits contain rare essential oils, which contain a number of valuable acids (formic, butyric, palmyric, etc.), camphor, pinene and a number of other useful substances.

Overhead height shrub plant– about 4-8 m. Characterized by the presence large quantity thick and pressed hairs. The branches are brown in color, tetrahedral in shape, with a characteristic pungent aroma. The root system is tap-type, well branched, with numerous adventitious roots.

The foliage is large, green in color, opposite in arrangement, palmate-compound type, located on fairly long petioles. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, pointed, entire-marginal or sparsely toothed. Top part matte, green. The lower part of the leaves is grayish, with dense and short pubescence.

The flowers have a pale lilac color, a two-lipped shape, and are collected in dense and intermittent spike-like paniculate inflorescences at the apical part of the branches. After the flower fades, a black dry fruit is formed, represented by a spherical drupe.

Prutnyak is a shrub reaching a height of 4 m. The brown branches have palmate leaves with 5 sharp ends. The tree is densely covered with flowers ranging from pale white to blue color, collected in inflorescences in the form of spikelets. The fruit is a spherical drupe.

The fruits, flowers and leaves of the twig have medicinal properties. Flowers are harvested in July, fruits in September. They are dried in the shade with strong ventilation. The air temperature must be at least 30 Cº. Store in a cold place for no more than 3 months, since after this period the hormonal properties of the plant are lost.

All its parts contain active substances:

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • coumarins (in fruits);
  • ascorbic acid (in leaves);
  • flavonoid casticin (in seeds).

For liquid medicines, fresh leaves and fruits are used. Infusions and decoctions are made from the leaves. The flowers are used as compresses and cosmetics. The plant has a number of therapeutic properties that are used in traditional and folk medicine to treat hormonal and psychological pathologies.

This plant, popular among the people, could well be called a tree, since it is capable of growing up to 4 m in height, but it would be more accurate to describe Vitex vulgaris as a deciduous tree-like shrub with tetrahedral brown branches, a well-developed strong tap root with a branched system of adventitious roots, collected at one center with pointed leaves, similar to the outstretched fingers of human hands, and towers of purple inflorescences, arranged together like spikelets.

During the flowering period, the twig is covered with fragrant, beautiful buds of purple, sometimes pink, blue or purple. Athenian women decorated themselves with such flowers during religious ceremonies dedicated to the goddess Demeter. It should be noted that the entire plant is fragrant, even its branches. Therefore, it is actively used in Mediterranean cuisine as herb for flavoring food.

Vitex sacred is a tree-like shrub that often reaches a height of 4-8 meters. Its branches are brown, tetrahedral, with a pungent aroma, and the root is well branched, taprooted and with a large number of adventitious roots.

The leaves of this plant are green, large, palmate and opposite. They are located on long petioles (up to 5 cm) and consist of 5-6 sharp, narrow-lanceolate, sparsely toothed leaves, which are matte above and grayish below.

Among other things, Vitex sacred has numerous flowers. They are two-lipped, lavender and collected at the tops of branches in the form of dense, discontinuous and paniculate-spike inflorescences. The calyx of these flowers is tubular in shape and has 4 stamens that protrude above the corolla.

The fruits of Vitex sacred are black, dry, four-locular and spherical drupes with a diameter of 3-4 mm. This plant blooms from the beginning of June until the very end of October, and bears fruit in October or November.

Menstrual irregularities: recipe No. 1

You need to take a handful of dried leaves of the plant and pour 500 ml of vodka over them. You need to insist on them for at least a month. The container is tightly closed, and the mixture itself should be kept in a dark place all this time. The tincture needs to be shaken once every few days.

Take up to six months, mixing 15 drops of tincture with a tablespoon of water and drinking 3 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can take a clover decoction in parallel and include soy in your diet.

Pour a handful of dry leaves of the Abraham tree with high-quality vodka (0.5 liters) and place the container in a cool, dark place for a month. For six months, the mixture is taken 15 drops of tincture per 30 ml of water, three times a day.

Treatment of male diseases

Fruit tincture will help in the fight against male infertility and spermatorrhea. Two tablespoons are crushed and filled with vodka, 500 ml. It can be replaced with 70% alcohol, of which 250 ml is used in this case. Leave in a dark place for 14 days.

The tincture is used twice a day: morning and evening. For 50 grams of water use 30 drops of tincture. The duration of treatment is from 60 to 90 days.

The herb Vitex sacred has found application not only in the treatment of women. About her healing properties there is an old legend. In ancient times, the rich were proud not only of chests full of treasures, but also of the size of their harems and the number of heirs. Elderly rulers often had to resort to various tricks. Remember the tales about the old king, who had to plunge into three cauldrons for the sake of rejuvenation, or about rejuvenating apples.

Much more often, men did not risk their lives, and when health problems arose, they called upon the court physician, who knew all the secrets of “male power” remedies.

Once upon a time, high in the mountains lived a rich and influential, but rapidly aging prince. For his entertainment, foreign beauties were brought from all over the world, but not one of them could become pregnant. One day a simple shepherd came to the prince and said that he knew a remedy for restoring “male strength.” In exchange for this, he asked for the release of all the unfortunate women.

The shepherd brought the prince a pot of small spiced peas. The prince liked this remedy so much that he released the slaves. And soon the long-awaited heir was born. Since then, this elixir has been called “princely”, “sacred tincture”, “male elixir”, “khan’s”.

Today, sacred vitex is recommended for men to use as an alcohol tincture in the treatment of spermatorrhea (premature ejaculation). In addition, drugs based on it help to stop excessive sexual excitability and impotence.

Medicinal properties of common twig and contraindications

This plant is included in some medicines and dietary supplements. Among these drugs:

  • Agnukaston is a drug for eliminating ovarian dysfunction and premenstrual tension syndrome. This drug is used to treat mastodynia and dysmenorrhea.
  • Cyclodinone - allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle, is excellent medicine for women with premenstrual syndrome and mastodynia.
  • Mastodinon - helps with PMS, recommended for infertility, mastopathy, which are caused by insufficiency corpus luteum. Has a positive effect in normalizing the menstrual cycle.
  • Mirazenova is a dietary supplement that is used to relieve PMS symptoms. It has a positive effect on patients with psycho-emotional disorders that arise from constant insomnia. There is a reduction in pain that occurs during sexual intercourse.
  • Mastofit - used for the treatment of mastopathy.
  • Pregnoton is a complex of vitamins and minerals that are part of the complex treatment of various diseases and problems associated with the female reproductive system.

Pharmacy medicines based on Vitex sacred have a beneficial effect on the woman’s body. Taking products that contain the plant extract helps relieve swelling during premenstrual syndrome, eliminate pain in the mammary glands and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Flowers, foliage, ripe fruits, as well as bark and shoots are used as medicinal plant materials. Young branches are harvested in April or May, foliage and flowers are harvested during the flowering process, and the bark is best collected in early spring, even before the stage of active sap flow.

Common twig is included in many medications and dietary supplements. Preparations from this plant are widely used in gynecology. The most famous are:

  • Mastodinon, which fights menstrual irregularities, infertility, ovarian dysfunction and cystic mastopathy;
  • Cyclodinone, which prevents premenstrual syndrome and affects problems with estrogen deficiency;
  • Nolfit who films nervous state, fights PMS syndromes;
  • Pregnoton is a biologically active supplement that helps in the complex treatment of the female reproductive system.

Your doctor and instructions for use will help you choose the right drug.

The most common is the extract of twig fruit, which treats not only the weak, but also the strong half of humanity. It helps with low sperm viability, increasing their activity. Using Vitex, people who depend on pleasure hormones can lose weight. The plant reduces the desire to consume sugary substances, thereby regulating weight gain.

With all its exceptional medicinal qualities, twig also has contraindications. Medicinal tincture is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for Parkinson's disease. The components cause contraction of the uterus, the hormones contained reduce milk production.

In most cases, taking drugs from the plant is not accompanied by side effects. In some cases, the herb caused dizziness and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Increased bleeding during menstruation has been noticed. Experts do not recommend combining the use of contraceptives with a medicinal drug.

To treat all these pathologies, both simply the fruits of vitex and medical supplies, which contain medicinal parts of the plant. IN Lately An Iranian herbal preparation containing as an active component an extract from the fruits of Vitex - Mastogol - has become very popular.

This medicine eliminates hormonal imbalance in women, which prevents them from becoming pregnant, treats menstrual irregularities, and eliminates premenstrual syndrome. In addition, Mastogol is prescribed for painful menopause and benign tumors of the mammary glands, including fibrous and cystic mastopathy.

Mastogol contains in each tablet from 3.2 to 4.8 mg of dry extract of the fruits of Vitex sacred, which is equal to 40 mg of dried plant collection. Before taking the drug, the doctor will first suggest taking a blood test for prolactin, because the dosage of the drug will depend on the test results. The instructions for use link the daily dosage to the level of prolactin in the blood, or it can be prescribed by a doctor.

Like all medicines, preparations containing chaste vitex have their own contraindications, which somewhat limit their use. Common twig is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity of the body, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects of the drug may include confusion and depression. In addition, some patients experienced weakness, skin rashes and intestinal upset.

The use of vitex in folk medicine

This plant can be used not only in official medicine, but also in folk medicine. An infusion of sacred vitex becomes best assistant for such diseases and problems:

  • PMS, which is accompanied by swelling;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • imbalance of sex hormones;
  • anovulatory cycles;
  • menstrual irregularities (when using contraceptives);
  • endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility (in some cases);
  • disorders that occur during menopause.

Vitex sacred gives the opportunity to cope with problems of an emotional nature. Therefore, drugs and tinctures purchased at the pharmacy and made at home help eliminate headaches, neuroses, and insomnia. Also, an alcoholic tincture of this plant is taken for depressed mood and pre-depressive conditions.

Essential oil is used for massage to avoid various symptoms of PMS, as well as to eliminate hot flashes that are caused by menopause. Some women use this plant several months after giving birth to stop lactation.

But not only women are recommended to use medications and infusions based on chasteberry. Alcohol tincture is used by men as a treatment for diseases such as spermatorrhea, in simple words, premature ejaculation. Helps stop excessive sexual excitability, as well as impotence.

Treatment of some diseases not related to the reproductive system is also possible with the help of tincture of common twig. The extract of this plant can treat some problems associated with the spleen and liver. Helps in the treatment of diseases such as gonorrhea and malaria. It has healing properties and helps fight skin problems.

The powder from the plant is poorly soluble in water, so alcohol tinctures are made from it.

Fruit extract:

  • 200 g of boiled water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. leaves;
  • 1 tsp. berries

The mixture of fruits and leaves is poured with boiling water and brewed over low heat for 2 minutes. Then wrap it in a cloth and leave it to infuse for half an hour. Drink the finished extract one tablespoon 15 minutes before meals. The daily portion is no more than 4 spoons.

Fruit tincture:

  • 500 ml alcohol (70%);
  • 50 g fruits.

The fruits are ground and mixed with alcohol. Closed in a container for 14 days. The finished tincture is filtered and consumed 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon. The course of treatment is 3 months.

You can leave your reviews about the treatment of uterine fibroids with Vitex sacred, they will be useful to other users of the site!

It is used in the treatment of diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder. It helps improve appetite and improve protein absorption.

Common prutnyak has found wide application in gynecology. It is part of such effective drugs How:

  • Mastodinone;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Agnucaston.

Common twig has properties that can normalize the menstrual cycle, and is also included in medications used during menopause, for fibroids and uterine fibroids, and the plant juice extract is used as a sedative.

Vitex is considered an aphrodisiac (read about another aphrodisiac plant, goji, in the article at the link).

The leaves are rich in vitamin C, essential oils and various microelements. The active substances that are found in the leaves and fruits are almost insoluble in water, so it is advisable to make alcohol tinctures from vitex.

Some recipes for tincture of sacred vitex

There are enough recipes for herbal medicines based on independently prepared raw materials. Since the active substances from the leaves and fruits of this plant are poorly soluble in water, the use of teas is not advisable. It is preferable to prepare a tincture.

The use of vitex tincture for menstrual irregularities

Take a handful of dried leaves (can be halved with dried seeds), pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for a month in a dark place in a tightly sealed container. Shake the infusion periodically. Take 15 drops per tablespoon of water 3 times a day for 6-8 months. The effectiveness of this treatment is enhanced by the combination of taking 0.5 cups of decoction of ordinary meadow clover (stems and flowers) daily and including soybean dishes (not genetically modified!) in the diet as a natural source of folic acid.

Vitex fruit infusion against female infertility

Pour 2 tablespoons of dried fruit into 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes in a closed container. Wrap and leave for 40 minutes. Drink 100 grams of infusion 4 times a day (regardless of meals) in the second phase of the monthly cycle. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months.

Vitex fruit infusion against male infertility and spermatorrhea

Crush or crush 50 grams of dried fruits (2 tablespoons), pour in 0.5 liters of vodka (or 250 grams of 70% alcohol) and leave in a dark container for 2 weeks. Take 30 drops per 50 grams of water every morning and evening. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

Vitex fruit infusion to stop lactation

Buy dry vitex extract from a herbal pharmacy and dilute it with alcohol according to the instructions. Take 15 drops 3 times a day. The second recipe is to grind dry leaves into powder, pour 2 tablespoons into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7 days. Take half a teaspoon of unstrained infusion in the morning and evening. This method is recommended only if the baby is weaned.

Vitex fruit infusion for chronic diseases of the liver and spleen

Ripe, but not dried fruits - pour 50 grams with 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Take 10 drops per 50 grams of water half an hour before meals for 2-3 months. At first, you may feel bitterness in your mouth. Take the tincture for a week - then a week off and so on. Consultation with a doctor is recommended, since such treatment is contraindicated for stones in gallbladder and ducts.

Vitex fruit infusion against headaches

For headaches, noise in the head, dizziness, you can take 30 drops of tincture.

Calming mixture for neuroses, insomnia, anxiety

Take 10 grams of dried leaves or flowers of vitex, lemon balm, hop cones and peppermint. For one day, prepare an infusion of 3 tablespoons of the collection and a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Divide into 4 50 ml servings and drink throughout the day between meals.

Vitex infusion for urticaria and skin rashes

Pour 1 teaspoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water (can be in a thermos) or keep in a warm place. Leave for 2 hours. Then use it as a lotion on the affected areas. Use within 12 hours, then prepare a new infusion.

  • Hypersensitivity to Vitex infusion may occur - with fever, swelling, rashes, redness of the mucous membranes. Therefore, after the first dose, you should carefully monitor the body’s reaction.
  • In addition, drugs can cause hallucinations, severe agitation, and loss of orientation.
  • Alcohol and vodka tinctures are prohibited after treatment and coding for alcoholism.

When using any preparations based on Vitex sacred, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. The fact is that this shrub, in addition to many useful properties, does not help everyone. There are a number of contraindications when taking these drugs can be harmful:

  • reduces the activity of contraceptives taken orally;
  • often causes allergies;
  • Should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

When using any pharmaceutical product The instructions for the drug must be used. Herbal medicines are used to normalize the functions of the female reproductive system and correct pathological conditions. Indications for use:

  • pain syndromes with mastodynia;
  • the presence of benign neoplasms;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • painful premenstrual syndrome;
  • presence of headaches;
  • the presence of psycho-emotional lability;
  • swelling.

Traditional recipes using

To cook on your own useful infusion, you need to pour a couple of tablespoons of dried fruits with a liter of boiled water, then boil for a quarter of an hour and leave for about forty minutes in a thermos. Take half a glass every 8 hours, regardless of meals.

For skin problems, pour a teaspoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container for a couple of hours, after which the infusion is filtered and used in the form of lotions. This infusion can be stored for no more than a day.

Vitex sacred, the properties of which were described above, is used to treat malaria, female diseases, as well as chronic ailments of the spleen and liver. Alcohol tincture made from ripe fruits, quite often used for deviations that are accompanied by depressed mood, sexual impotence and spermatorrhea. In addition, dry extract of Vitex sacred is prescribed to representatives of the fairer sex during the cessation of breastfeeding.

Medicinal herbs (video)

There are many recipes that allow you to deal with various problems. Each of them has its own characteristics not only in preparation, but also in application.

In the case of fibroids, traditional medicine recipes suggest the use of chasteberry, which is a very effective way therapy for this disease. The properties of this plant can eliminate the main manifestations of fibroids and lead to a reduction in the size of this benign tumor. The main effect of vitex is its ability to reduce the amount of estrogen, the increase of which contributes to the occurrence and development of fibroids.

Capsules and pharmaceutical tincture with vitex extract are used in accordance with the attached instructions, half a teaspoon or two capsules during the day.

A tincture of the plant’s fruits can be prepared independently as follows:

  • The crushed berries are poured with boiling water in the amount of 3 cups, left for 20 minutes, filtered and the resulting infusion is drunk throughout the day.

Pour two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried fruits with a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes under the lid. Cover the container with a towel and leave for an hour. Treatment begins in the second half of the menstrual cycle, taking 100 ml of infusion four times a day. The duration of treatment is at least three months.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in all parts of the bush (especially in the foliage), infusions and decoctions based on them strengthen the body’s immune system and help fight pathogens.

Healing drugs obtained from this medicinal plant relieve fever, relieve pain, kill harmful microbes, help the reproductive system produce a number of hormones, and also remove excess water from the body. A course of drugs based on prutnyak helps to normalize work digestive system, strengthen the immune system. Herbal infusions based on it help in the treatment of certain nervous disorders.

A tincture based on leaves can relieve headaches, pain in the heart, and dizziness. And the fruits were used to treat sexually transmitted diseases and malignant tumors. Such pharmacological properties are explained by the high percentage of active substances found in ripened fruits. These substances destroy pathogens and have a positive and tonic effect on the epidermis.

Medicinal infusions can be prepared at home without resorting to pharmaceutical products.

If you have liver disease, you need to infuse 50 g of ripe fruits in 40-degree alcohol or vodka for a week in a dark and cool place. After time, filter the liquid and take 10 drops before meals.

The medicinal tincture will help normalize the menstrual cycle. The drug is taken for 6 months, specifically during menstruation, 15-20 drops.

Dry extracts of leaves, flowers and fruits infused in a water bath will help in the fight against infertility. You need to pour 2-3 tbsp with a liter of water. l. dry raw materials, leave for 30-40 minutes and strain through a sieve. The course of administration is 1 glass per day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

An alcohol infusion of Vitex will relieve a nervous state and headache. The remedy is prepared according to the following recipe: 50 g infused in 500 g of vodka, take 30 drops before bedtime.

To treat neuroses, insomnia, pain spasms and heart failure, a tincture of the plant is used. To do this, mix lemon balm, mint, twig and hops in equal quantities. Add a glass of boiling water to 30 g of dry composite, infuse and take 50 ml every 5-6 hours.

Chasteberry is more popularly known as Abraham's tree, chasteberry, or monk's pepper. In some cases it is called the tree of purity. The chemical composition of this shrub allows it to be used as medicinal plant and treat various diseases. It is not without reason that it is very popular among the fair sex; this plant is most often used to eliminate various problems with the female reproductive system.

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    General information about the plant

    Vitex sacred is a tree-like shrub that reaches 8 meters in height. The Latin name of this plant is agnus castus. It has straight and long stems; if you break them, a pleasant but pungent aroma emanates. The leaves are oblong, gray-green. This plant has small flowers, united in purple inflorescences. The fruits have loose ears containing juicy drupes.

    Monk pepper is used as an active additive and is a component of various vitamin complexes.


    To understand what medicinal properties this plant has, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its chemical composition.All parts of the Abraham tree contain the following biologically active substances:

    • flavonoids;
    • tannins;
    • vitamins;
    • alkaloids;
    • essential oils;
    • iridoids;
    • various microelements.

    Other beneficial components were found in certain parts of the plant. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and the glycoside agnusid. The fruits of the plant contain coumarins, and the seeds, in addition to fatty oil, contain the flavonoid casticin. Essential oils obtained from the fruits and leaves of the plant have many beneficial qualities. They affect the level of the hormone progesterone, relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause, and help combat problems of the female reproductive system.

    Beneficial features

    Scientists from Germany conducted a thorough study of the common twig, identifying it beneficial features. They were the ones who were able to determine the most important features, which the extract of this plant possesses. Studies have shown that using chasteberry has similar effects on the body as progesterone. It makes it possible to produce follicle-stimulating hormone and activates the secretion of sex hormones.

    Scientists have found evidence that the use of this plant as a medicine replaces some anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs. This herb has sedative, antifungal and analgesic properties. Often used for disinfection.

    Abraham tree extract leads to a decrease in prolactin levels in the body. Its action is associated with regulating the level of sex hormones. Since prolactin is a stress hormone, it will have an effect on emotional condition person. If this hormone is not normalized in female body, then menstrual irregularities are possible.

    Vitex in medicinal products

    This plant is included in some medicines and dietary supplements. Among these drugs:

    • Agnukaston is a drug for eliminating ovarian dysfunction and premenstrual tension syndrome. This drug is used to treat mastodynia and dysmenorrhea.
    • Cyclodinone - allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle, is an excellent medicine for women with premenstrual syndrome and mastodynia.
    • Mastodinon - helps with PMS, it is recommended to take it for infertility, mastopathy, which are caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Has a positive effect in normalizing the menstrual cycle.
    • Mirazenova is a dietary supplement that is used to relieve PMS symptoms. It has a positive effect on patients with psycho-emotional disorders that arise from constant insomnia. There is a reduction in pain that occurs during sexual intercourse.
    • Mastofit - used for the treatment of mastopathy.
    • Pregnoton is a complex of vitamins and minerals that are part of the complex treatment of various diseases and problems associated with the female reproductive system.

    Indications for use

    This plant can be used not only in official medicine, but also in folk medicine. An infusion of sacred vitex becomes the best assistant for the following diseases and problems:

    • PMS, which is accompanied by swelling;
    • absence of menstruation;
    • imbalance of sex hormones;
    • anovulatory cycles;
    • menstrual irregularities (when using contraceptives);
    • endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • infertility (in some cases);
    • disorders that occur during menopause.

    Vitex sacred gives the opportunity to cope with problems of an emotional nature. Therefore, drugs and tinctures purchased at the pharmacy and made at home help eliminate headaches, neuroses, and insomnia. Also, an alcoholic tincture of this plant is taken for depressed mood and pre-depressive conditions.

    Essential oil is used for massage to avoid various symptoms of PMS, as well as to eliminate hot flashes that are caused by menopause. Some women use this plant several months after giving birth to stop lactation.

    But not only women are advised to use medications and infusions based on Vitex sacred. Alcohol tincture is used by men as a treatment for a disease such as spermatorrhea, in simple words, premature ejaculation. Helps stop excessive sexual excitability, as well as impotence.

    Treatment of some diseases not related to the reproductive system is also possible with the help of tincture of common twig. The extract of this plant can treat some problems associated with the spleen and liver. Helps in the treatment of diseases such as gonorrhea and malaria. It has healing properties and helps fight skin problems.


    Not all patients can use this plant to benefit their own body. There are certain contraindications and warnings. This plant should not be used as a treatment if individual intolerance is detected.

    To date, there is not enough information about how treatment with Vitex will affect the body of a pregnant and lactating woman. The use of this herb can cause health problems in the child himself. During pregnancy, you need to be extremely careful and, if possible, replace it with safer medications.

    Although common twig is excellent for most women's problems, you should refrain from using it for breast cancer. There have been no studies that can confirm that the use of chasteberry extract has no effect on estrogen levels in such a disease.

    Prohibited to accept essential oil this plant inside. General course treatment should not exceed several months. Patients who took tinctures for six months or more experienced liver problems.


    To use a plant in folk medicine, you need to know all the features - from preparing raw materials to preparing the medicine itself.

    Leaves, flowers, fruits and twigs of the plant are used for various tinctures. To obtain quality product, all parts must be prepared in different time of the year. There is no need to grow the plant; it grows on its own. The flowers are harvested during the flowering period, the twigs and leaves are collected in the spring, before the vitex fully blooms. The fruits are harvested after they are fully ripe, that is, in the fall. If a recipe calls for bark, it should be harvested in early spring.

    All parts of the plant are dried in the shade, outdoors, but the fruits must be dehydrated in special dryers, where the temperature does not rise above 40 o C. To ensure that the raw materials are well stored, they are placed in bags made of natural fabric and kept in a dry place until use.


    There are many recipes that allow you to deal with various problems. Each of them has its own characteristics not only in preparation, but also in application.

Vitex sacred (Vitex vulgaris, Abraham tree, common twig, monk's pepper, monk's pepper, tree of purity) is a perennial tree-like shrub of the genus Vitex of the Lamiaceae family, reaching up to 8 meters in height. It has smooth, long, erect tetrahedral stems, which, when broken, emit a sharp spicy aroma. The leaves have appressed, densely felted, silky and soft pubescence. The leaves are compound, round, lanceolate with palmate divisions, gray-green in color, glabrous above, pubescent below. The flowers are five-petaled, small, violet-lilac in color, collected in lush inflorescences - spike-shaped panicles, reaching 20 cm in length. The fruits are juicy drupes with a diameter of up to 5 mm, collected in loose cobs. Initially, each fruit is red, but as it dries it becomes gray-black or black, similar to black peppercorns.

Vitex sacred is not a pharmacopoeial plant, but is in the Register of Medicines Russian Federation There is a clinical and pharmacological article, according to which the extract of the fruits of the common twig is a remedy that normalizes the content of sex hormones and is used in the form of the following drugs: Mastodinon, Cyclodinone, Agnukaston.

Monk's pepper is also listed in the Register of Medicines as a homeopathic medicine under the Latin name Agnus castus.

Abraham tree is approved for use as a dietary supplement and is included in some vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitex sacred is a UK pharmacopoeial plant.

Chemical composition

All parts of common twig contain the following biologically active substances:

  • essential oils, which include sabinene, cineole, pinene, linolene and organic acids, including butyric, formic, capronic, palmitic, propionic, acetic and valeric;
  • flavonoids (casticin, kaempferol, isovitexin, isoorientin, orientin, quertzatgetin);
  • iridoids (aucubin, agnoside);
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

In some parts the following were also found:

  • leaves: glycoside agnuside and ascorbic acid;
  • fruits: coumarins;
  • seeds: fatty oil and flavonoid casticin.

The essential oil from the fruits of Vitex sacred contains palmitic acid, cineole, pinene, sabinene, etc., from the leaves – bornyl acetate, limonene, sabinene, cineole, α- and β-pinenes, n-cymene, camphor, linimol, quinone, palmitic acid.

Beneficial features

The main studies of the medicinal properties of common twig were carried out by German scientists. According to their results, the plant extract has a similar effect to progesterone, promotes the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, and stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone.

Vitex vulgaris contains recombinant dopamine receptors, has dopaminergic activity, suppresses prolactin secretion by binding D2-dopaminergic receptors of the pituitary gland.

Scientists confirm its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sedative, disinfectant, antifungal and analgesic properties.

Chasteberry extract reduces the level of prolactin, which in turn regulates the level of sex hormones and gonadotropins. And, as you know, prolactin, being a stress hormone, affects a person’s emotional behavior. An increased concentration of this hormone can lead to menstrual irregularities and mastopathy.

This plant is included in a number of medicines and dietary supplements (dietary supplements):

  1. The drug "Agnukaston" - for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, mastodynia, ovarian dysfunction and premenstrual tension syndrome.
  2. The drug "Mastodinon" - as a symptomatic remedy for premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, fibrocystic mastopathy and infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum.
  3. The drug "Cyclodinone" - for the normalization of menstrual irregularities, the treatment of mastodynia and premenstrual syndrome.
  4. Dietary supplement "Mirazenova" - for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse), correction of psycho-emotional disorders due to uncomplicated stress insomnia (insomnia).
  5. Dietary supplement "Mastofit" - for the treatment of mastopathy.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complex "Pregnoton" - for the complex treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Indications for use

Vitex sacred is widely used in folk medicine.

It is often used to treat gynecological diseases such as:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • premenstrual syndrome accompanied by edema;
  • scanty or absent menstruation;
  • anovulatory cycles;
  • cycle disorders after using contraceptives;
  • infertility associated with hyperprolactinemia;
  • climacteric syndrome.

An alcohol tincture of common twig is also useful for men, because it helps treat spermatorrhea (premature ejaculation) and increased sexual excitability, as well as sexual impotence (impotence). Women take it to stop lactation.

Decoctions of the plant are drunk for various diseases of the liver and spleen, for malaria, and gonorrhea.

Externally, an infusion of chasteberry is used to treat various skin diseases and urticaria, as well as to heal wounds.


The only strict contraindication to taking Vitex sacred preparations is individual intolerance. However, there is insufficient data on the safety of using the plant in children and pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Vitex essential oil should not be taken internally.

Treatment must be carried out in short courses, because there are known cases of liver damage in patients taking Vitex preparations for a long time (more than 26 weeks).

Homemade remedies from chasteberry

  • remedy recommended for liver diseases: pour 50 g of ripe fruits into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks and strain. Take 10 drops half an hour before meals for 3 months;
  • tincture used for menstrual irregularities: 3 tbsp. l. pour dried leaves into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave in a dark place for 14 days, shaking the container periodically, and strain. Take 15 drops 3 times a day during menstruation for 6 months;
  • infusion for treatment female infertility: 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes in a closed saucepan, cool and strain. Take 1 glass 4 times a day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle for 3–4 months;
  • remedy for the treatment of headaches: pour 50 g of ripe fruits with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks and strain. Take 30 drops during headaches.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

Do you know that:

Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen under high magnification, but if they were put together, they would fit in a regular coffee cup.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. For example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove tumors.

The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

Dentists appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, pulling out diseased teeth was the responsibility of an ordinary hairdresser.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

Our kidneys are capable of purifying three liters of blood in one minute.

The well-known drug Viagra was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Regular use of a solarium increases your chance of developing skin cancer by 60%.

In order to say even the shortest and simplest words, we use 72 muscles.

Research shows that women who drink several glasses of beer or wine per week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Its average weight is 1.5 kg.

A person taking antidepressants will, in most cases, become depressed again. If a person has coped with depression on his own, he has every chance to forget about this condition forever.

It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

Many drugs were initially marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally brought to market as a cure for children's coughs. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthesia and as a means of increasing endurance.

The average life expectancy of left-handers is shorter than that of right-handers.

After 70 years practical application ASD is registered for humans

Good news for adherents of a healthy lifestyle! The legendary ASD is again registered for humans. Now improve all tissue processes, restore...

Vitex agni casti fructuum extract - Vitex fruit extract is used in preparations to lengthen the short luteal phase, improve the formation of the corpus luteum, establish an irregular cycle, eliminate infertility and even return missing menstruation, reduce prolactin, reduce symptoms of PMS, menopause and postmenopause. It is considered a proven fact that the herb chasteberry (chasteberry, tree of Abraham, common twig, Fructus agni casti) helps regulate the second phase of the menstrual cycle and improves progesterone production in women with PCOS. Nevertheless, vitex can bring not only benefits to the female body, but also harm.

  1. Prutnyak to reduce prolactin
  2. "Cyclodinone" and analogues with Vitex
  3. Contraindications for taking prutnyak
  4. Natural alternative to vitex

There are scientific medical studies on the Internet about the effect of vitex on hyperprolactemia in women. Their conclusion is as follows:

herbal medicines based on twigs reduce the level of prolactin in the blood by 2 times if the initial level of this hormone did not exceed 700 mIU/l, and reduce it by 40% if before taking Vitex prolactin was increased significantly more than 700 mIU/l.

It is believed that it normalizes the second phase of the menstrual cycle and increases decreased progesterone. The results of scientific experiments are attributed to vitex good results with increased prolactin, low progesterone, PMS and hot flashes in women.


In Russia you can buy in almost any pharmacy:

  • “Cyclodinone” (tablets, drops), Germany, vitex content - 3.2–4.8 mg of dry fruit extract;
  • “Agnukaston” is less common (tablets, drops), Germany, Vitex content - 3.2–4.8 mg of dry fruit extract;
  • “Mastodinon”, Germany, (tablets, drops), 1 tablet contains: Agnus castus (Vitex sacred, or tree of Abraham) 162.0 mg + Cohosh, Cyclamen, Chilibuha, Iris, Lily;
  • "AlvoPMS", India, (capsules), sacred vitex extract 100 mg (also contains fenugreek, Apple juice, ginger);
  • "Mastocaps", Evalar, (capsules), contains extract of the sacred vitex (fruit of the twig) 20 mg in 1 capsule (+ peony);
  • “Mastofit”, Evalar, tablets, contain vitex extract 4.8 mg (daily dose – 6 tablets) + Indole-3-carbinol and fucus extract;
  • “Femicaps. EasyLife", 120 caps., Finland, 25 mg of prutnyak and other ingredients.

iHerb sells many supplements containing this plant. These are both single drugs and complexes. Some of them ( analogues of "Cyclodinone"):

  • Nature’s Answer, 90 capsules, 40 mg, price ~ 350 rub.;
  • Nature’s Way, 400 mg, 100 capsules, from 350 RUR;
  • Gaia Herbs, 60 phytocapsules, 1,000 mg, cost ~ 865 RUR;
  • Now Foods, 300 mg, 90 capsules + Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) (Root) 150 mg, price from 745 rub.

In fact, there are even more preparations with Vitex in the IHerb online store. Their main difference is the minimum of excipients, i.e. most of them are suitable even for vegetarians and allergy sufferers, as well as cost-effectiveness (higher content of active substance and number of tablets).


Often, the use of prutnyak for PMS is compared to taking caffeine to get rid of fatigue, that is, vitex can simply worsen the course of the underlying problem, masking the symptoms. There have been recorded cases where the twig helped women with bleeding and adjusted the menstrual cycle. However, there are other observations where such treatment with Vitex herb only worsened cycle disorders.

The increase in progesterone that occurs when taking Vitex can also lead to another common side effect: depression. There is evidence of taking Vitex by women with premenstrual depression. Their condition worsened greatly during the period of herbal treatment and required the prescription of antidepressants. Stopping the use of Vitex had a positive effect on their mental and emotional state.

Chronically low dopamine leads to depression in many cases, and chasteberry has been shown to often make the situation worse. The reason for this is that progesterone is a "calming hormone", so when twig stimulates an increase in progesterone levels in women who are already depressed, it can cause even more strong feeling despair.

Taking and prescribing Vitex herb (tablets or tincture) is very common in gynecology. There are many affordable herbal preparations based on it, which can be bought in pharmacies. But, unfortunately, this natural remedy doesn't work miracles. If you decide to take it, weigh the pros and cons and consider side effects that may arise. Perhaps a course of minerals and vitamins (zinc, magnesium, B6) will help, no less effectively than Vitex, to lower prolactin to normal levels.

Vitex and polycystic ovary syndrome

The most important warning that girls and women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) should remember: Vitex should be used very carefully if LH (luteinizing hormone) is elevated!

If you have elevated LH in your blood, then Vitex (Prutnyak) will most likely be contraindicated! Some studies have found that this herb increases the LH hormone, as a result, the condition of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome only worsens.

Vitex has the potential to increase LH levels, which may be undesirable for women with PCOS who already have high level luteinizing hormone. If LH is consistently high in the first phase, then, as a rule, there is no subsequent increase in the middle of the cycle and, therefore, there is no ovulation. Therefore, many doctors do not recommend Vitex for use by women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Feedback from women after using Vitex varies. “Before I started taking Vitex, the ratio of LH to FSH was 2:1. When I checked my hormones after taking prutnyak, which I drank for a month, LH to FSH became 4:1 » . At the same time, some naturopaths claim that Vitex does not increase LH in women with PCOS and in those who already have elevated levels of this hormone. Allegedly, prutnyak, on the contrary, improves the LH:FSH ratio. Known studies that have been conducted are limited and their quality is variable. Further observations are needed to explain the effect of chasteberry.

The herb chasteberry appears to influence hormones by stimulating dopamine in the hypothalamus. This, in turn, suppresses prolactin and promotes progesterone production. Dopamine drops under stress, so women preparing for pregnancy should avoid it at all costs. Lack of joy and pleasure lowers dopamine.

Low dopamine levels lead to high prolactin, which in turn leads to decreased LH and ultimately decreased progesterone. Vitex works by increasing the production of dopamine. Higher dopamine leads to lower prolactin and potentially higher LH, which increases the chances of ovulation and therefore increases progesterone levels.

Prutnyak is a unique natural substance that has the ability to increase progesterone levels and helps normalize the female cycle. But despite this, it can only reduce symptoms, but will never eliminate the root causes of problems without simultaneously making changes in diet and lifestyle. Thus, in order to improve her condition during PMS and eliminate a minor hormonal disorder (associated with increased prolactin and low progesterone), a woman must first replenish the dopamine deficiency naturally.


For elevated prolactin and LH, instead of Vitex (if it is contraindicated or not suitable), it is recommended to use another common treatment regimen:

  1. Magnesium citrate - 600 mg,
  2. B6 - 25-50 mg,
  3. Zn (Zinc) - 40 mg per day for 6-12 weeks.

Hormonal imbalances that occur during life and are not congenital or associated with a serious medical condition can be corrected by following proper diet for 2 cycles. This approach helps combat the effects of low dopamine in women.

Chocolate and orange juice are also dopamine-boosting foods. 30 grams of quality dark chocolate enough to have a positive effect on dopamine production. In addition, prolactin in women can be significantly reduced using the same supplements: magnesium citrate, pyridoxine and vitamin E (a mixture of natural tocopherols).

Vitex sacred is a tree-like shrub of the Vitex genus, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Its medicinal properties were known back in ancient times. Mentions of them are present in the works of Pliny, Theophrastus and Dioscorides. The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates noted the effectiveness of vitex leaves in combination with wine to prevent postpartum complications in women. Currently, the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of female diseases caused by hormonal disorders, and for other problems. In nature, Vitex sacred is found in countries North Africa, Southern Europe, Central and Western Asia, Transcaucasia. The plant is also known by other names: chasteberry, tree of purity, Abraham tree, monk's pepper, common twig.

Botanical description

Common prutnyak is perennial plant, whose lifespan is about 60 years. It is not picky about soil, resistant to drought and lack of bright light, grows mainly on river banks and sea coasts, along ravines, on mountain slopes, sometimes forming small thickets. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and cuttings.

The root system is taprooted, the root has branches with numerous adventitious roots.

The height of the bush can reach 4–6 m. The branches are erect, brown in color, and tetrahedral in cross section. They have a specific pungent aroma. The top is covered with dense tomentose pubescence, soft to the touch.

Interesting: The branches of the plant are flexible and resilient, so they are used for making decorative wickerwork and garden furniture.

Leaf arrangement is opposite. The leaves are compound, big size, are on long petioles, matte green on top, and grayish below, as they have dense short pubescence. Palmate-compound in shape, consisting of five sharp, narrow-lanceolate, entire or sparsely toothed leaflets up to 10 cm long.

Chasteberry leaves

Flowering lasts from June to September. The flowers are numerous, forming paniculate-spike-shaped inflorescences up to 20 cm long on the tops of young shoots. They may be lavender, pink, violet or lilac in color. The calyx is fused-leaved with five teeth, tubular in shape, three times less in height than the corolla.

Inside the flower there are four stamens, which protrude significantly beyond the corolla.

Abraham tree inflorescence

The fruits appear in September-October. They are spherical drupes with a diameter of up to 4 mm, collected into cobs. Initially it has a red color, and then as it dries it darkens and appearance begins to resemble black peppercorns.

Chemical composition

Vitex sacred is rich in various substances beneficial to human health, some of which are present throughout the plant, and others only in its individual organs. Thus, the following groups of compounds were found in all parts of the plant:

  • iridoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids (casticin, kaempferol, orientin, isovitexin, isoorientin, etc.);
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • alkaloids.

The leaves of the plant additionally contain glycosides, and the seeds contain fatty oil. The fruits of Vitex sacred contain maximum amount alkaloids, tannins and essential oil compared to other parts of the plant. Organic acids (formic, propionic, acetic, butyric, caproic, valeric), fatty oil and coumarins were also found in them.

Medicinal properties

Common twig has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, sedative and antifungal effects. Remedies from its fruits normalize the functioning of the digestive system and have a tonic and general strengthening effect. They are used in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and spleen.

Tree of Abraham has a hormone-like effect similar to progesterone. It stimulates the secretion of gonadotropic sex hormones of the anterior pituitary gland - LH and FSH, necessary for normal operation female reproductive system. Vitex sacred is effective for endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, which arise as a result of hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

It is used for some gynecological and endocrine disorders:

  • cycle disorders due to taking birth control pills;
  • fibroids, uterine fibroids;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • scanty or absent menstruation;
  • mastitis, mastopathy;
  • infertility.

Remedies from Vitex sacred are used in gynecology to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome in women. For men, they help with spermatorrhea, increased sexual excitability, premature ejaculation, impotence and prostatitis.

Vitex sacred is useful for women who have problems conceiving a child due to increased prolactin levels and decreased progesterone levels compared to normal indicators, which leads to suppression of ovulation. Chasteberry also affects testosterone, reducing the level of this male hormone.

For the treatment of mastopathy, mastalgia, menstrual irregularities and infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, premenstrual syndrome, common twig is also used in traditional medicine. Extract of the fruits of Vitex sacred is included in such drugs as Mastodinon, Cyclodinone, Pregnoton, Agnukaston.

Agnukaston is a preparation based on the extract of Vitex vulgaris fruits.

Interesting: The fruits and seeds of common twig are used in cooking as a spicy seasoning for meat dishes, soups, canned fish and smoked meats. They can be substitutes for allspice.

Vitex sacred is used in bodybuilding; it helps accelerate protein synthesis in the body and intensively gain muscle mass.

An oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant, which helps in the treatment of cancer. An alcoholic tincture of the fruit is used for depression, neuroses, insomnia, headaches and other pathologies. nervous system. Freshly prepared juice from the plant helps with mood swings, has sedative effect. The tree of Abraham is used for heart pain. Externally, the infusion of the plant is used to treat the skin for dermatitis, urticaria, and various wounds.

Procurement of raw materials

Fruits, leaves, branches, flowers and sometimes bark are harvested as medicinal raw materials. Depending on what part of the plant needs to be harvested, the preparation is carried out at different times:

  • flowers - in summer, during flowering;
  • fruits - in the fall, when they reach full maturity;
  • leaves and shoots - in spring and summer, during the period of buds and flowering;
  • bark - in early spring, before the start of sap flow.

Vitex fruit

When preparing raw materials, leaves and leafy shoots are cut off with pruning shears, and the bark is carefully removed with a knife.

Fruits are dried in dryers at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C, and other types of raw materials are dried outside, in the shade, in natural conditions. The finished raw materials are placed in fabric bags and stored in a dry place. The fruits can be placed in glass jar and seal it tightly with a lid.

Important: Vitex sacred is listed in the Red Book as a vulnerable species in Russia.

Methods of application

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures in alcohol are prepared from the leaves, flowers and fruits of common twig, which are used internally or externally in the form of baths, lotions and compresses.

Infusion for insomnia and neuroses

Prepare a mixture of vitex leaves, 10 pieces of lemon balm, 10 hop cones and 10 g of peppermint leaves. To 3 tbsp. l. Add 200 ml of boiling water to the resulting mixture and leave the product to infuse for 1 hour. Then filter the herb and take 50 ml of the product 4 to 5 times a day between meals.

Tincture for diseases of the liver and spleen

Ripe fresh fruits (50 g) are poured with ½ liter of vodka and left for 2 weeks. Take 10 drops of the product, diluted in 50 ml of water, 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day for 2-3 months, every other week. When taking this tincture of chaste vitex, you may experience a bitter feeling in your mouth.

Infusion of flowers for urticaria

To 1 tsp. Abraham tree flowers add 200 ml of boiling water and leave, preferably in a thermos, for 1 - 2 hours. The resulting infusion is used to make lotions for problem areas.

Tincture for menstrual irregularities

A handful of dried vitex leaves is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused, shaking occasionally, for one month in a closed container in a dark place. Take for six months, diluting 15 drops of tincture in 20 ml of water, three times a day.


Before starting to use remedies from Vitex sacred, take into account the medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant. They are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance to this plant. Its use is not recommended in childhood, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as those taking any hormonal drugs, including birth control pills.

When treated with vitex-based products, it is possible adverse reactions, which may include mental overexcitation, hallucinations, confusion, headaches, allergic reactions to the skin. In this case, their use should be stopped. Continuous use of Adam's root products for more than 6 months may cause liver damage.

Common twig normalizes the menstrual cycle, but in some women it can cause increased menstruation or bleeding between periods

Important: Before using Abraham tree preparations and if any negative reactions occur during treatment, they should consult a doctor.

About the healing properties of Vitex sacred:

Chasteberry is more popularly known as Abraham's tree, chasteberry, or monk's pepper. In some cases it is called the tree of purity. The chemical composition of this shrub allows it to be used as a medicinal plant and to treat various diseases. It is not without reason that it is very popular among the fair sex; this plant is most often used to eliminate various problems with the female reproductive system.

1 General information about the plant

Vitex sacred is a tree-like shrub that reaches 8 meters in height. The Latin name of this plant is agnus castus. It has straight and long stems; if you break them, a pleasant but pungent aroma emanates. The leaves are oblong, gray-green. This plant has small flowers, united in purple inflorescences. The fruits have loose ears containing juicy drupes.

Monk pepper is used as an active supplement and is a component of various vitamin complexes.

Common prutnyak: use in gynecology

2 Composition

To understand what medicinal properties this plant has, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its chemical composition. All parts of the Abraham tree contain the following biologically active substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • iridoids;
  • various microelements.

Other beneficial components were found in certain parts of the plant. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and the glycoside agnusid. The fruits of the plant contain coumarins, and the seeds, in addition to fatty oil, contain the flavonoid casticin. Essential oils obtained from the fruits and leaves of the plant have many beneficial qualities. They affect the level of the hormone progesterone, relieve symptoms of PMS and menopause, and help combat problems of the female reproductive system.

Magnolia: description, planting and care in open ground

3 Useful properties

Scientists from Germany conducted a thorough study of common twig, revealing its beneficial properties. It was they who were able to determine the most important features that the extract of this plant has. Studies have shown that using chasteberry has similar effects on the body as progesterone. It makes it possible to produce follicle-stimulating hormone and activates the secretion of sex hormones.

Scientists have found evidence that the use of this plant as a medicine replaces some anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs. This herb has sedative, antifungal and analgesic properties. Often used for disinfection.

Abraham tree extract leads to a decrease in prolactin levels in the body. Its action is associated with regulating the level of sex hormones. Since prolactin is a stress hormone, it will have an effect on a person’s emotional state. If this hormone is not normalized in the female body, then menstrual irregularities are possible.

Aralia Manchurian: medicinal properties, contraindications, instructions for use

4 Vitex in medicines

This plant is included in some medicines and dietary supplements. Among these drugs:

  • Agnukaston is a drug for eliminating ovarian dysfunction and premenstrual tension syndrome. This drug is used to treat mastodynia and dysmenorrhea.
  • Cyclodinone - allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle, is an excellent medicine for women with premenstrual syndrome and mastodynia.
  • Mastodinon - helps with PMS, it is recommended to take it for infertility, mastopathy, which are caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Has a positive effect in normalizing the menstrual cycle.
  • Mirazenova is a dietary supplement that is used to relieve PMS symptoms. It has a positive effect on patients with psycho-emotional disorders that arise from constant insomnia. There is a reduction in pain that occurs during sexual intercourse.
  • Mastofit - used for the treatment of mastopathy.
  • Pregnoton is a complex of vitamins and minerals that are part of the complex treatment of various diseases and problems associated with the female reproductive system.

5 Indications for use

This plant can be used not only in official medicine, but also in folk medicine. An infusion of sacred vitex becomes the best assistant for the following diseases and problems:

  • PMS, which is accompanied by swelling;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • imbalance of sex hormones;
  • anovulatory cycles;
  • menstrual irregularities (when using contraceptives);
  • endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility (in some cases);
  • disorders that occur during menopause.

Vitex sacred gives the opportunity to cope with problems of an emotional nature. Therefore, drugs and tinctures purchased at the pharmacy and made at home help eliminate headaches, neuroses, and insomnia. Also, an alcoholic tincture of this plant is taken for depressed mood and pre-depressive conditions.

Essential oil is used for massage to avoid various symptoms of PMS, as well as to eliminate hot flashes that are caused by menopause. Some women use this plant several months after giving birth to stop lactation.

But not only women are advised to use medications and infusions based on Vitex sacred. Alcohol tincture is used by men as a treatment for a disease such as spermatorrhea, in simple words, premature ejaculation. Helps stop excessive sexual excitability, as well as impotence.

Treatment of some diseases not related to the reproductive system is also possible with the help of tincture of common twig. The extract of this plant can treat some problems associated with the spleen and liver. Helps in the treatment of diseases such as gonorrhea and malaria. It has healing properties and helps fight skin problems.

6 Contraindications

Not all patients can use this plant to benefit their own body. There are certain contraindications and warnings. This plant should not be used as a treatment if individual intolerance is detected.

To date, there is not enough information about how treatment with Vitex will affect the body of a pregnant and lactating woman. The use of this herb can cause health problems in the child himself. During pregnancy, you need to be extremely careful and, if possible, replace it with safer medications.

Although common twig is excellent for most women's problems, you should refrain from using it for breast cancer. There have been no studies that can confirm that the use of chasteberry extract has no effect on estrogen levels in such a disease.

It is forbidden to take the essential oil of this plant internally. The total course of treatment should not exceed several months. Patients who took tinctures for six months or more experienced liver problems.

7 Blank

To use a plant in folk medicine, you need to know all the features - from preparing raw materials to preparing the medicine itself.

Leaves, flowers, fruits and twigs of the plant are used for various tinctures. To get a quality product, all parts need to be harvested at different times of the year. There is no need to grow the plant; it grows on its own. The flowers are harvested during the flowering period, the twigs and leaves are collected in the spring, before the vitex fully blooms. The fruits are harvested after they are fully ripe, that is, in the fall. If a recipe calls for bark, it should be harvested in early spring.

All parts of the plant are dried in the shade, outdoors, but the fruits must be dehydrated in special dryers, where the temperature does not rise above 40 ° C. To ensure that the raw materials are well stored, they are placed in bags made of natural fabric and kept in a dry place until use.

8 Recipes

There are many recipes that allow you to deal with various problems. Each of them has its own characteristics not only in preparation, but also in application.

9 If you have an irregular menstrual cycle

You need to take a handful of dried leaves of the plant and pour 500 ml of vodka over them. You need to insist on them for at least a month. The container is tightly closed, and the mixture itself should be kept in a dark place all this time. The tincture needs to be shaken once every few days.

Take up to six months, mixing 15 drops of tincture with a tablespoon of water and drinking 3 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can take a clover decoction in parallel and include soy in your diet.

10 Against infertility

Dried fruits in the amount of 2 tablespoons are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 20 minutes in a saucepan covered with a lid. The resulting mixture is infused for another 40 minutes, covered with a towel.

For treatment, you need to drink 100 g of the resulting infusion 4 times a day. Should be taken in the second half of the monthly cycle. To get a positive result, treatment must last at least 3 months.

11 For skin diseases

To eliminate hives or get rid of acne, use chasteberry tincture. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dried flowers, 200 ml is enough. Leave in a warm place for 2 hours, and then treatment can be carried out.

It is enough to lubricate the affected areas on the body. This infusion will be effective within 12 hours, after which you need to prepare a new one.

12 For men

Fruit tincture will help in the fight against male infertility and spermatorrhea. Two tablespoons are crushed and filled with vodka, 500 ml. It can be replaced with 70% alcohol, of which 250 ml is used in this case. Leave in a dark place for 14 days.

The tincture is used twice a day: morning and evening. For 50 grams of water use 30 drops of tincture. The duration of treatment is from 60 to 90 days.

13 For neuroses and insomnia

10 g of dried chasteberry leaves are mixed with the same amount of lemon balm, peppermint and hop cones. For one day of treatment, you need to use 3 tablespoons of the dried mixture and a glass of boiling water. Leave for only 1 hour and filter the resulting mixture. Divide into 4 servings and take between meals.

Treatment with medicinal herbs allows you to avoid chemicals. If all treatment conditions are followed, possible side effects can be avoided.