Do-it-yourself internal partitions in a wooden house. Interior frame partitions in a wooden house - design, installation and material prices

When choosing house designs, it is important to take into account the material used to make its walls and other load-bearing elements, since they are the ones who will transfer the load to the foundation soil. For example, they are not suitable for a light frame house concrete floors and heavy brick partitions. To understand what partitions are needed in wooden house, you need to familiarize yourself with their varieties and features.

What is the difference between partitions and walls?

Before you start working, you need to master the theory. Often among non-professionals such concepts as walls and partitions are confused (especially when the question comes about redevelopment).

To clarify, the following definitions can be given:

  1. Load-bearing walls- house structures that take the load from the floors and roof and transfer it to the foundation. These walls perform a very important function, so they must be calculated according to their load-bearing capacity. The wall goes to the entire height of the floor (from floor to floor of the next), that is, it seems to cut the floor disc.
  2. Curtain walls- structures that, as in the previous case, are laid out to the entire height of the floor, but transfer the load to the foundation only from their own weight (the floors or roof do not rest on them).
  3. Partitions laid out to the height of the room (from floor to ceiling of one floor). Unlike walls, they rest not on the foundation, but on the ceiling. They do not perform a load-bearing function; they serve only as enclosing structures.

Partitions have fewer requirements than walls, so they can be thinner and less durable.

Features of partitions in a wooden building

Unlike walls, partitions rest on the ceiling, not the foundation, and are laid out to the height of the room.

To make interior partitions with your own hands in a house made of logs, timber or a frame building, you need to remember the weight and strength of the wall material. IN brick houses partitions are often installed from the same material as wall structures. But it is important to remember that a 2.7 m high and 1.2 m thick ceramic element will weigh approximately 600 kg per linear meter. This is about 100 kg more than the mass outer wall made of timber, 300 mm thick (optimal for heating engineering). That is, the wall will bear more than its own weight, and if you add more floors and a roof, the picture will not be happy. That is why it is important to remember one thing: the density of the material for partitions should not exceed the density load-bearing walls.

Next tip You can give information about the start time of installation with your own hands. Interior enclosing structures should be installed only after the walls of the house have begun to shrink. If you do this earlier, the following situation will arise:

  1. Walls that are loaded with the weight of floors and roofs begin to dry out and sag.
  2. At the same time, the partitions shrink (if they are made of wood), but since the load on them is less than on wall fences, the process occurs more slowly.
  3. The difference leads to the fact that the floors, supported by wall structures, put pressure on the interior fences and lead to their deviation from the vertical, protrusion and bending.

To prevent this phenomenon, you need to wait some time after assembling a house from timber or rounded logs with your own hands. Panel and frame houses practically do not shrink, so install interior elements possible immediately after assembly.

Types of partitions and their manufacturing technology

Partitions in a wooden house made of timber or galvanized logs, as well as frame buildings, can be of the following types:

  • frame and frame-panel;
  • panel and carpentry;
  • frameless.

All the above types refer to wood structures. As additional options You can make fences from plasterboard or tongue-and-groove. They are also fairly lightweight and easy to install.

Diagram for assembling a plasterboard partition

To understand how to make interior elements for a house from timber or rounded logs with your own hands, you need to consider each type separately.

Frame partitions

Such partitions in a wooden house made of timber or logs can be used at the request of the future owner, and for frame buildings they will be the most optimal option.

The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. Measurements of the room and markings on the floor where the interior structures will be located.
  2. The bars of the lower trim are made, guided by the obtained dimensions. The elements are secured to the floor with screws or self-tapping screws.
  3. Next, the racks and transverse elements of the frame are cut out according to measurements. Installing them in the design position with your own hands can be done in two ways: individually or installing the frame after assembling it on the floor. Fastenings are made with screws or self-tapping screws. The end posts are fixed directly to the wall.
  4. The frame is wedged at the top and secured with fasteners.
  5. Afterwards, insulation is laid between the frame elements (if it is needed for sound insulation) and the sheathing is performed. It can be sheathed with plasterboard or clapboard. In this case, the sheets and sheathing elements are cut so that their joint falls in the middle of the frame post.

Panel and carpentry

To make interior fencing of this type for a house made of timber or logs with your own hands, you need to follow the following procedure:

Wooden partitions in the house
  1. Room measurements and markings.
  2. Production of plank panels (solid) from boards 20-40 mm thick.
  3. Bars are nailed to the surface of the floor and ceiling, which form grooves for installing shields. The shield can be two-layer or three-layer. When making a three-layer structure, thinner boards are used for the inner layer.
  4. Assemble a partition from panels in height. By inserting them into the grooves formed by the bars.
  5. Soundproofing material can be laid between the layers.

The dimensions of carpentry partitions depend on the purpose. They look like door leaves, can be solid or glazed.

They are made both to the entire height of the room and with a gap of 30-50 cm from the top edge to the ceiling.


When making simple structures of this type with your own hands, work is done in the following order:

  1. Room measurements and markings.
  2. Fastening the bottom trim.
  3. Making a groove trim on a beam by nailing two bars. The groove should be equal to the thickness of the partition boards.
  4. A triangular beam is attached to the ceiling. It will happen integral part groove for fastening from above, so the location must correspond to the lower fastening.
  5. Install vertical boards, starting with the one located against the wall. It is pressed and nailed to the triangular bar on top.
  6. Install all the boards one by one. The space between the individual elements is filled with tow, polyurethane foam or insulating cord.
  7. After the installation of the boards is completed, the second triangular groove element is nailed to the ceiling.
  8. The partition is sheathed.

Instead of bars, metal corners can be used for fastening to the floor and ceiling.

In order to competently make partitions for a house from timber or other wooden elements with your own hands, you need to choose the right type, install them without deviations vertically and horizontally, and securely fasten the parts of the structure together. For manufacturing it is recommended to choose wood of the first or second grade coniferous species. All wood is necessarily treated with antiseptics to prevent rotting. If desired, the elements can be treated with fire retardants to increase fire resistance.

Interior partitions in the house they are used to remodel rooms and change living space. Division can be done both during the construction process and after it. During the construction period, the divisions will serve as stiffeners.

The advantage of timber partitions is that they do not carry a load on the foundation, and frame elements do not need to be planned during construction.

Partitions made from bars are the easiest to build. Construction is not delayed long term, does not require large financial expenditures. If desired, a person can independently erect interior partitions.

Wooden interior partitions are built in houses from rounded logs, massive beams and other lumber. They allow the owner to quickly redesign the home and install boards simple tools, obtain a microclimate favorable to health. Here we describe the features of the construction of frame, frameless and panel partitions, which differ in the complexity of the design and assembly process.

Interior partitions come in three main types:

  • frame-panel;
  • wooden;
  • solid (timber).

Each type has its own nuances and properties.

Frame-panel interior partitions

Frame interior partitions

The most popular and cheapest option.

Similar view interior walls made of wood is selected before renovating the premises of an outdated house, if there is no information about load-bearing capacity floors. Its assembly is accelerated by the absence of the need to examine the condition of the building, as well as to carry out complex construction operations. To assemble the frame, vertically placed beams with a section of 60x90 mm are used. If the skin consists of plasterboard sheets, the optimal distance between the base parts should be 600 mm.

Create in house frame partitions you can make it from timber yourself, you just need to know a few nuances and purchase suitable materials.

You need to purchase a size of 50*100 mm, pitch 50-60 cm. Horizontal strapping is used to connect parts. It also gives the vertical part increased durability.

When oriented strand boards are used, this distance increases to 625 millimeters. Vertical bars are fixed between the nozzle and the bed, for the production of which boards with a cross-section of 60x110 millimeters were used, after which they are equipped with wooden crossbars installed in a checkerboard pattern. Then frame construction lined with canvases OSB material. Elements of such a coating are placed vertically and fixed with stainless steel screws.

Frame divisions can be insulated using polystyrene foam or mineral wool, 50-100 mm thick.

Wooden partitions must be protected from moisture. For this purpose it is used vapor barrier material: it is used to process structural parts on both sides. Frame divisions have enhanced sound insulation properties, unlike other varieties.

Installation of a frame partition is suitable for construction using other lumber.
The average price for this material is about 100 rubles per sq. m. meter.

Frame-panel partitions

This type of wall delimiting rooms is formed by a maximum of three layers of interlocking boards. The edges of a relatively heavy structure receive special quarters, which can be used during installation work. A fully assembled shield measuring 60x2500x60 millimeters weighs up to eighty kilograms.

Before constructing such walls, the floor and ceiling wooden house marked with lines indicating the location of the beams nailed later. In the grooves formed between them, the panels are installed, connected to each other with self-tapping screws. To get the maximum robust construction It is recommended to buy wooden panels manufactured at a specialized enterprise.

The weight characteristics of the panel have high value. Therefore, the interior partitions under consideration cannot be used as internal structures of a frame building. If the shields are connected door system, the thickness of its box must correspond to the parameter of a fully finished wall between the rooms. The free space formed above it is covered with a shield with the appropriate dimensions.

Wooden interior partitions

For systems of this type use carpentry partitions between rooms. They are decorated with elements from expensive wood, or covered with varnish and coloring agents. Such separations are rarely used, since they have poor sound and heat insulation. They are placed where such properties are not needed, for example, to block a wardrobe in the bedroom.

These systems are paneled (the panel is thin plywood). The main advantage of this type is that it does not require special finishing.

The price for wooden partitions varies greatly: 250-1500 rubles per sq. m. meter. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the cost of the material used. If desired, divisions can be created from timber on our own, however, for this you need to consult a professional.

Solid (timber) partitions

Such interior partitions consist of several boards installed end-to-end in a vertical position using tongue and groove. They are fixed with a ceiling tie-down and a floor tie-down. When constructing such a system, boards with a thickness of 40–50 millimeters are taken and placed in vertical plane next to each other. To securely fasten them, the floor must be equipped with special grooves.

In most situations, solid construction constructed from the material that was used to build the house.

Assembly is carried out on metal spikes, 100 mm long and 10 mm in diameter. They also create additional rigidity for the structure. Triangular bars are used to secure parts at the top and bottom of the wall.

Partitions made of timber are attached to the load-bearing wall using nails, or you can make special grooves in the wall where the elements are inserted. However, the second method can be used if the house has not completely settled.

Sound and heat insulation depend on the characteristics of the timber. If necessary, they can be strengthened: stitching with foam plastic, but then finishing will be required.

The average price for continuous divisions is 250 rubles per sq. m. meter. However, this figure fluctuates, as it depends on the type of timber from which the house was built.

How to make interior partitions in a wooden house

Interior partitions are most often not load-bearing structures. They are used to separate rooms. Therefore, builders have a wide choice of materials for their construction. It is customary to create divisions from the same material from which the house is built.

The most popular is wood. It is much easier and more economical to make divisions from it with your own hands. Before self-construction timber walls should be consulted with professionals. They can give practical advice, will advise the method and material for construction.

Manufacturing of frame partitions

This type of structure is easy to erect and fits into a room made of any material. It will be enough for a person to understand the principle of making frame divisions in order to make them himself, and will not have to spend money on hiring a construction team.

The basis wooden frame are timber (section 40-60 mm) and boards (thickness 30-50 mm). As a rule, interior walls are not made from boards, since this is not a profitable use of lumber. They are used only when they are left over construction work eg after laying floors.

From the board you can get as many as 2 beams for the frame if it has the appropriate parameters: thickness - 40 mm or more, width - 120 mm or more. Circular saw you need to saw along the board to get 2 identical elements.

It is better to assemble a wooden frame using nails or self-tapping screws. Fastening plates are rarely used. It would be a mistake to use foam for installation work.

At the top, the frame is sheathed with sheet material or “lining” (thin board). The first option needs to be prepared for finishing. The “lining” should be cleaned, sanded and covered with decorating agents for the interior space. Partitions made from “lining” must be erected after laying the subfloor and installing the black ceiling.

Framed partitions are quite popular due to their ease of installation. According to statistics, 95% of developers prefer to build frames.

Making a wooden partition from a two-layer panel

With the development of the construction industry, two-layer panels (slat or plank) began to be used to create interior divisions. The boards are nailed together. To make a slatted shield, 3 slats or bars with a cross section of 30*35 mm are used.

Quarters are made vertically on the shields. If the partitions will be plastered wet method, the surface of the shield must be treated crosswise with plaster shingles.

The divisions are secured to the walls with special fasteners at a distance of 1 meter.

Features of installation of solid partitions

When installing this type of separation, it is important to take into account some nuances. A timber partition requires special care.

The bottom block must be nailed to the joist with long nails. It is best to purchase timber from aspen or larch, as this material is more resistant to moisture. For additional protection, a waterproofing element is installed.

Jute fiber is laid between the beams to insulate the room heat and sound. Metal and wooden dowels will make the structure more durable.

After installation work, all parts should be sanded and coated with an antiseptic. Next you need to wait for the partition to shrink. The timber shrinks 5 months after construction, but the shrinkage of the structure can last a long time when full use of the premises has begun.


Partitions made of timber are quite popular in construction industry. There is no need to buy expensive equipment or bother with concrete and other materials. The bars do not clutter up the living space and are quickly erected.

Every owner of a private house sooner or later begins to rebuild, repair, and remodel it.

For buildings from different materials There are rules for redevelopment and reconstruction. Next, we’ll look at the features and secrets of how to make them in a wooden house, the rules for their installation and insulation.

Everyone wants to do redevelopment and repairs, both craftsmen and dummies. Before getting down to business, it is necessary to arm yourself with a theoretical basis so that no questions or difficulties arise during installation work.

The first thing that is important to understand is the difference between walls and partitions. Some people think they are the same thing. Let's figure it out now.

So, there are two types of walls:

  • Load-bearing walls are structures on which the main slabs rest, supporting the entire structure of the building. They cannot be broken, rearranged or even “touched” during redevelopment.
  • Non-load-bearing walls are laid out at floor height, but the foundation or roof does not rest on them. Therefore, such walls can be broken and moved if this does not negatively affect the roof.
  • The partitions, in turn, do not represent any importance for the entire structure. They rest on the floors and play exclusively decorative role in the interior. Most often used for zoning to divide a room into zones. Sometimes used as interior partitions.

Partitions have long burst into the world of construction and renovation, as alternative solution for large and small rooms that need to accommodate several zones. This is a great option to separate the kitchen and dining room. Partitions may not necessarily be solid, but made in the form of a bookcase and shelves, which is relevant for kitchens, offices and other types of premises.

If we talk about partitions in a wooden private house, they can be made of any material except brick.

This can be the same wood, drywall, glass materials and others. When installing partitions, fewer difficulties arise than when erecting walls, since there are no special requirements, they simply serve as zoning and do not have to be so strong as to withstand the load of the roof, ceiling or floor span.

Features of partitions in wooden buildings

Partitions in a wooden house are not made for shrinkage. First, the house is completely built, settled, and then partitions can be installed. If they are installed immediately, then it is possible that they will become deformed during the shrinkage of the house. Wood is a natural material and has the ability to expand, contract or change in some way.

Experienced builders advise first to build, erect the entire building and several months should pass before doing any repair work on it. During this period, the material “sits” in its place and then there will be no interference with interior work. If you neglect this advice, you may encounter cracks and deformation of the interior decoration.

The partitions have one important feature: They are as easy to install as they are just as easy to dismantle.

That is, if necessary, they can be moved to another place, built after the renovation is completed, or removed completely, if necessary. In addition to the partition, such structures provide soundproofing qualities.

Let's consider the main characteristics of interior partitions in a private house:

  • lightness so as not to bear any load.
  • strength to withstand small loads.
  • thermal and sound insulation properties for the room.
    ecology, that is, it is important to use exclusively environmentally friendly materials, since a wooden house itself is environmentally friendly.
  • moisture resistance and fire resistance are qualities that can be achieved by using special impregnations for materials before starting installation work.

Thus, we can conclude that they must meet certain criteria in order to fully perform their functions.

Types of partitions and technologies for their installation

In a wooden private house made of logs or timber, several types of partitions are used, each of which is installed according to special rules.

Frame and frame-panel partitions are considered the most common option for installation in a wooden house. The installation technology does not cause difficulties, even if you make the partitions yourself. The main thing is to follow the algorithm of actions:

  • drawing up a drawing and measuring the structure so that it fits tightly between the ceiling and floor
  • strapping bars are attached to the floor and ceiling using hardware and a frame is installed, that is, the frame is attached to the bars and from the butt side to the wall
  • The next step is heat and sound insulation; most often in this case, mineral wool is used, which is placed in the frame itself
  • sheathing is carried out with clapboard, wooden sheets or plasterboard (depending on the wishes and preferences of the owner)
  • external decorative works, that is, the partition is finished - puttying, priming and painting, or varnishing

Carpentry and panel partitions are mounted according to the following principles:

  • measurements are taken and markings are made
  • made of wood slats with an average thickness of 3 centimeters
  • slats are nailed to the floor, creating grooves for the future partition
  • the partition consists of wooden shields, which are mounted in pre-prepared grooves

It is important to note here that partitions can be 1-2-3-layer, depending on the number of sheets. The thicker it is, the stronger it is. To create sound insulation, mineral wool can be laid between sheets of base material, which will provide high level isolation.

This design can be made to cover the entire height from floor to ceiling or with a gap of a few centimeters at the top if this is, for example, zoning in one room and not an interior partition.

Frameless wooden structures are considered the simplest in terms of installation work:

  • measurements, markings, as in previous versions
  • installation of the bottom trim
  • making a groove along the thickness of the sheets from which the partition will be made
  • the boards are mounted in grooves installed on the ceiling and floor; you need to start from the wall;
    all gaps and spaces are filled with tow or foam
  • when the structure is ready, external work is carried out; the partition is sheathed and painted

The key to a strong and durable partition is correct measurements on initial stage. When all the materials coincide, a dense partition is assembled that can withstand fairly heavy loads.

Requirements for partitions

To make it in a wooden house with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the requirements for such structures:

  • The partitions must be strong so that they do not fall, do not wobble, and you can lean on them. This is especially true for children's rooms, where kids will tug on the structure, hold on and constantly touch it.
  • During installation, unevenness, gaps or cracks should be avoided, especially between sheets and walls, since strength will directly depend on this.
  • If the partition is installed indoors high humidity, it is necessary to choose moisture-resistant materials (green plasterboard, wood impregnated with moisture).
  • For partitions on the second floor, balcony, terrace, it is important to choose wooden sheets, since they are the lightest in weight and do not pose any load.
  • For zoning large rooms For example, in a living room, dividing it into a relaxation area, eating area and an office, it is better to use transparent materials to leave the room visually large and bright.
  • A thick partition will allow you to hide cords, wires and other communications.

Before installation work, you need to think through everything in detail in order to decide on the type of structure and the material from which it will be made.

Noise insulation

According to standards, noise insulation between rooms in a private house should be above 43 dB. When installing partitions, it is advisable to build on this indicator in order to make the stay of all family members as comfortable as possible.

If it is necessary to create complete insulation, then it is recommended to contact specialists who deal with sound insulation and acoustics (perhaps you need to equip a studio or music room at home for creativity).

If it is necessary to create insulation for ordinary living conditions, it is enough to use a standard insulator - high-density construction insulation. It has not only soundproofing, but also thermal insulation properties. Of course, you can use ceramics, aerated concrete and other materials that perfectly absorb extraneous noise. It’s just that mineral wool, unlike other building materials, is lightweight, which is very important for partitions.

Sound absorption material is placed in the frame between the partition sheets. The denser the layer, the greater the insulation.

If partitions are planned as zoning in one room, then insulation is not necessary, especially since this type of partition may not be completely mounted to the ceiling, but with a small gap at the top (3-5 centimeters).

Plasterboard partitions

Drywall is the most common material for various types finishing in the house. Frame partitions from of this material easy and quick to install. In addition, due to the size of the sheets, a large amount of facing work will not be required; all that remains is to sew up the seams.

Another advantage is its wide selection, among which you can find canvases of different strengths and thicknesses. Green plasterboard (moisture resistant) is especially popular.

For installation plasterboard construction lungs are used metal profiles. Even a teenager can install them; all you need to do is take correct and even measurements.

First, a frame of profiles is installed, mineral wool is placed in it, and the partition is sewn up on all sides with sheets of plasterboard. Also, in such a design you can easily hide all the necessary wires or pipes to improve the aesthetic appearance of the room.
Soundproofing qualities will directly depend on the thickness of the sheets and the internal gap into which the insulating material is laid.

When the structure is completely assembled, you can begin exterior decoration partitions. Gaps and joints between sheets of drywall are puttied and then sanded. Before main finishing material a primer is applied to increase adhesion. Then you can cover the partition to your liking. As a rule, it is painted, but some glue it to wallpaper, leather, suede, etc.

Wooden partitions

Wood partitions are best suited for or logs. They can be made in two variations - frames or solid sheets. Wooden partitions are ideal for those who often like to change the design of their home and make repairs or remodeling. The thing is that such structures are easy to install and just as easy to dismantle, which will facilitate the process of rearrangement or repair.

If such partitions are installed in rooms with high humidity, they must first be treated with a special impregnation that will protect the material from rotting, mold and the development of fungal infections.

To prevent the structure from cracking in the future, it is recommended to cover it reinforced mesh, on top of which facing materials will be applied.

Partitions made of glass materials

Glass materials are used when an interior or zoned partition is being made. This will provide a high level of natural light.
Glass or plastic materials imitation glass are presented on the construction market in a wide range. They exist great amount colors and textures.

These have high noise insulation properties and allow about 80% of natural light to pass through. Glass materials are installed at the finishing stage finishing works indoors. Their installation is a little different from other materials.

Average prices for partitions in a wooden house

It’s difficult to talk about the price, since it depends on many factors. Fire and moisture resistant materials will cost a little more than simple sheets of wood or drywall. Also important role The type of material itself plays a role.

When drawing up a plan, calculations and estimates, it is important to add 10%, taking into account possible waste, so as not to “miss” with the amount of material.

In summing up, it is important to note that partitions in private houses play a very important role. They help separate rooms and also create different zones in one room. Partitions can be made of glass, plastic, polycarbonate, plasterboard, wooden sheets and others. During installation, it is important to follow the rules and features of installing partitions in order to create a strong and durable structure.

Do-it-yourself interior partition in a wooden house - on video:

When building a wooden house or during redevelopment, it is often necessary to erect interior partitions made of wood to zone the internal space. Such partitions have some advantages over heavy ones. They are lightweight and do not require an additional foundation to be laid under them, which allows such structures to be erected anywhere in the house.

In general, wooden partitions can be installed in houses built from any building materials. Their advantage is that, if necessary, they can be easily dismantled and moved to a new location.

All designs from wood materials can be divided into several main types:

Most modern version when zoning residential premises is the installation of frame partitions. If you have some skills, you can install them yourself.

Pros and cons of wooden partitions

Wooden interior partitions are not load-bearing structures; they only divide the space between the main walls, allowing you to zone the internal area of ​​the room as necessary.

Significant disadvantages of such walls include their strong dependence on atmospheric humidity. Wood, absorbing moisture, expands, deforming and bending the plane of the wall. To avoid this, special oil-based impregnations are often used, which clog the pores of the wood, preventing natural air exchange, but complete isolation from moisture is unlikely to be achieved.

If a house made of timber or logs has just been built, then you need to wait for it to completely shrink before proceeding with internal zoning. It takes 1 to 2 years for the house to completely shrink, which significantly delays the finishing time.

On to the pros wooden walls, obviously, one can attribute their low cost and environmental friendliness. In addition to the low cost of materials, the advantage is the ease of installation - to produce installation work You can install a frame made of wooden beams and cover it with sheet material yourself, saving significant money. There is nothing particularly difficult in doing this work; you just need to have basic skills in working with wood and be able to use simple tools.

How to make an interior partition from wood

Before installing the partition the best solution will create a project, even if it regular drawing by hand. This diagram will help you better understand how much material will be needed for construction, and in what order it is better to arrange the frame posts. All further work will be reduced to performing simple actions in accordance with the drawing.

Construction of a wooden partition frame

The frame is made in the same way as during construction . The only difference is that wooden beams and boards are used as the material for the frame, rather than a metal profile.

The main important point in the construction of a frame interior wall is the impeccable alignment of the vertical, and with it correct location upper and lower guide bars. To perform this procedure, on the side walls, with the possibility of changing their position, the starting bars of the structure are strengthened, which, after careful control and adjustment of verticality using a level, are fixed with reliable fasteners.

The next step is to attach bars of exactly the same size to the ceiling and floor, which will serve as the upper and lower guides of the frame. To maintain the correct geometry of the future partition, the guides must align exactly with the starting beams.

Nails are used to fasten the starting and guide beams in a wooden house, but if the ceiling is covered concrete slabs and on the floor there is concrete screed, dowels and screws are used.

The cross-section of the timber used to construct the frame depends on how thick the partition needs to be. In most cases, a 100x50 beam is sufficient, which forms a frame 10 cm thick. Support frame made of such bars can easily withstand cladding made of any materials.

Sometimes, to improve soundproofing properties, interior partitions are made thicker, the structure becomes heavier, and then the diameter of the timber from which the frame is made must be increased.

Next, the frame is assembled by installing racks on the guide bars every 60 centimeters. Fastening is carried out using wood screws and metal corners. There is no need to achieve the ideal strength of the wooden frame lattice, because... double-sided cladding is a good strength element that imparts rigidity to the entire structure.

A distance of 60 cm is selected based on standardized dimensions sheet materials so that the joints of the sheets fall on wooden beam. This size is also convenient for laying soundproofing material into the frame.

After installation vertical racks, proceed to the installation of transverse beams, which give additional rigidity to the frame. 2-3 crossbars for the entire height, staggered in relation to adjacent openings, are sufficient.

Covering a wooden interior partition

Sheathing materials can be sheets of plywood, sanded or unsanded particle boards, OSB sheets, as well as other slab materials. They are mounted on the frame lattice close to each other with a small gap for thermal expansion. In order to prevent the penetration of moisture, warping and swelling of the sheathing slabs fixed to the frame, a self-adhesive mesh is applied to the joints, which is covered with putty during finishing.

Before sheathing, frame beams need to be treated with a special bactericidal impregnation, which prevents them from rotting and the appearance of fungus. This treatment also allows the wood to resist fire.

Before final covering with reverse side frame, you need to take care of sound insulation wooden partition. Insulating materials made from mineral wool, as they have good noise-absorbing properties. Insulation mats are laid without gaps, filling all cavities. If 100x50 timber is used for the frame, then the insulation sheets are laid in 2 overlapping layers, overlapping the joints.

Also at this stage, you can install the necessary communications into the partition, such as pipes or electrical wiring. For convenience, first the frame is sheathed on one side, then the electrics are installed on the other side and insulation is laid. At the end, the frame is completely sewn up with the remaining material.

The gap between the ceiling and top part the structure is filled with rough fibrous material or foamed with polyurethane foam.

The process of constructing the frame of a wooden partition in a house made of timber is clearly shown in the video:

Interior partitions in a wooden house are present in almost all such buildings. Today there is a large number of options for implementing such elements. The material can be timber, logs, boards or boards. The process of erecting partitions is simple, so anyone can do it. In this article we will look at the technology for creating room separation.

Purpose of partitions

Wooden partitions should be laid correctly after the shrinkage in the house is completed. It is worth noting that this design is self-supporting. Install them to amend the layout and divide the living space. By the way, such elements do not put pressure on the foundation, and at the same time improve noise and thermal insulation in room.

Attention! Partitions in a wooden house are very easy to dismantle and move from one place to another. Material can be joined with my own hands, and without additional help. This characteristic is the main one distinctive feature from load-bearing walls. The ceiling may not be provided for in advance when laying the foundation of the house, since they have a lightweight design.

It is optimal to install interior partitions in a wooden house with your own hands, as they have a number of advantages over other types of house structural elements:

  • The material has high strength;
  • You can install lightweight elements that do not put pressure on the foundation. So, for example, you can make partitions in a wooden house, often built from plasterboard.
  • The device does not have large mass and dimensions, therefore the design is quite thin.
  • Internal partitions create additional features space, this ensures sound insulation and insulation of rooms.
  • The design creates additional point supports for household appliances and furniture.

Making a partition for a house out of wood is quite simple. To exclude possible problems should only be used environmentally pure material. It is for this reason that it is necessary to select a partition and install it in accordance with sanitary and fire safety standards. It is best to use elements that can withstand fire and moisture.

Requirements for partitions

In order for the elements to function well, it is best to adhere to a number of requirements and rules. So:

  • The constructed structural component must withstand its service life;
  • The surface of the partitions must be solid, without deformations or cracks.

This is where we got acquainted with the basic rules. But it is worth noting that there are a number of special requirements:

  • If we consider partitions in the bathroom, then resistance to moisture is necessary. For this it is better to use waterproof material. And, remember that it is very important that water does not get inside the structure.
  • To make interior partitions in a wooden house for the second floor or attic, it is very important to use light elements, since houses with wooden floors have less load capacity.
  • If you want to brighten the room space, then use transparent structures.
  • To conduct communication systems, it is better to thicken the wall of the partition.
  • There are situations when in rooms different temperatures. For such situations, it is better to install solid walls to increase thermal insulation.

Attention! Soundproofing partitions in a wooden house is mandatory in most cases. To achieve this goal, you can install lightweight elements with noise protection, or massive structures.

Plasterboard partitions

Today, manufacturers produce slabs large size, which are created from a mixture different types gypsum Plasterboard partitions are most often used in the construction of structures made of reinforced concrete and wood. If there is a high level of moisture in the room, then you need to install specialized slabs that are resistant to its effects. Also solve this problem possible with the help of additional treatment with a water repellent.

The standard parameters of gypsum board slabs are 0.5 by 1.25 meters with a width of 0.1 m. In most cases, the elements for installation have a groove or protrusion, which speeds up the assembly process. By the way, if you want to make changes to the layout of the house, then dismantling or disassembling the structure is carried out without any particular difficulties.

How to make an installation for communication systems. The answer is very simple, as the material cuts perfectly, so you can make a perfect fit. The main advantage of plasterboard walls in a wooden house is the lightness and smoothness of the surface.

In most cases, the slabs are installed one on top of the other on a horizontal level, and then they are interconnected. A special solution of gypsum and concrete is used for the connection. It is worth noting that at the seams it is necessary to install reinforcement connected to similar metal elements. We seal the resulting gaps with mortar. There is no need to plaster the surface of the walls; it is better to treat it with putty.

Attention! It is very important that the solution is prepared at the stage of work when it is needed. This norm necessary so that it does not dry out.

For new buildings, partitions should be made three months after creating the box. It is worth saying that this is necessary so that shrinkage has already occurred. The separation of rooms is carried out earlier than the ceiling screed. This is necessary for further connection of the ceiling elements to the walls of the room. In an old house, the ceilings should be dismantled and plasterboard products installed. For such redevelopment, it is better to use the services of a construction company.

Wooden partitions

IN modern technologies In construction, two types of wooden partitions are used:

  • Frame construction;
  • Solid beam.

Many professionals prefer wood for the second floor, since the lightness of the material does not increase the pressure on the foundation of the building. For such elements, installation and dismantling is easy, so you can do all the work yourself. If there is a high level of moisture in the room, then additional treatment with special means is necessary.

Solid types of partitions are made from vertically placed logs or boards. To increase noise protection, they are installed in two rows, or an already processed material is selected. The main disadvantage of the products is the cost of wood, which affects the overall cost of the work.

Prefabricated frame systems formed by beams and lower cladding. This task can be accomplished using lining, as well as special plywood. Installation of such a structure involves laying racks on the timber, resting on the floor beam. The process is characterized by the presence of two horizontal parts, onto which boards are attached in a vertical position.

Attention! If desired, redevelopment with wooden elements, before installing new parts, you should demolish the floors that are present in the structure of the house.

So we got acquainted with the main types of partitions between rooms. Also, the above information describes how to perform installation work for wood or plasterboard material.