You know our Stepa braggart, he’s scary. Essay on the topic: Styopa chops wood

Styopa chops wood

You don’t know our Styopa? He's a terrible braggart.

Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour,” Styopa said one day.

When did you learn? - we ask.

“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he answers.

Then show me, and we'll see how you do it.

We went into the yard. Styopa took an ax and the largest block of wood, swung it and plunged the ax into the very middle of it. But I can't get it out.

Oh, Styopa, if you don’t know how, don’t try it! - we laugh
- Now I’ll split it, you’ll see! - Stepan shouts.

However, the ax stuck firmly. Styopa took the ax and pulled it towards himself. The ax escaped from his hands - and straight into Styopka’s jaw! They say correctly: “He who boasts will fall from the mountain.”

Since then, Styopa stopped boasting about his skills, and we never reminded him of his embarrassment.

You don’t know our Styopa? (Interrogative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, gram, base - you don’t know, distribution)

You don’t know our Styopa? He's a terrible braggart.

Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour,” Styopa said one day.
- When did you learn? - we ask.
“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he answers.
- Then show me, and we’ll see how you do it...

Styopka was not at a loss and decided to show his friends what he was capable of. After all, as they say, whoever is not afraid of work will succeed in it. Styopa, of course, did not know how to chop wood at all, but since he was a terrible boaster, he could not help but do it. Otherwise, his friends will laugh at him and call him a coward or a liar.

Styopka took the ax with unskilled hands, which seemed too heavy to him. Previously, looking at his father from the outside, the boy thought that chopping wood was an extraordinary task. But now, having tried it on himself, he realized that this requires considerable experience, dexterity and dexterity. All these thoughts flashed through the boy’s head in an instant. Then Styopka placed in front of him a log that he intended to split. The boy made a lot of effort to lift this ax, but it seemed like too much effort: the ax suddenly overturned sharply towards the boy and hit him with its back side. All this happened so quickly that Styopka lost consciousness for a second. But Stepka’s friends immediately caught on and rushed to help their friend. Fortunately, the boy quickly regained consciousness. True, the consequences of his excessive boasting will remain as a memory for Styopka in the form of a huge bump!

So, Stepkin’s self-confidence ultimately let him down; his friends, of course, did not take offense at him, much less laugh at the boy. Sometimes you need to admit your mistakes, otherwise you can end up in a very awkward position! Popular wisdom says: whoever boasts will fall from the mountain.

Essay on the topic: Styopa chops wood

Styopa chops wood

You don’t know our Styopa? He's a terrible braggart.

“Yesterday I chopped all the wood in half an hour,” Styopa said one day.

- When did you learn? - we ask.

“I’ve been able to do it for a long time,” he answers.

“Then show me, and we’ll see how you do it.”

Styopa boldly walked up to the woodpile and took a huge, heavy block of wood lying nearby. We looked at Styopa doubtfully:

- Stepan, take a smaller piece of wood!

But Styopa didn’t listen to anyone. He swung with all his might

He used an ax and slashed into the very center of the block. As one would expect, the ax got stuck - neither here nor there.

Styopa pushed and pushed, trying to pull the ax out of the tree. It would be better if he didn't do this! The ax suddenly jumped out of the block and the next second there was an unpleasant sound: the butt of the ax broke Styopa’s lip!

Styopa walked around for a long time with a band-aid on his lip. Apparently, what people say is true: “It’s easy to boast, but it’s easy to fall down.”


- essay-story on the theme of steppe chopping wood

– essay on the topic of tap dance chopping wood

- essay a story on the theme of steppe chopping wood

– composition of steppe chopping wood

- essay short story Stepa chopping wood

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Topic: R/R Essay-story on the topic “Styopa chops wood.”

Lesson type. Lesson on skills development (speech development).

Goals as student activities.


M/c: build a coherent monologue statement in an educational-scientific style in the form of reasoning, express and justify your opinion, speak to an audience of peers with a message, exercise speech self-control, observe language norms of oral and written communication.


LR: create a narrative text based on the proposed introduction.

Stages of the lesson Progress of the lesson Formation of UUD and assessment technology, spiritual and moral education

I. Organizational moment. Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Identification of missing persons.

II. Updating what has been learned.

Today in class we will write an essay-story on the topic “Styopa chops wood.” But first, let's decide what type of text we classify it as: narration, description, reasoning. Justify.

Cognitive UUD

1. Analyze, group, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Communicative UUD

Possess monologue speech; adequately use speech means to solve communicative problems.

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Exercise 517 suggests the sequence in which the story should be told. But before choosing an introduction, let's look at the picture.

– What situation is shown in the picture? (The boy chops wood.)

– Does the boy know how to chop wood? Prove it.

- So, list everything that can be said about the boy. (It is important that the teacher prevents the children from making statements about the boy’s personality: a braggart, a loser, etc., since this is not visible in the picture.)

– Can we, based only on the drawing, characterize the boy’s personal qualities?

The introductions suggested in the exercise will help us with this.

– Read them (option I is the first introduction, option II is the second) and characterize Styopa based on the drawing. (Several opinions are heard.)

Regulatory UUD

1. Make assumptions based on observations.

IV. Development of educational, language and speech skills.

– Formulate the moral of the resulting story. (The teacher should draw the children’s attention to the fact that in the second text the narration is told in the first person; we can conclude that Styopa is self-critical.)

– From the text of exercise 508, select the proverb that best matches your story.

– Build a structure according to which you will lead the story.

Cognitive UUD

1. Use different types of reading (introductory, study reading), relying on the mechanisms and techniques of reading activity.

2. Analyze, generalize, build reasoning.

3. Extract information from a picture, present information in different forms.

Communicative UUD

1. Construct a coherent monologue statement in compliance with the norms of speech culture, find and correct grammatical errors.

2. Listen and hear others, be ready to adjust your point of view.

V. Development of reading skills and skills of coherent written speech.

Two or three stories are listened to in class.

Independent work (writing an essay).

Cognitive UUD

1. Possess student reading skills and productive reading techniques.

Communicative UUD

1. Construct a coherent monologue statement in an educational and scientific style in the form of a narrative.

2. Express and justify your opinion.

3. Present a message to an audience of peers.

4. Exercise speech self-control, observe language norms in oral and written language. communication.

VI. Lesson summary. –

– How would you rate your work in class?

Mutual assessment.

– Who successfully completed the tasks?

– Who else needs to work on what? What needs to be done to avoid mistakes in the future?

Regulatory UUD

1. Correlate the goals and results of your activities.

2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.

VII. Homework.

Write an essay-story.

Styopa is chopping wood. Show me and we'll see...

Styopka didn’t think about the fact that his friends would ask him to show his skills and abilities in chopping wood when he showed off to his friends. But in fact, he never held an ax in his hands. I saw my father chopping wood several times, but nothing more. From the outside it seemed very easy and simple. And what could be the difficulty? Take a log, an ax in your hands and chop. Is it a big deal? So Styopka decided to show what he was capable of. Yes, he took the thickest log so that he would surely surprise his friends, so that they would tell the whole village what a great fellow and daredevil Styopka was.

How Styopa chopped wood

Styopa put the log on the woodpile, took the ax, which turned out to be very heavy, swung it and hit the center of the log. He took the ax and stuck it into a tree. No matter how hard Styopa tried to pull him out, it didn’t work. Neither here nor here. When the boy looked at his friends out of the corner of his eye, it seemed to him that they were whispering that they were about to start laughing at him. And then the boy pulled the ax with all his strength, which finally jumped out and hit Styopa on the forehead with its butt.

Friends ran up to Styopa, and he wanted to cry, from pain and resentment. But the boys turned out to be real friends and did not laugh, telling Styopa that it was simply not his day. And the bump on his forehead reminded Styopka of his boasting for a long time, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s easy to boast, but it’s easy to fall.” However, now Styopa decided to truly learn how to chop wood, becoming an assistant to his father.