Choosing a staircase - cheaper or more expensive? Which staircase is better - concrete, wood or metal? Metal or concrete stairs are cheaper.

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. If you are the owner two-story cottage, Do you understand that important element The interior of such a house is a staircase. A modern building must successfully fulfill its functional obligations and have an aesthetically attractive appearance that fits into the design of the room.

The aesthetic component is an important aspect in choosing a staircase; a tastelessly modeled design can spoil the impression of the expensive repairs or exquisite furniture decorating the personal space of the owner of a country house.

You can order a ready-made structure, which the craftsmen will deliver and install in a special place determined by the owners under the stairs. You can purchase a product that will be assembled before your eyes: specialists will build the base and install the steps and railings.

Ease of use;
A harmonious combination of the design of steps and railings with the interior features of the room.

It is often difficult for customers to immediately select the material from which stair elements will be made. You can often hear the question: “Which stairs are better: wooden or metal?” let's discuss design features, advantages and disadvantages of structures made of wood and metal structures.

Wooden stairs

Wooden stairs were decorated by ancient family estates, locks. And now such designs remain popular. It's all about the advantages that the material is endowed with. A wooden product may have unusual shape. By using paint and varnish compositions you can give the stairs the necessary shade, creating a contrast with color scheme rooms or, conversely, making the passage to the second floor a harmonious element of the interior.

Wooden stairs have some disadvantages that should be taken into account when ordering a similar attribute from craftsmen. Wooden structures do not withstand the strict parameters set by the fire service (wood is a highly flammable material, and in the event of a fire in the staircase area, the evacuation of people is difficult). The wooden option does not The best decision For public buildings; they are prone to rapid wear and loss of their former attractiveness.

Thanks to the pliability of the material, the craftsman can create a product that meets your ideas of beauty. The tree tolerates various manipulations well:

Varnish treatment.

The first problem faced by the customer of a wooden lifting structure is the choice of material. The most expensive and high-quality products are mahogany structures. Clients for whom the cost of the order is not a leading indicator choose this option and decorate the path to the second floor with artistic carvings. The wait for a work of art takes a long time: a master cabinetmaker devotes several months to each work. Not everyone can afford such an interior element: creations made from mahogany have a high cost.

People who are wondering “which staircase is better: metal or wood” should not avoid working with companies involved in the construction of wooden samples due to their high cost.

They may offer you a budget and at the same time attractive option - lifting structures for a private house made of oak. Constructions made of larch and ash will be a budget option. For example, by following the link you can see a couple of products

Metal stairs

This option is a win-win in premises where production is established. Increased concentration harmful substances and increased load on the steps affect the appearance and operational properties designs.

There are people who, when asked which staircases are better: wooden or metal, give preference to metal products built in private homes. Modern metal options I can be a work of art: exclusive forged samples, original bronze models will be the highlight of any home.

The most popular materials from which metal stair products are made are steel, bronze, aluminum, and cast iron. The aesthetics of the structure is achieved thanks to special coatings, decoration with stone and wood. The finishing of the steps with natural stone looks impressive.

Advantages of metal stairs:

The master can work with straight and curved shapes, making a variety of shapes possible.

Reasonable prices for products.


Ease of changing decor, availability of updating the finishing of steps.

Disadvantages of metal structures:

Stairs made from these materials require regular resurfacing.

When lifting, a characteristic characteristic may be observed upon contact with metal elements.

These facts must be taken into account when deciding which staircase is better, metal or wood should decorate the house. The choice of this attribute for a home is influenced by many factors: financial side question, taste preferences of the customer, dimensions of the required design.

With companies engaged in the manufacture of structures various types, available at

Good luck with your choice!

You can build a second floor, and, most importantly, choose a convenient and comfortable staircase to the top. But a stationary staircase does not cost that little, especially if it is large. But manufacturers tried to please all categories of citizens - this is how inexpensive stairs to the second floor of the dacha appeared.

As a rule, the price decrease occurs due to the reduction in the size of the staircase itself.

Oddly enough, it is small structures that are gaining popularity because:

  • They look quite decent;
  • Fits into almost any interior;
  • The price is significantly lower, but the variety of species remains.

Indeed, monumental structures will not be appropriate everywhere, which is especially true for small houses with a built-on second floor.

Stairs have a number of requirements, including that the width of the passage be equal to the width of the staircase. The second floor is also unlikely to be large, and a huge passage will simply ruin everything.

Not everyone can afford expensive options, especially if the house has just been completed and renovations have been completed. An acceptable price helped small-sized stairs to occupy their niche in the product market. Indeed, the variety of materials and design options for the entrance to the second floor allows you to find exactly what you want, even for the most demanding taste and complex interior style.

It is quite possible to make a wooden staircase with your own hands if you approach this process correctly. We'll tell you how to do this in the article: .

Materials for inexpensive stairs

Often, the price is influenced by the material from which the stairs are made. Moreover, it is almost always a choice expensive materials instead of the usual ones, it is determined solely by prestige and the desire to show off. And according to operational characteristics inexpensive materials are often even better and more reliable.

Most often, inexpensive stairs are made from materials such as:

  • Concrete;
  • Metal;
  • Tree.

Concrete stairs are rightfully considered one of the most reliable. You can meet her at any entrance multi-storey building. Made from the same material street stairs. But this does not mean at all that such a design cannot be used in the country. It may not look too beautiful or expensive, but reliability is guaranteed.

Stairs consisting entirely of metal are rare, this is understandable - in order for the staircase to be strong, the metal should not be soft, and such a structure weighs a lot. Most often, metal is combined with other materials, for example, tempered glass. Forged metal railings look especially impressive.

Depending on the size and material, the cost of a spiral staircase can start from 10 thousand rubles, which is really quite inexpensive. Even if the staircase is made to order, you can still save money. The main increase in price comes, oddly enough, for additional work– measurements, drawing up diagrams and drawings, and owners often prepare estimates. If you do everything yourself, it will save at least 15 percent.

You can save the same amount by not finishing. You can do it yourself. Yes and self-installation will leave the owner approximately 20% of the total amount.

Most economical option spiral staircase - with emphasis on a supporting pillar. It is made from metal pipe, which has a diameter of 5 cm. Wedge-shaped steps are attached to it like a fan. There are other options - with support on the wall, on stringers, well type. However, it is this design on the pipe that is the most reliable. It also allows you to install railings, which provides additional safety. This is true for older people and families with children.

It is also necessary to take into account that spiral staircase Saves space quite noticeably. If for big house this is not so relevant, then for small rooms such a configuration will be a real salvation. In addition, you can finish both the steps themselves and the support pipe different ways. For example, they are painted with special paints and varnished.

Cheap stairs for a summer house to the second floor

It is clear that those people who are trying to save on installation and finishing are unlikely to order a staircase for several hundred thousand rubles from precious stones valuable species wood, and many people begin to doubt the quality and reliability of inexpensive structures.

It is worth considering that:

  • The finished staircase may vary in size;
  • Ordering specially is expensive;
  • Inexpensive models may be made from low-quality material.

All these doubts are quite easy to dispel. Yes, ready-made kits for the installation of stairs they have strict proportions, but you can’t make a mistake if you take all the measurements well. A custom-made staircase may also not be too hard on your wallet if you take on some of the work yourself. And the savings on materials are not due to low quality, but to the similarity of all models - they are the same down to the last screw, and vary only in size, and very slightly.

Nice appearance An inexpensive staircase will be provided with sanding. It will also get rid of burrs and other troubles. In addition, it will increase durability and strength.

Further finishing is done solely to the taste of the owners. Wooden structures are usually coated only with varnish. But metal ones can be painted, not only the railings, but also the steps.

Convenient inexpensive stairs to the second floor for a summer residence (video)

Choose inexpensive model stairs for country house not too difficult. And even here everything can be done much cheaper if the owners do part of the work. Inexpensive does not mean bad, so there is no need to be afraid of such designs. They will also last a long time and look beautiful.

Good luck with your experiments!

Details: inexpensive stairs to the second floor (photo examples)

It all depends on what quality product you expect to see (and observe for many years) in your home. If you are not bothered by errors in the form of under-polishing, gaps between parts, squeaks when walking, poor-quality painting, cheap glue

etc., but for a small price, then you will be completely satisfied with the economy option from stores that provide a range of construction services.

If you are demanding about the quality of materials, assembly, painting, you are a 100% customer furniture showrooms and professional manufacturers who control the manufacturing process from the stage of measurements, drawings and design to installation and delivery of the object to the customer.

So let's look at more cheap option. You go to a store where you can buy everything for repairs, construction, etc., buy parts for your future staircase and start fooling around with this “constructor” (or yourself, if you have necessary tools, or hired installers). And it seems that instead of a stepladder, there is already a full-fledged staircase in the house, but where do unexpected and unpleasant “surprises” come from (cracks, creaks, etc.)?

All this can be explained very simply. If you ordered a staircase from professionals, you would receive the following advantages:

  • they will do everything at your facility necessary measurements taking into account all the nuances: frame features, window placement, etc.;
  • you will be provided with drawings, the type of staircase, design, material, color and, of course, production time will be agreed upon with you;
  • the material will be polished to a shine (not only on a machine, but also by hand);
  • all parts of the staircase will retain their appearance, since they will be made from cut timber glued with high-quality glue;
  • also you will see your staircase in draft(during pre-assembly) and at this stage you can correct some nuances;
  • During the rough assembly, the craftsmen will trim the parts taking into account uneven walls, frame errors, etc.;
  • After this, the parts are sanded and painted again. Painting will be multi-stage using high-quality paint and varnish materials;
  • and now this product of great labor will be brought for installation... Rich and luxurious, it will delight you and evoke a feeling of delight among your guests.

Is all this available in an economy version?

Draw conclusions, make up your mind and order from professionals!

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Safety: how to close the stairs from a child

When a child first gets on his feet and takes his first steps, he begins an exciting journey around the house. On his way he encounters new objects. They, of course, are very interesting for a little person, but, moreover, they can be extremely unsafe for his health.

Which staircase to choose, metal or wood?

The staircase structure should be designed before construction begins. internal partitions, taking into account the material from which the house is built, the dimensions of the opening, the distance between interfloor ceilings and location of the structure. What product should be placed in a living space so that it fits well into the interior, is practical and durable?

The basis of any staircase design is its functionality and aesthetics. The practical component is paramount. But appearance also plays a significant role.

The material from which the structure is made also affects its technical specifications, and on design. Let's consider the questions of which staircase is better: metal or wood, what is affected by the use of each of these materials, and where is it better to use such a design.

According to their purpose, all stairs can be divided into:

  • Input;
  • Interfloor;
  • Passage;
  • Workers.

By location they can be external or internal, by functionality:

  • Stationary;
  • Portable;
  • Transformable.

Staircases differ according to the material they are made of:

  • Concrete;
  • Made from natural stone;
  • Brick;
  • Wooden;
  • Metal;
  • Glass;
  • Combined.


  • Screw;
  • Marching;
  • Combined.

Marching stairs are the most common in use.

They are easy to manufacture and can be:

  • Single march;
  • Double march;
  • Multi-march.

Screw ones are more suitable when it is necessary to save space in the room.

Combined options are often chosen for individual projects.

Staircase designs

Structurally, the staircase consists of:

  • Carrying system;
  • steps;
  • Fencing.

As load-bearing element may act:

  • Stringers;
  • Bowstrings;
  • Boltsy;
  • Racks.

Stringers are solid support beams, the steps are attached to them from above. Marching marching strings are most often made on stringers. wooden stairs.

Bowstrings have special grooves on inside, where the steps are inserted.

The bolts can serve as fastening steps to the wall, and also fasten them together.

Central support posts usually have spiral staircases.

Metal supports are most suitable for spiral and curved staircases.

Stair railings consist of:

  • Railings or handrails;
  • Support and intermediate posts or balusters;
  • Decorative elements.

Each element of the staircase has its own requirements. In addition, the entire staircase design must also meet a number of conditions.

Basic requirements for staircase material

Basic requirements that the staircase material must meet:

  • Strength;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Chemical resistance;
  • Weather resistance;
  • Fire safety;
  • Easy installation;
  • Environmental cleanliness;
  • Ease of use;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Aesthetic appeal.

Additionally, the steps must be highly resistant to abrasion and have a non-slip surface.

Besides, great importance has the cost of staircase construction.

Strength of the staircase structure

In terms of strength characteristics, wood is significantly inferior to metal. However, valuable wood species have sufficient strength necessary for the normal operation of the staircase structure.

The hardest rocks are:

  • Maple.

Of the other options, it is better to choose larch, which is stronger than pine and others. soft rocks trees.

According to the strength of the connection of individual elements, wooden structures also lose to metal ones. Over time, the wood dries out and the joints become loose.

Metal stairs do not have this problem. The design of a metal staircase has:

  • Reliability;
  • Resilience;
  • Rigidity.

The exception is aluminum. He's enough soft material, can be easily deformed.

Moisture resistance of staircase elements

Exposure to moisture is equally destructive for both untreated wood and ordinary steel. All wooden elements must be protected from water using special means:

  • Moisture-resistant impregnations;
  • Paint;
  • Lakov.

When using wooden stairs outdoors, such protection is absolutely necessary. It will constantly need to be updated. For example, beech is unstable to moisture and can become deformed, while larch does not rot.

Modern production technologies make it possible to produce wood-based materials that are reliably protected from the harmful effects of water. For example, wood-polymer composite.

Ordinary steel is absolutely unstable to corrosion and requires mandatory processing. To prevent rust from reducing the strength characteristics of a metal structure, it is necessary to paint the metal with special compounds. In addition, the metal will need constant care to maintain the appearance of the staircase and increase its service life.

The following are resistant to corrosion:

  • Stainless steel;
  • Aluminum;
  • Chromed steel.

If the staircase structure is not assembled using welded joints, then the systems made from these types of metal can be used outdoors for a very long time.

But if welding is used, then the joints of the elements require special attention. They must be thoroughly cleaned and coated with protective compounds.


Wooden stairs can last quite a long time. Illustrative examples are the magnificent staircase complexes in many historical buildings.

But this requires the use of valuable wood, which is perfectly prepared, well dried, and treated with special compounds from:

  • Rotting;
  • Mold;
  • Gribkov;
  • Insects;
  • Rodents.

In addition, appropriate temperature and humidity conditions are required. In the future, the finished structure must be constantly maintained in an aesthetically attractive form.

Exterior wooden stairs that have not been treated on time and properly will quickly lose their normal appearance.

Sometimes it is no longer possible to restore it. Of the metals, stainless steel has the longest service life.

Regular profiled steel will last longer than wood.

But it also requires special treatment and subsequent care.

Resistance of materials to aggressive and atmospheric influences

If we compare the resistance of wood and metal to aggressive and atmospheric influences, then metal structures have higher technical performance.

Wood is very susceptible to most acids, alkalis and other unfavorable factors.

Fire safety of staircase system

If we consider the issue of fire safety of wood and metal, then it is clearly not decided in favor of wooden structures.

Wooden staircase structures in the building should be located away from any possible sources of fire. Even treating them with special fire-retardant compounds does not provide a complete guarantee of fire safety.

Metal structures resist impact high temperatures much longer. Of course they lose theirs too specifications as a result of prolonged exposure to open fire. But during a fire, the metal does not emit combustion products, and no smoke occurs from it.

In order to reliably protect the metal structures of stairs, they are coated with special fire retardant compounds and paints.

Easy processing of material and installation of the structure

Wood is much easier to process than metal. For this reason, you can independently create a larger number of shapes, sizes, and decorative elements from it.

With metal everything is more complicated. In factory conditions it is very plastic and can be done:

  • Profile products;
  • Casting;
  • Forging.

But all these will be ready-made parts, or separate modules, from which you can assemble not so many options for stairs with your own hands. As a rule, they are accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer.

The production of individual designs to order immediately leads to an increase in the price of the product. Do it yourself wrought iron staircase, or use welding machine, few people can.

Environmentally friendly material

The naturalness of wood and its valuable properties for creating a favorable indoor microclimate are well-known facts. No other material can compete with this.

Often the choice in favor of a wooden staircase in the house is made precisely for this reason. Wood creates unique comfort and warmth in any room.

From an environmental point of view, there are no questions about untreated wood materials. However, when various chemicals are used to protect wood, they must be chosen very carefully.

Ecologically pure material- tree

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use materials intended only for external use to process wood inside the house. They usually provide very reliable protection wooden surface from various adverse effects, but emit substances hazardous to human health.

You should select impregnations, paints and varnishes with natural ingredients. Products with certificates - well-known brands - deserve more trust.

The metal itself is absolutely pure ecological material. A problem with metal stairs can be caused by treating them with unsafe compounds.

Therefore, their choice should also be approached with caution.

Ease of use of the ladder

Wooden stairs are more convenient to use than metal ones. The safety of descent and ascent on non-slip steps that isolate sounds, the pleasant naturalness of the steps and railings are the undeniable advantages of wood. They do not create inconvenience when walking.

The only serious drawback is the presence of creaking steps. It often occurs during operation, due to drying out of the wood or improper assembly of the structure.

The disadvantages of metal stairs during their operation include:

  • Slippery steps;
  • Low sound insulation;
  • Heating of the structure in the sun and strong cooling at low temperatures.

Slippery metal steps can pose a serious hazard and require greater caution when walking on them. If there are children in the house, then using a metal ladder becomes even more dangerous.

The noise that is created during the operation of a metal staircase can be reduced by using special coverings for the steps.

The metal tends to react strongly to temperature, which makes it unsafe to use. If the handrails are heated in the sun for a long time, they can cause burns. When the temperature environment goes into the range below zero, then unprotected skin of the hands can also suffer from direct contact with metal.

One option to avoid this is to finish the railings with wood.

The aesthetic appeal of the staircase as a decorative element

The design of stairs made of wood and metal is a purely individual matter. Some people prefer naturalness natural beauty wooden structures.

Others will opt for metal products.

Purely metal staircase designs cannot boast such a wide variety of design options as wooden models.

Cost of staircase construction

From wood the most a budget option– pine staircase.

For a metal staircase the most simple design from ordinary steel profiles.

But these are very low-cost and, accordingly, purely practical options. There's not much to talk about aesthetics here. If you choose more design solutions, then basically a metal staircase will cost more than a wooden one.

Yes, when using exotic wood species with artistic finishing of elements, the price is exclusive option can reach huge amounts.

Which staircase is cheaper: wooden or metal - depends on the type of material and the complexity of the design. But this is a purely individual choice.

Combined staircase designs

In order to use all the advantages of materials and reduce or even eliminate their disadvantages, you can use a combined version of stairs.

The combination of metal and wood in structures is very common; they complement each other perfectly.

Stairs made of metal and wood can be used both inside and outside the building.

Stairs on a metal frame

Metal-wood stairs are mainly used, which consist of:

  • Metal supporting frame;
  • Wooden steps;
  • Combined fencing.

That is, metal acts as more durable and reliable option supports. Wood gives the structure an attractive appearance and ease of use. Wooden stairs with a metal base can be made in any shape and size.

Their main advantages are:

  • Durability;
  • High strength;
  • Rigidity;
  • Sustainability;
  • Easy to assemble.

The cost of a combined design is most often much cheaper than a completely wooden version stairs.

Modern metal production technologies make it possible to create lightweight structures. They can be sheathed not only natural wood, but also various materials based on it.

In order to reduce the cost of stairs, you can combine expensive types of wood - for elements with high operational load, and cheap species - for products that are less subject to wear.

For example, from solid wood are manufactured:

  • Steps;
  • Supports;
  • Handrails.

From pine or birch you can build:

  • End parts of steps;
  • Frame sheathing;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Other vertical parts.

Wooden steps, which are attached to a metal frame, eliminate creaking and can be easily replaced if necessary.

In addition, wooden steps have the greatest safety when moving along the stairs. There is less chance of slipping - injuries from a fall will not be significant.

Attach the stairs to metal frame A completely new look is quite simple if you completely change all the wooden elements.

Combined staircase - photo

The metal frame can be completely covered with wood.

The strength of the structure will be high, and aesthetically it will look like wood.

Stairs with a combined frame

Can be combined different variants supports and fences. For example, wooden steps rest on one side on a wooden stringer, and the other side is attached to metal bolts. Metal fencing gives the structure additional strength.

Combination options staircase structures there is a lot of wood and metal.

Combined stair railing

Another option is to combine stair railings.

Cold metal railings and handrails are sheathed in wood or made entirely of wood. Support pillars can be made from both materials.

Filling the internal space between them is possible from decorative metal elements.

  • For outdoor use, it is better to choose the option of a metal staircase - it is less susceptible to external atmospheric influences;
  • Perfect for indoors combined option– the combination of strength and stability with an aesthetic component will give the user much more convenience than mono-material stairs;
  • For the installation of transformable attic stairs, it is better to choose lightweight metal structures;
  • Any working stairs should be made of aluminum;
  • Completely wooden structures will definitely fit perfectly into the design of a wooden house.

Which is better: metal or wooden stairs? Everyone approaches this issue individually. There is no definite answer here, and everyone has their own choice. More information about the designs of stairs made of wood and metal can be found by watching the video in this article.

Many argue that finishing concrete and metal stairs with wood is better than making wooden ones, since they are cheaper, do not creak and are more reliable. “There are so many people, so many opinions,” so you shouldn’t argue with supporters of concrete or metal structures, you need to deal with these issues yourself.

The high cost of making wooden stairs: fact or myth?

When choosing concrete or metal structures, do not forget about the need for their subsequent finishing. There are several ways to do this:

  • Install only wooden steps - in this case you will have to think about the appearance of the risers and select the material for covering. The base itself will be cheaper, but taking into account the financial costs of Decoration Materials and work, the final cost will be approximately the same compared to the manufacture of a wooden structure with similar parameters.
  • Cover it completely with wood (from below and on all sides) - regardless of the base material, the price of such a staircase will be much higher than just a wooden one.

It is also important to take into account the labor intensity of the work - when self-finishing wood of a metal or concrete base, the workpieces will have to be adjusted to the place under existing sizes designs.

The problem of squeaks

The metal stairs also creak. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • poor quality assembly and welding of structures;
  • not enough rigid mount to the walls or floor.

As a result, friction between metal parts (under the influence of loads when walking on steps) leads to creaking. Such defects occur quite often, and their elimination is a labor-intensive process. Repair will be even more difficult if the fastening points metal parts hidden under the wood trim.

Concrete stairs do not creak, but the situation is different with their finishing. It is not always possible to make the steps perfectly even in height, so for leveling, as well as fencing wooden steps for concrete it is necessary to use plywood or OSB pads. But the more structural elements in the assembly, the higher the risk of squeaks. Also the quality of the finish concrete foundations and the absence of backlash largely depends on the level of skill of the performer.

Reliability issue

The reliability and durability of wooden stairs depends on the type of wood used for their manufacture. Structures made of oak, beech and ash, which are highly hard, will last at least 50 years. And with proper care and compliance with operating conditions, their service life will be much longer.

Another feature is that the manufacture of wooden stairs is carried out in the workshop according to pre-developed drawings. This allows you to take into account all the nuances at the project development stage and guarantees an exact correspondence of the sizes of all identical structural elements in relation to each other.

There is no need to worry about wooden stairs squeaking. Structures made in production conditions with the observance of fastening and gluing technology, they are completely free of this drawback. Backlash may appear after decades of use. But this is not a problem either, since experienced specialists know many ways that can, if not completely get rid of squeaks, then significantly minimize them.

Wood is warm, durable and natural material, therefore, in terms of external and operational qualities, wooden stairs have no analogues.