Discharge of mucus from the throat. Causes of constant accumulation of mucus in the throat and methods of treatment

Snot in the throat can occur as a symptom of various diseases of the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, allergies, or be present as a physiological condition of the body. A specialist can determine the causes of mucus accumulation in the throat after a series of examinations. To suggest the cause of the condition, it is important to pay attention to other symptoms.

Why does mucus accumulate in the throat?

The sensation of a lump in the throat may appear due to exposure to local irritating factors or general pathological conditions. An accumulation of snot on the back of a child’s throat may be normal. In infants, mucus flows into the throat due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the nasal passages (narrow lumen) and the inability to blow the nose or expectorate it.

Mucus often flows into the throat from the nasal cavity

The main reasons for the accumulation of mucus on the back wall of the throat in adults and children over one year old include:

  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx by polluted air, smoking, spicy hot foods, alcoholic drinks, local medications (sprays, lozenges). When exposed to these factors, the mucous membrane is “protected” by increased production of mucus and its accumulation at the site of irritation. The sensation of a lump between the nose and throat continues until the irritating factor is eliminated.
  • Respiratory tract diseases - chronic bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, rhinitis. In this case, the secretion may be released in the form of green snot or clots if the process has a bacterial etiology. In chronic rhinitis, snot accumulates in the throat constantly.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis). The inflammatory process is characterized by increased mucus production and impaired elimination, which provokes the accumulation of thick snot between the nose and throat.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Stagnation of mucus in the throat is more typical for problems with the esophagus.
  • Allergy. Most often, snot accumulates in the throat due to local exposure to an allergen (dust, fur, pollen) inhaled in the air.
  • Drug-induced rhinitis. It is caused by long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which lead to hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa. In this condition, snot is practically not coughed up, and nasal breathing is difficult.
  • Hormonal changes. Overproduction and accumulation of mucus can occur against the background of endocrine diseases, during hormonal changes in adolescence and pregnancy.
  • Neoplasms of the nasopharynx (polyps, tumors), deviated nasal septum. The patient is tormented by constant snot, which makes it difficult or completely blocks nasal breathing.

Chronic sinusitis often causes mucus to accumulate in the nasopharynx

Signs of mucus accumulation in the nasopharynx

The following signs indicate a violation of mucus transport:

  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • sore or burning throat;
  • discomfort in the throat area;
  • constant desire to cough;
  • difficulty swallowing.

Clots of snot cause a lot of inconvenience, in particular:

  • interfere with normal breathing;
  • interfere with food intake;
  • cause bad breath or a specific taste.

If mucus stagnation is caused by non-infectious factors, but by local mechanical or chemical irritants, the accumulated mucus is transparent, expectorated, and has a thin consistency. The general condition of the patient does not change.

You can suspect the infectious origin of snot in the throat by the following signs:

  • violation of the general condition (fever, weakness, chills, malaise);
  • change in consistency and smell of secreted secretions.

What to do if mucus accumulates in the throat?

If you have the above symptoms, you should consult an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations, consultations, or immediately prescribe treatment.

Possible consultations:

  • allergist-immunologist,
  • gastroenterologist,
  • infectious disease specialist

Additional examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for antibodies to viruses;
  • bacterial culture and microscopy of a nasopharyngeal smear;
  • allergy tests;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • endoscopy of the nasopharynx.

The first person to visit if you have symptoms of mucus accumulation in the throat is an ENT doctor

How to cure mucus congestion in the throat

The treatment strategy depends on the cause of mucus stagnation in the nasopharynx. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to adhere to an integrated approach. First of all, patients are shown etiotropic treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Etiotropic therapy medications include:

  1. Antibacterial agents. Used to treat snot of bacterial origin. Systemic drugs – Co-trimoxazole, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav; local action - nasal drops Protargol, Collargol.
  2. Antiviral drugs. Used for the treatment of snot that occurs against the background of ARVI or after it: Anaferon, Immunal, Resistol.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics: Orasept spray, Lugol spray, Ingalipt aerosol.
  4. Antihistamines. Used for allergic diseases: Suprastin, Fenistil, Eden, Loratadine.

Drug treatment depends entirely on the cause of the discomfort.

Simultaneously with the main treatment, symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the signs of the disease. You can remove a lump in your throat by rinsing. The procedure allows you not only to liquefy and remove snot that is stuck in the throat, but also to dry out the mucous membrane

To prepare the solution you can use:

  • soda,
  • potassium permanganate,
  • sea ​​salt,
  • furatsilin,
  • decoction of chamomile or sage.

How to rinse correctly: step-by-step instructions

  1. Take a syringe without a needle or a syringe and fill it with a rinsing solution.
  2. Insert the tip into one nostril.
  3. Lean over the sink.
  4. Inject the contents of the syringe into the nostril under pressure.
  5. When done correctly, the solution will wash through the nasopharynx and exit from the other nostril.
  6. Repeat the manipulation 2-3 times.

To rinse the nose, you can use ready-made saline solutions (Humer, Aquamaris), which are available in the form of a spray.

Folk recipes

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. 8 glasses of water per day is enough fluid to remove toxins from the body and thin phlegm.
  2. Inhalations with eucalyptus oil will help get rid of snot that collects in the throat.
  3. Drink a paste of crushed aloe leaves with honey in the morning and evening.
  4. A mixture of dried calendula flowers with honey inside.

The accumulation of secretions in the nasopharynx in most cases indicates various diseases or allergies. If you feel discomfort or a lump in your throat, you should consult a doctor. Due to the polyetiology of the symptom, self-medication may be ineffective.

The larynx and pharynx are lined from the inside with a mucous membrane, and normally they are covered with a thin layer of mucus that protects the walls from drying out and injury. But sometimes, as a result of the action of an external irritant or the development of an inflammatory process in the body, mucus secretion increases. It can be produced not only in the throat itself, but also in other internal organs. A mucous secretion—phlegm—accumulates in the throat and causes discomfort. Since the accumulation of mucus in the throat is often a symptom of a disease, it is necessary to understand the causes of this phenomenon and know how to deal with it.

Why, for what reasons does mucus appear in the throat?

Possible causes of mucus accumulation in the throat

The production of mucus is the body’s protective reaction to mechanical injury, infection, irritation by allergens and other aggressive substances, so there are many reasons why mucus collects in the throat.

  • Exposure to tobacco smoke, dusty or chemically saturated air, alcohol and carbonated drinks, spicy foods, excessively hot or cold food and drink.
  • Inhalation or ingestion allergens.
  • Diseases or injuries of the ENT organs, in which sputum is produced either by the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx, or flows into the throat from the nasopharynx, sinuses (postnasal drip syndrome). These are pharyngitis, rhinitis and various sinusitis, influenza, ARVI, tonsillitis of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature, adenoiditis. Nasal injuries, polyps, and a deviated septum can also cause this symptom. Read more about.
  • Diseases of the tracheobronchial tree, lungs, acute and chronic. In this case, the mucous secretion produced in the lower respiratory tract is discharged into the upper.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system, for example, reflux, in which the acidic secretions of the stomach and bile are thrown through the esophagus into the pharynx and larynx and irritate their mucous membranes.

How to get rid of annoying mucus in the throat?

What to do if an unpleasant symptom appears

Sputum may accumulate in small quantities in the throat throughout the day and be immediately coughed up, spat out, or swallowed. Sometimes a copious accumulation of sputum is perceived as a lump that cannot be coughed up or swallowed; it interferes with breathing, swallowing, eating, and can provoke vomiting. Most often, this condition is observed in the morning, after mucus has accumulated all night and does not leave, since the cough reflex does not work in the sleeper and the ciliary epithelium is practically motionless.

If you feel a lump of mucus

Once you manage to cough out the lump of mucus in your throat that is blocking your throat, it becomes much easier. Steam inhalations with medicinal herbs and the addition of soda are good for coughing. Thinning mucus and making it easier to expel is helped by adding soda to any rinsing composition at the rate of a teaspoon per glass. Alkaline drinking, slightly warmed sodium carbonate mineral water without gas will also help quickly get rid of the painful sensation of a lump in the throat. You can take licorice-based medications and other mucus thinners.

Abundant and viscous mucus, creating a sensation of coma, is most typical for colds and acute respiratory viral infections, therefore appropriate treatment is required after consulting a doctor

If the accumulation is observed constantly

If mucus constantly accumulates in the throat, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, as it forms. And you have to try do not swallow phlegm, and cough and spit into a washbasin or into a handkerchief, preferably a disposable paper one.

Pharmacy and folk expectorants, warm vitamin teas and alkaline mineral waters, rinses and inhalations will help in this case. Read about the popular solution for inhalation. You can also lubricate your throat with various compositions to disinfect and reduce irritation.

With the constant formation of sputum, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for its appearance. If there are other symptoms of any disease, you need to clarify the diagnosis by contacting your doctor and focus on treating the underlying disease.

If overall health is normal, sputum is not associated with a cold, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, digestive disorders, it is worth analyze your diet, habits, harmful occupational factors. Quitting smoking, irritating foods and drinks, and limiting contact with polluted air will help get rid of mucus in the throat in a couple of weeks if its formation is caused by external factors.

If there is a regular accumulation of mucus in the throat allergic nature, it is likely to be accompanied by other symptoms - tearing, nasal discharge, itching, possibly skin reactions. In this case, you need to try to identify the allergen and limit or eliminate contact with it, as well as take desensitizing and antihistamine drugs.

Let's talk about the treatment of diseases in which mucus accumulates and constantly interferes with the throat.

The most effective treatments

In addition to the symptomatic treatment common to all cases, which facilitates the discharge of mucus, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary in accordance with its nature. If excessive mucus formation is associated with a common cold, at the initial stage of this disease you can limit yourself to traditional methods of treatment.

But if the disease does not go away within 2-3 days, or there are signs of the development of a more serious disease - sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, exacerbation of a chronic process - you cannot do without drug treatment. It can be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Traditional medicine methods

First of all, treatment should be aimed at fighting infection and suppressing the inflammatory process. Depending on the nature of the disease, the following may be prescribed:

  • antiviral drugs for ARVI, influenza
  • antibiotics, mainly cephalosporins, for bacterial infections;
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs of complex action- in the presence of an inflammatory process, pain, elevated temperature;
  • corticosteroids with an anti-inflammatory effect are indicated in serious cases, such as pneumonia.

Each disease accompanied by an accumulation of mucus in the throat has its own treatment regimen.

  • Pharyngitis:
    • injection of IRS-19 aerosol into the nasal passages;
    • irrigation of the pharynx with Yox, Ingalipt, Orasept sprays;
    • lubrication with Lugol's solution;
    • resorption of tablets, lozenges Septolete, Strepsils;
    • rinsing with antiseptic solutions, alkaline, saline;
    • inhalation;
    • in the hypertrophic form - cauterization of the affected areas with silver nitrate (5-10%), trichloroacetic acid, in some cases - cryotherapy.
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis:
    • vasoconstrictor drops or sprays - Xylene, Sanorin, Naphthyzin (not intended for long-term use);
    • local decongestants;
    • antihistamines for severe tissue swelling, including allergic rhinitis;
    • rinsing the nose with saline or antiseptic solutions. Read, ;
    • UV irradiation of the maxillary sinuses, nasal cavity;
    • for sinusitis, puncture may be indicated if conservative treatment does not help.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia
    • mucolytic and expectorant drugs that thin sputum and stimulate its excretion;
      bronchodilators that relieve spasms;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures – ozokerite or paraffin on the area between the shoulder blades, inductothermy, ultraviolet irradiation;
    • breathing exercises, chest massage, physical therapy.
  • If you suspect gastrointestinal pathology, allergic nature The disease requires a comprehensive examination to prescribe the most effective therapy. A mandatory component of treatment in both cases will be diet.
  • At infectious nature of the disease The decision on the advisability of taking antibiotics, the choice of a specific drug and the treatment regimen should be made only by a doctor.

Proven folk recipes

For infectious diseases, drinking plenty of fluids (warm, not hot) is recommended by both official and traditional medicine, as it helps wash away excess mucus, soothe an irritated throat, and remove toxins from the body. Gargling, inhalation, nasal rinsing, lubricating the throat, expectorants are also used in both cases, it’s just that in official medicine ready-made pharmaceutical preparations are used, and in folk medicine - medicinal plants and improvised means.

  • Rinse:
    • infusion or decoction of a mixture of sage, chamomile and eucalyptus leaf, a tablespoon of each plant per half liter of water. Boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour or leave in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Strain, add honey and lemon juice, rinse 3-4 times a day, you can drink a couple of sips;
      sea ​​salt solution - a tablespoon per glass of water.
  • Inhalations:
    • concentrated thyme decoction (a handful in a small saucepan);
    • boiled “in their jacket” and mashed potatoes, you can add soda;
    • infusions of any antiseptics: chamomile, sage, calendula, wild rosemary, pine buds.
  • Inside, to reduce the formation of sputum, improve its discharge, relieve inflammation:
    • a mixture of crushed aloe leaf with honey (a tablespoon per 1 fleshy bottom leaf), eat a day in 2 doses, morning and evening after meals;
    • Mix powder from freshly dried calendula petals with honey and take between meals;
    • infusion of licorice roots, plantain leaves (2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials per liter of boiling water), drink a glass three times a day;
    • a mixture of grated onion or horseradish with honey, take a spoonful three times a day.
  • Lubricating the throat– alcohol tincture of propolis, crushed into powder and previously soaked in water to remove impurities (30 g of raw material per 100 g of alcohol, leave for a week).
  • Rubbing(if the temperature is not elevated) - goat fat, honey with alcohol.

What should you do if mucus collects in your child’s throat?

Treatment of children with safe means

Any medications, especially antibiotics, can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor. Here are some recipes for gentle therapy.

  • Expectorant syrups plant-based, alcohol-free, pharmaceutical and homemade:
    • licorice syrup;
    • Alteyka;
    • radish juice with honey;
    • green pine cone jam;
    • banana puree diluted with boiling water.
  • Compresses:
    • mashed jacket potatoes with the addition of vegetable oil and iodine, wrapped in foil with several holes punched in it. Place over the diaper and secure;
    • cabbage leaf smeared with honey.
  • It’s also good to include warm foods in your diet. vitamin drinks, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction, warm liquid potato pores with milk. When there is phlegm, children need to breathe more fresh air, but avoid physical activity.

For advice from an otolaryngologist for patients who feel an accumulation of mucus in the throat, see the video below.

The accumulation of mucus in the throat can be caused both by exposure to external irritants and by diseases of the internal organs. Depending on the causes of the problem, either lifestyle correction or complex therapy of the underlying disease is required. In any case, it is advisable to take measures to relieve symptoms - drinking plenty of fluids, gargling, steam inhalations.

Mucus that envelops the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and other parts of the respiratory tract is an absolutely normal phenomenon. Special epithelial cells regularly produce small amounts of secretion for protection and hydration.

In some pathological processes, mucus production increases several times, which can cause severe discomfort to a person. Let's look at what white mucus in the throat signals and what ways you can get rid of it.

Why does mucus appear in the nasopharynx?

The mucosa of the upper respiratory tract contains special goblet cells. Their function is to highlight a special secret. It contains immunoglobulins, which protect the epithelium, and moisturizing agents. Normally, a person does not feel this constant work of goblet cells and feels great.

During various pathological processes, these cells begin to secrete secretions much more actively. Then a person may feel that phlegm is constantly accumulating in the mouth, which causes a cough and a desire to spit it out.

Prolonged work of goblet cells at such an intense pace can lead to their death, then very little mucus is produced. This leads to other problems.

The back wall of the pharynx atrophies, which causes a feeling of dryness and soreness. In addition, microbes can more easily settle on such dry mucous membranes and inflammation develops.

The formation of pathological secretion can occur for various reasons. Let's consider groups of factors that are almost always accompanied by the appearance of this unpleasant symptom:

Inflammatory diseases. Since the main function is to protect against the penetration of foreign agents, any collision with viruses or bacteria causes hyperproduction of mucus as a manifestation of a protective reaction. So, snot flows down the back of the throat most often when:

  • colds and ARVI;
  • inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • with a runny nose;
  • for diseases of the respiratory tract (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis);
  • for pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

That is, any inflammatory reaction in this area leads to increased secretion of mucus in order to quickly get rid of the foreign agent by washing it off or coughing it up from the surface of the pharynx.

Allergy(allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and others). Another common cause of hyperproduction of secretions from both the throat and nose. An allergy is a perverted reaction to substances that do not cause any effect in an ordinary person. Most often, the cause is food (honey, nuts, seafood, etc.) and air (pollen, animal hair, fluff, etc.) allergens. Such a reaction is characterized by a clear cause-and-effect relationship, i.e. sputum and mucus in the nose and throat appear only upon contact with a significant allergen. If the patient stops contact with this substance, then the symptoms do not bother him.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastro-esophageal reflux is the reflux of contents from the stomach into the esophagus, and from there acidic gastric juice can enter the surface of the pharynx. This section cannot withstand the effects of hydrochloric acid and enzymes contained in gastric juice and begins to produce a large amount of secretion in order to protect itself. The back surface of the pharynx and larynx are primarily affected.

Smoking and exposure to toxic substances. People who abuse tobacco for a long time have a habit of regularly spitting or swallowing the mucus that constantly forms in the throat. Why is this happening? Nicotine and other substances contained in tobacco smoke irritate and cause restructuring of the epithelium. At first, cells fight toxic smoke and produce mucus to protect themselves.

The more a person smokes, the less secretion he produces, and increased production is replaced by atrophy, when the throat is constantly dry and raw. The same applies to inhalation of harmful substances at work. Workers of pharmaceutical factories, paint and varnish plants and others who are in direct contact with harmful substances are more susceptible to allergies and overproduction of secretions.

Source: website

Various neoplasms. The posterior fornix of the nasopharynx, larynx, and tonsils are the areas where both benign (cysts, polyps) and malignant (cancer) tumors most often form. They grow and irritate the tissues surrounding them, which can manifest as characteristic discharge.

Psychogenic causes. Some patients complain that mucus constantly accumulates at the back of the throat and prevents them from living normally. After repeated examinations, the specialist does not detect any abnormalities. In these situations, it may be the body's psychological response to stress, depression, or other problems.

When ordinary physiological reactions are perceived as a disease, a person begins to focus on this and blames this factor for all problems and poor health. In such cases, it is important to exclude any organic pathology, and then select adequate physical treatment for the person, refer him to work with a psychologist and recommend mild sedatives.

Adenoids. This pathology cannot be attributed to either inflammation or disease. Adenoids are the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which is located in the posterior parts of the nasopharynx. As it increases in size, various unpleasant symptoms appear, such as mucus in the throat and nose, cough, nasal congestion, and others. Previously it was believed that this was only a children's problem. The development of diagnostic equipment, in particular endoscopy, has shown that adenoids are often found in adults and cause various problems.

We have listed the key options that may be accompanied by the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo additional examination by your doctor.

What other signs may accompany the appearance of secretion in the pharynx? It depends on the cause of the problem:

If it is an inflammatory process, then it can be white, yellow or thick greenish with lumps of pus. The patient is concerned about fever and other symptoms of intoxication: headache, aches in joints and bones, apathy, lethargy, loss of appetite. Depending on the area affected, runny nose, cough, sinus pain and nasal congestion may occur.

If you have problems with the digestive system, then people often complain that mucus collects in the morning or after a nap. At the same time, heartburn, abdominal pain and other digestive disorders are troubling.

When the cause is a tumor, then the symptoms are very different. In the initial stages, patients complain that something is bothering them in their throat and there is a lump. In later stages, swallowing function is impaired, something constantly accumulates in the throat, and other severe signs of a tumor appear.

For allergies this secretion is not the only symptom, but the entire symptom complex develops: lacrimation, watery nasal discharge, swelling, etc. With food allergies, a sign may be mucus in the throat after eating.

If the cause is smoking or exposure to other toxic products, then eliminating these factors will help get rid of mucus on the walls of the throat after some time.

What to do if mucus in the throat does not cough up

When this symptom does not go away on its own and causes discomfort, you can use the following methods at home:

  • gargling and nasal rinsing;
  • inhalations with herbal decoctions or saline;
  • the use of special expectorants and homeopathic remedies (Ambroxol, Bromhexine, ACC, Sinupret, etc.).

All these measures are aimed at eliminating the secretion, but first of all it is necessary to treat the problem that caused the appearance of this symptom.

In younger children, the presence of mucus in the nose and throat is more difficult to tolerate. Babies do not know how to cough or blow their nose, so they become irritable, restless and have trouble sleeping.

The cause of sputum in childhood is usually acute respiratory diseases, adenoids or allergies. To remove such discharge from the nose in children, you can use baby aspirators or rinse it with special solutions (such as Humer).

Children under 3-4 years old do not know how to gargle, so you can offer them to drink chamomile decoction more often, which will wash away the mucus, and at the same time soothe and slightly disinfect the pharyngeal mucosa. In any unclear case, it is better not to self-medicate, but to check with a doctor about what caused the problem.

For some people, mucus accumulates in the throat like snot. This is a pathology, because The mucous membrane is a protective barrier to the entry of microbes and infections into the body from the external environment. It prevents mechanical damage to the larynx and esophagus from food.

If your throat is blocked with mucus, this is a symptom that requires contacting a specialist. There is a high probability that mucus appears in the throat due to an ENT disease.


Symptoms when mucus accumulates in the throat like snot are varied.

The most common signs include the following:

The cause may be tonsillitis. Therefore, it is important to observe the color of the sputum. If it is transparent and the snot is coughed up, this is considered normal. Especially if they are not constant, they arise from time to time.

If the mucus is yellow, this indicates that the inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx have subsided. Green clots indicate the presence of inflammatory processes. They are not only in the nose, but also coughed up from a person’s mouth. Often such mucus comes out with an unpleasant odor, and the patient’s larynx is sore.

If the mucus is brown, there is a high probability of infection and purulent formations. If this symptom occurs, you should visit a doctor, as this can lead to complications.

IMPORTANT: The accumulation of sputum should be a reason to visit an otolaryngologist.


The presence of snot in the throat is associated with certain factors and diseases in the oropharynx or other organs. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes and carry out treatment based on research evidence.

The main reasons why there is a lump of mucus are:

  • External stimuli, which have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This may be dust, abuse of hot and spicy foods, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, certain medications;
  • The reason why mucus collects on the vocal cords may be due to pathological changes in the respiratory system. Mucus accumulates if a person has been diagnosed with bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, or rhinitis. In this case, the snot accumulates on the back wall of the larynx, causing the feeling that it is thick and stuck inside. At the same time, they prevent the patient from breathing fully;
  • Clots of mucus may be for sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. In this case, the mucus is smelly and viscous. She has difficulty clearing her throat. It is green or yellow-green in color;
  • If identified disorders in the digestive system, especially for stomach diseases. There is increased secretion of mucus. A person often coughs after eating to get rid of an unpleasant condition. Thick mucus comes out through the mouth. Moreover, it has a jelly-like consistency;
  • The reason may be allergy, in which irritants negatively affect the mucous membrane of the throat. A person constantly tries to cough up mucus from the throat, which is lumpy and stuck on the walls of the mucous membrane;
  • Abuse of nasal drops can also provoke this unpleasant condition. The patient has a constant runny nose, it is especially difficult for him to breathe in the morning. After instillation into the nose, the snot is coughed up and there is a lot of it;
  • For hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases This condition may also occur. Mucus stagnates inside the pharynx;

  • The reason could be anatomical features or violations of the nasal septum. The patient has constant nasal congestion due to the formation of a mucus plug. He complains that he is suffocating, his nose is stuffy, but after the drops it becomes easier, as the mucus begins to be coughed up and coughed up;
  • Snot may be the cause living in polluted areas and working with hazardous substances;
  • If the problem is related to inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when swallowing snot pathogenic bacteria can enter the body;
  • Mucus may accumulate due to adenoids. In this case, it is painful for a person to swallow and he tries to cough up snot through his mouth. It is recommended to clean the ligaments with the help of drugs;
  • For cystic fibrosis There is a violation of secretion, as a result of which mucus begins to collect in the throat and pulmonary system. It's sticky, salty and hard to swallow. In this case, the patient must be treated with antibiotics to remove pathogenic microflora.

Drug treatment

Before you begin treatment and understand what to do with this problem, you need to find out what kind of diagnosis the doctor made.

IMPORTANT: If the problem is caused by some pathology, if the throat hurts, the mucous layer has redness or lesions, self-medication is prohibited.

Only the doctor decides how to cure the disease and what medicine is needed to get rid of snot in the throat and bring the patient out of this condition.

1. If the patient is tormented by mucus, there is a feeling as if snot is stuck in the throat, there is a high probability that the patient has pharyngitis.

In this case, the following drugs will help effectively fight mucus:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Septolete;
  • Strepsils;
  • Orasept.

After treatment, the accumulation of snot in the throat quickly disappears. The mucus is not swallowed and does not flow into the nasopharynx.

2. If an adult is diagnosed with a runny nose or sinusitis, if it is difficult to breathe at night due to nasal congestion and it is constant, The following drugs will be effective:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Xylene;
  • Sanorin.

IMPORTANT: If you constantly want to cough up or spit out snot, you can use physical therapy in the form of warming up the sinuses.

3. If the patient coughs up snot or swallows it during bronchitis, Bronchodilators may be prescribed:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Mucoltin.

Procedures such as ultraviolet irradiation, ozokerite and massage are also indicated.

4. If there is excessive sputum production due to allergies, Antihistamines are prescribed:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Clarotadine;
  • Lomilan.

If the patient complains that he is constantly trying to swallow, but cannot swallow mucus stuck in the throat, antiviral or antibacterial medications may be prescribed. They are prescribed if an infection is detected or the problem is caused by a virus.

Some patients complain that they swallow mucus. Doctors still recommend spitting it out. If there are pathogenic microorganisms in the mucus, they can have a negative effect on the digestive system.

The protective functions of the human body are aimed at eliminating infections, viruses, pathogenic microflora, which can cause the development of diseases. The nasopharynx is structured in the same way. Its walls are covered with mucous membrane. It produces a secretion that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the respiratory tract. In addition, the secretion helps facilitate the passage of food into the stomach. If it is not normal, then mucus accumulates in the throat, like snot. It makes swallowing reflexes difficult and it becomes difficult to breathe. Let’s look at what can cause its formation and how to cure this disease in more detail.


The surface of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and oropharynx is capable of producing mucus. When microbes try to penetrate inside the body, they settle on the mucous membrane, so they do not enter the bronchi and lungs. To fight the infection, more mucus is produced, it becomes viscous and accumulates in the throat.

This phenomenon is typical for smokers. Cigarette smoke is an external irritant, as a result of which several times more mucus is released. Other factors that can cause its accumulation in the larynx:

  1. Allergic reaction. This is an exaggerated response of the immune system to certain substances, expressed as a lump in the throat.
  2. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses (sinuses), causing snot to flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx into the throat.
  3. Respiratory diseases. A similar disease occurs with bronchitis. Only phlegm leaves the bronchi and enters the throat. She is very viscous and has a hard time coughing up. Most often, sputum discharge occurs at night, and in the morning the patient feels attacks in the throat.
  4. Stomach problems. With increased acidity, gastric juice can be released into the esophagus, sometimes reaching the larynx, irritating the mucous membrane. A secretion is produced in the form of mucus.
  5. Viral diseases of the ENT organs: adenoiditis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.
  6. Some foods irritate the walls of the throat: fatty, spicy, smoked foods, alcoholic beverages.
  7. Cold or hot food.
  8. In a child, mucus can accumulate with frequent belching, especially in newborns.
  9. Use of antibiotics, diuretics, hormones.

If a mucous lump has formed in your throat, it’s not just like that. There are a number of reasons for this. Snot can accumulate in an adult due to severe air pollution.


Signs that should alarm the patient:

  • in the morning a lump of mucus forms in the throat, which is very difficult to get rid of;
  • happens all the time;
  • nighttime persistent cough, due to the fact that thick snot begins to flow down the walls of the larynx;
  • the voice changes due to mucus settling on the vocal cords;
  • may cause bad breath;
  • When coughing up, the snot may be green.

There may be other symptoms: a frequent headache, a sore throat, and a fever of 37 degrees or higher. Even with the accumulation of mucus, the patient feels a dry throat.

How to get rid

Before starting therapy, it is important to know what causes this reaction in the body. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the disease. Let's look at the basic manipulations that are aimed at clearing the throat.

Rinsing and gargling

To get rid of clots in the throat, it is important to rinse or rinse several times. Moreover, it is necessary to remove sticky snot from the nose and throat at the same time. To rinse your nose, you will need a sterile syringe, a small teapot, and a syringe. For the solution use:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • furatsilin;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage);
  • soda;
  • pharmaceutical drugs: Miramistin and Chlorhexidine.

As a result of this procedure, the back wall of the nasopharynx is well cleaned. Next, gargle is carried out using the same compositions. If your throat is red and sore, you can lubricate it with peach oil. This will relieve irritation and soften the mucous membrane.


Often, when the mucus is too sticky and interferes with breathing, the doctor prescribes inhalations. This is the effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx with drugs in the form of a fine aerosol. This procedure allows you to evenly distribute the medicine along the walls of the ENT organs.

Inhalations are carried out using improvised means: a kettle, a saucepan or a special device - an inhaler. The latter is an expensive device, not everyone can afford to buy it. The following are suitable solutions for inhalation to eliminate the feeling of a lump in the throat:

  1. Mineral water. You should choose water with a high content of soda and mineral salts. Alkaline vapors dilute snot that is stuck in the larynx and remove it out.
  2. When, after sleep, mucus collects in the throat in large volumes, inhalation using potatoes will help. It is boiled in a small saucepan, then kneaded with baking soda. Bend over the pan and cover yourself with a towel. Vapor inhalation time is about 10 minutes.
  3. Herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus essential oil can be used as a medicine for the inhaler.

Important! Inhaler medications must be selected taking into account possible allergic reactions to aerosol components.


Antiseptic solutions are used to relieve inflammation and eliminate infection from the mucous membrane. In addition to treating colds and infectious diseases, they are able to thin mucus and remove it from the surface of the throat walls. When snot or mucus cannot be coughed up, the following will help: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, baking soda with salt, Chlorhexidine.


If snot, which forms a lump in the throat, appears as a result of colds (runny nose, laryngitis, tonsillitis, ARVI), then nasal drops will help. A feeling of heaviness occurs when swelling of the mucous membrane forms in the nose, differently when the nose is stuffy. This occurs when pathogenic microorganisms enter the nasal passages. The patient's condition is aggravated by a number of other symptoms: headache in the frontal part, usually a runny nose goes away without fever. When the nasal passages are closed, the patient has difficulty breathing, snot accumulates in the throat, does not come out and cannot be cleared, drops will help.

These drugs can relieve the inflammatory process and alleviate the patient’s condition while in public places.

Important! Nasal drops should be used for no longer than 5 days.

The most common are:

  • RinoStop;
  • RinoRus;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Isofra;
  • Sanorin et al.

Today, pharmacies are full of nasal drops, and your doctor will help you make the right choice.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sometimes it is useful to supplement the main treatment with traditional medicine recipes. If mucus is tormented in the morning, afternoon and evening, the following drugs will help:

  1. Warm compress with cottage cheese. Squeeze out the cottage cheese, put it on gauze, and apply it to the throat. Cover the top with plastic and wrap it with a warm scarf. Boiled and mashed potatoes have the same effect.
  2. When mucus has accumulated between the throat and nose, use aloe juice. Grind the pulp of two leaves, mix with honey and consume morning and evening. Relief and sputum discharge will begin in two days.
  3. Grind calendula flowers and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio. 1 tbsp. l. eat after every meal.

Inhalations, rinsing the nasopharynx and gargling using decoctions of medicinal herbs, roots, and flowers help facilitate the removal of mucus, heal irritated mucous membranes, and improve the general condition of the patient.

Mucus in the larynx is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating the presence of a disease in the body, which will be determined by the doctor. Self-medication in this case is not encouraged. Even if you drop drops, rinse and rinse your nose and throat, this will help for a short time. A complex disease cannot be overcome with such means; potent drugs are needed.