Yuri Bondarev - Moments. Stories (collection)

Option 11. Assignments for the Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1) During experiments, neuroscientists were able to find out that during sleep, new interneuron contacts are formed in nerve cells, which are necessary for storing information. (2) This explains the fact that memory consolidation is a transformation short term memory in the long term - it occurs most actively in sleep, when our nervous system is engaged in sorting the information received during the day, while external signals do not interfere. (3) in order to remember the textbook read before the exam, you need to sleep, then the information, as they say, will settle in your head, that is, it will go into long-term storage.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) To better prepare for exams, you need to sleep more, and not sort through what you received during school year information.

2) During experiments, neuroscientists were able to find out that memory consolidation - the transformation of short-term memory into long-term memory - occurs most actively in sleep.

3) Memory consolidation - the transformation of short-term memory into long-term memory - occurs most actively during sleep, when new interneuron contacts are formed in nerve cells, necessary for storing information.

4) Sleep is just another form of brain activity, and at night our nervous system works much more and more efficiently, because external signals do not prevent it from sorting the information received during the day.

5) During sleep, when new interneuron connections are formed in nerve cells, memory consolidation occurs most actively - the transformation of short-term memory into long-term memory, which contributes to the memorization of information.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Contrary to this


The fact is that

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word CONTACT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CONTACT, a, m.

1) Contact, connection (special). Electric k. Tectonic k. (in earth's crust).

2) Business communication, consistency in actions. Trade and economic contacts. Log in to a room with someone. Act in contact with someone.

3) Direct communication. K. with the patient.

4) A part that ensures contact between the wires of an electrical circuit (special). Solder to.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



It's torn

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct lexical error, choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The DIPLOMATIC meeting was attended by politicians from friendly countries.

The biologically active substances contained in celery have a BENEFICIAL effect on the metabolism in the body.

Striving for an objective assessment of what was happening, the teacher tried not to express his PERSONAL opinion.

The actress who received the award proved that it is not necessary to have an EFFECTIVE appearance.

The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing your life path.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

kilogram of APPLES

LET'S LIGHT A bonfire

company of SOLDIERS

in two thousand and eleven


7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

B) error in construction complex sentence

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members offers


1) The Kultura TV channel shows both old and completely new theatrical productions.

2) This year MSU held several Olympiads for schoolchildren.

3) Renaissance artists used examples of ancient art both in the general concept of their works and in details.

4) Anyone who goes on a hike and is forced to save on food can independently prepare flour from the rhizome of the white water lily.

5) A person who wants to see new countries will have unforgettable impressions and amazing discoveries.

6) Having paid the invoice, you must inform the publisher in writing of the payment order number.

7) This book taught me to value friends, which I read as a child.

8) In the plot of “Fathers and Sons” important place are occupied by ideological disputes between representatives of different social forces.

9) Alexey was the only child in the family, so his parents cared and loved him so much that any attempts to convince them to be stricter ended in failure.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

intellectual.. intellectual





9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

too...extremely, seamlessly

p..got, p..played

red, approaching...

pr..tear, pr..crowded

d..added, pr..grandfather

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


ice..thread (soul)




11. Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

quarreling (guys)

under construction (new houses)

adhesive (pencil)

(the bees hurt) sting..t

creeping (fog)

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

V. G. Korolenko writes about people who (NOT) SUBMITTED to fate, full of desire for truth and freedom.

He rode, as it seemed to him, straight all the time, SEEING nothing in front of him except the horse’s head.

But by nature, the father of the future writer was far from an EVIL person.

This (UN)FINISHED painting marked Vrubel’s return to a topic that had worried him all his life.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Leaving the house, we (IN) FIRST follow a country road, and (THIN) along an asphalt highway.

While the road ran near the swamps, (IN) VIEW of the pine forest, we (F) OFTEN scared away entire broods of ducks that had taken refuge here.

(ALL THE WAY) we made long stops near the water, despite the enormous loss of time.

The side, apparently, was deserted: forests were visible everywhere, but there were still no fields or villages.

In vain we peered (IN) THE DISTANCE of the horizon: (TO) MEET us a fog rose.

14. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.

The spacious terrace of the dacha was very brightly lit by a lamp and four old candelabra placed on a long tea table.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The forest becomes silent and in the glow of a blazing fire it seems magically ghostly.

2) A.S. Pushkin was not afraid of colloquial words and expressions and boldly introduced them into poetry.

3) Every time needs its own chronicler, not only in the area historical events but also in the field of life and way of life.

4) The work calmed him down, cleared his head, and two hours passed unnoticed while he worked.

5) In our poetry there is reflection and sadness and the bitterness of separation and the sadness of unrealized meetings.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

In 1878 (1) the painting “Moscow Courtyard” shown at the VI traveling exhibition (2) brought V. D. Polenov fame (3) revealing the birth of a new genre in Russian painting (4) called “lyrical” landscape.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

The name “Kolomna” (1), according to some researchers (2), goes back to the Finnish word. Before the arrival of the Slavs, Finnish tribes lived in this territory, they (3) probably (4) left this name.

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

The provincial museum (1), the exhibition (2) of which (3) can be called a monument to the artist (4), has one of the richest collections of works by the famous landscape painter.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Daria Alexandrovna tried to play (1) but for a long time she could not understand the game (2) and (3) when she understood (4) she was so tired (5) that she sat down with Princess Varvara (6) and just looked at the players.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

Arrogant arrogance and contempt for the people of his tribe made the hero of Gorky’s story an outcast.

Read the text and complete tasks2 1 – 26

(1) I woke up late at night from frantic running, the rumble of wheels, the creaking of shelves, the rattling of a half-open compartment door: piercing drafts were passing overhead.

(2) It was dark in the corridor and compartment - I lay for a long time with my eyes open, guessing in the darkness the black square of the window, behind which everything was impenetrable, dark as at night, and it was impossible to understand whether it was the steppe or the forests that walked in this endless, secret, incomprehensible, like darkness, Universe.

(3) Then, in the abyss of the sky beyond the window, a solitary blue star flashed with a transcendental fire.

(4) The train was still rushing, without slowing down its speed, lost in the dark autumn spaces, without earthly lights, invisible from the unimaginable height of this star, burning among the icy cosmic deserts, separated from the Earth by multimillion-dollar distances.

(5) In its arrogant inaccessibility, the star floated next to the carriage, brightly, shaggyly moving its tentacles of rays in the darkness of the universe, penetrating through its coldness, and I incessantly looked at it with a feeling of delight and fear of the unsolved nature of some laws existing outside the mind, which For some reason, they mercilessly condensed eternity into a moment and stretched the moment into eternity. (6) “So, eternity is life, a moment is destruction?..”

(7) Imagine, I became scared because everything is powerless before these laws: life, love, art, the Earth itself, this lived-in cozy island in the boundless threatening ocean of the unknown...

(8) And I imagined our Earth as it might be seen from the height of this indifferent autumn star - a small, bluish speck of dust, this airship rushing through the thickness of violet cold, starlight, through meteorite, sparkling fogs, I imagined its fragility, its weakness, his limited supplies of water and food - and was horrified at the thought of his helplessness before the Universe.

(9) If each of the crew on this boat realized that there was a deadly reef ahead and in a collision with it would disappear without a trace, his beautiful flesh, consisting of forests, rivers, oceans, rains, sunsets, green grass, beautiful cities, would crumble into nothingness, monuments, cathedrals, cars, books, paintings by painters - everything that was created by the geniuses of human thought and human hands, if everyone thought for even a minute about the fleeting century of the Earth, people would not shake their ship from side to side, they would not break through holes in its bottom, the inflated sails would not be slashed with knives of anger and hatred.

(10) Will people never understand that the Earth should be their clean, bright, white-sailed ship, the path of which, unfortunately, is not endless?

(11) Without thinking about it, people sometimes lose the main thing - the meaning of the uniqueness of life, and here comes the ruthlessness of the Earth and man.

(12) Then our tiny planet becomes only a means to achieve modern amenities and pleasures.

(13) Yes, man has not only tormented, tormented, tormented the flesh of the Earth with exploding shells and multi-ton bombs since the wars began, but also turns his home into a garbage bin, into a dirty dump of used and no longer needed items, into a car cemetery, transistors, bottles, cans. (14) Man is strangling and poisoning the Earth with chemical waste, as if in the frenzy of greedy enrichment he is in a hurry to destroy both it and himself.

(15) After all, the Earth is a living body with its own rhythm, breathing, circulatory pulse, and stopping the natural flow of blood in it is fatal. (16) Undoubtedly, people understand, or rather, feel the impending danger and at the same time hope for a vague “later”, in which nothing may happen to the most beautiful of worlds.

(17) But everything has its beginnings and its ends.

(According to Yu. V. Bondarev)

21. Which of the following words should take the place of the blank in sentence 11? Write this word down.






22. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentence 8 presents a narrative.

2) Proposition 9 contains a reasoning.

3) Sentence 10 provides a description.

4) Proposition 12 indicates the consequence of what is said in sentence 11.

5) Sentence 15 presents a narrative.

23. From sentences 14-16, write down a synonym for the words “greedy”, “selfish”.

24. Among sentences 2-6, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using introductory word and forms of words. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “Yu. V. Bondarev’s language is very figurative, as evidenced by the tropes used in the text: (A)___(“like darkness” in sentence 2, “flashed with transcendental fire” in sentence 3) and (B)___(sentence 9 ). The author’s excited intonation is conveyed by lexical means, in particular (B) ___ (“eternity” - “moment” in sentence 6, “beginnings” - “ends” in sentence 17), as well as the technique - (D) ___ (“torments, torments , tortures" in sentence 13)".

List of terms:

1) phraseological unit

2) parcellation

3) extended metaphor

4) colloquial and colloquial vocabulary

5) antonyms

6) comparison

7) syntactic parallelism

8) rhetorical exclamation

9) gradation

Option 11

Job number


Job number



234 or any combination
these numbers



1234 or any combination
these numbers

1245 or any combination
these numbers



too seamless




greedy or covetous



1. The problem of overcoming the alienation of man from the Earth. (How to avoid alienation of man from the Earth?)

2. Problem negative influence human activities on the life of the Earth. (What is the negative impact of human activity on the life of the planet?)

1. To avoid the alienation of man from the Earth, people need to remember that the Earth is a living organism and the Earth’s age is fleeting, that the meaning of the uniqueness of life must not be lost.

2. Man, through his activities, destroys the Earth, polluting it, injuring its flesh with explosions, while hoping that nothing will happen to the planet.

How often do we think that our Earth is just a “small bluish speck of dust” in the vast expanses of the Universe? Do we always realize that its existence is determined by laws that defy human reason, before which man is powerless, but with our actions we are “in a hurry to destroy” the most amazing of planets?
Will people ever understand that the desire to turn the Earth into a “means for achieving modern conveniences and pleasures” brings us closer to danger and threatens the very existence of the most beautiful of worlds? This important question worries the writer Yu.V. Bondareva.
over this problem, the author invites us to imagine our tiny planet as a helpless airship, which “rushes through the thickness of violet cold, starlight, through meteorite, sparkling mists.” If on his way he accidentally encounters a “deadly reef”, colliding with it, the “fragile, weak ship” will die... And people, without thinking about the “fleeting age of the Earth,” “shatter their ship,... slash the inflated sails with knives of anger and hatred.”
WITH author's position It's impossible not to agree. Indeed, a person not only transforms his common Home into the “garbage bin”, but also mercilessly destroys it. People who want to live comfortably and not deny themselves anything do not care about the fate of this house, they are not interested in what will be left as an inheritance for future generations.
A man like the greedy Ignatyich, the hero of the novel by V.P. Astafiev’s “Tsar Fish”, and the sturgeon, resembling a “prehistoric lizard” of amazing size, is “in the same trap” with the Earth, which is in no hurry to destroy it and patiently provides new chances to atone for the enormous guilt before it. The earth is “a living body with its own rhythm, breathing, pulse of blood circulation.” A person's irresponsible activities cause serious harm to him.
The author notes that people “feel impending danger,” but hope for “later.” Forgetting about the sad consequences, they mercilessly cut down forests, poison the air, river basins, lakes and seas. In an unquenchable thirst for enrichment and omnipotence, they come up with and test new weapons that pose a great threat not only to human life, but also for the existence of our planet.
The result of a thoughtless, predatory attitude towards life and nature can be considered numerous ecological disasters: enormous destructive power of tornadoes, terrible earthquakes, floods, fires. These natural phenomena gradually becoming “familiar” to us, and not just creepy movie plots.
A planet like our Earth, such a “habitable, cozy island” that arose in the “threatening ocean of the unknown,” does not exist in the vastness of the vast Universe. It is necessary to treat her in such a way that she will always be a “clean, bright, white-sailed ship”, on the way of which she will not encounter dangerous reefs for an infinitely long time.
In conclusion, I would like to recall the hero of the famous fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupery, the Little Prince, who lived according to the “firm rule” he established: “Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.” How necessary it is now for all the inhabitants of our planet to learn by heart and strictly follow this simple, but such important rule!

– I wanted to say, dear friends...

– Petya, do you have any offers for guests?

– I love nature. My wife and I walk through the forest and kiss every tree... every birch tree... It may be autumn, the leaves are falling, but there will still be spring. And there will be many springs. We must protect our field... the field of our lived life. Every Sunday I leave the stone city, walk through the forests, and I’m as healthy as an elephant...

- Knock on wood!

-...As healthy as an elephant... I want people, all people, to be healthy, beautiful, and not resemble, excuse me, caterpillars...

- Why are you pointing your glass in my direction?

- Sorry, by accident.

– Petya, do you have any other comments or advice to the guests?

– ... My wife and I run five kilometers every morning. She's choking, she's screaming, "I can't!" - and I told her: “Look for the third nostril.”

– What is this – a second wind?

- Third. Then I call her at work: “Zinka, how are you?” – She: “I feel great.” I give her a massage. Every morning. She used to sweat...

- What are you talking about, Petya? Stop it please.

- She was sweating...

- Well, the details begin.

- No, don’t laugh, I have to finish...

- Petya, stop it, you’re a little drunk, you’re saying unnecessary things, God knows what!

– ...The astronauts saw the Earth from above and understood... What a beauty the Earth is...

- Petya, Petya, sit down, please! You're pouring a glass onto your suit!

- I’ll sit down, but the starry sky and our Earth are beauty within beauty, that’s it...

– And this oak bark tincture won’t give you any oak?

– Tomorrow morning you will wake up and ask yourself: did you drink? The head is bright, the mood is good... I make this tincture myself. My wife and I eat every weed!.. You interrupted me, I wanted to say that we should worship the earth...

- Window! Open the window! I can't breathe. Sanduny!

-...Starry sky... What is happiness? Happiness is the expectation of happiness. I don’t remember who said that, but it was very true and vitally said. Have you ever seen the night sky in August? Zina, don’t pull my sleeve, they must understand what happiness is to live...

– Three Englishmen in tuxedos are sitting in a luxurious restaurant in the Grand Hotel...

- Shut up! This is an indecent joke!

- No, quite decent. I'm entering at this time beautiful woman

- An indecent joke!

- And I say, quite decent! The woman approaches them, sits down at the table, takes an apple from the vase...

-...You interrupted me again. I want to tell you all that the night sky in August - yes, yes, you can cry from happiness to see it... Zina, no need to pull... Have you heard how ripe apples fall in the garden at night? Give me, give me, let me finish!..

Star and Earth

I woke up from frantic running, the rumble of wheels, the creaking of shelves, the rattling of a half-open compartment door - trickles of drafts were moving overhead.

It was dark in the corridor and compartment: in the darkness I discerned a square window, behind which everything was impenetrable, and it was impossible to understand whether it was the steppe or the forests that were walking in this night, incomprehensible as darkness.

Then, in the darkness outside the window, a lone star flashed with fire and twinkled.

The train was still rushing, without slowing down, lost in dark spaces, without lights, invisible from the heights of this star, burning among the cosmic deserts, separated from the earth by distances of many millions.

Out of reach, the star floated next to the carriage, shaggyly moving its tentacles of rays in the darkness of the universe, penetrating through its coldness, and I incessantly looked at it with a feeling of the mystery of some laws existing outside the mind, which for some reason condensed eternity into a moment and stretched out the moment into eternity. “So, eternity is life, a moment is destruction?..”

Everything was defenseless before these laws: life, love, art, the Earth itself, this lived-in cozy island in a threatening ocean of the unknown. What loneliness and what danger must she experience, knowing her doom and her end in nth day, already written down in an unknown chapter of world law. Why, in the name of what, should they come together, stop and, of course, start moving the hands of the universal clock again? Perhaps in fatal injustice lies the law of strict justice? But again, in the name of what?

Apparently, the answers to this are written in that book of universal renewal, which no one is ever destined to read. Just as it is impossible for a person to outwit, deceive, or circumvent his own destiny, so it is impossible to delay the movement of world time, to elude it, to turn back the hands of the clock with the self-confident hope that the breath of life will thus continue.

And I imagined our Earth as it might be seen from the height of this autumn star, a small, bluish speck of dust, this airship rushing through the thickness of cold, starlight, meteorite fogs, I imagined its fragility, its weakness, limited supplies of water and food - and horrified at the thought of his powerlessness before the universe.

If each of the crew on this boat realized that there was a deadly reef ahead and in a collision with it, their unique flesh, consisting of forests, rivers, oceans, rains, sunsets, green grass, beautiful cities, cathedrals, cars, books, would crumble into nothingness, paintings of painters, everything that was created by the geniuses of human thought and human hands, if everyone thought for even a minute about the fleeting age of the Earth, people would not shake the ship from side to side, would not punch holes in its bottom with the devilish forces of split nature, not they would slash the inflated sails with knives with the obsession of suicides, spattering them with their own blood.

Will people never understand that the Earth should be their bright, white-sailed ship, the path of which, unfortunately, is not endless?

But is it worth thinking about it? After all, a person rarely thinks about his death, and when he does, he reassures himself that it will happen to him someday later, later...

“Later” is a form of self-defense, but in this “later” there is also a shade of inexplicable hope: maybe it won’t happen to me? Mentally postponing death, people sometimes lose the main thing - the meaning of the one-time nature of life, and here comes the alienation of the Earth and man. Then our tiny planet becomes only a means to achieve temporary conveniences and pleasures, which develop into a disgusting pathology, similar to children’s violence against their mother.

Yes, man has not only shaken, tormented and wounded the flesh of the Earth with the explosions of shells and multi-ton bombs since the wars began, but he turns it into a trash bin, into a dirty dump of used and no longer needed items, into a cemetery of cars, transistors, bottles, tin cans. Man is strangling and poisoning the Earth with chemical waste, as if in greedy enrichment he is in a hurry to kill both it and himself.

The earth is a living body with its own rhythm, breathing, circulatory pulse, and stopping the natural flow of blood in it is fatal. Undoubtedly, people understand, or rather, feel the impending danger, but at the same time they rely on a vague “later”, in which nothing may happen to the most beautiful of worlds.

However, everything has its beginnings and its ends.

The blue light of a lonely star reached me from the heights, without warming the September impenetrability of the night with the paws of lifeless rays, and for some reason I remembered that sometimes it reaches us through outer space the belated light of already extinct stars, as if in justification to the universe for their death.

“Before it’s too late,” I thought, shivering from the drafts in the compartment, from the melancholy chemical burning of the homeless star, which now seemed to me to be dead, but once a cheerful and flourishing planet. “We must do something before it’s too late!” "

The train, slowing down, tapped more and more calmly on the switches, and through the rattling of the compartment door, the creaking of the shelves, the locomotive whistle warned someone in the night. Then lights flashed scattered in a chain, a close lantern above the switchman's booth suddenly splashed brightly into the carriage, and the dim electric lights of the closed warehouses began to approach.

The train slowed down and slowed down - and a minute later the huge windows of a large station with deserted halls floated above the platform - and stripes of electricity moved across the compartment, signs of human warmth.

I got dressed and got out of the carriage. Already on the platform, I involuntarily looked into the sky - there was no star. Behind the station the poplars rustled, and the steam of the shunting locomotive hissed on the tracks. The sleepy conductor, yawning sweetly, playfully told me: if I was going to the restaurant in the middle of the night, then it would be closed until the morning.

And strangely, under the power of protective distance, I felt better.


My engineer friend witnessed an impossible scene - a boy in the yard caught a pigeon behind the garage and cut off its legs with scissors. The dove beat on the ground, trying to fly up, beat its head, wings, and whole body, leaving a thread of blood on the asphalt.

The boy watched the bird from under his brows, very calmly, carefully, like a man conducting a serious experiment. The engineer rushed to him, snatched the scissors from his hands, and said with incomprehension and anger:

- What have you done? Why are you a dove?..

And the boy answered in fear:

- He can't fly without legs.

-Where are your father and mother? Well, show me where you live?..

He grabbed the boy tightly by the shoulder, and he, hunched over, lips trembling, ready to cry, led him to the house. There was only one father in the apartment, in washed pajamas, puffy, poorly shaven, his prosthesis creaked, unsteadily rising from the table in the kitchen. He listened to the engineer and slammed his fist on the table.

One night I woke up with a strange feeling. It seemed to me that I had gone deaf in my sleep. I lay with my eyes open, listened for a long time and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but that there was simply an extraordinary silence outside the walls of the house. This kind of silence is called “dead”. The rain died, the wind died, the noisy, restless garden died. You could only hear the cat snoring in its sleep. I opened my eyes. White and even light filled the room. I got up and went to the window - everything was snowy and silent behind the glass. A lonely moon stood at a dizzying height in the foggy sky, and a yellowish circle shimmered around it. When did the first snow fall? I approached the walkers. It was so light that the arrows showed clearly. They showed two o'clock. I fell asleep at midnight. This means that in two hours the earth changed so unusually, in two short hours the fields, forests and gardens were bewitched by the cold. Through the window I saw a large gray bird land on a maple branch in the garden. The branch swayed and snow fell from it. The bird slowly rose and flew away, and the snow kept falling like glass rain falling from a Christmas tree. Then everything became quiet again. Reuben woke up. He looked outside the window for a long time, sighed and said: “The first snow suits the earth very well.” The earth was elegant, looking like a shy bride. And in the morning everything crunched around: frozen roads, leaves on the porch, black nettle stems sticking out from under the snow. Grandfather Mitriy came to visit for tea and congratulated him on his first trip. “So the earth was washed,” he said, “with snow water from a silver trough.” - Where did you get these words from, Mitrich? - Reuben asked. - Is there anything wrong? - the grandfather grinned. - My mother, the deceased, told me that in ancient times, beauties washed themselves with the first snow from a silver jug ​​and therefore their beauty never faded. It was difficult to stay at home on the first winter day. We went to the forest lakes. Grandfather walked us to the edge of the forest. He also wanted to visit the lakes, but “the ache in his bones did not let him go.” It was solemn, light and quiet in the forests. The day seemed to be dozing. From cloudy high sky Lonely snowflakes fell occasionally. We carefully breathed on them, and they turned into pure drops of water, then became cloudy, froze and rolled to the ground like beads. We wandered through the forests until dusk, going around familiar places. Flocks of bullfinches sat, ruffled, on snow-covered rowan trees... Here and there in the clearings birds flew and squeaked pitifully. The sky above was very light, white, and towards the horizon it thickened, and its color resembled lead. Slow snow clouds were coming from there. The forests became increasingly gloomy, quieter, and finally thick snow began to fall. It melted in the black water of the lake, tickled my face, and powdered the forest with gray smoke. Winter has begun to rule over the earth...

The Earth is our common home, the place where we were born and live and will live, for the human mind has not yet found a way to populate other celestial bodies.

In his work, Yu. V. Bondarev forces the reader to reflect on the problem of the destructive influence of human activity on nature.

This topic is especially relevant these days. Acid rain ozone holes, Greenhouse effect- this and much more is the result of activity human society. The author writes about man’s selfishness, about his destructive effect on the environment: “...man has not only...tortured the flesh of the Earth with exploding shells and multi-ton bombs since the wars began, but also turns his home into a trash bin... .", "Man is strangling and poisoning the Earth with chemical waste, as if in a frenzy of greedy enrichment he is in a hurry to destroy both it and himself."

The author's position is formulated clearly and clearly. Yu. V. Bondarev believes that human activity can destroy the Earth, “kill a living body.” People understand this, but nevertheless do nothing, hoping that something will change in the future.

I completely share the author's position. People don't think about environment, about their descendants, about the future. Everyone is worried about “now”: “now I’ll save on special equipment and pour the waste into the river”, “now I’ll leave the garbage at home, someone will throw it away anyway.”

But you can’t live one day at a time, you have to think about the future. What will our descendants breathe? clean air or not solid sulfur dioxides? What will they see from the window: Blooming tree or artificial poplar? -Everything depends on us.

Let's remember the main character of Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov was a nihilist: he denied everything, including nature. Bazarov believed that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” But what is nature and who is man? Is it possible to imagine him outside this system? Of course not. Without the same oxygen, which is also part of this large system, we can only live for a few minutes. That is why a person cannot put himself above nature, this is a single complex, and a person is only one of the components in it.

A striking example of how a person “thanks” the Earth for everything that it gives us is the explosion of the non-Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is not the end, continued below.

Useful material on the topic

  • According to the text by Yu.V. Bondareva (I woke up late at night from frantic running...)

This accident claimed hundreds of lives. More than a thousand people as a result of radiation received a variety of diseases, including tumors. Chernobyl and the surrounding area are closed to visitors. But it was not only the man who suffered. Many plants and animals also experienced the brunt of radioactive radiation. And man is to blame for everything.

A person must take care of the house in which he lives, of the Earth that gave birth to him. At least out of a sense of self-preservation, people should at least not quarrel. Otherwise, this could lead to the death of the Earth and everyone who lives on it. Just as a small match can cause a fire, so can plastic bottle, perhaps, for some living organisms it will be a death sentence.

Option 2

All people living on Earth have a huge impact on it. It can be both positive and negative. What is the negative impact of human activity on the planet? This is the problem that Yu.V. Bondarev reflects on in the proposed text.

Showing all the fragility, weakness, and helplessness of our planet in comparison with the Universe, the author calls on all people to preserve this “bluish speck of dust, this airship.” Yu.V. Bondarev is worried about the disappearance of all life on the planet. The consequence of people’s loss of the meaning of the uniqueness of life is, according to the writer, “the ruthless alienation of the Earth and man.”

The author believes that man not only torments, torments, torments the flesh of the Earth, but also poisons it with chemical waste, turning his home into a trash bin. This is where the negative impact of all people on our planet is manifested.

I completely agree with the author's opinion. Indeed, using the Earth as a means to achieve modern conveniences and pleasures can lead to catastrophic consequences. In particular, this is soil, water, and air pollution. But each of us must realize that by destroying the “airship,” we destroy ourselves.

Let us turn to V. Astafiev’s story “The Fish Tsar”. Because of greed and thirst for profit main character becomes a poacher. But at the same time, Ignatyich does not think about the damage he causes to the environment. Only the meeting with the king fish changes the hero’s consciousness: he asks for forgiveness from nature. In his work, V. Astafiev showed the power of nature over man.

Let us remember the words of V. Rasputin: “To talk about ecology today means to talk not about changing life, but about saving it.” It was in this phrase that the Russian writer expressed hope for the well-being of all life on the planet. But it’s worth saying that you should never hope for a vague “later”, but you need to think about saving the Earth today.

Thus, the manifestations of a person’s thoughtless activity in relation to everything around him can be very diverse. But there is only one result - the disappearance of our planet and the death of living beings, including people.

Option 3

The Earth...How much longer is it ready to withstand the merciless onslaught of humanity? Why don’t many people understand what a critical condition the Earth is in? These are the questions that arise for Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev.

The author raises the current problem of indifference to the Earth on which each of us was born. The text talks about how the author imagines our Earth from the height of a star, he is concerned about how helpless we are in front of the Universe. Y.V. Bondarev writes “Won’t people really understand that the Earth should be their clean, bright, white-sailed ship?” the writer is tormented by the fact that people are turning their home into a “garbage bin.”

The author’s position is clear, Yu.B Bondarev calls on us to take the environment more seriously: do not litter surrounding nature, awaken in a person a sense of significance. After all, everyone can do a good deed, thereby not harming nature.

I agree with the author’s opinion, and I also believe that if humanity does not take any decisive action, then everything could end in tears. After all, the Earth is one of the main creations on which we are given the opportunity to live. And therefore we must try not to destroy it, but treat it more carefully.

Let us turn to the work of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “The Tsar Fish”. The main character Ignatyich often causes harm to nature, as he is a poacher. So one of the fatal moments happens. big fish, he is unable to cope with her, the fish almost drags him into the depths of the river. A feeling of fear and shame arises in the fisherman, and therefore he lets her go. This fight changes Ignatyich’s worldview. This is how nature teaches a person morality.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we need to take care of what we have been given. Do not forget that only we are capable of changing the world for the better.

Option 4

How do irresponsible human activities affect the life of the planet? Yuri Bondarev suggests thinking about this problem.

The writer, in his text discussing the topic of the negative impact of people on nature, cannot help but talk about the defenselessness and helplessness of the Earth. The author writes that human activity “torments, torments, torments” and “poisons the Earth,” as a result of which all of humanity may die. By depicting this vivid picture of people’s relationships with the outside world, the writer shows us “the ruthless alienation of the Earth and man.”

Thus, the writer comes to the following conclusion: man, by negatively influencing nature, receiving only benefits from it, but not helping it renew itself, pollutes it, suppresses it and mercilessly destroys it.

My position is confirmed by the experience of the present fiction. For example, in L.N. Martynov’s poem “Children of Nature,” the poet talks about the defenselessness of the surrounding world in the face of irresponsible human activity. "Nature

Our own mother,

And we make her angry, like children,

And we manage to break

Let us recall the work of S. Aleksievich “Chernobyl Prayer”. In it we see. How human activities have caused enormous damage to nature. Exactly human factor became the cause of the death of all living things in Chernobyl. This example is proof that people have a detrimental effect on the natural life of the world around us.

So, the text by Yu.V. Bondarev convinces us of this. That people negatively influence the life of the planet, as they barbarously take away the best that it has, while not caring about it and observing its laws. Human activity is a destructive force against nature.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2017-03-05

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