Meaning of the name Angelica. The meaning of the female name Angelica: character and destiny

Short form of the name Angelica. Angelka, Anzhelka, Zhela, Zhelya, Zhelika, Lika, Angie, Anzhelonka, Angelochka, Anzhelka, Lina, Zhelonka, Zhelochka, Zhelunya, Zhelusya, Zhelusya, Angelka, Angelichka, Gela.
Synonyms for the name Angelica. Angelina, Angelica, Angelica, Angelica, Angelique.
Origin of the name Angelica. The name Angelica is Catholic, Greek.

The name Angelica is derived from the Latin "angelicus" ("angelic"), derived from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel". Analogues of the name Angelica are Angelina, Angelica.

It is also believed that Angelica is a variant pronunciation of the name Angelina, but these names are related and are often used interchangeably as diminutives. Not to be confused with the related names Angela (Angela) and Angelina (Angelina). The affectionate names Lika and Lin are also independent names.

For the name Angelica, the Catholic name day will be indicated.

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person. In her youth, she often behaves scandalously, trying to show her brightness and individuality. Having matured, her character undergoes changes. She becomes more sensitive. During quarrels, he tries to restrain himself and not show aggression. Thanks to this trait, she changes her reputation for the better. Angelica begins to show respect for other people. Changes bring her success, both in her career and in life. personal life.

The owner of this name is proud and often does not hide it. She loves to gossip and can intrigue. When these facts are revealed, they will disappoint others for a long time. Hiding her feelings in society, Angelica can splash them out at home. Excessive emotionality can lead to quarrels in the family. The husband loves Angelica. She is a wonderful wife and mother. Therefore, he does not pay attention to her emotional outbursts.

As a child, Angelica is balanced and calm. She is attracted to quiet games. Most she spends time alone. The girl has few friends around her. She is obedient and loves to help her parents with household chores. At school she does not show any special abilities, but gets good grades.

With age personal qualities Angelicas don't change. She is modest, taciturn, her inner world hidden from others. She loves to read and cook well. She often walks alone, goes to exhibitions and theaters. Angelica doesn't like to draw attention to herself.

Usually the owner of this name gets married late. Her family life is going well. Everything is yours free time she devotes to her family. And if it works out, then for the sake of her husband, children and household chores she leaves work.

She has a hard time getting along with people. A woman like this is hard to find mutual language with the opposite sex. In conversations, she tries to behave with restraint and strictness.

Name day Angelica

Famous people named Angelica

  • Angelique de Sancé de Monteloux, Countess de Peyrac (heroine of a series of novels by Anne and Serge Golon)
  • Angelique de Fontanges ((1661 - 1681) French aristocrat, favorite of King Louis XIV)
  • Angelika Varum ((born 1969) real name - Maria Varum; Russian pop singer)
  • Angelika Krylova ((born 1973) Russian figure skater, coach and choreographer)
  • Angelica Neto (Portuguese opera singer (soprano))
  • Angelica Catalani ((1780 - 1849) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Anjelica Huston, Angelica Huston ((born 1951) American film actress)
  • Angelica Mandy, Angelica Mandy ((born 1992) English film actress)
  • Angelica Aragon ((born 1953) Mexican film actress)
  • Angelika Kaufmann ((1741 - 1807) German and Swiss artist)
  • Angelika Jakubowska ((born 1989) winner of the Miss Poland 2008 contest)
  • Angeliki Daliani (Greek film actress)
  • Anzhelika Volskaya (Yachevskaya) (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anzhelika Poprotskaya ((Russian theater and film actress)
  • Angelica Bridges ( American model, actress singer)
  • Angelica Kashirina ( real name– Aslanyan; Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anzhelika Nevolina (Russian film and theater actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Angelica Maria "Angie" Cepeda Jimenez (Colombian actress)
  • Jacqueline Marie Angelique Arnault ((1591 - 1661) daughter of Antoine Arnault, French religious figure of the 17th century, abbess of the Port-Royal monastery)
  • Angelika Timanina (Russian synchronized swimmer, member of the Moscow and Russia national teams synchronized swimming, 5-time world champion, 2-time European champion)
  • Angelika Agurbash (née Yalinskaya; Belarusian singer, actress, model and TV presenter)
  • Angelika Krylova (Russian figure skater who competed in ice dancing. Paired with Oleg Ovsyannikov - silver medalist of the winter Olympic Games 1998, two-time world champion, European champion, four-time Russian champion. Nowadays he is a coach and choreographer in figure skating.)
  • Angelica Balabanova ((1878 - 1965) Russian and Italian socialist)
  • Angelika Shamshinova ((1937 - 2009) Soviet and Russian scientist, ophthalmologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor)
  • Anzhelika Rudnitskaya (singer, vice-president of the creative agency "Territory A", chief editor of programs of the First National TV Channel of Ukraine, member of the Public Foundation of St. Andrew the First-Called, Honored Artist of Ukraine)
  • Anjelica Huston ((born 1951) American actress and model, best known for her role as Morticia Addams in the film “The Addams Family” and its sequel)
  • Angelique Kerber (German tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Angelique Jonatos (Greek singer, poet, composer, sings in Greek, French, Spanish)

Who doesn’t know Angelique, the famous heroine of the fascinating novels by Anne and Serge Golon? A vibrant and passionate adventurer, she inspired many women to name their adorable daughters after her.

But before choosing this name, many people wonder: what does the name Angelica mean? And it turns out that its symbolism is incredibly beautiful and strong.

Like many names, Angelica is of Greek origin. The meaning of the name Angelica comes from the word “angelicus”, which is translated from Latin as “angelic”. And this word, in turn, is derived from the Greek “angelos” - that is, “messenger, angel”.

One of the opinions regarding the history of the name claims that names such as Angela and are derived from the name Angelica, but this is not so - although the names are similar in sound, their origin, and therefore the character of the bearers, is different. Short forms: Lika, Lina, Anzhik, Zhela, Zhelya, Lichka.

Character traits

Little Angelica cannot be called a very sociable child. She is active and inquisitive, but the company of other children does not interest her much. She has few friends; she prefers various quiet games. Loneliness does not bother her; the girl can easily find something interesting to do: read a book or draw.

We can say that the origin and meaning of her name at this age fully justifies itself. Studying does not cause difficulties for the girl. It cannot be said that she studies brilliantly, but she is not bad either - at the level of a strong “good student.”

New acquaintances, different and unusual people play important role in Angelica's life. She likes to communicate with smart, extraordinary interlocutors. By their example, they inspire her, forcing her to also look at life differently and look for new sides.

Also, one of the qualities that distinguishes her character is the ability to easily adapt to any turns of fate, overcome obstacles and survive trials. This quality will strengthen Angelica’s character with age and make her a truly strong woman.

In the midst of adolescence, Angelique will finally demonstrate her temperament. This period of life is usually extremely emotional, the girl enjoys her youth and her beauty, lives for today, is ready for various experiments and practically does not think about the future. This time is the brightest in her destiny, it is here that she will meet the most important people who will play a significant role in her life and in whose lives she will also leave a mark.

The temperament of a girl at this age can often lead to conflicts: one wrong word and she is on edge. However, Angelica knows how to curb her explosive temper in time and quickly reduce the conflict to something worse, but peace.

The course of fate

Of all the zodiac signs, the meaning of the name Angelica is most actively and clearly emphasized by three signs:

It is interesting that all three signs are completely different, belonging to different elements (fire, earth and air). But, nevertheless, they best reflect the essence of the name. Leo is the personified love of life, one of important qualities Angelica, which allows her to cope with almost any difficulties.

The sign of Capricorn will emphasize Angelica’s calmness and poise, and will slightly dull her expressiveness and fiery character in her youth. The constellation Aquarius will enhance the love of art and talent in the girl’s character.

Angelica's choice of profession largely depends on what she did as a child - often one of her hobbies develops into her life's work. The girl draws well, sings or learns to play the piano. musical instruments. Therefore, in the future, a career as an artist or illustrator, musician or vocalist is quite possible.

Any profession affecting the field of art is open to Angelica. At the same time she is drawn to the hand creative work. She will find herself in such areas as sewing and floristry; hairdressing and makeup artistry will also be a good choice.

Business and financial issues do not interest Angelica in themselves. But if she has a really talented or even brilliant idea, she will do everything to realize it. If a girl turns off her emotions and boldly implements her plan, she will have great success and a very successful business.

Relationships with men

The name itself already carries with it attractiveness and sexuality. These same traits are characteristic of the bearer herself: she really knows how to charm men, this is one of her strongest qualities. She has many suitors, whom she, however, does not take too seriously, simply enjoying their attention and not letting them get too close. Such popularity among men, coupled with the ability to look luxurious, leads to the fact that women do not have very many girlfriends.

Angelica is emotional in love relationships. She is an ardent and passionate lover, sensitive to the desires of her partner. Angelica attaches great importance to the sexual side of relationships. At a young age, she is capable of breaking many hearts with her beauty and charm. The girl herself is in no hurry to get married - her love for freedom is too great. Therefore, her wedding often turns out to be a surprise not only for close people, but also for her.

When creating a family, Angelica sees reliability, stability and devotion in marriage. Often the fate of a woman with this name is much luckier and happier than that of the women around her. Angelica is gentle, caring and loving wife who is ready to spend a lot of effort to achieve harmony and order in the house. She will be a wonderful mother, paying due attention to raising her daughter or son, always knowing when to pamper and when to show character.

The most successful relationships will be with men named:

The name refers to Catholic culture, and in different countries Name days are celebrated on different dates. IN Orthodox calendar it is not fixed, so at baptism the girl will receive a secret Orthodox name, in accordance with which the name day will be celebrated. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

Full name:

Similar names: Angelina, Angelika, Angelika, Angelika, Angelik

Church name: -

Meaning: angelic

The meaning of the name Angelica - interpretation

The beautiful female name Angelica is popular in many countries around the world. The history of its origin is ambiguous. Most often, historians attribute it to Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek languageάγγελος (angelos) – “angel” or “messenger of God.” It is believed that Angelica comes from another female name– Angelina, which is interpreted as “angel”. Some linguists associate it with the Sanskrit "ajira", the meaning of which is "quickly". According to one mythological story, the divine beings Zeus and Hera had a daughter named Angela. She was raised by a nymph. Angela was the goddess of the underworld.

Name Angelica in other languages

Astrology named after Angelica

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Lika as a child is a calm, kind, flexible child who prefers to sit at home, leaf through books and help her parents. The girl happily babysits younger children and animals. The baby loves to learn and takes responsibility for assigned tasks.

She develops comprehensively by attending handicraft clubs and sport sections. He is interested in creativity. Reads a lot. Angelica has angelic patience at an early age. But her character is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Lika has a strong inner core. She has her own opinion, which she is ready to defend. The girl is attached to her mother. Sensitively experiences a short separation. Always shares worries and sorrows with the parent.

The matured Angelica has an urgent need for independence. She is capable of stubbornness and insolence. From a stay-at-home girl, she turns into a sociable teenager. The young beauty takes care of her appearance, chooses bright clothes and puts on provocative makeup.

Such actions allow you to attract the attention of others to her. Adolescence for Lika is a period of rebellion. Eccentric behavior does not prevent the girl from studying hard and caring for her family. Such aspects as determination, pride, and sociability appear in the character.

The girl has a lot of acquaintances and friends, but rarely establishes lasting friendships. Her hobbies at this stage of her life are music, literature, youth parties.

Mature Angelica is a stunning beauty, captivating with her natural grace and charm. The woman has an excellent sense of humor. Communication with her is a great pleasure. Lika is responsive, hardworking and patient.

But not all of her qualities are angelic. This person loves freedom and has high self-esteem. Thanks to these traits, Angelica is able to become successful in work and in her personal life.

He prefers to hide his emotions in society and splash them out at home. Due to excessive emotionality, quarrels often occur in the family. Angelica is a wonderful wife and mother. Therefore, there is no need to attach special attention her emotional outbursts.

Angelica's character

The strengths of a woman named Angelica are sensuality, self-confidence, temperament, and responsibility. When old enough, he usually restrains himself and does not show much aggression.

Lika is a passionate person with strong temperament. She is practical, strong, self-confident. A woman is able to hide emotions from others for a long time. Angelica is happy to help others.

A woman's weak trait is pride. A woman is able to create intrigue while remaining an outside observer. From time to time, especially in his youth, he provokes scandals with his behavior.

Possessing a sharp mind and attractive appearance, this woman has incredibly high self-esteem. She is prone to intrigue and gossip. External coldness can repel some people.

Angelica's fate

The life of a woman with this name is happy. Perseverance and hard work contribute to her career growth. The habit of being careful when choosing friends protects you from mean, malicious and selfish people. But the lack of desire to meet people and get closer to others can result in loneliness. A sensitive, responsive, strong, intelligent and honest man can make Lika’s life happy and fulfilling.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Angela is very hardworking and capable. The woman learns quickly. At work she is a careerist. Lika can realize her potential in art. Her attractive appearance promises success on stage or on the podium. Energy and composure will help in the career of a journalist, teacher, and politician.

Lika is not a fan of monotonous work. Boredom and low wages are the reasons for her search for a new place of employment. Entrepreneurial activity The woman is not attracted to him. This person does not like to take risks, and any business is always a risk. Meanwhile, financial resources have great importance in Angelica's life. Money gives stability and confidence in the future.

Marriage and family

An ideal relationship with a husband is trust, friendliness, stability, openness, passion. With her beloved husband, Lika is transformed, showing her angelic nature. But this woman will not tolerate deception and betrayal. She doesn't forgive things like that. On occasion, he can take serious revenge.

Angelica appreciates home comfort and comfort. A woman is ready to spend hours cleaning and experimenting in the kitchen. She raises her children delicately, trying not to disturb their psyche.

Sex and love

Lika is a heartbreaker and conqueror. She loves to flirt and tease members of the opposite sex, but does not allow gentlemen to approach her for a very long time. The girl practices physical love with pleasure. I am ready to enter into an intimate relationship with the guy I like after a short period of acquaintance.

Angela gets married late. Exclusively for love. He places high demands on his future spouse. A man must be strong externally and internally, intelligent, gentle, temperamental, infinitely honest and loyal.


Angelic appearance, refined facial features of Lika suggest poor health. But this judgment is unfounded.

The girl has excellent immunity, which maintains the full functioning of the body throughout her life. At a young age, Angela may encounter allergies of varying complexity and nature.

Interests and hobbies

Lika's main hobbies are cooking and literature. The woman spends a lot of time creating edible masterpieces. Left alone, she happily immerses herself in the fictional plot of novels.

Likes to visit with family social events– theaters, exhibitions, concerts, shows and competitions. A woman who is passionate about needlework enjoys knitting, embroidering, and weaving.

Angelica - name Greek origin, which is translated into Russian as “angelic messenger.”

Positive and negative character traits.

Angelica has a versatile and very interesting character. Among the worthy traits, it is necessary to note the amazing temperament, which begins to develop from adolescence. At the same time, you need to understand the lack of patience, stability and firmness, as a result of which in the first half of life there is a risk of developing conflict situations. Only life experience teaches a girl to control herself. Improvement in character is largely due to pride, high self-esteem and the desire to avoid loss of reputation.

Self-love can be clearly expressed, which is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. A woman may show a negative attitude, and even jealousy, towards the successes of other people. In addition, there is a risk of participating in various intrigues and spreading gossip. If Angelica does not fight these behavioral traits and tendencies, her reputation may be ruined.

Character traits.

Angelica has a nervous character and is not able to live in constancy, but at the same time she loves beauty and high level comfort. It is extremely difficult to come to terms with reality, so the girl often creates her own unique world and lives in it. Developed daydreaming could be a virtue, but dreams almost always remain unfulfilled, so life becomes significantly more complicated and does not always bring peace of mind. The world is always perceived with a vivid attraction of emotions.

The influence of other people turns out to be very important, and it can have a serious influence on various actions, leading to impulses and even indecisiveness. So, stability and certain tactics of behavior are completely absent, and imbalance turns out to be one of the main characteristics. Unfortunately, there is a risk nervous breakdowns and manifestations of helplessness in the face of life circumstances, when it is not possible to make a decision immediately, a desire for caution is manifested, and anxiety is noted.

Angela usually only thinks about her actions and rarely moves to the level of action. At the same time, there is a problem with organization and professional responsibility, as a result of which moving forward in life becomes truly difficult. If you eliminate the existing shortcomings, you can still achieve the desired success, but it is better to give preference to creative areas, namely journalism, clothing modeling, and acting. Developed daydreaming and versatile fantasies will contribute to achieving career success.

Well-being in the material sphere and financial stability will come only if Angela engages in work based on her hobbies and interests. The fact is that work should bring pleasure, and a pronounced temperament becomes a certain obstacle to this. It is very important to take care of proper organization work process, since concentration on little things and nuances can turn out to be a real brake on progress. Angelica’s energy turns out to be enough to move in the chosen direction, but at the same time she does not show even a little pity or concern for herself. From a very young age, a girl strives to rely on herself. Efficiency and leadership skills allow you to try your potential even in an administrative position, which allows you to achieve success even in entrepreneurial activity.

When choosing friends, a pragmatic approach is noted. Each friend should have material wealth and occupy a prominent position in modern society.

Despite such a pronounced character, Angela does not want to stand out from the crowd. It happens naturally. The girl makes no effort to win the attention of men, but can always enjoy it. Even in the case of representatives of the opposite sex, external attractiveness fades into the background, and character traits, position in society and the desire for career advancement turn out to be truly important. At the same time, Angelica is ready to appreciate the high level of professionalism and the desire for knowledge, the presence higher education even in your real friends.

There is a sense of mystery in Angelica’s character, which can evoke a sense of intrigue in men. It is not surprising that the girl is considered a mysterious and interesting person. In society, Angelica pays attention, first of all, to her convenience, so she behaves sincerely and avoids ambiguity in conversations. The girl chooses her husband thoughtfully, so she is always confident in her chosen one and knows that he can be a real support for him. Angela's tastes, hobbies, and worldview can change extremely quickly. For this reason, if you choose this name for your daughter, try to focus on a certain aspect of life. This approach will help teach the girl to be consistent, which will certainly lead to greater realism and help in life. Angela has developed sensitivity and jealousy, so she should not be allowed to live only in the family. The presence of rules and strict boundaries will certainly lead to certain problems. I like comfort and home life, but at the same time, even a woman who has experience is difficult to accustom to constancy. Every attempt to complete a given task can lead to serious problems. Sexuality is poorly developed. Most likely, a woman is passive in her sexual life and may even refuse intimate contacts. At first, the girl tries to avoid men, but then she finds a chosen one who allows her to discover her sexuality to a certain extent. In society, Angelica changes her role: brilliant - faceless... And so on in a circle.

Character traits taking into account the season of birth.

A girl who was born in winter is reserved and cautious. It is very difficult for her to trust people and establish contacts with them. Autumn representatives are distinguished by their serious and thoughtful character. There is no tendency to engage in active conversations. Summer Angela can be a mysterious person with developed romanticism. The spring representative will seduce people, but at the same time she avoids direct relationships with men and shows distrust.

We choose a profession.

Angelica's brightness and eccentricity and lack of stability lead to serious problems, so it is extremely difficult to find a sphere labor activity, where success will be felt, where character will manifest itself with best side. Angela can work as a theater or film actress.

Business and financial status.

In the decision financial matters Angela must rely only on herself. In addition, her extraordinary views can contribute to achieving success in her career.

Love and family life.

Angela strives to hide her own emotions in society, but at the same time, in the family the girl is ready to behave openly, as a result of which there is a risk of family tragedies. Despite such nuances and fears, a woman is ready to show thriftiness and care towards her husband, as a result of which the marriage initially rests on this and certain aspects of character can be changed.


From the very beginning of their lives, girls tend to show a craving for an active lifestyle, so they begin to crawl early. At the same time, Angelica starts walking late, because crawling is easier and faster... This shows stubbornness. At the same time, one feels courage and a desire to move.

There will be no problems with nutrition, but only if you remind the girls that it is time to sit down at the table. Angela is often exposed to colds, gastrointestinal disorders, stomatitis, diathesis, and allergic reactions.

It is very important to pay increased attention to immunity in order to avoid the risk of developing infectious diseases, flu, colds. From childhood, a girl needs to be toughened up. Please note that if you have a third blood group there may be serious problems with healing of wounds and scratches. Girls find it very difficult to study at school, and they rarely have time to do everything necessary, but subsequently they manage to achieve the desired success in education. Proper upbringing and care are a guarantee that Angela will definitely become successful and happy!

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Angelica means “messenger, angel.”

Origin of the name: Angelica is an ancient Greek name that is considered related to the name Angelina. The meaning of these names is the same, but women with such names have absolutely different characteristics. The name Angelica is not listed in the Orthodox calendar, but is listed in Catholicism.
Other forms: Angelina, Angelika, Angelina, Lika, Angelica, Gela, Lika.

July – 29th;

July – 15th;

October – 21st.

Characteristics of the name

The name Angelica endows its owner with charm, angelic audacity, and a practical character. Angelica has strong energy, she is self-confident, a little selfish, independent, and knows how to stand out from society.

As a child, Angelica grows up as a balanced and calm child; she does not like noisy games and prefers to be alone. Spends a lot of time with her mother, is always ready to help her around the house, look after her younger brother or sister. At school, this girl does not show any special talents, but she does not lag behind in her studies. She has few friends, but at the same time she knows how to get along with people.

Growing up, Angelica becomes beautiful and attractive, she can behave provocatively, thus showing her individuality and independence. The adult owner of the name is very reserved, she knows how to control her emotions and never provokes conflicts. By nature, Angelica is a strong woman who is not afraid of difficulties. The main advantage of this woman is considered to be responsiveness and selflessness. She does not like to tell other people about her problems and prefers to solve them herself. Angelica is proud, she loves intrigue and gossip, so other people often avoid her. Women named have very good taste, they dress beautifully, outwardly bright and attractive, but inside they are cold and mysterious.

Character of the name

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person with a practical character. With age, Angelica's character changes, she becomes a strong and self-confident woman. The owners of this name know how to restrain their emotions, but when the cup of patience is overflowing, they can explode and express to their offender everything that has accumulated inside. In adulthood, Angelica becomes smarter and more restrained, and begins to show respect for other people. Changes in Angelica's character often bring her success, she improves family life, begins to advance in his career.
Angelica's character has increased pride, she loves to gossip, and often leads intrigues. Hiding her feelings and emotions in society, Angelica splashes them out at home, which is why relationships with her family are often strained. Excessive emotionality can lead to quarrels in the family, misunderstandings and even a break in relations with a loved one.

People named Angelica are hardworking, purposeful, independent and responsive. They achieve their success in life on their own, they do not like to accept help from others, but they will gladly help others.

“Winter” - independent, hidden;

“Autumn” - mysterious, narcissistic;

“Summer” - closed, self-confident;

“Spring” is hardworking and purposeful.

Fate of the name

A girl named Angelica is a very passionate child from birth with a pronounced pride. Little Angelica needs increased attention, and when it is absent, she shows her character, begins to be capricious, and is very worried. She often becomes the initiator of conflicts and, as a rule, earns herself a reputation as a brawler because she does not know how to restrain her emotions.

Adult Angela is trying to fight her pride; she is softer and more patient, but she also knows how to provoke conflicts and quarrels. By nature, she is kind and impressionable, although she does not have an “angelic” character. She doesn't have many friends, but she always needs support. The owners of this name are most concerned about their own achievements; they strive to be independent and achieve success in their careers and personal lives. Concerning professional activity Angela, her work often doesn’t go well, but she never loses heart and always achieves her goals.

Women named Angela are not careerists, but they will never be in a low position either. They take their professional duties seriously, so they can be entrusted with the most important work. Such professions as hairdresser, cosmetologist, photographer, journalist, and administrator are suitable for Angela.

In men, she likes modesty, flexibility, and responsibility. Angelica often takes on the responsibilities of the main one, but also demands the same from her husband. She can work, or she can devote herself to her family and be a housewife. Family well-being is very important to her; she loves her children madly, cares about their health and comfort, and enjoys running the household.

Angelica does not have good health, she often complains about her health and is prone to infectious diseases.

Positive traits of the name

Angela is a temperamental, bright and self-confident person. She lacks patience, but with age she learns to control herself. She is hardworking and responsible, a good wife and loving mother.

Negative traits of the name

Angela has a keenly developed sense of self-esteem, which makes her not indifferent to the successes of others. She loves to gossip and starts various intrigues that spoil her reputation.

Name compatibility Angelica

Angelica will have a successful marriage with a man named Valentin, Vladimir, Alexey, Victor. Difficult relationships stack up with Vladislav, Dmitry, Igor, Anatoly.