Read the story of a flower on earth. Flower on the ground

Andrey Platonovich Platonov

Flower on the ground

Athos is bored with living in the world. His father is at war, his mother works on a collective farm on a dairy farm from morning to evening, and grandfather Titus sleeps on the stove. He sleeps during the day and sleeps at night, and in the morning, when he wakes up and eats porridge with milk, he also dozes.

“Grandfather, don’t sleep, you’ve already had enough sleep,” Afonya said to his grandfather this morning.

“I won’t, Afonushka, I won’t,” answered the grandfather. - I will lie and look at you.

- Why do you close your eyes and don’t say anything to me? – Afonya asked then.

“Today I won’t close my eyes,” Grandfather Titus promised. - Today I will look at the light.

- Why are you sleeping and I’m not?

“I’m a lot of years old, Afonushka... I’ll be ninety before three, my eyes are already squinting.”

“But it’s dark for you to sleep,” said Afonya. - The sun is shining in the yard, the grass is growing there, but you are sleeping, you don’t see anything.

- Yes, I’ve already seen everything, Afonushka.

- Why are your eyes white and tears crying in them?

“They have faded, Afonushka, they have faded from the light and become weak; I had to look for a long time.

Afonya examined his grandfather as he is. There were bread crumbs in my grandfather's beard, and another mosquito lived there. Afonya stood on the bench, picked out all the crumbs from his grandfather’s beard, and drove the mosquito out of there - let him live separately. Grandfather's hands lay on the table; they were large, the skin on them became like the bark on a tree, and thick black veins were visible under the skin, these hands plowed a lot of land.

Afonya looked into his grandfather’s eyes. His eyes were open, but they looked indifferently, not seeing anything, and in each eye there shone a large drop of a tear.

- Don't sleep, grandpa! – Afonya asked.

But grandfather was already asleep. His mother sat him, sleepy, on the stove, covered him with a blanket and went to work. Afonya was left alone in the hut, and again he became bored. He walked around the wooden table, looked at the flies that surrounded the bread crumbs on the floor that had fallen from his grandfather’s beard, and ate them; then Afonya went to the stove, listened to his sleeping grandfather breathing there, looked through the window at the empty street and again walked around the table, not knowing what to do.

“Mom’s gone, dad’s gone, grandpa’s asleep,” Afonya said to himself.

Then he looked at the clock to see how it was going. The hours passed long and boringly: tick-tock, tick-tock, as if they were rocking their grandfather, and they themselves were also tired and wanted to fall asleep.

“Wake up, grandfather,” Afonya asked. - Are you sleeping?

- A? “No, I’m not sleeping,” answered Grandpa Titus from the stove.

- You think? – asked Afonya.

- A? I'm here, Afonya, I'm here.

- Do you think there?

- A? No, I thought it all over, Afonushka, I thought from a young age.

- Grandfather Titus, do you know everything?

– That’s it, Afonya, I know everything.

- What is this, grandfather?

- What do you want, Afonushka?

- What is all this?

– I already forgot, Afonya.

- Wake up, grandpa, tell me everything!

- A? - said grandfather Titus.

- Grandfather Titus! Grandfather Titus! - Afonya called. - Remember!

But the grandfather had already fallen silent, he fell asleep again in peace on the Russian stove.

Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up. And the grandfather was sleeping and only whispered inaudible words quietly in his sleep. Afonya got tired of waking him up and fell asleep next to his grandfather, clinging to his good, familiar chest, which smelled of warm earth.

Waking up from sleep, Afonya saw that his grandfather was looking with his eyes and was not sleeping.

“Get up, grandfather,” said Afonya. And the grandfather closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Afonya thought that his grandfather was not sleeping when he was sleeping; and he wanted to never sleep in order to watch for his grandfather when he fully woke up.

And Afonya began to wait. The clock ticked, and its wheels creaked and hummed, lulling the grandfather.

Afonya then got down from the stove and stopped the pendulum near the clock. The hut became quiet. You could hear the mower beating his scythe across the river and the thin ringing of the midge under the ceiling.

Grandfather Titus woke up and asked:

- What are you doing, Afonya? Has it become so noisy? Were you the one making the noise?

- Don’t sleep! - said Afonya. - Tell me everything! Otherwise you sleep and sleep, and then you die, mom says - you don’t have much time left; who will tell me about everything then?

“Wait, let me drink some kvass,” said the grandfather and climbed down from the stove.

-Have you come to your senses? – asked Afonya.

“I came to my senses,” answered the grandfather. - Let's go torture the white world now.

Old Titus drank the kvass, took Afonya by the hand, and they walked out of the hut.

There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road.

The grandfather led Afonya along a field path, and they went out to a pasture where sweet clover for cows, herbs and flowers grew. Grandfather stopped at a blue flower, patiently growing with its roots from fine clean sand, pointed it out to Athos, then bent down and carefully touched that flower.

- I know that myself! – Afonya said drawlingly. - And I need that the most important thing happens, you tell me about everything! And this color grows, it’s not everything!

Grandfather Titus became thoughtful and angry with his grandson.

– Here is the most important thing for you!.. You see - the sand lies dead, it is stone chips, and there is nothing else, and the stone does not live and does not breathe, it is dead dust. Do you understand now?

“No, grandfather Titus,” said Afonya. - It’s not clear here.

- Well, I don’t understand, so what do you want, since you’re slow-witted? And the flower, you see, is so pathetic, but it is alive, and it made itself a body from dead dust. Therefore, he turns the dead loose earth into a living body, and he smells of pure spirit. Here you have the most important thing in the world, here you have it, where everything comes from. This flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death.

– Do grass and rye also do the main thing? – asked Afonya.

“It’s the same,” said grandfather Titus.

- What about you and me?

- And you and I. We are plowmen, Afonushka, we help bread to grow. But this yellow color is used for medicine, and they take it at the pharmacy. You would have picked them and demolished them. Your father is at war; suddenly they hurt him, or he weakens from illness, so they treat him with medicine.

Afonya thought among the herbs and flowers. He himself, like a flower, now also wanted to make life out of death; he thought about how blue, red, yellow happy flowers were born from loose, boring sand, raising their kind faces to the sky and breathing pure spirit into the white light.

– Now I know about everything myself! - said Afonya. - Go home, grandfather, you must have wanted to sleep again: your eyes are white... You sleep, and when you die, don’t be afraid, I will learn from the flowers how they live from dust, and you will live from your dust again. Grandfather, don't be afraid!

Grandfather Titus said nothing. He smiled invisibly at his kind grandson and went back to the hut to the stove.

And little Afonya was left alone in the field. He collected as many yellow flowers as he could hold in an armful and took them to the pharmacy for medicine so that his father would not get sick from his wounds during the war. At the pharmacy they gave Afon an iron comb for flowers. He brought it to his grandfather and gave it to him: now let grandfather scratch his beard with that comb.

“Thank you, Afonushka,” said the grandfather. “Didn’t the flowers tell you anything about what they are made of in the dead sand?”

“They didn’t say,” Afonya answered. - You live how long you live, and you don’t even know. And he said that you know about everything. You do not know.

“The truth is yours,” the grandfather agreed.

“They live in silence, we need to ask them,” said Afonya. - Why are all the flowers silent, but they themselves know?

The grandfather smiled meekly, stroked his grandson’s head and looked at him as if he were a flower growing on the ground. And then grandfather hid the comb in his bosom and fell asleep again.

Athos is bored with living in the world. His father is at war, his mother works on a collective farm on a dairy farm from morning to evening, and grandfather Titus sleeps on the stove. He sleeps during the day and sleeps at night, and in the morning, when he wakes up and eats porridge with milk, he also dozes.

Grandfather, don’t sleep, you’ve already had enough sleep,” Afonya said to his grandfather this morning.

I won’t, Afonyushka, I won’t,” the grandfather answered. - I will lie and look at you.

Why do you close your eyes and don’t say anything to me? - Afonya asked then.

“Today I won’t close my eyes,” Grandfather Titus promised. - Today I will look at the light.

- Why are you sleeping and I’m not?

I’m many years old, Afonushka... I’ll be ninety without three, my eyes are already frowning.

But it’s dark for you to sleep,” said Afonya. - The sun is burning in the yard, the grass is growing there, and you are sleeping - you don’t see anything.

Yes, I’ve already seen everything, Afonushka.

Why are your eyes white and tears crying in them?

They have faded, Afonushka, they have faded from the light and become weak, I had to look for a long time.

Afonya examined his grandfather as he is. Grandfather had bread crumbs in his beard, and another mosquito lived there. Afonya stood on the bench, picked out all the crumbs from his grandfather’s beard, and drove the mosquito out of there - let him live separately. Grandfather's hands were on the table; they were large, the skin on them became like the bark on a tree, and thick black veins were visible under the skin, these hands plowed a lot of land.

Afonya looked into his grandfather’s eyes. His eyes were open, but they looked indifferently, not seeing anything, and in each eye there shone a large drop of a tear.

Don't sleep, grandpa! - asked Afonya.

But grandfather was already asleep. His mother sat him, sleepy, on the stove, covered him with a blanket and went to work. Afonya was left alone in the hut, and again he became bored. He walked around the wooden table, looked at the flies that surrounded the bread crumbs on the floor that had fallen from his grandfather’s beard, and ate them; then Afonya went to the stove, listened to his sleeping grandfather breathing there, looked through the window at the empty street and again walked around the table, not knowing what to do.

Mom’s gone, dad’s gone, grandpa’s asleep,” Afonya said to himself.

Then he looked at the clock to see how it was going. The hours passed long and boringly; tick-tock, tick-tock, as if they were cradling their grandfather, and they themselves were also tired and wanted to sleep.

“Wake up, grandfather,” Afonya asked. - Are you sleeping?

A? “No, I’m not sleeping,” answered Grandpa Titus from the stove.

You think? - asked Afonya.

A? I'm here, Afonya, I'm here.

Do you think there?

A? No, I thought it all over, Afonushka, I thought from a young age.

Grandfather Titus, do you know everything?

That's it, Afonya, I know everything.

What is this, grandfather?

What do you want, Afonushka?

What is all this?

And I already forgot, Afonya.

Wake up, grandpa, tell me everything!

A? - said grandfather Titus.

Grandfather Titus! Grandfather Titus! - called Afonya. - Remember!

But the grandfather had already fallen silent, he fell asleep again in peace on the Russian stove.

Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up. And the grandfather was sleeping and only whispered inaudible words quietly in his sleep. Afonya got tired of waking him up and fell asleep next to his grandfather, clinging to his good, familiar chest, which smelled of warm earth.

Waking up from sleep, Afonya saw that his grandfather was looking with his eyes and was not sleeping.

Get up, grandpa! - said Afonya.

And the grandfather closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Afonya thought that his grandfather was not sleeping when he was sleeping; and he wanted to never sleep in order to watch for his grandfather when he fully woke up.

And Afonya began to wait. The clock ticked, and its wheels creaked and hummed, lulling the grandfather.

Afonya then got down from the stove and stopped the pendulum near the clock. The hut became quiet. You could hear the mower beating his scythe across the river and the thin ringing of the midge under the ceiling.

Grandfather Titus woke up and asked:

What are you doing, Afonya? Has it become so noisy? Were you the one making the noise?

Don't sleep! - said Afonya. - Tell me about everything! Otherwise you sleep and sleep, and then you die, mom says - you don’t have much time left; who will tell me about everything then?

Wait, let me drink some kvass,” said the grandfather and climbed down from the stove.

Have you come to your senses? - asked Afonya.

“I came to my senses,” answered the grandfather. - Let's go torture the white light now.

Old Titus drank the kvass, took Afonya by the hand, and they walked out of the hut.

There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road.

The grandfather led Afonya along a field road, and they went out to a pasture where sweet clover for cows, herbs and flowers grew. Grandfather stopped at a blue flower, patiently growing with its roots from fine clean sand, pointed it out to Athos, then bent down and carefully touched that flower.

I know that myself! - Afonya said drawlingly. - And I need that the most important thing happens, you tell me about everything! And this color grows, it’s not everything!

Grandfather Titus became thoughtful and angry with his grandson.

Here is the most important thing for you!.. You see: the sand lies dead, it is stone chips, and there is nothing else, but the stone does not live and does not breathe, it is dead dust. Do you understand now?

No, grandfather Titus,” said Afonya, “there is nothing clear here.”

Well, I don’t understand, so what do you want, since you’re slow-witted?.. And the flower, you see, is so pathetic, but it’s alive, and it made its body out of dead dust. Therefore, he turns the dead loose earth into a living body and smells of the pure spirit from it. Here you have the most important thing in this world, here you have where everything comes from. This flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death...

Do grass and rye also do the main thing? - asked Afonya.

“It’s the same,” said Grandfather Titus.

What about you and me?

And you and I. We are plowmen, Afonushka, we help bread to grow. But this yellow color is used for medicine, and they take it at the pharmacy. You would have picked them and demolished them. Your father is at war; suddenly they hurt him or he weakens from illness, so they treat him with medicine.

Afonya thought among the herbs and flowers. He himself, like a flower, now also wanted to make life out of death, he thought about how blue, red, yellow happy flowers were born from loose, boring sand, raising their kind faces to the sky and breathing pure spirit into the white light.

Now I myself know about everything! - said Afonya. - Go home, grandfather, you must have wanted to sleep again: your eyes are white... You sleep, and when you die, don’t be afraid, I will learn from the flowers how they live from dust, and you will live from your dust again. Grandfather, don't be afraid!

Grandfather Titus said nothing. He smiled invisibly at his kind grandson and went to sleep in the hut on the stove.

And little Afonya was left alone in the field. He collected as many yellow flowers as he could hold in an armful and took them to the pharmacy for medicine so that his father would not get sick from his wounds during the war. At the pharmacy they gave Afon an iron comb for flowers. He brought it to his grandfather and gave it to him: now let grandfather scratch his beard with that comb.

“Thank you, Afonushka,” said the grandfather. “Didn’t the flowers tell you anything about what they are made of in the dead sand?”

“They didn’t say,” Afonya answered. - You live how long you live, and you don’t even know. And he said that you know about everything. You do not know.

The truth is yours,” the grandfather agreed.

They live in silence, we need to find out from them,” said Afonya. - Why are all the flowers silent, but they themselves know?

The grandfather smiled meekly and stroked his grandson's head and looked at him as if he were a flower growing on the ground. And then grandfather hid the comb in his bosom and fell asleep again.

The story was suggested by our reader,
who didn't introduce himself.

Lesson topic: "A. P. Platonov "Flower on the ground »».

Lesson objectives:
- bring children to realize how important it is to be attentive to the world around us;

- teach children to analyze the text, divide it into parts; continue to develop fluent reading and correct speech skills.

Create a desire to discuss what you read;
- continue to develop the ability to develop your thoughts through conversation, debate, answering questions, and express a logical attitude to what is happening.
The main idea of ​​the lesson:
Active compassion is an expression of true respect both for another person and for oneself.
Lesson objectives:

    Formation of expressive reading skills and the ability to characterize the hero;

    To develop the skills of students’ competent oral speech, its enrichment through vocabulary work and deep penetration into the meaning of the word; ability to work with text; develop aesthetic taste; creative imagination, attention and memory;

    Cultivating a kind, attentive, caring attitude towards older people.

Lesson type: lesson to improve knowledge.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, problem-search.

Forms of organizing educational activities: group, collective, independent, individual.

Means of education: story, conversation, discussion, textbook.

Equipment: portrait of A. Platonov, epigraph written on the board, support cards, multimedia equipment, presentation.

Training and metodology complex: course "Literary reading". Native speech: Textbook for 3rd grade: In 2 books. Part 1 – 2/Comp. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova and others / M.: Education, 2013.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Psychological attitude towards work and collective creativity.

“Hello, this is not only a greeting, but also a wish for health. Greet each other, smile at those present and feel the warmth of everyone in our class today.

II . Updating students' knowledge. Teacher's opening speech.

1.- You guys know that making discoveries is a most exciting activity. Over the history of its existence, humanity has made many very important discoveries: continents, islands, ancient civilizations, stars, various laws of nature, new plant species and much more... So much has already been discovered on Earth that it seems that there is nothing left for modern man to share .
- What do you think, maybe there are still secrets to be revealed?
- I wonder if there have been any discoveries in your life, albeit small, but very important for you?
- Share your discoveries with us.
(children talk about their little discoveries)
- I am very glad that you turned out to be attentive and inquisitive, because it is precisely such people who can discover something very important both for themselves and for those around them.
- What do you think, what discovery can we make today by discussing A. Platonov’s fairy tale “Flower on Earth”?

(children express their guesses)

(Active compassion is an expression of true respect both for another person and for oneself. The teacher should lead children to this idea.)
-To make a discovery, what goal should we, the readers, set for ourselves?

(Be attentive readers)

Guys, Platonov is a unique writer who knows how to peer into what is invisible to many. And he not only makes a discovery for himself, but also helps the reader make a discovery.
- You have already carefully read the fairy tale “Flower on the Earth”, and today in the lesson we will try to understand what discovery it is about.
- So, what is this fairy tale about?
I offer you four possible answers to this question. Attention to the screen!(Appendix No. 1)

What discovery did you make for yourself after viewing this information?

2 . Speech warm-up. Work on the meaning of proverbs.

(Proverbs are printed on pieces of paper) Read the proverbs and sayings. Explain their meaning.

1. And old age is not scary if the young help.

2) Youth flies like a bird, and old age crawls like a turtle.

3) Do not offend the little, respect the old - you yourself will be held in high esteem.

4) Don't laugh at the old, and you yourself will be old.

What second discovery did We make by explaining these proverbs?

How are these proverbs related to our topic?

3. Checking homework:

Target – development of anticipation, i.e. the ability to assume, anticipate the content of a text based on the title, illustration and group of keywords.

Today we will get acquainted with the story of A.P. Platonov “Flower on Earth”. How do you understand the name?

What do you think the story is about?

Who are the heroes of the story?

What events could happen in a story with this title?

4. Physical education minute.

Children read (to themselves, then out loud) key words, which the teacher selects from the text in advance and writes on the board.

Clarify their assumptions about the characters, theme, content.

- “Eyes squint.” How do you understand this? (eyelids narrow)

And “Close your eyes.” Like this? (Close)

comingperforming these actions together.

5. Vocabulary work.

Explain the meaning of obsolete words. Connect with arrows.

Independent work, studying using cards in groups.

tired now

close your eyes now, now

tired of closing

drink angry

got angry drink, drink

Checking the assignment on the interactive whiteboard.

What other words did you have difficulty with? (ask questions to other groups).

III . Working on new material

Working with text while reading.

Target – achieving understanding of the text at the content level.

1) - Why did Athos become “bored of living in the world”?

How old was Grandfather Titus?

How old was Afona?

Why did grandfather's eyes become weak?

2) - How do you understand the expression “the eyes looked indifferent”? (No interest)

Tell us: “What he is” - Grandfather Titus.

3) - Why did Afona become bored with living in the world again? (Walked around not knowing what to do)

4) - Look carefully at the text on the next page. What is this type of text called? (Dialogue)

Who do you think is talking to whom there? Let's read the dialogue by role.

What did Afonya want to know from his grandfather when he woke up for a short time?

What questions do you ask your grandfathers?

Will Afonya continue to wake up her grandfather?

5) - How did Afonya fall asleep next to his grandfather?

Re-read the last sentence of the first paragraph again. Why does the author write that the grandfather’s chest smelled of warm earth.

Do you think Athos will be able to wake up her grandfather?

6) - Why did Afonya stop the clock? (They were cradling grandfather)

Why did the grandfather and grandson go outside from the hut? (“White light to torture”)

How do you understand this? (Study). To torture - to be inquisitive, inquisitive.

Do you think Afonya will now learn “about everything” from her grandfather?

7) - What does angry mean?

What amazing miracle did Afonya learn about from his grandfather?

Read these main words in the text.

Tell me if the grandson understood his grandfather. What's important?

How will grandfather live again from his ashes?

What do you think Afonya will do in the field?

8) - What did we learn about the boy from this part. What is he like?

Read the first sentence of the last paragraph. How do you understand the meaning of such words? What was grandfather thinking?

IV. Working with the text after reading.

Target – achieving understanding at the level of meaning (understanding the main idea, subtext – “reading between the lines”)

1. Determine the main idea of ​​the story.

Determine what the main idea of ​​the story is.

(This flower is the hardest worker, it creates life out of death. People are plowmen, they help bread to grow. Labor makes life, creates it.)

Topic, idea.

2. Restoring the content of the story according to the deformed plan.

You read the story carefully and followed your comrades’ reading. Now turn over the piece of paper and read what is written there.

What do you think this is? (Plan)

Does it match the events in the text? (No)

Take a pencil and put the numbers in order, use the text.

    On the stove next to my grandfather.

    Athos is bored with living in the world.

    Grandfather Titus.

    It's boring to live in the world again.

    Let's go “torture the white world.”

    A flower is a worker, it works life out of death...

    I woke up briefly.

    A comb for grandfather.

Read the plan. We check everything ourselves.

Guys, now please take your score sheets and evaluate yourself.

3. Conversation on the content of the text as a whole.

Did you like the story? How?

Repeated, selective reading. Answer to the question: in what ways did the initial assumptions about the topic, about the content of the text, the development of events, about the characters coincide and in what ways did they not coincide? What discovery did they make in class?

-Imagine that you are a flower growing from the ground. Show him how he grows. Recording "Waltz of the Flowers"

V . Generalization. Group work

Name all the characters in the work again.

The hero's story according to plan.

Characteristics plan for the hero.

    The name of the hero, his place of residence.

    Actions and deeds performed by the hero.

    Appearance and character of the hero.

    Your attitude towards the hero.

1st group. Afonya








2nd group. Grandfather Titus


big hands

kind breasts that smelled of the warm Earth


plowed a lot of land

holy worker



3-group. Flower

Patiently growing



The body was made from dead dust (what remains of a deceased body; dust)

The most holy worker


With kind faces

Breathing pure spirit into the white light

VI . Lesson summary

Determine the main idea of ​​the story. (This flower is the hardest worker, it creates life out of death. People are plowmen, they help bread to grow. Labor makes life, creates it.)

10. Reflection.

How does this flower make you feel? (respect).
- So, what is this fairy tale about? What hidden meaning is revealed to the reader of A. Platonov’s work?
- Let's go back to those little secrets that you wrote down in your notebooks. Has your opinion changed since our conversation? Why?
(children formulate their answer: “About the discovery of a new, unfamiliar life, a new unfamiliar creature”)

Final words from the teacher.

- Guys, every living creature on earth is a flower, a person deserves to be heard, understood, and sympathized by those around him. To understand another means to “hear” the experiences and thoughts of another, to share his feelings, to “open” your heart. Is it simple? Understanding another is not easy. To do this, you need to have a special mental quality, you need to make an effort, you need to commit an act. It is the ability to understand another that earns the respect of others and for this you can respect yourself.

Lesson summary, homework, grading.

Did we manage to make new discoveries during the lesson?

    The concept of work is one of the key ones in the story.

Conclusion: Work helps both flowers and people to overcome obstacles and survive in this world. Labor transforms the dead into the living.

    Who helped Athos understand this truth? (grandfather)

    This means that the older generation passes on its knowledge, its experience, its wisdom to the new generation - it cultivates the seeds. The younger generation absorbs everything and gains wisdom. And for the seeds to produce strong sprouts, work is required.

    What main idea does the author want to convey to readers?

A grandson is a continuation of life. A person remains for generations in his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

Why do you think A.P. Is that what Platonov called his story?

A flower-child who also reaches out to life, to knowledge, to wisdom.

Afonya, like a flower from the sun, was charged by his grandfather with love for the land, for people, for life and work.

He will grow up to be a real person, as he has strong, healthy roots.

Athos is bored with living in the world. His father is at war, his mother works on a collective farm on a dairy farm from morning to evening, and grandfather Titus sleeps on the stove. He sleeps during the day and sleeps at night, and in the morning, when he wakes up and eats porridge with milk, he also dozes.

“Grandfather, don’t sleep, you’ve already had enough sleep,” Afonya said to his grandfather this morning.

“I won’t, Afonushka, I won’t,” answered the grandfather. - I will lie and look at you.

- Why do you close your eyes and don’t say anything to me? – Afonya asked then.

“Today I won’t close my eyes,” Grandfather Titus promised. - Today I will look at the light.

- Why are you sleeping and I’m not?

“I’m a lot of years old, Afonushka... I’ll be ninety before three, my eyes are already squinting.”

“But it’s dark for you to sleep,” said Afonya. - The sun is burning in the yard, the grass is growing there, but you are sleeping, you don’t see anything.

- Yes, I’ve already seen everything, Afonushka.

– Why are your eyes white and tears crying in them?

“They have faded, Afonushka, they have faded from the light and become weak; I had to look for a long time.

Afonya examined his grandfather as he is. There were bread crumbs in my grandfather’s beard, and another mosquito lived there. Afonya stood on the bench, picked out all the crumbs from his grandfather’s beard, and drove the mosquito out of there - let him live separately. Grandfather's hands lay on the table; they were large, the skin on them became like the bark on a tree, and thick black veins were visible under the skin, these hands plowed a lot of land.

Afonya looked into his grandfather’s eyes. His eyes were open, but they looked indifferently, not seeing anything, and in each eye there shone a large drop of a tear.

- Don't sleep, grandpa! – Afonya asked...

But grandfather was already asleep. His mother sat him, sleepy, on the stove, covered him with a blanket and went to work. Afonya was left alone in the hut, and again he became bored. He walked around the wooden table, looked at the flies that surrounded the bread crumbs on the floor that had fallen from his grandfather’s beard, and ate them; then Afonya went to the stove, listened to his sleeping grandfather breathing there, looked through the window at the empty street and again walked around the table, not knowing what to do.

“Mom’s gone, dad’s gone, grandpa’s asleep,” Afonya said to himself.

Then he looked at the clock to see how it was going. The hours passed long and boringly: tick-tock, tick-tock, as if they were rocking their grandfather, and they themselves were also tired and wanted to fall asleep.

“Wake up, grandfather,” Afonya asked. - Are you sleeping?

- A? “No, I’m not sleeping,” answered Grandpa Titus from the stove.

- You think? – asked Afonya.

- A? I'm here, Afonya, I'm here.

- Do you think there?

- A? No, I thought it all over, Afonushka, I thought from a young age.

- Grandfather Titus, do you know everything?

– That’s it, Afonya, I know everything.

- What is this, grandfather?

- What do you want, Afonushka?

-What is all this?

– I already forgot, Afonya.

- Wake up, grandpa, tell me everything!

- A? - said grandfather Titus.

- Grandfather Titus! Grandfather Titus! - Afonya called. - Remember!

But the grandfather had already fallen silent, he fell asleep again in peace on the Russian stove.

Afonya then climbed onto the stove with his grandfather and began to wake him up so that he would wake up. And the grandfather was sleeping and only whispered inaudible words quietly in his sleep. Afonya got tired of waking him up and fell asleep next to his grandfather, clinging to his good, familiar chest, which smelled of warm earth.

Waking up from sleep, Afonya saw that his grandfather was looking with his eyes and was not sleeping.

“Get up, grandfather,” said Afonya. And the grandfather closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Afonya thought that his grandfather was not sleeping when he was sleeping; and he wanted to never sleep in order to watch for his grandfather when he fully woke up.

And Afonya began to wait. The clock ticked, and its wheels creaked and hummed, lulling the grandfather.

Afonya then got down from the stove and stopped the pendulum near the clock. The hut became quiet. You could hear the mower beating his scythe across the river and the thin ringing of the midge under the ceiling.

Grandfather Titus woke up and asked:

- What are you doing, Afonya? Has it become so noisy? Were you the one making the noise?

- Don’t sleep! - said Afonya. - Tell me about everything! Otherwise you sleep and sleep, and then you die, mom says - you don’t have much time left; who will tell me about everything then?

“Wait, let me drink some kvass,” said the grandfather and climbed down from the stove.

-Have you come to your senses? – asked Afonya.

“I came to my senses,” answered the grandfather. - Let's go torture the white light now.

Old Titus drank the kvass, took Afonya by the hand, and they walked out of the hut.

There the sun stood high in the sky and illuminated the ripening grain in the fields and the flowers on the road.

The grandfather led Afonya along a field path, and they went out into a pasture where sweet clover for cows, herbs and flowers grew. Grandfather stopped at a blue flower, patiently growing with its roots from fine clean sand, pointed it out to Athos, then bent down and carefully touched that flower.

- I know that myself! – Afonya said drawlingly. - And I need that the most important thing happens, you tell me about everything! And this color grows, it’s not everything!

Grandfather Titus became thoughtful and angry with his grandson.

- Here is the most important thing for you!.. You see - the sand lies dead, it is stone chips, and there is nothing else, but the stone does not live and does not breathe, it is dead dust. Do you understand now?

“No, grandfather Titus,” said Afonya. - It’s not clear here.

- Well, I don’t understand, so what do you want, since you’re slow-witted? And the flower, you see, is so pathetic, but it is alive, and it made itself a body from dead dust. Therefore, he turns the dead, crumbling earth into a living body, and he smells of pure spirit. Here you have the most important thing in this world, here you have where everything comes from. This flower is the most holy worker, it works life out of death.

– Do grass and rye also do the main thing? – asked Afonya.

“It’s the same,” said grandfather Titus.

- What about you and me?

- And you and I. We are plowmen, Afonushka, we help bread to grow. But this yellow color is used for medicine, and they take it at the pharmacy. You would have picked them and demolished them. Your father is at war; suddenly they hurt him or he weakens from illness, so they treat him with medicine.

Afonya thought among the herbs and flowers. He himself, like a flower, now also wanted to make life out of death; he thought about how blue, red, yellow happy flowers were born from loose, boring sand, raising their kind faces to the sky and breathing pure spirit into the white light.

– Now I myself know about everything! - said Afonya. - Go home, grandfather, you must have wanted to sleep again: your eyes are white... You sleep, and when you die, don’t be afraid, I will learn from the flowers how they live from dust, and you will again live from yours. ashes. Grandfather, don't be afraid!

Grandfather Titus said nothing. He smiled invisibly at his kind grandson and went back to the hut to the stove.

And little Afonya was left alone in the field. He collected as many yellow flowers as he could hold in an armful and took them to the pharmacy for medicine so that his father would not get sick from wounds during the war. At the pharmacy they gave Afon an iron comb for flowers. He brought it to his grandfather and gave it to him: now let grandfather scratch his beard with that comb.

“Thank you, Afonushka,” said the grandfather. “Didn’t the flowers tell you anything about what they are made of in the dead sand?”

“They didn’t say,” Afonya answered. - You live how long you live, and you don’t even know. And he said that you know about everything. You do not know.

“The truth is yours,” the grandfather agreed.

“They live in silence, we need to ask them,” said Afonya. - Why are all the flowers silent, but they themselves know?

The grandfather smiled meekly, stroked his grandson’s head and looked at him as if he were a flower growing on the ground. And then grandfather hid the comb in his bosom and fell asleep again.

The author tells the reader about the boring life of the boy Afonya. His father is at war, his mother works on the farm all day. Only grandfather Titus is at home. He is eighty-seven years old, and, due to his age, he sleeps all the time. Afonya persuades his grandfather not to sleep, but grandfather Titus doesn’t mind, he says that he won’t close his eyes, he will look at his grandson. But as soon as Afona turns away, the grandfather falls asleep.

Afonya walks around the table, looks at the flies that are eating crumbs from the floor, looks out the window at the empty street and talks to himself out of idleness. And in the house all you can hear is the snoring of the sleeping grandfather and the ticking of the old clock.

Afonya stopped the pendulum at the clock, and the sounds of the street poured into the house. Grandfather immediately woke up and asked Afonya why it was noisy. The boy again asked his grandfather not to sleep, but to tell him everything. The grandfather drank the kvass, took the boy by the hand, took him to the pasture and pointed to a flower that grew from the sand. He explained to the boy that this was what it was all about. A flower grows from infertile soil, and this is the meaning of everything - to create living things from inanimate things.

This story teaches the meaning of life. Using the example of a flower growing from sand, the author explains to the reader that creation is the main aspiration of all living things.

Picture or drawing of a flower on the ground

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