How to catch a mouse using a homemade mousetrap. How to catch a mouse - the most effective methods of controlling rodents How to catch a mouse with a mousetrap

Mice can appear anywhere: both in the apartment (house mouse) and in the country (vole). Many people do not want to kill even one individual to get rid of them. Therefore, they are looking for an opportunity to resolve this issue without. Their goal is simply to catch the rodent and take it away from the home, thereby making it impossible to return. In order to catch a mouse and save its life, there are many traps and devices. These designs can be created with your own hands at home.

There are a few ways to catch using a bottle. You need to take a plastic bottle and lubricate it vegetable oil from inside and add bait. The bottle should be placed at an angle of forty-five degrees from the floor. In order for the mouse to climb into the jar, you need to put a bridge for it - a rod or ruler. Once she gets into the bottle, she will not be able to get back out because the walls are slippery. However, this method is only suitable for adult mice.

For next method You will need a fishing line, one end of which is tied to the neck of the bottle, the other is secured to the table. The bottle must be placed on the table so that the bottom remains in the air, before adding bait to it. After the mouse climbs for food, the bottle will hang on the rope under its weight.

To catch the mouse using plastic bottle You can use a trap that requires a paper clip, two plastic tubes and two rubber bands. It is done as follows:

  1. You need to cut a small hole in the center of the bottom.
  2. The top should be cut so that you get an impromptu lid.
  3. One tube must be threaded through the center of the bottle, the second through the center of the “cap”.
  4. A paper clip with bait must be tied to an elastic band and threaded through the hole in the bottom, securing the other end of the elastic band to the outside of the cork.
  5. The other rubber band should be secured with outside bottles on tubes so that the “lid” is open.

When the mouse begins to pull the bait, the first rubber band will break, causing the lid to slam shut.


You need to take a box, attach a short rope to its bottom and attach a bait to the other end of the rope. The box must be turned over and its edges placed on thin supports, but so that the support is not strong.

The bait on the rope should hang in the air and not touch the floor. When the mouse wants to reach the bait, it will have to stand on its hind legs, grab the bait and pull it down. At this point, the supports will fall and the mouse will be covered by the box.


You will need a bucket and a plastic bottle. The bottle must be pierced with a knitting needle through the lid and bottom so that it can rotate freely around its axis. The ends of the knitting needles must be secured to the bucket. The bottle should be spinning over the bucket, and bait should be placed on it. The mouse, sensing the smell, will try to get the treat and climb onto the bottle. Since the bottle rotates, the rodent will not be able to stay on it and will fall into the bucket.

Another way is to put a newspaper with a cut in the shape of a cross on the bucket, and place bait next to it. In order for the mouse to climb onto the bucket, you need to substitute a board, and when trying to get to the food, the rodent will fall through.

Jar and flower pot

To catch a mouse this way, you need to take a half-liter glass jar. You will also need a coin. The bait is glued to the inner edge of the jar with tape. The jar must be placed on the edge of the coin. When the mouse goes under the jar and starts trying to peel the food off the wall, the coin will fall and the jar will cover the rodent.

Can be used to catch mice flower pot- it is desirable that it be weighty (you can take a plastic one, but it will have to be heavier). To catch a rodent you need a match, thread and a paper clip. A thread should be tied to the match. At the bottom of any pot there is always drainage hole, through which this thread must be threaded. A paperclip with bait attached to it should be tied to its other end. The match must be placed under the edge of the pot (the bait should hang at a height of 5 centimeters). Having discovered food, the mouse will try to get it and, by pulling, knock over the pot on itself.

Mouse glue

This glue is sold in stores - usually these are special adhesive mats. They attract rodents with their smell, and when the animal sticks, they hold it tightly.

The glue must be applied to a flat surface that does not allow it to catch on anything. This rug should be kept in a place inaccessible to children and pets.

Where to set the trap and how to choose bait?

It is advisable to place it in secluded and dark corners or where waste products are found. You can place a trap next to food supplies - mice, if there are any, will definitely come there.

These animals are practically omnivorous. Any food can be bait for them. Therefore, the common belief that mice only love cheese is incorrect.

Baits can be sausages, lard, meat, and even bread and butter. It is better to check which products have suffered the most - this will indicate the individual preferences of the rodent that has entered the house.

Mice often bother the owners of not only private houses, but also apartments in high-rise buildings. It is difficult to understand how the nimble rodents get to the upper floors, but rustling at night, damaged food supplies and chewed wires confirm that “uninvited guests” have entered the home.

Some owners, irritated by the activity of mice, often use inhumane methods of control: they prepare poisoned baits and set traps. There are others effective ways, allowing you to get rid of one or more rodents. How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap? Experts provide a diagram for constructing simple and inexpensive traps.

Reasons for appearance

The nimble creatures most often sneak into private houses and apartments, where there is enough food freely available, and sanitation rules are not always followed. The combination of these factors attracts rodents.

The main reasons for the appearance of mice:

  • crumbs on the floor, work surfaces and table;
  • storing food in open containers, torn packaging, or without it at all. Rodents are most attracted to cereals, seeds, and cookies;
  • holes in baseboards, near sewer and water supply pipes;
  • cluttered areas of the room where cleaning is rarely carried out;
  • there is a garbage dump or containers with food waste near the house;
  • water is freely available;
  • Irregular removal of the trash can;
  • leftover cereals, flour scattered on kitchen cabinets.

Harm from rodents

Even one mouse can cause a lot of trouble for its owners. The entry of several rodents is a real disaster.

In addition to harm to household, a tiny mouse often provokes panic attacks and frightens household members with its sudden appearance. Many people are afraid of rodents; the consequences of even a single “visit” of mice can be sad: nervous stress, increased blood pressure, heart attack.

Consequences of the activity of gray pests:

  • risk of infection with dangerous diseases (mice on their paws and fur carry pathogenic microorganisms);
  • short circuit, possibility of fire due to damaged wires;
  • damage to food and household property;
  • unpleasant odor from excrement.

Signs of mice in an apartment

Quiet scratching, rustling at night in kitchen cabinet immediately reveals the presence of voracious rodents. An attentive owner will detect the activity of gray pests: there are other signs.

You can suspect mice intrusion based on the following activity results:

  • gnawed pieces of food;
  • mouse excrement on the floor, table, among food supplies;
  • unpleasant odor in areas with poor ventilation(cabinets, drawers, floor near the sink, bathroom, storage room);
  • gnawed bags (packages) with cereals, flour. Rodents damage packages of cookies and cereal boxes;
  • holes in baseboards.

Some owners say that mice climbed not only into cabinets and pantry, but also into the lower part of the oven. It was difficult to understand how the rodents climbed to the third floor, but when examining the area near the stove, it turned out that the mice made their way through holes in the floor.

Humane methods of control using homemade traps

How to get rid of mice in a private house without poisoned baits and traps? There are methods that some owners do not know about or consider to be ineffective, but these methods of removing mice have also proven to be effective.

To make devices you will need items (a jar, plastic container) and products (cheese, seeds, vegetable oil). When using simple and effective traps, gray pests remain unharmed; all that remains is to take the mice out into the yard.

From the bottle

How to make:

  • take a plastic bottle with a volume of one and a half or two liters, cut off the upper part with scissors (from the area where the container narrows);
  • the remaining open container from the bottom to the top with inside generously grease with unrefined (unrefined) vegetable oil;
  • also pour oil onto the bottom (layer 2–3 cm), sprinkle raw seeds;
  • place a trap in areas where mice often resort. Be sure to build a “ladder” from a plank or wooden ruler, stick with tape to the outside of the trap;
  • it is important to tilt the oil bottle so that a mouse that climbs up the “ladder” cannot climb up the slippery surface;
  • secure the container so that the bottle does not turn over when the mouse gets into it;
  • Set the trap in the evening, remove the animal in the morning and release it. The smell of oil and seeds always attracts gray rodents.

From a can

How to do it yourself:

  • will be needed glass jar, the volume of which is 0.7 liters, a piece of cheese, the length and width of which are 1.5–2 cm, narrow tape plus a coin;
  • the first stage is to wrap the cheese with tape so that the piece is firmly attached to the adhesive tape;
  • Use the other end of the tape to secure the treat to the bottom. The bait is fixed correctly if the cheese in the inverted jar has a sticky base and does not reach five centimeters from the surface of the table or floor;
  • Place the container near a mouse hole or bags of grain. Be sure to tilt the jar: for this operation, a coin placed perpendicular to the floor under the edge of the neck will be useful. The operation is labor-intensive, but the result is worth it: the mouse will certainly fall into the trap and will not be able to move the can before the owners arrive.

Advice! It is much easier to install the coin if you place a fleecy rug under the jar.

Ultrasonic repellers

How to remove mice from a private house? For owners who want to reliably protect their homes from rodent infestations, manufacturers offer several options for devices that interfere with the normal functioning of mice and rats. Easy to pick up ultrasonic devices of varying power not only to fight gray “aggressors”, but also harmful insects: , mosquitoes, .

Catch a mouse without a mousetrap using modern devices very difficult, but the effect will be obvious: rodents will simply disappear from an inhospitable house. Exposure to waves of a certain length causes panic in mice and leads to loss of orientation in space. Unpleasant “neighbors” rush around the house and cannot find food.

In construction supermarkets, electronics stores and departments for gardeners, it is easy to find ultrasound from mice for the home different sizes, brands and prices. Which device is better?

Experts advise paying attention to several points:

  • A good device and remedy for mice in a private home has the function of “adjusting the ultrasonic frequency.” Changing the wave range does not allow rodents to get used to the effects. Most models have automatic control of the ultrasonic flow;
  • to increase efficiency, it is advisable to buy two or three devices, install them in different parts premises. Reason: Sound waves do not penetrate through upholstered furniture, thick curtains, you have to purchase repellers to affect all areas where rodents can reach;
  • check with the seller or look at the instructions to find out whether the device works when low temperatures. Some models have a certain range within which trouble-free operation of the device is possible. If the owner of a private house decides to get rid of mice in the cellar, it may turn out that the purchased repeller is not recommended for operation at low temperatures;
  • Do not save when choosing a device. Often, cheap repellers from little-known manufacturers last less than expected and often malfunction;
  • You cannot install baits in a room where a rodent repellent device is turned on. The smell of food will attract mice, the repeller will be less effective;
  • provide conditions for correct operation devices. Moderate humidity, suitable temperature regime, the absence of blows to the body will allow the repeller to work without failures. After a certain period of time, the device must be turned off, then started again. Technical aspects are specified in the operating instructions for the specific model.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use ultrasonic devices if there are decorative rodents at home: guinea pigs, hamsters. Pets also can't stand action ultrasonic waves, like unwanted gray “neighbors”.

Popular ultrasonic repellers for rats and mice:

  • Typhoon.
  • Range.
  • Pest Reject.
  • Hail.
  • Sonar.
  • Electric cat.
  • Tornado.
  • Riddex.

How to destroy the site and prevent it reappearance? We have the answer!

Read the page for useful tips on how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen.

Go to the address and learn about how to deal with earthen rats in the garden.

Mice do not ask a person whether he needs such “neighbors”. Owners complain that it is difficult to get rid of gray pests, so they try traditional methods, they place poisoned baits, they struggle with mousetraps. Ultrasonic repellers and homemade traps give a good effect when removing rodents, but it is easier to prevent the inhabitants of basements and garbage dumps from entering a house or apartment.

How to proceed:

  • prevent unsanitary conditions in the home;
  • close the trash can, take out the container with food waste in a timely manner;
  • store flour, cereals, seeds in special containers with a lid;
  • do not leave an open packet of cookies or waffles on the table;
  • close the bread bin;
  • immediately after a meal, remove crumbs and pieces of food from the table;
  • check the condition of baseboards, floors, door frames, promptly replace worn out, dry parts, seal holes in the floor and baseboards;
  • control the work of waste removal services if the house is located close to the container;
  • place ultrasonic repellers in the cellar or pantry if there is a suspicion of rodents entering.

When gray pests appear in an apartment or private house, it is worth remembering not only traps and baits with pesticides, but also more humane methods of control. Simple devices, made from scrap materials, will help catch a nimble mouse in a house without a mousetrap. Ultrasonic repellers are another safe for humans, effective method of rodent control.

How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap without killing the rodent? Video instruction:

Attention! Only today!

Although the appearance of mice in the house cannot be considered a tragedy, it is not pleasant either. The use of poisons for destruction is considered the most effective measure. However, for some reason we do not strive to resort to this radical remedy. On the one hand, this is cruel. On the other hand, it is not always justified (there are children and animals in the house and may suffer from poisonous bait). Another important aspect: an inaccessible dead mouse under the floor or ceiling guarantees household members an unforgettable “aroma” that is difficult to get rid of.

Mousetrap in a themed modern design

The mouse and the mousetrap: who will outwit whom?

An alternative to poison is a mousetrap. Its effectiveness is somewhat worse than poisonous baits. However, not everyone knows how to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, or rather, how to do it correctly. The lineup The range of these devices is wide, each device has its own characteristics. But the principle of operation is the same for all: as soon as the mouse pulls the bait, a spring falls on it and kills the animal. An appetizing piece of meat or a fried cracker is placed on the trigger. Slowly, the clamp is smoothly cocked and pressed with the holder. That, in turn, is inserted under force into the hook. Trying not to shake the structure, you need to carefully place it in the place where mice accumulate or where they might appear.

A few points to pay attention to:

  • the hook margin should be adjusted so that the spring is triggered at the slightest contact with the bait;
  • the device is installed near the burrows and in places where there are traces of rodents;
  • all food supplies are removed so that a hungry mouse “goes” to the bait;
  • food familiar to rodents is used as bait: bread, meat, lard, sausage.

Although, in terms of humane treatment of animals, the method is not much inferior to poisons, it has a right to exist. It is kept in the household, however, not everyone has such a device: who would think that there could be mice in an apartment or house? However, when this happens and there is no mousetrap, you have to look for an effective replacement. Besides, absolute result a mousetrap is not guaranteed. Either the mouse will drag away the bait, or the spring will not work at all. This means that you should not fully rely on it.

Attention! In addition to the usual spring model, electric mousetraps are increasingly being used, which are much more productive.

Catching a mouse without a mousetrap: is it real?

There are more reliable, simpler and proven methods for catching a mouse without a mousetrap.

  • The lid from the cake box is not thrown away, but is used as a trap. Tape a bar of soap on top in the center (for weight). WITH reverse side(from the inside) the same tape is used to fix the bait on a thread. One side of the lid rests on the surface of the tabletop, and the other on a coin or a broken ear stick (on cotton wool). Trying to steal the bait, the rodent pulls on it, causing the lid to slide off the stop. The mouse remains “under the hood”. The glued “weight” – soap – will not allow the animal to move the “cap” from its place.
  • Glue traps. Convenient to use and affordable in price. They smell nice and are used to detect and catch mice, other rodents and insects. Restrictions on use: only in dry rooms. Such devices are environmentally friendly, do not emit toxins, and are safe for pets. The adhesive does not dry out long time, which preserves its characteristics. This trap can be used not only in a house or apartment. They place it in sheds, greenhouses, etc. They check it daily, freeing it from adhering pests.
  • A self-made glue trap is made from a plastic, smooth tile base and special glue: “ Clean house" or "ALT". It is applied in a special way: first along the perimeter, then “paths” 2-3 cm wide are made, separated by free space (pieces of bait are placed on it).
  • Another way to catch a mouse is using available means: a bucket of water (a little less than half), a piece of paper (or wrapping paper), tape and bait. The paper should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bucket. It is secured with tape on top, bending the edges. A cross-shaped cut measuring 5x5 cm is made in the middle. A light toasted cracker is placed on the cut (so as not to fall into the bucket). A small ramp is built along which the rodent can get to the bait (brick, book) - and the trap is ready! Trying to get the cracker, the mouse will reach the cut and fall into the bucket.
  • You can catch a “live trophy” using a glass or plastic (not corrugated) bottle. Better from beer. It is placed at an angle, with emphasis. And the inside of the neck is coated with peanuts, sunflower oil. There must be access to the neck so that the rodent can dive into the inclined smooth vessel. Slippery smooth walls will not allow him to get out of the bottle.

Multifunctional plastic containers

The simplest device for a mousetrap is made from the same plastic bottle. The neck is cut off. On this cut, sharp teeth are formed with scissors, which bend into the bottle. Add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil to the bottom. The bottle is placed on its side. A support is built on both sides. An animal caught in a trap will no longer be able to get out because of the “bristling” teeth.

Mousetrap from a bottle - everything ingenious is simple

The possibilities of plastic containers are not limited to this. The same bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more with bait at the bottom is suspended with a thread or twine by the neck in a place where the mouse gets unhindered and can crawl into the neck without going back.

You can build a structure from plastic containers, a metal rod and a bucket. Pierce a two-liter or one-and-a-half-liter closed bottle with a metal rod or thick steel wire. Secure the ends of the rod with tape to the rim of the bucket. As a result, the bottle should rotate freely over the “abyss”, i.e. over the bucket. In the middle of the rotating cylinder, the bait is attached with the same tape. You can use a block, ruler, etc. as a “pedestal” for climbing. Pour some water into a bucket. The mouse, sensing the appetizing smell of the bait, will find a way to climb to the bottle strung on the bar (along the attached bar). Once on it, the animal will involuntarily rotate the cylindrical part and fall into the water.

Kot Kotofeich

In nature, there is a natural irreconcilable enemy of mice and rats - the cat. Moreover, outbred yard cats usually do not disdain voles. Their "tribesmen" with a pedigree, as a rule, are not suitable for hunting, although there are exceptions.

Attention! Folk sign: If a playing cat grabs its toy with its teeth rather than its paws, it is a natural hunter.

Even if your pet does not like to catch mice, its mere presence in the house or apartment, the smell, the marked territory will be a signal for mice to avoid this house. In the end, if you don’t have your own Kotofeich, borrow from your neighbors!

Do not forget that cute mice are very smart, cunning and nimble animals, carriers of painful viruses and bacteria. They penetrate through cracks, climb walls, ceilings and under floors. Equilibrate using telephone and lighting wires. They live in ventilation and sewer ducts. Therefore, fighting them is the price of health, comfort and home safety. Despite the fact that each of the above methods is effective in its own way, to achieve maximum results it is better to use several of them simultaneously.

A mouse sitting on a 6th floor balcony or rustling in a kitchen cabinet with cereals in a 10th floor kitchen is a common occurrence today. One can only admire the ability of these small rodents to overcome heights and accurately find food storage locations.

But when the surprise caused by the unexpected appearance of uninvited guests wears off, an irresistible desire appears to send them away as quickly as possible.
Alas, the times when the presence of a cat in an apartment reliably guaranteed protection against mouse intrusion are gone. Most of our cats have no idea that mice were a tasty food for their distant ancestors. Accustomed to cat food, V best case scenario to fresh fish and dairy products, they have no idea that sometimes you have to work hard to get food.

But the problem is not only the loss of cat instincts; besides, not everyone has cats. Ethical and aesthetic standards do not allow most people to use inhumane methods to catch mice, which can lead to injury or death of the rodent. Therefore, most people categorically reject murderous mousetraps, baits with deadly poison, and trap-type devices.

Be that as it may, when the only mouse appears in the apartment, you just want to get rid of it without causing any harm to it. Moreover, many understand perfectly well that they themselves provoked the appearance of a mouse in the house by leaving food available, or simply forgetting about the need to maintain cleanliness and order in the house.

Here is one method that is quite suitable for getting rid of an annoying mouse. Take a small and very light box, about 20x20x20 cm. You can make one yourself from thick Whatman paper or thin cardboard. To do this, simply glue a cube of the specified size and use scissors to cut three edges of one side, you will get a box with a lid. Stepping 1-2 cm from the left or right edge of the box exactly in the center of the side edge, pierce the box from below and thread a thread, at one end of which, lowered inside the box, fasten the bait, and at the other end, remaining on the outside of the box, make a secure knot, keeping the thread from falling. The length of the thread should be 4-6 cm shorter than the length of the side wall of the box. Now all that remains is to install the box correctly. To do this, place it on the floor on the lid. The bait will hang inside, at some height from the floor. Raise one side of the box just enough so that the mouse can get inside when the scent of the bait does its job. To keep the edge of the box in a raised position, install light and thin “props” under it. These could be strips of cardboard, matches, etc. Attracted by the smell of food, the mouse will climb inside, rise on its hind legs to get the food, while at the same time resting against the wall of the box next to which the bait is located, and at this moment the supports will fall, the box will slam shut. All you have to do is carefully lift it, supporting the lid of the box, which in this position will be the bottom, and take the mouse away from your home.

You can try one more way. Take a 2-3 liter jar. Lubricate the inside generously with vegetable oil. Leave only a distance of 7-10 cm from the hole dry so that the mouse can safely and confidently enter the jar. Place bait on the bottom. Place the jar on its side at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the floor, place something soft near the “entrance to the jar” so that the mouse can climb up to it and end up in the jar. Having reached the bait, she will not be able to get back out, since her paws will slide along the oil-rubbed surface of the jar. All you have to do is take the jar and take the mouse outside, releasing it away from your own home.

And still The best way- It's a cat. The mere presence of this formidable enemy often makes a mouse think about changing its place of residence. But the cat must be belligerent towards mice. 1-3 meetings with a cat are enough for the mouse to never appear again in places where its life is at risk. An excellent way out of this situation is to borrow a cat from a friend’s house who knows how to catch mice. Most often, those who live in dachas and villages have such abilities. In such situations, the mouse does not wait for a tragic outcome for itself, but itself leaves its favorite place.

Where to place traps?
To minimize the time it takes to catch a mouse, think carefully about what you will use as bait and where you will place the trap. Surely, the mouse did not appear in your house by chance. She was attracted by the smell of some food or a wonderful warm and completely safe place was found where she was going to settle for the winter. If you notice that the mouse prefers certain foods, gnawing through bags to get to the treat, use them as bait. The best bait for mice is grain - wheat, oats. To make the smell stronger, mash several grains with a rolling pin or grind them in a coffee grinder. As for cheese and cookies, not all will work, so it’s better to stick with cereal bait.

You need to place the trap close to the place where the gray beast was spotted. If she has already become accustomed to the entire apartment, place the trap in the quietest and calmest place where the mouse has been seen. There she will feel safer, which means the chances of losing her vigilance and, therefore, being caught will be higher.

Why do mice come to city apartments?
There are two main reasons that force mice to colonize multi-story houses. Firstly, with the onset of cold weather, mice look for warm places where they can spend the winter. In a city, the issue of food becomes no less important. While a rural mouse may well settle next to a cowshed and stable, stealing food from bulls and horses, or in an ordinary rural barn where livestock is fed, a city mouse is deprived of this opportunity. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, she moves closer to people, settling in the basements of residential buildings. But proximity to cats and lack of food often force them, in search of a safer and more comfortable existence, to overcome heights, rising from floor to floor until they find perfect apartment, ready to offer the mouse both shelter and rich treats.

If a mouse appears in your apartment, no one can guarantee that it will be the only uninvited guest. Do not wait until the scout mouse has brought her entire family with her, try to send her out as soon as possible.

Mice appear in residential areas, exploring available areas in search of food and convenient places to establish a permanent burrow. It is not difficult for a nimble rodent to get into an apartment or house. But a mouse will settle in a dwelling for a long time only if it considers it a comfortable habitat. Such a neighborhood is ruinous and dangerous for humans. After all, mice spoil food and things, and are also carriers of many serious diseases.

It is necessary to take measures to expel mice from the home immediately. If using poison or a mousetrap is not possible, homemade traps are built to “catch” rodents. They are easy to make using a piece of food bait, as well as a jar, bottle, box or bucket. Alternative to traps - special devices, repelling rodents with an ultrasonic signal and electromagnetic waves.

Reasons for the presence of rodents in the house

You can find out about the presence of mice in the house by a number of signs:

  • scattered food scraps;
  • tousled products, gnawed packaging;
  • teeth marks on various subjects interior;
  • excrement left by rodents (small, black dry “peas”);
  • gnawed holes in baseboards and wooden partitions;
  • rustling, rustling and squeaking noises coming from the kitchen at night.

Mice enter living spaces in search of food and places where they can set up their permanent “house” and start a family.

In residential apartment buildings they can easily get from basements even to the upper floors along ceilings and ventilation shafts.

Mice often appear in grocery stores located on the ground floors of residential buildings due to non-compliance with sanitation rules. From there, the rodents are already “settled” in nearby apartments.

Which one is better to buy for your home? Look at the overview of popular models.

About what and how to clean the burnt bottom of a pan from of stainless steel written on the page.

There are important reasons why mice do not enter the house, but remain in it for a long time:

  • Food and water constantly available in the public domain. This could include trash cans that are not covered, cookies, candy, fruit on tables, or pet food and water in bowls. Finding it once a large number of easy prey, the mouse will come for it a second time to the same place.
  • There are “secret” places in the apartment (or nearby) that rodents evaluate as safe for making a nest. These are old cabinets or closets, holes, convenient recesses or recesses in the dilapidated walls of old houses, from where it is easy to go into the apartment for food. Mice hideouts can be hidden under floorboards.
  • Poor home hygiene, when crumbs, leftovers, pieces of food are scattered around the kitchen and house, and puddles of food and water are spilled.

Mice are quite smart and are able to assess how often the owner looks into a “secluded” corner before settling in there for a long time.

Harm and danger to humans

Mice in an apartment are not only an unpleasant and repulsive sight. Unwanted “neighbors” cause real harm property of the owners of the home, and also pose a danger to their health:

  • Mice gnaw everything they can get their teeth into (furniture, partitions, baseboards), ruin wallpaper, and clothes.
  • In search of food, they come not only to kitchens and places where human food supplies are stored. Mice are permanent inhabitants of dirty basements, garbage dumps, landfills, and trash cans. These animals are carriers of pathogenic bacteria, microbes, and spreaders of life-threatening viral diseases.

On a note! Like all rodents, mice comfortable conditions reproduce very quickly. One healthy female produces offspring of 15-20 mice per year. Already at three months they are full-fledged adults, beginning to reproduce independently. If urgent measures are not taken to exterminate rodents in the apartment, they will completely take over it in a very short time.

How to catch mice without a mousetrap

If you need to catch or drive away mice without using a mousetrap or poison, you can design your own traps, once in which the rodents will not be able to get out.


To make the simplest “mouse” traps, you will need food bait and a container that will serve as a future “prison” for the rodent:

  • Bottle. A deep bottle will do (preferably with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters). Its upper part from the inside (and as far as you can reach into the depth) is lubricated with vegetable oil. A fragrant bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle. The trap is placed in such a way that it is convenient for the mouse to climb into it, but impossible to get out. To do this, the bottle is placed at a steep angle, and if necessary, a “bridge” is made to the neck. Once inside, the animal cannot get out, as it slides along the oily walls.
  • Box. The design should work in such a way that the mouse is covered on top by the box. To do this, glue a thread to the bottom of the inside of the box (in the center), on which a treat for the rodent is strung. The sides of the box are placed on shaky supports, which collapse at the slightest shift. Attracted by the bait, the mouse climbs under the box, pulls the thread with food, this causes the supports to collapse, and the trap box covers the rodent.
  • Bank on the edge of a coin. This trap is designed according to the box principle. The coin acts as a shaky support, which falls at the right moment, and the jar covers the rodent. To lure a mouse, a piece of food is glued inside the jar on the wall. Trying to take the food, the mouse moves the jar, the coin falls, and the trap slams shut.
  • Deep capacity. Simple, but effective trap- a container of great depth, for example, a 3-4-5 liter jar or bucket. An appetizing bait is placed at the bottom, and access to the “entrance” is made easier - for example, so that a mouse can jump inside or “climb” to the edge of the container using a specially placed device. The mouse falls into the bucket, but due to the height of the walls it cannot get out.

The box and jar are placed directly on cardboard (or a piece of plywood) so that it is convenient to turn it over and carry away the trap with the mouse, using the cardboard as a lid.

Find out how to choose a household appliance and what the device is needed for.

The rules and methods for freezing vegetables for the winter are written on the page.

More “severe” versions of homemade traps (as a result the caught animal dies) are constructed using glue and water:

  • A board or cardboard is thickly greased with long-drying viscous glue, and bait is placed in the center of the trap. A mouse attracted by food gets stuck in the glue and is then thrown away along with the trap.
  • A bucket with high walls is filled halfway with water, and the top is covered with newspaper or paper with a cross-shaped cut. Food for the rodent is placed in the center of the paper, making it easier for the mouse to approach the food. When an animal walks onto a sheet of paper, it falls into the water and drowns.

Pieces of meat, cheese, cookies, bread, sausage, cereals, and seeds are used as bait. Place mouse traps in places where they frequently visit - traditionally, in the kitchen.


A modern device for getting rid of mice in an apartment or house is an ultrasonic (US) rodent repeller.

Operating principle of the ultrasound device:

  • emitted ultrasonic waves affect nervous system and the brain of rodents (, rats), causing panic fear in animals;
  • as a result, they immediately leave the area affected by the signal;
  • The operation of the device is completely safe for people and pets.

More modern models- combined devices that additionally affect mice with the help of electromagnetic waves. They independently change the frequency of signals, preventing mice from adapting to the effects. Regular use of a repeller can completely expel mice from an apartment, residential building, summer cottage(within 2-3 weeks the rodents leave the territory).

Sometimes an ordinary cat, which is traditionally considered a “mouse catcher,” becomes an excellent “repealer” of mice. But it has been noted that many domestic cats, due to the availability of daily food and a “lazy” life, have lost their hunting instincts, and mice have ceased to be afraid of them.

The best preventive measures against the invasion of mice in the home - cleanliness and timely repairs:

  • do not leave food in accessible places, store food supplies in tightly closed containers, kitchen cabinets;
  • use a trash can with a tight lid, throw out garbage every day, do not leave it overnight;
  • do not keep accessible food for cats and dogs on the floor at all times;
  • maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen, dining room, food pantries;
  • carry out preventive inspection and cleaning of cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • inspect the integrity of the baseboards, wooden partitions, walls in the room.

If traces of intrusion by uninvited guests are detected, measures should be taken immediately to “capture” them.

Fighting mice in your home is often difficult work, since rodents are tenacious and multiply quickly. Comprehensive measures will be most effective: repair work, isolating products, maintaining cleanliness along with placing bait traps and using deterrent devices.