Cottage heating options. How to cheaply heat a country house

Energy prices are steadily rising, so an increasing number of suburban residents are thinking about how to heat their homes inexpensively and efficiently. At the same time, the following questions can be heard most often: Which boiler has the highest efficiency? Which boiler to choose for the heating system? How to properly install a heating system?

FORUMHOUSE advises a different approach. First, we determine the type of fuel, and already “under it” we design a heating system.

So, from our material you will learn:

  • What are the costs of a heating system?
  • What type of fuel can be called the most affordable.
  • What means convenient system heating.
  • Can electric heating be cheap?
  • What can become the basis of an economical heating system.

What are the costs of a heating system?

Many factors affect the final cost of a particular heating method. Only by calculating all the costs (it is also necessary to take into account the increase in fuel prices in the long term), you can decide on the most cost-effective heating method. For this it is necessary to take into account:

  • fuel cost;
  • the cost of its delivery;
  • price heating equipment;
  • the cost of its installation;
  • the cost of its operation;
  • average monthly air temperature in winter period time;
  • way of living in the house: “dacha” mode or permanent residence;
  • availability of communications to the site (gas, required electrical power);
  • the degree of insulation and energy efficiency of the dwelling.

Thinking about choosing a heating system, first of all, you need to answer the question: not “how”, but “what” will you heat your home with. The cost of the heating season depends on the type of fuel, its cost and availability.

Consider the following situation: trunk gas, as the most economically viable type of fuel, this moment no, or its connection will cost too much. What to do in this situation, what type of fuel to choose? Firewood, liquefied gas, coal, pellets, fuel briquettes, electricity? Lots of options. So what type of energy carrier will be the most preferable?


  • The choice of a heating system must be preceded by a competent calculation. This is the only way to achieve a balance between efficiency, economy and convenience.
  • The house must be well insulated, to minimize all heat loss, otherwise the lion's share energy will go to heat the "street".
  • Approximately, the required power of heating equipment is calculated by the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat 10 square meters of the house area.
  • The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on the availability of a particular type of fuel.
  • For getting maximum effect, must be combined different types heating systems and energy carriers.
  • combined heating system. And here -

Always is big problem for residents. When choosing a heat source, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region, the features of the house, the frequency of stay in it. If we are talking about a dacha, then the important thing here is how often and for how long you visit it.

Stove heating

There are several ways to heat the cottage in winter:

  1. Electric heating;
  2. Stove heating;
  3. Diesel heating.

Many do not consider it necessary to heat the cottage, referring to the fact that little time is spent there and most often it falls on the warm period. But, be that as it may, but in the country you can stay for the night in early spring, late autumn, even in winter, so you need to look for Alternative option for economical yet efficient heating country house.

When choosing a heating source country house, you need to decide how often during the cold period you will visit it and how long to stay there.

The financial issue also plays an important role, so the third factor that you should pay attention to will be the amount that you are willing to invest in, so you need to look for a way to heat the cottage cheaply.

Based on these indicators, it is impossible to answer the question of effective and economical heating dachas answer unequivocally, so that the advice is suitable for everyone.

Electric heating

One of the options electric heating at home

Electric fan heaters, fireplaces, oil coolers considered the fastest and in a simple way heat the room and can solve the problem of how to heat the cottage better. But this is the most expensive solution, because it requires a lot of electricity, but with a rare visit to the dacha, it justifies itself.

The disadvantage of this source is that after turning off the heater, the house cools down very quickly. Operational problems may occur during power outages, which is common in winter time, and in this situation, you will have to sit in a cold room, which is not entirely pleasant and even dangerous to health.

The best option would be to install combined water electric heating (electric boiler). He will well solve the problem of how to heat the cottage. Installation does not require significant hassle. The room is heated with hot water that circulates through pipes.

Stove heating

Stove heating of the cottage

This is one of the oldest sources of heat for the home. They have been used for many years, but even today stove heating fully justifies itself. The advantages of this ancient heating system are its reliability, the ability to store heat for a long time and quickly heat the room.

Perfect for a country house, which is located near the forest, where old trees can be used for their own purposes. If the country house has a fireplace, then you can also heat wood. Except warm room in this way, you can also get aesthetic pleasure from the process of burning wood in a fireplace.

Such a heat source, with careless behavior, can slightly pollute the premises. In this case, it will be necessary to work physically every time: chop wood, heat it, clean the chimney in a timely manner so that the stove does not “smoke”.

If you follow simple rules behavior with the system furnace heating, it is possible to efficiently and at the same time cheaply heat the cottage periodically or on an ongoing basis.

Gas heating

electrical, gas boilers or boilers for coal and wood are more expensive, but also more advanced heating systems. The role of the coolant is played by water circulating throughout the house from the boiler through pipes and batteries. This may be an option on how to heat the cottage better.

Gas heating in the house

The gas system is good for permanent residence in the country. After the summer season is closed, it is imperative to drain the water from such a system, because batteries and pipes can break when freezing. As an option to get out of this situation, antifreeze for a car is used to fill the system. But it costs a lot and needs to be changed periodically, which will require additional costs.

Gas heating can be carried out without a boiler and batteries. many owners country houses conduct gas directly to the stove in order to resolve the issue of how to heat the cottage. You can quickly heat up your home with this system. This method of heating is quite efficient and relatively low-cost.

A red-hot stove quickly heats up the room and keeps heat throughout the day. You can turn it on either every day or once a month, there are no dangers here, the main thing is to be careful with gas.

A significant plus is the fact that in the absence of gas, heating can be done with wood. Therefore, in the question of how to heat the cottage, the gas system is the best alternative.

Diesel boilers

The heating system on diesel boilers is used mainly where there is no gas pipeline. Often it is used for heating expensive country houses. The system works completely autonomously. The only thing that is required is to order a fuel truck and pour diesel fuel into a large container buried underground.

Heating systems are also known solar energy and wind energy, but they are still little used and quite expensive, therefore, there are no exact instructions on how to heat the cottage with their help.

Which option for heating a summer house in winter should be decided by the owner, because for each type of house there is its own, best suitable source of heat.


A large number of families today have dacha building out of town where they spend a large number of time in both warm and cold seasons. In this case, the following question would be very appropriate: how to heat the cottage in winter? This is especially true for those regions where the temperature drops to critical levels, so this task should be approached very competently and carefully consider all the steps for installing heating equipment.

Today, there are three main options for how to heat a summer house in winter.

  • furnace system;
  • water heating system;
  • electric heating.
In addition, all these categories, in turn, can be divided into subspecies. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail how to optimally and most competently perform summer cottage heating in winter, study all the pros and cons of the equipment and dwell on technical specifications each of the heating systems.

Furnace heating system

This type of heating today is not particularly popular, due to some of its features. However, many owners still prefer to perform winter heating cottages through a traditional stove, so this method should be described in more detail, how to heat a country house is not so simple.

The main disadvantage of this option for heating a private house is the complexity of maintaining the furnace. So, for high-quality heating, the system should be ignited several times a day, laying new portions of fuel. If the material for ignition is coal, then in this case it is also necessary to regularly remove the emerging ash, which also requires a certain amount of time.

Main advantage kiln system- absolute autonomy. Heating a country house in winter by means of a stove does not require the use of either electricity or gas (in more detail: ""). The main fuel is only wood and coal. The elementary design of the device completely eliminates the risk of breakage.

There are two main types of stoves:
  • traditional Russian stove;
  • called bourgeois.
The massive mechanism of the Russian stove can perform several useful functions at once. It is perfect for cooking, a warm surface allows you to sleep on such a stove, and, of course, such a unit is able to heat a private house. It is important to note that, in view of their large sizes heating can be provided to several living quarters at once, and the fact that the traditional Russian stove is made of brick ensures long-term preservation of heat and prevents any temperature fluctuations.
The disadvantages of such a furnace include its massiveness. For equipment like this heater you will need to allocate from 6 to 8 m² in the room.

In addition, the time for heating such a furnace is long (bricks need at least several hours to warm up). It is impossible not to mention the fact that it is worthwhile to mount a Russian stove only in one-story buildings, since otherwise the design will not look much like a stove and will look like a real one. industrial equipment, which is huge in size.

Heating a summer house in winter with a potbelly stove is different from a stove. This equipment takes up very little space (about 1 m²). The warm-up time is very fast and little fuel is required. In addition, if desired, you can cook food on the surface of the potbelly stove or, for example, boil a kettle.

However, these products also have disadvantages. The potbelly stove cools down as quickly as it warms up, therefore, in order to avoid frequent temperature changes in the room, fuel will have to be loaded very often, which is especially inconvenient at night. Moreover, only one room can be provided with heat for a potbelly stove, since such equipment does not have enough power to heat more rooms, therefore, from the operation of a potbelly stove in big house better to refuse.

Water heating system of the cottage

Another option for heating a summer house in winter is to use heating boilers. Despite some complexity of their installation, the result will be definitely positive.

Based on what fuel is used, boilers are usually divided into the following types:
  • diesel systems;
  • gas boilers;
  • solid fuel boilers.
One of the most common boiler systems are diesel-fueled devices. Nevertheless, such equipment can hardly be called innovative, since today the price of diesel fuel is very high, so not everyone can afford to install such a unit.

However, these products do not have other serious drawbacks, with the exception of the emission of unpleasant smoke during operation. To get rid of burning, the chimney of such a boiler should be mounted on the surface.

Among the advantages of these mechanisms are the possibility of storage in a large tank, high energy intensity, as well as autonomy of operation, which makes it possible to exclude the participation of the owners in the process of the operation of the device.

Gas boiler systems are becoming more and more common. All that is required for their installation is the presence of a stable working gas supply point.

The advantages of gas over diesel fuel more. This natural fuel costs much less, in addition, in the process of its combustion there are no harmful substances and acrid smoke, and it is not necessary to store such fuel in large volumes.

The main disadvantage of these boilers is the risk of fire. Even a small gas leak can cause very serious and unpleasant consequences. It is this shortcoming that scares away many consumers, although in fact the danger of an explosion in modern devices practically reduces to zero.

To completely eliminate the risk of fire, experts recommend installing this room not under the house, but in separate room. In addition, before installation right decision will explore various photos gas structures and detailed videos on their installation.

An example of self-implementation of summer cottage heating in winter:

Another type of boilers is solid fuel. They are used less often than the systems described above, in particular, due to potential problems during their operation. Bookmarking fuel should be done manually, which is not always convenient.

Among the advantages of solid fuel boilers - low cost Supplies, such as wood, peat, coal, and the fuel itself can be stored anywhere. It is only important to provide him with protection from getting wet.

Electric heating systems for cottages

This type of heating a private house has the lowest popularity among all heating systems.

This is explained by a number of shortcomings:
  1. High consumption of electrical energy.
  2. Sometimes - the impossibility of operating the desired number of heating devices for normal heating of the room due to the weak current supply.
  3. Devices powered by electricity dry the air, which cannot positively affect the health of the owners.
  4. Constant burning smell caused by dust settling on the coil.
All of the above recommendations should be taken into account when choosing heating for a private house, and then no frost can disturb comfortable rest in the country.