Why do you need a common house heat meter? Installation of a heat meter in an apartment building

At the moment, there are 2 types of heat meters - common house meters (installed in apartment buildings) and individual (designed to take into account the amount of heat consumed in one room).

The purchase and installation of these devices is advisable, as it allows apartment owners and tenants to save significantly.

So, with this meter you will only pay for the heat that you actually used.

The advantage of installing in apartment building A common house heat meter is the economic benefit.

After completion of installation work, each owner separate apartment pays only for the amount of heat used, determined depending on the area of ​​the room.

However, this calculation also has a disadvantage associated with the fact that heat is distributed unevenly between apartments.

Unlike an individual meter, readings from a common meter are distributed among all apartments in the residential area. This is why an individual resident will not be able to save money by using less heat, since monthly costs are divided between the owners.

In addition, the cost of the metering device and installation work is quite high (about 150 thousand rubles), however positive side is the distribution of this amount among all apartment owners in equal parts.

At the same time, payments are made not at once, but gradually over several months, which does not hit the family budget so hard.

Is it better to have a meter in an apartment?

Formally, installing an individual device for metering the amount of heat consumed is much more profitable. In this case, the owner of the residential premises pays exclusively for his heating costs.

If in a situation with a common house meter, a citizen may be forced to pay out of his own pocket and for his neighbors, then if there is an individual device in the apartment, it is possible to significantly save money.

Another advantage of an in-house meter is its low cost.

Depending on the region of the country, the amount of work required and the model of equipment, the price for purchasing equipment and its subsequent installation ranges from 3 thousand to 7 thousand rubles.

How to install a heating meter in an apartment building?

If the residents of the house decide to install a common house heat meter, payment in this case will be made based on actual costs, and not according to the inflated standard fixed by law.

The procedure in this case is the following algorithm of actions:

  • residents decide on the need to install a heat meter at a general meeting of the house (the decision must have more than half the votes);
  • the responsible person contacts the energy supply institution to provide technical parameters heating systems necessary for selecting a device and its further installation;
  • a contractor is selected - an energy service company - to provide the corresponding service (an official contract is signed with him);
  • the contractor develops a project and selects the required meter model (usually specialists prefer imported equipment, which costs slightly more than usual);
  • after agreeing on the prepared project, the foreman installs the device (the responsible person receives documents from the contractor confirming the completion of the work and commissioning of the equipment);
  • The management company contacts the heating network and calls an inspector to seal the unit.

According to the law, the installation of heat meters in apartment buildings falls within the competence of the management company, but the costs of purchasing the device and installation work are paid by the apartment owners themselves. The cost of equipment and its installation is divided equally between each room in equal parts.

How to install heating meters in an apartment?

The costs of purchasing this device and installation work fall on the shoulders of the homeowner himself, in accordance with the norms of the Housing Legislation. Installation of heat metering equipment and its further maintenance are the responsibilities of the property owner.

Below is the process of how to install individual counter heating:

  1. the owner of the apartment applies to the energy service institution with a corresponding application and concludes an agreement with it for the provision of services (the request form is provided by the organization);
  2. the institution sends a specialist to take measurements and determine the amount of work required;
  3. the master installs the required device after the citizen pays the amount of money agreed upon by the parties;
  4. the specialist issues to the owner a certificate of work done and commissioning of the meter, as well as a maintenance agreement;
  5. The owner of the apartment calls an inspector from the heating network to check the quality of installation work and seal the unit.

A citizen can purchase a heat meter either independently or with the help of an energy service company that provides installation services. Usually the second option is slightly more expensive, but in this case the person does not waste time searching for the required equipment model.

It should be remembered that when purchasing a meter, it is important to check that it has the appropriate passport and certificate. A person will need these papers when applying to heating network to seal the device.

Rules for installing a heating meter in an apartment or house

Installation work must be carried out exclusively qualified specialist. Self-installation using the device is strictly prohibited as it violates safety regulations.

During installation, it is important to consider several nuances:

  • the device is installed on a pipe through which heat enters the living space (preferably on a riser);
  • equipment should not be in close proximity to open fire or sources of heat loss;
  • When installing equipment near a window, it is important to check the frames for cracks or gaps.

If heating pipes several risers, in such a situation it is recommended to install distributors. Their cost is relatively low and can be about 2 thousand rubles.

Today, it is becoming less and less profitable for management companies to do without a common house metering device (CDMU). In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2013 No. 344, increasing coefficients to the standards are already beginning to apply to facilities where public meters have not yet been installed. And by 2017 the coefficient will increase to 1.6 times.

In this article we will tell you who should pay for common building meters, and how to organize the installation of a common building meter in an apartment building.

  • Why do you need a communal metering device?

    A common house metering device allows you to monitor the actual consumption of resources within the house and record the actual volumes of supplied resources - water, electricity, gas and heat. Therefore, first of all, ODPU is established in order not to overpay for the volume of losses on the supplier’s backbone networks.

    Utility costs are determined by 2 factors: the volume of resource consumed and approved tariffs. Tariffs for housing and communal services grow every six months, and the consumer has no opportunity to influence their growth. However, by influencing the second factor - the volume of resource consumed, the management company and apartment owners have a real opportunity to save costs.

    Installing ODPU allows you to:

    • pay for resource consumption after the fact;
    • to differentiate losses for losses on backbone networks between RSO and owners;
    • record the loss of resources.

    Thus, the presence of ODPU is the only way to determine the real consumption of resources in the house.

    Is a communal meter needed if apartments have individual metering devices?

    If individual metering devices (IMU) are installed in apartments, the owners pay for what they actually consumed. However, in addition to individual consumption, receipts for payment for utilities also include general household expenses (CHO).

    Ideally, the category of general house expenses should include resource consumption for maintenance of common house areas. But in practice, this category includes the entire resource that was not taken into account by individual metering devices - including all kinds of leaks. As a result, the volume of resource written off in the ODN column can grow to abnormal sizes of 30% of individual consumption and more. While “normal” is considered an ODN not exceeding 1.5-2%.

    In the absence of a common house meter, it is impossible to determine where the leaks are. They can be both in the system of the house itself, and in networks from the resource organization to the house.

    The presence of general house accounting makes it possible to pay only for the resource that was actually supplied to the house.

    In itself, the presence of a common house meter does not save you from an overestimated ODN - there are still leaks inside the house itself and about a dozen other reasons that influence the growth of this expense item.

    However, installing a common house meter is the first step towards reducing costs.

    In which houses is it necessary to install a common house meter?

    The installation of common house metering devices depends on the degree of improvement of the house. Household meters for water, electricity, gas and heat must be present in houses connected to electrical networks centralized power supply, as well as to systems:

    • centralized heating;
    • centralized water supply;
    • centralized gas supply;
    • other systems of centralized supply of energy resources.

    However, such requirements do not apply to dilapidated, emergency facilities, and to facilities in which:

    • power consumption electrical energy is less than 5 kWh;
    • the maximum volume of thermal energy consumption is less than two tenths of Gcal/h;
    • maximum consumption natural gas is less than 2 m³/h.

    Who pays for the installation of communal metering devices?

    In accordance with the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, the cost of installing ODPU falls entirely on the owners of a residential building.

    Owners of premises are required to pay the costs of installing a common house meter on the basis of invoices, except for cases where such costs were taken into account as part of the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and (or) as part of mandatory payments and (or) contributions associated with the payment of expenses on content, current and major renovation common property. RF PP dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, clause 38(1)

    When installing common house metering devices, each owner is presented with an invoice for payment, in which, in addition to general information about the cost of the DPPU, there is information about how much a specific owner must pay.

    The expenses of each owner are determined in the form of a share proportional to the share in the right of common ownership of the common property. To calculate this fraction total area premises is divided by the total area of ​​the house and multiplied by the area of ​​the common property.

    For example, if the area of ​​the premises is 100 m², the area of ​​the house is 9,000 m², and the total property is 1,500 m², then the owner’s share will be: 100 / 9,000 x 1,500 = 16.67 m².

    Is it necessary to hold a general meeting of owners?

    From the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” it follows that shared property is common property. In particular, such meters are part of in-house engineering systems. Therefore, to install the ODPU, a decision of the general meeting of premises owners is required. The owners must be informed of the need to hold such a meeting. Management Company.

    Despite the fact that the role of the management company during the general meeting is limited only to introductory events, if the owners are not notified of the need to install metering devices, the management company faces a fine.

    According to paragraph 5 of Article 9.16 of the Code of Administrative Offences, if the organizations responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings avoid developing and communicating information about measures aimed at energy saving to homeowners, the controlling body in relation to the management company, the homeowners association will be sent an order to impose administrative liability in the form of a fine :

    • For official in the amount from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles;
    • for a legal entity – from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

    How do owners pay for the installation of communal metering devices?

    Payment for installation of ODPU is made in one of the following ways:

    1. Make a one-time 100% deposit before or after installing the meter.
    2. Use the right to installments for 5 years. In this case, the owner’s share for paying for a common house meter is shown in the receipt for utilities in equal parts within 5 years. In this case, in addition to the cost of the device, an additional interest for installments is paid in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
    3. Use funds from the utility service provider allocated for energy saving and energy efficiency measures.

    Funds allocated for energy saving measures

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” the provider of utility services must direct the resulting difference between the standard and the amount, taking into account the increasing factor, to energy saving measures.

    Since the difference between the standard and the amount, taking into account the increasing factor, can only be used for energy saving measures, such funds have a targeted nature of spending, and according to the rules accounting it is necessary to ensure their separate accounting and storage from other income.

    Let's look at an example. Let’s say the standard volume of water per person per month is 7 m³. The increasing coefficient in 2016 is 1.4. With a tariff of 14.63 rubles. for 1 m³, we get the following: 7 x 1.4 x 14.63 = 143.37 rubles.

    In this case, the amount without standards would be as follows: 7 x 14.63 = 102.41 rubles.

    Thus, the difference between the standard and the amount taking into account the increasing coefficient for water is: 143.37 - 102.41 = 39.96 rubles. It is this amount that should be allocated by the contractor for energy saving measures.

    The installation of a common house metering device is considered an energy saving measure, therefore, if the owners of an apartment building decide to install a metering device and there are target savings in the account of the utility service provider, they must be used to pay for the installation of the metering device.

    If the owners refuse to pay for installation

    If the owners refuse to pay for the installation of ODPU, such devices will be forcibly installed by the resource supply organization.

    In accordance with clause 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving”, owners are obliged to provide RSO employees with access to the installation sites of meters and pay the costs of installing metering devices. In case of refusal to reimburse the resource supplying organization for installation costs, the owners will additionally have to pay the costs associated with forced collection.

    Why installation work is not carried out using current repair funds

    Current repairs are timely planned preventive maintenance of utility systems, the main way to eliminate malfunctions and minor damage. Purpose current repairs is to protect property from premature wear and tear.

    In accordance with " Methodical manual for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock" (MDK 2–04.2004), the cost of current repairs of the building should be at least 0.4 - 0.55% of its replacement cost. Inappropriate spending of current repair funds violates the schedule of preventive maintenance, systematic failure to comply which can lead to an emergency, sudden failure pumping equipment, collapse of utility facilities, as well as disruption of building elements and energy metering units.

    It is permissible to carry out work on the installation of ODPU at the expense of current repair funds if the property is in satisfactory condition. But, as a rule, physical deterioration The housing stock is 70–80% and requires reconstruction.

    Compliance with the scheduled maintenance schedule is the main condition for environmental and technical safety residents living in the house. Therefore, in practice, payment for the installation of common house metering devices occurs either at the expense of the owners, or from separate targeted savings for energy saving at home.

    ODPU - the first step towards automated collection of evidence

    Installation of common house metering devices - important step in the matter of energy saving and since 2013 it has been mandatory for those houses whose condition allows installation.

    The responsibility for installing ODPU lies with the owners of premises in an apartment building. At the same time, the tasks of the management company include notifying the owners of the need for such an installation and monitoring implementation at all stages.

    The presence of general building meters gives the management company the opportunity not only to reduce the ODN in its home, but also to deploy a full-fledged system for automated collection of readings. Today, such systems have already become widespread in apartment buildings due to the ability to quickly process readings, save on personnel and increase payment collection.

    See the automated data collection system "STRIZH"

  • 300 price

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    Answers from lawyers (8)

      fee 42%

      Lawyer, Krasnodar

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      Good afternoon

      Installed by supplying organizations. If you don’t do it on time, it will be installed at the expense of the owners of the premises.

      Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ
      “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation»:

      12. Until January 1, 2012 (in relation to facilities provided for in parts 3 and 4 of this article), until July 1, 2013 (in relation to facilities provided for in parts 5 and 6 of this article, in terms of equipping them with meters for used water, thermal energy, electrical energy, in including equipment apartment buildings collective (common house) metering devices used water, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as individual and general (for communal apartments) metering devices for used water, electrical energy) and until January 1, 2016 (in relation to the facilities provided for in parts 5.1 and 6.1 of this article, in terms of equipping them with metering devices for natural gas used ) organizations, specified in part 9 of this article are obliged to take actions to equip them with metering devices for the energy resources used, the supply and transfer of which are carried out by these organizations, facilities whose engineering and technical equipment is directly connected to the engineering and technical support networks belonging to them and which, in violation of the requirements of parts 3 - 6.1 of this article, were not equipped with metering devices for the energy resources used in fixed time. A person who has not fulfilled the obligation to equip these facilities with metering devices for energy resources used within the prescribed period must ensure access to the specified organizations to the installation sites for metering devices for energy resources used and pay the costs of these organizations for the installation of these metering devices.

      If there is no meter, the calculation is as follows:

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307
      “On the procedure for providing public services to citizens”:

      1. In the absence of a residential building or premises apartment building collective (common house), common (apartment) and individual metering devices, the amount of payment for utility services is determined in the following order:

      1) the amount of payment for heating (rubles) in a residential building or in the i-th residential or non-residential premises is determined by the formula:


      S is the total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);
      N is the standard for thermal energy consumption for heating (Gcal/sq. m);
      T-tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB/Gcal);

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      fee 17%

      Lawyer, Serpukhov

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      Resource supplying organization, serviced by a management company


      This Resolution is uniform throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 (as amended on December 25, 2015) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”
      42(1). In the absence of a collective (common house), common (apartment) and individual metering devices in all residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building the amount of payment for utility services for heating is determined in accordance with formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on consumption standards public services.
      In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential or non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in a residential building indoors is determined in accordance with formula 3 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of a collective (common house) heat energy meter.
      In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in residential and non-residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 3(1) of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of individual and (or) general (apartment) heat energy meters.
      At open system heating supply (hot water supply), if the thermal energy metering unit of an apartment building is equipped with a collective (common building) thermal energy metering device that takes into account the total volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed for heating and hot water supply needs, to determine the amount of payment for utility services according to heating in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs two and three of this paragraph, the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period for heating needs, during the heating period is determined as the difference in the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (common house) ) a thermal energy meter with which an apartment building is equipped, and the product of the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, used to heat water for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply, determined based on the standard consumption of thermal energy used to heat water in for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply, and volume (quantity) hot water, consumed in residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building and for general house needs.

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      Lawyer, Moscow

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      1. Who is obliged to install heat meters in apartment buildings?

      Hello. Owners in general procedure. If they did not do this, then the management company or the heating network is local, at the expense of the owners. A colleague cited the norm above, although it refers to an early period, but nevertheless it is still relevant today.

      If we are talking about apartments, then they are also owners.

      2. Based on what document is payment for heat supply in Moscow calculated in the absence of a heat meter?

      Based on PP 354.

      PP 307 is also still in effect. but based on practice, they mainly use calculations based on 354, since PP 307 will arrive in a few months. will no longer be valid.

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354
      (ed. dated December 25, 2015)
      “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”

      2. The amount of payment for utility services for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual heat energy meter, as well as the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual or shared (apartment) heat energy metering device or non-residential premises in an apartment building that is not equipped with a collective (common house) heat energy meter, in accordance with paragraphs 42(1) and 43 of the Rules, is determined by formula 2:

      - total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises;
      - consumption standard for heating utilities;
      - tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

      For some reason the formula itself is not inserted.

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      Valery, good afternoon! To what my colleague said, I’ll add that the procedure for concluding an agreement for the installation of metering devices (both individual and communal) was approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2010 N 149
      “On approval of the procedure for concluding and essential conditions agreement governing the terms of installation, replacement and (or) operation of metering devices used for energy resources”,

      According to the standards of Art. 157 Housing Code

      The amount of payment for utilities is calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by meter readings, and in their absence, based on utility consumption standards(including standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste), approved by authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      The procedure for approving standards has been established

      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306
      “On approval of the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services”

      This act provides for the use of increasing coefficients in the absence of metering devices if it is technically possible to install them

      3(1). If it is technically possible to install collective (common house) metering devices, the consumption standard for utility heating services in residential premises is determined by formula 5, taking into account the increasing factor of:
      from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 - 1.1;
      from July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 - 1.2;
      from January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 - 1.4;
      from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 - 1.5;
      since 2017 - 1.6.

      The size of the standards for Moscow, including for heating utilities, are established by the Moscow Government

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      Lawyer, Moscow


      Good afternoon

      According to clause 9 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”

      9. Owners of buildings, structures, structures, owners of premises in apartment buildings are obliged to ensure the compliance of buildings, structures, structures, apartment buildings established requirements energy efficiency and the requirements for their equipment with metering devices for used energy resources (with the exception of requirements, the implementation of which in accordance with this Federal Law is entrusted to other persons) throughout their entire service life by organizing their proper operation and timely elimination of identified inconsistencies.

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      fee 42%

      Lawyer, Krasnodar

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      Yes, the formula is the same everywhere, the area of ​​the premises is multiplied by the consumption standard and the tariff. True, if the house has a common house meter, then the formula will be different. The formulas are more complicated, it’s easier to give a link to them -

    Heat supply

    It is possible to do without a common house heat meter, but this will soon become an expensive pleasure. If your home does not have a meter, then you pay according to the standards. In addition, increasing factors are already applied to you. Every year they will grow. It is legal. It is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 344. The document talks about the following increasing coefficients for residential premises without metering devices:

    since 2017 1.6.

    Let us add that, compared to the standards, even without an increasing factor, fees in apartment buildings with metering devices are still lower. True, you won’t be able to save money if the windows in the entrance are broken, the attics are blown out, and there is ice in the basement. According to standards, the temperature in the entrance should be at least 12 degrees Celsius. And if there is no access heating, the walls of the apartments begin to “cry”, the temperature drops by 4-5 degrees. There is no point in installing heat meters in such houses.

    Let us recall, initially, by Federal law 261, all multi-apartment residential buildings with central heating must have been equipped with communal metering devices before July 1, 2012. Then the deadline was repeatedly postponed, until 2015. Today, management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives face fines in violation of the law, that is, legal entities. And residents of such houses will simply pay more for heat.

    When installation of metering devices is impossible

    The increasing factor is applied only if it is technically possible to install the meter. There are residential buildings that are exempt from installing communal heat meters. The list of them was determined by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in Order 627 of December 29, 2011.

    Installation of metering devices is not possible if this requires:


    Major repairs;

    Creation of new in-house systems.

    General house meters are not installed if it is not possible to ensure compliance technical requirements, as well as create conditions for their proper operation.

    The reasons for this may be:

    Emergency conditions of intra-house systems;

    Failure to comply with temperature conditions;

    Failure to comply with permissible humidity;

    Failure to comply with permissible electromagnetic interference;

    Inability to provide access for readings and maintenance.

    In this case, the management organization or HOA must take care of drawing up a special act and provide it to the heat supply organization.

    Necessary actions for installing communal heat meters

    1. General meeting of residents. First of all, residents must conduct general meeting and make a decision on installing a meter and financing its installation work, because the heat metering unit belongs to the common property of the apartment building. 2. Application for technical specifications. The next step is an application to the organization that supplies heat to your home. There you will be given the technical conditions that are needed when drawing up the project. Without technical specifications, heat meter readings will not be taken into account in calculations. IN technical conditions the parameters of the heat supply system are indicated: configuration, heat load, maximum coolant flow rates, design pressure, temperature graph.

    3. Selecting a contractor. Owners need to choose an organization that will prepare the project, install the metering device, and deal with warranty and service maintenance. The organization must have the appropriate license.

    4. Equipment selection and project development. You can choose a meter yourself or entrust this to the company with which the residents decide to work. It is necessary to take into account the features of heat meters, efficiency, operating life, and cost.

    5. Project approval. This should be done by the company with which the contract for work on the metering device has been concluded. The company coordinates the project with the heat supply organization.

    6. Installation and commissioning. Installation work Installation of a common house appliance is usually carried out within one day at a temperature not lower than minus ten degrees. After the meter is installed, it is necessary to invite an inspector from the heat supply organization. The inspector inspects and seals the metering unit and draws up an admission certificate for the metering unit. The act is signed by the inspector of the heating supply organization and the representative of the owners. Starting next month, heat supply fees must be calculated based on meter readings. And for the previous months - according to the standard, taking into account the increased coefficient.

    How to pay for a meter

    Heat meters cost a lot. Citizens can choose one of two options: pay immediately (in this case, the resident will have to contribute about 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles), or repay these costs in installments over several years. In this case, several tens or hundreds of rubles will be added to the regular utility bill every month, depending on the cost of the meter and the chosen payment period.