How to surprise a man for the New Year. What to give a guy for the New Year

New Year is considered the most important holiday of the year for many people. Maybe because the onset of the New Year is always associated with something new. All failures and adversity can be left in the past year without regret, and you can enter the New Year with new plans, dreams and thoughts.

Or maybe that’s why it’s a favorite holiday, because we were all once children and looked forward to this day with great impatience. With bated breath we decorated the beautiful Christmas tree, learned a poem about it and the fabulous Santa Claus and, of course, believed in fairy tales, New Year's miracles and waited for a gift!

Perhaps these childhood impressions have not changed our attitude towards this holiday today. And we, as before, when we were very little, look under the tree to find the long-awaited thing there.

It's so nice to receive surprises! But for many, it is doubly pleasant to be yourself as Santa Claus, and to make such surprises yourself. And all of us, young and old, are both in the role of recipient and in the role of giver.

Today's topic concerns such an important topic as a present for your boyfriend. The question is very serious and responsible! So let's take a closer look at it. To make it easier to find it based on your interests, see the table of contents.

Most likely, each of us has encountered at least once the problem “What to give?” And many have encountered this problem more than once, not twice, or three times... Moreover, the closer a person is, the more difficult it is to make a choice! It can be very difficult to decide, because everyone wants it to be liked, necessary, and useful.

And today we will talk about choosing things, objects and ideas for your loved one for the New Year holiday. For the guy you are dating, who is dear to you! Agree, a very responsible choice!

Firstly, by doing so you show your attitude towards him. Secondly, you show how much you know and understand his interests, desires, and dreams. Thirdly, by doing this you show him a sign of attention, and how attentive you were to his desires depends on what your choice turned out to be.

That is, all this must be taken into account when choosing. And therefore, there is no need to put things off for a long time. While there is still time before the New Year, you need to find time and think - “What New Year surprise will be the best for my boyfriend!?”

Any gift is, first of all, a sign of attention. And these words must be understood quite literally.

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to be attentive and sensitive to the desires and words of your young man while communicating with him. You should definitely know what your boyfriend likes and doesn't like; what he does, is interested in - that is, what is his hobby; what he dreams of, what he wants.

Long before the holiday, go shopping with him, pay attention to the counters and display cases with what goods he stops. Talk to him at this time, ask him what interests him! Take an active interest. If you don't understand some of the purposes of things, ask him to tell you more about them. Find out what they are for, and whether he has one, and whether he would like to have it.

Since the New Year is still quite far away, he will not connect this with the holiday. And your curiosity in this matter will show that you are interested in his hobbies.

And if you were truly attentive, then choosing a gift for him will not be difficult. And your sign of attention will certainly be appreciated. And the surprise will turn out to be appropriate, necessary, useful and, most importantly, welcome.

Inexpensive and original gifts for a guy for the New Year

For a week, or even more, I talked to young men and women I knew about what they dreamed of. She said that I was preparing a large article on this topic, and asked them to suggest what they would like to receive as a New Year's present.

The men were happy to share their dreams, and I was surprised how many interests and desires they had. They are usually quite stingy in expressing their preferences, but in our conversation this did not oblige me or them to anything. And so they gladly told me about what they would like to have, or about what they already have, but when they didn’t have it - how they wanted to have it!

I was surprised that these items were not very expensive, I was also interested in the price. That is, you won’t have to spend your entire salary on the item. All of them turned out to be approximately priced from 500 to 2000 rubles. Quite normal, by the way! True, for some of them this turned out to be a low and average price. That is, if it is, for example, a watch, then everyone understands that its cost can be from, to, plus infinity.

So, I offer you only ideas for a present, as well as their approximate average cost, but if you want to purchase something more expensive from the same category, then know that such an opportunity exists.

For convenience, let's look at them by category, or by preference. And the first point, I propose to consider the sports set. After all, now young people are actively involved in sports - some are keen on tourism, some ride a bicycle or rollerblade, some go in for jogging, team sports or strength training.

Gifts related to sports

  • A watch with a heart rate measurement function is necessary for anyone involved in running or playing sports. They are sold in a box, which is already great. The most inexpensive watches in this category can be found at prices ranging from 800 rubles and above.
  • sports glasses with replaceable lenses, needed for cyclists. They are sold in a beautiful case, have 5 interchangeable lenses, a cloth for wiping them, and also have a cloth pouch for glasses. A wonderful and desirable present for many, especially if they don’t have one. Cost from 600 rubles and above.
  • bicycle computer - an electronic device for measuring the speed and mileage of a bicycle, as well as additional parameters such as average speed, travel time, maximum speed, heart rate, gear. Agree, the thing is necessary and useful, and the minimum cost is 400 rubles and above.
  • A sports helmet is a must for mountaineers, rock climbers, cyclists, and rollerbladers. Minimum price from 800 rubles
  • socks. If you buy a guy socks for New Year, then sports ones. There are roller socks - for safe roller skating, cost from 300 rubles per pair. There are special socks for running, for hiking, for cycling, the average price is from 300 rubles. Heated socks are also good in winter - price from 1,500 rubles and above.
  • gloves, a sports cap or a fleece sweatshirt are warm, cozy and inexpensive things for sports. Even if your boyfriend already has them, they will never be superfluous. The price for gloves and a hat is from 400 rubles, for a sweatshirt from 600 rubles. In the Decatlon sports store they are sold in a large assortment and at an inexpensive price.
  • T-shirt is always needed by everyone. If you take care in advance, you can order it with any inscription or design.
  • bandana, balaclava – including winter models (from 250 rubles)
  • for cyclists, they will also not be superfluous - a headlight (from 600 rubles), a tail light (from 200 rubles), a horn (from 600 rubles), a bag (from 400 rubles).
  • various sports equipment by type of sport

These are just some ideas for purchasing sports assortment. You can always find the right one if you talk to a sales consultant in the sporting goods department. Tell him what kind of sport your young man is interested in, and tell him how much you expect to purchase the goods. They will be happy to tell and show you everything!

Do not buy things at the lowest price, find out about the characteristics and properties. And only after that make the right choice!

While there is time, many of these things can be searched for and purchased online at a much cheaper price than in a store. To do this, you only need time, first to find the right thing, and then to wait for it to arrive in the mail.

You can consider another, non-material sphere, for example:

  • tickets to various sporting events, of course, if he is passionate about it, will please the guy so much that you cannot even imagine.
  • Not everyone will purchase a video training course on their favorite sport, but from such a sign of attention, everyone will jump for joy up to the ceiling.
  • A gym membership is the perfect gift you can dream of.

Gifts for guys who are interested in hunting and fishing

I didn’t even know about many of these items until I talked to men. And now I consider myself quite savvy, and now I advise you to buy this for your men.

  • A digital compass is a universal electronic assistant for a tourist or traveler. The price is not cheap, from 2800, but the thing is gorgeous. AND if you give it to your boyfriend, he won’t even be able to imagine how his girlfriend came up with this.

  • GPS navigator is a device that receives signals from the global positioning system in order to determine the current location of the device on Earth. With such a device, no one will get lost, no matter where he is. The thing is also not cheap, from 3,600 rubles, but I had to write about it. Among my friends there are many hunters and fishermen, and all of them would not refuse such a necessary item!
  • flashlight "Led Lenser". There are a lot of flashlights, but several people named a flashlight of this particular brand. The average cost is from 600 to 1500 rubles.
  • hunter signal, flare gun (200-300 rubles) and a set of missiles (400 rubles)
  • A radio station is an indispensable thing on joint hikes. We even use it when going mushroom hunting. It is recommended to buy the famous Oki Talkie (Walkie talkie), price from 1500 rubles
  • Thermos is a necessary thing for everyone, price from 600 rubles
  • gas spray for self-defense – from 600 rubles
  • necessary for a fisherman - spinning rods, a set of fishing lines, hooks, wobblers, etc., etc.
  • or a box for fishing tackle, the price of very simple ones starts from 400 rubles, or more serious ones from 1000 rubles

  • heated socks and mittens (from 1,500 rubles) and thermal underwear (from 1,500 rubles) for winter hunting and fishing

And this, of course, is not all that can be offered in this category. In fact, there are many more of them. You can learn about their assortment by talking with the sales consultant of the desired department in the store.

For gadget lovers

Of course, all of the above items can themselves be a chic and welcome gift for the New Year. But they are all expensive, and today we are talking about relatively inexpensive things.

  • wireless bluetooth headphones. If your boyfriend doesn’t already have these, he will be very happy to receive them, the average price is from 1,500 rubles. A great idea in my opinion.
  • LED flash – used for illumination when shooting video, or as a flashlight (from 700 rubles)
  • Bluetooth selfie button – can control the camera of a smartphone or tablet from a distance. With it, you no longer have to worry about turning on the timer to take pictures, or trying to press the shutter with the same hand that you hold the phone with. You just need to press the largest button on the selfie button remote and you're done, the photo is taken. Price from 400 rubles
  • a selfie stick may also be interesting for someone, it costs from 400 rubles
  • a new phone case, especially in the New Year. Its price starts from 600 rubles.
  • power bank for phone with lithium-ion battery - a type of electric battery used as a source of energy. Indispensable when traveling for charging your phone. Price from 400 rubles and above.
  • A flash card or memory card for a computer is never superfluous. And this year you can look for it with the image of the symbol of the Year of the Mouse, price from 400 rubles
  • headphones with microphone, price from 600 rubles
  • wireless mouse in the same year, price from 400 rubles
  • new keyboard (from 400 rubles), gaming keyboard (price from 1000 rubles)

  • if your friend is into photography, and if he doesn’t have a reflector, then by all means please him with this item. Price from 1500 rubles
  • a tripod is also a necessary thing for a person involved in photography, the price is from 2500 thousand and above
  • memory card – from 500 rubles and above
  • A flash is a chic, but not a cheap, necessary item. The price will be from 6000 rubles.

You can also search the Internet for fashionable and interesting gadgets that are now appearing on sale in large quantities. If your boyfriend is into this, he will be pleased with the new product.

For motorists

If your friend has a car, then there are also good ideas for him.

  • travel set of auto tools, indispensable when traveling long distances, price from 2000 rubles
  • a set of products for car interior care - this includes sprays, wipes, and various cleaning rags and brushes. This also includes flavorings. You can collect different funds and create a selection yourself. The price varies depending on the set of funds. But for 1000-1500 rubles you can put together a decent set.
  • brush for cleaning snow from a car, price from 250 rubles
  • car radio – music is always more fun, price from 850 rubles
  • a video recorder is a necessary thing, and if a guy doesn’t have one, he will be very glad to get one. Price from 1200 rubles
  • New car seat covers are always needed. In the New Year with new covers. Price from 1500 rubles.
  • heated seats - a necessary thing in winter, price from 1000 rubles
  • auto-massager pad, from 850 rubles
  • car headrest pillows, price from 700 rubles
  • thermal mug for motorists, price from 500 rubles.

This is just a sample list. There are a lot of other equally interesting and useful items and things.

For creative guys

Every creative person is always an individual. It is on this principle that you try to select gifts for them.

  • these can be various objects and things related to the subject of creativity, or profession - artist, writer, performer, musician. Select them according to the type of creativity.
  • these can also be original items that also relate to your boyfriend’s creativity. So, if he is an artist, give him an Oscar statuette, and tell him that you hope to be with him at the real Oscar ceremony in a few years!
  • if the guy is a dancer, then find for him an original figurine or doll of a dancer who looks like him!
  • if he is a musician, give him an original ethnic instrument.
  • if he is into painting, then order a friendly thematic cartoon for him. It is now easy to order via the Internet, the price starts from 1500 thousand.

The same friendly cartoon will please everyone without exception if it is done skillfully and with humor!

  • tickets to a concert, cinema, theater
  • a subscription to a master class by a creative person
  • tickets for private cinema screenings

So there are a lot of ideas, you just need to sit down and think a little. And then a great idea will certainly strike you.

For the jack of all trades

Guys who like to make things with their own hands and know how to saw, plan, and build can be presented with a lot of necessary and useful things.

  • A set of tools is needed by absolutely all men. There is never too much, and everyone is happy with such a set, price from 2000 rubles

  • and if he already has the tools, but they are in disarray, then he will certainly need a box for them, price from 600 rubles
  • Also, a craftsman will be glad to have any necessary tools, but if you decide to buy them as a gift, then do not buy a cheap tool. Consult with the sales consultant in the department and listen to his advice.
  • a good tape measure is a necessary thing, price starts from 100 rubles
  • electronic roulette is a thing that any master will be happy with, especially if he doesn’t have one, price starts from 1200 rubles
  • ultrasonic rangefinder - for measuring distance, volume and area, price around 1000 rubles
  • laser rangefinder - for the same functions, from 3000 rubles
  • electric screwdriver - always useful around the house, price up to 1000 rubles.

And much more. You just need to communicate with your boyfriend and find out what he needs. After all, a true master spends his entire life collecting the instrument he needs. Therefore, buy a gift that will definitely be needed. And so that every time, picking it up, your friend will experience the kindest feelings and pride that it was from you that he received it for the New Year!

What can you give as clothes and accessories?

Clothes and accessories will never be out of place in any young man's wardrobe. Moreover, if they are chosen with taste, love and knowledge of what he prefers to wear. You need to know the size, preferences in color, style of products.

  • A men's shirt is a very popular gift. A friend of mine works in a store, in the men's department, and says that before the holiday they always have a queue of people wanting to buy a shirt as a gift. Those who do not know the size bring from home the shirt that the man is already wearing. Or simply dimensions are measured using a centimeter. As a last resort, you can check the size at the collar; the height of the product is also indicated there. The approximate price of a decent shirt is 1000 rubles and above.

Everyone is interested in what color shirt to choose! And here they choose using the following criteria:

— likes to wear this color most of all

- all the colors are already there, but he doesn’t have this color

- this one will match his suit color

— at work he has a dress code, and therefore only needs a certain color

And recently, very often they have begun to choose a shirt according to the color of the Zodiac Sign of the animal whose year we will be celebrating. And these are all shades of pink, red, burgundy and purple. Yellow colors, all pure shades of green, champagne and natural white are also welcome.

  • T-shirt, needed always and everywhere. You can purchase a T-shirt in advance and put some memorable inscription or design on it. T-shirt price from 500 rubles
  • tie, bow tie. There are just a huge number of ties on sale now, some of them are very original. And bow ties are becoming an increasingly fashionable accessory every year, and young people wear them with pleasure. Price from 400 rubles to 1000. And note, there are never too many ties and bow ties in any man’s wardrobe.
  • cufflinks or tie clip, the price, of course, varies, but you can keep it under 500 rubles
  • A belt is another necessary item in your wardrobe. If you buy a good quality leather belt for your boyfriend, he will wear it for a long time with gratitude. Please note that belts can be denim or trouser. Pay attention to this when purchasing. Price from 400 rubles.
  • An automatic or semi-automatic umbrella is always needed by everyone. Price from 800 rubles
  • scarf or muffler. Now you can find very interesting ones that a guy will certainly like. Price from 400 rubles
  • gloves are definitely a necessary accessory, especially considering the fact that gloves tend to get lost all the time! Price for leather gloves from 700 rubles
  • a winter cap or baseball cap will not leave any guy indifferent, even if he already has something similar. Price from 400 rubles.
  • A watch is a chic sign of attention that can be bought from 500 rubles to plus infinity
  • sunglasses - although it’s winter now, with good and correct wishes, it will be well received! The price of more or less decent glasses in a case starts from 1000 rubles
  • a small backpack, briefcase or shoulder bag - anyone will be happy with such a necessary thing. Moreover, now there is such a variety of models, well, just for every taste! Approximate price from 1500 rubles.
  • a wallet, purse or key holder - another necessary thing for everyone, average price from 500 rubles

Interesting and original gifts for a guy

Usually such gifts are found completely by chance. Imagine that you are walking around the shops and suddenly your gaze stops on some thing. And you understand that this is exactly what you need for one of your loved ones! Original things are almost always, or quite often, spontaneous.

I will give an approximate list of them:

  • slingshot - well, who wouldn’t want to be briefly transported back to childhood. Nowadays such cool adult slingshots are on sale that there is no shame in presenting them! Their price starts from 600 rubles. But to have something to shoot with, buy also iron balls, their price starts from 200 rubles
  • folding knife with a “Ganza” stopper – no one will refuse such a thing. Price from 1000 rubles. Only when you give a knife, take a coin from the guy in return. According to tradition, if you give away cutting and piercing objects, be sure to take a coin!
  • original set of multifunctional tools multitool. Can you imagine what will happen to your boyfriend if you give him such a present? Yes, he will go crazy with happiness, firstly, that he will become the owner of a beautiful and necessary thing, and secondly, that you even know such a name! Price from 600 rubles and above.
  • a home weather station is a necessary and original thing that not everyone will buy for themselves. But few people will refuse to have such a thing in the house! Price from 600 rubles
  • monocular - otherwise a telescope, price from 600 rubles
  • original wrist or wall clocks, these are now quite easy to find, and their price is only 500 rubles

  • table punching bag - will help you let off steam and warm up on occasion. Price from 1500 rubles

Again, there are also intangible gifts:

  • skydiving
  • hot air balloon flight
  • horse riding
  • paintball subscription

Your boyfriend will remember these impressions for a long time. And after spending the whole day with him at such an exciting event, you will become much closer.

Gifts related to the Symbol of the Year are original. Therefore, souvenirs with his image would be quite appropriate - these include mugs, souvenirs, and numerous New Year’s themes.

Romantic gift for your loved one

Everyone expects incredible miracles and something beautiful from the New Year. Therefore, the New Year is just such a holiday when you can, without hesitation, reveal your true feelings to a guy. And you can please him:

  • romantic New Year with candles and a wonderful dinner.

There is a whole article on how to compose it, and it won’t be difficult to choose the right one from it and prepare it. And the main attention should be paid to the program of the evening. After all, if you are planning such a surprise, then the initiative should come entirely from you.

- think over a program so that your boyfriend feels comfortable, and so that he does not want to run away from you in the first 30 minutes of celebrating together to celebrate the New Year with friends.

- the program may include skills that you possess. It could be an oriental or any other dance, a song performed, playing a musical instrument, a poem you wrote, an interesting game, communication, or a walk together. Be sure to dream about something together.

- Prepare musical accompaniment for your New Year's romantic evening in advance. After all, you know what kind of music your loved one likes?!!

  • Pre-record the music that was played on your holiday evening onto a CD. Decorate the disc with a colorful picture in any photo salon, as your imagination dictates. Give this CD to your boyfriend. This music will subsequently make him think about you and charge him with positive emotions. In addition, such a disc, recorded with your own hands, will be a very original and unusual surprise!
  • order a portrait of you together from the artist in the form of a cheerful cartoon, I’m sure the guy will appreciate such a sign of attention.
  • purchase a certificate for a joint stay in an oriental bathhouse with a massage.
  • or a joint certificate for several ballroom dancing classes.
  • If your boyfriend has a sweet tooth, then give him a big chocolate heart!
  • Or you can make a heart like this from notes with the best wishes.

In general, if your heart is open, then it will easily tell you what you can do to please your boyfriend on New Year’s Eve.

Handmade gifts

Such crafts have always been valued, are valued and will continue to be valued! If you know how to do something with your own hands, then don’t be shy and come up with something that could please him.

  • knitted mittens, hat and scarf
  • knitted warm and cozy sweater
  • acrylic printed T-shirt
  • a self-made photo album with joint photos

  • DIY photo frame
  • original painted, embroidered, made from ornamental material picture
  • original New Year's sock with a present inside

Do you know that not everything can be presented to a guy or a man!

What you shouldn't give your boyfriend for New Year's

  • Of course, you shouldn’t buy your boyfriend regular socks, panties and hygiene products. Firstly, all these are not New Year's things, and not gifts at all. These are products for everyday use. your boyfriend will buy himself what he needs from all this. Secondly, and lastly, this is very banal. This shows me personally “just give me something, just leave me alone.”
  • Don't stop your eyes on soft toys and sweets. No matter how interested you might be in receiving such cute things, under no circumstances should you give them to your boyfriend. Otherwise, he will be able to incorrectly assess your mental abilities.
  • Do not put money in the envelope. Although sometimes it is considered that this is the best, but not in this case! A boring envelope shows that you are absolutely devoid of imagination. And that you didn’t even try just a little bit to think about what it would be interesting to get your friend for the New Year!
  • Do not buy your boyfriend anything that can be harmful to his health - alcohol, cigarettes and related products such as lighters, ashtrays, etc. Even if he drinks and smokes.
  • Don't buy too expensive a present either! This will confuse the guy. And if he, in turn, bought you an item at a lower cost, this will make him feel quite awkward. You need to present something that does not oblige a man to anything!

Well, what a great article this turned out to be! I hope that it will certainly help you find the thing or idea you need. And besides all this, also find good kind words, sincere wishes. Make your boyfriend feel comfortable and happy about your time together. Because, often, this can be the best sign of attention!

And who knows, maybe this most important gift will help you turn your life around so that next year you will buy it for the New Year for the same person, but he will no longer be your boyfriend. And he will become your beloved husband! And your winter sign of attention, your attitude towards it, and the New Year, which can fulfill any wishes you make, will help with this!

Good luck with your choice. And Happy New Year!

New Year is just around the corner, and some of the young ladies still haven’t had time to get a gift for their significant other. It’s not surprising, because such a choice is a difficult matter. It’s good if your loved one is not picky or you know exactly what he is dreaming of at the moment! And if not? Finding something that will make a stern man’s heart beat with joy is sometimes oh so difficult! Even those who have lived with their chosen one in a happy marriage for more than one year.

If you can’t find a suitable present at the behest of your soul, let’s call on logic and imagination to help, and in honor of the New Year’s magic, we’ll lightly season them with astrology. You'll see, something will come up. So, let's choose a gift...

By interest

To the motorist

The motorist will always be pleased with a useful and stylish accessory for the car, as well as anything that will make driving more comfortable. We give:

  • Braided steering wheel or seat covers.
  • Holder for your mobile phone.
  • Scraper for removing frost from glass.
  • Vibromassage pad on the back of the driver's seat.
  • A teapot that works from a cigarette lighter. What if, in a traffic jam, you want to warm up with a cup of hot coffee?
  • By the way, here’s another good idea on the topic: a mini set of dishes in case you have to have a snack on the road.

It's a rare man who won't be pleased with your concern for his car.

If you are tech-savvy or can get a friend who knows a lot about car stuff to help you choose a gift, buy a good GPS navigator or have your car professionally cleaned.

To the fisherman

There is no more enthusiastic tribe than those who like to sit on the shore with a fishing rod. Any, even clumsy, option to support such a man in his hobby will be met with a bang. And if you manage to give something really necessary, your loved one’s gratitude will know no bounds! The only thing is that ladies who are far from fishing should not decide to buy a particularly sophisticated spinning rod model or a set of spinners - the risk of missing the mark and presenting something completely wrong is too great. We give:

  • A cooler bag so you have somewhere to put your catch.
  • Bowl for fish soup. And if funds allow, then a mini-smokehouse!
  • Lightweight and compact folding chair.
  • A thermos or thermal mug for tea to keep your precious fisherman warm. Or a flask for something stronger.
  • Device for repelling mosquitoes.
  • Certificate for fishing in a “cool place”. Now there are plenty of companies around that offer services for organizing an unforgettable vacation with a fishing rod in hand. Look through reviews on the Internet and agree with one of them.


Treat a connoisseur of good food to a cooking lesson with a chef.
  • A selection of quality handmade chocolates. This can be either a figured tile, hinting at some other hobby of a man (say, in the form of a computer mouse or palette), or a set of candies with different fillings.
  • Dinner in the dark. In large cities there are often restaurants providing this service.
  • Going to wine tasting.
  • If a man loves to cook, a kitchen apron with a collage of your photos and a chef’s hat will be a useful gift with a bit of humor.
  • An inveterate cook will also find some kitchen gadget useful: a miracle food processor, a battery-powered fork for spaghetti, funny molds for scrambled eggs.


  • Men's manicure set.
  • Certificate for SPA salon. If you don’t want to let your precious one go, purchase a program for two with a joint swim in the jacuzzi, a couples massage and a tea ceremony at the end.
  • Another certificate, this time for sewing a men's shirt. It is known that not a single purchased shirt will fit as perfectly as one made to order by a true master of his craft.
  • One of the simplest gifts is an umbrella-cane...
  • Or a stylish man purse.

To the athlete

  • Tickets to a match of your favorite team or a boxing match (depending on what the man is interested in).
  • Gym membership.
  • Home exercise machine. But only if you have repeatedly discussed the advantages of certain units and know what exactly your young man wants to purchase.
  • Heart rate monitor or pedometer.
  • A player with a set of your favorite tunes to listen to while jogging.

And what views open in winter!

A young man who cannot live without adrenaline will be struck to the heart by a gift-impression. What can you say about... skydiving? What about the flying lesson? What about the hot air balloon flight? By the way, even if you don’t share a man’s penchant for extreme sports, you can soar into the heavens under a colorful balloon together. Just don’t forget about thermal underwear, because you will have to fly in mid-January.

There are also universal gifts that can be given without taking into account interests: a bottle of good wine or cognac, a purse, a high-quality belt.

Zodiac sign

  • Aries is a practical sign. We immediately discard key rings and souvenirs and focus on all kinds of gadgets for the home, computer and car.
  • Taurus also loves functional things, but does not like routine. This is someone who will like a certificate to a gift store, where Taurus can choose what he really needs!
  • Geminis are usually not averse to getting fresh impressions. Give romance a trip to historical places, always with a guided tour. For a homebody - a book or CD from the BBC series.
  • Cancers are homely, thrifty and do not welcome originality in gifts. Look in stores for a set of dishes, a beautiful table lamp or an iPad accessory.
  • But you won’t disappoint Leo with originality. But the cheapness of the gift is easy. If you are completely at a loss, choose a small but high-quality and expensive gift from a cosmetics store: perfume, shampoo, aftershave lotion.
  • Virgos gravitate towards electronics and household appliances. Whatever you choose from this area, you can hardly miss it.
  • Libras prefer things that are original and exclusive. If finances allow, buy something antique. If not, let it be a handmade gift. The Libra guy will be able to appreciate him.
  • Scorpio demands attention to itself. The present itself is not as important as the ability to present it.
  • Sagittarians are easy-going and have many hobbies. A ticket to a concert of your favorite band; excursion to Lake Brosno, where the Russian analogue of Nessie lives; a trip to Goa - any of these gifts will please Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn values ​​human relations and comfort. Here, by the way, your ability to knit or sew will come in handy, because a representative of the horned sign is able to understand how much spiritual warmth is put into the warm sweater or scarf you knit.
  • Aquarius needs to be surprised! Come up with something unexpected, for example, a portrait made from a photo.
  • Pisces have creative inclinations and a desire for self-improvement. A gift master class in an area of ​​interest to them will give such a man incomparable pleasure.

Husband or boyfriend?

It's not just the gift that matters, but also how you present it.

Strictly speaking, there is no big difference to whom to choose a gift - a spouse or a young man. It all depends on your relationship, the degree of intimacy, whether you are running a joint household... But traditionally, young ladies try to make gifts for a young man more romantic and sensual. This is understandable: you haven’t been dating for very long, love is blooming in full bloom and you want to once again hint to your chosen one that he is the best for you.

If you are just dating, hold off on buying really serious things - a computer desk or an exercise machine. It may happen that the young man views you as a temporary girlfriend. It is not advisable to rush around the shops in search of a branded item of clothing or a set of bed linen with your photos.

It would also be useful to estimate the guy’s financial capabilities, because in our time it can easily turn out that a girl earns more than her beloved. By giving your chosen one a gift that is too expensive, you can put him in an awkward position. Unless, of course, you plan to meet with Alphonse, who will be completely satisfied with this situation.

What should you give a guy so as not to miss?

  • All sorts of nice little things: a keychain with romantic symbols or an image of the animal mascot of the coming year, a mug, a mouse pad, gloves or a scarf, a creative cover for documents.
  • A gift with a romantic or erotic twist: a pendant with a photo of you together, an interactive excursion in which you will have to solve riddles and overcome obstacles together, a set of men’s underwear, a game for adults, a striptease performed by yourself. Why not?

It is customary to give gifts to the husband in a more practical way. But if you want to shake up your gray family life, feel free to resort to the help of “spice” gifts. Moreover, you have already managed to study your beloved inside and out and know exactly what will please him, what will delight him, and what will take him to the seventh heaven of bliss.

Universal gift options for your loved one

Will your favorite smoker switch to an elegant pipe?

Any motorist will be happy with such a gift. Your best gift is me!

Ideal for a gift to a boyfriend A stylish set for a business person A set for cutting fish will be useful for a fisherman Expensive cufflinks are a sign of special status Chocolate lifts the mood not only for girls

  • DIY gifts
  • This is a completely special article. You can only give handmade surprises to a truly loved one. Have you already studied each other well and understand which thing in your performance a man will like, and which will make him secretly wince? Are your hands growing from the right place? Does your spouse or boyfriend tend to be snobbish? Then a gift made with your own hands will allow you to fully express your feelings. Feel free to sit down and do your handicrafts.
  • Crochet and knitters can knit any item of clothing from a sports headband to a thick sweater. And everything will turn out “to the cash register”!
  • Felting artists can quickly create an exclusive bathhouse cap, a rug for a car seat, or house slippers.
  • For those who have not yet discovered their talent for needlework, there is always the opportunity to sign up for a massage course and provide your companion with magical relaxation. Please note: this skill will remain with you for the whole year, so the gift will be “reusable”.

Even more interesting ideas can be found in the article “DIY New Year’s gifts for men.”

Antitop: what is better not to give to a guy for the New Year?

A gift should not disappoint
  1. If you really want to please a man, refrain from using useless trinkets like a monkey figurine. The stronger sex does not like such things! Let it be at least a car fragrance in the form of a symbol of the year - it’s no good, but it’s useful!
  2. In the category of unsuccessful gifts we include scented candles, refrigerator magnets and soft toys. If a girl can still please such a romantic little thing (which is not a fact), she will definitely disappoint a man.
  3. It is forbidden to give your husband something that you were already planning to buy soon. For example, new sneakers to replace worn out old ones. You would have bought them even without the New Year, right?
  4. Give cool gifts - funny signed T-shirts, glowing ties, underpants in the shape of an elephant - only when you are sure that you and your chosen one have the same sense of humor.
  5. If you don’t know the man very well yet, be careful about buying items of clothing or men’s cosmetics: you may not get it right.
  6. A teetotaler is not given alcohol.

Even if you have been thinking about getting a pet for a long time, you cannot present it for the New Year. Such purchases are made jointly, after “family council” and careful selection.

Video: What to give a man for the New Year?

Popular wisdom, as always, is right, and it is not a gift that is valuable, but attention. But in this context, it is better to slightly change the meaning of the saying: attention to the person next to whom we walk through life is important. If over the course of a year you have been interested in the needs of your loved one, delved into his hobbies, and were aware of his undertakings and ideas, then there will be no problems with the gift. It is enough to delve well into your memory, and you will definitely catch the necessary clue from it. And go shopping!

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New Year is considered a family holiday, you can’t argue with that. But almost every girl (with rare exceptions) dreams of creating her own family. There is already a quite suitable candidate for the role of husband. I would like to give him something for the New Year... that will take his breath away! Well, or show yourself as a good housewife, in love to the core, and in general, a gift for a guy should be romantic, unusual and practical at the same time. Not everyone has the skills of Cinderella, so we will select a New Year's surprise according to at least one of the criteria.

Romantic New Year's gifts

Romantic gifts are especially good for starting a relationship. A stable family life with socks, shirts and blankets is only looming on the horizon, everything is still ahead. And the period of falling in love is a novelty of sensations, a gradual immersion in each other’s interests, lightness and ease. So let the New Year's gift be slightly flirty and unpredictable. For example:

  • your own person in beautiful exciting lingerie,
  • costumes for role-playing games,
  • calendar for lovers with joint photos,
  • an unusual set of bed linen that you want to try right away,
  • massage or spa treatments for two,
  • dinner in complete darkness.

A secluded, cozy house rented for the New Year somewhere “at the end of the world” can also become an original gift. Just don’t go too far, so as not to find yourself in an extreme situation. Although, if everything is in moderation, then there will be enough memories for a whole year.

Intangible, but such cool surprises

Not only your angelic character and stunning appearance, but also an unusual New Year's gift can give a guy a fireworks display of unforgettable emotions. This is not suitable for desperate pragmatists, but for those who are passionate and enthusiastic, it is just right. Eccentric gift certificates to choose from:

  • flying in a flight simulator, in a wind tunnel or in a hot air balloon,
  • extreme driving lesson,
  • ATV racing,
  • riding lesson or horseback riding,
  • cooking or acting lessons,
  • master class in archery or any type of weapon,
  • playing paintball or airsoft,
  • fencing lesson,
  • ostrich riding,
  • diving,
  • a course of painting or vocal lessons.

Not all options are listed, but the direction is given. Think, dare, surprise your boyfriend and rejoice yourself. When purchasing, ask about the period during which the certificate can be activated. Perhaps the young man will need time to decide on an extraordinary act, or the New Year's weather will turn out to be unsuitable for the chosen adventure.

Practical gifts as a sign of care and attention

A practical and useful gift will serve as a good confirmation of proven feelings and the desire to take care of a loved one when the candy-bouquet period smoothly flows into a calmer phase of the relationship. The gift could relate to his car, hobby or just everyday life:

  • computer gadget,
  • universal external battery,
  • certificate for tuning, washing or cleaning a car,
  • board game for evenings together,
  • lunch box for homemade lunches and sandwiches,
  • stylish leather belt or wallet,
  • thermal underwear,
  • favorite perfume.

How about giving your loved one an original stand for glasses in the form of a rolling pin? A very good New Year's hint at a happy family life, with a bit of humor. If you don’t really understand his hobbies, a gift certificate can serve as a compromise.

Let your beloved guy appreciate your talents

Making a gift for a guy with your own hands is aerobatics. Well, let the thing not be completely perfect and ideal. But it will be created by you specifically for him. It is simply impossible not to appreciate such a gift. Just don’t give embroidery in a frame; let the item have some practical use.

For example:

  • knitted socks, scarf or sweater,
  • original “warm” cup cover,
  • a beer mug or T-shirt you painted,
  • felted slippers or bath cap,
  • homemade cake or cookies.

If you're interested, make a postcard or, if you have artistic talent, draw a picture or a funny poster with wishes, if you know how to compose, come up with a poem, a song, a New Year's tale.

Briefly about what is better not to give: socks, toiletries, souvenirs and lighters. Undesirable - towels and dishes, with the exception of original items. The apotheosis of tactlessness is money. Everything else is allowed and welcomed, the main thing is that it is from the heart and in a good mood.

Choosing a gift for your loved one is an exciting process, so enjoy it.

On the eve of the New Year, not only parents for their children, but also adults for each other begin to rack their brains about choosing a gift. Everyone loves to receive gifts, regardless of age and social status. It can be especially difficult to choose a gift for your loved one, because through it the giver wants to express all his love and care.

How to decide what to give your boyfriend for New Year? To choose a suitable gift, you need to spend a lot of effort, time and attention. There are a lot of good gift ideas, but you need to choose one, but the most suitable one. But it is often more difficult to please a man than a woman.

Start your search early, without leaving it until the last minute, so you don’t have to look for a gift in a hurry. In addition, at the end of November or at the beginning of December, many stores begin New Year's sales, which means you can find what you need at a reduced price. Which is extremely important when your budget is limited.

Gift related to hobbies

To correctly determine what to give your loved one for New Year, you need to pay attention to his hobbies. If you already know your significant other well, then you can easily tell what a person is interested in. Based on this knowledge, make a choice in favor of one thing or another.

If your young man is interested in sports, then you can give him:

  • sports equipment;
  • a scarf or T-shirt with the emblem of your favorite team;
  • sport equipment;
  • a subscription to a gym or swimming pool;
  • tickets to a sporting event;
  • a subscription to a sports section (for example, for martial arts).

For those who like to spend time in nature, the following are suitable:

  • clothing for active recreation;
  • camping equipment (for example, a roomy hiking backpack, a good sleeping bag, a powerful flashlight, a light hatchet);
  • set for fishing trips;
  • spinning rods and reels.

Gadget lovers might like:

  • telephone;
  • tablet;
  • wireless headphones;
  • case;
  • music player;
  • "smart watch;
  • eBook.
  • For a computer lover:
  • new computer game;
  • speed mouse;
  • game console;
  • headphones with microphone;
  • a set of computer accessories (where all kinds of adapters and card readers are collected).

To the motorist:

  • navigator;
  • phone stand;
  • auto charging;
  • seat covers;
  • mini vacuum cleaner for car;
  • certificate for car washing or tuning.

Some guys are passionate about collecting things. So, if a man is a numismatist, then give him a good reference book on coins of the period in which he is interested; find a rare coin that he doesn't have in his collection. But you shouldn’t give gift sets - real collectors, as a rule, are not interested in things that can be easily bought and that have no collectible value. So you'll just be wasting your money.

Also, depending on his hobbies, a man may like a good book, a poker set, beautiful chess, a modeling kit, etc.


An original New Year's gift for a guy can be an impression gift. Choose a ready-made certificate or organize everything yourself. A guy might like:

  • shooting at a shooting range;
  • going to paintball;
  • skydiving;
  • extreme driving lesson;
  • flying on an airplane or hang glider;
  • travel to another city;
  • quad biking;
  • ticket to a concert of your favorite band;
  • weekend trip to a country hotel with a bathhouse.

It’s okay if the event itself does not occur immediately during the New Year holidays, but a little later. After all, a man will also probably need to prepare and make up his mind, especially when it comes to extreme types of pastime.

A useful gift for the household

Many women do not consider tools or appliances as a gift, considering such a gift to be too utilitarian. And completely in vain. A good screwdriver or set of screwdrivers will appeal to many representatives of the stronger sex much more than perfume.

When choosing such a gift, contact a specialist who will help you choose a truly high-quality device or instrument. Be observant and find out what the guy really lacks in the household. It is unlikely that he will be delighted with a hammer drill if he already has one.

A good utility knife or set of knives can also be a useful gift.

For a connoisseur of good alcohol, a good gift would be a set of whiskey glasses, special cooling stones for drinks, a cocktail shaker, a minibar, etc.

Casual clothing and accessories

How to choose a gift for a guy for the New Year if you have only recently met him and don’t know him very well yet? In this case, a good solution would be to give some clothes or accessories. You can choose:

  • a warm sweater;
  • a nice shirt;
  • a bright T-shirt;
  • bag or everyday backpack;
  • wallet;
  • belt;
  • tie;
  • bathrobe;
  • wrist watch;
  • cufflinks

When choosing a gift, be guided by his clothing preferences, and not just by what you think would suit him. A man who prefers a casual style should not give a classic shirt. Conversely, if you are a fan of discreet clothing, you should not choose a youth backpack.

If you are not sure what will suit him better, then give him a certificate. There are both certificates for purchasing clothes in some store, so that the guy himself can choose exactly what he wants, and certificates for individual tailoring of a shirt or an entire suit. A young man who prefers business attire will definitely appreciate it.

You can only give socks or underwear when you have been together for a long time. These things, although always necessary, can confuse a man. If you still want to give him something similar, then choose things of good quality. In addition, special gift sets, such as a set of socks for the whole year, packaged in a beautiful box, can be a good solution.

DIY gift

If you are now financially strapped, then this is not a reason not to give anything at all. Make a gift with your own hands! For example, you can:

  • knit a scarf (this is not difficult to do, even if you have never held knitting needles in your hands before);
  • collect an album with joint photographs, personal signatures and wishes;
  • draw a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish;
  • write wishes on small pieces of paper and put them in a large jar;
  • prepare a holiday dinner with his favorite dishes.

Even if you have a little money at your disposal, you can please someone dearly. The main thing in giving your loved one a homemade New Year's gift is your imagination and your sincere desire to please the man. Many people think that guys are not interested in anything, but this is not true at all. Everyone wants to feel loved, and even if your boyfriend doesn’t show on the surface that the pillowcase you personally embroidered with words of love made an impression on him, then deep down he will probably be touched by such a surprise.

And don’t forget to decorate the present in an original way. Be sure to buy gift wrapping. After all, even adult men want to feel like children at least several times a year and receive a gift wrapped in bright paper so that the contents of the box are a surprise for him.

Irina Doborovich

editor of the site "Gift Choice"

A New Year's gift for a beloved man is a small declaration of love. When choosing a gift, you should focus not only on your budget, but also on the depth of the relationship that the couple has managed to develop.

What to give to your beloved man for New Year

A beloved man, with whom the relationship is on a romantic wave, needs to be given gifts that will constantly remind him of the giver, thereby creating the effect of her presence. A good gift for your beloved guy would be a radio for the shower or a light attachment for the hose, which will help not only lift the mood and remember the lady of your heart during water procedures, but also take care of the ideal temperature for swimming. You can give a young man cool portable speakers that connect to a laptop, tablet, and phone. A man who is passionate about computers will love any gadgets powered by USB: funny USB hubs in the form of animal figures, pen stands or mouse pads, miniature fans and refrigerators for cans of drinks.

You are allowed to give your beloved man underwear, socks and T-shirts; if you wish, you can find gift bags with a year's supply of these necessary things. If your loved one spends part of his life driving a car, then a silver keychain or a functional keychain that can measure tire pressure or defrost locks would be an excellent gift for him. A smoking car enthusiast can be given a beautiful illuminated ashtray or an air freshener that eliminates the smell of smoke. For professional drivers, an antisleep device that emits a signal when you tilt your head would be a good gift. To help your beloved man save money for his wedding, you can give him a piggy bank in the form of a safe or in the form of an interactive toy that “eats” banknotes. A symbolic gift with a hint would be an umbrella for a walk together, headphones for listening to music together, or pillowcases with photos of couples, ordered from photo salons or online.

What to give your beloved husband for the New Year

Of course, you can take the simple route and give your beloved husband another shirt, sweater, bathrobe, shaving machine or set of shower gels, but it’s better to put in a little effort and try to look into your spouse’s dreams. Perhaps he dreams of powerful computer speakers, a cooling pad or table for his laptop, a waterproof phone case or a wireless mouse. You can show concern for a man and give him a pleasant surprise if you buy as a New Year's gift a massage cape or an orthopedic pillow for a car seat, a car coffee maker or a kettle powered by a cigarette lighter. A good gift would be a car communicator that allows you to communicate with other drivers using glowing emoticons, a washing vacuum cleaner, or an unusual document cover with a cool inscription.

What can you give a married lover?

If another woman is waiting for her lover at home - his legal wife, she will have to choose a gift that will not allow her to guess about the existence of another lady of her heart in her husband’s life. A married lover should not be given shirts, ties, cufflinks, purses, underwear or skin care products. The ideal option is to give as a gift something that you won’t need to bring home. These can be any items for use in the office or garage. An excellent gift would be an organizer for pens and stationery items in the form of a miniature aquarium, in which you can breed not only artificial, but also live fish. With thoughts of his beloved woman, a man will look at a small tabletop fountain powered by USB or batteries. While enjoying hot tea, he will remember his beloved with warmth if you give him a heated cup stand for the New Year, which does not allow the drinks to cool down even during long telephone conversations. And to make it more convenient for your loved one to count the minutes until goodbye, you need to buy an original table or wall clock as a gift.

It is unlikely that a wife will suspect something is wrong if she gives her married lover a box for storing car tools, an illuminated emergency sign, a car table, a cigarette lighter splitter, a powerful flashlight, a breathalyzer or a mug that warms drinks. If your spouse often visits her lover at work or keeps track of all the new products that have appeared in the car, you need to give something that will remain only in memory - positive emotions and sensations. For example, a certificate for a massage parlor, a trip to a bowling alley, a day in a hotel room, or lunch at a restaurant. Another safe gift is alcohol; your loved one will definitely take a sip of the gifted drink on New Year’s Eve and remember the lady who gave it.