Dill water for a newborn. Dill water for newborns against colic - method of preparation.

How nice it is to return home from the maternity hospital with a little loved one in your arms. Only mothers can understand this state of euphoria. However, almost all parents, along with the happy moments of life, have to suffer with newborns. Changing diapers and diapers, frequent feedings simply tire moms and dads. But the biggest challenge is usually that due to the immaturity of the digestive system Gas collects in the baby's intestines.

His tummy hurts. How can I help him?

This leads to painful sensations in his stomach (the appearance of colic), which occur during and after feeding the baby. At the same time, the baby starts screaming, pulls legs towards tummy, his face turns red. And even though flatulence in newborns goes away by the third month, exhausted mothers, as they say, are ready to give “half their kingdom” for a panacea for this pain.

Panacea for intestinal colic in infants

Diseases of the digestive tract (colic) in infants are treated with pharmacological drugs, which contain beneficial microorganisms for colonizing the intestines. But this treatment is long-term. Fortunately, there are medications that relieve cramps fairly quickly digestive tract. True, they only work for a short time. These are drugs that increase intestinal motility. Air and feces do not stagnate and move faster.

But, perhaps, the best helper in intestinal function for newborns is dill or fennel water. Fennel is the pharmaceutical dill. Preparations based on its seeds are beneficial not only in the fight against flatulence, but are also used to improve lactation in nursing mothers.

Fennel infusion or dill water, recommended by doctors for the treatment of intestinal colic, is sold in almost all pharmacies. This medicine can be given to a newborn from two weeks (digestive problems in children usually begin at this age).

Dill water for a newborn - and colic will go away!

How is fennel water made?

Fennel water has the ability to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, which helps the passage of gases during flatulence in newborns. At the same time, it improves the process of food digestion and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. They begin to use it after the child reaches two weeks of age. Mom can mix it into expressed breast milk or into formula milk.

This useful herb well known to everyone.

In pharmacies, healthy water is prepared from dill (fennel) seeds under sterile conditions. Its seeds are converted into essential oil through special distillation. Then 1 liter of purified water and fennel oil (0.05 g) are mixed. Shake. All is ready. It is produced in 100 ml bottles. Shelf life - 30 days. Price - about 150 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies, where pharmacists themselves prepare medications according to prescriptions.

Mode of application

Infants should drink to avoid intestinal colic healing water only after feeding (1 teaspoon) three times a day

Pharmacy dill water for newborns is, of course, very useful. Just a jar of it, especially imported, is expensive, and not every pharmacy has it in stock.

But the healing decoction can be brewed at home by the mother herself, it will not be difficult.

Taking care of your baby is the sacred and honorable duty of every parent. And the most important point The point here is to make this care a daily habit. Then this will not be a burden to you, and children's sleep will be strong, and .

13 October 2010, 16:50

Dill water for newborns

The vast majority of newborn babies suffer from bloating caused by increased gas production. This condition is considered normal, since it is caused by the adaptation of the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract to living conditions outside the mother’s womb, that is, to food intake.

However, the fact that this is the norm still does not instill confidence in young parents who watch their baby cry because his tummy hurts. It should be noted that intestinal colic does not appear in newborns immediately, giving parents a short break, but at about 3-4 weeks of life. The baby turns red, draws up his legs and bursts into loud crying, and the attack of colic can last for several hours until bowel movement brings relief to the newborn. As a rule, colic begins during feeding or a short time after it.

The norm is the norm, but, nevertheless, not every young mother will be able to calmly survive the daily concerts of a newborn, when the heart bleeds from loud screaming and crying. That is why we are trying to alleviate the suffering of a newborn, and at the same time stop the continuous crying by everyone available means, one of which, undoubtedly, is the so-called dill water.

Dill water - a remedy for intestinal colic

A proven remedy for intestinal colic is dill water (0.1% fennel oil solution). However, finding the notorious dill water on sale is not so easy. Dill water is sold only in those pharmacies where prescription medications are prepared - in the prescription department. However, do not despair if you don’t have such a pharmacy in mind - a more modern analogue of dill water is “”, made from extracts of fennel fruits (“pharmacy dill”) and sold dry in bags, which significantly increases its shelf life . " Plantex ", like dill water, can be given to a newborn from two weeks of age, that is, from the moment intestinal colic begins.

In addition to dill water and Plantex, medications such as “ " And " Sub-simplex ».

Dill water recipe for newborns

Returning to dill water, few people know that in pharmacy conditions, the so-called dill water is made not from dill, but from fennel - “pharmacy dill” (in fact, hence the name). Therefore, let’s take it as an axiom that we will make dill water not from dill, but from fennel, which is freely sold in pharmacies. So, to prepare dill water at home, take 2-3 grams of crushed fennel fruits and pour a glass of boiling water, after the fennel is brewed (after 20-30 minutes), strain the tincture through cheesecloth. That's it, the dill water is ready. Next, mix 1 tablespoon into expressed milk or baby formula and give it to the newborn.

Video. how to make dill water for a newborn

It would seem that everything is simple, add dill seeds to the water and that’s it, goodbye colic. Yes, because according to reviews from mothers, it is dill water that helps relieve colic and bloating for a long time. Not so simple. You need to know: the proportions of water and seeds, and of course in what dosage and how often to give.

Almost all babies go through tears with a bloated tummy while their gastrointestinal tract is forming and producing the necessary enzymes. Mom's job is to help with all available means. How can you tell if your toddler is crying because of colic? He turns red and not only cries, but begins to wail, squeezing his legs in pain. A proven remedy that our women have also used is dill water.

It has been proven that its systematic use has a beneficial effect not only by quickly and painlessly getting rid of accumulated gases, but also has a positive effect on nervous system, improving baby's sleep.

What you need to know about dill water

Here are a few facts about dill water that you didn’t know:

  1. Improves kidney function, but is also a mild diuretic
  2. Increases appetite and copes well with the removal of bile
  3. An excellent remedy for constipation in babies
  4. With regular use, dill water dilates blood vessels, and thus promotes a rush of blood to all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which enhances the nutrition of these sections for their speedy formation
  5. Gently suppresses inflammatory and putrefactive processes in the intestines
  6. For a dry cough, this remedy not only dilutes the mucus accumulated in the bronchi, but also promotes its rapid clearance.

Dill water recipe

There's no point in cooking it large quantities, so let's prepare a little. We will need water and the secluded seeds themselves, which can be purchased in the winter at the pharmacy, and in the summer at any summer cottage 😊

The ratio is simple to remember: a teaspoon of seeds per half liter of purified water. Add at the moment when boiling is about to begin. Throw it in and immediately turn it off, covering it with a lid. It is infused for about half an hour and then filtered. Everywhere they advise giving toddlers liquid from a teaspoon before feeding, but I have a different opinion. Giving dill vodka from a teaspoon before feeding runs the risk that the baby will take in excess air, hence colic. My firm opinion is that you need to drink after feeding.

Dill water for newborns against colic: reviews

With positive reviews, dill water for colic can probably set a new record. Inexpensive, quick to prepare, always have raw materials at hand and extremely effective.

Milk with dill seeds drunk by a nursing mother is our secret weapon against bloating and colic. It is enough to drink a mug of this drink half an hour before feeding your baby to save your treasure from suffering. A tablespoon is enough for a half-liter mug. Bring to a boil and turn off after 30 seconds.

This dill milk is guaranteed to increase lactation (what every mother dreams of). The product was tested personally on myself and my princess, whom I nursed until she was 2 years old.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in preparing dill water for colic at home, and once you try it, you will see for yourself 😉.

No sooner has the baby been born than he begins to feel unrest and cramps in his stomach. But not all mothers know The right way preparing dill water, because it helps with bloating.

This water is beneficial for the body even for a nursing mother. Do you know how to prepare dill water for newborns? If not, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my tips and secrets taken from personal experience.

Friends, today I will tell you:

  • What is dill water for newborns against colic?
  • Properties of dill water
  • Reviews of dill water
  • What are the benefits of dill water for a nursing mother?
  • The benefits of dill for the body

Dill water for newborns against colic

Any mother feels sorry for her child, and when he is sick, this feeling multiplies several times. I myself was constantly worried when my newborn children suffered from bloating, because this was all accompanied by crying and screaming, and therefore sleepless nights.

In such a situation, you begin to try everything, and wrap yourself in a scarf made of goat fluff, and put a warm towel on the baby’s tummy, and even remember your grandmother’s advice.

It is a pity that over time, real young people have little faith in some of the methods and recipes that our ancestors once used, and are increasingly resorting to medicinal solutions to emerging health problems.

Today I will try to convince you that dill water for newborns is really useful for colic and should be given to your babies.

Properties of dill water

Every plant, vegetable or fruit benefits our body and it’s difficult to dispute. Even wolfberry used for medicinal purposes, let alone dill.

Dill is useful for, because it contains ascorbic acid, carotene and iron.

Dill water is used in case of lack of appetite, because it improves intestinal function and causes a feeling of hunger.

And, of course, dill water is used for gas formation; it relaxes the intestinal walls, thereby helping it get rid of accumulated gases. Then infant falls asleep and you also have time to rest.

Dill water for newborns against colic - preparation method

The fact that such a decoction is useful for bloating is obvious, because it relaxes the intestinal walls. Now we need to figure out what to prepare it from and what methods there are.

There are several ways to prepare dill water this way. For example, it is made from dill seeds, from dill itself, or you can buy ready-made bags at the pharmacy.

So, if you decide to purchase bags of fennel or dill at a pharmacy, then you must prepare such water strictly following the instructions. Usually one bag of fennel is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a plastic lid or something else and waited for at least half an hour, after which the broth must be cooled.

There are also essential oils dill, which are added to water or breast milk, but we did not like this method. In general, neither pediatricians nor I recommend adding dill water to milk, because such a mixture does not always have a beneficial effect.

If we take into account the folk method, it is very simple. To prepare such a medicine, both the seeds and the dill itself are suitable; you can use fresh or dried. Take a small spoon of seeds or leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 40 minutes. Don’t forget to cool the broth before giving it to your child.

Dill water for colic is also suitable for adults; it also copes with the problem of bloating, but the infusion needs to be made a little stronger and the dosage changed.

Now you know all the ways to make dill water for a newborn.

Dill water - instructions for use

How much dill water to give to a newborn, and at what time of day, this question often plagues young mothers. But I want to assure you that there is nothing complicated about it. You already know how to prepare dill water for your baby, so after you have done this, wait 30-40 minutes, then let it cool, and then just start feeding the baby.

You need to start gradually, don’t try to give it right away daily dose, this can cause severe flatulence in the child and diarrhea. If your baby is not yet a month old, then half a teaspoon will be enough for him to start with. Give your baby dill water before feeding, 10-15 minutes before.

Babies after one month can be given this water to drink instead of water throughout the day, or after feeding. 2-3 teaspoons before or after meals will be enough. If your newborn's colic does not go away, then try increasing the dosage; there will be no harm, the only thing is that your baby will wet his onesies more often.

Dill water for newborns against colic - reviews

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to give my children natural medicines in the form of raspberry tea, ginger and other products. I also strengthen my immune system folk ways, and I don’t regret it one bit.

Dill water for newborns with colic helped us very well, especially our son, we did without espumisan and other drugs. True, before preparing and giving something, I ask the older generation or read reviews on the Internet. And you know, there are many different opinions on this matter.

Some say that dill water is of no use and the child only pees often, but others are very happy.

Statistics show the following figures: 70% of parents are satisfied with this method of getting rid of bloating. 30% dill water did not help, and they had to use it medicines.

These are the reviews about dill water.

Anti-colic remedies for newborns

Of course, many ailments cannot be overcome without pharmaceutical drugs. If ARVI can be cured with honey or other folk remedies, then in this case there are only two ways, these are dill water for colic and pharmaceutical preparations.

We have analyzed the first case, the method of preparation, how much and how to give, and what statistics and reviews exist, now I am moving on to the second method.

Plantex. A good drug that you can give to your babies to prevent colic. It is made from fennel and is slightly similar to dill water.

Baby Calm. This medicine consists of dill, mint and anise. The oily liquid is diluted with water to the indicated mark on the bottle. It can be dripped directly into the child’s mouth and stored only in the refrigerator.

Espumisan. This medicine is available in the form of an emulsion. You can give it to your children from the first day of life, which is why it is very popular among competitors. 25 drops after feeding will help your baby forget about attacks of intestinal colic. Side effects does not, but this drug does not help all children.

Infacol. The composition of the drug is almost the same as espumizan, the only difference is the price.

Sub Simplex. This drug, like many others, is available in suspension. Give 15 drops after feeding. If your baby is bottle-fed, then the drug can be added directly to the mixture.

Bobotik. We used this medicine with our second child, although not for long, because the colic quickly left us alone. It can be used only after a month of life and given 8 drops. The drug is very effective.

Bebinos. The drug is manufactured in Germany, but despite this, the price does not exceed other options. It is based on preparations such as: fennel, coriander seeds, chamomile.

If you noticed, many medicines are based on fennel or dill, which means grandma’s advice is still effective. And there is no need to spend money on medications when you can prepare dill water for a newborn yourself and calm his intestines in this way.

Dill water for nursing mothers

Of course, compared to medications to increase lactation, dill is significantly inferior in position, but it is a natural product. To make the most of it beneficial features For the body of a nursing mother, the seeds must first be crushed.

To increase lactation, you should take dill tea. It is not difficult to prepare; you need to take a full tablespoon of crushed seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Wait until the infusion cools down and drink in small portions during the whole day.

Thus, a nursing mother increases lactation, and along with breast milk dill water also reaches the child, and the benefits from such use are double.

Friends, try to use herbs and plants only for their benefit. Remember, dill water for newborns is very useful, the preparation method is not at all complicated, and besides, such water is also useful during breastfeeding and anemia. Don't get sick and take care of your children.

With love, your Nina Kuzmenko!

There are no parents in the world who have never heard about gastrointestinal problems in newborns. Colic in infants is the most popular problem for new parents. Many young mothers do not want to “stuff” their baby with medications and turn to time-tested recipes (for example, dill water for colic). The drug is safe at any age. It can be prepared at home or purchased at a pharmacy.

The problem of colic in newborns modern world it's very sharp. This phenomenon occurs in 90% of infants. Until now, great doctors and scientists have not come to a unanimous opinion about the cause of spasms in the gastrointestinal tract in children.

Symptoms usually appear during or immediately after feeding, with the baby pounding her legs and crying. The baby's tummy becomes like a large rubber ball. Colic can appear due to the newborn swallowing air during feeding, due to overfeeding, weak intestinal microflora, or imperfections in the child’s enzymatic system. Be that as it may, it is necessary to fight the gas traffickers, because they harass the baby, causing the mother and immediate family to worry.

Dill seeds in the fight against colic

The best pediatricians recommend giving dill water to newborns for colic, because it medicine time-tested.

Dill water is a solution of fennel or fennel oil. It is popularly called “pharmacy dill”, so ready mixture called dill water. Using a decoction of fennel seeds can help a baby with colic, bloating and gas from the first days of life.

The instructions for use state that dill water is allowed at any age and has no contraindications.

Benefits of the product

In addition to the undeniable benefit to a newborn in the fight against gas and colic, dill water has many other beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • increases immunity;
  • treats cough;
  • prevents the risk of developing cancer;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps improve performance of cardio-vascular system;
  • has a calming effect;
  • during pregnancy helps cope with toxicosis and improves general state women;
  • is a diuretic;
  • gently removes gases from the intestines, expanding its walls;
  • improves kidney function;
  • helps fight constipation;
  • increases appetite.

Dill water is a real find for use by the nursing mother herself, since fennel has a beneficial effect on lactation, improving the quality of milk and increasing its calorie content. By drinking a decoction of dill water, you can be sure that the newborn’s gas production will become weaker and colic will not be as pronounced.

How to prepare a colic remedy

The recipe for dill water is very simple and will not cause difficulties for a young mother.

  1. In a glass 250 ml. add 1 tsp. fennel seeds.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for 45-60 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve.

How to brew dill infusion

Well, if you happen to have fresh dill, you can make dill tea to combat colic in a newborn. There are 100 ml per teaspoon of fresh chopped dill. boiling water The mixture must be infused for 1 to 2 hours. Tea is given to infants in the same way as fennel decoction.

If you suddenly don’t find fennel in the pharmacy, you can replace it with ordinary dill seeds. Pour boiling water over the dry grains and let it brew for an hour, the proportions remain the same.

Application of water

How to give to your baby

There are two ways to take dill tincture for newborn colic:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon to expressed milk or formula.
  2. Place 15-20 drops into the baby's mouth before each feeding.

Please note the shelf life: the prepared mixture can be stored for no more than a day.

How to drink for mom: video

Reviews from moms

Many older generations recommend fennel water for colic, so the question of whether dill water helps disappears by itself. In addition, reviews of the miracle water prove that it is a win-win remedy for combating colic. This is what young mothers who have tried to give this remedy to their newborn children say.

We took dill water for colic from the first day of life; our tummy began to torment us very early. I initially did not want to use all kinds of drugs. I've heard a lot from mothers I know that they don't help much, and giving them to calm them down is not an option. Fennel water helps our family a lot.
We used dill seeds for only a short time, after which we switched to Plantex. His method of preparation is simpler and it helps better. We are looking forward to three months. They say that after that the problem goes away on its own.
We tried many pharmaceutical drugs, nothing helped. My grandmother advised me to infuse dill seeds for colic. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but the child began to cry a lot less.
My daughter could not drink dill water at all, she spat and cried. I believe that in modern times There are more humane ways to treat colic in babies. The pharmacy sells medications that are adapted to combat this problem.
I drank tea with fennel while breastfeeding myself, because I didn’t want to give my baby something strange to drink from birth. I didn’t see any particular effect. Although it may have helped a little with colic.

Doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, popular among young mothers, says that a newborn can drink 100 ml. dill water per day. Moreover, the pediatrician draws attention to the fact that you can give the child any water to drink, since fennel, in his opinion, does not have a special effect on the treatment of colic.

What to do with the remaining broth

As already mentioned, dill water has a short shelf life, but do not be upset about this. There are many ways to use it to benefit yourself and your family.

Please note that:

  • The dill mixture has a tonic effect: wipe your face with dill water instead of tonic or lotion. Your skin will become tightened and fresh.
  • When frozen, dill does not lose its properties, so it great way further use of the miracle drug. You can simply freeze the cubes with the fennel solution and use them later.
  • To help with nausea, just a few sips of this drug are enough, or you can simply suck on an ice cube with dill.
  • Dill seeds help relieve headaches; you can carry them with you in a bag made of natural materials.

Water based on dill seeds is truly unique and indispensable for alleviating the suffering of newborns from colic. This is a completely natural product that, when correct use, has no side effects.