How to make your face and cheeks smaller. How to remove chubby cheeks and create beautiful cheekbones

Thanks to an integrated approach, you can lose weight in your face and form beautiful cheekbones in just a month at home. An individual diet, facial gymnastics, massages, proper makeup and hairstyle will help answer the question of how to get rid of cheeks without surgery.

The fashion for clearly defined, expressive cheekbones not only does not lose its relevance, but, on the contrary, strengthens its position every year. Many women pay attention not only to the slimness of their figure, but also to the contours of their face, trying in every possible way to get rid of chubby cheeks. This is not surprising. Most Hollywood beauties, who have become the standard of female beauty, have high cheekbones and sunken cheeks. You can achieve a similar result, the main thing is to follow our simple recommendations.

To get rid of “hamster” cheeks, you must first determine the reasons for their appearance in order to choose the right set of methods to eliminate the problem. It can be:

  • poor nutrition. Food containing large amounts of fats and carbohydrates is not completely digested and causes not only a blurred waist, but also a chubby face;
  • overweight;
  • slouch. The reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks may be incorrect posture when walking and reading while lying down;
  • heredity;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

To remove thick cheeks, you need to monitor your weight, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, drink more water, watch your posture, and perform a set of activities, including facial exercises, masks, massages, and water treatments.

There are several proven methods that help correct the contour of the face and remove overly plump and sagging cheeks without the help of salon specialists and plastic surgeons. Each method individually is quite effective, but using them together will help you achieve the desired result faster.

If you are faced with the question of how to get rid of cheeks, start with self-massage procedures.

Before starting the massage, you need to cleanse your facial skin with special products, and then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

You can use the two simplest, but at the same time quite effective methods.

  1. Using your thumbs, draw a line along the edge of the lower jaw, from its middle to the ears. The trajectory of movement can be constantly changed, but the direction - under no circumstances.
  2. Lightly tap the lower part of the face with your fingertips or the backs of your hands.

Such simple techniques improve blood circulation and tone of facial muscles, and, accordingly, give elasticity to the skin and tighten the contour. Before the procedure, it would be a good idea to moisten your fingertips in warm honey, as well as massage with ice cubes from a herbal decoction.

Japanese Assahi massage is effective. Regular use will prolong the youth of the skin, remove wrinkles, and increase muscle tone. The most common and effective exercise is assahi: place your palms on your cheeks (with your arms bent at the elbows), slightly pull your palms to the sides, make a movement along your cheeks and neck.

You can also perform massages using a massage mitt, a stream of water, and using contrast washes.

Special exercises

Special exercises will help remove cheeks. They must be performed constantly even when the problem is solved. This will help prevent the return of chubby shapes.

  1. Alphabet exercise. The lips must be extended forward, and alternately, slowly pronounce “A”, “U”, “E”, “Y”, “I”. At this time, you should tilt your head forward, backward and to the sides. It is important to keep your chin tense.
  2. Puffing out cheeks. It is necessary to puff out your cheeks, hold the air for about twenty seconds and release it sharply. After this, you need to roll your eyes up and open your mouth, the last thing is to actively blink your eyelashes.
  3. Fish exercise. The cheeks must be pulled in and held in this position for about ten seconds.
  4. Exercise smile. You need to smile as hard as possible, directing the corners of your lips to your eyes.
  5. Chewing gum. Chewing gum will not only help freshen your breath after eating, but also get rid of chubby cheeks, since the chewing process strengthens the jaw.

Such exercises will also become indispensable for women who do not know how to remove sagging cheeks.

If the cause of large cheeks is excess weight gain, then it is important to reconsider your diet. No one is talking about a strict diet, but you will have to give up some of your favorite foods. Food should be healthy, low in calories and taken in limited quantities.

  • flour in any form;
  • sweets in the form of sweets, chocolates and cakes;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fried, spicy, smoked and salted;
  • potato;
  • salt, sugar;
  • alcohol.

Nutrition must be correct and balanced.

  1. A large number of vegetables and fruits, it is best to choose apples and grapefruit.
  2. Foods rich in calcium, which helps you lose extra pounds faster.
  3. Natural juices diluted with water.
  4. Whole grain cereals.
  5. Boiled meat
  6. Yogurt.

You need to eat in small portions, but often, 5-6 times a day. Before eating, you should drink a glass of water, you can add lemon or honey. A lack of water in the body also leads to thickening of the cheeks, since the body thus makes a reserve supply.

Will masks help?

One of the effective ways to make your cheeks smaller is with masks with a lifting effect. Various available means can be used as a basis.

  1. Blue clay. Promotes active face lifting. To prepare the mask, clay is mixed with water in a one to one ratio. You need to keep the product on your face for about twenty minutes, repeat the procedure twice a week.
  2. Hercules flakes with kefir. The mask will not only reduce the size of your cheeks, but also lighten your skin. The preparation of the product is very simple: 2 tablespoons of rolled oats are poured with kefir or yogurt, and after swelling, applied to the skin of the face for half an hour. You can repeat the procedure every other day.
  3. Clay and honey. This mixture has a good tightening effect, smooths out wrinkles, and whitens the face. You need to mix one part each of water and clay and add half a part of honey. You need to keep the product on your face for about half an hour, you can apply it daily.
  4. Yeast with milk. Mix the ingredients in equal parts. Apply the mask in several layers after the previous one has dried.

According to some women, Relief candles will help quickly tidy up your face. This method is emergency and is not suitable for daily use. A hemorrhoid candle melted and applied to the face will smooth and tighten the skin overnight.

Water procedures will help achieve good results in the fight against problem cheeks:

  • daily morning and evening wiping the face with cold water;
  • compresses from herbal infusions;
  • contrasting washes;
  • rubbing with ice cubes from clean water or herbal infusions;
  • short-term, alternating applications of hot and cold towels;
  • lightly patting the cheeks with a towel previously soaked in salt water.

If the question of how to reduce cheeks is very acute and needs to be solved here and now, then the fair sex can use some tricks that will help visually hide the defect. These include correctly applied makeup and a well-done hairstyle, which can significantly transform the face.

Correct makeup

To visually lengthen the face, it is necessary to apply a darker color of powder to its sides, temples and near the ears. At the same time, a lighter tone is applied to the chin and nose area.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. The eyebrow should be curved in the middle, not too long and thin at the edge.

Focusing on the eyes will also help to divert attention. Their corner should be darker and more expressive, and the rest of the moving eyelid should be light. There is no need to apply shadow under the eyebrow.

It is important to apply blush correctly to the cheekbones, and their shade should be dark.

Correct hairstyles

Correct haircut and styling will help to visually reduce full cheeks. A small backcomb and elongated strands on the sides will help to elongate the oval of the face. An excellent solution would be a bob or a short haircut with torn strands or side bangs.

You should not put your hair in a ponytail, comb it back, choose lush styles, part it in the middle of the head, or curl it with small curls.

But a hairstyle with large waves that will cover the cheekbones is also a good option.

Properly selected accessories and clothing will help hide chubby cheeks.

  1. A tall hat with a narrow brim will help elongate your face and make it visually narrower.
  2. Long earrings that hang down to jaw level create contrast with the shape of the face and make it narrower.
  3. A long necklace will distract from a rounded face shape.
  4. The frame of glasses for sun protection and vision should be wide, preferably rectangular in shape with rounded corners and protrude beyond the contours of the face.
  5. Clothing should be chosen with an open and long neckline, and high collars should be avoided.


Thus, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not worry and sit idly by. To cope with the problem, you need to seriously work on yourself, but the result is worth it. Proper nutrition, exercise, masks, massages and water treatments will certainly help you achieve your desired goal.

Recognized beauties of our time demonstrate sharply defined high cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks. Although people with round cheeks are very cute, often a week before an important event you want to remove excess plumpness. You can achieve this or a similar cheek shape by following the tips described below.

In addition to the natural shape of the face inherited from birth, round cheeks can occur for the following reasons:

Normalization of water balance in the body

The configuration of the cheeks is influenced by water balance. This is the relationship between the amount of fluid consumed and the amount excreted from the body over a certain period, most often a day. This takes into account not only the water or drinks you drink, but also the liquid contained in fruits, soups, vegetables, etc.

Swelling, expressed in excessive plumpness of the cheeks, is a sign of an imbalance of water balance, and a lack of water, and not just an excess.

To normalize your water balance, you must first regulate your fluid intake. The well-known formula for 2 liters. water a day is not for everyone. Nutritionists recommend drinking an amount in liters of water corresponding to 3% of a person’s body weight in kg. It is worth remembering that water enters the body with food.

Salt retains water in the body, so you need to limit your intake of salt and foods containing sodium: milk, seafood, legumes. Normalization of sleep also has a positive effect on water balance.

Cosmetic ice made from medicinal herbs for facial skin tone

Cosmetic ice improves skin tone, both through a light massage and exposure to low temperature, thereby helping to remove cheeks in combination with other procedures. It is better to prepare cosmetic ice for future use, for a week or more.

To do this, decoctions of medicinal herbs are frozen, but you can also freeze juice and pieces of fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, cucumbers, watermelons, strawberries, as well as finely chopped fresh parsley. Chamomile is suitable for sensitive skin, and sage, green tea or mint for oily and irritation-prone skin. Linden blossom moisturizes and rejuvenates dry skin.

To make cosmetic ice from dry herbs, pour a tablespoon of the dry substance into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Then strain the broth, pour into ice trays and freeze. You need to wipe your face along the massage lines after washing. After wiping your face, you need to rinse it with cool water, let it dry without wiping, and apply cream.

Manual massage against roundness of cheeks

The purpose of massage against roundness of the cheeks is to influence the oval of the face. Before the massage, you must remove decorative cosmetics from your face, apply cream to your face, and be sure to wash your hands with soap. To begin with, light movements need to be carried out several times from the wings of the nose to the temples. Then you need to make circular movements with your thumbs along the contour of the face, moving from the middle of the chin up to the temples.

After this, also from the chin towards the temples, you need to move with pinching movements. The massage ends with a light tapping of the cheeks under the cheekbones with your fingertips. Honey massage has a good effect. 1 tbsp. Honey should be slightly heated in a water bath. Apply honey to your cheeks with your fingertips and begin a light tapping massage. The honey should stick slightly.

You need to massage for at least 30 seconds. You need to wash off the honey with warm water.

Massage devices

To remove cheeks at home, it is possible to do both manual massage and massage using simple devices. The cosmetology industry offers a variety of facial massagers.

The main types of these devices are as follows:

  • mechanical;
  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • galvanic;
  • microcurrent;
  • radio waves.

Depending on the principle of operation, massage devices affect the upper layers of the skin, but can also stimulate blood circulation and improve muscle tone, thereby tightening the skin and facial contours.

Among the popular devices that allow you to tighten the oval of the face and reduce the cheeks, there are several:

Facebuilding for facelift

You can tighten your facial muscles and remove your cheeks with the help of exercises. With regular exercise, both morning and evening, the effect will be achieved within a week. It is important to choose the right exercises.

Exercises to strengthen the oval of the face and highlight the cheekbones will help make your cheeks smaller:

Rationalization of nutrition. Diet principles, permitted and prohibited foods

Rationalization of nutrition is one of the key ways to solve the problem of how to remove cheeks in a week. Proper nutrition allows you not only to lose excess weight, but also to balance the water-salt balance, getting rid of excessive swelling.

The following diet can achieve the desired result:

  • Fractional meals - every 2-3 hours in small portions;
  • Reducing the amount of salt in the diet;
  • Reducing sodium-containing foods in your diet
  • Refusal of pickles and smoked foods;
  • Reducing the consumption of flour products and sweets;
  • Quitting alcohol.

Will be useful:

Sample menu for each day of the week

Although express diets and mono-diets are widely popular, because... They allow you to quickly lose a few kilograms; nutritionists do not recommend abusing them. It is much healthier to eat tasty and varied food, but following simple rules.

A sample menu for a week in this mode looks like this:


Breakfast Oatmeal, boiled in water, tea without sugar
Lunch Dried apricots and prunes 150 g.
Dinner Vegetable puree soup (without cream), boiled tongue with green peas, rosehip infusion
Afternoon snack Sandwich made from whole grain bread with lettuce, cottage cheese and tomato slices
Dinner Vegetable salad, liver fried with sour apples, tea without sugar
Tuesday Breakfast Low-fat cottage cheese with grated apple, unsweetened tea
Lunch Grapefruit
Dinner Fish soup, cod baked with vegetables, dried fruit compote
Afternoon snack Cheesecakes, rosehip decoction
Dinner Zucchini casserole with low-fat cheese and egg whites, kefir
Wednesday Breakfast Boiled egg, half a grapefruit or small orange, tea without sugar
Lunch Cottage cheese casserole
Dinner Vegetarian borscht, boiled chicken breast with boiled broccoli, fresh apple compote
Afternoon snack Fresh cabbage, carrot and apple salad
Dinner Stewed vegetables (without potatoes)
Thursday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with skim milk, tea without sugar
Lunch Apple
Dinner Cabbage soup, vegetable stew with cauliflower, herbal tea with honey
Afternoon snack Dates
Dinner Steamed beef cutlets, vegetable salad, fruit drink
Friday Breakfast Boiled egg, bread, unsweetened tea
Lunch Almonds and dried apricots
Dinner Chicken broth soup, meat stewed in marinade
Afternoon snack Boiled beets with feta cheese, fresh carrots
Dinner Baked beans,
Saturday Breakfast Oatmeal with skim milk with berries, tea without sugar
Lunch Natural yogurt with fresh berries
Dinner Pumpkin soup with carrots and sweet peppers
Afternoon snack Fruit smoothie based on kefir
Dinner Meat soufflé, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday Breakfast Omelette, coffee without sugar, with milk
Lunch Grated carrots with 1 tsp. cream
Dinner Bean soup, grilled fish, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack Natural yoghurt with fresh fruit
Dinner Vegetable stew with mushrooms, kefir

Masks for slimming cheeks

Masks with a slight lifting effect are perfect for slimming your cheeks. Masks made from chicken eggs work well.

Yolk with honey


Beat the yolk with butter and honey until smooth. Apply to face and neck for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask is very useful for dry skin. Egg white is also a recognized means of improving skin tone. For the mask, beat the egg white with a fork and apply to the face for 30 minutes until dry. Rinse off with warm water.

If you add grated fresh cucumber to the protein, the mask will have a slight whitening effect.

This requires:

  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.

The cucumber must be peeled, grated and mixed with olive oil and whipped egg white. Apply to face and lie down, relaxing, for 50 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water. Apply every two days. Masks made from oatmeal or flour are very effective for reducing cheeks.

Oat milk mask


  • oatmeal or flakes - 50 gr.
  • milk or cream - 40 ml.

The ingredients need to be mixed until the consistency of sour cream, apply the mixture only to the cheeks, wait about an hour. Wash off with cool water.

Dill-oat mask


Fresh dill should be finely chopped, mixed with butter and oatmeal or flour. The mask is applied to the cheeks. After 1.5 hours, you need to remove the mask with a napkin and wash with cool water. Use once a week for 2-3 months. A mask with the addition of blue clay tightens the skin well. Clay can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Blue clay mask


  • blue clay - 50 gr.
  • fresh grape juice - 30 ml.
  • Vegetable oil: almond, olive, corn - 20 ml.

The clay is mixed with warm water, oil and juice to the consistency of sour cream, applied to the cheeks, washed off after 30 minutes. Apply weekly

Cheek reduction lotions

Lotions help plump up cheeks by moisturizing and toning the skin. As components, you need to choose herbs that have a positive effect on blood circulation and improve skin tone. It must be remembered that lotions will only give effect if used daily and in combination with other products.

Chamomile lotion


Pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. Strain, pour into a dark glass container, and store in a cool place. It is recommended to use the lotion daily in the morning and evening.

Peppermint lotion


  • mint - 20 gr.
  • Rosemary 15 gr.
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops

Pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 30 minutes. Strain, add essential oil, pour into a dark container, store in a cool, dark place for no more than 2 weeks.

Herbal compresses against round cheeks

The main purpose of compresses against rounded cheeks is to improve the tone of the skin and facial muscles. Compresses can be hot or cold. To increase tone and reduce the roundness of the cheeks, contrast compresses and compresses made from mineral water will give the best effect. Hot compresses are good for relieving swelling. For herbal compresses, herbal decoctions are used.

Compresses can be made from any herbs, focusing primarily on your skin type. For oily skin, calendula, yarrow, plantain, St. John's wort, string, birch buds, and nettle are suitable. Dry and normal skin will benefit from mint, lavender, dill, parsley leaves, sage, dill, rosemary. First you need to prepare a decoction of the selected herbs at the rate of 1 tbsp. dry herbs per glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for half an hour. It is necessary to take into account that for a contrast compress you will need two containers with a cold and hot decoction. For a cold or hot compress, you only need one container with a decoction of the desired temperature. Before the procedure, the decoction for the hot compress must be heated to a temperature no higher than 40 degrees to avoid burns.

With a contrast compress, start with the hot part and end with the cold part. A terry towel should be soaked in the broth and wrung out. Next, you need to wrap it around your head so that your neck, chin, cheeks and forehead are under the fabric. The compress should be kept for 10-15 minutes. If you are making a contrast compress, then moisten the towel with the cold part of the broth, squeeze it out and leave it on your face for another 10 minutes.

A noticeable effect will be achieved if you apply compresses 3-4 times a week.

It is important to remember that if you have inflammation of the facial skin, rosacea, rosacea or hypertension, compresses should not be used.

Contrast shower for face

An effective way to remove cheeks in a week is a contrast shower for the face. A contrast shower is actually an analogue of gymnastics. Alternating exposure to water at different temperatures improves muscle tone and blood supply, thereby improving complexion and increasing skin elasticity.

Contrast washes are recommended to be done in the morning, as they are very invigorating, so if you do the procedure in the evening, you may have problems sleeping. During contrast washes, only water is used. Soaps, lotions, tonics, etc. do not apply. First, you need to rinse your face several times with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature to hot.

Then the water temperature should drop sharply. If the procedures are being carried out for the first time, the water should be cool; if you already have experience with a contrast shower, it should be ice cold. Washing with cold water should not last longer than 30 seconds. You need to start with shorter intervals. Then the water switches back to hot.

Washing with hot water should last on average 2-3 times less than with cold water.

In total, in order not to harm the skin, you need to make three temperature changes, no more. You should always start with warm or hot water and finish with cold water. After the procedure, you need to rub your face with a towel, following the massage lines. You need to apply cream to your skin and do not go outside for an hour.

Lipolitics - as a means of combating roundness

One of the radical means of combating roundness is lipolytics. These are substances that help in the breakdown of fats. The main component of lipolytics is lecithin. Lipolitics are injected into problem areas.

Immediately after administration, the drug activates the breakdown of fats, stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, thereby helping to reduce the roundness of the cheeks. The procedure is very effective, but painful. Only a cosmetologist can perform this procedure. Before deciding to administer a lipolytic, you need to read the list of contraindications and consult a doctor.

Cosmetology procedures

Bioreinforcement by introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin allows you to maintain the water balance of the skin and helps increase its elasticity. Thermolifting involves deep heating of facial tissue down to the subcutaneous fat. Heating leads to denaturation of proteins and changes in collagen filaments. Restoring collagen increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, helping to tighten it.

Sculptural lifting facial massage can only be performed by a specialist cosmetologist. It is much more intense than home self-massage and is a very effective procedure.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery will not answer how to remove cheeks in a week, since the recovery period lasts 2-3 weeks. You can contact surgeons only after the problem of excess weight has been solved, but you still want to fix your cheeks. One of the reasons for chubby cheeks is the so-called Bisha's lumps.– fat deposits characteristic of infants.

Some adults still have them too. In this case, plastic surgery under local anesthesia is possible. The inside of the cheeks is cut and excess fat is removed. Liposuction - this operation involves using a probe to pump out subcutaneous fat from the cheeks through small incisions.

If the cause of puffy cheeks is voluminous masticatory muscles and not fat, then Botox can also help. Injections can reduce excessive tone of the masticatory muscles and reduce their volume.

Beautiful cheekbones with makeup to make your cheeks look smaller

It is possible to visually reduce cheeks and highlight cheekbones not only through procedures, but also through decorative cosmetics. The basic rule of correction using makeup is that a darker shade is applied to what needs to be removed, and the area that needs to be highlighted is highlighted.

You can highlight your cheekbones with blush:

  • To correct your face, you need to choose a blush of a neutral shade that matches your appearance color type.
  • First of all, you need to apply a light-colored foundation to your face. The blush will look especially expressive on it.
  • Blush should be applied to the cheekbones from the middle of the cheeks to the temples along the line of the cheek bone. It is always parallel to the lower jaw.
  • Then you need to draw in your cheeks and apply a darker shade of blush or bronzer to the hollows.
  • Blush should be applied lightly so that it does not look like a smudge.

You can use eye shadow instead of blush. In the same way, dark shades are applied to the hollows and cheekbones from the middle of the cheeks to the temples. The area above the cheekbones can be highlighted with a highlighter or light shadows with glitter. When working with shadows, it is very important to shade them carefully, masking the transitions between shades.

You can correct your cheeks using the contouring technique:

  • A base is applied to the face: primer or moisturizer mixed with foundation. In this case, you need to apply foundation a shade darker than your own on your cheeks, and a lighter shade on your nose and chin.
  • According to the rules of contouring, a light highlighter is applied first and only a dark corrector is applied on top of it.
  • Highlighter should be applied to the middle of the forehead, chin, cheekbones and bridge of the nose. Above the cheekbones, use a light corrector to draw a line towards the temples.
  • Next, apply a dark corrector. To achieve maximum naturalness, the shade of the corrector should be similar to the shade of the eyeshadow when sucking in the cheeks.
  • For oily skin, dry products are recommended: blush or powder; for dry skin, cream products.
  • The corrector is applied under the chin, along the hollows of the cheeks and along the hairline.
  • Now you need to blend the applied products to achieve a natural effect.

What hairstyles will visually make your cheeks smaller?

A properly chosen hairstyle is very good for visual correction of the face. To visually reduce chubby cheeks, stylists recommend refraining from voluminous hairstyles and volume. It is not recommended to part your hair straight down the center of your forehead. But a cascade and a classic bob are very suitable. The bangs can be straight or oblique, but should not cover the entire forehead.

Long hair can be styled in high rollers. It is important that the vertical dominates the hairstyle.

If you want your cheekbones to be like those of movie stars, and your cheeks not so plump, you need to remove harmful foods from your diet, do gymnastics and facial treatments, and adjust your makeup. And then the first results will be visible within a week.

Video: how to remove cheeks in a week

Find out how to get Hollywood cheekbones in this video:

How to make your cheeks smaller using makeup, watch the video:

Sunken cheeks can become a result of very low-calorie diets, as well as with age. And thus his face will give him away, but you really want to look younger and have cheeks like peaches! Today we are discussing how to make your cheeks plump so as not to look like Maleficent in the women’s club “Those over 30.”

Let's talk about several ways.

Over the age of 30, cheeks become sunken due to the fact that the facial skin loses its tone. That’s why it needs to be restored.

  • You can do this: take a deep breath, then puff out your cheeks. It is important that the lips are tightly closed. Then press your palms on your cheeks, and actively resist this pressure from the inside. This exercise should be done for 5 seconds, then exhale and relax. The cycle described above should be repeated about ten times.
    This exercise gives good results when performed regularly. You train and stimulate the muscles of the cheeks, they become stronger, the tone increases, the cheeks become fuller.
  • The second exercise for the cheeks is simple and at the same time pleasant. You only need to massage your cheeks from the inside with your tongue, and actively strain them from the outside so that resistance appears again. If you do this exercise actively, then both your cheeks and tongue will quickly get tired. At this point you need to stop.
  • Here's how you can make your cheeks plumper at home. By the way, this workout is also good for the eye and mouth muscles. Everything is done quite simply. You need to open your mouth slightly, stretch your lips as much as possible, folding them into a tube to form the letter “O”. After this, try to smile from exactly this starting position, but still don’t stop stretching your lips. In this case, you will feel tension in the muscles of your mouth, eyes and, of course, cheeks.

You will notice the first results after such exercises after a week of systematic daily work on yourself.

Radical measures

Now in the club site we’ll talk a little about modern cosmetological and surgical methods.

What to do to make cheeks appear:

  • facial skin reinforcement,
  • lipolifting, inserting implants into the cheeks,
  • contour plastic surgery.

All this leads to an increase in the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks. Now in more detail about each procedure.

Lipolifting is the transplantation of fat tissue from your own body. Microinjections will be made into the cheeks. As a rule, cells for the cheeks are taken from places where there are an abundance of them. These are the buttocks, the stomach. Before implantation into the cheeks, the tissue must be treated in a special way.

You should not have any allergic reactions, since the fabric is your own. In addition, she will not be rejected.

The tissue takes root well, the cells acquire new blood vessels, and the result is long-lasting. After the procedure, if the doctor is a really good specialist, recovery will occur in three, maximum four days.

What can you do to make your cheeks appear and the shape of your cheekbones to become a little more attractive?

Doctors recommend resorting to implantation. Typically, implants are made of high-density silicone or other materials that will not react. The implant is inserted through an incision that the surgeon makes under the eyelid from below or inside the cheek. The implant is attached to the bone and soft tissue.

This procedure is associated with a number of risks:

  • implant displacement,
  • rejection of the implant by your body,
  • infection.

For quite a long time, the cheeks will look puffy - of course, on the one hand, it was possible to make the cheeks full. However, let's move away from black humor - this swelling will go away for about a month, and only then will you appreciate the final result.

When the skin of the cheeks is still a little, it is important to eliminate this. In this case, the skin is fixed to the bone using gold threads. This procedure also has a number of nuances and features.

There is also contour plastic surgery. In this case, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin. They are injected into the deep as well as superficial skin layers. This procedure lasts about 30 minutes, the effect will last from six months and sometimes up to a year.

You can eat more flour, stuff your cheeks with food like a hamster, and then, undoubtedly, they will appear on your face.

Of course, this is exactly what you shouldn’t do. But when a woman over 35 is slim, this is invariably not reflected in the best way on her face. And therefore, “good” advisers, or rather, “evil tongues”, say that this is ugly, that you need to eat more. Usually such advice is given by plump ladies who, of course, do not have sunken cheeks, but have other problems.

So once again I would like to emphasize that you shouldn’t “eat up” your cheeks, it’s better to do some exercises. If you have the opportunity, the means and a good specialist in mind, “pamper” yourself with modern cosmetological and surgical methods, and not with goodies for the night.

Now you know how to make cheeks appear.

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

Fat cheeks - reasons

If you want to lose weight in your cheeks quickly, you first need to figure out why they look plump. And only then will you be able to understand what needs to be done to solve this problem.

Often the causes of large cheeks are:

  • Excess body weight.
  • Hormonal treatment.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Swelling due to a certain disease.

Sometimes the cheeks and cheekbones can be visually enlarged due to the shape of the face, for example, rectangular or round.

Many women and men try to solve the problem of chubby cheeks too quickly. For example, they are looking for ways to remove cheeks in a week. But it is impossible to do this in such a short period of time, and in addition, it is important to take into account all the characteristics of the body.

Unfortunately, if you have health problems or are undergoing a certain course of treatment, reducing your cheeks using simple methods will not help. In addition, fat is not always the cause of voluminous cheeks. Facial puffiness or hormonal imbalance can also make cheekbones and cheeks appear large. However, if they have become unattractive due to poor nutrition and improper care of your face, everything can be fixed!

The right diet will make your cheeks smaller

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of a slim figure. By following healthy eating habits and knowing your portion sizes, you will never face the problem of being overweight.

Avoid the following list of foods and drinks in your diet:

  • Alcohol (especially beer).
  • Instant coffee with milk powder.
  • Pasteurized juices.
  • Delicious baked goods.
  • Candies.
  • Dairy desserts (glazed cheese curds, yoghurts, curd mass).
  • Sausages and smoked meats.
  • Sauces (ketchup and mayonnaise).

It is these foods that cause plump and large cheeks. This food contains chemical composition and is high in calories. Therefore, in the body it so easily turns into fat and is successfully deposited on the cheeks, chin and other parts of the body.

The following products are considered less dangerous, but also harmful to health:

  • Pasta.
  • Canned food.
  • Cheeses (over 30% fat content).
  • Potato.
  • Jams and jams.

Addiction to unhealthy foods leads to excess weight. Foods high in calories turn into fat, which can be actively deposited on the most vulnerable parts of our body: face, arms, stomach and thighs.

Workouts for weight loss

If you have sagging cheeks and large cheekbones due to excess weight, diet and facial exercises will not eliminate your problem. To solve it completely, comprehensive measures are needed. Physical activity and a proper diet will help reduce your overall body weight, which will also stimulate the reduction of your cheeks.

If you are overweight, you should not neglect sports, because weight loss and elasticity of your facial skin depend on them. Often, the diet does not remove fat from your body, but removes fluid from the body, which leads to short-term weight loss. In addition, after losing weight through diet alone, you risk having saggy, flabby cheeks and cheekbones. And all because due attention was not paid to sports.

In order to lose weight, you need to perform physical activity that burns fat. One of these is cardio training. It is recommended to do it for 20 minutes a day, consistently 3-4 times a week. After cardio, strength exercises should be performed - 20 and stretching - 5-7 minutes.

Massage and gymnastics for the face

How to lose weight in your cheeks with massage and facial exercises? One of the effective methods is the Zogan rejuvenating technique. The author of this massage is a woman from Japan, Yukuko Tanaka.

In addition to how to remove cheeks, this technique helps to quickly restore skin elasticity and firmness. What does Yukuko Tanaka herself say about her invention? That's what:

“After 25 years, our skin smoothly enters the aging stage. What do we see? The first wrinkles, dullness and sagging skin appear. Zogan massage offers the following benefits for your face:

  • Eliminates swelling.
  • Relaxes facial muscles.
  • Relieves swelling.
  • Removes dark circles under the eyes.
  • Soothes the skin.
  • Reduces wrinkles.
  • Forms correct facial contours (eliminates double chin, makes cheekbones expressive).”

Therefore, if you don’t know how to visually reduce your cheeks and do it quickly, be sure to try this massage. Spend only 5-7 minutes a day on this procedure. A pleasant result is noticeable after two weeks.

How to do Zogan massage correctly, see the view below.

Facial exercises will also help improve the condition of the skin and reduce the appearance of cheeks and cheekbones. What exercises do you need to do to achieve this effect? Watch the video below.

In what cases should you not massage:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Cuperosis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Open wounds on the face.
  • Colds.
  • Botox injections.

Contraindications to facial gymnastics:

  • General weakness.
  • Hypertension.
  • Dizziness.
  • Cosmetic injections (Botox).
  • Plastic surgery on the face (after 2 years of surgery, gymnastics is allowed).
  • Dysfunction of the facial nerve.

If you don’t know how to shrink your cheeks at home, remember that for this purpose you need to do a number of things:

  • Maintain proper nutrition.
  • Exercise.
  • Perform massage and facial exercises.

And only after following the above methods can you achieve a good result.

To learn how to remove the cheeks of a man and a woman at home, watch the video below.

In this article you will learn how to get rid of cheeks. Appearance is very important to us. Confidence and well-being depend on how well it corresponds to our ideas about ourselves. For some, chubby cheeks are a sign of health and fullness, but for others it is a problem. A persistent idea has been created in society.

That a person with sunken cheeks looks more impressive and attractive.

Following this idea, many strive to do everything to change the shape of their face and remove their cheeks.

The problem of round cheeks: fiction or reality?

Why do some have sunken cheeks and others have round cheeks?

Each has its own unique personality. There is not a single person in the world that is exactly alike.

Meanwhile, many do not feel proud of this, but, on the contrary, suffer from the fact that they do not have the same appearance as their favorite movie hero or heroine.

As a rule, women suffer more often from this problem. The cause of girlish tears is often chubby cheeks.

In pursuit of a new appearance, some resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Meanwhile, there are completely harmless ways to visually reduce cheeks using cosmetics or facial gymnastics.

Problem risk group


This is a genetic predisposition. If the parents have a round face, then there is a high probability that the child will also have a round face. As a rule, it is on a round face that chubby cheeks flaunt.

Excess weight

The problem may be being overweight. As a rule, extra pounds are first visible on the face. The appearance is not changing for the better. The face looks a little swollen.

Lumps of Bisha

Plastic surgeons also say that round cheeks can be caused by accumulations of fatty tissue located in the capsule. They are located next to the parotid salivary gland between the muscles of mastication.

Their most important purpose– reduce friction of muscle fibers during chewing, protect facial muscles and nerve endings from injury and increase muscle tone. In infancy, these lumps are simply irreplaceable. They help the baby, including breastfeeding.

These accumulations of fatty tissue make the cheeks plump.

If a baby's chubby cheeks are painted, then in adulthood they become unnecessary, and for some they even sag.

Lack of water in the body

Experts say that lack of water in the body can also cause chubby cheeks. If a person does not drink enough water during the day, the body can store the moisture it needs. And this leads to swelling of the eyelids and cheeks.

How to get rid of the problem?

Makeup and hairstyle

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons. If we are talking about a hereditary factor, then such cheeks can be dealt with using cosmetic tricks. Correctly done makeup and hairstyle will help hide chubby cheeks.

Cosmetologists advise girls or women to visually narrow their round faces. A foundation in dark shades or powder will help with this.

Before applying makeup, makeup artists advise assessing your skin type. For oily skin, it is better to use powder, and for dry skin, apply foundation. They will be needed to even out your complexion.

After this procedure is completed, you need to apply blush to the upper part of the cheekbones. They should be a light shade and then fade into a darker shade.

Blush should also be selected depending on skin color. It is necessary to remember that cosmetics should be matte shades. Otherwise, you will have the opposite effect - you will only emphasize what you wanted to hide.

After the blush is applied, use a brush to blend it out. On top of all this beauty you need to apply powder. Makeup artists claim that such simple techniques will allow you to change the shape of your face, making your cheeks a little smaller.

You can complete the look with the right hairstyle. For a round face, experts say, asymmetrical bangs, bobs, cascading haircuts or high styling are suitable.

Experts do not recommend combing your hair back. This will only emphasize the fullness of your cheeks.


If the problem is excess weight, you need to work on it. Go on a diet, balance your diet, getting rid of high-calorie foods and animal fats.

It is better to replace them with fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Experts advise eating more foods high in calcium: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented milk products.

Physical activity helps you lose extra pounds. By the way, there are many options for exercises specifically for reducing cheeks. Some of them are quite interesting.

For example, you can throw back your head, open your mouth and try to reach your upper lip with your lower lip. You need to do this exercise several times. At the same time, the muscles of the cheeks tense. We tested it ourselves. It's actually quite effective.

Important. The right hairstyle will help hide your chubby cheeks. Girls with a round face need to wear bangs, cut their hair into a bob or do high styling.


Another option is to hold a pencil between your teeth and pronounce vowel sounds or words rich in the letters o, a, u, and at this time. Thus, the cheek muscles should also tighten and decrease.

Experts advise smiling more often. This, by the way, is the easiest and most pleasant way to change the shape of your face for the better.

You can also apply ice cubes with herbal infusion.


If the problem is a lack of fluid in the body, you need to drink enough water per day.

It must be kept in mind that we are talking about water. Tea, coffee, compotes, lemonades, etc. do not help the body replenish the lack of fluid.

In addition, experts advise avoiding consuming large amounts of salt. Especially at night. You also need to reduce the amount of sugar you consume. It is also advisable to stop drinking alcohol.


There are many recipes for masks that you can make at home. Suitable ingredients include eggs, honey, oatmeal, milk, cucumber, tomatoes, and so on.

All these maxis allow you to improve your facial tone, tighten your skin and thus slightly correct the shape of your cheeks. There are also many types of masks and lotions and types of massage for the problem area of ​​the face.

Plastic surgery

If these options are not suitable or do not produce results, you can seek the help of plastic surgeons.

Lumps of Bisha

For example, Bish's lumps are removed. This procedure lasts from half an hour to 40 minutes and is performed under local or general anesthesia. This operation is prescribed for people over 25 years of age and without excess body weight.

By the way, not only girls, but also men use this procedure. In some cases, the surgeon decides not to remove Bisha's lumps, but moves them a little higher, making the face harmonious. The effect after the operation is not immediately visible. The skin of the face needs time to recover after surgery.

Chin augmentation

Another option that cosmetologists use is chin augmentation. At the same time, the proportions of the face change a little and the cheeks no longer look as plump as with the previous chin.

Plastic surgeons offer their patients two options - temporary correction of the chin or installation of a permanent implant.

Before you decide to undergo plastic surgery, you need to clearly decide for yourself whether you will be comfortable with a new chin and clear cheekbones.

Perhaps chubby cheeks are exactly the feature that “made” the face unique and beautiful.