Natalya Pavlishcheva - Yaroslav the Wise. Animal - symbol

Natalya and Yaroslav are not suitable for each other to start a love relationship and start a family. A woman strives for a stable relationship that should end with a wedding. A man who is accustomed to the attention of the fair sex does not like this prospect. It is difficult for him to decide on the choice of his soulmate, so he prefers to start affairs with several ladies at once. Thanks to her developed intuition, it is difficult to hide anything from this woman. When she finds out about his infidelity, she instantly breaks up with him.

Marriage between these people often ends in divorce, the main reason for which is the husband’s betrayal and the wife’s disappointment in him.

Compatibility in friendship 25%

Natalya and Yaroslav don't usually become best friends. These people are too different to get close and trust each other. A practical woman is annoyed by the dreaminess of this man, whose words rarely coincide with his actions. She considers him too frivolous to make friends with. The man is irritated by the stability and constancy of this lady. He craves the dynamism that she cannot give him.

Work compatibility 34%

The collaboration between Natalia and Yaroslav does not bring success to either of them. They avoid business communication and prefer other people as partners. It is difficult for a woman to find a common language with this person. She is afraid to entrust him with important tasks. She is alarmed by a man who does not know how to manage finances. The partner gravitates toward risky projects, but due to the partner’s indecisiveness, he does not implement them.

. Compatibility in love: 60%

. Marriage compatibility: 30%

About the type of relationship: “Trial and error”

They are from different planets, and these planets are in different galaxies of different Universes. The chances of their paths crossing are usually close to zero: the owners of these names strive for different goals, arrange their lives differently and speak different languages, but sometimes a feeling can unite (for a more or less long period) even such seemingly , completely incompatible creatures. At the beginning of their life together, they usually experience a sense of novelty, but when it dulls, they have nothing to talk about with each other. At the same time, the man gives his chosen one many reasons for jealousy, which she does not agree to put up with, which is why their relationship often ends in a break. If this union is dear to them, the man must learn to curb his too independent nature. However, in any case, if anyone can bring strength and solidity to this relationship, it is only his stubborn chosen one.

Natalia Pavlishcheva

Yaroslav the Wise


Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise- one of the most famous personalities of Ancient Rus'. We know much more about him than about many other rulers of that time, but in reality we know nothing about most of his life.

Different sources give different names for the year of birth - from 978th until 988. The second date is unlikely to be correct, because a year later Yaroslav Vladimirovich was Prince of Rostov.

Father - Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavich, nicknamed Vladimir Red Sun.

Mother - Princess of Polotsk Rogneda Rogvolodovna. The story of Vladimir Svyatoslavich’s marriage to her is quite well known. Rogneda was betrothed to Prince Vladimir's older brother, Yaropolk of Kyiv.

After a quarrel between the two eldest sons of Prince Svyatoslav - Yaropolk and Oleg - and the death of the second, Svyatoslav’s youngest son Vladimir, born to the housekeeper Malusha and who was, in fact, illegal, fled overseas. Returning with the Varangian squad, he unexpectedly wooed Rogneda. The princess refused, arrogantly declaring that she did not want to “take off the shoes of the robichich,” that is, the son of a slave.

Vladimir took Polotsk by storm, raped Rogneda in front of her parents, whom he then killed, like her brothers. But he took the Polotsk princess as his wife, calling him Gorislava. Rogneda bore him four sons - Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod– and two daughters – Predslav and one more, whose name is definitely unknown. Izyaslav became the Prince of Polotsk and forever lost contact with his father and Kiev. Mstislav, according to some sources, died in infancy. Vsevolod died in a completely absurd way: his father sent him to woo the widowed Queen of Sweden, Sigrid the Harsh. The Queen lived up to her nickname. Having invited two suitors for her hand into a specially built mansion and given them plenty to drink, she ordered to lock all the doors and simply burn the unlucky suitors! Many years later, Yaroslav himself marries the granddaughter of the cruel Sigrid, and his eldest son marries her stepdaughter.

The future Grand Duke was baptized, most likely, together with his mother in 988, even before his father’s marriage to the Byzantine princess Anna. After this marriage, Vladimir dispersed his previous wives, two of whom married boyars, and two, including Rogneda, went to a monastery.

Almost nothing is known about the ten years of Yaroslav's reign in the Rostov lands. A little more about his first Novgorod reign. Looks like he was married to Anna, had a son Ilya. Something has become clearer since the death of his father, Prince Vladimir, in 1015. But again, very dubious information about the death of two brothers - Boris and Gleb- at the hands of certain murderers, about the first capture of Kyiv by Svyatopolk, about the war with him and the death of Svyatopolk himself.

Prince Vladimir, according to Russian chronicles, had twelve sons and at least ten daughters! By the time of his death, Svyatopolk (born, most likely, from his older brother, Yaropolk Svyatoslavich, whose wife Vladimir took for himself after the capture of Kyiv and the murder of his older brother), Yaroslav, Boris, Gleb and Mstislav could lay claim to power. The rest were either too young or simply, like Svyatoslav, weak. Whether Mstislav was his son is doubtful. There is a version that Prince Vladimir also had a younger brother, also illegitimate Sfeng, who ruled by the will of his father in Tmutarakan, and it was his son who was Mstislav of Tmutarakan. This version explains many absurdities in the events described in the chronicles, but is not yet generally accepted.

After marrying a Swedish princess Ingigerd, which in Rus' was called Irina, Yaroslav, with the help of the Varangian squad, was able to finally capture Kyiv, dividing Rus' into two parts with his brother Mstislav of Tmutarakan. After the death of Mstislav, Yaroslav remained the only prince of Rus', and peace was established in it for many years.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich is known to us by the nickname given to him by Karamzin: Wise. He was indeed wise in his subsequent policies. Gradually he returned all the lost lands to Rus', gave the first written set of laws - Russian Truth, built many temples, opened many schools to teach children to read and write, spared no expense in copying books, collected a large library, founded several cities, including Yaroslavl And Yuriev(Tartu)…

And Prince Yaroslav the Wise is famous for the marriages of his children. He himself was married to the daughter of the Swedish king Olav Shotkonung, his sister Dobronega married the Polish king Casimir, his eldest son married the sister of the English and Danish king Knut the Mighty, his sons to the German, English, Byzantine princess Irina Monomakh, after whom his grandson Vladimir began to call himself Monomakh. But the marriages of his daughters are especially famous. Elizabeth(Ellisiv) was the queen of Norway, and then of Denmark, Anastasia– Hungarian, and Anna Yaroslavna became the wife of the French king Henry and ruled after his death as regent for her son Philip for many years. There is also information about Yaroslav’s eldest daughter Agatha, who was married to an English prince, but little has been studied.

Thus, Yaroslav Vladimirovich became related to almost all the royal courts of Europe, which undoubtedly helped him maintain peace around Rus'.

The prince is famous for his construction, for the fact that he himself loved books and opened many schools to educate children of different classes, that he spent huge amounts of money on correspondence and the creation of new books, and even collected a large library, which has yet to be found.

The Scandinavians called our prince Evil Lame, Karamzin called Wise. We know better, don't we?

The torch was barely smoldering; he would have stood up and lit a new one, or even taken a candle, but the monk was so carried away by his work that he did not even notice the twilight in which he worked. There was no time to be distracted, the abbot ordered the work to be completed by next month, apparently, he promised someone. Chernets wrote out letter after letter, working quickly and... without looking at the text he was supposed to rewrite.

Hearing the creak of the door opening, he shuddered; a drop of freshly drawn ink fell from the tip of the carefully sharpened pen and spread across the parchment like a nasty blot! No matter how hard I tried to blot it with a rag, it was the same - the blot remained, now just wait until it dries, and then carefully scrape it off with a knife and write on top. This is dangerous, if you hurry a little, the leather will become disheveled in place of the blot, the next letters will come out blurry, dirty... Even if you wait for the blot to dry, the stain will be noticeable.

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Name compatibility Yaroslav and Natalia 9
A union under the influence of the Nine attracts with its versatility: such a couple is characterized by many features and monotony will never overshadow the relationship. Partners easily go through life together, their thoughts and feelings are common, and their aspirations are directed towards the same goal. Nine enhances the ability to absorb information; No area of ​​knowledge seems too boring to such people.
This couple will succeed in the study of esoteric sciences. Good results will be achieved in the field of psychology, sociology and other social sciences. Nine develops the ability for abstract thinking, perception of theoretical knowledge, generalization, as well as planning and modeling. Such a couple will be fascinated by scientific and research work, requiring both logic and intuition. The participants in such an alliance are brought together by the desire to travel, learn new things, as well as a tendency to think about issues that determine the destinies of humanity.

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