The most economical double-circuit gas boilers. How to buy the most economical boiler for heating a country house

Gas boilers for heating a private home are one of the most attractive options, but rising energy costs are forcing consumers to think about saving. The simplest option - reducing the amount of gas burned - is not suitable for everyone, since in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to heat the house and create a comfortable temperature for living in it. That's why, correct solution– pay attention to economical gas boilers, the operation of which can significantly reduce gas consumption, and, accordingly, heating costs.

How gas boilers learned to save money

Modern gas boilers, in most cases, are presented with a fairly high efficiency, which exceeds 90%; models with 95% or more are considered economical. There is a fairly wide range of such equipment on the market, under different brands. But choosing the most economical gas boiler only based on its technical characteristics will not work, since other factors should also be taken into account, the main one being the conditions in which it is expected to be used.

A gas boiler is a device in which, when gas is burned, heat is released, which heats the coolant. But the operating principle of the device is such that not all the energy received goes to the coolant and, accordingly, is sent to the heating system of the house.

As a result of combustion, which is normal chemical reaction, there is a separation carbon dioxide and condensation of water, for the evaporation of which part of the received thermal energy is used. Further, as a result of the fact that when gas burns, a certain part of the heat is removed from the system using a chimney, there are losses. Therefore, it is impossible to come up with a gas boiler that can transfer all the heat to the carrier, but it will be possible to get closer to the ideal - by reducing the heat loss necessary to remove combustion products and evaporate condensate. In this case, according to the law of conservation of energy, the saved heat will be used to heat the house, as evidenced by the efficiency of the device and the more it strives for 100%, the more efficient it is, and therefore more economical.

Invisible savings

When choosing an economical gas boiler at home, every consumer is absolutely right to look at his passport with technical characteristics. But high efficiency, and even more so the power of the device, will not always guarantee that heating costs will decrease and conditions will become more comfortable. It is imperative to take into account the heated area, but not only in order to calculate the boiler power, although this is also important. If you choose a powerful and economical boiler for a small house, then it is unlikely that it will actually turn out to be so, since to maintain set temperature, it will turn on and off more often, which will lead to the loss of some heat.

The next point concerns the operation of double-circuit boilers, which provide the house not only with heat, but also hot water. In this case, there are no objective losses for gas, but there are for heat. Due to the nature of the operation of such devices, when selecting hot water Heat production stops and, accordingly, cooling of the coolant begins. In this case, residents of houses with a large heating system will feel the inconvenience less noticeably, since the coolant travels a longer path before returning to the boiler. If the heating system is short, then the coolant returning to the heat exchanger will not receive heat, which means the room will become cooler.

When choosing a boiler, it is important to pay attention to the type of firebox: open or closed type. The first ones are mainly represented floor models. IN closed boilers a forced convection air supply system is used, which can be adjusted. In open fireboxes, the atmospheric supply principle is used. But the possibility of automatic control significantly increases the efficiency of the latter, especially if sensors are connected to them that monitor the temperature outside and indoors.

In models with closed camera The turbocharged type uses the principle of regulating combustion intensity or smoothly switching it to lower power. Consumers also appreciated another advantage of these boilers - the ability to install coaxial chimney. It differs from a traditional device for removing combustion products in that it is discharged horizontally, through outer wall, and not vertically, onto the roof.

A type of turbocharged boilers are condensing boilers, with a closed circuit heat exchanger, which is located cylindrically around the burner. In these models, it is possible to return into the system the energy that is lost on the evaporation of water vapor, that is, in this case, the steam itself works for the benefit heating system at home, allowing the boiler to reach 96-98% efficiency.

How to choose the right economical gas boilers

Of course, receiving any information from friends, from the Internet and magazines helps to form an opinion among the consumer who is busy with purchasing issues. gas boiler for heating the house. But it is best to turn to professionals.

Our company “Alfatep” presents models from all leading manufacturers of gas boilers: European, Russian and Korean. Therefore, choosing equipment with characteristics that are ideally suited to the conditions of each home is not difficult. There is a choice of both wall-mounted compact models and floor-mounted ones, with which you can heat big houses. Widely represented and double-circuit boilers, especially relevant for use in houses without hot water supply.

German boilers are represented by well-known brands Vaillant, Bosch, Buderus, Viessmann, characterized by reliability and functionality

Among the Italian Baxi models, you can choose not only a device that can provide heat to your home, but also one that is as convenient as possible to manage and operate. Many models are equipped with remote control panels with temperature sensors built into them.

You can also give your choice to other “Europeans”, for example, the French brand DeDietrich or boilers from Slovakia - Protherm, represented by the widest possible range of models.

We also have Korean developments, represented by the brands Navien, Rinnai and Kiturami, with automatic control and compactness.

The domestic manufacturer offers boiler models under the Lemax brand, represented by models in several series. For noticeable savings you can choose a model from the “Premium” series for your home, in which, in addition to using modern technologies for gas combustion, care is taken for the consumer in terms of ease of use of the equipment.

By contacting us, any branch of the Alfatep company, or going to the online store website, you can get any advice on choosing a gas boiler for heating your home. When purchasing, we provide an additional service for delivery of goods to the site, as well as installation and connection of equipment, which is carried out by our specialists quickly and efficiently.

The heating boiler will provide the home with heat without the need to connect to central communications, resulting in cost savings and the ability to adjust the level of air heating. This is why cottage owners often choose boilers as a means of heating. And for those who connect to central system and cannot at all, such a device becomes a real salvation. In this case, you can select equipment according to various parameters and defining characteristics in each specific case. So which boiler is best for a private home?

Types of heating boilers

A boiler is a device that produces heat by processing a certain type of fuel. Installation may be different sizes, shapes, power, can be installed in different ways, and can also be made of various materials. Of course, all these indicators affect the cost of the device - there are budget boilers that cost only a few thousand, and there are also very expensive models costing more than 100 thousand rubles. At the same time, the price range varies from minimum to maximum among boilers of different types. What kind of heating boilers and by what criteria are they classified?

Table. Classification of heating boilers.

To make it easier to decide on the choice of boiler, let’s get acquainted with their main types in more detail.

Double-circuit and single-circuit

Did you know that a heating boiler can not only heat the coolant in heating circuit from pipes laid throughout the house? The installation may well provide housing with hot water without purchasing a water heating boiler. The fact is that the unit can have two circuits - in one of them the water is heated for the purpose of heating buildings, in the other - in order to come from the taps, the shower is warm. Hence the name - double-circuit. A single-circuit boiler is used only to heat the coolant for heating buildings.

Single-circuit gas boiler - diagram

Fuel varies

As we noted earlier, boilers can operate at different types fuel. And here you should choose an installation based on the cost of fuel in a particular place - in some places it is cheaper to connect to gas, and in others it is more profitable to use electricity or ordinary firewood. also in certain cases(for example, if connecting to a gas main is impossible), a certain type of fuel will be the only solution.

Gas boilers are rightfully considered the most economical, as they use natural or liquefied gas– one of the cheapest types of fuel. Moreover, the amount of heat released when burning this raw material is maximum compared to other types. A gas boiler is relatively environmentally friendly - emissions into the atmosphere contain a minimum of air pollutants.

On a note! Gas boilers last quite a long time - for example, devices with a steel heat exchanger work for about 30 years, and with cast iron parts - all 50.

Another advantage of such a boiler is that there is no need to make a fuel storage facility, because the installation is connected directly to the gas main and takes fuel from there. And a person will not have to particularly control the combustion process - everything in the boiler is automated.

But connecting a gas boiler is not so easy: first you need to coordinate everything with the supervisory authorities, and connect the gas pipeline to the house. And during installation, it is important to check the tightness of all connections and components to avoid leakage. At the same time, only those whose house can be connected to the gas main can use such a boiler.

Electric boiler

Boilers that run on electricity come in three types and differ from each other in their operating principles.

New heating elements devices They have tubular heaters inside the structure, which provide heating of the coolant (water). Such installations are usually automated, have relatively small dimensions and are often wall-mounted. Their main drawback is the formation of scale on the heating elements.

Eat devices operating on electrodes, there are no heating elements inside them anymore. The water is heated by a conductive electrode. Such devices are inexpensive, and their sizes are also modest. Their main disadvantages are the inability to use antifreeze as a coolant, the need for control, and regular replacement of electrodes.

Electric boiler, can also be inductive, where the basis of operation is the so-called electromagnetic induction. By appearance such a device resembles a conventional transformer, which is located inside a welded housing. The induction coil does not come into contact with water, but during operation of the device, its core heats up and the resulting heat is transferred to the liquid that circulates around. The efficiency of the device is very high, as are its dimensions.

Attention! Electric boilers are not suitable for use in areas where there are frequent power failures. If the electricity is cut off frequently, then either another type of installation or the construction of a generator is necessary.

In general, electric boilers are environmentally friendly, cheap, operate quietly, and are easy to use - they do not require much attention. There is also no need to install a chimney. But they spend quite a lot of electricity.

Solid fuel boiler

- This is the simplest option for heating equipment. In essence, this is an ordinary stove with a firebox and coolant. Fuel, which can be coal, firewood, sawdust, shavings, peat, fuel pellets, is placed in the combustion chamber, ignited by a burner and, when burned, heats the coolant and the water contained in it.

To install such a boiler in a house, you will have to equip a chimney, and also be prepared for the fact that the installation will have to be regularly cleaned of ash and soot. Without cleaning, the device will begin to give off heat worse, and in the future it will completely fail.

Solid fuel boilers can be both classic and long burning(pyrolysis, smoldering type). The first ones have the lowest efficiency and have a spacious firebox, where fuel is placed for combustion. Moreover, without human intervention this process not happening. These are the simplest in design and the cheapest installations, they are independent of electricity in the house, and are not capricious in relation to the quality of fuel.

Long-term combustion installations include pyrolysis and smoldering types. The first are based on the process of thermal decomposition of organic substances, that is, fuel due to high temperatures turns into coke and pyrolysis gas, which enters the next combustion chamber and is burned there - a double release of thermal energy occurs. The efficiency of such boilers is high, and fuel consumption is minimal. Often such installations are automated.

Boilers operating on the principle of smoldering provide combustion like a candle - that is, from top to bottom, and the entire device is enclosed in a water jacket. The combustion chamber has big sizes, but combustion occurs slowly, so you will not often have to replenish fuel reserves.

Attention! Both types of long-burning installations are very demanding on fuel quality.

Liquid fuel boilers

Typically, liquid fuel installations are used in private homes or small industries. Quite economical, since, for example, diesel fuel It is quite cheap and has low consumption. Such installations are not afraid of power outages, since they are most often energy independent, and therefore are excellent for installing an autonomous heating system. This is the most expensive type of heating boilers, which are nevertheless characterized by high efficiency (up to 94%), minimal quantity harmful substances in emissions, the possibility of automation, ease of maintenance. But the installation of such equipment should only be carried out in separate room with good exhaust, and for fuel reserves you will have to install fairly large containers made of metal or plastic.

Combination boilers

Such devices can be safely called universal, since they can operate on different types of fuel. For example, these could be installations that have two burners - one for fuel, the other for gas. The burner can also be universal. The equipment may have a combustion chamber designed to solid fuel, but at the same time there is the possibility of installing a mounted burner that will operate on both gas and liquid or solid fuel.

Attention! Since such boilers are technically more complex, the likelihood of breakdown is usually higher. Repairing them will be quite expensive, and a new similar device will cost even more.

The undeniable advantage of such boilers is their versatility. But they are quite bulky.


If we consider boilers from the point of view of quality and materials, we distinguish cast iron and steel installations. The first ones are reliable, durable, hold heat well, but take a long time to heat up. Cast iron boilers almost never burn out, as they have thick walls. But this alloy is afraid strong blows and can easily crack beyond repair. Because of this, sudden temperature changes should not be allowed. And they cost cast iron boilers very expensive.

Steel boiler – more a budget option. It is not afraid of impacts, it is not so heavy, but its service life is shorter - after all, steel is steel, no matter how good it is. Such boilers are afraid of rust and can burn out. Service life is short - only about 15 years.

Choosing a boiler for heating a house

How can you choose a truly suitable boiler for heating a private home among such a variety of types? In fact, the secret is simple - you need to determine exactly why the boiler is being purchased and how much money the home owner has.

Step 1. The first step is to decide for what purpose the boiler is being purchased - just to heat the house? Maybe it makes sense to take a double-circuit heater that will also heat the water? Here, a lot depends on the number of people living in the house and the required volume of hot water. If it is consumed in too large volumes, then it would be optimal to buy a boiler and a single-circuit boiler separately. But in a house where the hot water supply will not be so intense, it is more economical and logical to install a double-circuit.

Step 2. Now you need to decide which type of fuel is cheapest to buy. Here, a lot depends on the region - somewhere wood is cheaper, somewhere it’s easier to install an electric boiler. But in any case, if a gas main is connected to the house, the choice should be made in favor of a gas boiler.

Step 3. Cast iron or steel? Home owners can choose according to their wishes and the thickness of their wallet. Of course, steel is easier to buy, but cast iron is better in terms of heat transfer. However, now boilers of the second type appear on the market less and less often. Therefore, it makes sense to still choose a steel boiler, but from high-quality metal.

Step 4. The noise level should also be assessed, as well as the possibility of installing a chimney in the house. Installation requirements vary for all types of boilers, and the installation capabilities of a particular type must be taken into account objectively.

Step 5. It is important to calculate the boiler power, which is necessary to fully heat a residential building, before purchasing. On average, for normal heating you need about 1 kW per 1 m2. But it is important to take into account the height of the ceilings, the size and number of windows, doorways and other holes. The need to heat water for domestic hot water in the case of a double-circuit boiler is also necessarily taken into account.

Calculator for calculating the required power of a gas boiler

The calculation is carried out for each room separately.
Enter the requested values ​​sequentially or check necessary options in the suggested lists

Specify the area of ​​the room, m²

100 W per sq. m

Number of external walls

No one two three

External walls look at:

North, Northeast, East South, Southwest, West

The position of the outer wall relative to the winter “wind rose”

Windward side leeward side parallel to the wind direction

Level negative temperatures air in the region during the coldest week of the year

35 °C and below from - 30 °C to - 34 °C from - 25 °C to - 29 °C from - 20 °C to - 24 °C from - 15 °C to - 19 °C from - 10 °C up to - 14 °C not colder than - 10 °C

What is the degree of insulation of external walls?

External walls are not insulated. Average degree of insulation. External walls have high-quality insulation

Indoor ceiling height

Up to 2.7 m 2.8 ÷ 3.0 m 3.1 ÷ 3.5 m 3.6 ÷ 4.0 m more than 4.1 m

What's underneath?

Cold floor on the ground or above unheated room Insulated floor on the ground or above an unheated room A heated room is located below

What's on top?

Cold attic or unheated and not insulated room Insulated attic or other room Heated room

Type installed windows

Regular wooden frames with double glazing Windows with single-chamber (2 panes) double-glazed windows Windows with double-glazed windows (3 panes) or with argon filling

Number of windows in the room

Window height, m

Window width, m

Doors facing the street or balcony:

On a note! The manufacturer is also an important factor when choosing a heating boiler. Equipment highest category German equipment is considered (which is very expensive), but even among domestic installations you can find a high-quality model.

Video - How to choose a boiler?

It is better to choose which boiler will be installed in the house at the design stage. Only then will the choice be as successful as possible. But you can also successfully select suitable equipment for a finished building, if you don’t rush to conclusions and carefully weigh the pros and cons.

It is quite natural to want to reduce costs and get rid of extra costs. Especially when it comes to something as expensive as heating. I would like to combine two factors - to create comfortable conditions in your home without overpaying for energy. An economical boiler is an excellent solution. Where should you start when choosing a heating unit?

Economical heating boiler - how to choose?

Prices for heating units operating on various types The fuels are of course different, but not too much. They depend more on the country and brand of the manufacturer, on the presence or absence additional functions, which make operation convenient, profitable and, most importantly, safe. But keep in mind that investing money in a purchase heating equipment, no matter how expensive and high-quality it is and no matter how useful functions it has, the matter will not end. After all, you will have to live in a heated house for many years, which means you will have to pay for fuel every year. Therefore, when making a purchase, you should pay attention not only to the price of the unit itself, but also to the cost of the fuel on which it runs.

Of course, you can purchase an economical boiler. Reducing fuel consumption without reducing the efficiency of the heating system is one of the modern trends. But the efficiency of a boiler simply means the fact that it uses energy more economically than others of a similar class. What if we are talking, for example, about an electric boiler? Saving electricity is, of course, a wonderful thing. But think about how real and tangible these savings will be for you, given the initially high prices for electricity.

The most economical boilers run on inexpensive fuel

Have you ever wondered where all that waste oil goes? various enterprises, accumulates in car services? We hope it doesn't drain into bodies of water. However, the most logical way to dispose of it is to reuse it for space heating. For this purpose, heating systems are used, the center of which is a unit operating on waste oil. The availability and low price of fuel make these systems very profitable to use.

The company "HEAT OF THE 21st CENTURY" is one of the leading Russian companies, which specializes in supplying the most advanced systems autonomous heating produced by EnergyLogic (USA). These are water-pipe automatic units. Waste oil is burned efficiently and safely in an inversion combustion chamber. Dosing fuel pump automatically regulates the flow and ensures its consistency. Therefore, you do not have to worry if oil of different viscosity is used for heating. And besides, universal burners can burn not only oil, but also use heating and diesel fuel without any global reconfiguration.